Example #1
irods::error random_get_resc_for_call(
    irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
    irods::resource_ptr&            _resc ) {
    irods::error result = SUCCESS();

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // check incoming parameters
    irods::error err = random_check_params< DEST_TYPE >( _ctx );
    if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Bad resource context." ) ).ok() ) {

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // get the object's name
        std::string name;
        err = _ctx.prop_map().get< std::string >( irods::RESOURCE_NAME, name );
        if ( ( result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Failed to get property." ) ).ok() ) {

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // get the object's hier string
            boost::shared_ptr< DEST_TYPE > dst_obj = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< DEST_TYPE >( _ctx.fco() );
            std::string hier = dst_obj->resc_hier( );

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // get the next child pointer given our name and the hier string
            err = get_next_child_in_hier( name, hier, _ctx.child_map(), _resc );
            result = ASSERT_PASS( err, "Get next child failed." );

    return result;

} // random_get_resc_for_call
irods::error round_robin_get_resc_for_call(
    irods::resource_plugin_context& _ctx,
    irods::resource_ptr&            _resc ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // check incoming parameters
    irods::error err = round_robin_check_params< DEST_TYPE >( _ctx );
    if ( !err.ok() ) {
        return PASSMSG( "round_robin_get_resc_for_call - bad resource context", err );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // get the object's name
    std::string name;
    err = _ctx.prop_map().get< std::string >( irods::RESOURCE_NAME, name );
    if ( !err.ok() ) {
        return PASSMSG( "round_robin_get_resc_for_call - failed to get property 'name'.", err );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // get the object's hier string
    boost::shared_ptr< DEST_TYPE > obj = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< DEST_TYPE >( _ctx.fco() );
    std::string hier = obj->resc_hier( );

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // get the next child pointer given our name and the hier string
    err = get_next_child_in_hier( name, hier, _ctx.child_map(), _resc );
    if ( !err.ok() ) {
        return PASSMSG( "round_robin_get_resc_for_call - get_next_child_in_hier failed.", err );

    return SUCCESS();

} // round_robin_get_resc_for_call
Example #3
/// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/// @brief get the next resource shared pointer given this resources name
///        as well as the file object
irods::error get_next_child_for_open_or_write(
    const std::string&          _name,
    irods::file_object_ptr&     _file_obj,
    irods::resource_child_map&  _cmap,
    irods::resource_ptr&        _resc ) {
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // set up iteration over physical objects
    std::vector< irods::physical_object > objs = _file_obj->replicas();
    std::vector< irods::physical_object >::iterator itr = objs.begin();

    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // check to see if the replica is in this resource, if one is requested
    for ( ; itr != objs.end(); ++itr ) {
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // run the hier string through the parser
        irods::hierarchy_parser parser;
        parser.set_string( itr->resc_hier() );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // find this resource in the hier
        if ( !parser.resc_in_hier( _name ) ) {

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // if we have a hit, get the resc ptr to the next resc
        return get_next_child_in_hier(
                   _resc );

    } // for itr

    std::string msg( "no replica found in resc [" );
    msg += _name + "]";
    return ERROR(
               msg );

} // get_next_child_for_open_or_write