Example #1
 * Function Name: pause()
 * Description:
 *    This function does not return until the specified 'duration' in
 *    TICs has elapsed.
 * Calling Sequence: 
 *    duration - length of time in TICs to wait before returning
 * Returns:
 *    void
void pause(uint32_t duration)
  uint32_t startTime = getSysTICs();

  while (getElapsedSysTICs(startTime) < duration)
Example #2
 * Function Name: getElapsedSysTICs()
 * Description:
 *    This function then returns the difference in TICs between the
 *    given starting time and the current system time.
 * Calling Sequence: 
 *    The starting time.
 * Returns:
 *    The time difference.
uint32_t getElapsedSysTICs(uint32_t startTime)
  return getSysTICs() - startTime;