Example #1
void TalkAf::refresh( time_t currentTime, AfContainer * pointer, MonitorContainer * monitoring)
//printf("TalkAf::refresh: \"%s\"\n", getName().toUtf8().data());
   if( getTimeUpdate() < (currentTime - af::Environment::getTalkZombieTime()))
      if( monitoring) monitoring->addEvent( af::Msg::TMonitorTalksDel, m_id);
Example #2
void RenderAf::v_refresh( time_t currentTime,  AfContainer * pointer, MonitorContainer * monitoring)
	if( isLocked() ) return;

	JobContainer * jobs = (JobContainer*)pointer;

	if( isOnline() && (getTimeUpdate() < (currentTime - af::Environment::getRenderZombieTime())))
		appendLog( std::string("ZOMBIETIME: ") + af::itos(af::Environment::getRenderZombieTime()) + " seconds.");
		AFCommon::QueueLog( std::string("Render: \"") + getName() + "\" - ZOMBIETIME");
/*		if( isBusy())
			printf("Was busy:\n");
			for( std::list<af::TaskExec*>::iterator it = tasks.begin(); it != tasks.end(); it++) (*it)->stdOut();
		offline( jobs, af::TaskExec::UPRenderZombie, monitoring);

	// Later auto nimby operations not needed if render is not online:
	if( isOffline())
		m_busy_time = currentTime;
		m_idle_time = currentTime;

	// Update busy with no task time:
	if(( isFree() == false ) || isBusy()) // already nimby or has task(s)
		m_busy_time = currentTime;
		int cpu=0,mem=0,swp=0,hgb=0,hio=0,net=0;

		// CPU % busy:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_busy_cpu <= 0 ) ||
			(( 100 - m_hres.cpu_idle ) < m_host.m_nimby_busy_cpu ))
			cpu = 1;

		// Mem % used:
		if(( m_hres.mem_total_mb <= 0 ) || ( m_host.m_nimby_busy_mem <= 0 ) ||
			(( 100 * ( m_hres.mem_total_mb - m_hres.mem_free_mb ) / m_hres.mem_total_mb ) < m_host.m_nimby_busy_mem ))
			mem = 1;

		// Swap % used:
		if(( m_hres.swap_total_mb <= 0 ) || (( m_host.m_nimby_busy_swp <= 0 ) ||
			( 100 * m_hres.swap_used_mb / m_hres.swap_total_mb ) < m_host.m_nimby_busy_swp ))
			swp = 1;

		// Hdd free GB:
		if(( m_hres.hdd_total_gb <= 0 ) || ( m_host.m_nimby_busy_hddgb <= 0 ) ||
			( m_hres.hdd_free_gb > m_host.m_nimby_busy_hddgb ))
			hgb = 1;

		// Hdd I/O %:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_busy_hddio <= 0 ) ||
			( m_hres.hdd_busy < m_host.m_nimby_busy_hddio ))
			hio = 1;

		// Net Mb/s:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_busy_netmbs <= 0 ) ||
		( m_hres.net_recv_kbsec + m_hres.net_send_kbsec < 1024 * m_host.m_nimby_busy_netmbs ))
			net = 1;

		// Render will be treated as 'not busy' if all params are 'not busy'
		if( cpu & mem & swp & hio & hgb & net )
			m_busy_time = currentTime;
		else if(( m_host.m_nimby_busyfree_time > 0 ) && ( currentTime - m_busy_time > m_host.m_nimby_busyfree_time ))
		// Automatic Nimby ON:
			std::string log("Automatic Nimby: ");
			log += "\n Busy since: " + af::time2str( m_busy_time);// + " CPU >= " + af::itos( m_host.m_nimby_busy_cpu) + "%";
			log += "\n Nimby busy free time = " + af::time2strHMS( m_host.m_nimby_busyfree_time, true );
			appendLog( log);
			monitoring->addEvent( af::Monitor::EVT_renders_change, m_id);
		//printf("BUSY: %li-%li=%li\n", currentTime, m_busy_time, currentTime-m_busy_time);

	// Update idle time:
	if( isBusy())
		m_idle_time = currentTime;
	else if(( m_host.m_nimby_idle_cpu    <= 0 ) &&
			( m_host.m_nimby_idle_mem    <= 0 ) &&
			( m_host.m_nimby_idle_swp    <= 0 ) &&
			( m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddgb  <= 0 ) &&
			( m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddio  <= 0 ) &&
			( m_host.m_nimby_idle_netmbs <= 0 ))
		// If all params are 'off' there is no 'idle':
		m_idle_time = currentTime;
		int cpu=0,mem=0,swp=0,hgb=0,hio=0,net=0;

		// CPU % busy:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_idle_cpu > 0 ) &&
			(( 100 - m_hres.cpu_idle) > m_host.m_nimby_idle_cpu ))
			cpu = 1;

		// Mem % used:
		if(( m_hres.mem_total_mb > 0 ) && ( m_host.m_nimby_idle_mem > 0 ) &&
			(( 100 * ( m_hres.mem_total_mb - m_hres.mem_free_mb ) / m_hres.mem_total_mb ) > m_host.m_nimby_idle_mem ))
			mem = 1;

		// Swap % used:
		if(( m_hres.swap_total_mb ) && ( m_host.m_nimby_idle_swp > 0 ) &&
			(( 100 * m_hres.swap_used_mb / m_hres.swap_total_mb ) > m_host.m_nimby_idle_swp ))
			swp = 1;

		// Hdd free GB:
		if(( m_hres.hdd_total_gb > 0 ) && ( m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddgb > 0 ) &&
			( m_hres.hdd_free_gb < m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddgb ))
			hgb = 1;

		// Hdd I/O %:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddio > 0 ) &&
			( m_hres.hdd_busy > m_host.m_nimby_idle_hddio ))
			hio = 1;

		// Net Mb/s:
		if(( m_host.m_nimby_idle_netmbs > 0 ) &&
			( m_hres.net_recv_kbsec + m_hres.net_send_kbsec > 1024 * m_host.m_nimby_idle_netmbs ))
			net = 1;

		// it will be treated as 'not idle' any param is 'not idle'
		if( cpu | mem | swp | hio | hgb | net )
			m_idle_time = currentTime;
			// Automatic WOL sleep:
			if(( m_host.m_wol_idlesleep_time > 0 ) && isOnline() && ( isWOLSleeping() == false) && ( isWOLFalling() == false)
				&& ( currentTime - m_idle_time > m_host.m_wol_idlesleep_time ))
				std::string log("Automatic WOL Sleep: ");
				log += "\n Idle since: " + af::time2str( m_idle_time);
				log += "\n WOL idle sleep time = " + af::time2strHMS( m_host.m_wol_idlesleep_time, true );
				appendLog( log);
				wolSleep( monitoring);

			// Automatic Nimby Free:
			if(( m_host.m_nimby_idlefree_time > 0 ) && isOnline() && ( isNimby() || isNIMBY())
				&& ( currentTime - m_idle_time > m_host.m_nimby_idlefree_time ))
				std::string log("Automatic Nimby Free: ");
				log += "\n Idle since: " + af::time2str( m_idle_time);
				log += "\n Nimby idle free time = " + af::time2strHMS( m_host.m_nimby_idlefree_time, true );
				appendLog( log);
				monitoring->addEvent( af::Monitor::EVT_renders_change, m_id);
		//printf("IDLE: %li-%li=%li\n", currentTime, m_idle_time, currentTime-m_idle_time);