Example #1
// ... where trg the node to be destroyed
// you must call a function like find, to get the pointer to the node u want to delete
void LinkedList::destroyNode(listNode *trg){

	if(numberOfNodes > 0){
		// There are still elements in the list
		if(Head == Tail){
			// This is the last Node in the list
			Head = Tail = NULL;			
			std::cout<<"\n  [LL] last node deleted\n";			
			// There are at least 2 Nodes in the list
			trg->prev->next = trg->next;
			trg->next->prev = trg->prev;
			if(trg == Head){
				Head = trg->next;	// set new Head
				std::cout<<"\n  * New Head has been set\n";
			if(trg == Tail){
				Tail = trg->prev;	// set new Tail
				std::cout<<"\n  * New Tail Has been set\n";

		userData *dbg = getUnitData(trg);

		delete dbg;	// de-allocates the memory we allocated for the data, outside of the LinkedList class
		delete trg;			// de-allocates the momory used by the list node		

		std::cout<<"  ["<<numberOfNodes<<"] List node has been destroyed\n";
void UnitInfoManager::drawUnitInformation(float x,float y) const
    if (!m_bot.Config().DrawEnemyUnitInfo)

    std::stringstream ss;

    // for each unit in the queue
    for (int t(0); t < 255; t++)
        int numUnits =      m_unitData.at(Players::Self).getNumUnits(t);
        int numDeadUnits =  m_unitData.at(Players::Enemy).getNumDeadUnits(t);

        // if there exist units in the vector
        if (numUnits > 0)
            ss << numUnits << "   " << numDeadUnits << "   " << sc2::UnitTypeToName(t) << "\n";
    for (auto & kv : getUnitData(Players::Enemy).getUnitInfoMap())
        m_bot.Debug()->DebugSphereOut(kv.second.lastPosition, 0.5f);
        m_bot.Debug()->DebugTextOut(sc2::UnitTypeToName(kv.second.type), kv.second.lastPosition);

Example #3
// saves all changed users to the db
// and performs minimal cleanup (if keepAlive = false, delete user...)
void LinkedList::SaveUsersToDb(Database *dbPtr){
	before = RakNet::GetTime();

	listNode *current = Head;

	for(int i = 0; i<numberOfNodes; i++)
		userData* _user = getUnitData(current);
		// get current user's uuid 
		char uuid[4];
		strcpy(uuid, _user->uuid.c_str());

			dbPtr->UpdatePosition(uuid, &_user->userPos);
			dbPtr->UpdateOrientation(uuid, _user->orientation);
			_user->savedInDb = true;
			std::cout<<"  > user " << uuid <<" has been saved to DB...\n";

		// check if the current user, should be in the list
			// send destroyUnitPacket to all

		// get the next element of the list
		current = current->next;

	// how many ms the system needs to run this?
	after = RakNet::GetTime();
	if((after-before) > 0)
		std::cout<<"  > SaveUsersToDb(*) was executed in "<<after-before<<" MS\n\n";
void StatusDataManager::addNewUnit(uint32_t newid)
    CCLOG("add new unit: id (%d)", newid);
    auto unitdata = getUnitData(newid);
    auto newrecord = new UnitOfPlayerRecord(unitdata,
                                            time(NULL), //time_t getTimestamp,
                                            1, //int level,
                                            0   //int exp
    // persistence
Example #5
void LinkedList::calculate_pozition(){
	listNode *current = Head;

	if(current != NULL)
			userData* thisUser = getUnitData(current);
				thisUser->userPos.x += 0.44;

			current = current->next;		
		}while(current != Head);
void UnitInfoManager::getNearbyForce(std::vector<UnitInfo> & unitInfo, sc2::Point2D p,int player, float radius) const
    bool hasBunker = false;
    // for each unit we know about for that player
    for (const auto & kv : getUnitData(player).getUnitInfoMap())
        const UnitInfo & ui(kv.second);

        // if it's a combat unit we care about
        // and it's finished! 
        if (Util::IsCombatUnitType(ui.type, m_bot) && Util::Dist(ui.lastPosition,p) <= radius)
            // add it to the vector
Example #7
listNode* LinkedList::findNode(char uuid[UUID_LEN]){
	listNode *current = Head;			// get the first node of the list
	// if list not empty, search
	if(Head != NULL)
			userData *cData = getUnitData(current);
			std::string searchUUID(uuid);		
			if(searchUUID == cData->uuid)	// node found
				return current;
			current = current->next;
		}while(current != Head);

	return NULL;						// return NULL if the node hasn't been found
Example #8
listNode* LinkedList::findNode(SystemAddress clientID){
	listNode *current = Head;

	if(current != NULL){
			userData *cData = getUnitData(current);		

			if(clientID == cData->clientID){
				char thisIp[50];
				cData->clientID.ToString(true, thisIp);
				std::cout<<"[.] node found: "<<thisIp<<"\n";

				return current;
			current = current->next;		
		}while(current != Head);

	return NULL;
Example #9
void UnitScript::loadUnit(tinyxml2::XMLElement * xmlElement)
	//Load and set the unit data.
	auto unitDataID = xmlElement->IntAttribute("UnitDataID");
	const auto resourceLoader = SingletonContainer::getInstance()->get<ResourceLoader>();
	auto unitData = resourceLoader->getUnitData(unitDataID);
	assert(unitData && "UnitScript::setUnitData() with nullptr.");

	auto ownerActor = m_OwnerActor.lock();
	//#TODO: This only shows the first frame of the animation. Update the code to show the whole animation.
	auto sceneNode = static_cast<cocos2d::Sprite*>(pimpl->m_RenderComponent->getSceneNode());

	//Scale the sprite so that it meets the real game grid size.

	pimpl->m_UnitData = std::move(unitData);

	//#TODO: Load more data, such as the hp, level and so on, from the xml.
	pimpl->m_State = utilities::createUnitState(UnitStateTypeCode::Idle);
Example #10
const std::map<int,UnitInfo> & UnitInfoManager::getUnitInfoMap(int player) const
    return getUnitData(player).getUnitInfoMap();