static int chips_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); int fd = do_open((char *)path); if(fd < 0) return -ENOENT; potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode == POTATOES_DIRECTORY) { stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777; stbuf->st_nlink = 2; } else { stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0666; stbuf->st_nlink = 1; stbuf->st_size = info.size; } do_close(fd); return 0; }
void ana_dir(const char *name, const u_int8_t option) { DIR *dp; // 文件夹指针 struct dirent *dirp; // 文件结构 // 打开文件夹 if ((dp = opendir(name)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ls: %s: %s.\n", name, strerror(errno)); return; } // 遍历文件夹 while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (dirp->d_name[0] == '.') { // 排除隐藏文件 continue; } if (option) { get_file_info(name, dirp->d_name); printf("\n"); } else { get_file(name, dirp->d_name); } } if (!option) { printf("\n"); } // 关闭文件夹 closedir(dp); }
vfs::vfs_status vfs::delete_file( unsigned char* path ) { vfs_node* node; vfs_status stat; if( (stat = get_file_info( path, &node )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } if( node->type != vfs_node_types::file ) { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } node->fs->delete_file( (vfs_file*)node ); if( node->parent->type != vfs_node_types::directory ) { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } vfs_directory *parent = (vfs_directory*)node->parent; for(unsigned int i=0;i<parent->files.count();i++) { if( parent->files[i] == node ) { parent->files.remove(i); break; } } return vfs_status::ok; }
static int chips_rm(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <path>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } int fd = do_open(argv[1]); if(fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); do_close(fd); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DATA_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } if(!fs_delete(argv[1])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to delete %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } return 0; }
int get_info(char **str, char *name, int how) { int res = OK; char *str_info = NULL; char temp[SIZE]; str_info = (char *)malloc(MAX); if (NULL == str_info) { printf("内存不足!"); exit(NG); }/*end if*/ memset(str_info, 0x0, MAX); *str = str_info; if (IS_DIR & how || NULL == name) { if (NULL == name) { memset(temp, 0x0, SIZE); sprintf(temp, "%s", LOCAL); name = temp; } res = get_dir_info(name, how); printf("\n"); }else { res = get_file_info(&str_info, name, how); }/*end else*/ return res; }
static uint32 smbvfs_wrap_write(PFILE_HND file_hnd, char *data, SMB_OFF_T offset, uint16 numtowrite, uint16 writethrough, uint16 *nwritten) { files_struct *fsp = NULL; ssize_t nwrite; if (!get_file_info(file_hnd, &fsp)) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; if (fsp == NULL) return NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE; DEBUG(12,("file name: [%s]\n", smbstrA(fsp->fsp_name))); nwrite = write_file(fsp, data, offset, numtowrite); DEBUG( 3, ( "SMBwriteX offset=%d nwritten=%d\n", (int)offset, nwrite ) ); if (nwrite < 0) { *nwritten = 0; return NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } *nwritten = nwrite; if (writethrough != 0) sync_file(fsp->conn, fsp); return NT_STATUS_NOPROBLEMO; }
bool vfs::file_exists( unsigned char* path ) { vfs_node* node; vfs_status stat = get_file_info(path, &node); if( stat != vfs_status::ok ) // includes vfs_status::not_found return false; return true; }
static int chips_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { int fd = do_open((char *)path); if(fd < 0) return -ENOENT; potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DIRECTORY) return -ENOENT; potatoes_dir_entry dir[POTATOES_DIR_ENTRIES_PER_BLOCK]; int count, pos = 0; int i; while((count = do_read(fd, dir, sizeof(dir), pos)) != 0) { for(i = 0; i < count/sizeof(dir[0]) && dir[i].inode != 0; ++i) { printf("%s\n", dir[i].name); filler(buf, dir[i].name, NULL, 0); } pos += count; } do_close(fd); return 0; }
unsigned gbIso9660 :: get_file_size(const char * path) { tree_entry * file = get_file_info(path); if(file) return file->size; return 0; };
unsigned gbIso9660 :: get_file_location(const char * path) { tree_entry * file = get_file_info(path); if(file) return file->location * SECTOR_SIZE; return 0; };
vfs::vfs_status vfs::write_file(unsigned char* path, void* buffer, size_t size) { vfs_status stat; vfs_node *node; stat = get_file_info( path, &node ); if( !((buffer == NULL) || (size == 0)) ) { if( stat == vfs_status::not_found ) { // file does not exist, create it vfs_directory *parent; if( (stat = get_path_parent( path, &parent )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } node = parent->fs->create_file( get_filename(path), parent ); parent->files.add_end( node ); stat = vfs_status::ok; } if( stat == vfs_status::ok ) { if( node->type == vfs_node_types::file ) { node->fs->write_file((vfs_file*)node, buffer, size); vfs_file* fn = (vfs_file*)node; fn->size = size; return vfs_status::ok; } else { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } } return stat; } else { // just create the file, nothing more if( stat == vfs_status::not_found ) { vfs_directory *parent; if( (stat = get_path_parent( path, &parent )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } node = parent->fs->create_file( get_filename(path), parent ); parent->files.add_end( node ); return vfs_status::ok; } else if( stat == vfs_status::ok ) { return vfs_status::already_exists; } else { return stat; } } return vfs_status::unknown_error; }
int gbIso9660 :: extract_file(const char * file_name, const char * extract_path) { tree_entry * te = get_file_info(file_name); //Check for the file data on the tree if(!te) return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; //Create the output file return copy_bytes(te->location * SECTOR_SIZE, te->size, extract_path); };
bool tr_sys_path_get_info (const char * path, int flags, tr_sys_path_info * info, tr_error ** error) { bool ret = false; wchar_t * wide_path; assert (path != NULL); assert (info != NULL); wide_path = tr_win32_utf8_to_native (path, -1); if ((flags & TR_SYS_PATH_NO_FOLLOW) == 0) { HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (wide_path != NULL) handle = CreateFileW (wide_path, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { tr_error * my_error = NULL; ret = get_file_info (handle, info, &my_error); if (!ret) tr_error_propagate (error, &my_error); CloseHandle (handle); } else { set_system_error (error, GetLastError ()); } } else { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attributes; if (wide_path != NULL) ret = GetFileAttributesExW (wide_path, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attributes); if (ret) stat_to_sys_path_info (attributes.dwFileAttributes, attributes.nFileSizeLow, attributes.nFileSizeHigh, &attributes.ftLastWriteTime, info); else set_system_error (error, GetLastError ()); } tr_free (wide_path); return ret; }
void docking_execute(struct dock_pak *dock, struct task_pak *task) { gchar *path, *cmd, *base, *input, *output; GSList *list, *dir_list; struct file_pak *file; path = dock->path; /* printf("expected files: %d\n", dock->n); */ /* NB: have to change to the project directory in order to run GULP jobs in it */ /* TODO - save sysenv.cwd and restore after? */ if (chdir(path)) { printf("Failed to change to project directory.\n"); return; } /* submit all GULP jobs in the project directory */ dir_list = file_dir_list(path, 0); task->progress = 0.0; for (list=dir_list ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { file = get_file_info(list->data, BY_EXTENSION); if (file) { if (file->id == GULP) { input = list->data; base = parse_strip(input); output = g_strconcat(base, ".got", NULL); /* this doesn't work - why? */ /* if (exec_gulp(input, output)) printf(" >>> exec failed!!!\n"); */ /* run the GULP jobs (NOT in bg as we're already a task) */ cmd = g_strdup_printf("%s < %s > %s", sysenv.gulp_path, input, output); system(cmd); g_free(cmd); g_free(base); g_free(output); } } } g_slist_free(dir_list); }
static uint32 smbvfs_wrap_read(PFILE_HND file_hnd, char *data, SMB_OFF_T offset, uint16 maxcnt, ssize_t *nread) { files_struct *fsp = NULL; if (!get_file_info(file_hnd, &fsp)) return NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; if (fsp == NULL) return NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE; *nread = read_file(fsp, data, offset, maxcnt); return NT_STATUS_NOPROBLEMO; }
int chips_unlink(const char *path) { int fd = do_open((char *)path); if(fd < 0) return -ENOENT; potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DATA_FILE) return -EPERM; do_close(fd); return fs_delete((char *)path) ? 0 : -1; }
void type_change(GtkWidget *w) { G_CONST_RETURN gchar *tmp; struct file_pak *file_data; tmp = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(w)); /* update if valid type */ file_data = get_file_info((gpointer *) tmp, BY_LABEL); if (file_data) { sysenv.file_type = file_data->id; update_file_pane(); } }
vfs::vfs_status vfs::read_file( unsigned char* path, void* buffer ) { vfs_node* node; vfs_status stat; if( (stat = get_file_info( path, &node )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } if( node->type != vfs_node_types::file ) { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } node->fs->read_file((vfs_file*)node, buffer); return vfs_status::ok; }
vfs::vfs_status vfs::copy_file( unsigned char* to, unsigned char* from ) { vfs_node* from_node; vfs_status stat; if( (stat = get_file_info( from, &from_node )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } if( from_node->type != vfs_node_types::file ) { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } vfs_file* src = (vfs_file*)from_node; void* tmp = kmalloc(src->size); from_node->fs->read_file(src, tmp); return write_file( to, tmp, src->size ); /* if( (stat = get_path_parent( to, &to_node )) != vfs_status::ok ) { return stat; } if( to_node->type != vfs_node_types::directory ) { return vfs_status::incorrect_type; } if( to_node->fs == from_node->fs ) { vfs_file* new_file = to_node->fs->copy_file( (vfs_file*)from_node, (vfs_directory*)to_node ); vfs_directory* to_parent = (vfs_directory*)to_node; to_parent->files.add_end((vfs_node*)new_file); return vfs_status::ok; } else { vfs_file* src = (vfs_file*)from_node; void* tmp = kmalloc(src->size); from_node->fs->read_file(src, tmp); vfs_directory *dst = (vfs_directory*)to_node; return write_file( to, tmp, src->size ); } */ return vfs_status::ok; }
/***************************************************************************** Perform rtkgps list command. *****************************************************************************/ void cmd_list(cmdlnopts_t *cmdopt) { int fd; status_t status; logfile_t *lgflp; /*unsigned int mem = 0;*/ int n; fd = coms_open(cmdopt); if (cmdopt->vflg) printf("Requesting logger status information\n"); status_read(fd, &status, cmdopt); gpsmouse_disable(fd, status.gpsms, cmdopt); if ((lgflp = malloc(status.nfile*sizeof(logfile_t))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error allocating memory\n"); gpsmouse_enable(fd, status.gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(2); } for (n = 0; n < status.nfile; n++) { if (cmdopt->vflg) { printf("Requesting metadata for file %4d\n", n); } if (get_file_info(fd, n, lgflp+n) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error reading information for file %d [%s]\n", n, gcstrerror(rcerrno)); free(lgflp); gpsmouse_enable(fd, status.gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(5); } } printf("File num Date Fix type Num fix Mem ptr\n"); for (n = 0; n < status.nfile; n++) printf("%8d %8s %8hd %7d %7d\n", n, lgflp[n].date, lgflp[n].fxtyp, lgflp[n].nfix, lgflp[n].memp); free(lgflp); gpsmouse_enable(fd, status.gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); }
void docking_cleanup(struct dock_pak *dock, struct task_pak *task) { gchar *path, *ext; GSList *list, *dir_list; struct file_pak *file; struct model_pak model; /* temporary model data storage */ model_init(&model); /* load gulp file energies into project */ /* TODO - scan for .res files */ /* TODO - if none - scan .got file for possible error reports */ path = dock->path; /* scan project directory for .res files */ dir_list = file_dir_list(path, 0); for (list=dir_list ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list)) { file = get_file_info(list->data, BY_EXTENSION); if (file) { if (file->id == GULP) { ext = find_char(list->data, '.', LAST); if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(ext, ".res", 3) == 0) { /* process dump file */ printf("%s\n", (gchar *) list->data); } } if (file->id == GULPOUT) { /* process output file */ read_gulp_output(list->data, &model); printf("%s : %f\n", (gchar *) list->data,; } } } /* cleanup */ g_slist_free(dir_list); model_free(&model); }
static struct dir_entry * vstafs_readdir (long sector) { get_file_info (sector); if (FILE_INFO->type != 2) { errnum = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return 0; } a = FILE_INFO->blocks; curr_ext = 0; devread (a[curr_ext].a_start, 0, 512, (char *) DIRECTORY_BUF); current_direntry = 11; current_blockpos = 0; return &DIRECTORY_BUF[10]; }
/** * Get and send the info for the current directory */ bool write_list(int sock, int client_sock, const char *current_dir) { if(client_sock>0) { if(sock!=client_sock) { send_repl(sock,REPL_150); } } else { if(sock!=client_sock) { send_repl(sock,REPL_425); } return FALSE; } DIR *dir = ensure_dir_exists(sock,current_dir); if(dir==NULL) { if(sock!=client_sock) { close(client_sock); send_repl(sock,REPL_451); } return FALSE; } char line[300]; while(1) { struct dirent *d_next = readdir(dir); if(d_next==NULL) break; line[0]='\0'; if(get_file_info(d_next->d_name,line)) { if(send_repl_client(client_sock,line)) { if(sock!=client_sock) send_repl(sock,REPL_451); } } } if(sock!=client_sock) { close(client_sock); send_repl(sock,REPL_226); //free(line); } //free(line); closedir(dir); return TRUE; }
int cmd_get(void *info, t_msg *msg) { t_handle *handle; char path[PATH_SIZE]; int size; handle = (t_handle*)info; memset(path, 0, PATH_SIZE); add_log("Client %d execute command get %s\n", 0, handle->cli_num, msg->arg); strcat(path, handle->path); strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, msg->arg); if (get_file_info(handle, &size, path) < 0) if (write(handle->cli_fd, "0", 1) < 0) return (_error("Can't write on client %d: %m\n", -1, handle->cli_num)); if (receive_file(handle, path, size, msg) < 0) return (IWARNING); return (ISUCCESS); }
static int chips_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { int fd = do_open((char *)path); if(fd < 0) return -ENOENT; potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DATA_FILE) { do_close(fd); return -ENOENT; } do_close(fd); return 0; }
static int chips_append(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file>\n", argv[0]); return -1; } int fd = do_open(argv[1]); if(fd < 0) { if(!fs_create(argv[1], POTATOES_DATA_FILE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } if((fd = do_open(argv[1])) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } } potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DATA_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a file: %s\n", argv[1]); return 1; } char buf[512]; int count; int off = info.size; while((count = read(0, buf, 512)) > 0) { do_write(fd, buf, count, off); off += count; } return 0; }
static struct dir_entry * vstafs_readdir (long sector) { /* * Get some information from the current directory */ get_file_info (sector); if (FILE_INFO->type != 2) { *perrnum = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return 0; } a = (struct alloc *)FILE_INFO->blocks; curr_ext = 0; (*pdevread) (a[curr_ext].a_start, 0, 512, (char *) DIRECTORY_BUF); current_direntry = 11; current_blockpos = 0; return &DIRECTORY_BUF[10]; }
static int chips_cat(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file> [more files ...]\n", argv[0]); return -1; } int i; for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { int fd = do_open(argv[i]); if(fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[i]); return 1; } potatoes_file_info_t info; get_file_info(fd, &info); if(info.mode != POTATOES_DATA_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "Not a file: %s\n", argv[i]); return 1; } char buf[512]; int count; int off = 0; while((count = do_read(fd, buf, 512, off)) > 0) { off += count; write(1, buf, count); } } return 0; }
void vnr_properties_dialog_update(VnrPropertiesDialog *dialog) { const gchar *filetype = NULL; goffset filesize = 0; gchar *filetype_desc = NULL; gchar *filesize_str = NULL; get_file_info ((gchar*)VNR_FILE(dialog->vnr_win->file_list->data)->path, &filesize, &filetype); if(filetype == NULL && filesize == 0) { vnr_properties_dialog_clear(dialog); return; } vnr_properties_dialog_update_image(dialog); vnr_properties_dialog_update_metadata(dialog); filesize_str = g_format_size (filesize); filetype_desc = g_content_type_get_description (filetype); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(dialog->name_label), (gchar*)VNR_FILE(dialog->vnr_win->file_list->data)->display_name); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(dialog->location_label), (gchar*)VNR_FILE(dialog->vnr_win->file_list->data)->path); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(dialog->type_label), filetype_desc); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(dialog->size_label), filesize_str); g_free(filesize_str); g_free((gchar*)filetype); g_free(filetype_desc); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int fd, part_size, file_id; int k = 5; struct file_info* file_info; printf("%10d\n", k); sleep(2); if(argc!=4) { usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(sethandler(SIG_IGN,SIGPIPE)) ERR("Seting SIGPIPE:"); if(sethandler(sigint_handler,SIGINT)) ERR("Seting SIGINT:"); fd = connect_socket(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])); send_message(fd, "UPL", ""); part_size = wait_for_system_readiness(fd); file_info = get_file_info(fd, argv[3], part_size); if(( file_id = send_file_info(fd, argv[3], part_size, file_info)) < 0) ERR("write"); file_info -> file_id = file_id; printf("File ID: %d\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n", file_info -> file_id); send_file(fd, argv[3], file_info, part_size); printf("File ID: %d\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n\n\\n\n\n\n\n", file_info -> file_id); if(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(close(fd))<0) ERR("close"); free(file_info); return 0; }