Example #1
// Update raw magnetometer values from HIL data
void Compass::setHIL(uint8_t instance, float roll, float pitch, float yaw)
    Matrix3f R;

    // create a rotation matrix for the given attitude
    R.from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw);

    if (!is_equal(_hil.last_declination,get_declination())) {
        _hil.last_declination = get_declination();

    // convert the earth frame magnetic vector to body frame, and
    // apply the offsets
    _hil.field[instance] = R.mul_transpose(_hil.Bearth);

    // apply default board orientation for this compass type. This is
    // a noop on most boards

    // add user selectable orientation
    _hil.field[instance].rotate((enum Rotation)_state[0].orientation.get());

    if (!_state[0].external) {
        // and add in AHRS_ORIENTATION setting if not an external compass
    _hil.healthy[instance] = true;
void setup(void)
    float declination, declination_test;
    uint16_t pass = 0, fail = 0;
    uint32_t total_time=0;

    hal.console->print("Beginning Test. Please wait...\n");

    for(int16_t i = -90; i <= 90; i+=5)
        for(int16_t j = -180; j <= 180; j+=5)
            uint32_t t1 = hal.scheduler->micros();
            declination = AP_Declination::get_declination(i, j);
            total_time += hal.scheduler->micros() - t1;
            declination_test = get_declination(i, j);
            if(declination == declination_test)
                //Serial.printf("Pass: %i, %i : %f, %f\n", i, j, declination, declination_test);
                hal.console->printf("FAIL: %i, %i : %f, %f\n", i, j, declination, declination_test);
    hal.console->print("Ending Test.\n\n");
    hal.console->printf("Total Pass: %i\n", pass);
    hal.console->printf("Total Fail: %i\n", fail);
    hal.console->printf("Average time per call: %.1f usec\n",
Example #3
// setup _Bearth
void Compass::_setup_earth_field(void)
    // assume a earth field strength of 400
    _hil.Bearth(400, 0, 0);

    // rotate _Bearth for inclination and declination. -66 degrees
    // is the inclination in Canberra, Australia
    Matrix3f R;
    R.from_euler(0, ToRad(66), get_declination());
    _hil.Bearth = R * _hil.Bearth;
void interface_hmc5883l_i2c_set_initial_location(s32 latitude, s32 longitude)
	// Set the declination based on the lat/lng from GPS
	hmc5883_declination = radians(get_declination((float)latitude / 10000000,(float)longitude / 10000000));