Example #1
File: config.c Project: mubawa/TDE
// Get the port number
int cfg_get_host_port()
	return get_config_number(CFG_PORT_NAME);
Example #2
File: conf.c Project: ghuntley/axel
int conf_loadfile( conf_t *conf, char *file )
	int i, line = 0;
	FILE *fp;
	char s[MAX_STRING], key[MAX_STRING], value[MAX_STRING];
	fp = fopen( file, "r" );
	if( fp == NULL )
		return( 1 );			/* Not a real failure	*/
	while( !feof( fp ) )
		int st;
		line ++;
		*s = 0;
		fscanf( fp, "%100[^\n#]s", s );
		fscanf( fp, "%*[^\n]s" );
		fgetc( fp );			/* Skip newline		*/
		if( strchr( s, '=' ) == NULL )
			continue;		/* Probably empty?	*/
		sscanf( s, "%[^= \t]s", key );
		for( i = 0; s[i]; i ++ )
			if( s[i] == '=' )
				for( i ++; isspace( (int) s[i] ) && s[i]; i ++ );
		strcpy( value, &s[i] );
		for( i = strlen( value ) - 1; isspace( (int) value[i] ); i -- )
			value[i] = 0;
		st = 0;
		/* Long live macros!!					*/
		get_config_string( default_filename );
		get_config_string( http_proxy );
		get_config_string( no_proxy );
		get_config_number( strip_cgi_parameters );
		get_config_number( save_state_interval );
		get_config_number( connection_timeout );
		get_config_number( reconnect_delay );
		get_config_number( num_connections );
		get_config_number( buffer_size );
		get_config_number( max_speed );
		get_config_number( verbose );
		get_config_number( alternate_output );
		get_config_number( search_timeout );
		get_config_number( search_threads );
		get_config_number( search_amount );
		get_config_number( search_top );
		/* Option defunct but shouldn't be an error		*/
		if( strcmp( key, "speed_type" ) == 0 )
			st = 1;
		if( strcmp( key, "interfaces" ) == 0 )
			st = parse_interfaces( conf, value );
		if( !st )
			fprintf( stderr, _("Error in %s line %i.\n"), file, line );
			return( 0 );
	fclose( fp );
	return( 1 );