Example #1
void CameraFeed::getRGB(int x,int y,int &R, int &G, int &B) {
	if (x>_width || y>_height) return;
	DWORD Pix = getPos(x,y);
	int Y,U,V;
Example #2
void CameraFeed::getRGB(BYTE *data,int &R,int &G,int &B) {
	int Y,U,V;
Example #3
void CameraFeed::setRGB(BYTE *Data,int R, int G, int B) {
	int Y,U,V;
Example #4
void UnsharpMasking::applyPtmRGB(const PyramidCoeff& redCoeff, const PyramidCoeff& greenCoeff, const PyramidCoeff& blueCoeff, const QSize* mipMapSize, const PyramidNormals& normals, const RenderingInfo& info, unsigned char* buffer)
	int offsetBuf = 0;
	const PTMCoefficient* redPtr = redCoeff.getLevel(info.level);
	const PTMCoefficient* greenPtr = greenCoeff.getLevel(info.level);
	const PTMCoefficient* bluePtr = blueCoeff.getLevel(info.level);
	const vcg::Point3f* normalsPtr = normals.getLevel(info.level);
    float* lumMap = new float[info.width*info.height];
	int width = mipMapSize[info.level].width();
	if (type == 0) //classic unsharp masking
        float* uvMap = new float[info.width*info.height*2];
		LightMemoized lVec(info.light.X(), info.light.Y());
		#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
		for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
            int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
			int offset = y * width + info.offx;
			int offset2 = (y - info.offy)*info.width;
			for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
				float r = redPtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec) / 255.0;//evalPoly((int*)&(redPtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) / 255.0;
                float g = greenPtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec) / 255.0;//evalPoly((int*)&(greenPtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) / 255.0;
                float b = bluePtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec) / 255.0;//evalPoly((int*)&(bluePtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) / 255.0;
				getYUV(r, g, b, lumMap[offset2], uvMap[offset2*2], uvMap[offset2*2 + 1]);
		enhancedLuminance(lumMap, info.width, info.height, info.mode);
		bool flag = (info.mode == LUM_UNSHARP_MODE || info.mode == SMOOTH_MODE || info.mode == CONTRAST_MODE || info.mode == ENHANCED_MODE);
		if (flag)
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
				int offset2 =(y - info.offy)*info.width; 
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						buffer[offsetBuf + i] = tobyte(lumMap[offset2] * 255.0);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
				int offset2 =(y - info.offy)*info.width; 
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					float r, g, b;
					getRGB(lumMap[offset2], uvMap[offset2*2], uvMap[offset2*2 +1], r, g, b);
					buffer[offsetBuf] = tobyte(r*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 1] = tobyte(g*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 2] = tobyte(b*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
		delete[] uvMap;
	else //luminance unsharp masking
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
		for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
			int offset= y * width + info.offx;
			int offset2 = (y - info.offy)*info.width;
			for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
				lumMap[offset2] = getLum(normalsPtr[offset], info.light);
		enhancedLuminance(lumMap, info.width, info.height, info.mode);
		bool flag = (info.mode == LUM_UNSHARP_MODE || info.mode == SMOOTH_MODE || info.mode == CONTRAST_MODE || info.mode == ENHANCED_MODE);
		LightMemoized lVec(info.light.X(), info.light.Y());
		if (flag)
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
				int offset = y * width + info.offx;
				int offset2 = (y - info.offy)*info.width;
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					float lum = lumMap[offset2];
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						buffer[offsetBuf + i] = tobyte(lum / 2.0 * 255.0);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
				int offset = y * width + info.offx;
				int offset2 = (y - info.offy)*info.width;
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					float lum = lumMap[offset2];
					buffer[offsetBuf] = tobyte(redPtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec)*lum);//evalPoly((int*)&(redPtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) * lum);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 1] = tobyte(greenPtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec)*lum);//evalPoly((int*)&(greenPtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) * lum);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 2] = tobyte(bluePtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec)*lum);//evalPoly((int*)&(bluePtr[offset][0]), info.light.X(), info.light.Y()) * lum);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
	delete[] lumMap;
Example #5
void UnsharpMasking::applyPtmLRGB(const PyramidCoeff& coeff, const PyramidRGB& rgb, const QSize* mipMapSize, const PyramidNormals& normals, const RenderingInfo& info, unsigned char* buffer)
	int offsetBuf = 0;
	const PTMCoefficient* coeffPtr = coeff.getLevel(info.level);
	const unsigned char* rgbPtr = rgb.getLevel(info.level);
    float* lumMap = new float[info.width*info.height];
	int width = mipMapSize[info.level].width();
	if (type == 0) //image unsharp masking
		// Creates a map for Y component and a map for UV component. 
        float* uvMap = new float[info.width*info.height*2];
		LightMemoized lVec(info.light.X(), info.light.Y());
		#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
		for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
            int offsetBuf = (y-info.offy)*info.width<<2;
			int offset = (y * width + info.offx)*3;
			int offset2 = ((y - info.offy)*info.width)*2;
			for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
			    float lum =  coeffPtr[offset / 3].evalPoly(lVec) / 255.0;
                float r = rgbPtr[offset]*lum / 255.0;
                float g = rgbPtr[offset + 1]*lum / 255.0;
                float b = rgbPtr[offset + 2]*lum / 255.0;
				getYUV(r, g, b, lumMap[offset2 / 2], uvMap[offset2], uvMap[offset2 + 1]);
				offset += 3;
				offset2 += 2;
		// Computes the enhanced luminance.
		enhancedLuminance(lumMap, info.width, info.height, info.mode);
		// Creates the output texture.
		bool flag = (info.mode == LUM_UNSHARP_MODE || info.mode == SMOOTH_MODE || info.mode == CONTRAST_MODE ||info.mode == ENHANCED_MODE);
		if (flag)
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y - info.offy) * info.width << 2;
				int offset2 =(y - info.offy) * info.width;
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						buffer[offsetBuf + i] = tobyte(lumMap[offset2] * 255.0);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y - info.offy) * info.width << 2;
				int offset2 =(y - info.offy)*info.width * 2;
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					float r, g, b;
					getRGB(lumMap[offset2 / 2], uvMap[offset2], uvMap[offset2 + 1], r, g, b);
					buffer[offsetBuf ] = tobyte(r*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 1] = tobyte(g*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 2] = tobyte(b*255);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
					offset2 += 2;
		delete[] uvMap;
	else //unsharp masking luminance
		// Creates a map for the polynomial luminance.
		LightMemoized lVec(info.light.X(), info.light.Y());
		#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
		for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
			int offset = y * width + info.offx;
			int offset2 = (y - info.offy)*info.width;
			for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
				lumMap[offset2] = coeffPtr[offset].evalPoly(lVec) / 255.0;
		// Computes the enhanced luminance
		enhancedLuminance(lumMap, info.width, info.height, info.mode);
		// Creates the output texture.
		bool flag = (info.mode == LUM_UNSHARP_MODE || info.mode == SMOOTH_MODE || info.mode == CONTRAST_MODE || info.mode == ENHANCED_MODE);
        if (flag)
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y - info.offy) * info.width <<2;
				int offset2 = (y - info.offy) * info.width;
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						buffer[offsetBuf + i] = tobyte(lumMap[offset2] / 2.0 * 255.0);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
			#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,CHUNK)
			for (int y = info.offy; y < info.offy + info.height; y++)
				int offsetBuf = (y - info.offy) * info.width << 2;
				int offset = (y * width + info.offx)*3;
				int offset2 = (y - info.offy) * info.width; 
				for (int x = info.offx; x < info.offx + info.width; x++)
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						buffer[offsetBuf + i] = tobyte(rgbPtr[offset + i] * lumMap[offset2]);
					buffer[offsetBuf + 3] = 255;
					offsetBuf += 4;
					offset += 3;

	delete[] lumMap;
v4r::meanVal BoundaryRelationsMeanColor::compute()
  //@ep: TODO check preconditions -- not all of them are necessary
    printf("[BoundaryRelationsMeanColor::compute] Error: No input cloud set.\n");

    printf("[BoundaryRelationsMeanColor::compute] Error: No input border.\n");
  v4r::meanVal meanColorDistance;
  if(boundary.size() <= 0)
    printf("[BoundaryRelationsMeanColor::compute] Warning: Boundary size is 0. This means that constants are different everywhere!\n");
    meanColorDistance.mean = 0;
    meanColorDistance.stddev = 0;
    return meanColorDistance;

  int boundaryLength = boundary.size();

  // calculate mean depth
  double totalColorDistance = 0.;
  double totalColorDistanceStdDev = 0.;
  std::vector<double> valuesColorDistance;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<boundary.size(); i++)
    double p0Y, p0U, p0V, p1Y, p1U, p1V;
    double u1 = p0U/255 - p1U/255;
    double u2 = u1 * u1;
    double v1 = p0V/255 - p1V/255;
    double v2 = v1 * v1;
    double cDist = sqrt(u2 + v2);
    totalColorDistance += cDist;

  // normalize curvature sum and calculate curvature variance
  //@ep: this shoule be separate function in the utils
  if(boundaryLength > 0)
    totalColorDistance /= boundaryLength;
    for(unsigned i=0; i<valuesColorDistance.size(); i++)
      //@ep: BUG why is it standart deviation???
      totalColorDistanceStdDev += fabs(valuesColorDistance.at(i) - totalColorDistance);
    totalColorDistanceStdDev /= boundaryLength;
    std::printf("[BoundaryRelationsMeanCurvature::compute] Warning: Number of valid points is zero: totalColorDistance: %4.3f\n", totalColorDistance);
    totalColorDistance = 0.;
    totalColorDistanceStdDev = 0.;

  meanColorDistance.mean = totalColorDistance;
  meanColorDistance.stddev = totalColorDistanceStdDev;

  return meanColorDistance;