Example #1
void CurveNode::calcBoundingBoxes()

    // Lowest level: Generate from curve points.
    m_AABBs.push_back(CurveAABBVectorPtr(new CurveAABBVector()));
    CurveAABBVectorPtr pCurAABBs = m_AABBs.back();
    glm::vec2 stroke(getStrokeWidth()/2, getStrokeWidth()/2);
    for (unsigned i=0; i<=m_CenterCurve.size()/8; ++i) {
        int startIdx = i*8;
        int endIdx = min(i*8+7, unsigned(m_CenterCurve.size()-1));
        const glm::vec2& curPt = m_CenterCurve[startIdx];
        pCurAABBs->push_back(CurveAABB(curPt, startIdx, endIdx));
        CurveAABB& curAABB = pCurAABBs->back();
        for (int j=startIdx; j<=endIdx; j+=2) {
        curAABB.tl -= stroke;
        curAABB.br += stroke;
    // Higher levels: combine AABBs of lower levels.
    unsigned numSections = pCurAABBs->size();
    unsigned level = 0;
    while (numSections > 1) {
        numSections = int(ceil(float(numSections)/2));
        m_AABBs.push_back(CurveAABBVectorPtr(new CurveAABBVector()));
        CurveAABBVectorPtr pLastAABBs = m_AABBs[level];
        pCurAABBs = m_AABBs.back();
        for (unsigned i=0; i<numSections; ++i) {
            CurveAABB& curAABB = pCurAABBs->back();
            if (i*2+1 < pLastAABBs->size()) {
    for (unsigned i=0; i<m_AABBs.size(); ++i) {
        cerr << "Level: " << i << " (size: " << m_AABBs[i]->size() << ")" << endl;
        for (unsigned j=0; j<m_AABBs[i]->size(); ++j) {
            cerr << (*m_AABBs[i])[j] << " ";
        cerr << endl;
const char *Circle::toXmlElement() {
	char *element = new char[MAX_SHAPE_LEN];
	element[0] = '\0';
	strcat(element, "<");
	strcat(element, Circle::simpleClassName);
	strcat(element, " ");

	/* Write properties */
	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("radius=\"", radius));
	strcat(element, " ");

	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("cx=\"", cx));
	strcat(element, " ");

	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("cy=\"", cy));
	strcat(element, " ");

	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("stroke-width=\"", getStrokeWidth()));
	strcat(element, " ");

	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("stroke=\"", getStroke()));
	strcat(element, " ");
	strcat(element, toPropertyValue("fill=\"", getFill()));
	strcat(element, "/>");
	return element;
Example #3
void CurveNode::addLRCurvePoint(const glm::vec2& pos, const glm::vec2& deriv)
    glm::vec2 m = glm::normalize(deriv);
    glm::vec2 w = glm::vec2(m.y, -m.x)*float(getStrokeWidth()/2);
Example #4
bool CurveNode::isInsideBB(const glm::vec2& pos, unsigned level, unsigned i)
    if ((*m_AABBs[level])[i].contains(pos)) {
        if (level == 0) {
            // Check individual points
            const CurveAABB& aabb = (*m_AABBs[level])[i];
            for (int i=aabb.m_StartIdx; i<=aabb.m_EndIdx; ++i) {
                if (glm::distance(m_CenterCurve[i], pos) < getStrokeWidth()/2) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        } else {
            // Recurse to smaller bounding boxes.
            if (i*2+1 < m_AABBs[level-1]->size()) {
                return isInsideBB(pos, level-1, i*2) || isInsideBB(pos, level-1, i*2+1);
            } else {
                return isInsideBB(pos, level-1, i*2);
    } else {
        return false;
getSVGStroke() const
  std::string str = "style=\"";

  const CQIllustratorShapeStroke &stroke = getStroke();

  const CRGBA     &scolor   = stroke.getColor();
  double           sopacity = stroke.getOpacity();
  double           width    = getStrokeWidth();
  const CLineDash &dash     = stroke.getLineDash();
  CLineCapType     cap      = stroke.getLineCap();
  CLineJoinType    join     = stroke.getLineJoin();

  if (sopacity > 0.0) {
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf("stroke: rgb(%d,%d,%d);", scolor.getRedI(),
                               scolor.getGreenI(), scolor.getBlueI());

    if (sopacity < 1.0)
      str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-opacity: %g;", sopacity);
    str += "stroke: none;";

  if (width != 1.0)
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-width: %g;", width);

  if (! dash.isSolid())
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf("stroke-dasharray: %s", dash.toString().c_str());

  if      (cap == LINE_CAP_TYPE_ROUND)
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-linecap: round;");
  else if (cap == LINE_CAP_TYPE_SQUARE)
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-linecap: square;");

  if      (join == LINE_JOIN_TYPE_ROUND)
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-linejoin: round;");
  else if (join == LINE_JOIN_TYPE_BEVEL)
    str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" stroke-linejoin: bevel;");

  const CQIllustratorShapeFill &fill = getFill();

  if (fill.hasGradient()) {
    // TODO
  else {
    const CRGBA &fcolor   = fill.getColor();
    double       fopacity = fill.getOpacity();

    if (fopacity > 0.0) {
      str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" fill: rgb(%d,%d,%d);", fcolor.getRedI(),
                                 fcolor.getGreenI(), fcolor.getBlueI());

      if (fopacity < 1.0)
        str += CStrUtil::strprintf(" fill-opacity: %g;", fopacity);
      str += "fill: none;";

  str += "\"";

  return str;
void Circle::print() {
	std::cout << "circle " << cx << " " << cy << " " << getFill() << " " << getStroke() << " " << getStrokeWidth() << '\n';
Example #7
void LineNode::calcVertexes(const VertexDataPtr& pVertexData, Pixel32 color)
    pVertexData->addLineData(color, m_P1, m_P2, getStrokeWidth(), m_TC1, m_TC2);