surface& surface::set_color_key(color key,bool rleaccel) { SDL_Surface* ptr = get_low(); int r; if(rleaccel) r=SDL_SetColorKey(ptr,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY|SDL_RLEACCEL,get_pixel_format().map_rgb(key)); else r=SDL_SetColorKey(ptr,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,get_pixel_format().map_rgb(key)); if(r!=0) throw exception_sdl(); return *this; }
static __init void s5pv210_fb_init(void) { struct s5pv210fb_lcd * lcd; s5pv210_fb.priv = resource_get_data(>name); lcd = (struct s5pv210fb_lcd *)(s5pv210_fb.priv); if(! s5pv210_fb.priv) { LOG_W("can't get the resource of \'%s\'",>name); return; } if(! clk_get_rate("dsys-hclk", 0)) { LOG_E("can't get the clock of \'dsys-hclk\'"); return; } if( (lcd->bits_per_pixel != 16) && (lcd->bits_per_pixel != 24) && (lcd->bits_per_pixel != 32) ) return; = lcd->bits_per_pixel; = lcd->bytes_per_pixel; = lcd->rgba.r_mask; = lcd->rgba.r_field; = lcd->rgba.g_mask; = lcd->rgba.g_field; = lcd->rgba.b_mask; = lcd->rgba.b_field; = lcd->rgba.a_mask; = lcd->rgba.a_field; = get_pixel_format(&(; info.surface.w = lcd->width; info.surface.h = lcd->height; info.surface.pitch = lcd->width * lcd->bytes_per_pixel; info.surface.flag = SURFACE_PIXELS_DONTFREE; info.surface.pixels = lcd->vram_front; info.surface.clip.x = 0; info.surface.clip.y = 0; info.surface.clip.w = lcd->width; info.surface.clip.h = lcd->height; memset(&info.surface.maps, 0, sizeof(struct surface_maps)); surface_set_maps(&info.surface.maps); if(! register_framebuffer(&s5pv210_fb)) LOG_E("failed to register framebuffer driver '%s'",>name); }
core::pixel_format_desc pixel_format_desc(AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height) { // Get linesizes AVPicture dummy_pict; avpicture_fill(&dummy_pict, nullptr, pix_fmt, width, height); core::pixel_format_desc desc = get_pixel_format(pix_fmt); switch (desc.format) { case core::pixel_format::gray: case core::pixel_format::luma: { desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[0], height, 1)); return desc; } case core::pixel_format::bgr: case core::pixel_format::rgb: { desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[0] / 3, height, 3)); return desc; } case core::pixel_format::bgra: case core::pixel_format::argb: case core::pixel_format::rgba: case core::pixel_format::abgr: { desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[0] / 4, height, 4)); return desc; } case core::pixel_format::ycbcr: case core::pixel_format::ycbcra: { // Find chroma height auto size2 = static_cast<int>([2] -[1]); auto h2 = size2 / dummy_pict.linesize[1]; desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[0], height, 1)); desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[1], h2, 1)); desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[2], h2, 1)); if (desc.format == core::pixel_format::ycbcra) desc.planes.push_back(core::pixel_format_desc::plane(dummy_pict.linesize[3], height, 1)); return desc; } default: desc.format = core::pixel_format::invalid; return desc; } }
void VideoEncoder::thread_loop() { int encnum; int res; auto screen = this->screen.lock(); /* Convert picture from rgb to yuv420 planar two steps here: 1) rgb24a or bgr24a to yuv422 interlaced (yuyv) 2) yuv422 to yuv420 planar (yuv420p) to fix endiannes issues try adding #define ARCH_PPC and using mlt_convert_bgr24a_to_yuv422 or mlt_convert_argb_to_yuv422 (see mlt_frame.h in sourcecode) i can't tell as i don't have PPC, waiting for u mr.goil :) */ uint8_t *surface = (uint8_t *)screen->get_surface(); time_t *tm = (time_t *)malloc(sizeof(time_t)); time(tm); // std::cerr << "-- ENC:" << asctime(localtime(tm)); if(!surface) { fps->delay(); /* std::cout << "fps->start_tv.tv_sec :" << fps->start_tv.tv_sec << \ " tv_usec :" << fps->start_tv.tv_usec << " \r" << std::endl; */ return; } fps->delay(); //uncomment this to see how long it takes between two frames in us. /* timeval start_t; gettimeofday(&start_t,NULL); timeval did; timersub(&start_t, &m_lastTime, &did); m_lastTime.tv_sec = start_t.tv_sec; m_lastTime.tv_usec = start_t.tv_usec; std::cerr << "diff time :" << did.tv_usec << std::endl;*/ screen->lock(); auto & geo = screen->getGeometry(); switch(screen->get_pixel_format()) { case ViewPort::RGBA32: mlt_convert_rgb24a_to_yuv422(surface, geo.getSize().x(), geo.getSize().y(), geo.getSize().x() << 2, (uint8_t*)enc_yuyv, NULL); break; case ViewPort::BGRA32: mlt_convert_bgr24a_to_yuv422(surface, geo.getSize().x(), geo.getSize().y(), geo.getSize().x() << 2, (uint8_t*)enc_yuyv, NULL); break; case ViewPort::ARGB32: mlt_convert_argb_to_yuv422(surface, geo.getSize().x(), geo.getSize().y(), geo.getSize().x() << 2, (uint8_t*)enc_yuyv, NULL); break; default: error("Video Encoder %s doesn't supports Screen %s pixel format", name.c_str(), screen->getName().c_str()); } screen->unlock(); ccvt_yuyv_420p(geo.getSize().x(), geo.getSize().y(), enc_yuyv, enc_y, enc_u, enc_v); ////// got the YUV, do the encoding res = encode_frame(); if(res != 0) error("Can't encode frame"); /// proceed writing and streaming encoded data in encpipe encnum = 0; if(write_to_disk || write_to_stream) { if((encnum = ringbuffer_read_space(ringbuffer)) > 0) { encbuf = (char *)realloc(encbuf, encnum); // encbuf = (char *)realloc(encbuf, (((audio_kbps + video_kbps)*1024)/24)); //doesn't change anything for shifting problem encnum = ringbuffer_read(ringbuffer, encbuf, encnum); // encnum = ringbuffer_read(ringbuffer, encbuf, // ((audio_kbps + video_kbps)*1024)/24); } } if(encnum > 0) { // func("%s has encoded %i bytes", name, encnum); if(write_to_disk && filedump_fd) fwrite(encbuf, 1, encnum, filedump_fd); if(write_to_stream && ice) { /* int wait_ms; wait_ms = shout_delay(ice); std::cerr << "---- shout delay :" << wait_ms << std::endl;*/ shout_sync(ice); if(shout_send(ice, (const unsigned char*)encbuf, encnum) != SHOUTERR_SUCCESS) { error("shout_send: %s", shout_get_error(ice)); } // else //printf("%d %d\n", encnum, (int)shout_queuelen(ice)); } gettimeofday(&m_ActualTime, NULL); if(m_ActualTime.tv_sec == m_OldTime.tv_sec) m_ElapsedTime += ((double)(m_ActualTime.tv_usec - m_OldTime.tv_usec)) / 1000000.0; else m_ElapsedTime += ((double)(m_ActualTime.tv_sec - m_OldTime.tv_sec)) + \ (((double)(m_ActualTime.tv_usec - m_OldTime.tv_usec)) / 1000000.0); m_OldTime.tv_sec = m_ActualTime.tv_sec; m_OldTime.tv_usec = m_ActualTime.tv_usec; m_Streamed += encnum; if(m_ElapsedTime >= 3.0) { //calculate stream rate every minimum 3 seconds m_StreamRate = ((double)m_Streamed / m_ElapsedTime) / 1000.0; m_ElapsedTime = 0; m_Streamed = 0; } } }
bool Window::PlatformInit() { hInstance = (HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase; WNDCLASS winClass = {}; winClass.hInstance = hInstance; // GetModuleHandle(0); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; winClass.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WndProc; winClass.lpszClassName = "Sparky Win32 Window"; winClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); winClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO); if (!RegisterClassA(&winClass)) { // TODO: Handle error SPARKY_ERROR("Could not register Win32 class!"); return false; } RECT size = { 0, 0, m_Width, m_Height }; AdjustWindowRectEx(&size, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, false, WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); hWnd = CreateWindowExA(WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, winClass.lpszClassName, m_Title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) / 2 - m_Width / 2, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) / 2 - m_Height / 2, // TODO: This requires some... attention size.right + (-size.left), size.bottom + (, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (!hWnd) { SPARKY_ERROR("Could not create window!"); return false; } RegisterWindowClass(hWnd, this); hDc = GetDC(hWnd); PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = get_pixel_format(); int pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDc, &pfd); if (pixelFormat) { if (!SetPixelFormat(hDc, pixelFormat, &pfd)) { SPARKY_ERROR("Failed setting pixel format!"); return false; } } else { SPARKY_ERROR("Failed choosing pixel format!"); return false; } HGLRC hrc = wglCreateContext(hDc); if (hrc) { if (!wglMakeCurrent(hDc, hrc)) { SPARKY_ERROR("Failed setting OpenGL context!"); return false; } } else { SPARKY_ERROR("Failed creating OpenGL context!"); return false; } if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) { SPARKY_FATAL("Could not initialize GLEW!"); return false; } ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); SetFocus(hWnd); // resize return true; }
static int image_convert_libswscale( uint8_t *arg_src[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], int arg_src_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, uint32_t src_fourcc, uint8_t *arg_dst[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], int arg_dst_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], unsigned int dst_width, unsigned int dst_height, uint32_t dst_fourcc ) { int error = -1; struct SwsContext *sws = NULL; enum PixelFormat src_pix_fmt, dst_pix_fmt; uint8_t *src[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; uint8_t *dst[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; int src_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; int dst_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; uint8_t *tmp_src[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES] = { NULL, }; uint8_t *tmp_dst[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES] = { NULL, }; int tmp_src_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; int tmp_dst_stride[MAX_IMAGE_PLANES]; int i, j, stride; /* XXX: libswscale does not support AYUV formats yet */ switch (src_fourcc) { case IMAGE_AYUV: src_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV444P; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp_src[i] = malloc(src_width * src_height); if (!tmp_src[i]) goto end; tmp_src_stride[i] = src_width; src[i] = tmp_src[i]; src_stride[i] = tmp_src_stride[i]; } stride = arg_src_stride[0]; for (j = 0; j < src_height; j++) { for (i = 0; i < src_width; i++) { const int src_offset = j * arg_src_stride[0] + 4 * i; const int dst_offset = j * src_width + i; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN tmp_src[0][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 1]; tmp_src[1][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 2]; tmp_src[2][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 3]; #else tmp_src[0][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 2]; tmp_src[1][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 1]; tmp_src[2][dst_offset] = arg_src[0][src_offset + 0]; #endif } } break; case IMAGE_YV12: src_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; src[0] = arg_src[0]; src_stride[0] = arg_src_stride[0]; src[1] = arg_src[2]; src_stride[1] = arg_src_stride[2]; src[2] = arg_src[1]; src_stride[2] = arg_src_stride[1]; break; default: src_pix_fmt = get_pixel_format(src_fourcc); for (i = 0; i < MAX_IMAGE_PLANES; i++) { src[i] = arg_src[i]; src_stride[i] = arg_src_stride[i]; } break; } /* XXX: libswscale does not support AYUV formats yet */ switch (dst_fourcc) { case IMAGE_AYUV: dst_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV444P; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tmp_dst[i] = malloc(dst_width * dst_height); if (!tmp_dst[i]) goto end; tmp_dst_stride[i] = dst_width; dst[i] = tmp_dst[i]; dst_stride[i] = tmp_dst_stride[i]; } break; case IMAGE_YV12: dst_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; dst[0] = arg_dst[0]; dst_stride[0] = arg_dst_stride[0]; dst[1] = arg_dst[2]; dst_stride[1] = arg_dst_stride[2]; dst[2] = arg_dst[1]; dst_stride[2] = arg_dst_stride[1]; break; default: dst_pix_fmt = get_pixel_format(dst_fourcc); for (i = 0; i < MAX_IMAGE_PLANES; i++) { dst[i] = arg_dst[i]; dst_stride[i] = arg_dst_stride[i]; } break; } if (src_pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_NONE || dst_pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_NONE) goto end; sws = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, src_pix_fmt, dst_width, dst_height, dst_pix_fmt, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!sws) goto end; sws_scale(sws, src, src_stride, 0, src_height, dst, dst_stride); sws_freeContext(sws); /* XXX: libswscale does not support AYUV formats yet */ switch (dst_fourcc) { case IMAGE_AYUV: stride = arg_dst_stride[0]; for (j = 0; j < dst_height; j++) { for (i = 0; i < dst_width; i++) { const int src_offset = j * dst_width + i; const int dst_offset = j * arg_dst_stride[0] + 4 * i; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 0] = 0xff; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 1] = tmp_dst[0][src_offset]; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 2] = tmp_dst[1][src_offset]; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 3] = tmp_dst[2][src_offset]; #else arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 0] = tmp_dst[2][src_offset]; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 1] = tmp_dst[1][src_offset]; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 2] = tmp_dst[0][src_offset]; arg_dst[0][dst_offset + 3] = 0xff; #endif } } break; } error = 0; end: for (i = 0; i < MAX_IMAGE_PLANES; i++) { free(tmp_src[i]); free(tmp_dst[i]); } return error; }