Example #1
// writes out the vertex list;
// 'z' is the Z coordinate of every point
bool VRML_LAYER::WriteVertices( double z, FILE* fp )
    if( !fp )
        error = "WriteVertices(): invalid file pointer";
        return false;

    if( ordmap.size() < 3 )
        error = "WriteVertices(): not enough vertices";
        return false;

    int i, j;

    VERTEX_3D* vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );

    if( !vp )
        return false;

    std::string strx, stry, strz;
    FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( z, 6, strz );

    fprintf( fp, "%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        if( !vp )
            return false;

        FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );

        if( i & 1 )
            fprintf( fp, ", %s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
            fprintf( fp, ",\n%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );

    return true;
// writes out the vertex list for a planar feature
bool VRML_LAYER::WriteVertices( double aZcoord, std::ofstream& aOutFile, int aPrecision )
    if( ordmap.size() < 3 )
        error = "WriteVertices(): not enough vertices";
        return false;

    if( aPrecision < 4 )
        aPrecision = 4;

    int i, j;

    VERTEX_3D* vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );

    if( !vp )
        return false;

    std::string strx, stry, strz;
    FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( aZcoord, aPrecision, strz );

    aOutFile << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        if( !vp )
            return false;

        FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );

        if( i & 1 )
            aOutFile << ", " << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
            aOutFile << ",\n" << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;

    return !aOutFile.fail();
bool VRML_LAYER::pushOutline( VRML_LAYER* holes )
    // traverse the outline list to push all used vertices
    if( outline.size() < 1 )
        error = "pushOutline() failed: no vertices to push";
        return false;

    std::list<std::list<int>*>::const_iterator obeg = outline.begin();
    std::list<std::list<int>*>::const_iterator oend = outline.end();

    int nc = 0; // number of contours pushed

    int pi;
    std::list<int>::const_iterator  begin;
    std::list<int>::const_iterator  end;
    GLdouble pt[3];
    VERTEX_3D* vp;

    while( obeg != oend )
        if( (*obeg)->size() < 3 )

        gluTessBeginContour( tess );

        begin = (*obeg)->begin();
        end = (*obeg)->end();

        while( begin != end )
            pi = *begin;

            if( pi < 0 || (unsigned int) pi > ordmap.size() )
                gluTessEndContour( tess );
                error = "pushOutline():BUG: *outline.begin() is not a valid index to ordmap";
                return false;

            // retrieve the actual index
            pi = ordmap[pi];

            vp = getVertexByIndex( pi, holes );

            if( !vp )
                gluTessEndContour( tess );
                error = "pushOutline():: BUG: ordmap[n] is not a valid index to vertices[]";
                return false;

            pt[0]   = vp->x;
            pt[1]   = vp->y;
            pt[2]   = 0.0;
            gluTessVertex( tess, pt, vp );

        gluTessEndContour( tess );

    if( !nc )
        error = "pushOutline():: no valid contours available";
        return false;

    return true;
bool VRML_LAYER::Get3DTriangles( std::vector< double >& aVertexList,
    std::vector< int > &aIndexPlane, std::vector< int > &aIndexSide,
    double aTopZ, double aBotZ )

    if( ordmap.size() < 3 || outline.empty() )
        return false;

    if( aTopZ <= aBotZ )
        double tmp = aBotZ;
        aBotZ = aTopZ;
        aTopZ = tmp;

    VERTEX_3D* vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );

    if( !vp )
        return false;

    size_t i;
    size_t vsize = ordmap.size();

    // top vertices
    for( i = 0; i < vsize; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        if( !vp )
            return false;

        aVertexList.push_back( vp->x );
        aVertexList.push_back( vp->y );
        aVertexList.push_back( aTopZ );

    // bottom vertices
    for( i = 0; i < vsize; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        aVertexList.push_back( vp->x );
        aVertexList.push_back( vp->y );
        aVertexList.push_back( aBotZ );

    // create the index lists .. it is difficult to estimate the list size
    // a priori so instead we use a vector to help

    bool holes_only = triplets.empty();

    if( !holes_only )
        // go through the triplet list and write out the indices based on order
        std::list< TRIPLET_3D >::const_iterator tbeg = triplets.begin();
        std::list< TRIPLET_3D >::const_iterator tend = triplets.end();

        std::vector< int > aIndexBot;

        while( tbeg != tend )
            // top vertices
            aIndexPlane.push_back( (int) tbeg->i1 );
            aIndexPlane.push_back( (int) tbeg->i2 );
            aIndexPlane.push_back( (int) tbeg->i3 );

            // bottom vertices
            aIndexBot.push_back( (int) ( tbeg->i2 + vsize ) );
            aIndexBot.push_back( (int) ( tbeg->i1 + vsize ) );
            aIndexBot.push_back( (int) ( tbeg->i3 + vsize ) );


        aIndexPlane.insert( aIndexPlane.end(), aIndexBot.begin(), aIndexBot.end() );

    // compile indices for the walls joining top to bottom
    int lastPoint;
    int curPoint;
    int curContour = 0;

    std::list< std::list< int >* >::const_iterator  obeg = outline.begin();
    std::list< std::list< int >* >::const_iterator  oend = outline.end();
    std::list< int >* cp;
    std::list< int >::const_iterator  cbeg;
    std::list< int >::const_iterator  cend;

    i = 2;
    while( obeg != oend )
        cp = *obeg;

        if( cp->size() < 3 )

        cbeg      = cp->begin();
        cend      = cp->end();
        lastPoint = *(cbeg++);

        while( cbeg != cend )
            curPoint = *(cbeg++);

            if( !holes_only )
                aIndexSide.push_back( curPoint );
                aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );
                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );

                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
                aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );
                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( lastPoint + vsize ) );
                aIndexSide.push_back( curPoint );
                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
                aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );

                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
                aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( lastPoint + vsize ) );
                aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );

            lastPoint = curPoint;

        // check if the loop needs to be closed
        cbeg = cp->begin();
        cend = --cp->end();

        curPoint = *(cbeg);
        lastPoint  = *(cend);

        if( !holes_only )
            aIndexSide.push_back( curPoint );
            aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );
            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );

            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
            aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );
            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( lastPoint + vsize ) );
            aIndexSide.push_back( curPoint );
            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
            aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );

            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( curPoint + vsize ) );
            aIndexSide.push_back( (int)( lastPoint + vsize ) );
            aIndexSide.push_back( lastPoint );


    return true;
// writes out the index list for a 3D feature
bool VRML_LAYER::Write3DIndices( std::ofstream& aOutFile, bool aIncludePlatedHoles )
    if( outline.empty() )
        error = "WriteIndices(): no outline available";
        return false;

    char mark;
    bool holes_only = triplets.empty();

    int i = 1;
    int idx2 = ordmap.size();    // index to the bottom vertices

    if( !holes_only )
        mark = ',';

        // go through the triplet list and write out the indices based on order
        std::list<TRIPLET_3D>::const_iterator   tbeg    = triplets.begin();
        std::list<TRIPLET_3D>::const_iterator   tend    = triplets.end();

        // print out the top vertices
        aOutFile << tbeg->i1 << ", " << tbeg->i2 << ", " << tbeg->i3  << ", -1";

        while( tbeg != tend )
            if( (i++ & 7) == 4 )
                i = 1;
                aOutFile << ",\n" << tbeg->i1 << ", " << tbeg->i2 << ", " << tbeg->i3  << ", -1";
                aOutFile << ", " << tbeg->i1 << ", " << tbeg->i2 << ", " << tbeg->i3  << ", -1";


        // print out the bottom vertices
        tbeg = triplets.begin();

        while( tbeg != tend )
            if( (i++ & 7) == 4 )
                i = 1;
                aOutFile << ",\n" << (tbeg->i2 + idx2) << ", " << (tbeg->i1 + idx2) << ", " << (tbeg->i3  + idx2) << ", -1";
                aOutFile << ", " << (tbeg->i2 + idx2) << ", " << (tbeg->i1 + idx2) << ", " << (tbeg->i3  + idx2) << ", -1";

        mark = ' ';

    // print out indices for the walls joining top to bottom
    int lastPoint;
    int curPoint;
    int curContour = 0;

    std::list<std::list<int>*>::const_iterator  obeg    = outline.begin();
    std::list<std::list<int>*>::const_iterator  oend    = outline.end();
    std::list<int>* cp;
    std::list<int>::const_iterator  cbeg;
    std::list<int>::const_iterator  cend;

    i = 2;
    while( obeg != oend )
        cp = *obeg;

        if( cp->size() < 3 )

        cbeg      = cp->begin();
        cend      = cp->end();
        lastPoint = *(cbeg++);

        // skip all PTH vertices which are not in a solid outline
        if( !aIncludePlatedHoles && !solid[curContour]
            && getVertexByIndex( ordmap[lastPoint], pholes )->pth )

        while( cbeg != cend )
            curPoint = *(cbeg++);

            if( !holes_only )
                if( (i++ & 3) == 2 )
                    i = 1;
                    aOutFile << mark << "\n" << curPoint << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2;
                    aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", -1";
                    aOutFile << mark << " " << curPoint << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2;
                    aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", -1";
                if( (i++ & 3) == 2 )
                    i = 1;
                    aOutFile << mark << "\n" << curPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint;
                    aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", -1";
                    aOutFile << mark << " " << curPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint;
                    aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", -1";

            mark = ',';
            lastPoint = curPoint;

        // check if the loop needs to be closed
        cbeg = cp->begin();
        cend = --cp->end();

        curPoint = *(cbeg);
        lastPoint  = *(cend);

        if( !holes_only )
            if( (i++ & 3) == 2 )
                aOutFile << ",\n" << curPoint << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2;
                aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", -1";
                aOutFile << ", " << curPoint << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2;
                aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", -1";
            if( (i++ & 3) == 2 )
                aOutFile << ",\n" << curPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint;
                aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", -1";
                aOutFile << ", " << curPoint << ", " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint;
                aOutFile << ", -1, " << curPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint + idx2 << ", " << lastPoint << ", -1";


    return !aOutFile.fail();
// writes out the vertex list for a 3D feature; top and bottom are the
// Z values for the top and bottom; top must be > bottom
bool VRML_LAYER::Write3DVertices( double aTopZ, double aBottomZ,
                                  std::ofstream& aOutFile, int aPrecision )
    if( ordmap.size() < 3 )
        error = "Write3DVertices(): insufficient vertices";
        return false;

    if( aPrecision < 4 )
        aPrecision = 4;

    if( aTopZ <= aBottomZ )
        error = "Write3DVertices(): top <= bottom";
        return false;

    int i, j;

    VERTEX_3D* vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );

    if( !vp )
        return false;

    std::string strx, stry, strz;
    FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( aTopZ, aPrecision, strz );

    aOutFile << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        if( !vp )
            return false;

        FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );

        if( i & 1 )
            aOutFile << ", " << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
            aOutFile << ",\n" << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;

    // repeat for the bottom layer
    vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );
    FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( aBottomZ, aPrecision, strz );

    bool endl;

    if( i & 1 )
        aOutFile << ", " << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
        endl = false;
        aOutFile << ",\n" << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
        endl = true;

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );
        FormatDoublet( vp->x + offsetX, vp->y + offsetY, aPrecision, strx, stry );

        if( endl )
            aOutFile << ", " << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
            endl = false;
            aOutFile << ",\n" << strx << " " << stry << " " << strz;
            endl = true;

    return !aOutFile.fail();
Example #7
// writes out the vertex list for a 3D feature; top and bottom are the
// Z values for the top and bottom; top must be > bottom
bool VRML_LAYER::Write3DVertices( double top, double bottom, FILE* fp )
    if( !fp )
        error = "Write3DVertices(): NULL file pointer";
        return false;

    if( ordmap.size() < 3 )
        error = "Write3DVertices(): insufficient vertices";
        return false;

    if( top <= bottom )
        error = "Write3DVertices(): top <= bottom";
        return false;

    int i, j;

    VERTEX_3D* vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );

    if( !vp )
        return false;

    std::string strx, stry, strz;
    FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( top, 6, strz );

    fprintf( fp, "%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );

        if( !vp )
            return false;

        FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );

        if( i & 1 )
            fprintf( fp, ", %s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
            fprintf( fp, ",\n%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );

    // repeat for the bottom layer
    vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[0], pholes );
    FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );
    FormatSinglet( bottom, 6, strz );

    bool endl;

    if( i & 1 )
        fprintf( fp, ", %s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
        endl = false;
        fprintf( fp, ",\n%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
        endl = true;

    for( i = 1, j = ordmap.size(); i < j; ++i )
        vp = getVertexByIndex( ordmap[i], pholes );
        FormatDoublet( vp->x, vp->y, 6, strx, stry );

        if( endl )
            fprintf( fp, ", %s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
            endl = false;
            fprintf( fp, ",\n%s %s %s", strx.c_str(), stry.c_str(), strz.c_str() );
            endl = true;

    return true;