Example #1
int main()





    memregion_init(MAX_MSG_SIZE * ITERATIONS * 2);


    if (myrank == 0)
        printf("Get Bandwidth - All processes communication in pairs \n");

    if (myrank == 0)
        printf("Benchmark Complete \n");



    return 0;
Example #2
s4u::CommPtr Mailbox::get_async(void** data)
  s4u::CommPtr res = get_init();
  res->set_dst_data(data, sizeof(*data));
  return res;
Example #3
SEXP bcplm_mcmc (SEXP da){
  /* get dimensions */
  int *dm = DIMS_SLOT(da) ;
  int nR = dm[rpt_POS];
  SEXP ans, ans_tmp;

  /* tune the scale parameter for M-H update */
  if (dm[tnit_POS]) {
    update_mu(da);                    /* update eta mu*/
  /* run Markov chains */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, dm[chn_POS])) ;

  for (int k = 0; k < dm[chn_POS]; k++){
    if (nR) Rprintf(_("Start Markov chain %d\n"), k + 1);   
    get_init(da, k) ;                /* initialize the chain */
    update_mu(da) ;                  /* update eta and mu */ 
    /* run MCMC and store result */
    PROTECT(ans_tmp = allocMatrix(REALSXP, dm[kp_POS], dm[nA_POS]));
    do_mcmc(da, dm[itr_POS], dm[bun_POS], dm[thn_POS], 
	    dm[kp_POS], nR, REAL(ans_tmp));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, k, ans_tmp);
    UNPROTECT(1) ;
    if (nR) print_line();
  if (nR)  Rprintf(_("Markov Chain Monte Carlo ends!\n"));
  return ans ;
Example #4
edit_typeset_rep::get_data (new_data& data) {
  data->style= get_style ();
  data->init = get_init ();
  data->fin  = get_fin ();
  data->att  = get_att ();
Example #5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    usage_info *ptr = get_init();
    usage_info **ptr2 = executeCommand(argv+1, ptr);
    ptr = ptr2[0];

Example #6
void* Mailbox::get(double timeout)
  void* res = nullptr;
  CommPtr c = get_init();
  c->set_dst_data(&res, sizeof(res));
  return res;
Example #7
edit_main_rep::print (url name, bool conform, int first, int last) {
  if (inside ("screens")) {
    tree style= copy (get_style ());
    tree init = copy (get_init ());
    tree t    = copy (subtree (et, rp));
    call ("dynamic-make-slides");
    apply_changes ();
    print_bis (name, conform, first, last);
    set_style (style);
    set_init (init);
    assign (rp, t);
    apply_changes ();
  else print_bis (name, conform, first, last);
Example #8
paralist *pj_expand_init(PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, paralist *init) {
Append expansion of <key> to the paralist <init>. The expansion is appended,
rather than inserted at <init>'s place, since <init> may contain
overrides to the expansion. These must take precedence, and hence come first
in the expanded list.

Consider e.g. the key 'foo:bar' which (hypothetically) expands to 'proj=utm
zone=32 ellps=GRS80', i.e. a UTM projection on the GRS80 ellipsoid.

The expression 'init=foo:bar ellps=intl' will then expand to:

           'init=foo:bar ellps=intl proj=utm zone=32 ellps=GRS80',

where 'ellps=intl' precedes 'ellps=GRS80', and hence takes precedence,
turning the expansion into an UTM projection on the Hayford ellipsoid.

Note that 'init=foo:bar' stays in the list. It is ignored after expansion.

    paralist *last;
    paralist *expn;

    /* Nowhere to start? */
    if (0==init)
        return 0;

    expn = get_init(ctx, init->param);

    /* Nothing in expansion? */
    if (0==expn)
        return 0;

    /* Locate  the end of the list */
    for (last = init;  last && last->next;  last = last->next);

    /* Then append and return */
    last->next = expn;
    return init;
Example #9
PJ *
pj_init(int argc, char **argv) {
	char *s, *name;
        paralist *start = NULL;
	PJ *(*proj)(PJ *);
	paralist *curr;
	int i;
	PJ *PIN = 0;
        const char *old_locale;

	errno = pj_errno = 0;
        start = NULL;

        old_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); 

	/* put arguments into internal linked list */
	if (argc <= 0) { pj_errno = -1; goto bum_call; }
	for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
		if (i)
			curr = curr->next = pj_mkparam(argv[i]);
			start = curr = pj_mkparam(argv[i]);
	if (pj_errno) goto bum_call;

	/* check if +init present */
	if (pj_param(start, "tinit").i) {
		paralist *last = curr;

		if (!(curr = get_init(&start, curr, pj_param(start, "sinit").s)))
			goto bum_call;
		if (curr == last) { pj_errno = -2; goto bum_call; }

	/* find projection selection */
	if (!(name = pj_param(start, "sproj").s))
		{ pj_errno = -4; goto bum_call; }
	for (i = 0; (s = pj_list[i].id) && strcmp(name, s) ; ++i) ;
	if (!s) { pj_errno = -5; goto bum_call; }

	/* set defaults, unless inhibited */
	if (!pj_param(start, "bno_defs").i)
		curr = get_defaults(&start, curr, name);
	proj = (PJ *(*)(PJ *)) pj_list[i].proj;

	/* allocate projection structure */
	if (!(PIN = (*proj)(0))) goto bum_call;
	PIN->params = start;
        PIN->is_latlong = 0;
        PIN->is_geocent = 0;
        PIN->long_wrap_center = 0.0;

        /* set datum parameters */
        if (pj_datum_set(start, PIN)) goto bum_call;

	/* set ellipsoid/sphere parameters */
	if (pj_ell_set(start, &PIN->a, &PIN->es)) goto bum_call;

        PIN->a_orig = PIN->a;
        PIN->es_orig = PIN->es;

	PIN->e = sqrt(PIN->es);
	PIN->ra = 1. / PIN->a;
	PIN->one_es = 1. - PIN->es;
	if (PIN->one_es == 0.) { pj_errno = -6; goto bum_call; }
	PIN->rone_es = 1./PIN->one_es;

        /* Now that we have ellipse information check for WGS84 datum */
        if( PIN->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
            && PIN->datum_params[0] == 0.0
            && PIN->datum_params[1] == 0.0
            && PIN->datum_params[2] == 0.0
            && PIN->a == 6378137.0
            && ABS(PIN->es - 0.006694379990) < 0.000000000050 )/*WGS84/GRS80*/
            PIN->datum_type = PJD_WGS84;
	/* set PIN->geoc coordinate system */
	PIN->geoc = (PIN->es && pj_param(start, "bgeoc").i);

	/* over-ranging flag */
	PIN->over = pj_param(start, "bover").i;

	/* longitude center for wrapping */
	PIN->long_wrap_center = pj_param(start, "rlon_wrap").f;

	/* central meridian */
	PIN->lam0=pj_param(start, "rlon_0").f;

	/* central latitude */
	PIN->phi0 = pj_param(start, "rlat_0").f;

	/* false easting and northing */
	PIN->x0 = pj_param(start, "dx_0").f;
	PIN->y0 = pj_param(start, "dy_0").f;

	/* general scaling factor */
	if (pj_param(start, "tk_0").i)
		PIN->k0 = pj_param(start, "dk_0").f;
	else if (pj_param(start, "tk").i)
		PIN->k0 = pj_param(start, "dk").f;
		PIN->k0 = 1.;
	if (PIN->k0 <= 0.) {
		pj_errno = -31;
		goto bum_call;

	/* set units */
	s = 0;
	if ((name = pj_param(start, "sunits").s)) { 
		for (i = 0; (s = pj_units[i].id) && strcmp(name, s) ; ++i) ;
		if (!s) { pj_errno = -7; goto bum_call; }
		s = pj_units[i].to_meter;
	if (s || (s = pj_param(start, "sto_meter").s)) {
		PIN->to_meter = strtod(s, &s);
		if (*s == '/') /* ratio number */
			PIN->to_meter /= strtod(++s, 0);
		PIN->fr_meter = 1. / PIN->to_meter;
	} else
		PIN->to_meter = PIN->fr_meter = 1.;

	/* prime meridian */
	s = 0;
	if ((name = pj_param(start, "spm").s)) { 
            const char *value = NULL;
            char *next_str = NULL;

            for (i = 0; pj_prime_meridians[i].id != NULL; ++i )
                if( strcmp(name,pj_prime_meridians[i].id) == 0 )
                    value = pj_prime_meridians[i].defn;
            if( value == NULL 
                && (dmstor(name,&next_str) != 0.0  || *name == '0')
                && *next_str == '\0' )
                value = name;

            if (!value) { pj_errno = -46; goto bum_call; }
            PIN->from_greenwich = dmstor(value,NULL);
            PIN->from_greenwich = 0.0;

	/* projection specific initialization */
	if (!(PIN = (*proj)(PIN)) || errno || pj_errno) {
bum_call: /* cleanup error return */
		if (!pj_errno)
			pj_errno = errno;
		if (PIN)
			for ( ; start; start = curr) {
				curr = start->next;
		PIN = 0;

	return PIN;
Example #10
static paralist *append_defaults_to_paralist (PJ_CONTEXT *ctx, paralist *start, char *key) {
    paralist *defaults, *last = 0;
    char keystring[ID_TAG_MAX + 20];
    paralist *next, *proj;
    int err;

    if (0==start)
        return 0;

    if (strlen(key) > ID_TAG_MAX)
        return 0;

    /* Set defaults, unless inhibited (either explicitly through a "no_defs" token */
    /* or implicitly, because we are initializing a pipeline) */
    if (pj_param_exists (start, "no_defs"))
        return start;
    proj = pj_param_exists (start, "proj");
    if (0==proj)
        return start;
    if (strlen (proj->param) < 6)
        return start;
    if (0==strcmp ("pipeline", proj->param + 5))
        return start;

    err = pj_ctx_get_errno (ctx);
    pj_ctx_set_errno (ctx, 0);

    /* Locate end of start-list */
    for (last = start;  last->next;  last = last->next);

    strcpy (keystring, "proj_def.dat:");
    strcat (keystring, key);
    defaults = get_init (ctx, keystring);

    /* Defaults are optional - so we don't care if we cannot open the file */
    pj_ctx_set_errno (ctx, err);

    if (!defaults)
        return last;

    /* Loop over all default items */
    for (next = defaults;  next;  next = next->next) {

        /* Don't override existing parameter value of same name */
        if (pj_param_exists (start, next->param))

        /* Don't default ellipse if datum, ellps or any ellipsoid information is set */
        if (0==strncmp(next->param,"ellps=", 6)) {
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "datum"))  continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "ellps"))  continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "a"))      continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "b"))      continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "rf"))     continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "f"))      continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "e"))      continue;
            if  (pj_param_exists (start, "es"))     continue;

        /* If we're here, it's OK to append the current default item */
        last = last->next = pj_mkparam(next->param);
    last->next = 0;

    pj_dealloc_params (ctx, defaults, 0);
    return last;
Example #11
PJ *
pj_init_ctx(projCtx ctx, int argc, char **argv) {
    char *s, *name;
    paralist *start = NULL;
    PJ *(*proj)(PJ *);
    paralist *curr;
    int i;
    PJ *PIN = 0;
    char *old_locale;

    ctx->last_errno = 0;
    start = NULL;

    old_locale = strdup(setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL));
    if( strcmp(old_locale,"C") != 0 )

    /* put arguments into internal linked list */
    if (argc <= 0) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -1 ); goto bum_call; }
    for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
        if (i)
            curr = curr->next = pj_mkparam(argv[i]);
            start = curr = pj_mkparam(argv[i]);
    if (ctx->last_errno) goto bum_call;

    /* check if +init present */
    if (pj_param(ctx, start, "tinit").i) {
        paralist *last = curr;

        if (!(curr = get_init(ctx,&start, curr, pj_param(ctx, start, "sinit").s)))
            goto bum_call;
        if (curr == last) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -2); goto bum_call; }

    /* find projection selection */
    if (!(name = pj_param(ctx, start, "sproj").s))
    { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -4 ); goto bum_call; }
    for (i = 0; (s = pj_list[i].id) && strcmp(name, s) ; ++i) ;
    if (!s) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -5 ); goto bum_call; }

    /* set defaults, unless inhibited */
    if (!pj_param(ctx, start, "bno_defs").i)
        curr = get_defaults(ctx,&start, curr, name);
    proj = (PJ *(*)(PJ *)) pj_list[i].proj;

    /* allocate projection structure */
    if (!(PIN = (*proj)(0))) goto bum_call;
    PIN->ctx = ctx;
    PIN->params = start;
    PIN->is_latlong = 0;
    PIN->is_geocent = 0;
    PIN->is_long_wrap_set = 0;
    PIN->long_wrap_center = 0.0;
    strcpy( PIN->axis, "enu" );

    PIN->gridlist = NULL;
    PIN->gridlist_count = 0;

    PIN->vgridlist_geoid = NULL;
    PIN->vgridlist_geoid_count = 0;

    /* set datum parameters */
    if (pj_datum_set(ctx, start, PIN)) goto bum_call;

    /* set ellipsoid/sphere parameters */
    if (pj_ell_set(ctx, start, &PIN->a, &PIN->es)) goto bum_call;

    PIN->a_orig = PIN->a;
    PIN->es_orig = PIN->es;

    PIN->e = sqrt(PIN->es);
    PIN->ra = 1. / PIN->a;
    PIN->one_es = 1. - PIN->es;
    if (PIN->one_es == 0.) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -6 ); goto bum_call; }
    PIN->rone_es = 1./PIN->one_es;

    /* Now that we have ellipse information check for WGS84 datum */
    if( PIN->datum_type == PJD_3PARAM 
        && PIN->datum_params[0] == 0.0
        && PIN->datum_params[1] == 0.0
        && PIN->datum_params[2] == 0.0
        && PIN->a == 6378137.0
        && ABS(PIN->es - 0.006694379990) < 0.000000000050 )/*WGS84/GRS80*/
        PIN->datum_type = PJD_WGS84;
    /* set PIN->geoc coordinate system */
    PIN->geoc = (PIN->es && pj_param(ctx, start, "bgeoc").i);

    /* over-ranging flag */
    PIN->over = pj_param(ctx, start, "bover").i;

    /* vertical datum geoid grids */
    PIN->has_geoid_vgrids = pj_param(ctx, start, "tgeoidgrids").i;
    if( PIN->has_geoid_vgrids ) /* we need to mark it as used. */
        pj_param(ctx, start, "sgeoidgrids");

    /* longitude center for wrapping */
    PIN->is_long_wrap_set = pj_param(ctx, start, "tlon_wrap").i;
    if (PIN->is_long_wrap_set)
        PIN->long_wrap_center = pj_param(ctx, start, "rlon_wrap").f;

    /* axis orientation */
    if( (pj_param(ctx, start,"saxis").s) != NULL )
        static const char *axis_legal = "ewnsud";
        const char *axis_arg = pj_param(ctx, start,"saxis").s;
        if( strlen(axis_arg) != 3 )
            pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, PJD_ERR_AXIS );
            goto bum_call;

        if( strchr( axis_legal, axis_arg[0] ) == NULL
            || strchr( axis_legal, axis_arg[1] ) == NULL
            || strchr( axis_legal, axis_arg[2] ) == NULL)
            pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, PJD_ERR_AXIS );
            goto bum_call;

        /* it would be nice to validate we don't have on axis repeated */
        strcpy( PIN->axis, axis_arg );

    PIN->is_long_wrap_set = pj_param(ctx, start, "tlon_wrap").i;
    if (PIN->is_long_wrap_set)
        PIN->long_wrap_center = pj_param(ctx, start, "rlon_wrap").f;

    /* central meridian */
    PIN->lam0=pj_param(ctx, start, "rlon_0").f;

    /* central latitude */
    PIN->phi0 = pj_param(ctx, start, "rlat_0").f;

    /* false easting and northing */
    PIN->x0 = pj_param(ctx, start, "dx_0").f;
    PIN->y0 = pj_param(ctx, start, "dy_0").f;

    /* general scaling factor */
    if (pj_param(ctx, start, "tk_0").i)
        PIN->k0 = pj_param(ctx, start, "dk_0").f;
    else if (pj_param(ctx, start, "tk").i)
        PIN->k0 = pj_param(ctx, start, "dk").f;
        PIN->k0 = 1.;
    if (PIN->k0 <= 0.) {
        pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -31 );
        goto bum_call;

    /* set units */
    s = 0;
    if ((name = pj_param(ctx, start, "sunits").s) != NULL) { 
        for (i = 0; (s = pj_units[i].id) && strcmp(name, s) ; ++i) ;
        if (!s) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -7 ); goto bum_call; }
        s = pj_units[i].to_meter;
    if (s || (s = pj_param(ctx, start, "sto_meter").s)) {
        PIN->to_meter = strtod(s, &s);
        if (*s == '/') /* ratio number */
            PIN->to_meter /= strtod(++s, 0);
        PIN->fr_meter = 1. / PIN->to_meter;
    } else
        PIN->to_meter = PIN->fr_meter = 1.;

    /* set vertical units */
    s = 0;
    if ((name = pj_param(ctx, start, "svunits").s) != NULL) { 
        for (i = 0; (s = pj_units[i].id) && strcmp(name, s) ; ++i) ;
        if (!s) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -7 ); goto bum_call; }
        s = pj_units[i].to_meter;
    if (s || (s = pj_param(ctx, start, "svto_meter").s)) {
        PIN->vto_meter = strtod(s, &s);
        if (*s == '/') /* ratio number */
            PIN->vto_meter /= strtod(++s, 0);
        PIN->vfr_meter = 1. / PIN->vto_meter;
    } else {
        PIN->vto_meter = PIN->to_meter;
        PIN->vfr_meter = PIN->fr_meter;

    /* prime meridian */
    s = 0;
    if ((name = pj_param(ctx, start, "spm").s) != NULL) { 
        const char *value = NULL;
        char *next_str = NULL;

        for (i = 0; pj_prime_meridians[i].id != NULL; ++i )
            if( strcmp(name,pj_prime_meridians[i].id) == 0 )
                value = pj_prime_meridians[i].defn;
        if( value == NULL 
            && (dmstor_ctx(ctx,name,&next_str) != 0.0  || *name == '0')
            && *next_str == '\0' )
            value = name;

        if (!value) { pj_ctx_set_errno( ctx, -46 ); goto bum_call; }
        PIN->from_greenwich = dmstor_ctx(ctx,value,NULL);
        PIN->from_greenwich = 0.0;

    /* projection specific initialization */
    if (!(PIN = (*proj)(PIN)) || ctx->last_errno) {
      bum_call: /* cleanup error return */
        if (PIN)
            for ( ; start; start = curr) {
                curr = start->next;
        PIN = 0;

    if( strcmp(old_locale,"C") != 0 )
    free( (char*)old_locale );

    return PIN;
Example #12
int main(int argc, void* argv[])
    DCMF_Configure_t config;

    config.thread_level = DCMF_THREAD_MULTIPLE;


    DCMF_Messager_configure(&config, &config);


    if (nranks != (THREAD_NUM + 1))
        printf("This test requires only %d processes \n", (THREAD_NUM + 1));
        return -1;



    memregion_init(LOCAL_MAX_BUF_SIZE * THREAD_NUM);


    source = (char *) malloc(LOCAL_MAX_BUF_SIZE * THREAD_NUM);
    target = (char *) malloc(LOCAL_MAX_BUF_SIZE * THREAD_NUM);


    int status;
    long i;

    if (myrank == 0)

        pthread_t threads[THREAD_NUM];
        pthread_barrier_init(&ptbarrier, NULL, THREAD_NUM);
        pthread_barrier_init(&ptbarrier1, NULL, THREAD_NUM);

        for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)
            pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, mrate_test, (void *) i);

        for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; i++)
            pthread_join(threads[i], (void *) &status);

        snd_rcv_active += LOCAL_ITERATIONS;
        while (snd_rcv_active > 0)




    if (myrank == 0)
        printf("Benchmark Complete \n");

    return (0);