Example #1
static void ephy_smaps_pid_children_to_html (EphySMaps *smaps, GString *str, pid_t parent_pid)
  GDir *proc;
  const char *name;

  proc = g_dir_open ("/proc/", 0, NULL);
  if (!proc)

  while ((name = g_dir_read_name (proc))) {
    pid_t pid, ppid;
    EphyProcess process;

    if (g_str_equal (name, "self"))

    pid = get_pid_from_proc_name (name);
    if (pid == 0 || pid == parent_pid)

    ppid = get_parent_pid (pid);
    if (ppid != parent_pid)

    process = get_ephy_process (pid);
    if (process != EPHY_PROCESS_OTHER)
      ephy_smaps_pid_to_html (smaps, str, pid, process);
  g_dir_close (proc);
Example #2
// enumerate all processes 
bool enumerate_processes(enumerate_processes_callback *callback, int flags) {
  struct dirent *subdir;
  DIR *dir;
  char *path;
  pid_t pid, ppid;

  // enumerate through /proc
  dir = opendir("/proc");
  if (dir != NULL) {
    // first, get a list of all pids
    while ((subdir = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
      if (subdir->d_type == DT_DIR) {
        pid = string_to_pid(subdir->d_name);
        if (pid != 0) {
          ppid = get_parent_pid(pid);
          pid_list_add(pid, ppid);

    // create pid tree

    pid_tree_do(pid_tree, callback, 0, flags);



    return true;
  } else {
Example #3
int main(int arc, char ** argv)
    pid_t pid = getpid();
    pid_t ppid = get_parent_pid(pid);
    printf("%d\n", ppid);

    return 0;
const wchar_t* cprocess_tree::get_parent_name(_In_ DWORD child_pid)
	DWORD ppid = get_parent_pid(child_pid);
	if (0 == ppid) return NULL;

	process_map::iterator it = _proc_map.find(ppid);
	if (it == _proc_map.end()) return NULL;

	return it->second.process_name().c_str();
Example #5
swayc_t *workspace_for_pid(pid_t pid) {
	int i;
	swayc_t *ws = NULL;
	struct pid_workspace *pw = NULL;

	sway_log(L_DEBUG, "looking for workspace for pid %d", pid);

	// leaving this here as it's useful for debugging
	// sway_log(L_DEBUG, "all pid_workspaces");
	// for (int k = 0; k < config->pid_workspaces->length; k++) {
	// 	pw = config->pid_workspaces->items[k];
	// 	sway_log(L_DEBUG, "pid %d workspace %s time_added %li", *pw->pid, pw->workspace, *pw->time_added);
	// }

	do {
		for (i = 0; i < config->pid_workspaces->length; i++) {
			pw = config->pid_workspaces->items[i];
			pid_t *pw_pid = pw->pid;

			if (pid == *pw_pid) {
				sway_log(L_DEBUG, "found pid_workspace for pid %d, workspace %s", pid, pw->workspace);
				break; // out of for loop

			pw = NULL;

		if (pw) {
			break; // out of do-while loop

		pid = get_parent_pid(pid);
		// no sense in looking for matches for pid 0.
		// also, if pid == getpid(), that is the compositor's
		// pid, which definitely isn't helpful
	} while (pid > 0 && pid != getpid());

	if (pw) {
		ws = workspace_by_name(pw->workspace);

		if (!ws) {
			sway_log(L_DEBUG, "Creating workspace %s for pid %d because it disappeared", pw->workspace, pid);
			ws = workspace_create(pw->workspace);

		list_del(config->pid_workspaces, i);

	return ws;
Example #6
File: rpname.c Project: AZed/snoopy
/* Find root process name */
int get_rpname (int pid, char *result)
    int     parentPid;
    char   *name;
    size_t  nameLen;

    parentPid = get_parent_pid(pid);
    if (PID_ROOT == parentPid) {
        name = read_proc_property(pid, PROC_PID_STATUS_KEY_NAME);
        if (NULL != name) {
            nameLen = snprintf(result, SNOOPY_DATASOURCE_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE, "%s", name);
        } else {
            nameLen = snprintf(result, SNOOPY_DATASOURCE_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE, "%s", UNKNOWN_STR);
        return nameLen;
    } else if (PID_EMPTY == parentPid) {
        return snprintf(result, SNOOPY_DATASOURCE_MESSAGE_MAX_SIZE, "%s", UNKNOWN_STR);
    } else {
        return get_rpname(parentPid, result);
Example #7
/** The main function to be called from the python ctypes library to
 *  create a pylambda worker process.
 *  Different error routes produce different error codes of 101 and
 *  above.
int EXPORT pylambda_worker_main(const std::string& root_path,
                                const std::string& server_address, int loglevel) {

  /** Set up the debug configuration.
   *  By default, all LOG_ERROR and LOG_FATAL messages are sent to
   *  stderr, and all messages above loglevel are sent to stdout.
   *  If GRAPHLAB_LAMBDA_WORKER_LOG_FILE is set and is non-empty, then
   *  all log messages are sent to the file instead of the stdout and
   *  stderr.  In this case, the only errors logged to stderr/stdout
   *  concern opening the log file.
   *  If GRAPHLAB_LAMBDA_WORKER_DEBUG_MODE is set, then the default
   *  log level is set to LOG_DEBUG.  If a log file is set, then all
   *  log messages are sent there, otherwise they are sent to stderr.
  boost::optional<std::string> debug_mode_str = graphlab::getenv_str("GRAPHLAB_LAMBDA_WORKER_DEBUG_MODE");
  boost::optional<std::string> debug_mode_file_str = graphlab::getenv_str("GRAPHLAB_LAMBDA_WORKER_LOG_FILE");

  std::string log_file_string = debug_mode_file_str ? *debug_mode_file_str :  "";
  bool log_to_file = (!log_file_string.empty());

  bool debug_mode = (bool)(debug_mode_str);


  // Logging using the LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID macro requires this_pid to be set.
  size_t this_pid = get_my_pid();

  // Set up the logging to file if needed.
  if(log_to_file) {
    // Set up the logging to the file, with any errors being fully logged.
    global_logger().set_log_to_console(true, true);
    LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("Logging lambda worker logs to " << log_file_string);

  // Now, set the log mode for debug
  if(debug_mode) {
    if(!log_to_file) {
      // Set logging to console, with everything logged to stderr.
      global_logger().set_log_to_console(true, true);

  // Log the basic information about parameters.
  size_t parent_pid = get_parent_pid();

  LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("root_path = '" << root_path << "'");
  LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("server_address = '" << server_address << "'");
  LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("parend pid = " << parent_pid);

  size_t _last_line = __LINE__;
#define __TRACK do { _last_line = __LINE__; } while(0)  
  try {

    LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("Library function entered successfully.");

    if(server_address == "debug") {
      logstream(LOG_INFO) << "Exiting dry run." << std::endl;
      return 1;

    __TRACK; boost::optional<std::string> disable_shm = graphlab::getenv_str("GRAPHLAB_DISABLE_LAMBDA_SHM");
    bool use_shm = true;
    if(disable_shm && *disable_shm == "1") {
      use_shm = false;
      __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("shm disabled.");

    __TRACK; graphlab::shmipc::server shm_comm_server;
    bool has_shm = false;
    try { 
      __TRACK; has_shm = use_shm ? shm_comm_server.bind() : false;
    } catch (const std::string& error) {
      logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "Internal PyLambda Error binding SHM server: "
                           << error << "; disabling SHM." << std::endl;
      has_shm = false;      
    } catch (const std::exception& error) {
      logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "Internal PyLambda Error binding SHM server: "
                           << error.what() << "; disabling SHM." << std::endl;
      has_shm = false;      
    } catch (...) {
      logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "Unknown internal PyLambda Error binding SHM server; disabling SHM."
                           << std::endl;
      has_shm = false;      
    __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("shm_comm_server bind: has_shm=" << has_shm);

    // construct the server
    __TRACK; cppipc::comm_server server(std::vector<std::string>(), "", server_address);

    __TRACK; server.register_type<graphlab::lambda::lambda_evaluator_interface>([&](){
        if (has_shm) {
          __TRACK; auto n = new graphlab::lambda::pylambda_evaluator(&shm_comm_server);
          __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("creation of pylambda_evaluator with SHM complete.");
          __TRACK; return n;
        } else {
          __TRACK; auto n = new graphlab::lambda::pylambda_evaluator();
          __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("creation of pylambda_evaluator without SHM complete.");
          __TRACK; return n;
    __TRACK; server.register_type<graphlab::lambda::graph_lambda_evaluator_interface>([&](){
        __TRACK; auto n = new graphlab::lambda::graph_pylambda_evaluator();
        __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("creation of graph_pylambda_evaluator complete.");
        __TRACK; return n;
    __TRACK; LOG_DEBUG_WITH_PID("Starting server.");
    __TRACK; server.start();

    __TRACK; wait_for_parent_exit(parent_pid);

    return 0;

    /** Any exceptions happening?  If so, propegate back what's going
     *  on through the error codes.
  } catch (const std::string& error) {
    logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "Internal PyLambda Error: " << error
                         << "; last successful line =" << _last_line  << std::endl;
    return _last_line;
  } catch (const std::exception& error) {
    logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "PyLambda C++ Error: " << error.what()
                         << "; last successful line =" << _last_line << std::endl;
    return _last_line;
  } catch (...) {
    logstream(LOG_ERROR) << "Unknown PyLambda Error"
                         << "; last successful line =" << _last_line << std::endl;
    return _last_line;