void ListModelWrapper::handle_popup(const int x, const int y, const int time, GdkEventButton* evb)
  Gtk::TreeModel::Path   path;
  Gtk::TreeView::Column *column(0);
  int                    cell_x(-1);
  int                    cell_y(-1);

  ListModelWrapper::NodeIdArray list = get_selection();

  bool there_is_path_at_pos = false;
  if (_treeview)
    there_is_path_at_pos = _treeview->get_path_at_pos(x, y, path, column, cell_x, cell_y);
  else if (_iconview)
    path = _iconview->get_path_at_pos(x, y);
    there_is_path_at_pos = path.gobj() && !path.empty();

  if ( there_is_path_at_pos )
    // Check that @path is on selection, otherwise add @path to selection
    bec::NodeId node = get_node_for_path(path);
    // list stores current selection
    bool path_at_pos_is_in_selection = false;
    for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      if (node == list[i])
        path_at_pos_is_in_selection = true;

    if (!path_at_pos_is_in_selection)
      // Add it, if user holds Ctrl while clicking right mouse btn
      // Otherwise clear selection, and select only @path
      const bool clear_selection = evb ? (!(evb->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) : false;
      if (clear_selection)
        if (_treeview)
        if (_iconview)

      if (_treeview)
      if (_iconview)

      list = get_selection();
  if (!_context_menu)
    _context_menu = new Gtk::Menu();

  run_menu_and_forward_action((*_tm)->get_popup_items_for_nodes(list), x, y, time, *_tm, list, _fe_menu_handler, _context_menu);
ListModelWrapper::NodeIdArray ListModelWrapper::get_selection() const {
  NodeIdArray nodes;
  std::vector<Gtk::TreePath> paths;

  if (_treeview)
    paths = _treeview->get_selection()->get_selected_rows();
  else if (_iconview)
    paths = _iconview->get_selected_items();

  const int size = paths.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

  return nodes;