void psi_4(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
  double * val = (double *)value;
  double lambda[4], volume;
  get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &volume);
  val[0] = 4.0*lambda[1]*lambda[2];
void phi_1(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	val[0] = lambda[0]*(2*lambda[0] - 1.0);
void gradient_phi_1(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	val[0] = (4.0*lambda[0] - 1.0)*dlambda0_dx;
	val[1] = (4.0*lambda[0] - 1.0)*dlambda0_dy;
void gradient_phi_4(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
  double * val = (double *)value;
  double lambda[4], volume;
  get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &volume);
  val[0] = co_det(v, 3, 0)/volume * (4.*lambda[3] - 1.);
  val[1] = co_det(v, 3, 1)/volume * (4.*lambda[3] - 1.);
  val[2] = co_det(v, 3, 2)/volume * (4.*lambda[3] - 1.);
Example #5
void PoissonStimulator::init( NeuronGroup * target, AurynFloat rate, AurynWeight w )
	dst = target;


	poisson_weight = w;
	poisson_rate = rate;

	stringstream oss;
	oss << scientific << "PoissonStimulator:: initializing with mean " << get_lambda();

	dist = new boost::poisson_distribution<int> (get_lambda());
	die  = new boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::poisson_distribution<int> > ( gen, *dist );
Example #6
     * @brief Determines feasible descent direction with respect to added
     *  inequality constraints.
     * @param[in] ppar   parameters.
     * @param[in] active_set a vector of active constraints.
     * @param[in] x     initial guess.
     * @param[out] dx   feasible descent direction, must be allocated.
    void chol_solve::resolve (
            const AS::problem_parameters& ppar, 
            const vector <AS::constraint>& active_set, 
            const double *x, 
            double *dx)
        int i;
        const int nW = active_set.size();

        // backward substitution for icL
        for (i = nW-1; i >= 0; --i)
            const int last_el_num = i + ppar.N*SMPC_NUM_STATE_VAR;
            nu[last_el_num] /= icL[i][last_el_num];

            for (int j = active_set[i].ind; j < last_el_num; ++j)
                nu[j] -= nu[last_el_num] * icL[i][j];
        // backward substitution for ecL
        ecL.solve_backward(ppar.N, nu);

        // - i2H * E' * nu
        E.form_i2HETx (ppar, nu, dx);

        // dx = -(x + inv(H) * E' * nu)
        //            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        // dx = -(x +       dx        ) 
        for (i = 0; i < ppar.N*SMPC_NUM_VAR; i += SMPC_NUM_VAR)
            // dx for state variables
            dx[i]   -= x[i]  ;
            dx[i+1] -= x[i+1];
            dx[i+2] -= x[i+2];
            dx[i+3] -= x[i+3];
            dx[i+4] -= x[i+4];
            dx[i+5] -= x[i+5];
            dx[i+6] -= x[i+6];
            dx[i+7] -= x[i+7];

        // -iH * A(W,:)' * lambda
        const double *lambda = get_lambda(ppar);
        const double i2Q0 = ppar.i2Q[0];
        for (i = 0; i < nW; ++i)
            constraint c = active_set[i];
            dx[c.ind]   -= i2Q0 * c.coef_x * lambda[i];
            dx[c.ind+3] -= i2Q0 * c.coef_y * lambda[i];
void gradient_psi_1(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
  double * val = (double *)value;
  double lambda[4], volume;
  get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &volume);
  val[0] = 4 * (co_det(v, 1, 0)/volume * lambda[0] +
                co_det(v, 0, 0)/volume * lambda[1]);
  val[1] = 4 * (co_det(v, 1, 1)/volume * lambda[0] +
                co_det(v, 0, 1)/volume * lambda[1]);
  val[2] = 4 * (co_det(v, 1, 2)/volume * lambda[0] +
                co_det(v, 0, 2)/volume * lambda[1]);
void gradient_psi_6(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
  double * val = (double *)value;
  double lambda[4], volume;
  get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &volume);
  val[0] = 4 * (co_det(v, 2, 0)/volume * lambda[3] +
                co_det(v, 3, 0)/volume * lambda[2]);
  val[1] = 4 * (co_det(v, 2, 1)/volume * lambda[3] +
                co_det(v, 3, 1)/volume * lambda[2]);
  val[2] = 4 * (co_det(v, 2, 2)/volume * lambda[3] +
                co_det(v, 3, 2)/volume * lambda[2]);
void phi_6(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	if (lambda[1] < 0) {
		val[0] = 0.;
	else {
		val[0] = 4.0*lambda[1]*lambda[2];
void phi_3(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	if (lambda[1] < 0) {
		val[0] = lambda[3]*(2*lambda[3] - 1.0);
	else {
		val[0] = lambda[2]*(2*lambda[2] - 1.0);
void phi_4(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	if (lambda[1] < 0) {
		lambda[1] = -lambda[1];
		val[0] = lambda[1]*(2*lambda[1] - 1.0);
	else {
		val[0] = 0.;
void gradient_phi_4(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	val[0] = (4.0*lambda[1] + 1.0)*dlambda1_dx;
	val[1] = (4.0*lambda[1] + 1.0)*dlambda1_dy;
	if (fabs(lambda[1]) < 1.0e-4*area) {
		val[0] /= 2.0;
		val[1] /= 2.0;
	else if (lambda[1] > 0) {
		val[0] = 0.0;
		val[1] = 0.0;
void gradient_phi_8(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	val[0] = -4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda1_dx + lambda[1]*dlambda0_dx);
	val[1] = -4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda1_dy + lambda[1]*dlambda0_dy);
	if (fabs(lambda[1]) < 1.0e-4*area) {
		val[0] /= 2.0;
		val[1] /= 2.0;
	else if (lambda[1] > 0) {
		val[0] = 0.0;
		val[1] = 0.0;
void gradient_phi_3(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	if (fabs(lambda[1]) < 1.0e-4*area) {
		val[0] = 0.5*((4.0*lambda[2] - 1.0)*dlambda20_dx + (4.0*lambda[3] - 1.0)*dlambda21_dx);
		val[1] = 0.5*((4.0*lambda[2] - 1.0)*dlambda20_dy + (4.0*lambda[3] - 1.0)*dlambda21_dy);
	else if (lambda[1] > 0) {
		val[0] = (4.0*lambda[2] - 1.0)*dlambda20_dx;
		val[1] = (4.0*lambda[2] - 1.0)*dlambda20_dy;
	else {
		val[0] = (4.0*lambda[3] - 1.0)*dlambda21_dx;
		val[1] = (4.0*lambda[3] - 1.0)*dlambda21_dy;
void gradient_phi_9(const double * p, const double ** v, void * value)
	double * val = (double *)value;
	double lambda[4];
	double area;
	get_lambda(p, v, lambda, &area);
	if (fabs(lambda[1]) < 1.0e-4*area) {
		val[0] = 2.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda20_dx + lambda[2]*dlambda0_dx)
			+ 2.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda21_dx + lambda[3]*dlambda0_dx);
		val[1] = 2.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda20_dy + lambda[2]*dlambda0_dy)
			+ 2.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda21_dy + lambda[3]*dlambda0_dy);
	else if (lambda[1] > 0) {
		val[0] = 4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda20_dx + lambda[2]*dlambda0_dx);
		val[1] = 4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda20_dy + lambda[2]*dlambda0_dy);
	else {
		val[0] = 4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda21_dx + lambda[3]*dlambda0_dx);
		val[1] = 4.0*(lambda[0]*dlambda21_dy + lambda[3]*dlambda0_dy);
Example #16
 int test2() {
   auto L = get_lambda();
Example #17
read_pssm(unsigned char *aa0, int n0, int nsq, double pamscale, FILE *fp, struct pstruct *ppst) {
  int i, j, len;
  int qi, rj;
  int **pam2p;
  int first, too_high;
  char *query;
  double freq, **freq2d, lambda, new_lambda;
  double scale, scale_high, scale_low;

  pam2p = ppst->pam2p[0];

  if(1 != fread(&len, sizeof(int), 1, fp)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "error reading from checkpoint file: %d\n", len);

  if(len != n0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "profile length (%d) and query length (%d) don't match!\n",

  /* read over query sequence stored in BLAST profile */
  if(NULL == (query = (char *) calloc(len, sizeof(char)))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for query!\n");

  if(len != fread(query, sizeof(char), len, fp)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read query sequence from profile: %s\n", query);


  /* currently we don't do anything with query; ideally, we should
     check to see that it actually matches aa0 ... */

  /* quick 2d array alloc: */
  if((freq2d = (double **) calloc(n0, sizeof(double *))) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for frequencies!\n");

  if((freq2d[0] = (double *) calloc(n0 * N_EFFECT, sizeof(double))) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for frequencies!\n");

  /* a little pointer arithmetic to fill out 2d array: */
  for (qi = 1 ; qi < n0 ; qi++) {
    freq2d[qi] = freq2d[0] + (N_EFFECT * qi);

  for (qi = 0 ; qi < n0 ; qi++) {
    for (rj = 0 ; rj < N_EFFECT ; rj++) {
      if(1 != fread(&freq, sizeof(double), 1, fp)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading frequencies!\n");
      printf(" %8.7g",freq*10.0);

      if (freq > 1e-12) {
	freq = log(freq /((double) (rrcounts[rj+1])/(double) rrtotal));
	freq /= pamscale; /* this gets us close to originial pam scores */
	freq2d[qi][rj] = freq;
      else {freq2d[qi][rj] = freq;}

  /* now figure out the right scale */
  scale = 1.0;
  lambda = get_lambda(ppst->pam2[0], 20, 20, "\0ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV");

  /* should be near 1.0 because of our initial scaling by ppst->pamscale */
  fprintf(stderr, "real_lambda: %g\n", lambda);

  /* get initial high/low scale values: */
  first = 1;
  while (1) {
    fill_pam(pam2p, n0, 20, freq2d, scale);
    new_lambda = get_lambda(pam2p, n0, 20, query); 

    if (new_lambda > lambda) {
      if (first) {
	first = 0;
	scale = scale_high = 1.0 + 0.05;
	scale_low = 1.0;
	too_high = 1;
      } else {
	if (!too_high) break;
	scale = (scale_high += scale_high - 1.0);
    } else if (new_lambda > 0) {
      if (first) {
	first = 0;
	scale_high = 1.0;
	scale = scale_low = 1.0 - 0.05;
	too_high = 0;
      } else {
	if (too_high) break;
	scale = (scale_low += scale_low - 1.0);
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "new_lambda (%g) <= 0; matrix has positive average score", new_lambda);

  /* now do binary search between low and high */
  for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
    scale = 0.5 * (scale_high + scale_low);
    fill_pam(pam2p, n0, 20, freq2d, scale);
    new_lambda = get_lambda(pam2p, n0, 20, query);
    if (new_lambda > lambda) scale_low = scale;
    else scale_high = scale;

  scale = 0.5 * (scale_high + scale_low);
  fill_pam(pam2p, n0, 20, freq2d, scale);

  fprintf(stderr, "final scale: %g\n", scale);

  for (qi = 0 ; qi < n0 ; qi++) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%4d %c:  ", qi+1, query[qi]);
    for (rj = 1 ; rj <= 20 ; rj++) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%4d", pam2p[qi][rj]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");


Example #18
void PoissonStimulator::set_rate(AurynFloat rate) {
	delete dist;
	poisson_rate = rate;
	dist = new boost::poisson_distribution<int> (get_lambda());