Example #1
    /// Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered
    /// with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters
    /// following the naming scheme:
    ///   /<objectname>{locality#<locality_id>/total}/<instancename>
    bool locality_counter_discoverer(counter_info const& info,
        HPX_STD_FUNCTION<discover_counter_func> const& f, error_code& ec)
        performance_counters::counter_info i = info;

        // compose the counter name templates
        performance_counters::counter_path_elements p;
        performance_counters::counter_status status =
            get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, p, ec);
        if (!status_is_valid(status)) return false;

        p.parentinstancename_ = "locality#<*>";
        p.parentinstanceindex_ = -1;
        p.instancename_ = "total";
        p.instanceindex_ = -1;

        status = get_counter_name(p, i.fullname_, ec);
        if (!status_is_valid(status) || !f(i, ec) || ec)
            return false;

//         boost::uint32_t last_locality = get_num_localities();
//         for (boost::uint32_t l = 0; l < last_locality; ++l)
//         {
//             p.parentinstanceindex_ = static_cast<boost::int32_t>(l);
//             status = get_counter_name(p, i.fullname_, ec);
//             if (!status_is_valid(status) || !f(i, ec) || ec)
//                 return false;
//         }

        if (&ec != &throws)
            ec = make_success_code();
        return true;
Example #2
    /// Creation function for uptime counters.
    naming::gid_type uptime_counter_creator(counter_info const& info,
        error_code& ec)
        switch (info.type_) {
        case counter_elapsed_time:
                // verify the validity of the counter instance name
                counter_path_elements paths;
                get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                // allowed counter names: /runtime(locality#%d/*)/uptime
                if (paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "uptime_counter_creator",
                        "invalid counter instance parent name: " +
                    return naming::invalid_gid;

                // create the counter
                return create_counter(info, ec);

            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "uptime_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter type requested");
            return naming::invalid_gid;
Example #3
    /// Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered
    /// with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters
    /// following the naming scheme:
    ///   /<objectname>(<objectinstance>/total)/<instancename>
    bool agas_counter_discoverer(counter_info const& info,
        HPX_STD_FUNCTION<discover_counter_func> const& f, error_code& ec)
        performance_counters::counter_info i_ = info;

        // compose the counter names
        performance_counters::counter_path_elements p;
        performance_counters::counter_status status =
            get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, p, ec);
        if (!status_is_valid(status)) return false;

        p.parentinstancename_ = "agas";
        p.parentinstanceindex_ = -1;
        p.instanceindex_ = -1;

        // list all counter related to agas
        for (std::size_t i = 0;
             i < sizeof(agas::detail::counter_services)/sizeof(agas::detail::counter_services[0]);
            p.instancename_ = agas::detail::counter_services[i].name_;
            status = get_counter_name(p, i_.fullname_, ec);
            if (!status_is_valid(status) || !f(i_, ec) || ec)
                return false;
        return true;
Example #4
    /// Creation function for raw AGAS counters. This function checks the
    /// validity of the supplied counter name, it has to follow the scheme:
    ///   /agas(<objectinstance>/total)/<instancename>
    naming::gid_type agas_raw_counter_creator(
        counter_info const& info, error_code& ec, char const* const service_name)
        // verify the validity of the counter instance name
        counter_path_elements paths;
        get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
        if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

        if (paths.objectname_ != "agas") {
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
                "unknown performance counter (unrelated to AGAS)");
            return naming::invalid_gid;
        if (paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter instance parent name: " +
            return naming::invalid_gid;

        // counter instance name: <agas_instance_name>/total
        // for instance: locality#0/total
        if (paths.instancename_ == "total" && paths.instanceindex_ == -1)
            // find the referenced AGAS instance and dispatch the request there
            std::string service(agas::service_name);
            service += paths.parentinstancename_;

            if (-1 == paths.parentinstanceindex_) {
                HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
                    "invalid parent instance index: -1");
                return naming::invalid_gid;
            service += "#";
            service += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(paths.parentinstanceindex_);

            service += "/";
            service += service_name;

            naming::id_type id;
            bool result = agas::resolve_name_sync(service, id, ec);
            if (!result) {
                HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, not_implemented,
                    "invalid counter name: " +
                return naming::invalid_gid;

            return detail::retrieve_agas_counter(info.fullname_, id, ec);

        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, not_implemented, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
            "invalid counter type name: " + paths.instancename_);
        return naming::invalid_gid;
Example #5
    /// Creation function for aggregating performance counters to be registered
    /// with the counter types.
    naming::gid_type statistics_counter_creator(counter_info const& info,
        error_code& ec)
        switch (info.type_) {
        case counter_aggregating:
                counter_path_elements paths;
                get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                if (!paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                        "statistics_counter_creator", "invalid aggregate counter "
                            "name (instance name must be valid base counter name)");
                    return naming::invalid_gid;

                std::string base_name;
                get_counter_name(paths.parentinstancename_, base_name, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                std::vector<boost::int64_t> parameters;
                if (!paths.parameters_.empty()) {
                    // try to interpret the additional parameter as interval
                    // time (ms)
                    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
                    if (!qi::parse(paths.parameters_.begin(), paths.parameters_.end(),
                            qi::int_ % ',', parameters))
                        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                            "invalid parameter specification for counter: " +
                        return naming::invalid_gid;
                else {
                    parameters.push_back(1000);       // sample interval
                    parameters.push_back(10);         // rolling window
                return create_statistics_counter(info, base_name, parameters, ec);

            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "statistics_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter type requested");
            return naming::invalid_gid;
Example #6
    /// Creation function for raw AGAS counters. This function checks the
    /// validity of the supplied counter name, it has to follow the scheme:
    ///   /agas(<objectinstance>/total)/<instancename>
    naming::gid_type agas_raw_counter_creator(
        counter_info const& info, error_code& ec, char const* const service_name)
        // verify the validity of the counter instance name
        counter_path_elements paths;
        get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
        if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

        if (paths.objectname_ != "agas") {
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
                "unknown performance counter (unrelated to AGAS)");
            return naming::invalid_gid;
        if (paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter instance parent name: " +
            return naming::invalid_gid;

        if (service_name == paths.parentinstancename_ && paths.parentinstanceindex_ == -1)
            // counter instance name: /<agas_service_name>/<agas_instance_name>/total
            // for instance: /component_namespace/root/total
            std::string::size_type p = paths.instancename_.find("total");
            if (p == paths.instancename_.size() - 5 && paths.instanceindex_ == -1)
                // find the referenced AGAS instance and dispatch the request there
                std::string agas_instance;
                performance_counters::get_counter_instance_name(paths, agas_instance, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                naming::id_type id;
                bool result = agas::resolve_name(
                    agas_instance.substr(0, agas_instance.size() - 6), id, ec);
                if (!result) {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, not_implemented,
                        "invalid counter instance name: " + agas_instance);
                    return naming::invalid_gid;
                return detail::retrieve_statistics_counter(info.fullname_, id, ec);

        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, not_implemented, "agas_raw_counter_creator",
            "invalid counter type name: " + paths.instancename_);
        return naming::invalid_gid;
Example #7
    /// Default discoverer function for performance counters; to be registered
    /// with the counter types. It is suitable to be used for all counters
    /// following the naming scheme:
    ///   /<objectname>{locality#<locality_id>/thread#<threadnum>}/<instancename>
    bool locality_thread_counter_discoverer(counter_info const& info,
        HPX_STD_FUNCTION<discover_counter_func> const& f,
        discover_counters_mode mode, error_code& ec)
        performance_counters::counter_info i = info;

        // compose the counter name templates
        performance_counters::counter_path_elements p;
        performance_counters::counter_status status =
            get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, p, ec);
        if (!status_is_valid(status)) return false;

        if (mode == discover_counters_minimal ||
            p.parentinstancename_.empty() || p.instancename_.empty())
            if (p.parentinstancename_.empty())
                p.parentinstancename_ = "locality#*";
                p.parentinstanceindex_ = -1;

            if (p.instancename_.empty())
                p.instancename_ = "total";
                p.instanceindex_ = -1;

            status = get_counter_name(p, i.fullname_, ec);
            if (!status_is_valid(status) || !f(i, ec) || ec)
                return false;

            p.instancename_ = "worker-thread#*";
            p.instanceindex_ = -1;

            status = get_counter_name(p, i.fullname_, ec);
            if (!status_is_valid(status) || !f(i, ec) || ec)
                return false;
        else if (!f(i, ec) || ec) {
            return false;

        if (&ec != &throws)
            ec = make_success_code();

        return true;
Example #8
        // create an arbitrary counter on this locality
        naming::gid_type create_counter_local(counter_info const& info)
            // find create function for given counter
            error_code ec;

            create_counter_func f;
                info, f, ec);
            if (ec) {
                HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_parameter, "create_counter_local",
                    "no create function for performance counter found: " +
                    remove_counter_prefix(info.fullname_) +
                        " (" + ec.get_message() + ")");
                return naming::invalid_gid;

            counter_path_elements paths;
            get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
            if (ec) return hpx::naming::invalid_gid;

            if (paths.parentinstancename_ == "locality" &&
                paths.parentinstanceindex_ !=
                HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_parameter, "create_counter_local",
                    "attempt to create counter on wrong locality ("
                     + ec.get_message() + ")");
                return hpx::naming::invalid_gid;

            // attempt to create the new counter instance
            naming::gid_type gid = f(info, ec);
            if (ec) {
                HPX_THROW_EXCEPTION(bad_parameter, "create_counter_local",
                    "couldn't create performance counter: " +
                    remove_counter_prefix(info.fullname_) +
                        " (" + ec.get_message() + ")");
                return naming::invalid_gid;

            return gid;
Example #9
    /// Creation function for raw counters. The passed function is encapsulating
    /// the actual value to monitor. This function checks the validity of the
    /// supplied counter name, it has to follow the scheme:
    ///   /<objectname>{locality#<locality_id>/total}/<instancename>
    naming::gid_type locality_raw_counter_creator(counter_info const& info,
        HPX_STD_FUNCTION<boost::int64_t()> const& f, error_code& ec)
        // verify the validity of the counter instance name
        counter_path_elements paths;
        get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
        if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

        if (paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "locality_raw_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter instance parent name: " +
            return naming::invalid_gid;

        if (paths.instancename_ == "total" && paths.instanceindex_ == -1)
            return detail::create_raw_counter(info, f, ec);   // overall counter

        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "locality_raw_counter_creator",
            "invalid counter instance name: " + paths.instancename_);
        return naming::invalid_gid;
    /// Creation function for aggregating performance counters to be registered
    /// with the counter types.
    naming::gid_type arithmetics_counter_extended_creator(
        counter_info const& info, error_code& ec)
        switch (info.type_) {
        case counter_aggregating:
                counter_path_elements paths;
                get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                if (!paths.parameters_.empty()) {
                    // try to interpret the additional parameter as a list of
                    // two performance counter names
                    std::vector<std::string> names;
                    boost::split(names, paths.parameters_, boost::is_any_of(","));

                    if (names.empty())
                        HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                            "the parameter specification for an arithmetic counter "
                            "has to expand to at least one counter name: " +
                        return naming::invalid_gid;

                    for (std::string const& name : names)
                        counter_path_elements paths;
                        if (status_valid_data != get_counter_path_elements(
                                name, paths, ec) || ec)
                            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                                "the given (expanded) counter name is not "
                                "a validly formed performance counter name: " +
                            return naming::invalid_gid;

                    return create_arithmetics_counter_extended(info, names, ec);
                else {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                        "the parameter specification for an arithmetic counter "
                        "has to be a comma separated list of performance "
                        "counter names, none is given: " +

            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                "invalid counter type requested");
        return naming::invalid_gid;
    /// Creation function for instance counter
    naming::gid_type component_instance_counter_creator(
        counter_info const& info, error_code& ec)
        switch (info.type_) {
        case counter_raw:
                counter_path_elements paths;
                get_counter_path_elements(info.fullname_, paths, ec);
                if (ec) return naming::invalid_gid;

                if (paths.parentinstance_is_basename_) {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                        "invalid instance counter name (instance name must not "
                        "be a valid base counter name)");
                    return naming::invalid_gid;

                if (paths.parameters_.empty()) {
                    std::stringstream strm;
                    strm << "invalid instance counter parameter: must specify "
                            "a component type\n"
                            "known component types:\n";

                        [&strm](components::component_type type) -> bool
                            strm << "  "
                                 << agas::get_component_type_name(type)
                                 << "\n";
                            return true;

                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                        "component_instance_counter_creator", strm.str());

                    return naming::invalid_gid;

                // ask AGAS to resolve the component type
                components::component_type type =

                if (type == components::component_invalid) {
                    HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter,
                        "invalid component type as counter parameter: " +
                    return naming::invalid_gid;

                hpx::util::function_nonser<std::int64_t()> f =
                    util::bind_front(&get_instance_count, type);
                return create_raw_counter(info, std::move(f), ec);

            HPX_THROWS_IF(ec, bad_parameter, "component_instance_counter_creator",
                "invalid counter type requested");
            return naming::invalid_gid;