Example #1
AboutWindow::AboutWindow(const Rect & r)
	:Window(r, "AboutAlbert", MSG_ABOUTWND_TITLE,
	os::Resources cRes(get_image_id());
	os::ResStream* pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream("Calculator.png");
	if(pcStream == NULL)
		throw(os::errno_exception("Can't find resource Calculator.png!"));

	m_pcImage = new BitmapImage( pcStream );
	BitmapView* imv = new BitmapView( m_pcImage->GetBounds(), "bitmap", m_pcImage );

	Rect	frame = m_pcImage->GetBounds();
	Desktop	desktop;
	Point offset(desktop.GetResolution());

	offset.x = offset.x/2 - frame.Width()/2;
	offset.y = offset.y/2 - frame.Height()/2;

	SetFrame(frame + offset);
	delete pcStream;
Example #2
MainWindow::MainWindow() : os::Window( os::Rect( 0, 0, 300, 250 ), "main_wnd", "Format" )
	os::LayoutView* pcView = new os::LayoutView( GetBounds(), "layout_view" );
	#include "mainwindowLayout.cpp"
	pcView->SetRoot( m_pcRoot );
	AddChild( pcView );

	/* Set Icon */
	os::Resources cCol( get_image_id() );
	os::ResStream *pcStream = cCol.GetResourceStream( "icon48x48.png" );
	os::BitmapImage *pcIcon = new os::BitmapImage( pcStream );
	SetIcon( pcIcon->LockBitmap() );
	delete( pcIcon );

	/* Show Splash Screen */
	Splash* pcWindow = new Splash(LoadImageFromResource("logo.png"),"Format is scanning devices",false,0.0);

	/* Clear All */

	/* Load Devices & Filesystems */

	/*  Remove Splash Screen */
Example #3
void SetButtonImageFromResource( os::ImageButton* pcButton, os::String zResource )
	os::File cSelf( open_image_file( get_image_id() ) );
	os::Resources cCol( &cSelf );		
	os::ResStream *pcStream = cCol.GetResourceStream( zResource );
	pcButton->SetImage( pcStream );
	delete( pcStream );
Example #4
BitmapImage* MainWindow::LoadImageFromResource( String zResource )
	BitmapImage *pcImage = new BitmapImage();
	Resources cRes( get_image_id() );
	ResStream *pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream( zResource );
	pcImage->Load( pcStream );
	delete ( pcStream );
	return pcImage;
Example #5
static int parse_image_display(struct skin_element *element,
                               struct wps_token *token,
                               struct wps_data *wps_data)
    char *label = element->params[0].data.text;
    char sublabel = '\0';
    int subimage;
    struct gui_img *img;
    struct image_display *id = skin_buffer_alloc(sizeof(struct image_display));

    if (element->params_count == 1 && strlen(label) <= 2)
        /* backwards compatability. Allow %xd(Aa) to still work */
        sublabel = label[1];
        label[1] = '\0';
    /* sanity check */
    img = find_image(label, wps_data);
    if (!img || !id)
    id->label = label;
    id->offset = 0;
    id->token = NULL;
    if (img->using_preloaded_icons)
    if (element->params_count > 1)
        if (element->params[1].type == CODE)
            id->token = element->params[1].data.code->data;
        /* specify a number. 1 being the first subimage (i.e top) NOT 0 */
        else if (element->params[1].type == INTEGER)
            id->subimage = element->params[1].data.number - 1;
        if (element->params_count > 2)
            id->offset = element->params[2].data.number;
        if ((subimage = get_image_id(sublabel)) != -1)
            if (subimage >= img->num_subimages)
                return WPS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
            id->subimage = subimage;
        } else {
            id->subimage = 0;
    token->value.data = id;
    return 0;
void pms::serialization::spritedesc::node_parser_sprite_declaration::parse_node
( const resources::image_mapping& images, layout::atlas_page& desc,
  const tree_node& node ) const
  layout::atlas_page::sprite s;
  s.bleed = false;

  std::size_t n( 0 );

  if ( ( node.children[n].value.id() == grammar::id_properties )
       || ( node.children[n].value.id() == grammar::id_identifier ) )
      apply_sprite_properties( s, node.children[ n++ ] );

  const tree_node name_node( node.children[n++] );
  const tree_node size_node( node.children[n++] );
  const tree_node image_node( node.children[n++] );
  const tree_node layers_node( node.children[n++] );
  get_sprite_name( s, name_node );

  if ( desc.get_sprite_by_name(s.name) != desc.sprite_end() )
    std::cerr << "warning: duplicate sprite entry '" << s.name << "'."
              << std::endl;

  get_image_id( s, image_node );

  boost::optional< const resources::image& > image
    ( get_image_from_id( images, desc, s.image_id ) );

  if ( !image )
  get_layers_and_size( *image, s, size_node, layers_node );

  if ( n < node.children.size() )
    s.mask = get_layers( *image, node.children[n++] );

  desc.add_sprite( s );
Example #7
MainWindow::MainWindow( os::String zPath ) : os::Window( os::Rect( 0, 0, 500, 400 ), "main_wnd", MSG_MAINWND_TITLE )
	SetTitle( zPath );
	/* Create toolbar */
	m_pcToolBar = new os::ToolBar( os::Rect( 0, 0, GetBounds().Width(), 40 ), "" );
	os::HLayoutNode* pcNode = new os::HLayoutNode( "h_root" );
	pcNode->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 4, 5, 4 ) );
	os::ImageButton* pcBreaker = new os::ImageButton(os::Rect(), "breaker", "",NULL,NULL, os::ImageButton::IB_TEXT_BOTTOM,false,false,false);
    SetButtonImageFromResource( pcBreaker, "breaker.png" );
    pcNode->AddChild( pcBreaker, 0.0f );
    m_pcBackButton = new os::ImageButton( os::Rect(), "back", "",new os::Message( M_BACK )
									,NULL, os::ImageButton::IB_TEXT_BOTTOM, true, false, true );
    m_pcBackButton->SetEnable( false );
    SetButtonImageFromResource( m_pcBackButton, "back.png" );
	pcNode->AddChild( m_pcBackButton, 0.0f );
	os::ImageButton* pcUp = new os::ImageButton( os::Rect(), "up", "",new os::Message( M_UP )
									,NULL, os::ImageButton::IB_TEXT_BOTTOM, true, false, true );
    SetButtonImageFromResource( pcUp, "up.png" );
	pcNode->AddChild( pcUp, 0.0f );
	os::ImageButton* pcReload = new os::ImageButton( os::Rect(), "reload", "",new os::Message( M_RELOAD )
									,NULL, os::ImageButton::IB_TEXT_BOTTOM, true, false, true );
	SetButtonImageFromResource( pcReload, "reload.png" );
	pcNode->AddChild( pcReload, 0.0f );
	os::ImageButton* pcHome = new os::ImageButton( os::Rect(), "home", "",new os::Message( M_HOME )
									,NULL, os::ImageButton::IB_TEXT_BOTTOM, true, false, true );
	SetButtonImageFromResource( pcHome, "home.png" );
	pcNode->AddChild( pcHome, 0.0f );
	pcNode->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	/* Create popupmenu */
	os::Menu* pcPopupMenu = new os::Menu( os::Rect(), "", os::ITEMS_IN_COLUMN );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( MSG_MENU_VIEW_ICONS, new os::Message( M_VIEW_ICONS ) );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( MSG_MENU_VIEW_LIST, new os::Message( M_VIEW_LIST ) );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( MSG_MENU_VIEW_DETAILS, new os::Message( M_VIEW_DETAILS ) );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( new os::MenuSeparator() );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( MSG_MENU_VIEW_SAVE, new os::Message( M_SAVE_WINDOW ) );
	pcPopupMenu->AddItem( MSG_MENU_VIEW_SAVE_DEFAULT, new os::Message( M_SAVE_DEFAULT ) );
	pcPopupMenu->SetTargetForItems( this );
	os::BitmapImage* pcView = new os::BitmapImage();
	os::File cSelf( open_image_file( get_image_id() ) );
	os::Resources cCol( &cSelf );		
	os::ResStream *pcStream = cCol.GetResourceStream( "view.png" );
	pcView->Load( pcStream );
	delete( pcStream );
	m_pcViewMenu = new os::PopupMenu( os::Rect( GetBounds().Width() - 70, 2,  GetBounds().Width() - 5, 32 ), "", MSG_MENU_VIEW, pcPopupMenu, pcView,
	pcNode->AddChild( m_pcViewMenu );
	/* Create icon view */
	m_pcView = new os::IconDirectoryView( os::Rect( 0, 41, GetBounds().Width(), GetBounds().Height() ), zPath, os::CF_FOLLOW_ALL );
	m_pcView->SetDirChangeMsg( new os::Message( M_CHANGE_DIR ) );

	os::BitmapImage* pcDirIcon = static_cast<os::BitmapImage*>(m_pcView->GetDirIcon());
	pcDirIcon->SetSize( os::Point( 24, 24 ) );
	SetIcon( pcDirIcon->LockBitmap() );
	delete( pcDirIcon );
	m_cBackStack.push( zPath );
	m_pcToolBar->SetRoot( pcNode );
	AddChild( m_pcToolBar );
	AddChild( m_pcView );
	/* Load default folder style & window position; this will be overridden later by folder-specific settings, if any */

	LoadWindow( false );  /* Load folder's saved style, window position */
Example #8
MainWindow::MainWindow( const os::Rect & cFrame ):os::Window( cFrame, "MainWindow", MSG_MAINWND_TITLE )
	os::Rect cBounds = GetBounds();
	os::Rect cRect = os::Rect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	m_nDeviceSelect = -1;

	// Create the layouts/views
	pcLRoot = new os::LayoutView( cBounds, "L", NULL, os::CF_FOLLOW_ALL );
	pcVLRoot = new os::VLayoutNode( "VL" );
	pcVLRoot->SetBorders( os::Rect( 10, 5, 10, 5 ) );

	// Create settings tree
	os::HLayoutNode* pcHDevice = new os::HLayoutNode( "HDevice", 0.0f );
	pcHDevice->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 5, 0, 5 ) );
	pcHDevice->AddChild( new os::StringView( os::Rect(), "DeviceLabel", MSG_MAINWND_DEVICE ), 0.0f );
	pcDevice = new os::DropdownMenu( os::Rect(), "Device" );
	pcDevice->SetMinPreferredSize( 18 );
	pcDevice->SetSelectionMessage( new os::Message( M_MW_DEVICE ) );
	pcDevice->SetTarget( this );
	pcDevice->SetReadOnly( true );
	pcHDevice->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHDevice->AddChild( pcDevice );
	pcHDevice->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcHDevice );

	// Create settings view
	pcSettingsView = new os::FrameView( os::Rect(), "SettingView", "" );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( new os::VLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcSettingsView );
	pcVLRoot->SetHAlignment( os::ALIGN_LEFT );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( new os::Separator( os::Rect(), "", os::HORIZONTAL ), 0.0f );

	// Create default dropdown menus
	os::HLayoutNode* pcHDefaultInput = new os::HLayoutNode( "HDefaultInput", 0.0f );
	pcHDefaultInput->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 5, 0, 5 ) );
	pcHDefaultInput->AddChild( new os::StringView( os::Rect(), "DefInputString", MSG_MAINWND_DEFAULT_INPUT ) );
	pcDefaultInput = new os::DropdownMenu( os::Rect(), "DefaultInput" );
	pcDefaultInput->SetMinPreferredSize( 18 );
	pcDefaultInput->SetSelectionMessage( new os::Message( M_MW_INPUT ) );
	pcDefaultInput->SetTarget( this );
	pcDefaultInput->SetReadOnly( true );
	pcHDefaultInput->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHDefaultInput->AddChild( pcDefaultInput );
	pcHDefaultInput->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcHDefaultInput );
	os::HLayoutNode* pcHDefaultAudioOut = new os::HLayoutNode( "HDefaultAudioOut", 0.0f );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 5, 0, 5 ) );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->AddChild( new os::StringView( os::Rect(), "DefAudioOutString", MSG_MAINWND_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_AUDIO ) );
	pcDefaultAudioOut = new os::DropdownMenu( os::Rect(), "DefaultAudioOut" );
	pcDefaultAudioOut->SetMinPreferredSize( 18 );
	pcDefaultAudioOut->SetSelectionMessage( new os::Message( M_MW_AUDIOOUTPUT ) );
	pcDefaultAudioOut->SetTarget( this );
	pcDefaultAudioOut->SetReadOnly( true );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->AddChild( pcDefaultAudioOut );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcHDefaultAudioOut );

	os::HLayoutNode* pcHDefaultVideoOut = new os::HLayoutNode( "HDefaultVideoOut", 0.0f );
	pcHDefaultVideoOut->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 5, 0, 5 ) );
	pcHDefaultVideoOut->AddChild( new os::StringView( os::Rect(), "DefVideoOutString", MSG_MAINWND_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_VIDEO ) );
	pcDefaultVideoOut = new os::DropdownMenu( os::Rect(), "DefaultVideoOut" );
	pcDefaultVideoOut->SetMinPreferredSize( 18 );
	pcDefaultVideoOut->SetSelectionMessage( new os::Message( M_MW_VIDEOOUTPUT ) );
	pcDefaultVideoOut->SetTarget( this );
	pcDefaultVideoOut->SetReadOnly( true );
	pcHDefaultVideoOut->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHDefaultVideoOut->AddChild( pcDefaultVideoOut );
	pcHDefaultAudioOut->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcHDefaultVideoOut );
	pcVLRoot->SameWidth( "DefInputString", "DefAudioOutString", "DefVideoOutString", NULL );
	pcVLRoot->SameWidth( "DefaultInput", "DefaultAudioOut", "DefaultVideoOut", NULL );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( new os::Separator( os::Rect(), "", os::HORIZONTAL ), 0.0f );
	// Create apply/revert/close buttons
	pcHLButtons = new os::HLayoutNode( "HLButtons" );
	pcHLButtons->SetBorders( os::Rect( 0, 5, 0, 0 ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "" ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( pcBControls = new os::Button( cRect, "BControls", MSG_MAINWND_BUTTON_STREAMVOLUMES, new os::Message( M_MW_CONTROLS ) ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( pcBApply = new os::Button( cRect, "BApply", MSG_MAINWND_BUTTON_APPLY, new os::Message( M_MW_APPLY ) ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( pcBUndo = new os::Button( cRect, "BUndo", MSG_MAINWND_BUTTON_UNDO, new os::Message( M_MW_UNDO ) ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( pcBDefault = new os::Button( cRect, "BDefault", MSG_MAINWND_BUTTON_DEFAULT, new os::Message( M_MW_DEFAULT ) ) );
	pcHLButtons->AddChild( new os::HLayoutSpacer( "", 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
	pcHLButtons->SameWidth( "BControls", "BApply", "BUndo", "BDefault", NULL );
	pcHLButtons->SameHeight( "BControls", "BApply", "BUndo", "BDefault", NULL );
	pcVLRoot->AddChild( pcHLButtons );

	// Set root and add to window
	pcLRoot->SetRoot( pcVLRoot );
	AddChild( pcLRoot );

	// Set default button and initial focus
	this->SetDefaultButton( pcBApply );

	// Set tab order
	int iTabOrder = 0;

	pcBDefault->SetTabOrder( iTabOrder++ );
	pcBUndo->SetTabOrder( iTabOrder++ );
	pcBApply->SetTabOrder( iTabOrder++ );
	pcBControls->SetTabOrder( iTabOrder++ );

	// Set default outputs 
	os::MediaInput * pcDefaultInput = os::MediaManager::GetInstance()->GetDefaultInput(  );
	os::MediaOutput * pcDefaultVideo = os::MediaManager::GetInstance()->GetDefaultVideoOutput(  );
	os::MediaOutput * pcDefaultAudio = os::MediaManager::GetInstance()->GetDefaultAudioOutput(  );

	if ( pcDefaultInput )
		cCurrentInput = pcDefaultInput->GetIdentifier();

	if ( pcDefaultAudio )
		cCurrentAudio = pcDefaultAudio->GetIdentifier();

	if ( pcDefaultVideo )
		cCurrentVideo = pcDefaultVideo->GetIdentifier();

	cUndoInput = cCurrentInput;
	cUndoVideo = cCurrentVideo;
	cUndoAudio = cCurrentAudio;
	// Set Icon
	os::Resources cCol( get_image_id() );
	os::ResStream *pcStream = cCol.GetResourceStream( "icon48x48.png" );
	os::BitmapImage *pcIcon = new os::BitmapImage( pcStream );
	SetIcon( pcIcon->LockBitmap() );
	delete( pcIcon );

	// Show data
	// Select first item */
	if( pcDevice->GetItemCount() > 0 )
		pcDevice->SetSelection( 0 );
Example #9
SettingsWindow::SettingsWindow( const Rect &cFrame, const String cTitle, Handler *pcParent, WebSettings *pcWebSettings, Settings *pcSettings, Settings *pcGuiSettings ) : Window( cFrame, "whisper_settings", cTitle )
	m_pcParent = pcParent;

	m_pcWebSettings = pcWebSettings;
	m_pcSettings = pcSettings;
	m_pcGuiSettings = pcGuiSettings;

	SetSizeLimits( Point( 500, 400 ), Point( 4096, 4096 ) );

	Rect cBounds = GetBounds();

	Rect cIconListFrame( 10, 10, 140, cBounds.Height() - 45 );
	m_pcIconList = new IconList( cIconListFrame, CF_FOLLOW_TOP | CF_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, this );
	AddChild( m_pcIconList );

	/* The selected panel is displayed inside this FrameView */
	Rect cFrameViewFrame( 150, 10, cBounds.Width() - 10, cBounds.Height() - 45 );
	m_pcFrameView = new FrameView( cFrameViewFrame, "settings_window_frame", "Settings", CF_FOLLOW_ALL );
	AddChild( m_pcFrameView );

	/* Add panel icons & associated views */
	BitmapImage *pcImage;
	ResStream *pcStream;
	Resources cRes( get_image_id() );		

	SettingsView *pcView;
	Rect cViewFrame( 10, 20, cFrameViewFrame.Width() - 10, cFrameViewFrame.Height() - 10 );

	/* General */
	pcImage = new BitmapImage();
	pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream( "general.png" );
	pcImage->Load( pcStream );
	m_pcIconList->AddIcon( pcImage, "General" );
	delete( pcStream );

	pcView = new GeneralView( cViewFrame, m_pcSettings, m_pcWebSettings, m_pcParent );
	m_vViews.push_back( pcView );

	/* Proxies */
	pcImage = new BitmapImage();
	pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream( "proxy.png" );
	pcImage->Load( pcStream );
	m_pcIconList->AddIcon( pcImage, "Proxies" );
	delete( pcStream );

	pcView = new ProxyView( cViewFrame, m_pcSettings, m_pcWebSettings, m_pcParent );
	m_vViews.push_back( pcView );

	/* The Apply/Save/Cancel buttons live in a layoutview of their own */
	Rect cButtonFrame = cBounds;
	cButtonFrame.top = cButtonFrame.bottom - 25;

	m_pcLayoutView = new LayoutView( cButtonFrame, "settings_window" );

	VLayoutNode *pcNode = new VLayoutNode( "settings_window_root" );
	pcNode->SetBorders( Rect( 5, 4, 5, 4 ) );
	pcNode->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_v_spacer", 1.0f ) );

	HLayoutNode *pcButtons = new HLayoutNode( "settings_window_buttons" );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer" ) );
	Button *pcOkButton = new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_save", "Save", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_SAVE ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( pcOkButton, 0.0f );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer", 0.5f, 0.5f, pcButtons, 0.1f ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_apply", "Apply", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_APPLY ) ), 0.0f );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer", 0.5f, 0.5f, pcButtons, 0.1f ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_cancel", "Cancel", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_CANCEL ) ), 0.0f );

	pcNode->AddChild( pcButtons );

	m_pcLayoutView->SetRoot( pcNode );
	AddChild( m_pcLayoutView );

	/* Focus the controls */
	/* XXXKV: The default button always swallows Enter, which is no use if we have a
	   multiline TextView (E.g. the signature text).
	SetDefaultButton( pcOkButton );

	/* Select first view by default */
	m_pcSelected = NULL;
	m_pcIconList->Select( 0, true );