LandDetectionResult MulticopterLandDetector::update()
	// first poll for new data from our subscriptions


	if (get_freefall_state()) {

	} else if (get_landed_state()) {

	} else {

	return _state;
bool MulticopterLandDetector::get_landed_state()
	// Time base for this function
	const uint64_t now = hrt_absolute_time();

	// Check if thrust output is less than max throttle param.
	bool minimalThrust = (_actuators.control[3] <= (_params.maxThrottle + 0.05f));

	if (minimalThrust && _min_trust_start == 0) {
		_min_trust_start = now;
	} else if (!minimalThrust) {
		_min_trust_start = 0;

	// only trigger flight conditions if we are armed
	if (!_arming.armed) {
		_arming_time = 0;
		return true;

	} else if (_arming_time == 0) {
		_arming_time = now;

	// Return status based on armed state and throttle if no position lock is available.
	if (_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp == 0 ||
	    hrt_elapsed_time(&_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp) > 500000 ||
	    !_vehicleLocalPosition.xy_valid ||
	    !_vehicleLocalPosition.z_valid) {

	    	// Check if user commands throttle and if so, report not landed
		if (_manual.z > _params.minManThrottle + 0.01f) {
			return false;

		if ((_min_trust_start > 0) &&
			(hrt_elapsed_time(&_min_trust_start) > 5 * 1000 * 1000)) {
			return !get_freefall_state();
		} else {
			return false;

	float armThresholdFactor = 1.0f;

	// Widen acceptance thresholds for landed state right after arming
	// so that motor spool-up and other effects do not trigger false negatives.
	if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_arming_time) < LAND_DETECTOR_ARM_PHASE_TIME) {
		armThresholdFactor = 2.5f;

	// Check if we are moving vertically - this might see a spike after arming due to
	// throttle-up vibration. If accelerating fast the throttle thresholds will still give
	// an accurate in-air indication.
	bool verticalMovement = fabsf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vz) > _params.maxClimbRate * armThresholdFactor;

	// Check if we are moving horizontally.
	bool horizontalMovement = sqrtf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vx * _vehicleLocalPosition.vx
					+ _vehicleLocalPosition.vy * _vehicleLocalPosition.vy) > _params.maxVelocity;

	// Next look if all rotation angles are not moving.
	float maxRotationScaled = _params.maxRotation_rad_s * armThresholdFactor;

	bool rotating = (fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.rollspeed)  > maxRotationScaled) ||
			(fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.pitchspeed) > maxRotationScaled) ||
			(fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.yawspeed) > maxRotationScaled);

	if (verticalMovement || rotating || !minimalThrust || horizontalMovement) {
		// Sensed movement or thottle high, so reset the land detector.
		_landTimer = now;
		return false;

	return (now - _landTimer > LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_TIME);
bool MulticopterLandDetector::get_landed_state()
	// Time base for this function
	const uint64_t now = hrt_absolute_time();

	float sys_min_throttle = (_params.maxThrottle + 0.01f);

	// Determine the system min throttle based on flight mode
	if (!_ctrl_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) {
		sys_min_throttle = (_params.minManThrottle + 0.01f);

	// Check if thrust output is less than the minimum auto throttle param.
	bool minimalThrust = (_actuators.control[3] <= sys_min_throttle);

	if (minimalThrust && _min_trust_start == 0) {
		_min_trust_start = now;

	} else if (!minimalThrust) {
		_min_trust_start = 0;

	// only trigger flight conditions if we are armed
	if (!_arming.armed) {
		_arming_time = 0;
		return true;

	} else if (_arming_time == 0) {
		_arming_time = now;

	// If in manual flight mode never report landed if the user has more than idle throttle
	// Check if user commands throttle and if so, report not landed based on
	// the user intent to take off (even if the system might physically still have
	// ground contact at this point).
	if (_manual.timestamp > 0 && _manual.z > 0.15f && _ctrl_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) {
		return false;

	// Return status based on armed state and throttle if no position lock is available.
	if (_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp == 0 ||
	    hrt_elapsed_time(&_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp) > 500000 ||
	    !_vehicleLocalPosition.xy_valid ||
	    !_vehicleLocalPosition.z_valid) {

		// The system has minimum trust set (manual or in failsafe)
		// if this persists for 8 seconds AND the drone is not
		// falling consider it to be landed. This should even sustain
		// quite acrobatic flight.
		if ((_min_trust_start > 0) &&
		    (hrt_elapsed_time(&_min_trust_start) > 8 * 1000 * 1000)) {
			return !get_freefall_state();

		} else {
			return false;

	float armThresholdFactor = 1.0f;

	// Widen acceptance thresholds for landed state right after arming
	// so that motor spool-up and other effects do not trigger false negatives.
	if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_arming_time) < LAND_DETECTOR_ARM_PHASE_TIME) {
		armThresholdFactor = 2.5f;

	// Check if we are moving vertically - this might see a spike after arming due to
	// throttle-up vibration. If accelerating fast the throttle thresholds will still give
	// an accurate in-air indication.
	bool verticalMovement = fabsf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vz) > _params.maxClimbRate * armThresholdFactor;

	// Check if we are moving horizontally.
	bool horizontalMovement = sqrtf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vx * _vehicleLocalPosition.vx
					+ _vehicleLocalPosition.vy * _vehicleLocalPosition.vy) > _params.maxVelocity;

	// Next look if all rotation angles are not moving.
	float maxRotationScaled = _params.maxRotation_rad_s * armThresholdFactor;

	bool rotating = (fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.rollspeed)  > maxRotationScaled) ||
			(fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.pitchspeed) > maxRotationScaled) ||
			(fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.yawspeed) > maxRotationScaled);

	if (verticalMovement || rotating || !minimalThrust || horizontalMovement) {
		// Sensed movement or thottle high, so reset the land detector.
		_landTimer = now;
		return false;

	return (now - _landTimer > LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_TIME);