Size2 GraphNode::get_minimum_size() const { Ref<Font> title_font = get_font("title_font"); int sep = get_constant("separation"); Ref<StyleBox> sb = get_stylebox("frame"); bool first = true; Size2 minsize; minsize.x = title_font->get_string_size(title).x; if (show_close) { Ref<Texture> close = get_icon("close"); minsize.x += sep + close->get_width(); } for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = get_child(i)->cast_to<Control>(); if (!c) continue; if (c->is_set_as_toplevel()) continue; Size2i size = c->get_combined_minimum_size(); minsize.y += size.y; minsize.x = MAX(minsize.x, size.x); if (first) first = false; else minsize.y += sep; } return minsize + sb->get_minimum_size(); }
extern Boolean fontlist_to_font( XmFontList font_list, Cal_Font *cal_font) { XmFontType type_return; XtPointer font_data; if (!font_list) return False; font_data = get_font(font_list, &type_return); if (!font_data) return False; cal_font->cf_type = type_return; if (type_return == XmFONT_IS_FONTSET) cal_font->f.cf_fontset = (XFontSet)font_data; else cal_font->f.cf_font = (XFontStruct *)font_data; return True; }
static void render(struct widget *w) { struct widget_priv *priv = w->priv; struct canvas *ca = &w->ca; unsigned char i; unsigned int width = ca->width; int x, y; char buf[10]; const struct font *f = get_font(0); for (i = 0; i < priv->total_ch; i++) { if ((w->cfg->props.mode == 0) || (w->cfg->props.mode == 1)) sprintf(buf, "CH%u %4d", i+1, priv->ch_raw[i]); else sprintf(buf, "CH%u", i+1); draw_str(buf, 0, i*f->size, ca, 0); if ((w->cfg->props.mode == 0) || (w->cfg->props.mode == 2)) { x = priv->ch_raw[i] - 1000; if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > 1000) x = 1000; x = (x * (unsigned int) priv->bar_size) / 1000; y = i * f->size; draw_rect(width-priv->bar_size-1, y, width-1, y+BAR_SIZE, 3, ca); draw_rect(width-priv->bar_size, y+1, width-2, y+BAR_SIZE-1, 1, ca); draw_vline(width-priv->bar_size-1+x, y+1, y+BAR_SIZE-1, 1, ca); draw_vline(width-priv->bar_size-1+x-1, y+1, y+BAR_SIZE-1, 3, ca); draw_vline(width-priv->bar_size-1+x+1, y+1, y+BAR_SIZE-1, 3, ca); } } }
void ProgressBar::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) { Ref<StyleBox> bg = get_stylebox("bg"); Ref<StyleBox> fg = get_stylebox("fg"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Color font_color = get_color("font_color"); draw_style_box(bg, Rect2(Point2(), get_size())); float r = get_as_ratio(); int mp = fg->get_minimum_size().width; int p = r * get_size().width - mp; if (p > 0) { draw_style_box(fg, Rect2(Point2(), Size2(p + fg->get_minimum_size().width, get_size().height))); } if (percent_visible) { String txt = itos(int(get_as_ratio() * 100)) + "%"; font->draw_halign(get_canvas_item(), Point2(0, font->get_ascent() + (get_size().height - font->get_height()) / 2), HALIGN_CENTER, get_size().width, txt, font_color); } } }
graphics::texture render_text_uncached(const std::string& text, const SDL_Color& color, int size) { #if !TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR && !TARGET_OS_HARMATTAN && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE TTF_Font* font = get_font(size); graphics::surface s; if(std::find(text.begin(), text.end(), '\n') == text.end()) { s = graphics::surface(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, text.c_str(), color)); } else { std::vector<graphics::surface> parts; std::vector<std::string> lines = util::split(text, '\n'); int height = 0, width = 0; foreach(const std::string& line, lines) { parts.push_back(graphics::surface(TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, line.c_str(), color))); if(parts.back().get() == NULL) { std::cerr << "FAILED TO RENDER STRING: '" << line << "'\n"; throw error(); } if(parts.back()->w > width) { width = parts.back()->w; } height += parts.back()->h; } const SDL_PixelFormat* f = parts.front()->format; s = graphics::surface(SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, f->BitsPerPixel, f->Rmask, f->Gmask, f->Bmask, f->Amask)); int ypos = 0; foreach(graphics::surface part, parts) { SDL_Rect rect = {0, ypos, part->w, part->h}; SDL_SetAlpha(part.get(), 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); SDL_BlitSurface(part.get(), NULL, s.get(), &rect); ypos += part->h; }
void RichTextLabel::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: { main->first_invalid_line=0; //invalidate ALL update(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { set_bbcode(bbcode); main->first_invalid_line=0; //invalidate ALL update(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (is_inside_tree() && use_bbcode) { parse_bbcode(bbcode); //first_invalid_line=0; //invalidate ALL //update(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { _validate_line_caches(main); _update_scroll(); RID ci=get_canvas_item(); Size2 size = get_size(); VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_clip(ci,true); if (has_focus()) { VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(ci,true); draw_style_box(get_stylebox("focus"),Rect2(Point2(),size)); VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(ci,false); } int ofs = vscroll->get_val(); //todo, change to binary search int from_line = 0; int total_chars = 0; while (from_line<main->lines.size()) { if (main->lines[from_line].height_accum_cache>=ofs) break; from_line++; total_chars+=main->lines[from_line].char_count; } if (from_line>=main->lines.size()) break; //nothing to draw int y = (main->lines[from_line].height_accum_cache - main->lines[from_line].height_cache) - ofs; Ref<Font> base_font=get_font("normal_font"); Color base_color=get_color("default_color"); while (y<size.height && from_line<main->lines.size()) { _process_line(main,Point2(),y,size.width-scroll_w,from_line,PROCESS_DRAW,base_font,base_color,Point2i(),NULL,NULL,NULL,total_chars); total_chars+=main->lines[from_line].char_count; from_line++; } } } }
static void options(void) { int ch; /* return value from getopt() */ int n; /* for CR and LF modes */ /* * * Reads and processes the command line options. Added the -P option so arbitrary * PostScript code can be passed through. Expect it could be useful for changing * definitions in the prologue for which options have not been defined. * * Although any PostScript font can be used, things will only work for constant * width fonts. * */ while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, optnames)) != EOF ) { switch ( ch ) { case 'a': /* aspect ratio */ fprintf(stdout, "/aspectratio %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'c': /* copies */ copies = atoi(optarg); fprintf(stdout, "/#copies %s store\n", optarg); break; case 'f': /* use this PostScript font */ fontname = get_font(optarg); fprintf(stdout, "/font /%s def\n", fontname); break; case 'h': /* default character spacing */ ohmi = hmi = atoi(optarg) * HSCALE; fprintf(stdout, "/hmi %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'l': /* lines per page */ linespp = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': /* magnification */ fprintf(stdout, "/magnification %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'n': /* forms per page */ formsperpage = atoi(optarg); fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", FORMSPERPAGE, optarg); fprintf(stdout, "/formsperpage %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'o': /* output page list */ out_list(optarg); break; case 'p': /* landscape or portrait mode */ if ( *optarg == 'l' ) fprintf(stdout, "/landscape true def\n"); else fprintf(stdout, "/landscape false def\n"); break; case 'r': /* set CR and LF modes */ n = atoi(optarg); if ( n & 01 ) lfiscr = ON; else lfiscr = OFF; if ( n & 02 ) crislf = ON; else crislf = OFF; break; case 's': /* point size */ fprintf(stdout, "/pointsize %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'v': /* default line spacing */ ovmi = vmi = atoi(optarg) * VSCALE; break; case 'x': /* shift things horizontally */ fprintf(stdout, "/xoffset %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'y': /* and vertically on the page */ fprintf(stdout, "/yoffset %s def\n", optarg); break; case 'A': /* force job accounting */ case 'J': if ( (fp_acct = fopen(optarg, "a")) == NULL ) error(FATAL, "can't open accounting file %s", optarg); break; case 'C': /* copy file straight to output */ if ( cat(optarg) == FALSE ) error(FATAL, "can't read %s", optarg); break; case 'E': /* text font encoding */ fontencoding = optarg; break; case 'L': /* PostScript prologue file */ prologue = optarg; break; case 'P': /* PostScript pass through */ fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", optarg); break; case 'R': /* special global or page level request */ saverequest(optarg); break; case 'D': /* debug flag */ debug = ON; break; case 'I': /* ignore FATAL errors */ ignore = ON; break; case '?': /* don't understand the option */ error(FATAL, ""); break; default: /* don't know what to do for ch */ error(FATAL, "missing case for option %c\n", ch); break; } /* End switch */ } /* End while */ argc -= optind; /* get ready for non-option args */ argv += optind; } /* End of options */
int read_info(void) { char buf[1024]; char *key, *data; int fontsize; double x, y; int r, g, b, ret; PSCOLOR color, bgcolor, border; fontsize = 0; set_color(&color, 0, 0, 0); set_color(&bgcolor, 255, 255, 255); unset_color(&border); x = y = 0.0; while (input(2, buf, help)) { if (!key_data(buf, &key, &data)) continue; if (KEY("where")) { if (sscanf(data, "%lf %lf", &x, &y) != 2) { x = y = 0.0; error(key, data, _("illegal where request")); } else continue; } if (KEY("fontsize")) { fontsize = atoi(data); if (fontsize < 4 || fontsize > 50) fontsize = 0; continue; } if (KEY("color")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&color, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) /* i.e. "none" */ /* unset_color(&color); */ error(key, data, _("Unsupported color request")); else error(key, data, _("illegal color request")); continue; } if (KEY("background")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&bgcolor, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) /* i.e. "none" */ unset_color(&bgcolor); else error(key, data, _("illegal bgcolor request")); continue; } if (KEY("border")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&border, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) /* i.e. "none" */ unset_color(&border); else error(key, data, _("illegal border color request")); continue; } if (KEY("font")) { get_font(data); m_info.font = G_store(data); continue; } error(key, data, _("illegal mapinfo sub-request")); } m_info.x = x; m_info.y = y; m_info.color = color; m_info.bgcolor = bgcolor; m_info.border = border; if (fontsize) m_info.fontsize = fontsize; return 0; }
void Tabs::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { rb_hover = -1; cb_hover = -1; hover = -1; update(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: { _ensure_no_over_offset(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Ref<StyleBox> tab_bg = get_stylebox("tab_bg"); Ref<StyleBox> tab_fg = get_stylebox("tab_fg"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Color color_fg = get_color("font_color_fg"); Color color_bg = get_color("font_color_bg"); Ref<Texture> close = get_icon("close"); int h = get_size().height; int w = 0; int mw = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) { tabs[i].ofs_cache = mw; mw += get_tab_width(i); } if (tab_align == ALIGN_CENTER) { w = (get_size().width - mw) / 2; } else if (tab_align == ALIGN_RIGHT) { w = get_size().width - mw; } if (w < 0) { w = 0; } Ref<Texture> incr = get_icon("increment"); Ref<Texture> decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref<Texture> incr_hl = get_icon("increment_hilite"); Ref<Texture> decr_hl = get_icon("decrement_hilite"); int limit = get_size().width - incr->get_size().width - decr->get_size().width; missing_right = false; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); i++) { if (i < offset) continue; tabs[i].ofs_cache = w; int lsize = get_tab_width(i); String text = tabs[i].text; int slen = font->get_string_size(text).width; if (w + lsize > limit) { max_drawn_tab = i - 1; missing_right = true; break; } else { max_drawn_tab = i; } Ref<StyleBox> sb; Color col; if (i == current) { sb = tab_fg; col = color_fg; } else { sb = tab_bg; col = color_bg; } Rect2 sb_rect = Rect2(w, 0, lsize, h); sb->draw(ci, sb_rect); w += sb->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT); Size2i sb_ms = sb->get_minimum_size(); Ref<Texture> icon = tabs[i].icon; if (icon.is_valid()) { icon->draw(ci, Point2i(w, sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP) + ((sb_rect.size.y - sb_ms.y) - icon->get_height()) / 2)); if (text != "") w += icon->get_width() + get_constant("hseparation"); } font->draw(ci, Point2i(w, sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP) + ((sb_rect.size.y - sb_ms.y) - font->get_height()) / 2 + font->get_ascent()), text, col); w += slen; if (tabs[i].right_button.is_valid()) { Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("button"); Ref<Texture> rb = tabs[i].right_button; w += get_constant("hseparation"); Rect2 rb_rect; rb_rect.size = style->get_minimum_size() + rb->get_size(); rb_rect.pos.x = w; rb_rect.pos.y = sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP) + ((sb_rect.size.y - sb_ms.y) - (rb_rect.size.y)) / 2; if (rb_hover == i) { if (rb_pressing) get_stylebox("button_pressed")->draw(ci, rb_rect); else style->draw(ci, rb_rect); } rb->draw(ci, Point2i(w + style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), rb_rect.pos.y + style->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP))); w += rb->get_width(); tabs[i].rb_rect = rb_rect; } if (cb_displaypolicy == CLOSE_BUTTON_SHOW_ALWAYS || (cb_displaypolicy == CLOSE_BUTTON_SHOW_ACTIVE_ONLY && i == current)) { Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("button"); Ref<Texture> cb = close; w += get_constant("hseparation"); Rect2 cb_rect; cb_rect.size = style->get_minimum_size() + cb->get_size(); cb_rect.pos.x = w; cb_rect.pos.y = sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP) + ((sb_rect.size.y - sb_ms.y) - (cb_rect.size.y)) / 2; if (cb_hover == i) { if (cb_pressing) get_stylebox("button_pressed")->draw(ci, cb_rect); else style->draw(ci, cb_rect); } cb->draw(ci, Point2i(w + style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), cb_rect.pos.y + style->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP))); w += cb->get_width(); tabs[i].cb_rect = cb_rect; } w += sb->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT); tabs[i].size_cache = w - tabs[i].ofs_cache; } if (offset > 0 || missing_right) { int vofs = (get_size().height - incr->get_size().height) / 2; if (offset > 0) draw_texture(hilite_arrow == 0 ? decr_hl : decr, Point2(limit, vofs)); else draw_texture(decr, Point2(limit, vofs), Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); if (missing_right) draw_texture(hilite_arrow == 1 ? incr_hl : incr, Point2(limit + decr->get_size().width, vofs)); else draw_texture(incr, Point2(limit + decr->get_size().width, vofs), Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5)); buttons_visible = true; } else { buttons_visible = false; } } break; } }
void ProjectManager::_load_recent_projects() { while(scroll_childs->get_child_count()>0) { memdelete( scroll_childs->get_child(0)); } List<PropertyInfo> properties; EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&properties); Color font_color = get_color("font_color","Tree"); for(List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=properties.front();E;E=E->next()) { String _name = E->get().name; if (!_name.begins_with("projects/")) continue; String project = _name.get_slice("/",1); String path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get(_name); String conf=path.plus_file("engine.cfg"); Ref<ConfigFile> cf = memnew( ConfigFile ); Error err = cf->load(conf); ERR_CONTINUE(err!=OK); Ref<Texture> icon; String project_name="Unnamed Project"; if (cf->has_section_key("application","icon")) { String appicon = cf->get_value("application","icon"); if (appicon!="") { Image img; Error err = img.load(appicon.replace_first("res://",path+"/")); if (err==OK) { img.resize(64,64); Ref<ImageTexture> it = memnew( ImageTexture ); it->create_from_image(img); icon=it; } } } if (cf->has_section_key("application","name")) { project_name = cf->get_value("application","name"); } if (icon.is_null()) { icon=get_icon("DefaultProjectIcon","EditorIcons"); } String main_scene; if (cf->has_section_key("application","main_scene")) { main_scene = cf->get_value("application","main_scene"); } HBoxContainer *hb = memnew( HBoxContainer ); hb->set_meta("name",project); hb->set_meta("main_scene",main_scene); hb->connect("draw",this,"_panel_draw",varray(hb)); hb->connect("input_event",this,"_panel_input",varray(hb)); TextureFrame *tf = memnew( TextureFrame ); tf->set_texture(icon); hb->add_child(tf); VBoxContainer *vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); hb->add_child(vb); EmptyControl *ec = memnew( EmptyControl ); ec->set_minsize(Size2(0,1)); vb->add_child(ec); Label *title = memnew( Label(project_name) ); title->add_font_override("font",get_font("large","Fonts")); title->add_color_override("font_color",font_color); vb->add_child(title); Label *fpath = memnew( Label(path) ); vb->add_child(fpath); fpath->set_opacity(0.5); fpath->add_color_override("font_color",font_color); scroll_childs->add_child(hb); } erase_btn->set_disabled(selected==""); open_btn->set_disabled(selected==""); if (selected=="") run_btn->set_disabled(true); }
void OutputStrings::_notification(int p_what) { switch(p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { if (following) { updating=true; v_scroll->set_val( v_scroll->get_max() - v_scroll->get_page() ); updating=false; } RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Size2 size = get_size(); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font","Tree"); Ref<StyleBox> tree_st = get_stylebox("bg","Tree"); tree_st->draw(ci,Rect2(Point2(),size)); Color color = get_color("font_color","Tree"); Ref<Texture> icon_error = get_icon("Error","EditorIcons"); Ref<Texture> icon_warning = get_icon("Warning","EditorIcons"); // int lines = (size_height-(int)margin.y) / font_height; Point2 ofs=tree_st->get_offset(); LineMap::Element *E = line_map.find(v_scroll->get_val()); float h_ofs = (int)h_scroll->get_val(); Point2 icon_ofs=Point2(0,(font_height-(int)icon_error->get_height())/2); while( E && ofs.y < (size_height-(int)margin.y) ) { String str = E->get().text; Point2 line_ofs=ofs; switch(E->get().type) { case LINE_WARNING: { icon_warning->draw(ci,line_ofs+icon_ofs); } break; case LINE_ERROR: { icon_error->draw(ci,line_ofs+icon_ofs); } break; case LINE_LINK: { } break; default: {} } line_ofs.y+=font->get_ascent(); line_ofs.x+=icon_error->get_width()+4; for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++) { if (line_ofs.x-h_ofs < 0 ) { line_ofs.x+=font->get_char_size(str[i],str[i+1]).width; } else if (line_ofs.x-h_ofs > size.width - margin.width) { break; } else { line_ofs.x+=font->draw_char(ci,Point2(line_ofs.x-h_ofs,line_ofs.y),str[i],str[i+1],color); } } ofs.y+=font_height; E=E->next(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: { font_height = get_font("font","Tree")->get_height(); size_height = get_size().height; update_scrollbars(); } break; } }
void PopupMenu::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_event; if (k.is_valid()) { if (!k->is_pressed()) return; switch (k->get_scancode()) { case KEY_DOWN: { for (int i = mouse_over + 1; i < items.size(); i++) { if (i < 0 || i >= items.size()) continue; if (!items[i].separator && !items[i].disabled) { mouse_over = i; update(); break; } } } break; case KEY_UP: { for (int i = mouse_over - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i < 0 || i >= items.size()) continue; if (!items[i].separator && !items[i].disabled) { mouse_over = i; update(); break; } } } break; case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_KP_ENTER: { if (mouse_over >= 0 && mouse_over < items.size() && !items[mouse_over].separator) { activate_item(mouse_over); } } break; } } Ref<InputEventMouseButton> b = p_event; if (b.is_valid()) { if (b->is_pressed()) return; switch (b->get_button_index()) { case BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: { if (get_global_position().y + get_size().y > get_viewport_rect().size.y) { int vseparation = get_constant("vseparation"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Point2 pos = get_position(); int s = (vseparation + font->get_height()) * 3; pos.y -= (s * b->get_factor()); set_position(pos); //update hover Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> ie; ie.instance(); ie->set_position(b->get_position() + Vector2(0, s)); _gui_input(ie); } } break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: { if (get_global_position().y < 0) { int vseparation = get_constant("vseparation"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Point2 pos = get_position(); int s = (vseparation + font->get_height()) * 3; pos.y += (s * b->get_factor()); set_position(pos); //update hover Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> ie; ie.instance(); ie->set_position(b->get_position() - Vector2(0, s)); _gui_input(ie); } } break; case BUTTON_LEFT: { int over = _get_mouse_over(b->get_position()); if (invalidated_click) { invalidated_click = false; break; } if (over < 0) { hide(); break; //non-activable } if (items[over].separator || items[over].disabled) break; if (items[over].submenu != "") { _activate_submenu(over); return; } activate_item(over); } break; } //update(); } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> m = p_event; if (m.is_valid()) { if (invalidated_click) { moved += m->get_relative(); if (moved.length() > 4) invalidated_click = false; } for (List<Rect2>::Element *E = autohide_areas.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (!Rect2(Point2(), get_size()).has_point(m->get_position()) && E->get().has_point(m->get_position())) { call_deferred("hide"); return; } } int over = _get_mouse_over(m->get_position()); int id = (over < 0 || items[over].separator || items[over].disabled) ? -1 : (items[over].ID >= 0 ? items[over].ID : over); if (id < 0) { mouse_over = -1; update(); return; } if (items[over].submenu != "" && submenu_over != over) { submenu_over = over; submenu_timer->start(); } if (over != mouse_over) { mouse_over = over; update(); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Uint32 flags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; SDL_Surface *screen; Uint8 video_bpp = 16; Uint32 videoflags = SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN; SDL_Rect **video_modes; static TTF_Font *font; int done = 0; SDL_Event event; const int WORD_DELAY = 45; // frames int countdown_timer = WORD_DELAY; int trial_attempts = 10; if(SDL_Init(flags) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } video_modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, videoflags); if(video_modes == (SDL_Rect**)0) { fprintf(stderr, "No video modes available.\n"); } if(video_modes == (SDL_Rect**)-1) { printf("All resolutions available.\n"); } int i; for(i = 0; video_modes[i]; ++i) { screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(video_modes[i]->w, video_modes[i]->h, video_bpp, videoflags); if(screen != NULL) break; } if(screen == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); SDL_Quit(); exit(2); } if(TTF_Init() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize text renderer: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); exit(2); } if(SDL_JoystickOpen(0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize joystick.\n"); } font = get_font(font, video_modes[i]->h); SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Stroop", NULL); srand(time(NULL)); while(!done) { static long timestamp ; static long last_timestamp; timestamp = SDL_GetTicks(); if((timestamp-last_timestamp) < 33) continue; if(countdown_timer <= 0) { int trial = (trial_attempts > 0) ? 1 : 0; if(trial) trial_attempts--; draw_next_word(screen, font, trial); countdown_timer = WORD_DELAY; } else { countdown_timer--; } done = pollinput(&event); if(fullscreen && !(videoflags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) { videoflags = videoflags ^ SDL_FULLSCREEN; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(video_modes[i]->w, video_modes[i]->h, video_bpp, videoflags); font = get_font(font, video_modes[i]->h); } if(!fullscreen && (videoflags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) { videoflags = videoflags ^ SDL_FULLSCREEN; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, video_bpp, videoflags); font = get_font(font, 480); } last_timestamp = timestamp; } TTF_CloseFont(font); SDL_JoystickClose(0); TTF_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); #ifdef GP2X chdir("/usr/gp2x"); execl("/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", "/usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu", NULL); #endif return 0; }
void EditorHelp::_add_text(const String& p_bbcode) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->push_font( get_font("normal","Fonts") ); class_desc->push_indent(1); int pos = 0; List<String> tag_stack; while(pos < p_bbcode.length()) { int brk_pos = p_bbcode.find("[",pos); if (brk_pos<0) brk_pos=p_bbcode.length(); if (brk_pos > pos) { class_desc->add_text(p_bbcode.substr(pos,brk_pos-pos)); } if (brk_pos==p_bbcode.length()) break; //nothing else o add int brk_end = p_bbcode.find("]",brk_pos+1); if (brk_end==-1) { //no close, add the rest class_desc->add_text(p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos,p_bbcode.length()-brk_pos)); break; } String tag = p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos+1,brk_end-brk_pos-1); if (tag.begins_with("/")) { bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get()==tag.substr(1,tag.length()); if (tag_stack.size()) { } if (!tag_ok) { class_desc->add_text("["); pos++; continue; } tag_stack.pop_front(); pos=brk_end+1; if (tag!="/img") class_desc->pop(); } else if (tag.begins_with("method ")) { String m = tag.substr(7,tag.length()); class_desc->push_meta("@"+m); class_desc->add_text(m+"()"); class_desc->pop(); pos=brk_end+1; } else if (doc->class_list.has(tag)) { class_desc->push_meta("#"+tag); class_desc->add_text(tag); class_desc->pop(); pos=brk_end+1; } else if (tag=="b") { //use bold font class_desc->push_font(get_font("source","Fonts")); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="i") { //use italics font //class_desc->push_font(get_font("italic","Fonts")); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="code") { //use monospace font class_desc->push_font(get_font("source","EditorFonts")); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="center") { //use monospace font class_desc->push_align(RichTextLabel::ALIGN_CENTER); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="br") { //use monospace font class_desc->add_newline(); pos=brk_end+1; } else if (tag=="u") { //use underline class_desc->push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="s") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) class_desc->push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="url") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String url = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); class_desc->push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) { String url = tag.substr(4,tag.length()); class_desc->push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("url"); } else if (tag=="img") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String image = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); Ref<Texture> texture = ResourceLoader::load(base_path+"/"+image,"Texture"); if (texture.is_valid()) class_desc->add_image(texture); pos=end; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) { String col = tag.substr(6,tag.length()); Color color; if (col.begins_with("#")) color=Color::html(col); else if (col=="aqua") color=Color::html("#00FFFF"); else if (col=="black") color=Color::html("#000000"); else if (col=="blue") color=Color::html("#0000FF"); else if (col=="fuchsia") color=Color::html("#FF00FF"); else if (col=="gray" || col=="grey") color=Color::html("#808080"); else if (col=="green") color=Color::html("#008000"); else if (col=="lime") color=Color::html("#00FF00"); else if (col=="maroon") color=Color::html("#800000"); else if (col=="navy") color=Color::html("#000080"); else if (col=="olive") color=Color::html("#808000"); else if (col=="purple") color=Color::html("#800080"); else if (col=="red") color=Color::html("#FF0000"); else if (col=="silver") color=Color::html("#C0C0C0"); else if (col=="teal") color=Color::html("#008008"); else if (col=="white") color=Color::html("#FFFFFF"); else if (col=="yellow") color=Color::html("#FFFF00"); else color=Color(0,0,0,1); //base_color; class_desc->push_color(color); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("color"); } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) { String fnt = tag.substr(5,tag.length()); Ref<Font> font = ResourceLoader::load(base_path+"/"+fnt,"Font"); if (font.is_valid()) class_desc->push_font(font); else { class_desc->push_font(get_font("source","rFonts")); } pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("font"); } else { class_desc->add_text("["); //ignore pos=brk_pos+1; } } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); }
Error EditorHelp::_goto_desc(const String& p_class,bool p_update_history,int p_vscr) { //ERR_FAIL_COND(!doc->class_list.has(p_class)); if (!doc->class_list.has(p_class)) return ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; if (tree_item_map.has(p_class)) { select_locked = true; tree_item_map[p_class]->select(0); class_list->ensure_cursor_is_visible(); } class_desc->show(); //tabs->set_current_tab(PAGE_CLASS_DESC); edited_class->set_pressed(true); class_list_button->set_pressed(false); description_line=0; if (p_class==edited_class->get_text()) return OK; //already there scroll_locked=true; if (p_update_history) { history.resize(history_pos); history_pos++; History h; h.c=p_class; h.scroll=0; history.push_back(h); _update_history_buttons(); class_desc->get_v_scroll()->set_val(0); } class_desc->clear(); method_line.clear(); edited_class->set_text(p_class); //edited_class->show(); DocData::ClassDoc &cd=doc->class_list[p_class]; Color h_color; Ref<Font> doc_font = get_font("normal","Fonts"); Ref<Font> doc_code_font = get_font("source","Fonts"); Ref<Font> doc_title_font = get_font("large","Fonts"); h_color=Color(1,1,1,1); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->add_text("Class: "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/base_type_color")); class_desc->add_text(p_class); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); if (cd.inherits!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Inherits: "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); _add_type(cd.inherits); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } if (cd.brief_description!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Brief Description:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); //class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); _add_text(cd.brief_description); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } bool method_descr=false; if (cd.methods.size()) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Public Methods:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); //class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); for(int i=0;i<cd.methods.size();i++) { method_line[cd.methods[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; //gets overriden if description class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.methods[i].return_type); class_desc->add_text(" "); if (cd.methods[i].description!="") { method_descr=true; class_desc->push_meta("@"+cd.methods[i].name); } class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].name); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.methods[i].description!="") class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments.size()?"( ":"("); class_desc->pop(); for(int j=0;j<cd.methods[i].arguments.size();j++) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); if (j>0) class_desc->add_text(", "); _add_type(cd.methods[i].arguments[j].type); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.methods[i].arguments[j].name); if (cd.methods[i].arguments[j].default_value!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text("="); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments[j].default_value); } class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments.size()?" )":")"); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.methods[i].qualifiers!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.methods[i].qualifiers); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop();//monofont class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } if ( { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Members:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); //class_desc->add_newline(); for(int i=0;i<;i++) { property_line[[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; //gets overriden if description class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type([i].type); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->add_text(" "[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); if ([i].description!="") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/comment_color")); class_desc->add_text([i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->pop(); } if (cd.theme_properties.size()) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("GUI Theme Items:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); //class_desc->add_newline(); for(int i=0;i<cd.theme_properties.size();i++) { theme_property_line[cd.theme_properties[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; //gets overriden if description class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.theme_properties[i].type); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.theme_properties[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.theme_properties[i].description!="") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/comment_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.theme_properties[i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->pop(); } if (cd.signals.size()) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Signals:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); //class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); for(int i=0;i<cd.signals.size();i++) { signal_line[cd.signals[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; //gets overriden if description class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); //_add_type("void"); //class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.signals[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.signals[i].arguments.size()?"( ":"("); class_desc->pop(); for(int j=0;j<cd.signals[i].arguments.size();j++) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); if (j>0) class_desc->add_text(", "); _add_type(cd.signals[i].arguments[j].type); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.signals[i].arguments[j].name); if (cd.signals[i].arguments[j].default_value!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text("="); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_text(cd.signals[i].arguments[j].default_value); } class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.signals[i].arguments.size()?" )":")"); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.signals[i].description!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/comment_color")); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.signals[i].description); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop();//monofont class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } if (cd.constants.size()) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Constants:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->add_newline(); //class_desc->add_newline(); for(int i=0;i<cd.constants.size();i++) { constant_line[cd.constants[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/base_type_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.constants[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(" = "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.constants[i].value); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.constants[i].description!="") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/comment_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.constants[i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } if (cd.description!="") { description_line=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Description:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); _add_text(cd.description); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } if (method_descr) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text("Method Description:"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); for(int i=0;i<cd.methods.size();i++) { method_line[cd.methods[i].name]=class_desc->get_line_count()-2; class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.methods[i].return_type); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments.size()?"( ":"("); class_desc->pop(); for(int j=0;j<cd.methods[i].arguments.size();j++) { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/text_color")); if (j>0) class_desc->add_text(", "); _add_type(cd.methods[i].arguments[j].type); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.methods[i].arguments[j].name); if (cd.methods[i].arguments[j].default_value!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text("="); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments[j].default_value); } class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/symbol_color")); class_desc->add_text(cd.methods[i].arguments.size()?" )":")"); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.methods[i].qualifiers!="") { class_desc->push_color(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/keyword_color")); class_desc->add_text(" "+cd.methods[i].qualifiers); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); _add_text(cd.methods[i].description); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } } if (!p_update_history) { class_desc->get_v_scroll()->set_val(history[history_pos-1].scroll); } scroll_locked=false; return OK; }
void GLUI_EditText::draw_text( int x, int y ) { GLUI_DRAWINGSENTINAL_IDIOM int text_x, i, sel_lo, sel_hi; if ( debug ) dump( stdout, "-> DRAW_TEXT" ); if ( NOT draw_text_only ) { if ( enabled ) glColor3f( 1., 1., 1. ); else set_to_bkgd_color(); glDisable( GL_CULL_FACE ); glBegin( GL_QUADS ); glVertex2i( text_x_offset+2, 2 ); glVertex2i( w-2, 2 ); glVertex2i( w-2, h-2 ); glVertex2i( text_x_offset+2, h-2 ); glEnd(); } /** Find where to draw the text **/ text_x = text_x_offset + 2 + GLUI_EDITTEXT_BOXINNERMARGINX; /*printf( "text_x: %d substr_width: %d start/end: %d/%d\n", text_x, substring_width( substring_start, substring_end ), substring_start, substring_end ); */ /** Find lower and upper selection bounds **/ sel_lo = MIN(sel_start, sel_end ); sel_hi = MAX(sel_start, sel_end ); int sel_x_start, sel_x_end, delta; /** Draw selection area dark **/ if ( sel_start != sel_end ) { sel_x_start = text_x; sel_x_end = text_x; for( i=substring_start; i<=substring_end; i++ ) { delta = char_width( text[i] ); if ( i < sel_lo ) { sel_x_start += delta; sel_x_end += delta; } else if ( i < sel_hi ) { sel_x_end += delta; } } glColor3f( 0.0f, 0.0f, .6f ); glBegin( GL_QUADS ); glVertex2i( sel_x_start, 2 ); glVertex2i( sel_x_end, 2 ); glVertex2i( sel_x_end, h-2 ); glVertex2i( sel_x_start, h-2 ); glEnd(); } if ( sel_start == sel_end ) { /* No current selection */ if ( enabled ) glColor3b( 0, 0, 0 ); else glColor3b( 32, 32, 32 ); glRasterPos2i( text_x, 13); for( i=substring_start; i<=substring_end; i++ ) { glutBitmapCharacter( get_font(), this->text[i] ); } } else { /* There is a selection */ int x = text_x; for( i=substring_start; i<=substring_end; i++ ) { if ( IN_BOUNDS( i, sel_lo, sel_hi-1)) { /* This character is selected */ glColor3f( 1., 1., 1. ); glRasterPos2i( x, 13); glutBitmapCharacter( get_font(), this->text[i] ); } else { glColor3f( 0., 0., 0. ); glRasterPos2i( x, 13); glutBitmapCharacter( get_font(), this->text[i] ); } x += char_width( text[i] ); } } if ( debug ) dump( stdout, "<- DRAW_TEXT" ); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // dialog for purchasing buildings in town // create buttons for purchasing buildings. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void t_buy_building_window::create_buttons( t_window* background ) { t_button_info button_info[k_max_buttons]; t_town_type town_type = m_town->get_type(); t_help_block const& help = get_help_block( "town_hall" ); int i; for (i = 0; i < k_max_buttons; i++) { button_info[i].id = -1; button_info[i].state = k_button_hidden; } set_button_state( button_info, m_town, k_common_buttons, ELEMENTS_OF( k_common_buttons )); set_button_state( button_info, m_town, k_button_maps[town_type].map, k_button_maps[town_type].count ); t_bitmap_layer const* layer; t_button* button; t_bitmap_layer const* frame = m_interface->find( "frame" ); t_screen_point frame_origin = frame->get_rect().top_left(); t_bitmap_layer const* thumbnail = m_interface->find( "thumbnail" ); t_screen_point thumbnail_origin = thumbnail->get_rect().top_left() - frame_origin; t_bitmap_layer const* x_mark = m_interface->find( "cannot build" ); t_bitmap_layer const* bars[6]; t_window* frame_window; t_window* window; t_town_building building; m_thumbnails = g_building_thumbnails[town_type]->get(); bars[k_button_disabled - 1] = m_interface->find( "gray bar" ); bars[k_button_built - 1] = m_interface->find( "gold bar" ); bars[k_button_cannot_build - 1] = m_interface->find( "red bar" ); bars[k_button_cannot_afford - 1] = bars[k_button_cannot_build - 1]; bars[k_button_not_owner - 1] = bars[k_button_cannot_build - 1]; bars[k_button_ok - 1] = m_interface->find( "green bar" ); // find row rectangles t_bitmap_layer const* rows[5]; int row_counts[5]; int row_spacing[5]; int row_start[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { row_counts[i] = 0; rows[i] = m_interface->find( format_string( "row %i", i + 1 ) ); } // count # of buttons in each row for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) if (button_info[i].state != k_button_hidden) row_counts[i / 4]++; // compute row spacing int width_diff; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Diff. between row frame and sum of individual building frames. width_diff = (rows[i]->get_width() - k_building_columns * frame->get_width()); row_spacing[i] = width_diff / (k_building_columns - 1) + frame->get_width(); row_start[i] = (rows[i]->get_width() - frame->get_width() - row_spacing[i] * (row_counts[i] - 1)) / 2; } // create the buttons t_screen_point point; int row; t_window* bar; t_text_window* text_window; t_screen_rect rect; t_screen_rect text_rect = m_interface->find("building_text")->get_rect(); //t_screen_point thumbnail_offset; for (i = 0; i < k_max_buttons; i++) { if (button_info[i].state == k_button_hidden) continue; building = t_town_building( button_info[i].id ); t_building_traits const& traits = get_traits( town_type, building ); row = i / k_building_columns; point = rows[row]->get_rect().top_left(); point.x += row_start[row] + (i % k_building_columns ) * row_spacing[row]; button = new t_button( point, background ); rect = frame->get_rect() - frame->get_rect().top_left(); frame_window = new t_window ( rect, k_completely_transparent, button ); window = new t_bitmap_layer_window( frame, -frame->get_rect().top_left(), frame_window ); // add thumbnail layer = m_thumbnails->find( traits.keyword ); window = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, thumbnail_origin, frame_window ); // if cannot build, add X mark switch (button_info[i].state) { case k_button_disabled: case k_button_cannot_build: case k_button_cannot_afford: window = new t_bitmap_layer_window( x_mark, -frame_origin, frame_window ); break; } // add appropriate bar t_bitmap_layer const* bar_layer = bars[button_info[i].state - 1]; bar = new t_bitmap_layer_window( bar_layer, -frame_origin, frame_window ); // add name to bar text_window = new t_text_window( get_font( text_rect.height() / 2 ), text_rect - bar_layer->get_rect().top_left(), bar,, t_pixel_24(0, 0, 0) ); text_window->set_center_horizontal(); text_window->set_center_vertical(); //text_window->set_drop_shadow( true ); switch (button_info[i].state) { case k_button_built: set_help( button, help, "gold_bar" ); break; case k_button_disabled: set_help( button, help, "gray_bar" ); break; case k_button_cannot_build: set_help( button, help, "red_bar_x" ); break; case k_button_cannot_afford: set_help( button, help, "red_bar_$" ); break; case k_button_not_owner: set_help( button, help, "red_bar_owner" ); break; default : set_help( button, help, "green_bar" ); break; } // set image and handler frame_window->set_size_from_children(); button->set_released_image( frame_window ); if (button_info[i].state == k_button_disabled) { button->set_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_buy_building_window::disabled_building_click ), button_info[i].id )); } else { button->set_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_buy_building_window::building_click ), button_info[i].id )); } button->set_right_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_buy_building_window::describe_building ), button_info[i].id )); } }
void PopupMenu::_input_event(const InputEvent &p_event) { switch( p_event.type) { case InputEvent::KEY: { if (!p_event.key.pressed) break; switch(p_event.key.scancode) { case KEY_DOWN: { for(int i=mouse_over+1;i<items.size();i++) { if (i<0 || i>=items.size()) continue; if (!items[i].separator && !items[i].disabled) { mouse_over=i; update(); break; } } } break; case KEY_UP: { for(int i=mouse_over-1;i>=0;i--) { if (i<0 || i>=items.size()) continue; if (!items[i].separator && !items[i].disabled) { mouse_over=i; update(); break; } } } break; case KEY_RETURN: case KEY_ENTER: { if (mouse_over>=0 && mouse_over<items.size() && !items[mouse_over].separator) { activate_item(mouse_over); } } break; } } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { const InputEventMouseButton &b=p_event.mouse_button; if (b.pressed) break; switch(b.button_index) { case BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN: { if (get_global_pos().y + get_size().y > get_viewport_rect().size.y) { int vseparation = get_constant("vseparation"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Point2 pos = get_pos(); int s = (vseparation+font->get_height())*3; pos.y-=s; set_pos(pos); //update hover InputEvent ie; ie.type=InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION; ie.mouse_motion.x=b.x; ie.mouse_motion.y=b.y+s; _input_event(ie); } } break; case BUTTON_WHEEL_UP: { if (get_global_pos().y < 0) { int vseparation = get_constant("vseparation"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Point2 pos = get_pos(); int s = (vseparation+font->get_height())*3; pos.y+=s; set_pos(pos); //update hover InputEvent ie; ie.type=InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION; ie.mouse_motion.x=b.x; ie.mouse_motion.y=b.y-s; _input_event(ie); } } break; case BUTTON_LEFT: { int over=_get_mouse_over(Point2(b.x,b.y)); if (invalidated_click) { invalidated_click=false; break; } if (over<0) { hide(); break; //non-activable } if (items[over].separator || items[over].disabled) break; if (items[over].submenu!="") { _activate_submenu(over); return; } activate_item(over); } break; } //update(); } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { if (invalidated_click) { moved+=Vector2(p_event.mouse_motion.relative_x,p_event.mouse_motion.relative_y); if (moved.length()>4) invalidated_click=false; } const InputEventMouseMotion &m=p_event.mouse_motion; for(List<Rect2>::Element *E=autohide_areas.front();E;E=E->next()) { if (!Rect2(Point2(),get_size()).has_point(Point2(m.x,m.y)) && E->get().has_point(Point2(m.x,m.y))) { call_deferred("hide"); return; } } int over=_get_mouse_over(Point2(m.x,m.y)); int id = (over<0 || items[over].separator || items[over].disabled)?-1:items[over].ID; if (id<0) { mouse_over=-1; update(); break; } if (items[over].submenu!="" && submenu_over!=over) { submenu_over=over; submenu_timer->start(); } if (over!=mouse_over) { mouse_over=over; update(); } } break; } }
int read_scalebar(void) { char buf[1024]; char *key, *data; char ch; /* struct defined in decorate.h */ sb.segment = 4; /* four segments */ sb.numbers = 1; /* label each segment */ sb.font = G_store("Helvetica"); sb.fontsize = 8; sb.color = BLACK; /* TODO: multi-color */ sb.width = 1.; sb.length = -1.; sb.height = 0.1; /* default height in inches */ sb.x = PS.page_width / 2.; sb.y = 2.; sb.bgcolor = 1; /* TODO: multi-color */ sb.units = SB_UNITS_AUTO; /* default to automatic based on value in PROJ_UNITS */ while (input(2, buf, help)) { if (!key_data(buf, &key, &data)) continue; if (KEY("where")) { if (sscanf(data, "%lf %lf", &sb.x, &sb.y) != 2) { error(key, data, "illegal where request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("height")) { if (sscanf(data, "%lf", &sb.height) != 1 || sb.height <= 0.) { error(key, data, "illegal height request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("length")) { if (sscanf(data, "%lf", &sb.length) != 1 || sb.length <= 0.) { error(key, data, "illegal length request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("units")) { G_strip(data); if (strcmp(data, "auto") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_AUTO; continue; } else if (G_projection() == PROJECTION_XY) { error(key, data, "Earth units not available in simple XY location"); } else if (strcmp(data, "meters") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_METERS; continue; } else if (strcmp(data, "kilometers") == 0 || strcmp(data, "km") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_KM; continue; } else if (strcmp(data, "feet") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_FEET; continue; } else if (strcmp(data, "miles") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_MILES; continue; } else if (strcmp(data, "nautmiles") == 0 || strcmp(data, "nm") == 0) { sb.units = SB_UNITS_NMILES; continue; } else error(key, data, "illegal units request"); } if (KEY("segment")) { if (sscanf(data, "%d", &sb.segment) != 1 || sb.segment <= 0) { error(key, data, "illegal segment request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("numbers")) { if (sscanf(data, "%d", &sb.numbers) != 1 || sb.numbers <= 0) { error(key, data, "illegal numbers request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("font")) { get_font(data); G_free(sb.font); sb.font = G_store(data); continue; } if (KEY("fontsize")) { if (sscanf(data, "%d", &sb.fontsize) != 1 || sb.fontsize <= 0) { error(key, data, "illegal fontsize request"); } else continue; } if (KEY("color")) { sb.color = get_color_number(data); if (sb.color < 0) { sb.color = BLACK; error(key, data, "illegal color request"); } continue; } if (KEY("background")) { sb.bgcolor = yesno(key, data); continue; } if (KEY("width")) { sb.width = -1.; ch = ' '; if ((sscanf(data, "%lf%c", &sb.width, &ch) < 1) || (sb.width < 0.)) { sb.width = 1.; error(key, data, "illegal grid width request"); } if (ch == 'i') sb.width = sb.width * 72.0; continue; } error(key, data, "illegal request (scalebar)"); } return 0; }
void PopupMenu::_notification(int p_what) { switch(p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Size2 size=get_size(); Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("panel"); Ref<StyleBox> hover = get_stylebox("hover"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Ref<Texture> check = get_icon("checked"); Ref<Texture> uncheck = get_icon("unchecked"); Ref<Texture> submenu= get_icon("submenu"); Ref<StyleBox> separator = get_stylebox("separator"); style->draw( ci, Rect2( Point2(), get_size() ) ); Point2 ofs=style->get_offset(); int vseparation = get_constant("vseparation"); int hseparation = get_constant("hseparation"); Color font_color = get_color("font_color"); Color font_color_disabled = get_color("font_color_disabled"); Color font_color_accel = get_color("font_color_accel"); Color font_color_hover = get_color("font_color_hover"); float font_h=font->get_height(); for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++) { if (i>0) ofs.y+=vseparation; Point2 item_ofs=ofs; float h; Size2 icon_size; if (!items[i].icon.is_null()) { icon_size = items[i].icon->get_size(); h = MAX( icon_size.height, font_h ); } else { h=font_h; } if (i==mouse_over) { hover->draw(ci, Rect2( ofs+Point2(-hseparation,-vseparation), Size2( get_size().width - style->get_minimum_size().width + hseparation*2, h+vseparation*2 ) )); } if (items[i].separator) { int sep_h=separator->get_center_size().height+separator->get_minimum_size().height; separator->draw(ci, Rect2( ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-sep_h)/2.0)), Size2( get_size().width - style->get_minimum_size().width , sep_h ) )); } if (items[i].checkable) { if (items[i].checked) check->draw(ci, item_ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-check->get_height())/2.0))); else uncheck->draw(ci, item_ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-check->get_height())/2.0))); item_ofs.x+=check->get_width()+hseparation; } if (!items[i].icon.is_null()) { items[i].icon->draw( ci, item_ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-icon_size.height)/2.0))); item_ofs.x+=items[i].icon->get_width(); item_ofs.x+=hseparation; } if (items[i].submenu!="") { submenu->draw( ci, Point2(size.width - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - submenu->get_width(),item_ofs.y+Math::floor(h-submenu->get_height())/2)); } item_ofs.y+=font->get_ascent(); if (!items[i].separator) font->draw(ci,item_ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-font_h)/2.0)),items[i].text,items[i].disabled?font_color_disabled:(i==mouse_over?font_color_hover:font_color)); if (items[i].accel) { //accelerator String text = _get_accel_text(items[i].accel); item_ofs.x=size.width-style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT)-font->get_string_size(text).width; font->draw(ci,item_ofs+Point2(0,Math::floor((h-font_h)/2.0)),text,i==mouse_over?font_color_hover:font_color_accel); } items[i]._ofs_cache=ofs.y; ofs.y+=h; } } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_ENTER: { grab_focus(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { if (mouse_over>=0) { mouse_over=-1; update(); } } break; } }
ProjectManager::ProjectManager() { int margin = get_constant("margin","Dialogs"); int button_margin = get_constant("button_margin","Dialogs"); // load settings if (!EditorSettings::get_singleton()) EditorSettings::create(); set_area_as_parent_rect(); Panel *panel = memnew( Panel ); add_child(panel); panel->set_area_as_parent_rect(); VBoxContainer *vb = memnew( VBoxContainer ); panel->add_child(vb); vb->set_area_as_parent_rect(20); Label *l = memnew( Label ); l->set_text(_MKSTR(VERSION_NAME)" - Project Manager"); l->add_font_override("font",get_font("large","Fonts")); l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_CENTER); vb->add_child(l); l = memnew( Label ); l->set_text("v"VERSION_MKSTRING); //l->add_font_override("font",get_font("bold","Fonts")); l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_CENTER); vb->add_child(l); vb->add_child(memnew(HSeparator)); vb->add_margin_child("\n",memnew(Control)); HBoxContainer *tree_hb = memnew( HBoxContainer); vb->add_margin_child("Recent Projects:",tree_hb,true); PanelContainer *pc = memnew( PanelContainer); pc->add_style_override("panel",get_stylebox("bg","Tree")); tree_hb->add_child(pc); pc->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); scroll = memnew( ScrollContainer ); pc->add_child(scroll); scroll->set_enable_h_scroll(false); VBoxContainer *tree_vb = memnew( VBoxContainer); tree_hb->add_child(tree_vb); scroll_childs = memnew( VBoxContainer ); scroll_childs->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); scroll->add_child(scroll_childs); //HBoxContainer *hb = memnew( HBoxContainer ); //vb->add_child(hb); Button *open = memnew( Button ); open->set_text("Edit"); tree_vb->add_child(open); open->connect("pressed", this,"_open_project"); open_btn=open; Button *run = memnew( Button ); run->set_text("Run"); tree_vb->add_child(run); run->connect("pressed", this,"_run_project"); run_btn=run; tree_vb->add_child(memnew( HSeparator )); Button *scan = memnew( Button ); scan->set_text("Scan"); tree_vb->add_child(scan); scan->connect("pressed", this,"_scan_projects"); tree_vb->add_child(memnew( HSeparator )); scan_dir = memnew( FileDialog ); scan_dir->set_access(FileDialog::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); scan_dir->set_mode(FileDialog::MODE_OPEN_DIR); add_child(scan_dir); scan_dir->connect("dir_selected",this,"_scan_begin"); Button* create = memnew( Button ); create->set_text("New Project"); tree_vb->add_child(create); create->connect("pressed", this,"_new_project"); Button* import = memnew( Button ); import->set_text("Import"); tree_vb->add_child(import); import->connect("pressed", this,"_import_project"); Button* erase = memnew( Button ); erase->set_text("Erase"); tree_vb->add_child(erase); erase->connect("pressed", this,"_erase_project"); erase_btn=erase; tree_vb->add_spacer(); Button * cancel = memnew( Button ); cancel->set_text("Exit"); tree_vb->add_child(cancel); cancel->connect("pressed", this,"_exit_dialog"); vb->add_margin_child("\n",memnew(Control)); vb->add_child(memnew(HSeparator)); l = memnew( Label ); String cp; cp.push_back(0xA9); cp.push_back(0); l->set_text(cp+" 2008-2012 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur."); l->set_align(Label::ALIGN_CENTER); vb->add_child(l); erase_ask = memnew( ConfirmationDialog ); erase_ask->get_ok()->set_text("Erase"); erase_ask->get_ok()->connect("pressed", this,"_erase_project_confirm"); add_child(erase_ask); OS::get_singleton()->set_low_processor_usage_mode(true); npdialog = memnew( NewProjectDialog ); add_child(npdialog); Ref<Theme> theme = memnew( Theme ); editor_register_icons(theme); set_theme(theme); npdialog->connect("project_created", this,"_load_recent_projects"); _load_recent_projects(); //get_ok()->set_text("Open"); //get_ok()->set_text("Exit"); }
void TabContainer::_notification(int p_what) { switch(p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Ref<StyleBox> panel = get_stylebox("panel"); Size2 size = get_size(); if (!tabs_visible) { panel->draw(ci, Rect2( 0, 0, size.width, size.height)); return; } Ref<StyleBox> tab_bg = get_stylebox("tab_bg"); Ref<StyleBox> tab_fg = get_stylebox("tab_fg"); Ref<Texture> incr = get_icon("increment"); Ref<Texture> decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref<Texture> menu = get_icon("menu"); Ref<Texture> menu_hl = get_icon("menu_hl"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Color color_fg = get_color("font_color_fg"); Color color_bg = get_color("font_color_bg"); int side_margin = get_constant("side_margin"); int top_margin = _get_top_margin(); Size2 top_size = Size2( size.width, top_margin ); int w=0; int idx=0; Vector<int> offsets; Vector<Control*> controls; int from=0; int limit=get_size().width; if (popup) { top_size.width-=menu->get_width(); limit-=menu->get_width(); } bool notdone=false; last_tab_cache=-1; for(int i=0; i<get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = get_child(i)->cast_to<Control>(); if (!c) continue; if (c->is_set_as_toplevel()) continue; if (idx<tab_display_ofs) { idx++; from=idx; continue; } if (w>=get_size().width) { buttons_visible_cache=true; notdone=true; break; } offsets.push_back(w); controls.push_back(c); String s = c->has_meta("_tab_name")?String(XL_MESSAGE(String(c->get_meta("_tab_name")))):String(c->get_name()); w+=font->get_string_size(s).width; if (c->has_meta("_tab_icon")) { Ref<Texture> icon = c->get_meta("_tab_icon"); if (icon.is_valid()) { w+=icon->get_width(); if (s!="") w+=get_constant("hseparation"); } } if (idx==current) { w+=tab_fg->get_minimum_size().width; } else { w+=tab_bg->get_minimum_size().width; } if (idx<tab_display_ofs) { } last_tab_cache=idx; idx++; } int ofs; switch(align) { case ALIGN_LEFT: ofs = side_margin; break; case ALIGN_CENTER: ofs = (int(limit) - w)/2; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: ofs = int(limit) - w - side_margin; break; }; tab_display_ofs=0; tabs_ofs_cache=ofs; idx=0; for(int i=0; i<controls.size(); i++) { idx=i+from; if (current>=from && current<from+controls.size()-1) { //current is visible! draw it last. if (i==controls.size()-1) { idx=current; } else if (idx>=current) { idx+=1; } } Control *c = controls[idx-from]; String s = c->has_meta("_tab_name")?String(c->get_meta("_tab_name")):String(c->get_name()); int w=font->get_string_size(s).width; Ref<Texture> icon; if (c->has_meta("_tab_icon")) { icon = c->get_meta("_tab_icon"); if (icon.is_valid()) { w+=icon->get_width(); if (s!="") w+=get_constant("hseparation"); } } Ref<StyleBox> sb; Color col; if (idx==current) { sb=tab_fg; col=color_fg; } else { sb=tab_bg; col=color_bg; } int lofs = ofs + offsets[idx-from]; Size2i sb_ms = sb->get_minimum_size(); Rect2 sb_rect = Rect2( lofs, 0, w+sb_ms.width, top_margin); sb->draw(ci, sb_rect ); Point2i lpos = sb_rect.pos; lpos.x+=sb->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT); if (icon.is_valid()) { icon->draw(ci, Point2i( lpos.x, sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP)+((sb_rect.size.y-sb_ms.y)-icon->get_height())/2 ) ); if (s!="") lpos.x+=icon->get_width()+get_constant("hseparation"); } font->draw(ci, Point2i( lpos.x, sb->get_margin(MARGIN_TOP)+((sb_rect.size.y-sb_ms.y)-font->get_height())/2+font->get_ascent() ), s, col ); idx++; } if (buttons_visible_cache) { int vofs = (top_margin-incr->get_height())/2; decr->draw(ci,Point2(limit,vofs),Color(1,1,1,tab_display_ofs==0?0.5:1.0)); incr->draw(ci,Point2(limit+incr->get_width(),vofs),Color(1,1,1,notdone?1.0:0.5)); } if (popup) { int from = get_size().width-menu->get_width(); if (mouse_x_cache > from) menu_hl->draw(get_canvas_item(),Size2(from,0)); else menu->draw(get_canvas_item(),Size2(from,0)); } panel->draw(ci, Rect2( 0, top_size.height, size.width, size.height-top_size.height)); } break; case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (get_tab_count() > 0) { call_deferred("set_current_tab",get_current_tab()); //wait until all changed theme } } break; } }
void ButtonArray::_notification(int p_what) { switch(p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_MOUSE_EXIT: { hover=-1; update(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_READY: { MethodInfo mi;"mouse_sub_enter"; add_user_signal(mi); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { Size2 size=get_size(); Size2 minsize=get_combined_minimum_size(); Ref<StyleBox> style_normal = get_stylebox("normal"); Ref<StyleBox> style_selected = get_stylebox("selected"); Ref<StyleBox> style_focus = get_stylebox("focus"); Ref<StyleBox> style_hover = get_stylebox("hover"); Ref<Font> font_normal = get_font("font"); Ref<Font> font_selected = get_font("font_selected"); int icon_sep = get_constant("icon_separator"); int button_sep = get_constant("button_separator"); Color color_normal = get_color("font_color"); Color color_selected = get_color("font_color_selected"); int sep=button_sep; int ofs=0; int expand=0; switch(align) { case ALIGN_BEGIN: { ofs=0; } break; case ALIGN_CENTER: { ofs=Math::floor((size[orientation] - minsize[orientation])/2); } break; case ALIGN_END: { ofs=Math::floor((size[orientation] - minsize[orientation])); } break; case ALIGN_FILL: { if (buttons.size()>1) sep+=Math::floor((size[orientation]- minsize[orientation])/(buttons.size()-1.0)); ofs=0; } break; case ALIGN_EXPAND_FILL: { ofs=0; expand=size[orientation] - minsize[orientation]; } break; } int op_size = orientation==VERTICAL ? size.width : size.height; for(int i=0; i<buttons.size(); i++) { int ms = buttons[i]._ms_cache; int s=ms; if (expand>0) { s+=expand/buttons.size(); } if(min_button_size != -1 && s < min_button_size) { s = min_button_size; } Rect2 r; r.pos[orientation]=ofs; r.pos[!orientation]=0; r.size[orientation]=s; r.size[!orientation]=op_size; Ref<Font> f; Color c; Point2 sbsize; Point2 sbofs; if (i==selected) { draw_style_box(style_selected,r); sbsize=style_selected->get_minimum_size(); sbofs=style_selected->get_offset(); f=font_selected; c=color_selected; if (has_focus()) draw_style_box(style_focus,r); } else { if (hover==i) draw_style_box(style_hover,r); else if (!flat) draw_style_box(style_normal,r); sbsize=style_normal->get_minimum_size(); sbofs=style_normal->get_offset(); f=font_normal; c=color_normal; } Size2 ssize = f->get_string_size(buttons[i].text); if (buttons[i].icon.is_valid()) { ssize.x+=buttons[i].icon->get_width(); } Point2 text_ofs=((r.size-ssize-sbsize)/2.0+Point2(0,f->get_ascent())).floor()+sbofs; if (buttons[i].icon.is_valid()) { draw_texture(buttons[i].icon,r.pos+Point2(text_ofs.x,Math::floor((r.size.height-buttons[i].icon->get_height())/2.0))); text_ofs.x+=buttons[i].icon->get_width()+icon_sep; } draw_string(f,text_ofs+r.pos,buttons[i].text,c); buttons[i]._pos_cache=ofs; buttons[i]._size_cache=s; ofs+=s; ofs+=sep; } } break; } }
void TabContainer::_input_event(const InputEvent& p_event) { if (p_event.type==InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON && p_event.mouse_button.pressed && p_event.mouse_button.button_index==BUTTON_LEFT) { // clicks Point2 pos( p_event.mouse_button.x, p_event.mouse_button.y ); int top_margin = _get_top_margin(); if (pos.y>top_margin) return; // no click (too far down) if (pos.x<tabs_ofs_cache) return; // no click (too far left) Ref<StyleBox> tab_bg = get_stylebox("tab_bg"); Ref<StyleBox> tab_fg = get_stylebox("tab_fg"); Ref<Font> font = get_font("font"); Ref<Texture> incr = get_icon("increment"); Ref<Texture> decr = get_icon("decrement"); Ref<Texture> menu = get_icon("menu"); Ref<Texture> menu_hl = get_icon("menu_hl"); if (popup && pos.x>get_size().width-menu->get_width()) { emit_signal("pre_popup_pressed"); Vector2 pp_pos = get_global_pos(); pp_pos.x+=get_size().width; pp_pos.x-=popup->get_size().width; pp_pos.y+=menu->get_height(); popup->set_global_pos( pp_pos ); popup->popup();; return; } pos.x-=tabs_ofs_cache; int idx=0; int found=-1; bool rightroom=false; for(int i=0; i<get_child_count(); i++) { Control *c = get_child(i)->cast_to<Control>(); if (!c) continue; if (c->is_set_as_toplevel()) continue; if (idx<tab_display_ofs) { idx++; continue; } if (idx>last_tab_cache) { rightroom=true; break; } String s = c->has_meta("_tab_name")?String(XL_MESSAGE(String(c->get_meta("_tab_name")))):String(c->get_name()); int tab_width=font->get_string_size(s).width; if (c->has_meta("_tab_icon")) { Ref<Texture> icon = c->get_meta("_tab_icon"); if (icon.is_valid()) { tab_width+=icon->get_width(); if (s!="") tab_width+=get_constant("hseparation"); } } if (idx==current) { tab_width+=tab_fg->get_minimum_size().width; } else { tab_width+=tab_bg->get_minimum_size().width; } if (pos.x < tab_width) { found=idx; break; } pos.x-=tab_width; idx++; } if (buttons_visible_cache) { if (p_event.mouse_button.x>get_size().width-incr->get_width()) { if (rightroom) { tab_display_ofs+=1; update(); } } else if (p_event.mouse_button.x>get_size().width-incr->get_width()-decr->get_width()) { if (tab_display_ofs>0) { tab_display_ofs-=1; update(); } } } if (found!=-1) { set_current_tab(found); } } }
void t_quest_log_window::create_quests_windows() { t_screen_rect rect; t_screen_point text_background_offset; t_screen_point background_offset; t_screen_point mini_map_offset; t_screen_point frame_offset; t_screen_point origin(0,0); t_screen_point point; t_window_ptr window_ptr; t_text_window* text_window_ptr; t_bitmap_layer const* layer; t_bitmap_layer* exit_marker = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "marker" ); std::string name; int i; rect = exit_marker->get_rect(); exit_marker->offset( -rect.top_left() ); t_bitmap_layer const* text_background = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "text_background" ); background_offset = text_background->get_rect().top_left() - m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_1" )->get_rect().top_left(); background_offset -= m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "text_background" )->get_rect().top_left(); text_background_offset = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_text" )->get_rect().top_left() - m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_1" )->get_rect().top_left(); layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "frame" ); m_map_frame = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, t_screen_point(0, 0), this ); m_map_frame->set_visible( false ); frame_offset = layer->get_rect().top_left() - m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_1" )->get_rect().top_left(); mini_map_offset = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "mini_map" )->get_rect().top_left() - m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_1" )->get_rect().top_left(); i=0; while ((i<m_data.size()) && (i<k_max_windows)) { i++; // Create background layer for text window. name = format_string( "quest_%i", i ); origin = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( name )->get_rect().top_left(); point = origin + background_offset; window_ptr = new t_bitmap_layer_window( text_background, point, this ); // Create text window. point = origin + text_background_offset; rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_text" )->get_rect(); rect -= m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "quest_text" )->get_rect().top_left(); rect += point; text_window_ptr = new t_text_window( get_font( 20 ), rect, this, "", t_pixel_24(0,0,0) ); text_window_ptr->set_center_horizontal(); m_text_window_list.push_back( text_window_ptr ); // Frame points. t_screen_point mini_map_point; t_screen_point frame_point; mini_map_point = origin + mini_map_offset; frame_point = origin + frame_offset; // Create button holder for mini-map. t_button * map_button_ptr; map_button_ptr = new t_button( mini_map_point, this ); // Create mini-map. t_center_map_window * mini_map_ptr; rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "mini_map" )->get_rect(); rect -= rect.top_left(); mini_map_ptr = new t_center_map_window( *m_map, rect, m_frame->get_map_window(), map_button_ptr ); map_button_ptr->enable( true ); map_button_ptr->update_size(); map_button_ptr->set_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_quest_log_window::mini_map_clicked ), (i - 1))); m_map_button_list.push_back( map_button_ptr ); m_mini_map_list.push_back( mini_map_ptr ); // Frame window. layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "frame" ); window_ptr = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, frame_point-layer->get_rect().top_left(), this ); //m_screen_frame_points.push_back( frame_point ); // Create teleporter exit marker. window_ptr = new t_bitmap_layer_window( exit_marker, t_screen_point(0,0), mini_map_ptr ); m_marker_window_list.push_back ( window_ptr ); } // Create scrollbar. if ( m_data.size() > k_max_windows ) { int scrollbar_limit = 0; scrollbar_limit = m_data.size() - k_max_windows; rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "scrollbar" )->get_rect(); m_scrollbar = new t_scrollbar( rect.top_left(), rect.height(), this, 0, 0, true ); m_scrollbar->set_position( 0 ); m_scrollbar->set_handler( bound_handler( *this, &t_quest_log_window::scrollbar_move)); m_scrollbar->set_limits( 0, scrollbar_limit ); } m_current_quest_index = 0; }
void display_Temps(int xmin, int ymin) { int x, y; int interval = ((grid_sz*3+2)/4)/(S_BINS+2); int xmax = xmin+(interval*S_BINS); int ymax; fastf_t xrange = xmax - xmin; /* Avoid page thrashing of frame buffer. */ ymin = adjust_Page(ymin); ymax = ymin + interval; /* Initialize ir_table if necessary. */ if (! ir_Chk_Table()) return; for (y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { x = xmin; if (fb_seek(fbiop, x, y) == -1) { bu_log("\"%s\"(%d) fb_seek to pixel <%d, %d> failed.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, x, y ); return; } for (; x <= xmax + interval; x++) { fastf_t percent; static RGBpixel *pixel; percent = D_XPOS / xrange; if (D_XPOS % interval == 0) { int temp = AMBIENT+percent*RANGE; int lgtindex = temp - ir_min; pixel = (RGBpixel *) ir_table[(lgtindex < ir_max_index ? lgtindex : ir_max_index)]; /* this should be an &ir_table..., allowed by ANSI C, but not K&R compilers. */ (void) fb_wpixel(fbiop, (unsigned char *) black); } else { (void) fb_wpixel(fbiop, (unsigned char *) pixel); } } } font = get_font((char *) NULL, bu_log); if (font.ffdes == NULL) { bu_log("Could not load font.\n"); fb_flush(fbiop); return; } y = ymin; for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += interval) { char tempstr[4]; fastf_t percent = D_XPOS / xrange; int temp = AMBIENT+percent*RANGE; int shrinkfactor = fb_getwidth(fbiop)/grid_sz; (void) sprintf(tempstr, "%3d", temp); do_line(x+2, y+(interval-(12/shrinkfactor))/2, tempstr /*, shrinkfactor*/ ); } fb_flush(fbiop); return; }
Error RichTextLabel::append_bbcode(const String& p_bbcode) { int pos = 0; List<String> tag_stack; Ref<Font> normal_font=get_font("normal_font"); Ref<Font> bold_font=get_font("bold_font"); Ref<Font> italics_font=get_font("italics_font"); Ref<Font> bold_italics_font=get_font("bold_italics_font"); Ref<Font> mono_font=get_font("mono_font"); Color base_color=get_color("default_color"); int indent_level=0; bool in_bold=false; bool in_italics=false; while(pos < p_bbcode.length()) { int brk_pos = p_bbcode.find("[",pos); if (brk_pos<0) brk_pos=p_bbcode.length(); if (brk_pos > pos) { add_text(p_bbcode.substr(pos,brk_pos-pos)); } if (brk_pos==p_bbcode.length()) break; //nothing else o add int brk_end = p_bbcode.find("]",brk_pos+1); if (brk_end==-1) { //no close, add the rest add_text(p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos,p_bbcode.length()-brk_pos)); break; } String tag = p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos+1,brk_end-brk_pos-1); if (tag.begins_with("/") && tag_stack.size()) { bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get()==tag.substr(1,tag.length()); if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="b") in_bold=false; if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="i") in_italics=false; if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="indent") indent_level--; if (!tag_ok) { add_text("["); pos++; continue; } tag_stack.pop_front(); pos=brk_end+1; if (tag!="/img") pop(); } else if (tag=="b") { //use bold font in_bold=true; if (in_italics) push_font(bold_italics_font); else push_font(bold_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="i") { //use italics font in_italics=true; if (in_bold) push_font(bold_italics_font); else push_font(italics_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="code") { //use monospace font push_font(mono_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("table=")) { int columns = tag.substr(6,tag.length()).to_int(); if (columns<1) columns=1; //use monospace font push_table(columns); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("table"); } else if (tag=="cell") { push_cell(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("cell=")) { int ratio = tag.substr(6,tag.length()).to_int(); if (ratio<1) ratio=1; //use monospace font set_table_column_expand(get_current_table_column(),true,ratio); push_cell(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("cell"); } else if (tag=="u") { //use underline push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="s") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="center") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_CENTER); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="fill") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_FILL); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="right") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_RIGHT); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="ul") { //use underline push_list(LIST_DOTS); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="ol") { //use underline push_list(LIST_NUMBERS); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="indent") { //use underline indent_level++; push_indent(indent_level); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="url") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String url = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) { String url = tag.substr(4,tag.length()); push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("url"); } else if (tag=="img") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String image = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); Ref<Texture> texture = ResourceLoader::load(image,"Texture"); if (texture.is_valid()) add_image(texture); pos=end; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) { String col = tag.substr(6,tag.length()); Color color; if (col.begins_with("#")) color=Color::html(col); else if (col=="aqua") color=Color::html("#00FFFF"); else if (col=="black") color=Color::html("#000000"); else if (col=="blue") color=Color::html("#0000FF"); else if (col=="fuchsia") color=Color::html("#FF00FF"); else if (col=="gray" || col=="grey") color=Color::html("#808080"); else if (col=="green") color=Color::html("#008000"); else if (col=="lime") color=Color::html("#00FF00"); else if (col=="maroon") color=Color::html("#800000"); else if (col=="navy") color=Color::html("#000080"); else if (col=="olive") color=Color::html("#808000"); else if (col=="purple") color=Color::html("#800080"); else if (col=="red") color=Color::html("#FF0000"); else if (col=="silver") color=Color::html("#C0C0C0"); else if (col=="teal") color=Color::html("#008008"); else if (col=="white") color=Color::html("#FFFFFF"); else if (col=="yellow") color=Color::html("#FFFF00"); else color=base_color; push_color(color); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("color"); } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) { String fnt = tag.substr(5,tag.length()); Ref<Font> font = ResourceLoader::load(fnt,"Font"); if (font.is_valid()) push_font(font); else push_font(normal_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("font"); } else { add_text("["); //ignore pos=brk_pos+1; } } return OK; }
int read_header(void) { char buf[1024]; char *key, *data; int fontsize; PSCOLOR color; int ret, r, g, b; fontsize = 0; set_color(&color, 0, 0, 0); while (input(2, buf, help)) { if (!key_data(buf, &key, &data)) continue; if (KEY("none")) { PS.do_header = 0; continue; } if (KEY("file")) { G_strip(data); hdr.fp = fopen(data, "r"); if (hdr.fp != NULL) hdr.file = G_store(data); continue; } if (KEY("fontsize")) { fontsize = atoi(data); if (fontsize < 4 || fontsize > 50) fontsize = 0; continue; } if (KEY("color")) { ret = G_str_to_color(data, &r, &g, &b); if (ret == 1) set_color(&color, r, g, b); else if (ret == 2) /* i.e. "none" */ /* unset_color(&color); */ error(key, data, _("Unsupported color request")); else error(key, data, _("illegal color request")); continue; } if (KEY("font")) { get_font(data); hdr.font = G_store(data); continue; } error(key, data, _("illegal header sub-request")); } hdr.color = color; if (fontsize) hdr.fontsize = fontsize; return 0; }
void RichTextLabel::_input_event(InputEvent p_event) { switch(p_event.type) { case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { if (main->first_invalid_line<main->lines.size()) return; const InputEventMouseButton& b = p_event.mouse_button; if (b.button_index==BUTTON_LEFT) { if (true) { if (b.pressed && !b.doubleclick) { int line=0; Item *item=NULL; bool outside; _find_click(main,Point2i(b.x,b.y),&item,&line,&outside); if (item) { Variant meta; if (!outside && _find_meta(item,&meta)) { //meta clicked emit_signal("meta_clicked",meta); } else if (selection.enabled) {; selection.click_char=line; } } } else if (!b.pressed) {; } } } if (b.button_index==BUTTON_WHEEL_UP) { if (scroll_active) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val()-vscroll->get_page()/8 ); } if (b.button_index==BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN) { if (scroll_active) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val()+vscroll->get_page()/8 ); } } break; case InputEvent::KEY: { const InputEventKey &k=p_event.key; if (k.pressed && !k.mod.alt && !k.mod.shift && !k.mod.meta) { bool handled=true; switch(k.scancode) { case KEY_PAGEUP: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val() - vscroll->get_page() ); } break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val() + vscroll->get_page() ); } break; case KEY_UP: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val() - get_font("normal_font")->get_height() ); } break; case KEY_DOWN: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_val() + get_font("normal_font")->get_height() ); } break; case KEY_HOME: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( 0 ); } break; case KEY_END: { if (vscroll->is_visible()) vscroll->set_val( vscroll->get_max() ); } break; case KEY_INSERT: case KEY_C: { if (k.mod.command) { selection_copy(); } else { handled=false; } } break; default: handled=false; } if (handled) accept_event(); } } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { if (main->first_invalid_line<main->lines.size()) return; const InputEventMouseMotion& m = p_event.mouse_motion; if ( { int line=0; Item *item=NULL; _find_click(main,Point2i(m.x,m.y),&item,&line); if (!item) return; // do not update; selection.from_char=selection.click_char;; selection.to_char=line; bool swap=false; if (selection.from->index >>index ) swap=true; else if (selection.from->index ==>index) { if (selection.from_char > selection.to_char) swap=true; else if (selection.from_char == selection.to_char) {; return; } } if (swap) { SWAP( selection.from, ); SWAP( selection.from_char, selection.to_char ); }; update(); } } break; } }
TITANIUM_PROPERTY_GETTER(ActivityIndicator, font) { JSObject font = Titanium::UI::Font_to_js(get_context(), get_font()); return static_cast<JSValue>(font); }