Example #1
/* barrier blocks can only be dropped when they are fully excluded.  */
static int
OPTremoveUnusedBlocks(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb)
	/* catch and remove constant bounded blocks */
	int i, j = 0, action = 0, block = 0, skip = 0, top =0, skiplist[10];
	InstrPtr p;

	for (i = 0; i < mb->stop; i++) {
		p = mb->stmt[i];
		if (blockStart(p)) {
			if (p->argc == 2 && isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)) &&
					getArgType(mb, p, 1) == TYPE_bit &&
					getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)).val.btval == 0)
				if (skip == 0)
					skip = block;
			// Try to remove the barrier statement itself (when true).
			if (p->argc == 2 && isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)) &&
					getArgType(mb, p, 1) == TYPE_bit &&
					getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)).val.btval == 1 && 
					top <10 && OPTsimpleflow(mb,i))
				skiplist[top++]= getArg(p,0);
		if (blockExit(p)) {
			if (top > 0 && skiplist[top-1] == getArg(p,0) ){
			if (skip )
				mb->stmt[j++] = p;
			if (skip == block)
				skip = 0;
			if (block == 0)
				skip = 0;
		} else if (skip)
			mb->stmt[j++] = p;
	mb->stop = j;
	for (; j < i; j++)
		mb->stmt[j] = NULL;
	if (action) {
		chkTypes(cntxt->fdout, cntxt->nspace, mb, TRUE);
		return mb->errors ? 0 : action;
	return action;
Example #2
/* barrier blocks can only be dropped when they are fully excluded.  */
static str
OPTremoveUnusedBlocks(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb)
	/* catch and remove constant bounded blocks */
	int i, j = 0, action = 0, block = -1, skip = 0, multipass = 1;
	InstrPtr p;
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;

		block = -1;
		skip = 0;
		j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < mb->stop; i++) {
			p = mb->stmt[i];
			if (blockExit(p) && block == getArg(p,0) ){
					block = -1;
					skip = 0;
					mb->stmt[i]= 0;
			if (p->argc == 2 && blockStart(p) && block < 0 && isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)) && getArgType(mb, p, 1) == TYPE_bit ){
				if( getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)).val.btval == 0)
					block = getArg(p,0);
					skip ++;
				// Try to remove the barrier statement itself (when true).
				if ( getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)).val.btval == 1  && OPTsimpleflow(mb,i))
					block = getArg(p,0);
					skip = 0;
					mb->stmt[i]= 0;
			} else 
			if( p->argc == 2 &&  blockStart(p) && block >= 0 && skip == 0 && isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)) && getArgType(mb, p, 1) == TYPE_bit && multipass == 0)
			if (skip){
				mb->stmt[i]= 0;
			} else
				mb->stmt[j++] = p;
		mb->stop = j;
		for (; j < i; j++)
			mb->stmt[j] = NULL;
	if (action)
		chkTypes(cntxt->usermodule, mb, TRUE);
	return msg;
Example #3
static lng 
SQLgetSpace(mvc *m, MalBlkPtr mb)
	sql_trans *tr = m->session->tr;
	lng space = 0, i; 

	for (i = 0; i < mb->stop; i++) {
		InstrPtr p = mb->stmt[i];
		char *f = getFunctionId(p);

		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && (f == bindRef || f == bindidxRef)) {
			int upd = (p->argc == 7 || p->argc == 9), mode = 0;
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *cname = NULL;
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0) 
			cname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 4 + upd)).val.sval;
			mode = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 5 + upd)).val.ival;
			if (mode != 0 || !cname || !s)
			if (f == bindidxRef) {
				sql_idx *i = mvc_bind_idx(m, s, cname);

				if (i && (!isRemote(i->t) && !isMergeTable(i->t))) {
					BAT *b = store_funcs.bind_idx(tr, i, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						space += getBatSpace(b);
			} else if (f == bindRef) {
				sql_table *t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);
				sql_column *c = mvc_bind_column(m, t, cname);

				if (c && (!isRemote(c->t) && !isMergeTable(c->t))) {
					BAT *b = store_funcs.bind_col(tr, c, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						space += getBatSpace(b);
	return space;
Example #4
RUNinline(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p)
	Symbol qc;
	str modnme = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)).val.sval;
	str fcnnme = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2)).val.sval;

	(void) stk;
	(void) p;
	qc = findSymbol(cntxt ->nspace, getName(modnme),

	if (qc)
		MACROprocessor(cntxt, mb, qc);

	return MAL_SUCCEED;
Example #5
static void
addLock(Client cntxt, OLTPlocks locks, MalBlkPtr mb, InstrPtr p, int sch, int tbl)
{	BUN hash;
	char *r,*s;

	r =(sch?getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,sch)).val.sval : "sqlcatalog");
	s =(tbl? getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,tbl)).val.sval : "");
	hash = (strHash(r)  ^ strHash(s)) % MAXOLTPLOCKS ;
	hash += (hash == 0);
	locks[hash] = 1;
#ifdef _DEBUG_OLP_
	fprintf(stderr,"#addLock %s "BUNFMT", %s "BUNFMT" combined "BUNFMT"\n",
		r, strHash(r), s, strHash(s),hash);
	(void) cntxt;
Example #6
OPTjsonImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i, j, limit, slimit;
	int bu = 0, br = 0, bj = 0;
	str nme;
	InstrPtr p,q;
	int actions = 0;
	InstrPtr *old;

	(void) pci;
	(void) cntxt;
	(void) stk;		/* to fool compilers */
	old= mb->stmt;
	limit= mb->stop;
	slimit = mb->ssize;
	if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb,mb->stop) < 0)
		return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef  && getFunctionId(p) == affectedRowsRef) {
			q = newStmt(mb, jsonRef, resultSetRef);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, bu);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, br);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, bj);
			j = getArg(q,0);
			p= getInstrPtr(mb,0);
			q = newReturnStmt(mb);
			getArg(q,0)= getArg(p,0);
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef  && getFunctionId(p) == rsColumnRef) {
			nme = getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4)).val.sval;
			if (strcmp(nme,"uuid")==0)
				bu = getArg(p,7);
			if (strcmp(nme,"lng")==0)
				br = getArg(p,7);
			if (strcmp(nme,"json")==0)
				bj = getArg(p,7);
	for(; i<slimit; i++)
		if (old[i]) 
	return actions;
Example #7
/* the MAL beautifier is meant to simplify correlation of MAL variables and
 * the columns in the underlying database.
 * If the status is set, then we consider the instruction DONE and the result variables 
 * should be shown as well.
static str
shortRenderingTerm(MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p, int idx)
	str s, nme;
	BAT *b;
	ValRecord *val;
	char *cv =0;
	int varid = getArg(p,idx);
	size_t len = BUFSIZ;

	s= GDKmalloc(len);
	if( s == NULL)
		return NULL;
	*s = 0;

	if( isVarConstant(mb,varid) ){
		val =&getVarConstant(mb, varid);
		if ((cv = VALformat(val)) == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		if (strlen(cv) >= len) {
			char *nbuf;
			len = strlen(cv);
			nbuf = GDKrealloc(s, len + 1);
			if (nbuf == NULL) {
				return NULL;
			s = nbuf;
		snprintf(s,len + 1,"%s",cv);
	} else {
		val = &stk->stk[varid];
		if ((cv = VALformat(val)) == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		nme = getVarName(mb, varid);
		if ( isaBatType(getArgType(mb,p,idx))){
			b = BBPquickdesc(stk->stk[varid].val.bval, true);
			snprintf(s,BUFSIZ,"%s["BUNFMT"]" ,nme, b?BATcount(b):0);
		} else
			snprintf(s,BUFSIZ,"%s=%s ",nme,cv);
	return s;
Example #8
/* the MAL beautifier is meant to simplify correlation of MAL variables and
 * the columns in the underlying database.
 * If the status is set, then we consider the instruction DONE and the result variables 
 * should be shown as well.
static str
shortRenderingTerm(MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p, int idx)
	str s, nme;
	BAT *b;
	ValRecord *val;
	char *cv =0;
	int varid = getArg(p,idx);

	s= GDKmalloc(BUFSIZ);
	if( s == NULL)
		return NULL;
	*s = 0;

	if( isVarConstant(mb,varid) ){
		val =&getVarConstant(mb, varid);
		VALformat(&cv, val);
	} else {
		val = &stk->stk[varid];
		VALformat(&cv, val);
		nme = getSTC(mb, varid);
		if( nme == NULL) 
			nme = getVarName(mb, varid);
		if ( isaBatType(getArgType(mb,p,idx))){
			b = BBPquickdesc(abs(stk->stk[varid].val.ival),TRUE);
			snprintf(s,BUFSIZ,"%s["BUNFMT"]" ,nme, b?BATcount(b):0);
		} else
		if( cv)
			snprintf(s,BUFSIZ,"%s=%s ",nme,cv);
			snprintf(s,BUFSIZ,"%s ",nme);
	return s;
Example #9
 * The shortcut operator for factory calls assumes that the user is
 * not interested in the results produced.
callFactory(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, ValPtr argv[], char flag){
	Plant pl;
	InstrPtr psig = getInstrPtr(mb, 0);
	int i;
	ValPtr lhs,rhs;
	MalStkPtr stk;
	str ret;

	i= findPlant(mb);
	if( i< 0) {
		/* first call? prepare the factory */
		pl = newPlant(mb);
		if (pl == NULL)
			throw(MAL, "factory.call", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
		/* remember context, which does not exist. */
		pl->client = cntxt;
		pl->caller = 0;
		pl->env = 0;
		pl->pci = 0;
		pl->inuse = 1;
		stk = pl->stk;
		/* initialize the stack */
		stk->stktop= mb->vtop;
		stk->stksize= mb->vsize;
		stk->blk= mb;
		stk->up = 0;
		stk->cmd= flag;
		/* initialize the stack */
		for(i= psig->argc; i< mb->vtop; i++)
		if( isVarConstant(mb,i) > 0 ){
			lhs = &stk->stk[i];
			rhs = &getVarConstant(mb,i);
			if (VALcopy(lhs,rhs) == NULL)
				throw(MAL, "factory.call", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
		} else {
			lhs = &stk->stk[i];
			lhs->vtype = getVarGDKType(mb,i);
		pl->stk= stk;
	} else  {
		pl= plants+i;
		 * When you re-enter the factory the old arguments should be
		 * released to make room for the new ones.
		for (i = psig->retc; i < psig->argc; i++) {
			lhs = &pl->stk->stk[psig->argv[i]];
			if( lhs->vtype == TYPE_bat )
	/* copy the calling arguments onto the stack of the factory */
	i = psig->retc;
	for (i = psig->retc; i < psig->argc; i++) {
		lhs = &pl->stk->stk[psig->argv[i]];
		if (VALcopy(lhs, argv[i]) == NULL)
			throw(MAL, "factory.call", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
		if( lhs->vtype == TYPE_bat )
	ret=  reenterMAL(cntxt, mb, pl->pc, -1, pl->stk);
	/* garbage collect the string arguments, these positions
	   will simply be overwritten the next time.
	for (i = psig->retc; i < psig->argc; i++)
		garbageElement(lhs = &pl->stk->stk[psig->argv[i]]);
	return ret;
Example #10
OPTjsonImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i, j, limit, slimit;
	int bu = 0, br = 0, bj = 0;
	str nme;
	InstrPtr p,q;
	int actions = 0;
	InstrPtr *old;
	char buf[256];
	lng usec = GDKusec();
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;

	(void) pci;
	(void) cntxt;
	(void) stk;		/* to fool compilers */
	old= mb->stmt;
	limit= mb->stop;
	slimit = mb->ssize;
	if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb,mb->stop) < 0)
		throw(MAL,"optimizer.json", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
	for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef  && getFunctionId(p) == affectedRowsRef) {
			q = newInstruction(0, jsonRef, resultSetRef);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, bu);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, br);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, bj);
			j = getArg(q,0);
			p= getInstrPtr(mb,0);
			setDestVar(q, newTmpVariable(mb, TYPE_str));
			q = newInstruction(0, NULL, NULL);
			q->barrier = RETURNsymbol;
			getArg(q,0)= getArg(p,0);
		if( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef  && getFunctionId(p) == rsColumnRef) {
			nme = getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4)).val.sval;
			if (strcmp(nme,"uuid")==0)
				bu = getArg(p,7);
			if (strcmp(nme,"lng")==0)
				br = getArg(p,7);
			if (strcmp(nme,"json")==0)
				bj = getArg(p,7);
	for(; i<slimit; i++)
		if (old[i]) 
    /* Defense line against incorrect plans */
    if( actions > 0){
        chkTypes(cntxt->usermodule, mb, FALSE);
    /* keep all actions taken as a post block comment */
	usec = GDKusec()- usec;
    snprintf(buf,256,"%-20s actions=%2d time=" LLFMT " usec","json",actions, usec);
	if( actions >= 0)

	return msg;
Example #11
static void SQLgetStatistics(Client cntxt, mvc *m, MalBlkPtr mb)
	InstrPtr *old = NULL;
	int oldtop, i, actions = 0, size = 0;
	lng clk = GDKusec();
	sql_trans *tr = m->session->tr;
	str msg;

	old = mb->stmt;
	oldtop = mb->stop;
	size = (mb->stop * 1.2 < mb->ssize) ? mb->ssize : (int) (mb->stop * 1.2);
	mb->stmt = (InstrPtr *) GDKzalloc(size * sizeof(InstrPtr));
	mb->ssize = size;
	mb->stop = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < oldtop; i++) {
		InstrPtr p = old[i];
		char *f = getFunctionId(p);

		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && f == tidRef) {
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3)).val.sval;
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			sql_table *t;

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0) {
				pushInstruction(mb, p);

		       	t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);

			if (t && (!isRemote(t) && !isMergeTable(t)) && t->p) {
				int mt_member = t->p->base.id;
		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && (f == bindRef || f == bindidxRef)) {
			int upd = (p->argc == 7 || p->argc == 9);
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *cname = NULL;
			int mt_member = 0;
			BUN rows = 1;	/* default to cope with delta bats */
			int mode = 0;
			int k = getArg(p, 0);
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			BAT *b;

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0) {
				pushInstruction(mb, p);
			cname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 4 + upd)).val.sval;
			mode = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 5 + upd)).val.ival;

			if (s && f == bindidxRef && cname) {
				size_t cnt;
				sql_idx *i = mvc_bind_idx(m, s, cname);

				if (i && (!isRemote(i->t) && !isMergeTable(i->t))) {
					cnt = store_funcs.count_idx(tr, i, 1);
					assert(cnt <= (size_t) GDK_oid_max);
					b = store_funcs.bind_idx(m->session->tr, i, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						cnt = BATcount(b);
					rows = (BUN) cnt;
					if (i->t->p) 
						mt_member = i->t->p->base.id;
			} else if (s && f == bindRef && cname) {
				size_t cnt;
				sql_table *t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);
				sql_column *c = mvc_bind_column(m, t, cname);

				if (c && (!isRemote(c->t) && !isMergeTable(c->t))) {
					cnt = store_funcs.count_col(tr, c, 1);
					assert(cnt <= (size_t) GDK_oid_max);
					b = store_funcs.bind_col(m->session->tr, c, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						cnt = BATcount(b);
					rows = (BUN) cnt;
					if (c->t->p) 
						mt_member = c->t->p->base.id;
			if (rows > 1 && mode != RD_INS)
			if (mt_member && mode != RD_INS)

			pushInstruction(mb, p);
		} else {
			pushInstruction(mb, p);
	msg = optimizerCheck(cntxt, mb, "optimizer.SQLgetstatistics", actions, GDKusec() - clk);
	if (msg)		/* what to do with an error? */
Example #12
OPTevaluateImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	InstrPtr p;
	int i, k, limit, *alias, barrier;
	MalStkPtr env = NULL;
	int profiler;
	str msg;
	int debugstate = cntxt->itrace, actions = 0, constantblock = 0;
	int *assigned, setonce; 

	cntxt->itrace = 0;

	if (varGetProp(mb, getArg(mb->stmt[0], 0), inlineProp) != NULL)
		return 0;

	OPTDEBUGevaluate mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "Constant expression optimizer started\n");

	assigned = (int*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(int) * mb->vtop);
	if (assigned == NULL)
		return 0;

	alias = (int*)GDKzalloc(mb->vsize * sizeof(int) * 2); /* we introduce more */
	if (alias == NULL){
		return 0;

	// arguments are implicitly assigned by context
	p = getInstrPtr(mb, 0);
	for ( k =p->retc;  k < p->argc; k++)
	limit = mb->stop;
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = getInstrPtr(mb, i);
		// The double count emerging from a barrier exit is ignored.
		if (! blockExit(p) || (blockExit(p) && p->retc != p->argc))
		for ( k =0;  k < p->retc; k++)

	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = getInstrPtr(mb, i);
		for (k = p->retc; k < p->argc; k++)
			if (alias[getArg(p, k)])
				getArg(p, k) = alias[getArg(p, k)];
		// to avoid management of duplicate assignments over multiple blocks
		// we limit ourselfs to evaluation of the first assignment only.
		setonce = assigned[getArg(p,0)] == 1;
		OPTDEBUGevaluate printInstruction(cntxt->fdout, mb, 0, p, LIST_MAL_ALL);
		constantblock +=  blockStart(p) && OPTallConstant(cntxt,mb,p);

		/* be aware that you only assign once to a variable */
		if (setonce && p->retc == 1 && OPTallConstant(cntxt, mb, p) && !isUnsafeFunction(p)) {
			barrier = p->barrier;
			p->barrier = 0;
			profiler = malProfileMode;	/* we don't trace it */
			malProfileMode = 0;
			if ( env == NULL) {
				env = prepareMALstack(mb,  2 * mb->vsize );
				env->keepAlive = TRUE;
			msg = reenterMAL(cntxt, mb, i, i + 1, env);
			malProfileMode= profiler;
			p->barrier = barrier;
			OPTDEBUGevaluate {
				mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "#retc var %s\n", getVarName(mb, getArg(p, 0)));
				mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "#result:%s\n", msg == MAL_SUCCEED ? "ok" : msg);
			if (msg == MAL_SUCCEED) {
				int nvar;
				ValRecord cst;

				cst.vtype = 0;
				VALcopy(&cst, &env->stk[getArg(p, 0)]);
				/* You may not overwrite constants.  They may be used by
				 * other instructions */
				nvar = getArg(p, 1) = defConstant(mb, getArgType(mb, p, 0), &cst);
				if (nvar >= env->stktop) {
					VALcopy(&env->stk[getArg(p, 1)], &getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)));
					env->stktop = getArg(p, 1) + 1;
				alias[getArg(p, 0)] = getArg(p, 1);
				p->argc = 2;
				p->token = ASSIGNsymbol;
				p->barrier = barrier;
				/* freeze the type */
				OPTDEBUGevaluate {
					mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout, "Evaluated new constant=%d -> %d:%s\n",
						getArg(p, 0), getArg(p, 1), getTypeName(getArgType(mb, p, 1)));
			} else {
Example #13
OPTquerylogImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i, limit, slimit;
	InstrPtr p = 0, *old= mb->stmt, q,r;
	int argc, io, user,nice,sys,idle,iowait,load, arg, start,finish, name;
	int xtime=0, rtime = 0, tuples=0;
	InstrPtr defineQuery = NULL;

	// query log needed?
	if ( !QLOGisset() )
		return 0;
	(void) pci;
	(void) stk;		/* to fool compilers */
	(void) cntxt;
	/* gather information */
	for (i = 1; i < mb->stop; i++) {
		p = getInstrPtr(mb,i);
		if ( getModuleId(p) && idcmp(getModuleId(p), "querylog") == 0 && idcmp(getFunctionId(p),"define")==0){
			defineQuery= p;
			getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,3)).val.lval = GDKusec()-getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,3)).val.lval ;
	if ( defineQuery == NULL)
		/* nothing to do */
		return 0;

	limit= mb->stop;
	slimit= mb->ssize;
	if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb, mb->ssize) < 0)
		return 0; 

	pushInstruction(mb, old[0]);
	/* run the querylog.define operation */
	defineQuery = copyInstruction(defineQuery);
	setFunctionId(defineQuery, insertRef);
	getArg(defineQuery,0) = newTmpVariable(mb,TYPE_any);
	defineQuery->token = ASSIGNsymbol;

	/* collect the initial statistics */
	q = newStmt(mb, "clients", "getUsername");
	name= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("name"),TYPE_str);
	defineQuery = pushArgument(mb,defineQuery,name);
	q = newStmt(mb, "mtime", "current_timestamp");
	start= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("start"),TYPE_timestamp);
	defineQuery = pushArgument(mb,defineQuery,start);
	pushInstruction(mb, defineQuery);

	q = newStmt1(mb, sqlRef, "argRecord");
	for ( argc=1; argc < old[0]->argc; argc++)
		q = pushArgument(mb, q, getArg(old[0],argc));

	arg= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("args"),TYPE_str);

	q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
	xtime = getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("xtime"),TYPE_lng);
	user = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("user"),TYPE_lng);
	nice = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("nice"),TYPE_lng);
	sys = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("sys"),TYPE_lng);
	idle = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("idle"),TYPE_lng);
	iowait = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("iowait"),TYPE_lng);
	q = newStmt(mb, "profiler", "cpustats");
	q->retc= q->argc =0;
	q = pushReturn(mb,q,user);
	q = pushReturn(mb,q,nice);
	q = pushReturn(mb,q,sys);
	q = pushReturn(mb,q,idle);
	q = pushReturn(mb,q,iowait);
	q = newAssignment(mb);
	tuples= getArg(q,0) = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("tuples"),TYPE_wrd);
	(void) pushWrd(mb,q,1);

	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if (getModuleId(p)==sqlRef && 
			(idcmp(getFunctionId(p),"exportValue")==0 ||
			 idcmp(getFunctionId(p),"exportResult")==0  ) ) {

			q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
			r = newStmt1(mb, calcRef, "-");
			r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q,0));
			r = pushArgument(mb, r, xtime);

			q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
			rtime= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("rtime"),TYPE_lng);
		if ( getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && idcmp(getFunctionId(p),"resultSet")==0  && isaBatType(getVarType(mb,getArg(p,3)))){
			q = newStmt(mb, "aggr", "count");
			getArg(q,0) = tuples;
			(void) pushArgument(mb,q, getArg(p,3));
		if ( p->token== ENDsymbol || p->barrier == RETURNsymbol || p->barrier == YIELDsymbol){
			if ( rtime == 0){
				q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
				r = newStmt1(mb, calcRef, "-");
				r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q,0));
				r = pushArgument(mb, r, xtime);
				q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
				rtime= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("rtime"),TYPE_lng);
			q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
			r = newStmt1(mb, calcRef, "-");
			r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q,0));
			r = pushArgument(mb, r, rtime);
			 * Post execution statistics gathering
			q = newStmt(mb, "mtime", "current_timestamp");
			finish= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("finish"),TYPE_any);

			q = newStmt(mb, "profiler", "cpuload");
			load = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("load"),TYPE_int);
			getArg(q,0)= load;
			io = newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("io"),TYPE_int);
			q= pushReturn(mb,q,io);
			q = pushArgument(mb,q,user);
			q = pushArgument(mb,q,nice);
			q = pushArgument(mb,q,sys);
			q = pushArgument(mb,q,idle);
			q = pushArgument(mb,q,iowait);

			q = newStmt(mb, querylogRef, "call");
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, start);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, finish); 
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, arg);
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, tuples); 
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, xtime); 
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, rtime); 
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, load); 
			q = pushArgument(mb, q, io); 

		if (p->barrier == YIELDsymbol){
			/* the factory yield may return */
			q = newStmt(mb, "mtime", "current_timestamp");
			start= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("start"),TYPE_any);
			q = newStmt1(mb, sqlRef, "argRecord");
			for ( argc=1; argc < old[0]->argc; argc++)
				q = pushArgument(mb, q, getArg(old[0],argc));
			arg= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("args"),TYPE_str);
			q = newAssignment(mb);
			q = pushLng(mb,q,0);
			q = newAssignment(mb);
			q = pushWrd(mb,q,0);
			tuples= getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("tuples"),TYPE_wrd);
			q = newStmt(mb, "alarm", "usec");
			xtime = getArg(q,0)= newVariable(mb,GDKstrdup("xtime"),TYPE_lng);

	for( ; i<slimit; i++)
	return 1;
Example #14
OPTpushrangesImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i,j, limit,actions=0;
	InstrPtr p, *old;
	int x,y,z;
	Range range;

	if( mb->errors) 
		return 0;

	range= (Range) GDKzalloc(mb->vtop * sizeof(RangeRec));
	if (range == NULL)
		return 0;
		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Range select optimizer started\n");
	(void) stk;
	(void) pci;
	limit = mb->stop;
	old = mb->stmt;
	 * In phase I we collect information about constants
	for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];
		if( p->barrier) 
			break; /* end of optimizer */
		for(j=p->retc; j< p->argc; j++)
		for(j=0; j<p->retc; j++){
			range[getArg(p,j)].lastupdate= i;
			if( range[getArg(p,j)].lastrange == 0)
				range[getArg(p,j)].lastrange= i;
		if( getModuleId(p)== algebraRef && 
			( getFunctionId(p)== selectRef || getFunctionId(p)== uselectRef) ){
			 * The operation X:= algebra.select(Y,L,H,Li,Hi) is analysed.
			 * First, we attempt to propagate the range known for Y onto the
			 * requested range of X. This may lead to smaller range of
			 * even the conclusion that X is necessarily empty.
			 * Of course, only under the condition that Y has not been changed by a
			 * side-effect since it was bound to X.
			x= getArg(p,1);
			y= getArg(p,2);
			if( range[x].lcst && isVarConstant(mb,y) ){
				/* merge lowerbound */
				if( ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,range[x].lcst)), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)) ) > 0){
					getArg(p,2)= range[x].lcst;
					z= range[x].srcvar;
					if( getArg(p,1) == x && 
						range[z].lastupdate == range[z].lastrange){
						getArg(p,1) = z;
				y= getArg(p,3);
				/* merge higherbound */
				if( ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,range[x].hcst)), 
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)) ) < 0 ||
					ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y),
						VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)),
						 ATOMnilptr(getVarType(mb,y)) ) == 0){
					getArg(p,3)= range[x].hcst;
					z= range[x].srcvar;
					if( getArg(p,1) == x && range[z].lastupdate == range[z].lastrange){
						getArg(p,1) = z;
			 * The second step is to assign the result of this exercise to the
			 * result variable.
			x= getArg(p,0);
			if( isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,2)) ){
				range[x].lcst = getArg(p,2);
				range[x].srcvar= getArg(p,1);
				range[x].lastupdate= range[x].lastrange = i;
			if( isVarConstant(mb, getArg(p,3)) ){
				range[x].hcst = getArg(p,3);
				range[x].srcvar= getArg(p,1);
				range[x].lastupdate= range[x].lastrange = i;
			 * If both range bounds are constant, we can also detect empty results.
			 * It is empty if L> H or when L=H and the bounds are !(true,true).
			x= getArg(p,2);
			y= getArg(p,3);
			if( isVarConstant(mb, x)  &&
				isVarConstant(mb, y)  ){
				z =ATOMcmp( getVarGDKType(mb,y),
                        VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,x)),
                        VALptr( &getVarConstant(mb,y)));
				x=  p->argc > 4;
				x= x && isVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4));
				x= x && isVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,5));
				x= x && getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,4)).val.btval;
				x= x && getVarConstant(mb,getArg(p,5)).val.btval;
				if( z > 0 || (z==0 && p->argc>4 && !x)) {
					int var = getArg(p, 0);
					wrd zero = 0;
					ValRecord v, *vp;

					vp = VALset(&v, TYPE_wrd, &zero);
					varSetProp(mb, var, rowsProp, op_eq, vp);
					/* create an empty replacement */
					x = getArgType(mb, p, 1);
					getModuleId(p)= batRef;
					getFunctionId(p)= newRef;
					p= pushArgument(mb,p, newTypeVariable(mb, getHeadType(x)));
					(void) pushArgument(mb,p, newTypeVariable(mb, getTailType(x)));
		for(j=0; j< mb->vtop; j++)
		if( range[j].used )
			printRange(cntxt, mb,range,j);
	 * Phase II, if we succeeded in pushing constants around and
	 * changing instructions, we might as well try once more to perform
	 * aliasRemoval, constantExpression, and pushranges.
	return actions;
Example #15
OPTevaluateImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	InstrPtr p;
	int i, k, limit, *alias = 0, barrier;
	MalStkPtr env = NULL;
	int profiler;
	int debugstate = cntxt->itrace, actions = 0, constantblock = 0;
	int *assigned = 0, use; 
	char buf[256];
	lng usec = GDKusec();
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;


	if ( mb->inlineProp )
		return MAL_SUCCEED;

	cntxt->itrace = 0;

	fprintf(stderr, "Constant expression optimizer started\n");

	assigned = (int*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(int) * mb->vtop);
	if (assigned == NULL)
		throw(MAL,"optimzier.evaluate", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);

	alias = (int*)GDKzalloc(mb->vsize * sizeof(int) * 2); /* we introduce more */
	if (alias == NULL){
		throw(MAL,"optimzier.evaluate", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);

	// arguments are implicitly assigned by context
	p = getInstrPtr(mb, 0);
	for ( k =p->retc;  k < p->argc; k++)
	limit = mb->stop;
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = getInstrPtr(mb, i);
		// The double count emerging from a barrier exit is ignored.
		if (! blockExit(p) || (blockExit(p) && p->retc != p->argc))
		for ( k =0;  k < p->retc; k++)
		if ( p->retc != p->argc || p->token != ASSIGNsymbol )

	for (i = 1; i < limit && cntxt->mode != FINISHCLIENT; i++) {
		p = getInstrPtr(mb, i);
		// to avoid management of duplicate assignments over multiple blocks
		// we limit ourselves to evaluation of the first assignment only.
		use = assigned[getArg(p,0)] == 1 && !(p->argc == p->retc && blockExit(p));
		for (k = p->retc; k < p->argc; k++)
			if (alias[getArg(p, k)])
				getArg(p, k) = alias[getArg(p, k)];
		fprintInstruction(stderr , mb, 0, p, LIST_MAL_ALL);
		/* be aware that you only assign once to a variable */
		if (use && p->retc == 1 && OPTallConstant(cntxt, mb, p) && !isUnsafeFunction(p)) {
			barrier = p->barrier;
			p->barrier = 0;
			profiler = malProfileMode;	/* we don't trace it */
			malProfileMode = 0;
			if ( env == NULL) {
				env = prepareMALstack(mb,  2 * mb->vsize);
				if (!env) {
					msg = createException(MAL,"optimizer.evaluate", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
					goto wrapup;
				env->keepAlive = TRUE;
			msg = reenterMAL(cntxt, mb, i, i + 1, env);
			malProfileMode= profiler;
			p->barrier = barrier;
			fprintf(stderr, "#retc var %s\n", getVarName(mb, getArg(p, 0)));
			fprintf(stderr, "#result:%s\n", msg == MAL_SUCCEED ? "ok" : msg);
			if (msg == MAL_SUCCEED) {
				int nvar;
				ValRecord cst;

				cst.vtype = 0;
				VALcopy(&cst, &env->stk[getArg(p, 0)]);
				/* You may not overwrite constants.  They may be used by
				 * other instructions */
				nvar = getArg(p, 1) = defConstant(mb, getArgType(mb, p, 0), &cst);
				if (nvar >= env->stktop) {
					VALcopy(&env->stk[getArg(p, 1)], &getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1)));
					env->stktop = getArg(p, 1) + 1;
				alias[getArg(p, 0)] = getArg(p, 1);
				p->argc = 2;
				p->token = ASSIGNsymbol;
				p->barrier = barrier;
				/* freeze the type */
				{str tpename;
				fprintf(stderr, "Evaluated new constant=%d -> %d:%s\n",
					getArg(p, 0), getArg(p, 1), tpename = getTypeName(getArgType(mb, p, 1)));
			} else {
				/* if there is an error, we should postpone message handling,
					as the actual error (eg. division by zero ) may not happen) */
				fprintf(stderr, "Evaluated %s\n", msg);
				msg= MAL_SUCCEED;
				mb->errors = 0;
		constantblock +=  blockStart(p) && OPTallConstant(cntxt, mb, p);	/* default */
	// produces errors in SQL when enabled
	if ( constantblock)
		msg = OPTremoveUnusedBlocks(cntxt, mb);
	cntxt->itrace = debugstate;

    /* Defense line against incorrect plans */
	/* Plan is unaffected */
	chkTypes(cntxt->usermodule, mb, FALSE);
    /* keep all actions taken as a post block comment */
	usec = GDKusec()- usec;
    snprintf(buf,256,"%-20s actions=%2d time=" LLFMT " usec","evaluate",actions,usec);
	if( actions >= 0)

	if ( env) freeStack(env);
	if(assigned) GDKfree(assigned);
	if(alias)	GDKfree(alias);
	return msg;
Example #16
static str
renderTerm(MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p, int idx, int flg)
	char *buf =0;
	char *nme =0;
	int nameused = 0;
	size_t len = 0, maxlen = BUFSIZ;
	ValRecord *val = 0;
	char *cv =0;
	str tpe;
	int showtype = 0, closequote=0;
	int varid = getArg(p,idx);

	buf = GDKzalloc(maxlen);
	if( buf == NULL) {
		addMalException(mb, "renderTerm:Failed to allocate");
		return NULL;
	// show the name when required or is used
	if ((flg & LIST_MAL_NAME) && !isVarConstant(mb,varid) && !isVarTypedef(mb,varid)) {
		nme = getVarName(mb,varid);
		len +=snprintf(buf, maxlen, "%s", nme);
		nameused =1;
	// show the value when required or being a constant
	if( ((flg & LIST_MAL_VALUE) && stk != 0) || isVarConstant(mb,varid) ){
		if (nameused){
			strcat(buf + len,"=");

		// locate value record
		if (isVarConstant(mb,varid)){
			val = &getVarConstant(mb, varid);
			showtype= getVarType(mb,varid) != TYPE_str && getVarType(mb,varid) != TYPE_bit;
		} else if( stk)
			val = &stk->stk[varid];

		if ((cv = VALformat(val)) == NULL) {
			addMalException(mb, "renderTerm:Failed to allocate");
			return NULL;
		if (len + strlen(cv) >= maxlen) {
			char *nbuf= GDKrealloc(buf, maxlen =len + strlen(cv) + BUFSIZ);

			if( nbuf == 0){
				addMalException(mb,"renderTerm:Failed to allocate");
				return NULL;
			buf = nbuf;

		if( strcmp(cv,"nil") == 0){
			len += strlen(buf+len);
			showtype = showtype || getBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)) > TYPE_str || 
				((isVarUDFtype(mb,varid) || isVarTypedef(mb,varid)) && isVarConstant(mb,varid)) || isaBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)); 
		} else{
			if ( !isaBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)) && getBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)) > TYPE_str ){
				closequote = 1;
			len += strlen(buf+len);

			if( closequote ){
			showtype = showtype || closequote > TYPE_str || ((isVarUDFtype(mb,varid) || isVarTypedef(mb,varid) || (flg & (LIST_MAL_REMOTE | LIST_MAL_TYPE))) && isVarConstant(mb,varid)) ||
				(isaBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)) && idx < p->retc);

			if (stk && isaBatType(getVarType(mb,varid)) && stk->stk[varid].val.bval ){
				BAT *d= BBPquickdesc(stk->stk[varid].val.bval, true);
				if( d)
					len += snprintf(buf+len,maxlen-len,"[" BUNFMT "]", BATcount(d));

	// show the type when required or frozen by the user
	// special care should be taken with constants, they may have been casted
	if ((flg & LIST_MAL_TYPE) || (isVarUDFtype(mb, varid) && idx < p->retc) || isVarTypedef(mb,varid) || showtype){
		strcat(buf + len,":");
		tpe = getTypeName(getVarType(mb, varid));
		len += snprintf(buf+len,maxlen-len,"%s",tpe);

	if( len >= maxlen)
		addMalException(mb,"renderTerm:Value representation too large");
	return buf;
Example #17
static lng
SQLgetSpace(mvc *m, MalBlkPtr mb, int prepare)
	sql_trans *tr = m->session->tr;
	lng size,space = 0, i;
	str lasttable = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < mb->stop; i++) {
		InstrPtr p = mb->stmt[i];

		/* now deal with the update binds, it is only necessary to identify that there are updats
		 * The actual size is not that important */
		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == bindRef  && p->retc <= 2){
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			char *cname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			int access = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 4 + p->retc)).val.ival;
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			sql_table *t = 0;
			sql_column *c = 0;

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0)
			t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);
			if (!t)
			c = mvc_bind_column(m, t, cname);
			if (!s)

			/* we have to sum the cost of all three components of a BAT */
			if (c && (!isRemote(c->t) && !isMergeTable(c->t)) && (lasttable == 0 || strcmp(lasttable,tname)==0)) {
				size = SQLgetColumnSize(tr, c, access);
				space += size;	// accumulate once per table
				//lasttable = tname;	 invalidate this attempt
				if( !prepare && size == 0  && ! t->system){
					//mnstr_printf(GDKout,"found empty column %s.%s.%s prepare %d size "LLFMT"\n",sname,tname,cname,prepare,size);
					setFunctionId(p, emptybindRef);
		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && (getFunctionId(p) == bindidxRef)) {
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 1 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			//char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			char *idxname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3 + p->retc)).val.sval;
			int access = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 4 + p->retc)).val.ival;
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			BAT *b;

			if (getFunctionId(p) == bindidxRef) {
				sql_idx *i = mvc_bind_idx(m, s, idxname);

				if (i && (!isRemote(i->t) && !isMergeTable(i->t))) {
					b = store_funcs.bind_idx(tr, i, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						space += (size =getBatSpace(b));
						if (!size) {
							sql_column *c = i->t->columns.set->h->data;
							size = SQLgetColumnSize(tr, c, access);

						if( !prepare && size == 0 && ! i->t->system){
							setFunctionId(p, emptybindidxRef);
							//mnstr_printf(GDKout,"found empty column %s.%s.%s prepare %d size "LLFMT"\n",sname,tname,idxname,prepare,size);
	return space;
Example #18
static void
SQLgetStatistics(Client cntxt, mvc *m, MalBlkPtr mb)
	InstrPtr *old = NULL;
	int oldtop, i, actions = 0, size = 0;
	lng clk = GDKusec();
	sql_trans *tr = m->session->tr;
	str msg;

	old = mb->stmt;
	oldtop = mb->stop;
	size = (mb->stop * 1.2 < mb->ssize) ? mb->ssize : (int) (mb->stop * 1.2);
	mb->stmt = (InstrPtr *) GDKzalloc(size * sizeof(InstrPtr));
	mb->ssize = size;
	mb->stop = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < oldtop; i++) {
		InstrPtr p = old[i];
		char *f = getFunctionId(p);
		ValRecord vr;

		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && f == tidRef) {
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3)).val.sval;
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			sql_table *t;

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0) {
				pushInstruction(mb, p);

		       	t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);

			if (t && (!isRemote(t) && !isMergeTable(t)) && t->p) {
				int k = getArg(p, 0), mt_member = t->p->base.id;

				varSetProp(mb, k, mtProp, op_eq, VALset(&vr, TYPE_int, &mt_member));
		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && (f == bindRef || f == bindidxRef)) {
			int upd = (p->argc == 7 || p->argc == 9);
			char *sname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 2 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *tname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 3 + upd)).val.sval;
			char *cname = NULL;
			int not_null = 0, mt_member = 0;
			wrd rows = 1;	/* default to cope with delta bats */
			int mode = 0;
			int k = getArg(p, 0);
			sql_schema *s = mvc_bind_schema(m, sname);
			BAT *b;

			if (!s || strcmp(s->base.name, dt_schema) == 0) {
				pushInstruction(mb, p);
			cname = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 4 + upd)).val.sval;
			mode = getVarConstant(mb, getArg(p, 5 + upd)).val.ival;

			if (s && f == bindidxRef && cname) {
				size_t cnt;
				sql_idx *i = mvc_bind_idx(m, s, cname);

				if (i && (!isRemote(i->t) && !isMergeTable(i->t))) {
					cnt = store_funcs.count_idx(tr, i, 1);
					assert(cnt <= (size_t) GDK_oid_max);
					b = store_funcs.bind_idx(m->session->tr, i, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						str loc;
						if (b->batPersistence == PERSISTENT && BATlocation(&loc, &b->batCacheid) && loc)
							varSetProp(mb, k, fileProp, op_eq, VALset(&vr, TYPE_str, loc));
						cnt = BATcount(b);
					rows = (wrd) cnt;
					if (i->t->p) 
						mt_member = i->t->p->base.id;
			} else if (s && f == bindRef && cname) {
				size_t cnt;
				sql_table *t = mvc_bind_table(m, s, tname);
				sql_column *c = mvc_bind_column(m, t, cname);

				if (c && (!isRemote(c->t) && !isMergeTable(c->t))) {
					not_null = !c->null;

					cnt = store_funcs.count_col(tr, c, 1);
					assert(cnt <= (size_t) GDK_oid_max);
					b = store_funcs.bind_col(m->session->tr, c, RDONLY);
					if (b) {
						str loc;
						if (b->batPersistence == PERSISTENT && BATlocation(&loc, &b->batCacheid) && loc)
							varSetProp(mb, k, fileProp, op_eq, VALset(&vr, TYPE_str, loc));
						cnt = BATcount(b);
					rows = (wrd) cnt;
					if (c->t->p) 
						mt_member = c->t->p->base.id;
			if (rows > 1 && mode != RD_INS)
				varSetProp(mb, k, rowsProp, op_eq, VALset(&vr, TYPE_wrd, &rows));
			if (not_null)
				varSetProp(mb, k, notnilProp, op_eq, NULL);
			if (mt_member && mode != RD_INS)
				varSetProp(mb, k, mtProp, op_eq, VALset(&vr, TYPE_int, &mt_member));

				int lowprop = hlbProp, highprop = hubProp;
				/* rows == cnt has been checked above to be <= GDK_oid_max */
				oid low = 0, high = low + (oid) rows;
				pushInstruction(mb, p);

				if (mode == RD_INS) {
					low = high;
					high += 1024 * 1024;
				varSetProp(mb, getArg(p, 0), lowprop, op_gte, VALset(&vr, TYPE_oid, &low));
				varSetProp(mb, getArg(p, 0), highprop, op_lt, VALset(&vr, TYPE_oid, &high));

			if (not_null)
		} else {
			pushInstruction(mb, p);
	msg = optimizerCheck(cntxt, mb, "optimizer.SQLgetstatistics", actions, GDKusec() - clk);
	if (msg)		/* what to do with an error? */
Example #19
OPTpushselectImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	int i, j, limit, slimit, actions=0, *vars, push_down_delta = 0, nr_topn = 0, nr_likes = 0;
	InstrPtr p, *old;
	subselect_t subselects;

	memset(&subselects, 0, sizeof(subselects));
	if( mb->errors) 
		return 0;

		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Push select optimizer started\n");
	(void) stk;
	(void) pci;
	vars= (int*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(int)* mb->vtop);
	if( vars == NULL)
		return 0;

	limit = mb->stop;
	slimit= mb->ssize;
	old = mb->stmt;

	/* check for bailout conditions */
	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		int lastbat;
		p = old[i];

		for (j = 0; j<p->retc; j++) {
 			int res = getArg(p, j);
			vars[res] = i;

		if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && 
			(getFunctionId(p) == tintersectRef || getFunctionId(p) == tinterRef || 
			 getFunctionId(p) == tdifferenceRef || getFunctionId(p) == tdiffRef)) {
			return 0;

		if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == sliceRef)

		if (isLikeOp(p))

		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == deltaRef)

		if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == tidRef) { /* rewrite equal table ids */
			int sname = getArg(p, 2), tname = getArg(p, 3), s;

			for (s = 0; s < subselects.nr; s++) {
				InstrPtr q = old[vars[subselects.tid[s]]];
				int Qsname = getArg(q, 2), Qtname = getArg(q, 3);

				if (no_updates(old, vars, getArg(q,1), getArg(p,1)) &&
				    ((sname == Qsname && tname == Qtname) ||
				    (0 && strcmp(getVarConstant(mb, sname).val.sval, getVarConstant(mb, Qsname).val.sval) == 0 &&
				     strcmp(getVarConstant(mb, tname).val.sval, getVarConstant(mb, Qtname).val.sval) == 0))) {
					p->retc = 1;
					p->argc = 2;
					getArg(p, 1) = getArg(q, 0);
		lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p);
		if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1 &&
		   /* no cand list */ getArgType(mb, p, lastbat) != newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)) {
			int i1 = getArg(p, 1), tid = 0;
			InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]];

			/* find the table ids */
			while(!tid) {
				if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]];
					if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) 
						tid = getArg(q, 1);
					if (s->argc == 2 && s->retc == 1) {
						int i1 = getArg(s, 1);
						InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]];
						if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) 
							tid = getArg(q, 1);
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					q = old[vars[i1]];
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) {
					int i2 = getArg(q, 2);
					q = old[vars[i2]];
				} else {
			if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 0)) < 0) {
				return 0;
		/* left hand side */
		if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) &&
		     isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2) { 
			int i1 = getArg(p, 2), tid = 0;
			InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]];

			/* find the table ids */
			while(!tid) {
				if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]];
					if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) 
						tid = getArg(q, 1);
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					q = old[vars[i1]];
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) {
					int i2 = getArg(q, 2);
					q = old[vars[i2]];
				} else {
			if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 0)) < 0) {
				return 0;
		/* right hand side */
		if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) &&
		     isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2) { 
			int i1 = getArg(p, 3), tid = 0;
			InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]];

			/* find the table ids */
			while(!tid) {
				if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]];
					if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) 
						tid = getArg(q, 1);
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) {
					int i1 = getArg(q, 1);
					q = old[vars[i1]];
				} else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) {
					int i2 = getArg(q, 2);
					q = old[vars[i2]];
				} else {
			if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 1)) < 0) {
				return 0;

	if ((!subselects.nr && !nr_topn && !nr_likes) || newMalBlkStmt(mb, mb->ssize) <0 ) {
		return 0;

	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		p = old[i];

		/* rewrite batalgebra.like + subselect -> likesubselect */
		if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && p->retc == 1 && getFunctionId(p) == subselectRef) { 
			int var = getArg(p, 1);
			InstrPtr q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; /* BEWARE: the optimizer may not add or remove statements ! */

			if (isLikeOp(q)) { /* TODO check if getArg(p, 3) value == TRUE */
				InstrPtr r = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol);
				int has_cand = (getArgType(mb, p, 2) == newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); 
				int a, anti = (getFunctionId(q)[0] == 'n'), ignore_case = (getFunctionId(q)[anti?4:0] == 'i');

				setModuleId(r, algebraRef);
				setFunctionId(r, likesubselectRef);
				getArg(r,0) = getArg(p,0);
				r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q, 1));
				if (has_cand)
					r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(p, 2));
				for(a = 2; a<q->argc; a++)
					r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q, a));
				if (r->argc < (4+has_cand))
					r = pushStr(mb, r, ""); /* default esc */ 
				if (r->argc < (5+has_cand))
					r = pushBit(mb, r, ignore_case);
				if (r->argc < (6+has_cand))
					r = pushBit(mb, r, anti);
				p = r;

		/* inject table ids into subselect 
		 * s = subselect(c, C1..) => subselect(c, t, C1..)
		if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1) { 
			int tid = 0;

			if ((tid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0) {
				int lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p);
				if (getArgType(mb, p, lastbat) == TYPE_bat) /* empty candidate list bat_nil */
					getArg(p, lastbat) = tid;
					p = PushArgument(mb, p, tid, lastbat+1);
				/* make sure to resolve again */
				p->token = ASSIGNsymbol; 
				p->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        			p->fcn = NULL;
        			p->blk = NULL;
		else if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) &&
			 isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2
			 && !(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef && p->argc > 4)
			 ) { 
			int ltid = 0, rtid = 0, done = 0;
			int range = 0;

			if(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef)
				range = (p->argc >= 4);

			if ((ltid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0 && 
			    (rtid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 1))) >= 0) {
				p = PushArgument(mb, p, ltid, 4+range);
				p = PushArgument(mb, p, rtid, 5+range);
				done = 1;
			} else if ((ltid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0) { 
				p = PushArgument(mb, p, ltid, 4+range);
				p = PushNil(mb, p, 5+range, TYPE_bat); 
				done = 1;
			} else if ((rtid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 1))) >= 0) {
				p = PushNil(mb, p, 4+range, TYPE_bat); 
				p = PushArgument(mb, p, rtid, 5+range);
				done = 1;
			if (done) {
				if(getFunctionId(p) == antijoinRef)
					p = pushInt(mb, p, JOIN_NE); 
				p = pushBit(mb, p, FALSE); /* do not match nils */
				p = pushNil(mb, p, TYPE_lng); /* no estimate */

				/* TODO join* -> subjoin* */
				if(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef)
					getFunctionId(p) = subjoinRef;
				else if(getFunctionId(p) == antijoinRef)
					getFunctionId(p) = subthetajoinRef;
				else if(getFunctionId(p) == thetajoinRef)
					getFunctionId(p) = subthetajoinRef;
				else if(getFunctionId(p) == bandjoinRef)
					getFunctionId(p) = subbandjoinRef;
				/* make sure to resolve again */
				p->token = ASSIGNsymbol; 
				p->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        			p->fcn = NULL;
        			p->blk = NULL;
		/* Leftfetchjoins involving rewriten table ids need to be flattend
		 * l = leftfetchjoin(t, c); => l = c;
		 * and
		 * l = leftfetchjoin(s, ntids); => l = s;
		else if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == leftfetchjoinRef) {
			int var = getArg(p, 1);
			if (subselect_find_subselect(&subselects, var) > 0) {
				InstrPtr q = newAssignment(mb);

				getArg(q, 0) = getArg(p, 0); 
				(void) pushArgument(mb, q, getArg(p, 2));
			} else { /* deletes/updates use table ids */
				int var = getArg(p, 2);
				InstrPtr q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; /* BEWARE: the optimizer may not add or remove statements ! */

				if (q->token == ASSIGNsymbol) {
					var = getArg(q, 1);
					q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; 
				if (subselect_find_subselect(&subselects, var) > 0) {
					InstrPtr qq = newAssignment(mb);
					/* TODO: check result */

					getArg(qq, 0) = getArg(p, 0); 
					(void) pushArgument(mb, qq, getArg(p, 1));
				/* c = sql.delta(b,uid,uval,ins);
		 		 * l = leftfetchjoin(x, c); 
		 		 * into
		 		 * l = sql.projectdelta(x,b,uid,uval,ins);
				else if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == deltaRef && q->argc == 5) {
					q = copyInstruction(q);
					setFunctionId(q, projectdeltaRef);
					getArg(q, 0) = getArg(p, 0); 
					q = PushArgument(mb, q, getArg(p, 1), 1);
					p = q;
	for (; i<limit; i++) 
		if (old[i])
	for (; i<slimit; i++) 
		if (old[i])
	if (!push_down_delta) {
		return actions;

	/* now push selects through delta's */
	limit = mb->stop;
	slimit= mb->ssize;
	old = mb->stmt;

	if (newMalBlkStmt(mb, mb->stop+(5*push_down_delta)) <0 ) {
		mb->stmt = old;
		return actions;


	for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
		int lastbat;
		p = old[i];

		for (j = 0; j<p->retc; j++) {
 			int res = getArg(p, j);
			vars[res] = i;

		/* push subslice under projectdelta */
		if (isSlice(p) && p->retc == 1) {
			int var = getArg(p, 1);
			InstrPtr q = old[vars[var]];
			if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == projectdeltaRef) {
				InstrPtr r = copyInstruction(p);
				InstrPtr s = copyInstruction(q);
				ValRecord cst;

				/* slice the candidates */
				setFunctionId(r, sliceRef);
				getArg(r, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid));
				getArg(r, 1) = getArg(s, 1); 
				cst.vtype = getArgType(mb, r, 2);
				cst.val.wval = 0;
				getArg(r, 2) = defConstant(mb, cst.vtype, &cst); /* start from zero */

				/* dummy result for the old q, will be removed by deadcode optimizer */
				getArg(q, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, getArgType(mb, q, 0));

				getArg(s, 1) = getArg(r, 0); /* use result of subslice */
				pushInstruction(mb, s);
		/* c = delta(b, uid, uvl, ins)
		 * s = subselect(c, C1..)
		 * nc = subselect(b, C1..)
		 * ni = subselect(ins, C1..)
		 * nu = subselect(uvl, C1..)
		 * s = subdelta(nc, uid, nu, ni);
		 * doesn't handle Xsubselect(x, .. z, C1.. cases) ie multicolumn selects
		lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p);
		if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1 && lastbat == 2) {
			int var = getArg(p, 1);
			InstrPtr q = old[vars[var]];

			if (q->token == ASSIGNsymbol) {
				var = getArg(q, 1);
				q = old[vars[var]]; 
			if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == deltaRef) {
				InstrPtr r = copyInstruction(p);
				InstrPtr s = copyInstruction(p);
				InstrPtr t = copyInstruction(p);
				InstrPtr u = copyInstruction(q);
				getArg(r, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid));
				getArg(r, 1) = getArg(q, 1); /* column */
				getArg(s, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid));
				getArg(s, 1) = getArg(q, 3); /* updates */
				s = ReplaceWithNil(mb, s, 2, TYPE_bat); /* no candidate list */
				setArgType(mb, s, 2, newBatType(TYPE_oid,TYPE_oid));
				/* make sure to resolve again */
				s->token = ASSIGNsymbol; 
				s->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        			s->fcn = NULL;
        			s->blk = NULL;
				getArg(t, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid));
				getArg(t, 1) = getArg(q, 4); /* inserts */

				setFunctionId(u, subdeltaRef);
				getArg(u, 0) = getArg(p,0);
				getArg(u, 1) = getArg(r,0);
				getArg(u, 2) = getArg(p,2); /* pre-cands */
				getArg(u, 3) = getArg(q,2); /* update ids */
				getArg(u, 4) = getArg(s,0);
				u = pushArgument(mb, u, getArg(t,0));
	for (; i<limit; i++) 
		if (old[i])
	return actions;
Example #20
runFactory(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalBlkPtr mbcaller, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	Plant pl=0;
	int firstcall= TRUE, i, k;
	InstrPtr psig = getInstrPtr(mb, 0);
	ValPtr lhs, rhs;
	char cmd;
	str msg;

	fprintf(stderr, "#factoryMgr called\n");
	/* the lookup can be largely avoided by handing out the index
	   upon factory definition. todo
		Alternative is to move them to the front
	for(i=0; i< lastPlant; i++)
	if( plants[i].factory == mb){
		if(i > 0 && i< lastPlant ){
			PlantRecord prec= plants[i-1];
			plants[i-1] = plants[i];
			plants[i]= prec;
		pl= plants+i;
		firstcall= FALSE;
	if (pl == 0) {
		/* compress the plant table*/
		for(k=i=0;i<=lastPlant; i++)
		if( plants[i].inuse)
			plants[k++]= plants[i];
		lastPlant = k;
		/* initialize a new plant using the owner policy */
		pl = newPlant(mb);
		if (pl == NULL)
			throw(MAL, "factory.new", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
	 * We have found a factory to process the request.
	 * Let's call it as a synchronous action, without concern on parallelism.
	/* remember context */
	pl->client = cntxt;
	pl->caller = mbcaller;
	pl->env = stk;
	pl->pci = pci;
	pl->inuse = 1;
	/* inherit debugging */
	cmd = stk->cmd;
	if ( pl->stk == NULL)
		throw(MAL, "factory.new", "internal error, stack frame missing");

	/* copy the calling arguments onto the stack
	   of the factory */
	i = psig->retc;
	for (k = pci->retc; i < pci->argc; i++, k++) {
		lhs = &pl->stk->stk[psig->argv[k]];
		/* variable arguments ? */
		if (k == psig->argc - 1)

		rhs = &pl->env->stk[getArg(pci, i)];
		if (VALcopy(lhs, rhs) == NULL)
			throw(MAL, "factory.call", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
		if( lhs->vtype == TYPE_bat )
	if (mb->errors)
		throw(MAL, "factory.call", PROGRAM_GENERAL);
	if (firstcall ){
		/* initialize the stack */
		for(i= psig->argc; i< mb->vtop; i++) {
			lhs = &pl->stk->stk[i];
			if( isVarConstant(mb,i) > 0 ){
				if( !isVarDisabled(mb,i)){
					rhs = &getVarConstant(mb,i);
					if (VALcopy(lhs,rhs) == NULL)
						throw(MAL, "factory.call", SQLSTATE(HY001) MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
			} else{
				lhs->vtype = getVarGDKType(mb,i);
				lhs->val.pval = 0;
				lhs->len = 0;
		pl->stk->stkbot= mb->vtop;	/* stack already initialized */
		msg = runMAL(cntxt, mb, 0, pl->stk);
	 } else {
		msg = reenterMAL(cntxt, mb, pl->pc, -1, pl->stk);
	/* propagate change in debugging status */
	if (cmd && pl->stk && pl->stk->cmd != cmd && cmd != 'x')
		for (; stk; stk = stk->up)
			stk->cmd = pl->stk->cmd;
	return msg;