Example #1
 A = x1 and x2 and ... xn
 create cnf to create an Equility.
 * @brief Solver::SatBaseClass::createTseitinOr
 * @param vars x1, ..., xn
 * @return A
uint Solver::SatBaseClass::createTseitinAnd(std::multiset<literal>& vars){
    if(vars.size() == 0) return getTrueVar();
    uint A(++countVars);
// if A is true, then all of the xi must be true
        result << A << " ";
        for(const literal& t: vars){
                result << "-" << t.varId << " ";
            }else {
                result << t.varId << " ";
        result << "0" << std::endl;

// if one of the xi is false then A is false
        for(const literal& t: vars){
            result << "-" << A << " ";
                result << t.varId << " 0" << std::endl;
            } else {
                result << "-" << t.varId << " 0" << std::endl;
    return A;
Example #2
void Solver::SatBaseClass::readSolutionOther(const std::string &solutionFile){
    std::string line;
    std::ifstream fileIn ( solutionFile );

        std::getline( fileIn, line );
        if(line.empty()) continue;
        if(line[0] == 'c') continue;
        if(line[0] == 's') {
            std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower);
            if(line.find("unsat") != std::string::npos){
                throw Exception::StringException("UNSAT");
                std::cerr << line << std::endl;
        if(line[0] == 'v'){

            line = line.substr(2);
            std::vector<std::string> solution = split( line, ' ');
            for( const std::string& s : solution )
                if(s.empty()) continue;
                if( s == "0")

                // skip negativ vars
                if( s[0] == '-' ) continue;

                uint varAsInt = std::stoi(s)-1;
                if(varAsInt == getTrueVar()) continue;
                if(varAsInt == 0) continue;
                if(varAsInt >= intToVar.size()) break;

                PosInt varAsPos =  intToVar[varAsInt];
                std::cout << "Ausgabe der Pos " << varAsInt << ": " << varAsPos << std::endl;

Example #3
void Solver::SatBaseClass::readSolutionGlucose(const std::string& solutionFile){
    std::string line;
    std::ifstream fileIn ( solutionFile.c_str());
    if (fileIn.is_open()){
        getline( fileIn, line );
// if it is not solved
        if( line == "UNSAT" ){
            throw Exception::StringException("UNSAT");
            std::cout << line << std::endl;
// read solution
        }else if( line == "SAT" ){
            getline( fileIn, line );
            std::vector<std::string> solution = split( line, ' ');
            for( const std::string& s : solution ){
                if( s == "0"){

// skip negativ vars
                if( s[0] == '-' ) continue;

                uint varAsInt = std::stoi(s);
                if(varAsInt == getTrueVar()) continue;
                if(varAsInt >= intToVar.size()) break;

                PosInt varAsPos =  intToVar[varAsInt];


    }else {
        std::cerr << "Solver: Unable to open file" << std::endl;
Example #4
void Solver::toSatDebug::createDimacs(const std::string& fileName){
    // Exactly One

        uint sizeX(gameField.getField().getSizeX());
        uint sizeY(gameField.getField().getSizeY());
        for(const Tile& t: gameField.getTiles()){
            std::set<PosInt> buffer;
            for(uint x=0; x<=sizeX - t.getSizeX(); ++x){
                for(uint y=0; y<=sizeY - t.getSizeY(); ++y){


    // Modulo Contraint

        for(uint fieldX = 0; fieldX < sizeX; ++fieldX){
            for(uint fieldY = 0; fieldY < sizeY; ++fieldY){
                std::vector<Solver::literal> bufferForVar;
                for(const Tile& t: gameField.getTiles()){
    // Variablen in Buffer Set schreiben
                    std::multiset<Solver::literal> bufferOr;
                    for(uint tileX=0; tileX <= fieldX; ++tileX){
                        if(tileX + t.getSizeX() > sizeX) break;
                        for(uint tileY=0; tileY<=fieldY; ++tileY){

                            if(tileY + t.getSizeY() > sizeY) break;
                            if(t.getField( fieldX - tileX, fieldY - tileY)){
                                Solver::literal lit;
                                lit.positiv = true;
                                lit.varId = varToInt[PosInt(tileX, tileY, t.getId())];
                    Solver::literal lit;
                    lit.varId =createTseitinOr(bufferOr); lit.positiv = true;
    // Set start value

                if(gameField.getField().getField(fieldX,fieldY) != 0){
                    for(int i=0; i <gameField.getField().getField(fieldX,fieldY); ++i ){
                        std::cout << "Add: (" << fieldX << ", " << fieldY << ") " << i << " " << (int)gameField.getField().getField(fieldX, fieldY) << std::endl;
                        Solver::literal lit;
                        lit.varId =getTrueVar(); lit.positiv = true;
                // generierung der Ausgänge
                result << "c" << std::endl;
                result << "c Decode at Position (" << fieldX << ", " << fieldY << ")" << std::endl;
                result << "c" << std::endl;
                createModuloNAdderHalf(bufferForVar, gameField.getField().getMod());

 *                          Debug
 * ***********************************************************************************************/
    uint fieldX = 0;
    uint fieldY = 0;
    std::vector<Solver::literal> bufferForVar;
    for(const Tile& t: gameField.getTiles()){
    // Variablen in Buffer Set schreiben
        std::multiset<Solver::literal> bufferOr;
        for(uint tileX=0; tileX <= fieldX; ++tileX){
            if(tileX + t.getSizeX() > sizeX) break;
            for(uint tileY=0; tileY<=fieldY; ++tileY){
                if(tileY + t.getSizeY() > sizeY) break;
                if(t.getField( fieldX - tileX, fieldY - tileY)){
                    Solver::literal lit;
                    lit.positiv = true;
                    lit.varId = varToInt[PosInt(tileX, tileY, t.getId())];
        Solver::literal lit;
        lit.varId =createTseitinOr(bufferOr); lit.positiv = true;
    // Set start value
    if(gameField.getField().getField(fieldX,fieldY) != 0){
        for(int i=0; i <gameField.getField().getField(fieldX,fieldY); ++i ){
            std::cout << "Add: (" << fieldX << ", " << fieldY << ") " << i << " " << (int)gameField.getField().getField(fieldX, fieldY) << std::endl;
            Solver::literal lit;
            lit.varId =getTrueVar(); lit.positiv = true;
// generierung der Ausgänge
                result << "c" << std::endl;
                result << "c Decode at Position (" << fieldX << ", " << fieldY << ")" << std::endl;
                result << "c" << std::endl;
                createModuloNAdderHalf(bufferForVar, gameField.getField().getMod());

    // write it into file
        std::fstream data;
        data.open(fileName, std::ios::out);
        data << "p cnf " << countVars << " " << countClausel << std::endl;
        data << result.str().c_str();

Example #5
bool my_walker(Node *node, context_walker_set_constraint *context){
  if (node == NULL)
 			return false;

  /* elog(LOG,"tag : %d\n",nodeTag(node)); */

    BoolExpr * bExpr =(BoolExpr *) node;
    bool retour = false;
    List * l_true_save = NULL;
    List * l_false_save = NULL;
    List * l_true = NULL;
    List * l_false = NULL;
    int nb_arg = bExpr->args->length;
      case NOT_EXPR:
        /*(Unicité des valeur) Setisation sur le true*/
        /*Pre Traitement*/
        l_true_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true;
        l_false_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = NULL;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = NULL;

        retour = expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);

        /*Post Traitement*/
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */
        l_true = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true;
        l_false = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = list_concat(l_true_save,l_false);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = list_concat(l_false_save,l_true);
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */

        return retour;

      case AND_EXPR:
        /*(Unicité des valeur) Setisation sur le true*/
        /*Pre Traitement*/
        l_true_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true;
        l_false_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = NULL;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = NULL;

        retour = expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);

        /*Post traitement*/
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */

        l_true = union_list(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true);
        l_false = inter_list(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false,nb_arg);
        context->list_list_true = lappend(context->list_list_true,l_true);
        context->list_list_false = lappend(context->list_list_false,l_false);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = list_concat(l_true_save,l_true);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = list_concat(l_false_save,l_false);

        /* elog(LOG,"\n nb_arg : %d\n",nb_arg); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */
        return retour;

      case OR_EXPR:
        /*(Unicité des valeur) Setisation sur le true*/
        /*Pre Traitement*/
        l_true_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true;
        l_false_save = context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = NULL;
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = NULL;

        retour = expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);

        /*Post traitement*/
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true_before : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */

        l_true = inter_list(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true,nb_arg);
        l_false = union_list(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false);
        context->list_list_true = lappend(context->list_list_true,l_true);
        context->list_list_false = lappend(context->list_list_false,l_false);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = list_concat(l_true_save,l_true);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false = list_concat(l_false_save,l_false);

        /* elog(LOG,"\n nb_arg : %d\n",nb_arg); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_false : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_false)); */
        /* elog(LOG,"\n List_true : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true)); */

        return retour;



  if(context->ready && IsA(node,Var)){
    /* elog(LOG," \n HERE1 \n"); */
    Var * v = getTrueVar(context->current_trueVar,(Var *)node);
    /* elog(LOG," \n HERE2 \n"); */
      context->list_of_not_null_in_op = lappend(context->list_of_not_null_in_op,v);
    return expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);

     OpExpr * oExpr = (OpExpr *)node;
     if(oExpr->opno == 518 /*<>*/){
        context->ready = true;
        context->list_of_not_null_in_op = NULL;
        bool retour = expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);
        context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true = list_concat(context->list_of_not_null_to_be_true,context->list_of_not_null_in_op);
        return retour;
       return expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);
     /* elog(LOG,"\n List_op : %s\n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_in_op)); */

    Query * q = (Query *) node;
    List * save_current_trueVar = context->current_trueVar;
    context->current_trueVar = NULL;
    context->current_trueVar = lappend(context->current_trueVar,save_current_trueVar);
    /*Create trueVars and not_null schema*/
    bool result =  expression_tree_walker((Node *)q->rtable, my_walker, (void *) context);
    /* elog(LOG,"\n TRUE ATT :%s\n",nodeToString(context->trueVars)); */
    context->trueVars = lappend(context->trueVars,context->current_trueVar);
    /* elog(LOG,"\nTRUE ATT :%s \n",nodeToString(context->trueVars)); */
    result = expression_tree_walker((Node *)q->jointree, my_walker, (void *) context) | result;
    /* elog(LOG,"\n LIST_LIST_TRUE :%s\n",nodeToString(context->list_list_true)); */
    /* elog(LOG,"\n LIST_LIST_FALSE :%s\n",nodeToString(context->list_list_false)); */

    /*Post Traitement*/
    context->current_trueVar = save_current_trueVar;
    return result;
    RangeTblEntry * rte = (RangeTblEntry *)node;
    Oid relid= rte->relid;
    int number_col = get_relnatts(relid);
    AttrNumber i = 0;
    List * relation = NULL;
      /*Create True_var*/
      Var * v = makeNode(Var);
      v->varattno = i;
      /* v->varattno = context->current_varattno; */
      v->vartype = relid;
      relation =  lappend(relation,v);
      /*Add to not_null if needed*/
        context->list_of_not_null_att_schem = lappend(context->list_of_not_null_att_schem,v);
    context->current_trueVar = lappend(context->current_trueVar,relation);
    /* elog(LOG,"\n TEST: %s \n",nodeToString(context->current_trueVar)); */
    return false;
  return expression_tree_walker(node, my_walker, (void *) context);
Example #6
Node * my_mutator (Node *node, context_modifier *context)
    if (node == NULL)
 			return NULL;
    /* elog(LOG,"%d",nodeTag(node)); */
      BoolExpr * bExpr =(BoolExpr *) node;
      if(bExpr->boolop == NOT_EXPR){
        /* elog(LOG,"\nTHERENOT\n"); */
        context->positive = !context->positive;
        Node * retour =  expression_tree_mutator(node, my_mutator, (void *) context);
        context->positive = !context->positive;
        return retour;
      if(bExpr->boolop == OR_EXPR || bExpr->boolop == AND_EXPR){
        /*Pré traitement*/
        List * l_save = context->list_of_not_null_in_current;
        context->list_of_not_null_in_current = list_copy(l_save);
          context->list_of_not_null_in_current = list_concat(context->list_of_not_null_in_current,list_nth(context->list_list_true,context->list_list_true->length - context->where_i_am - 1));
          context->list_of_not_null_in_current = list_concat(context->list_of_not_null_in_current,list_nth(context->list_list_false,context->list_list_true->length - context->where_i_am - 1));
        /* elog(LOG,"\n LIST_NOT_NULL: %s \n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_in_current)); */
        context->where_i_am ++;
        Node * retour =  expression_tree_mutator(node, my_mutator, (void *) context);
        /*Post traitement*/
        context->list_of_not_null_in_current = l_save;

        return retour;
      Query * q = (Query *) node;
      /* context->current_varlevelsup ++; */
      List * save_current_trueVar = context->current_trueVar;
      context->current_trueVar = list_nth(context->trueVars,context->where_i_am_querry);
      context->where_i_am_querry = context->where_i_am_querry + 1;
      q->jointree = expression_tree_mutator((Node *) q->jointree, my_mutator, (void *) context);
      /* context->where_i_am_querry = context->where_i_am_querry - 1; */
      context->current_trueVar = save_current_trueVar;
      /* context->current_varlevelsup --; */
      return node;
      /* elog(LOG,"\nTHEREOP = \n"); */
      OpExpr * oExpr = (OpExpr *) node;
      if(context->positive && oExpr->opno == 518){ /*<>*/
        context->ready = true;
      if(!context->positive && oExpr->opno == 96){ /* = */
        context->ready = true;
      /* if(context->positive && oExpr->opno == 521){ #<{(| > |)}># */
      /*   context->ready = true; */
      /* } */
      if(oExpr->opno == 525){ /* >= */
        OpExpr * equa = makeNode(OpExpr);
        equa->opno = 96; /*=*/
        equa->args = list_concat(equa->args,oExpr->args);
        OpExpr * stric = makeNode(OpExpr);
        stric->opno = 521; /*>*/
        stric->args = list_concat(stric->args,oExpr->args);
        List * tmp = NULL;
        tmp = lappend(tmp,equa);
        tmp = lappend(tmp,stric);
        Node * result = expression_tree_mutator((Node *)makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR,tmp,-1),my_mutator,context);
        return result;

      if(oExpr->opno == 523){ /* <= */
        OpExpr * equa = makeNode(OpExpr);
        equa->opno = 96; /*=*/
        equa->args = list_concat(equa->args,oExpr->args);
        OpExpr * stric = makeNode(OpExpr);
        stric->opno = 97; /*<*/
        stric->args = list_concat(stric->args,oExpr->args);
        List * tmp = NULL;
        tmp = lappend(tmp,equa);
        tmp = lappend(tmp,stric);
        Node * result = expression_tree_mutator((Node *)makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR,tmp,-1),my_mutator,context);
        return result;
      /* if(context->positive && oExpr->opno == 97){ #<{(| < |)}># */
      /*   context->ready = true; */
      /* } */
      if(!context->positive && oExpr->opno == 1209){ /* LIKE */
        context->ready = true;

      Node * result = expression_tree_mutator(node, my_mutator, (void *) context);
      if(context->constraint_to_add != NULL){
        if(!context->positive /* && oExpr->opno == 518 */){
          context->constraint_to_add = lappend(context->constraint_to_add,result);
          Node * to_return = makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR,context->constraint_to_add,-1);
          context->constraint_to_add = NULL;
          context->ready = false;
          /* elog(LOG,"inter :%s\n",nodeToString(to_return)); */
          return to_return;
        if(context->positive /* && oExpr->opno == 96 */){
          context->constraint_to_add = lappend(context->constraint_to_add,result);
          Node * to_return = makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR,context->constraint_to_add,-1);
          context->constraint_to_add = NULL;
          context->ready = false;
          return to_return;
        return result;

 		if(context->ready && IsA(node, Var))
      /* elog(LOG,"\n LIST_NOT_NULL: %s \n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_in_current)); */
      Var * v = (Var *) node;
      Var * rv = getTrueVar(context->current_trueVar,v);
      /* elog(LOG,"\nTRUE VARS : %s \n",nodeToString(context->current_trueVar)); */
      /* elog(LOG,"\nV check %s \n",nodeToString(v)); */
      /* elog(LOG,"\nRV check %s \n",nodeToString(rv)); */
      /* elog(LOG,"\nNOT NULL CUR: %s \n",nodeToString(context->list_of_not_null_in_current)); */
      if(!context->positive && !isInListTrueVar(context->list_of_not_null_in_current,rv)){
        /* elog(LOG,"\nHERE !\n"); */
        OpExpr * inf0 = makeNode(OpExpr);
        inf0->opno = 97; /*<*/
        inf0->args = lappend(inf0->args,node);
        Const * c0 = makeConst(23,-1,0,4,Int16GetDatum(0),false, true);
        inf0->args = lappend(inf0->args,c0);
        context->constraint_to_add = lappend(context->constraint_to_add,inf0);
        /* elog(LOG,"\nHERE !\n"); */
        OpExpr * inf0 = makeNode(OpExpr);
        inf0->opno = 521; /*>*/
        inf0->args = lappend(inf0->args,node);
        Const * c0 = makeConst(23,-1,0,4,Int16GetDatum(0),false, true);
        inf0->args = lappend(inf0->args,c0);
        context->constraint_to_add = lappend(context->constraint_to_add,inf0);

 		return expression_tree_mutator(node, my_mutator, (void *) context);