Example #1
static void updateRegressionForNewCommonScale(SEXP regression, MERCache* cache)
  // the update is only required if the total sum of squares term depends on the common scale,
  // itself being a question of whether or not the unmodeled coefficient prior is
  SEXP unmodeledCoefPrior = GET_SLOT(regression, blme_unmodeledCoefficientPriorSym);
  if (PRIOR_TYPE_SLOT(unmodeledCoefPrior)                         != PRIOR_TYPE_DIRECT ||
      PRIOR_FAMILIES_SLOT(unmodeledCoefPrior)[0]                  != PRIOR_FAMILY_GAUSSIAN ||
      getCommonScaleBit(PRIOR_SCALES_SLOT(unmodeledCoefPrior)[0]) != PRIOR_COMMON_SCALE_FALSE)
  const int* dims      = DIMS_SLOT(regression);
  double*    deviances = DEV_SLOT(regression);
  int numUnmodeledCoefs = dims[p_POS];
  // we need to refactor (X'X - Rzx'Rzx + sigma^2 / sigma_beta^2 * I)
  double* lowerRightBlockRightFactorization = RX_SLOT(regression);
  // recover the cached version of X'X - Rzx'Rzx
  Memcpy(lowerRightBlockRightFactorization, (const double*) cache->downdatedDenseCrossproduct,
         numUnmodeledCoefs * numUnmodeledCoefs);
  addGaussianContributionToDenseBlock(regression, lowerRightBlockRightFactorization,
                                      deviances[dims[isREML_POS] ? sigmaREML_POS : sigmaML_POS]);
  int choleskyResult = getDenseCholeskyDecomposition(lowerRightBlockRightFactorization, numUnmodeledCoefs, TRIANGLE_TYPE_UPPER);
  if (choleskyResult > 0) error("Leading minor %d of downdated X'X is not positive definite.", choleskyResult);
  if (choleskyResult < 0) error("Illegal argument %d to cholesky decomposition (dpotrf).", -choleskyResult);
  deviances[ldRX2_POS] = 0.0;
  for (int j = 0; j < numUnmodeledCoefs; ++j) {
    deviances[ldRX2_POS] += 2.0 * log(lowerRightBlockRightFactorization[j * (numUnmodeledCoefs + 1)]);
  // at this point, we have the correct Rx stored. now we need to
  // compute the new half projection and the new sum of squares
  double* unmodeledCoefProjection = cache->unmodeledCoefProjection;
  // copy in (X'Y - Rzx' theta half projection); beta half projection is Rx^-1 times that
  Memcpy(unmodeledCoefProjection, (const double*) cache->downdatedDenseResponseRotation,
  int i_one = 1;
  // solve A'x = b for A an Upper triangular, Tranposed, Non-unit matrix
  F77_CALL(dtrsv)("U", "T", "N",
  // now update the sums of squares
  double newSumOfSquares = getSumOfSquares(unmodeledCoefProjection, numUnmodeledCoefs);
  cache->totalSumOfSquares -= newSumOfSquares - cache->unmodeledCoefProjectionSumOfSquares;
  cache->unmodeledCoefProjectionSumOfSquares = newSumOfSquares;
Example #2
double Sound_getPowerInAir (Sound me) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, 0, 0, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) ? sum2 / (n * my ny) / 400 : NUMundefined;
Example #3
double Sound_getIntensity_dB (Sound me) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, 0, 0, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) && sum2 != 0.0 ? 10 * log10 (sum2 / (n * my ny) / 4.0e-10) : NUMundefined;
Example #4
double Sound_getEnergyInAir (Sound me) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, 0, 0, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) ? sum2 * my dx / (400 * my ny) : NUMundefined;
Example #5
double Sound_getPower (Sound me, double xmin, double xmax) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, xmin, xmax, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) ? sum2 / (n * my ny) : NUMundefined;
Example #6
double Sound_getEnergy (Sound me, double xmin, double xmax) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, xmin, xmax, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) ? sum2 * my dx / my ny : NUMundefined;
Example #7
double Sound_getRootMeanSquare (Sound me, double xmin, double xmax) {
	long n;
	double sum2 = getSumOfSquares (me, xmin, xmax, & n);
	return NUMdefined (sum2) ? sqrt (sum2 / (n * my ny)) : NUMundefined;
Example #8
static void getDerivativesOfSumOfSquares(SEXP regression, MERCache* cache,
                                         double* firstDerivative, double* secondDerivative)
  const int* dims      = DIMS_SLOT(regression);
  double*    deviances = DEV_SLOT(regression);
  int i_one = 1;
  double d_one = 1.0;
  int numUnmodeledCoefs = dims[p_POS];
  SEXP unmodeledCoefPrior = GET_SLOT(regression, blme_unmodeledCoefficientPriorSym);
  const double* hyperparameters = PRIOR_HYPERPARAMETERS_SLOT(unmodeledCoefPrior) + 1; // skip over the log det of the covar, not needed here
  unsigned int numHyperparameters = LENGTH(GET_SLOT(unmodeledCoefPrior, blme_prior_hyperparametersSym)) - 1;
  // take Rx and get Rx^-1
  const double* lowerRightFactor = RX_SLOT(regression);
  double rightFactorInverse[numUnmodeledCoefs * numUnmodeledCoefs]; // Rx^-1
  invertUpperTriangularMatrix(lowerRightFactor, numUnmodeledCoefs, rightFactorInverse);
  // calculate Lbeta^-1 * Rx^-1
  int factorIsTriangular = TRUE;
  if (numHyperparameters == 1) {
    // multiply by a scalar
    // printMatrix(lowerRightFactor, numUnmodeledCoefs, numUnmodeledCoefs);
    for (int col = 0; col < numUnmodeledCoefs; ++col) {
      int offset = col * numUnmodeledCoefs;
      for (int row = 0; row <= col; ++row) {
        rightFactorInverse[offset++] *= hyperparameters[0];
    // printMatrix(rightFactorInverse, numUnmodeledCoefs, numUnmodeledCoefs);
  } else if (numHyperparameters == numUnmodeledCoefs) {
    // left multiply by a diagonal matrix
    const double *diagonal = hyperparameters;
    for (int col = 0; col < numUnmodeledCoefs; ++col) {
      int offset = col * numUnmodeledCoefs;
      for (int row = 0; row <= col; ++row) {
        rightFactorInverse[offset++] *= diagonal[row];
  } else {
    const double* priorLeftFactorInverse = hyperparameters;
    // want L * R
    // Left multiply, Lower triangluar matrix, No-transpose, Non-unit
    F77_CALL(dtrmm)("L", "L", "N", "N", &numUnmodeledCoefs, &numUnmodeledCoefs, &d_one,
                    (double*) priorLeftFactorInverse, &numUnmodeledCoefs,
                    rightFactorInverse, &numUnmodeledCoefs);
    factorIsTriangular = FALSE;
  double projectionRotation[numUnmodeledCoefs];
  Memcpy(projectionRotation, (const double *) cache->unmodeledCoefProjection, numUnmodeledCoefs);
  // this step corresponds to Rx^-1 * unmodeled coef projection
  if (factorIsTriangular) {
    // X := A x, A triangular
    F77_CALL(dtrmv)("Upper triangular", "Non transposed", "Non unit diagonal",
                    &numUnmodeledCoefs, rightFactorInverse, &numUnmodeledCoefs,
                    projectionRotation, &i_one);
  } else {
    applyMatrixToVector(rightFactorInverse, numUnmodeledCoefs, numUnmodeledCoefs, FALSE,
                        projectionRotation, projectionRotation);
  double firstRotationSumOfSquares = getSumOfSquares(projectionRotation, numUnmodeledCoefs);
  // now for Rx^-T Rx^-1 * modeled coef projection
  if (factorIsTriangular) {
    // X: = A' x, A triangular
    F77_CALL(dtrmv)("Upper triangular", "Transposed", "Non unit diagonal",
                    &numUnmodeledCoefs, rightFactorInverse, &numUnmodeledCoefs,
                    projectionRotation, &i_one);
  } else {
    applyMatrixToVector(rightFactorInverse, numUnmodeledCoefs, numUnmodeledCoefs, TRUE,
                        projectionRotation, projectionRotation);
  double secondRotationSumOfSquares = getSumOfSquares(projectionRotation, numUnmodeledCoefs);
  // in general, DoF depends on unmodeled coefficient prior scale, as we can get back those
  // lost DoF. However, in that case we can't get here, where optimization is required.
  double sigma    = deviances[dims[isREML_POS] ? sigmaREML_POS : sigmaML_POS];
  double sigma_sq = sigma * sigma;
  *firstDerivative  -= firstRotationSumOfSquares / sigma;
  *secondDerivative += 3.0 * firstRotationSumOfSquares / sigma_sq + 4.0 * secondRotationSumOfSquares;
  // From here, done unless REML. REML involves taking the derivative of
  // the log determinant of LxLx' (with some unmodeled covariance terms),
  // which is just the trace of the product. The second derivative is
  // the trace of the "square" of that product.
  if (dims[isREML_POS]) {
    int covarianceMatrixLength = numUnmodeledCoefs * numUnmodeledCoefs;
    double crossproduct[covarianceMatrixLength];
    // we square the left factor Lx^-T * Lx^-1. the trace of this is immediately
    // useful, but we also need the trace of its square. Fortunately, the trace
    // of AA' is simply the sum of the squares of all of the elements.
    if (factorIsTriangular) {
      // want UU'
      singleTriangularMatrixCrossproduct(rightFactorInverse, numUnmodeledCoefs, TRUE,
                                         TRIANGLE_TYPE_UPPER, crossproduct);
    } else {
      singleMatrixCrossproduct(rightFactorInverse, numUnmodeledCoefs, numUnmodeledCoefs,
                               crossproduct, TRUE, TRIANGLE_TYPE_UPPER);
    double firstOrderTrace  = 0.0;
    double secondOrderTrace = 0.0;
    int offset;
    // as the cross product is symmetric, we only have to use its upper
    // triangle and the diagonal
    for (int col = 0; col < numUnmodeledCoefs; ++col) {
      offset = col * numUnmodeledCoefs;
      for (int row = 0; row < col; ++row) {
        secondOrderTrace += 2.0 * crossproduct[offset] * crossproduct[offset];
      firstOrderTrace  += crossproduct[offset];
      secondOrderTrace += crossproduct[offset] * crossproduct[offset];
    *firstDerivative  -=  sigma * firstOrderTrace;
    *secondDerivative += -firstOrderTrace + 2.0 * sigma_sq * secondOrderTrace;