Example #1
int32_t krdsset_p(CSOUND *csound, KREADS *p)
    /* open in curdir or pathname */
    char soundiname[1024];
    if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilcod))
      strNcpy(soundiname, get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilcod), 1023);
    else csound->strarg2name(csound, soundiname, p->ifilcod, "readk.", 0);
    if (p->fdch.fd != NULL)
      fdclose(csound, &(p->fdch));
    p->fdch.fd = csound->FileOpen2(csound, &(p->f), CSFILE_STD, soundiname, "rb",
                                   "SFDIR;SSDIR", 0, 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(p->fdch.fd == NULL))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Cannot open %s"), soundiname);
    fdrecord(csound, &p->fdch);
    if ((p->timcount = (int32_t)(*p->iprd * CS_EKR)) <= 0)
      p->timcount = 1;
    p->countdown = 0;
    p->lasts = (char*)csound->Malloc(csound, INITSIZE);
    p->lasts[0] = '\0';
     if (p->str->data == NULL) {
       p->str->data = csound->Calloc(csound, INITSIZE);
       p->str->size = INITSIZE;
    return OK;
Example #2
int instanceOpcode_(CSOUND *csound, LINEVENT2 *p, int insname)
    EVTBLK  evt;
    int     i;

    evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
    evt.opcod = 'i';
    evt.pcnt = p->INOCOUNT;

    /* pass in the memory to hold the instance after insertion */
    evt.pinstance = (void *) p->inst;

    /* IV - Oct 31 2002: allow string argument */
    if (evt.pcnt > 0) {
      if (insname) {
        evt.p[1] =  csound->strarg2insno(csound,
                                           ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[0])->data, 1);
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      else {
        if (ISSTRCOD(*p->args[0])) {
          evt.p[1]  = csound->strarg2insno(csound,
                                           get_arg_string(csound, *p->args[0]), 1);
        } else evt.p[1] = *p->args[0];
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      for (i = 2; i <= evt.pcnt; i++)
        evt.p[i] = *p->args[i-1];
    if (insert_score_event_at_sample(csound, &evt, csound->icurTime) != 0)
      return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                               Str("instance: error creating event"));

    return OK;
Example #3
int32_t kdmpset_p(CSOUND *csound, KDUMP *p)
    /* open in curdir or pathname */
    char soundoname[1024];
    if (UNLIKELY((p->format = (int32_t)*p->iformat) < 1 || p->format > 8)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("unknown format request"));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->format == 2 || p->format == 3)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("alaw and ulaw not implemented here"));
    if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilcod))
      strNcpy(soundoname, get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilcod), 1023);
    else csound->strarg2name(csound, soundoname, p->ifilcod, "dumpk.", 0);
    if (p->fdch.fd != NULL)
      fdclose(csound, &(p->fdch));
    p->fdch.fd = csound->FileOpen2(csound, &(p->f), CSFILE_STD, soundoname,
                                   "wb", "", dumpf_format_table[p->format], 0);
    if (UNLIKELY(p->fdch.fd == NULL))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Cannot open %s"), soundoname);
    fdrecord(csound, &p->fdch);
    if ((p->timcount = (int32_t)(*p->iprd * CS_EKR)) <= 0)
      p->timcount = 1;
    p->countdown = p->timcount;
    return OK;
Example #4
int eventOpcodeI_(CSOUND *csound, LINEVENT *p, int insname, char p1)
    EVTBLK  evt;
    int     i, err = 0;
    char    opcod;
    memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(EVTBLK));

         opcod = *((STRINGDAT*) p->args[0])->data;
    else opcod = p1;
    if (UNLIKELY((opcod != 'a' && opcod != 'i' && opcod != 'q' && opcod != 'f' &&
                  opcod != 'e') /*|| ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[0])->data[1] != '\0'*/))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str(errmsg_1));
    evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
    evt.opcod = opcod;
    if(p->flag==1) evt.pcnt = p->argno-1;
      evt.pcnt = p->INOCOUNT - 1;
    /* IV - Oct 31 2002: allow string argument */
    if (evt.pcnt > 0) {
      if (insname) {
        if (UNLIKELY(evt.opcod != 'i' && evt.opcod != 'q'))
          return csound->InitError(csound, Str(errmsg_2));
        evt.p[1] = csound->strarg2insno(csound,((STRINGDAT *)p->args[1])->data, 1);
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
        for (i = 2; i <= evt.pcnt; i++)
           evt.p[i] = *p->args[i];
      else {
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
        if (ISSTRCOD(*p->args[1])) {
          evt.p[1]  = csound->strarg2insno(csound,
                                           get_arg_string(csound, *p->args[1]), 1);
        } else evt.p[1] = *p->args[1];
        for (i = 2; i <= evt.pcnt; i++)
          evt.p[i] = *p->args[i];
    if (opcod == 'f' && (int) evt.pcnt >= 2 && evt.p[2] <= FL(0.0)) {
      FUNC  *dummyftp;
      err = csound->hfgens(csound, &dummyftp, &evt, 0);
      err = insert_score_event_at_sample(csound, &evt, csound->icurTime);
    if (UNLIKELY(err))
      csound->InitError(csound, Str("event_i: error creating '%c' event"),
    return (err == 0 ? OK : NOTOK);
Example #5
int eventOpcode_(CSOUND *csound, LINEVENT *p, int insname, char p1)
    EVTBLK  evt;
    int     i;
    char    opcod;
    memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(EVTBLK));

    if (p1==0)
         opcod = *((STRINGDAT*) p->args[0])->data;
    else  opcod = p1;

    if (UNLIKELY((opcod != 'a' && opcod != 'i' && opcod != 'q' && opcod != 'f' &&
                  opcod != 'e') /*|| ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[0])->data[1] != '\0'*/))
      return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,Str(errmsg_1));
    evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
    evt.opcod = opcod;
    if (p->flag==1) evt.pcnt = p->argno-2;
      evt.pcnt = p->INOCOUNT - 1;

    /* IV - Oct 31 2002: allow string argument */
    if (evt.pcnt > 0) {
      if (insname) {
        if (UNLIKELY(evt.opcod != 'i' && evt.opcod != 'q'))
          return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,Str(errmsg_2));
        evt.p[1] =  csound->strarg2insno(csound,
                                           ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[1])->data, 1);
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      else {
        if (ISSTRCOD(*p->args[1])) {
          evt.p[1]  = csound->strarg2insno(csound,
                                           get_arg_string(csound, *p->args[1]), 1);
        } else evt.p[1] = *p->args[1];
        evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      for (i = 2; i <= evt.pcnt; i++)
        evt.p[i] = *p->args[i];
    if (insert_score_event_at_sample(csound, &evt, csound->icurTime) != 0)
      return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                               Str("event: error creating '%c' event"),
    return OK;
Example #6
int32_t pvreadset_(CSOUND *csound, PVREAD *p, int32_t stringname)
    char      pvfilnam[256];

    if (stringname==0){
      if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
        strNcpy(pvfilnam,get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), MAXNAME);
      else csound->strarg2name(csound, pvfilnam, p->ifilno, "pvoc.",0);
    else strNcpy(pvfilnam, ((STRINGDAT *)p->ifilno)->data, MAXNAME);

    if (pvocex_loadfile(csound, pvfilnam, p) == OK) {
      p->prFlg = 1;
      p->mybin = MYFLT2LRND(*p->ibin);
      return OK;
    return NOTOK;
Example #7
char *strarg2name(CSOUND *csound, char *s, void *p, const char *baseName,
                                  int is_string)
    if (is_string) {
      /* opcode string argument */
      if (s == NULL)
        s = csound->Malloc(csound, strlen((char*) p) + 1);
      strcpy(s, (char*) p);
    else if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*((MYFLT*) p))) {
      /* p-field string, unquote and copy */
      char  *s2 = get_arg_string(csound, *((MYFLT*)p));
      int   i = 0;
      //printf("strarg2name: %g %s\n", *((MYFLT*)p), s2);
      if (s == NULL)
        s = csound->Malloc(csound, strlen(s2) + 1);
      if (*s2 == '"')
      while (*s2 != '"' && *s2 != '\0')
        s[i++] = *(s2++);
      s[i] = '\0';
    else {
      int   i = (int) ((double) *((MYFLT*) p)
                       + (*((MYFLT*) p) >= FL(0.0) ? 0.5 : -0.5));
      if (i >= 0 && i <= (int) csound->strsmax &&
          csound->strsets != NULL && csound->strsets[i] != NULL) {
        if (s == NULL)
          s = csound->Malloc(csound, strlen(csound->strsets[i]) + 1);
        strcpy(s, csound->strsets[i]);
      else {
        int n;
        if (s == NULL) {
          /* allocate +20 characters, assuming sizeof(int) <= 8 */
          s = csound->Malloc(csound, n = strlen(baseName) + 21);
          snprintf(s, n, "%s%d", baseName, i);
        else sprintf(s, "%s%d", baseName, i); /* dubious */
    return s;
Example #8
int32_t pinit(CSOUND *csound, PINIT *p)
    int32_t n;
    int32_t x = 1;
    int32_t    nargs = p->OUTOCOUNT;
    int32_t    pargs = csound->init_event->pcnt;
    int32_t    start = (int32_t)(*p->start);
    /* Should check that inits exist> */
    if (UNLIKELY(nargs>pargs))
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("More arguments than p fields"));
    for (n=0; (n<nargs) && (n<=pargs-start); n++) {
      if (csound->ISSTRCOD(csound->init_event->p[n+start])) {
        ((STRINGDAT *)p->inits[n])->data =
          cs_strdup(csound, get_arg_string(csound, csound->init_event->p[n+start]));
        ((STRINGDAT *)p->inits[n])->size =
          strlen(((STRINGDAT *)p->inits[n])->data)+1;
      else  *p->inits[n] = csound->init_event->p[n+start];
      x <<= 1;
    return OK;
Example #9
static int get_absinsno(CSOUND *csound, TRIGINSTR *p, int stringname)
    int insno;

    /* Get absolute instr num */
    /* IV - Oct 31 2002: allow string argument for named instruments */
    if (stringname)
      insno = (int)strarg2insno_p(csound, ((STRINGDAT*)p->args[0])->data);
    else if (ISSTRCOD(*p->args[0])) {
      char *ss = get_arg_string(csound, *p->args[0]);
      insno = (int)strarg2insno_p(csound, ss);
      insno = (int)FABS(*p->args[0]);
    /* Check that instrument is defined */
    if (UNLIKELY(insno < 1 || insno > csound->engineState.maxinsno ||
                 csound->engineState.instrtxtp[insno] == NULL)) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("schedkwhen ignored. "
                                  "Instrument %d undefined\n"), insno);
      return -1;
    return insno;
Example #10
static int pconvset_(CSOUND *csound, PCONVOLVE *p, int stringname)
    int     channel = (*(p->channel) <= 0 ? ALLCHNLS : (int) *(p->channel));
    SNDFILE *infd;
    SOUNDIN IRfile;
    MYFLT   *inbuf, *fp1,*fp2;
    int32    i, j, read_in, part;
    MYFLT   *IRblock;
    MYFLT   ainput_dur, scaleFac;
    MYFLT   partitionSize;

    /* IV - 2005-04-06: fixed bug: was uninitialised */
    memset(&IRfile, 0, sizeof(SOUNDIN));
    /* open impulse response soundfile [code derived from SAsndgetset()] */
    IRfile.skiptime = FL(0.0);

     if (stringname==0){
      if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
        strncpy(IRfile.sfname,get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), 511);
      else csound->strarg2name(csound, IRfile.sfname, p->ifilno, "soundin.",0);
    else strncpy(IRfile.sfname, ((STRINGDAT *)p->ifilno)->data, 511);

    IRfile.sr = 0;
    if (UNLIKELY(channel < 1 || ((channel > 4) && (channel != ALLCHNLS)))) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("channel request %d illegal"), channel);
    IRfile.channel = channel;
    IRfile.analonly = 1;
    if (UNLIKELY((infd = csound->sndgetset(csound, &IRfile)) == NULL)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pconvolve: error while impulse file"));

    if (UNLIKELY(IRfile.framesrem < 0)) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("undetermined file length, "
                                  "will attempt requested duration"));
      ainput_dur = FL(0.0);     /* This is probably wrong -- JPff */
    else {
      IRfile.getframes = IRfile.framesrem;
      if (UNLIKELY(IRfile.sr==0)) return csound->InitError(csound, Str("SR zero"));
      ainput_dur = (MYFLT) IRfile.getframes / IRfile.sr;

    csound->Warning(csound, Str("analyzing %ld sample frames (%3.1f secs)\n"),
                            (long) IRfile.getframes, ainput_dur);

    p->nchanls = (channel != ALLCHNLS ? 1 : IRfile.nchanls);
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nchanls != (int)p->OUTOCOUNT)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("PCONVOLVE: number of output channels "
                                           "not equal to input channels"));

    if (UNLIKELY(IRfile.sr != CS_ESR)) {
      /* ## RWD suggests performing sr conversion here! */
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("IR srate != orch's srate"));

    /* make sure the partition size is nonzero and a power of 2  */
    if (*p->partitionSize <= 0)
      partitionSize = csound->oparms->outbufsamps / csound->GetNchnls(csound);
      partitionSize = *p->partitionSize;

    p->Hlen = 1;
    while (p->Hlen < partitionSize)
      p->Hlen <<= 1;

    p->Hlenpadded = 2*p->Hlen;

    /* determine the number of partitions */
    p->numPartitions = CEIL((MYFLT)(IRfile.getframes) / (MYFLT)p->Hlen);

    /* set up FFT tables */
    inbuf = (MYFLT *) csound->Malloc(csound,
                                     p->Hlen * p->nchanls * sizeof(MYFLT));
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, p->numPartitions * (p->Hlenpadded + 2) *
             sizeof(MYFLT) * p->nchanls, &p->H);
    IRblock = (MYFLT *)p->H.auxp;
    p->fwdsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound,p->Hlenpadded, FFT_FWD);
    p->invsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound,p->Hlenpadded, FFT_INV);
    /* form each partition and take its FFT */
    for (part = 0; part < p->numPartitions; part++) {
      /* get the block of input samples and normalize -- soundin code
         handles finding the right channel */
      if (UNLIKELY((read_in = csound->getsndin(csound, infd, inbuf,
                                               p->Hlen*p->nchanls, &IRfile)) <= 0))
        return csound->InitError(csound,
                                 Str("PCONVOLVE: less sound than expected!"));

      /* take FFT of each channel */
      scaleFac = csound->dbfs_to_float
                 * csound->GetInverseRealFFTScale(csound, (int) p->Hlenpadded);
      for (i = 0; i < p->nchanls; i++) {
        fp1 = inbuf + i;
        fp2 = IRblock;
        for (j = 0; j < read_in/p->nchanls; j++) {
          *fp2++ = *fp1 * scaleFac;
          fp1 += p->nchanls;

        csound->RealFFT2(csound, p->fwdsetup, IRblock);
        IRblock[p->Hlenpadded] = IRblock[1];
        IRblock[1] = IRblock[p->Hlenpadded + 1L] = FL(0.0);
        IRblock += (p->Hlenpadded + 2);

    csound->Free(csound, inbuf);
    csound->FileClose(csound, IRfile.fd);

    /* allocate the buffer saving recent input samples */
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, p->Hlen * sizeof(MYFLT), &p->savedInput);
    p->inCount = 0;

    /* allocate the convolution work buffer */
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (p->Hlenpadded+2) * sizeof(MYFLT), &p->workBuf);
    p->workWrite = (MYFLT *)p->workBuf.auxp + p->Hlen;

    /* allocate the buffer holding recent past convolutions */
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (p->Hlenpadded+2) * p->numPartitions
             * p->nchanls * sizeof(MYFLT), &p->convBuf);
    p->curPart = 0;

    /* allocate circular output sample buffer */
    p->outBufSiz = sizeof(MYFLT) * p->nchanls *
      (p->Hlen >= (int)CS_KSMPS ? p->Hlenpadded : 2*(int)CS_KSMPS);
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, p->outBufSiz, &p->output);
    p->outRead = (MYFLT *)p->output.auxp;

    /* if ksmps < hlen, we have to pad initial output to prevent a possible
       empty ksmps pass after a few initial generated buffers.  There is
       probably an equation to figure this out to reduce the delay, but
       I can't seem to figure it out */
    if (p->Hlen > (int)CS_KSMPS) {
      p->outCount = p->Hlen + CS_KSMPS;
      p->outWrite = p->outRead + (p->nchanls * p->outCount);
    else {
      p->outCount = 0;
      p->outWrite = p->outRead;
    return OK;
Example #11
static int cvset_(CSOUND *csound, CONVOLVE *p, int stringname)
    char     cvfilnam[MAXNAME];
    MEMFIL   *mfp;
    MYFLT    *fltp;
    CVSTRUCT *cvh;
    int       siz;
    int32     Hlenpadded = 1, obufsiz, Hlen;
    uint32_t  nchanls;
    uint32_t  nsmps = CS_KSMPS;

    if (UNLIKELY(csound->oparms->odebug))
      csound->Message(csound, CONVOLVE_VERSION_STRING);

    if (stringname==0){
      if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
        strncpy(cvfilnam,get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), MAXNAME-1);
      else csound->strarg2name(csound, cvfilnam,p->ifilno, "convolve.",0);
    else strncpy(cvfilnam, ((STRINGDAT *)p->ifilno)->data, MAXNAME-1);

    if ((mfp = p->mfp) == NULL || strcmp(mfp->filename, cvfilnam) != 0) {
      /* if file not already readin */
      if (UNLIKELY((mfp = csound->ldmemfile2withCB(csound, cvfilnam,
                   == NULL)) {
        return csound->InitError(csound,
                                 Str("CONVOLVE cannot load %s"), cvfilnam);
    cvh = (CVSTRUCT *)mfp->beginp;
    if (UNLIKELY(cvh->magic != CVMAGIC)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("%s not a CONVOLVE file (magic %ld)"),
                               cvfilnam, cvh->magic);

    nchanls = (cvh->channel == ALLCHNLS ? cvh->src_chnls : 1);

    if (*p->channel == FL(0.0)) {
      if (LIKELY(p->OUTOCOUNT == nchanls))
        p->nchanls = nchanls;
      else {
        return csound->InitError(csound,
                                 Str("CONVOLVE: output channels not equal "
                                     "to number of channels in source"));
    else {
      if (*p->channel <= nchanls) {
        if (UNLIKELY(p->OUTOCOUNT != 1)) {
          return csound->InitError(csound,
                                   Str("CONVOLVE: output channels not equal "
                                        "to number of channels in source"));
          p->nchanls = 1;
      else {
        return csound->InitError(csound,
                                 Str("CONVOLVE: channel number greater than "
                                     "number of channels in source"));
    Hlen = p->Hlen = cvh->Hlen;
    while (Hlenpadded < 2*Hlen-1)
      Hlenpadded <<= 1;
    p->Hlenpadded = Hlenpadded;
    p->H = (MYFLT *) ((char *)cvh+cvh->headBsize);
    if ((p->nchanls == 1) && (*p->channel > 0))
      p->H += (Hlenpadded + 2) * (int)(*p->channel - 1);

    if (UNLIKELY(cvh->samplingRate != CS_ESR)) {
      /* & chk the data */
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("%s's srate = %8.0f, orch's srate = %8.0f"),
                              cvfilnam, cvh->samplingRate, CS_ESR);
    if (UNLIKELY(cvh->dataFormat != CVMYFLT)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("unsupported CONVOLVE data "
                                   "format %ld in %s"),
                               cvh->dataFormat, cvfilnam);

    /* Determine size of circular output buffer */
    if (Hlen >= (int32)nsmps)
      obufsiz = (int32) CEIL((MYFLT) Hlen / nsmps) * nsmps;
      obufsiz = (int32) CEIL(CS_KSMPS / (MYFLT) Hlen) * Hlen;

    siz = ((Hlenpadded + 2) + p->nchanls * ((Hlen - 1) + obufsiz)
              + (p->nchanls > 1 ? (Hlenpadded + 2) : 0));
    if (p->auxch.auxp == NULL || p->auxch.size < siz*sizeof(MYFLT)) {
      /* if no buffers yet, alloc now */
      csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t) siz*sizeof(MYFLT), &p->auxch);
      fltp = (MYFLT *) p->auxch.auxp;
      p->fftbuf = fltp;   fltp += (Hlenpadded + 2); /* and insert addresses */
      p->olap = fltp;     fltp += p->nchanls*(Hlen - 1);
      p->outbuf = fltp;   fltp += p->nchanls*obufsiz;
      p->X  = fltp;
    else {
      fltp = (MYFLT *) p->auxch.auxp;
      memset(fltp, 0, sizeof(MYFLT)*siz);
    /* for(i=0; i < siz; i++) fltp[i] = FL(0.0); */
    p->obufsiz = obufsiz;
    p->outcnt = obufsiz;
    p->incount = 0;
    p->obufend = p->outbuf + obufsiz - 1;
    p->outhead = p->outail = p->outbuf;
    p->fwdsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound, Hlenpadded, FFT_FWD);
    p->invsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound, Hlenpadded, FFT_INV);
    return OK;
Example #12
int printksset(CSOUND *csound, PRINTKS *p){
  return printksset_(csound, p, get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilcod));
Example #13
static int32_t pvsfreadset_(CSOUND *csound, PVSFREAD *p, int32_t stringname)
    uint32   N;
    char            pvfilnam[MAXNAME];

    if (stringname) strNcpy(pvfilnam, ((STRINGDAT*)p->ifilno)->data, MAXNAME-1);
    else if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
      strNcpy(pvfilnam, get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), MAXNAME-1);
    else csound->strarg2name(csound, pvfilnam, p->ifilno, "pvoc.", 0);

    if (UNLIKELY(PVOCEX_LoadFile(csound, pvfilnam, &pp) != 0)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Failed to load PVOC-EX file"));
    p->ptr = 0;
    p->overlap = pp.overlap;
    p->winsize = pp.winsize;
    p->fftsize = pp.fftsize;
    p->wintype = pp.wintype;
    p->format  = pp.format;
    p->chans   = pp.chans;
    p->nframes = pp.nframes;
    p->arate   = csound->esr / (MYFLT) pp.overlap;
    p->membase = (float*) pp.data;

    if (UNLIKELY(p->overlap < (int32_t)CS_KSMPS || p->overlap < 10))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Sliding version not yet available"));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nframes <= 0))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: file is empty!\n"));
    /* special case if only one frame - it is an impulse response */
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nframes == 1))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: file has only one frame "
                              "(= impulse response).\n"));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->overlap < (int32_t)CS_KSMPS))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: analysis frame overlap "
                              "must be >= ksmps\n"));
    p->blockalign = (p->fftsize+2) * p->chans;
    if (UNLIKELY((*p->ichan) >= p->chans))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: ichan value exceeds "
                              "file channel count.\n"));
    if (UNLIKELY((int32_t) (*p->ichan) < 0))
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("pvsfread: ichan cannot be negative.\n"));

    N = p->fftsize;
    /* setup output signal */
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (N + 2) * sizeof(float), &p->fout->frame);
    /* init sig with first frame from file,
       regardless (always zero amps, but with bin freqs) */
    p->chanoffset = (int32_t) MYFLT2LRND(*p->ichan) * (N + 2);
    memcpy((float *) p->fout->frame.auxp,               /* RWD MUST be 32bit */
           (float *) pp.data + (int32_t) p->chanoffset,    /* RWD MUST be 32bit */
           (size_t) ((int32_t) (N + 2) * (int32_t) sizeof(float)));
    p->membase += p->blockalign;  /* move to 2nd frame in file, as startpoint */
    p->fout->N           =  N;
    p->fout->overlap = p->overlap;
    p->fout->winsize = p->winsize;
    p->fout->wintype = p->wintype;
    p->fout->format  = p->format;
    p->fout->framecount = 1;
    p->lastframe = 0;
    return OK;
Example #14
static int ktriginstr_(CSOUND *csound, TRIGINSTR *p, int stringname)
{         /* k-rate event generator */
    long  starttime;
    int     i, argnum;
    EVTBLK  evt;
    char    name[512];
    memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(EVTBLK));

    if (p->timrem > 0)
    if (*p->trigger == FL(0.0)) /* Only do something if triggered */
      return OK;

    /* Check if mintime has changed */
    if (p->prvmintim != *p->mintime) {
      int32 timrem = (int32) (*p->mintime * CS_EKR + FL(0.5));
      if (timrem > 0) {
        /* Adjust countdown for new mintime */
        p->timrem += timrem - p->prvktim;
        p->prvktim = timrem;
        p->timrem = 0;
      p->prvmintim = *p->mintime;

    if (*p->args[0] >= FL(0.0) || ISSTRCOD(*p->args[0])) {
      /* Check for rate limit on event generation */
      if (*p->mintime > FL(0.0) && p->timrem > 0)
        return OK;
      /* See if there are too many instances already */
      if (*p->maxinst >= FL(1.0)) {
        INSDS *ip;
        int absinsno, numinst = 0;
        /* Count active instr instances */
        absinsno = get_absinsno(csound, p, stringname);
        if (UNLIKELY(absinsno < 1))
          return NOTOK;
        ip = &(csound->actanchor);
        while ((ip = ip->nxtact) != NULL)
          if (ip->insno == absinsno) numinst++;
        if (numinst >= (int) *p->maxinst)
          return OK;

    /* Create the new event */
    if (stringname) {
      evt.p[1] = csound->strarg2insno(csound,((STRINGDAT *)p->args[0])->data, 1);
      evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      /*evt.strarg = ((STRINGDAT*)p->args[0])->data;
        evt.p[1] = SSTRCOD;*/
    else if (ISSTRCOD(*p->args[0])) {
      unquote(name, get_arg_string(csound, *p->args[0]), 512);
      evt.p[1] = csound->strarg2insno(csound,name, 1);
      evt.strarg = NULL;
      /* evt.strarg = name; */
      evt.scnt = 0;
      /* evt.p[1] = SSTRCOD; */
    else {
      evt.strarg = NULL; evt.scnt = 0;
      evt.p[1] = *p->args[0];
    evt.opcod = 'i';
    evt.pcnt = argnum = p->INOCOUNT - 3;
    /* Add current time (see note about kadjust in triginset() above) */
    starttime = CS_KSMPS*(csound->global_kcounter + p->kadjust);
    /* Copy all arguments to the new event */
    for (i = 1; i < argnum; i++)
      evt.p[i + 1] = *p->args[i];
    /* Set start time from kwhen */
    if (UNLIKELY(evt.p[2] < FL(0.0))) {
      evt.p[2] = FL(0.0);
                      Str("schedkwhen warning: negative kwhen reset to zero"));
    /* Reset min pause counter */
    if (*p->mintime > FL(0.0))
      p->timrem = (int32) (*p->mintime * CS_EKR + FL(0.5));
      p->timrem = 0;
      (insert_score_event_at_sample(csound, &evt, starttime) == 0 ? OK : NOTOK);