static struct gpu_perf_comm * lookup_comm(struct gpu_perf *gp, pid_t pid) { struct gpu_perf_comm *comm; if (pid == 0) return NULL; for (comm = gp->comm; comm != NULL; comm = comm->next) { if (comm->pid == pid) break; } if (comm == NULL) { comm = calloc(1, sizeof(*comm)); if (comm == NULL) return NULL; if (get_comm(pid, comm->name, sizeof(comm->name)) < 0) { free(comm); return NULL; } comm->pid = pid; comm->next = gp->comm; gp->comm = comm; } return comm; }
static int test_str(struct event_format *event, struct filter_arg *arg, struct pevent_record *record) { const char *val; if (arg->str.field == &comm) val = get_comm(event, record); else val = get_field_str(arg, record); switch (arg->str.type) { case FILTER_CMP_MATCH: return strcmp(val, arg->str.val) == 0; case FILTER_CMP_NOT_MATCH: return strcmp(val, arg->str.val) != 0; case FILTER_CMP_REGEX: /* Returns zero on match */ return !regexec(&arg->str.reg, val, 0, NULL, 0); case FILTER_CMP_NOT_REGEX: return regexec(&arg->str.reg, val, 0, NULL, 0); default: /* ?? */ return 0; } }
static unsigned long long get_value(struct event_format *event, struct format_field *field, struct pevent_record *record) { unsigned long long val; /* Handle our dummy "comm" field */ if (field == &comm) { const char *name; name = get_comm(event, record); return (unsigned long)name; } pevent_read_number_field(field, record->data, &val); if (!(field->flags & FIELD_IS_SIGNED)) return val; switch (field->size) { case 1: return (char)val; case 2: return (short)val; case 4: return (int)val; case 8: return (long long)val; } return val; }
void run_test_on_num_procs_or_less(int numProcs, stk::mesh::BulkData::AutomaticAuraOption auraOption) { if(stk::parallel_machine_size(get_comm()) <= numProcs) { run_test(auraOption); } }
void mpi_comm_create_(int* comm, int* group, int* newcomm, int* ierr) { MPI_Comm tmp; *ierr = MPI_Comm_create(get_comm(*comm),get_group(*group), &tmp); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *newcomm = new_comm(tmp); } }
void mpi_comm_dup_(int* comm, int* newcomm, int* ierr) { MPI_Comm tmp; *ierr = MPI_Comm_dup(get_comm(*comm), &tmp); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *newcomm = new_comm(tmp); } }
void mpi_comm_group_(int* comm, int* group_out, int* ierr) { MPI_Group tmp; *ierr = MPI_Comm_group(get_comm(*comm), &tmp); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *group_out = new_group(tmp); } }
void mpi_sendrecv_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcount, int* sendtype, int* dst, int* sendtag, void *recvbuf, int* recvcount, int* recvtype, int* src, int* recvtag, int* comm, MPI_Status* status, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Sendrecv(sendbuf, *sendcount, get_datatype(*sendtype), *dst, *sendtag, recvbuf, *recvcount,get_datatype(*recvtype), *src, *recvtag, get_comm(*comm), status); }
void mpi_comm_split_(int* comm, int* color, int* key, int* comm_out, int* ierr) { MPI_Comm tmp; *ierr = MPI_Comm_split(get_comm(*comm), *color, *key, &tmp); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *comm_out = new_comm(tmp); } }
void mpi_comm_free_(int* comm, int* ierr) { MPI_Comm tmp = get_comm(*comm); *ierr = MPI_Comm_free(&tmp); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { free_comm(*comm); } }
void mpi_irecv_(void *buf, int* count, int* datatype, int* src, int* tag, int* comm, int* request, int* ierr) { MPI_Request req; *ierr = MPI_Irecv(buf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), *src, *tag, get_comm(*comm), &req); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *request = new_request(req); } }
void mpi_send_init_(void *buf, int* count, int* datatype, int* dst, int* tag, int* comm, int* request, int* ierr) { MPI_Request req; *ierr = MPI_Send_init(buf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), *dst, *tag, get_comm(*comm), &req); if(*ierr == MPI_SUCCESS) { *request = new_request(req); } }
double logistic_regression::calc_loss() { double loss = 0.; for(size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) { double j = lg_hypothesis(samples[i]); loss += j * j; } auto worker_comm = get_comm(); worker_comm.allreduce(loss); int sz = samples.size(); worker_comm.allreduce(sz); return loss / sz; }
void solve() { init(); // superstep 0 for(auto & kv : vertex_val_map) { paracel_bupdate(kv.first, kv.second, "/mfs/user/wuhong/paracel/local/lib/", "max_updater"); } sync(); // following supersteps while(1) { int local_halt_flag = 1; // following supersteps for(auto & kv : vertex_active_map) { std::string v = kv.first; // if vertex is active if(kv.second) { local_halt_flag = 0; // iter outgoing edges for(auto & edge_info : vertex_adj_edge_val_map[v]) { std::string link_v = edge_info.first; paracel_bupdate(link_v, vertex_val_map[v], "/mfs/user/wuhong/paracel/local/lib/", "max_updater"); } } } sync(); // update vertex_active_map for(auto & kv : vertex_active_map) { std::string vertex = kv.first; double new_val = paracel_read<double>(vertex); double old_val = vertex_val_map[vertex]; vertex_val_map[vertex] = new_val; // local update if(new_val == old_val) { vertex_active_map[vertex] = false; // vote to halt } else { vertex_active_map[vertex] = true; // reactive } } sync(); get_comm().allreduce(local_halt_flag); if(local_halt_flag == get_worker_size()) { break; } sync(); } sync(); } // solve
static void comm_init(struct thread_map *map, int i) { pid_t pid = thread_map__pid(map, i); char *comm = NULL; /* dummy pid comm initialization */ if (pid == -1) { map->map[i].comm = strdup("dummy"); return; } /* * The comm name is like extra bonus ;-), * so just warn if we fail for any reason. */ if (get_comm(&comm, pid)) pr_warning("Couldn't resolve comm name for pid %d\n", pid); map->map[i].comm = comm; }
void mpi_alltoallv_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcounts, int* senddisps, int* sendtype, void* recvbuf, int* recvcounts, int* recvdisps, int* recvtype, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Alltoallv(sendbuf, sendcounts, senddisps, get_datatype(*sendtype), recvbuf, recvcounts, recvdisps, get_datatype(*recvtype), get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_alltoall_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcount, int* sendtype, void* recvbuf, int* recvcount, int* recvtype, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Alltoall(sendbuf, *sendcount, get_datatype(*sendtype), recvbuf, *recvcount, get_datatype(*recvtype), get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_scan_(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int* count, int* datatype, int* op, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Scan(sendbuf, recvbuf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), get_op(*op), get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_allgatherv_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcount, int* sendtype, void* recvbuf, int* recvcounts,int* displs, int* recvtype, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Allgatherv(sendbuf, *sendcount, get_datatype(*sendtype), recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, get_datatype(*recvtype), get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_gather_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcount, int* sendtype, void* recvbuf, int* recvcount, int* recvtype, int* root, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Gather(sendbuf, *sendcount, get_datatype(*sendtype), recvbuf, *recvcount, get_datatype(*recvtype), *root, get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_scatterv_(void* sendbuf, int* sendcounts, int* displs, int* sendtype, void* recvbuf, int* recvcount, int* recvtype, int* root, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Scatterv(sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, get_datatype(*sendtype), recvbuf, *recvcount, get_datatype(*recvtype), *root, get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_allreduce_(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int* count, int* datatype, int* op, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), get_op(*op), get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_bcast_(void *buf, int* count, int* datatype, int* root, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Bcast(buf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), *root, get_comm(*comm)); }
void mpi_barrier_(int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Barrier(get_comm(*comm)); }
void generate_1000_ids_on_all_procs() { sideIdPool->generate_initial_ids(numInitialIdsToRequestPerProc); const stk::mesh::EntityIdVector &idsThisProc = sideIdPool->my_get_all_ids(); stk::parallel_vector_concat(get_comm(), idsThisProc, ids); }
void mpi_attr_get_(int* comm, int* keyval, void* attr_value, int* flag, int* ierr ){ *ierr = MPI_Attr_get(get_comm(*comm), *keyval, attr_value, flag); }
void mpi_win_create_( int *base, MPI_Aint* size, int* disp_unit, int* info, int* comm, int *win, int* ierr){ *ierr = MPI_Win_create( (void*)base, *size, *disp_unit, *(MPI_Info*)info, get_comm(*comm),(MPI_Win*)win); }
void mpi_reduce_scatter_(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int* recvcounts, int* datatype, int* op, int* comm, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Reduce_scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, recvcounts, get_datatype(*datatype), get_op(*op), get_comm(*comm)); }
void generate_5_additional_ids_on_all_procs() { sideIdPool->generate_additional_ids_collective(numAdditionalIdsToRequestPerProc); const stk::mesh::EntityIdVector &idsThisProc = sideIdPool->my_get_all_ids(); stk::parallel_vector_concat(get_comm(), idsThisProc, ids); }
void mpi_recv_(void* buf, int* count, int* datatype, int* src, int* tag, int* comm, MPI_Status* status, int* ierr) { *ierr = MPI_Recv(buf, *count, get_datatype(*datatype), *src, *tag, get_comm(*comm), status); }