Example #1
 * Find out if the current number of children at a given position should be changed
 * (player has moved relative to it)
bool SphereFraction::autoNumUpdateReq(SimpleVec3d campos_relative, float intensity,
		SimpleVec3d position)
	float camdist = getVectorLength(campos_relative - position);
	if (camdist == 0) return false; /* prevent infinite children */
	return camdist < m_fracsize * intensity;
Example #2
SimpleVec3d SimpleVec3d::normalize()
	double len = getVectorLength(*this);

	x /= len;
	y /= len;
	z /= len;

	return *this;
void LaserCamHyperopt::colorizeCloudPinhole(PointCloudIntensity::Ptr input_cloud,
        PointCloudRGB::Ptr output_cloud_rgb,
        PointCloudIntensity::Ptr output_cloud_visible_for_cam)
    // generate a mapping to save the indices of points that correspond to a specific pixel
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > mapping_points_to_pixels (m_current_image.rows, std::vector<std::vector<int> >(m_current_image.cols, std::vector<int>(0) ) );
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > > mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels (m_current_image.rows, std::vector<std::vector<float> >(m_current_image.cols, std::vector<float>(0) ) );

    int index_counter = 0;

    for(auto& point : input_cloud->points)
        // check if point is not behind the camera
        if(point.z < 0.0)

        cv::Point3d pos(point.x, point.y, point.z);

        cv::Point2d rectPixel = m_cam_model.project3dToPixel(pos);
        cv::Point2d pixel = m_cam_model.unrectifyPoint(rectPixel);

        pixel = double(m_current_image.cols / m_cam_model.fullResolution().width) * pixel;

        cv::Point2i ipix(pixel.x, pixel.y);

        // check if pixel index is valid
        if(ipix.x < 0 || ipix.y < 0 || ipix.x >= (int)m_current_image.cols || ipix.y >= (int)m_current_image.rows)

        cv::Vec3b color = m_current_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(ipix.y, ipix.x);

        pcl::PointXYZRGB colorized_point;

        colorized_point.x = point.x;
        colorized_point.y = point.y;
        colorized_point.z = point.z;
        colorized_point.r = color[2];
        colorized_point.g = color[1];
        colorized_point.b = color[0];




    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("filtering occluded points in cloud");
    filterOccludedPoints(output_cloud_rgb, output_cloud_visible_for_cam, mapping_points_to_pixels, mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels);
Example #4
void randomPlanetPosition(SimpleVec3d *pos, SimpleVec3d *vel, SimpleVec3d gravcen, SimpleVec3d axis)
	// Generate random rotation by the given parameters
	double randangle = 1. * rand() / RAND_MAX * 2 * PI;
	glm::quat randquat = glm::angleAxis((float)randangle, axis.normalize().toVec3());

	// Rotate velocity of the Planet
	double vel_len = getVectorLength(*vel);
	*vel = rotateVecByQuat((*vel).normalize(), randquat).normalize();
	(*vel) *= vel_len;

	// Rotate the relative position of the planet around the gravity center
	// (sun / star / other planet in case this "Planet" is actually a moon)
	SimpleVec3d pos_rel = *pos - gravcen;

	double pos_len = getVectorLength(pos_rel);
	pos_rel = rotateVecByQuat(pos_rel, randquat).normalize();
	pos_rel *= pos_len;

	*pos = gravcen + pos_rel;
Example #5
vector DAX_load_data(int *array, int size) {
	int lines;
	struct timespec tstart, tend;
	vector valuesVec;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_HIGHRES, &tstart);
	valuesVec = vector_load_from_array(array, size, INTEGER, sizeof(int));
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_HIGHRES, &tend);
	fprintf(stderr, "%.6f seconds to load %d integers from array using DAX library\n",
		(tend.tv_sec + 1.0e-9*tend.tv_nsec) -
		(tstart.tv_sec + 1.0e-9*tstart.tv_nsec), getVectorLength(valuesVec));

	return valuesVec;
Example #6
 * \brief Creates a new SphereFraction
 * \param p The bounds of the new SphereFraction
 * Only to be used to created children SphereFractions.
SphereFraction::SphereFraction(SphericalVector3f *p) :

	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		m_positions[i] = p[i];

	SphericalVector3f diffvector_spherical(m_positions[0].radius,
		m_positions[1].inclination - m_positions[3].inclination + PI / 2,
		m_positions[1].azimuth - m_positions[3].azimuth);

	SimpleVec3d diffvector = SimpleVec3d(SphericalVector3f(m_positions[0].radius, PI / 2, 0))
		- SimpleVec3d(diffvector_spherical); 

	m_fracsize = getVectorLength(diffvector);
void ofxGrabbableSource::update(){//TODO radius und zeit für bestimmung wie oft und wieviele!!!
	float alphaStep;
	float percentPerFrame;
	float radius;
	if(modi == 0){
		alphaStep = settings->particleAlphaStep0;
		percentPerFrame = settings->percemtPerFrame0;
		radius = settings->particleRadius0;
		alphaStep = settings->particleAlphaStep1;
		percentPerFrame = settings->percemtPerFrame1;
		radius = settings->particleRadius1;
	radius = radius>1 ? radius : 1;
	float particleArea = radius * radius * PI;
	int particlePerFrame = ceil(percentPerFrame / (1.f/(calcArea/particleArea)));

	for(int i=0;i<particlePerFrame;++i){
		ParticleQ3 * p;
			p = (ParticleQ3*)particleSystem->getNext();
		float alpha = ofRandom(0,360);
	    ofVec3f v(0,1);
	    v += *this;
		p->x = v.x+tx;
		p->y = v.y+ty;
		p->xv = p->yv = 0;
void LaserCamHyperopt::filterOccludedPoints(PointCloudRGB::Ptr output_cloud_rgb, PointCloudIntensity::Ptr output_cloud_visible_for_cam,
        const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > &mapping_points_to_pixels,
        const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > > &mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels)
    // check each pixel of the image or neighborhood of pixels
    // if it corresponds to more than one cloud point, keep only closer point
    PointCloudRGB::Ptr filtered_rgb_cloud (new PointCloudRGB);
    PointCloudIntensity::Ptr filtered_intens_cloud (new PointCloudIntensity);
    std::vector<bool> indices_to_delete(output_cloud_rgb->size(), false);
    int neighborhood_radius_in_pixels = 3;//m_pixel_neighborhood();
    float epsilon_dist_to_ray = 0.01;//m_epsilon_dist_to_ray();

    for(int row_index = 0; row_index < m_current_image.rows; row_index++)
        for(int col_index = 0; col_index < m_current_image.cols; col_index++)
            // if there is a point to check
            if(mapping_points_to_pixels[row_index][col_index].size() > 0)
                // get index of point with min distance to origin/cam
                auto min_dist_element_index = std::distance(mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels[row_index][col_index].begin(),

                // select one point for the ray which goes through the origin and this point
                int index_of_point_for_ray = mapping_points_to_pixels[row_index][col_index][min_dist_element_index];
                pcl::PointXYZ point_for_ray(output_cloud_rgb->points[index_of_point_for_ray].x,
                float distance_origin_to_ray_point = mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels[row_index][col_index][min_dist_element_index] + 0.03;

                // compute distances of the neighboring points to the current ray and colorize those with a small distance
                for(int local_row_index = std::max(0, row_index - neighborhood_radius_in_pixels);
                        local_row_index < std::min(m_current_image.rows,row_index + neighborhood_radius_in_pixels); local_row_index++)
                    for(int local_col_index = std::max(0, col_index - neighborhood_radius_in_pixels);
                            local_col_index < std::min(m_current_image.cols, col_index + neighborhood_radius_in_pixels); local_col_index++)
                        if(mapping_points_to_pixels[local_row_index][local_col_index].size() > 0)
                            for(unsigned int point_in_pixel = 0; point_in_pixel < mapping_points_to_pixels[local_row_index][local_col_index].size(); point_in_pixel++)
                                int index_of_current_point = mapping_points_to_pixels[local_row_index][local_col_index][point_in_pixel];
                                // the distance to the ray checks more or less the same as the size of the neighborhood does
                                // but geometrically more precise, since a pixel distance depends on the distance of the object to the camera
                                //   if there are performance issues it could be discarded
                                float distance_to_ray = distPointToRayThroughOrigin(output_cloud_rgb->points[index_of_current_point], point_for_ray);
                                float distance_origin_to_point = getVectorLength(output_cloud_rgb->points[index_of_current_point]);
                                if((distance_to_ray < epsilon_dist_to_ray) && (distance_origin_to_point > distance_origin_to_ray_point))
                                    indices_to_delete[index_of_current_point] = true;

    for(unsigned int index = 0; index < indices_to_delete.size(); index++)
        if(indices_to_delete[index] == false)
// distance between a point x_0 to a ray that goes through the origin x_1 and the point x_2
// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance3-Dimensional.html
float distPointToRayThroughOrigin(const pcl::PointXYZRGB &x_0, const pcl::PointXYZ &x_2)
    float numerator = getVectorLength(crossProduct(x_2, pcl::PointXYZ(-x_0.x, -x_0.y, -x_0.z)));
    float denominator = getVectorLength(x_2);
    return numerator/denominator;
void LaserCamHyperopt::colorizeCloudOmni(PointCloudIntensity::Ptr input_cloud,
        PointCloudRGB::Ptr output_cloud_rgb,
        PointCloudIntensity::Ptr output_cloud_visible_for_cam)
    // generate a mapping to save the indices of points that correspond to a specific pixel
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > mapping_points_to_pixels (m_current_image.rows, std::vector<std::vector<int> >(m_current_image.cols, std::vector<int>(0) ) );
    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > > mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels (m_current_image.rows, std::vector<std::vector<float> >(m_current_image.cols, std::vector<float>(0) ) );

    // TODO: replace hardcoded values (for overhead camera of Momaro) by parameters
    double xi = 1.9460225633816206;
    // if xi < 1 then xi else 1/xi
    double fov_parameter = ( xi < 1.0 ) ? xi : 1.0/xi;

    double k1 = -0.018051944074190075;
    double k2 = -0.05004787126701355;
    double p1 = -0.0048353740034077644;
    double p2 = 0.002677318917962319;

    int index_counter = 0;
    for(auto& point : input_cloud->points)
        // check if point is not behind the camera
        if(point.z < 0.0)

        cv::Point3d pos(point.x, point.y, point.z);

        double distance = sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y + pos.z * pos.z);

        // check if point is in the field of view
        if(pos.z > -(fov_parameter * distance))
            cv::Point2d outKeyPoint;
            // euclidean to principal plane
            double rz = 1.0 / (pos.z + xi * distance);
            outKeyPoint.x = pos.x * rz;
            outKeyPoint.y = pos.y * rz;

            // distort wrt Radtan model
            double mx2_u = outKeyPoint.x * outKeyPoint.x;
            double my2_u = outKeyPoint.y * outKeyPoint.y;
            double mxy_u = outKeyPoint.x * outKeyPoint.y;
            double rho2_u = mx2_u + my2_u;
            double rad_dist_u = k1 * rho2_u + k2 * rho2_u * rho2_u;

            outKeyPoint.x += outKeyPoint.x * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * p1 * mxy_u + p2 * (rho2_u + 2.0 * mx2_u);
            outKeyPoint.y += outKeyPoint.y * rad_dist_u + 2.0 * p2 * mxy_u + p1 * (rho2_u + 2.0 * my2_u);

            // principal plane -> image plane
            outKeyPoint.x = m_cam_model.fx() * outKeyPoint.x + m_cam_model.cx();
            outKeyPoint.y = m_cam_model.fy() * outKeyPoint.y + m_cam_model.cy();

            cv::Point2i ipix(outKeyPoint.x, outKeyPoint.y);

            // check if pixel index is valid
            if(ipix.x < 0 || ipix.y < 0 || ipix.x >= (int)m_current_image.cols || ipix.y >= (int)m_current_image.rows)

            cv::Vec3b color = m_current_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(ipix.y, ipix.x);

            pcl::PointXYZRGB colorized_point;

            colorized_point.x = point.x;
            colorized_point.y = point.y;
            colorized_point.z = point.z;
            colorized_point.r = color[2];
            colorized_point.g = color[1];
            colorized_point.b = color[0];




    filterOccludedPoints(output_cloud_rgb, output_cloud_visible_for_cam, mapping_points_to_pixels, mapping_distance_of_points_to_pixels);
Example #11
void PhysicsInformation::render(int window_w, int window_h)
	if (m_hidden) return;

	glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	// Calculate size of 1 pixel
	float ps_w = 2. / window_w; // pixelsize x-direction
	float ps_h = 2. / window_h; // pixelsize y-direction

	// Timelapse
	std::ostringstream conversion_tl;
	std::string gamespeed_str = conversion_tl.str();
	std::string timelapse_text = "Timelapse: " + gamespeed_str + "x";

	glRasterPos2f(-1 + 5 * ps_w, 1 - 23 * ps_h);

	glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, (unsigned char *)timelapse_text.c_str());

	// Camera type
	std::string camtype;
	switch (game->getSpaceship()->getCamBind())
			camtype = "bound";
			camtype = "relative with rotation";
			camtype = "relative";
			camtype = "free";
	std::string camtype_text = "Camera: " + camtype;

	glRasterPos2f(-1 + 5 * ps_w, 1 - 46 * ps_h);

	glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, (unsigned char *)camtype_text.c_str());

	// Ship Speed
	float shipvel = getVectorLength(game->getSpaceship()->getVelocity()) / USC;
	std::string speedtext = "Speed: " + std::to_string(shipvel) + " km/s";

	glRasterPos2f(-1 + 5 * ps_w, 1 - 69 * ps_h);

	glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, (unsigned char *)speedtext.c_str());

	if (shipvel > SPEED_OF_LIGHT)
		glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		glRasterPos2f(1 - 150 * ps_w, 1 - 23 * ps_h);
		glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, (unsigned char *)"SPEED OF LIGHT!");
		glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	// Gravity Acceleration
	SimpleVec3d gravacc_v = game->getSpaceship()->getGravityAcc();
	float gravacc = getVectorLength(gravacc_v) * 1000 / USC; // / 1000 for km/s² to m/s²
	std::string gravacc_text = "Acceleration: " + std::to_string(gravacc) + " m/s ";
	gravacc_text.push_back(0xB2); // ² character

	glRasterPos2f(-1 + 5 * ps_w, 1 - 92 * ps_h);

	glutBitmapString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, (unsigned char *)gravacc_text.c_str());
Example #12
double angleBetween (SimpleVec3d a, SimpleVec3d b)
	return acos(dotProduct(a, b) / (getVectorLength(a) * getVectorLength(b)));
Example #13
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  /* matlab usage: pdos(data,cone,params); */
  Data *d; 
  Cone *k;
  const Sol *sol;

  const mxArray *data;
  const mxArray *A_mex;
  const mxArray *b_mex;
  const mxArray *c_mex;

  const mxArray *f_mex;
  const mxArray *l_mex;
  const mxArray *q_mex;
  const double *q_mex_vals;

  const mxArray *x0;
  const mxArray *y0;
  const mxArray *s0;

  const mxArray *cone;
  const mxArray *params;

  idxint i;

  if (nrhs != 3){
    mexErrMsgTxt("Three arguments are required in this order: data struct, cone struct, params struct");

  if (nlhs > 4) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("PDOS has up to 4 output arguments only.");
  d = mxMalloc(sizeof(Data)); 
  k = mxMalloc(sizeof(Cone));
  d->p = mxMalloc(sizeof(Params));

  data = prhs[0];
  cone = prhs[1];
  params = prhs[2];

  A_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"A");
  if(A_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Data struct must contain a `A` entry.");
  if (!mxIsSparse(A_mex)){
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input matrix A must be in sparse format (pass in sparse(A))");
  if (mxIsComplex(A_mex)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input matrix A cannot be complex");
  b_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"b");
  if(b_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Data struct must contain a `b` entry.");
  if(mxIsSparse(b_mex)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input vector b must be dense (pass in full(b))");
  if (mxIsComplex(b_mex)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input vector b cannot be complex");
  c_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"c"); 
  if(c_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Data struct must contain a `c` entry.");
  if(mxIsSparse(c_mex)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input vector c must be dense (pass in full(c))");
  if (mxIsComplex(c_mex)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Input vector c cannot be complex");
  x0 = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"x0");   
  if(x0 != NULL && mxIsSparse(x0)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector x0 must be dense (pass in full(x0))");
  if (x0 != NULL && mxIsComplex(x0)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector x0 cannot be complex");
  y0 = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"y0"); 
  if(y0 != NULL && mxIsSparse(y0)) {
    mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector y0 must be dense (pass in full(y0))");
  if (y0 != NULL && mxIsComplex(y0)) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector y0 cannot be complex");

  s0 = (mxArray *) mxGetField(data,0,"s0"); 
  if(s0 != NULL && mxIsSparse(s0)) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector s0 must be dense (pass in full(s0))");
  if (s0 != NULL && mxIsComplex(s0)) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Initial vector s0 cannot be complex");
  d->n = getVectorLength(c_mex,"data.c");
  d->m = getVectorLength(b_mex,"data.b");

  d->b = mxGetPr(b_mex);
  d->c = mxGetPr(c_mex);
  d->x = x0 ? mxGetPr(x0) : NULL;
  d->y = y0 ? mxGetPr(y0) : NULL;
  d->s = s0 ? mxGetPr(s0) : NULL;
  d->p->ALPHA = getParameterField(params, "ALPHA", d, k);
  d->p->MAX_ITERS = (idxint)getParameterField(params, "MAX_ITERS", d, k);
  d->p->EPS_ABS = getParameterField(params, "EPS_ABS", d, k);

  d->p->CG_MAX_ITS = (idxint)getParameterField(params, "CG_MAX_ITS", d, k);
  d->p->CG_TOL = getParameterField(params, "CG_TOL", d, k);
  d->p->VERBOSE = (idxint)getParameterField(params, "VERBOSE", d, k);
  d->p->NORMALIZE = (idxint)getParameterField(params, "NORMALIZE", d, k);

  f_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(cone,0,"f"); 
  if(f_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cone struct must contain a `f` entry.");
  k->f = (idxint)*mxGetPr(f_mex);
  l_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(cone,0,"l"); 
  if(l_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cone struct must contain a `l` entry.");
  k->l = (idxint)*mxGetPr(l_mex);
  q_mex = (mxArray *) mxGetField(cone,0,"q"); 
  if(q_mex == NULL) {
    mxFree(d); mxFree(k);
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cone struct must contain a `q` entry.");
  q_mex_vals = mxGetPr(q_mex);
  k->qsize = getVectorLength(mxGetField(cone,0,"q"), "cone.q");
  k->q = mxMalloc(sizeof(idxint)*k->qsize);
  for ( i=0; i < k->qsize; i++ ){
    k->q[i] = (idxint)q_mex_vals[i]; 
  /* int Anz = mxGetNzmax(A_mex); */
  d->Ax = (double *)mxGetPr(A_mex);
  d->Ai = (long*)mxGetIr(A_mex);
  d->Ap = (long*)mxGetJc(A_mex);

  /* printConeData(d,k); */
  /* printData(d); */
  sol = pdos(d,k);
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(d->n, 1, mxREAL);
  mxSetPr(plhs[0], sol->x);
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(d->m, 1, mxREAL);
  mxSetPr(plhs[1], sol->s);

  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(d->m, 1, mxREAL);
  mxSetPr(plhs[2], sol->y);

  plhs[3] = mxCreateString(sol->status);
  mxFree(d->p); mxFree(d); mxFree(k->q); mxFree(k);
Example #14
Vector3D Bevgraf::normalizeVector(Vector3D vector)
    GLdouble length = getVectorLength(vector);
    return initVector3(vector.x / length, vector.y / length, vector.z / length);