Example #1
    void MediaPlayerOCV::OCVCaptureThread::execute()
		//m_ocvCamera.m_capture.open( m_ocvCamera.getDeviceId() );
		if ( !m_player.m_capture.isOpened() )
			LOG_ERROR( "[MediaPlayerOCV] Player not opened, capture thread will not load" );

        // Capture thread loop
		while( !get_signaled() )
            // New frame flag
            bool newFrame = false;
            // If false, opencv controls the playhead. If false, it is controlled by our timer
            bool setPlayhead = false;
            // Set the playhead
            double currentActualFrame = 0.0f;
            if ( setPlayhead )
                unsigned long millisPlayback = m_timer.getMilliseconds();
                double currentFrame = ((double)millisPlayback/1000.0) * m_fps;
                currentActualFrame = m_player.m_capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);
                // Have new frame?
                if ( currentFrame > currentActualFrame )
                    m_player.m_capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, currentFrame);
                    currentActualFrame = currentFrame;
            // And grab new frame (it will be updated in the next call to getImage()
                cv::Mat m_cvCaptureImage;
                newFrame = m_player.m_capture.read( m_cvCaptureImage );
                // Convert from BGR to RGB
                cv::cvtColor(m_cvCaptureImage, m_localMat, CV_BGR2RGB);
                // Get the current frame position
                if ( !setPlayhead )
                    currentActualFrame = m_player.m_capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);
                // Set the new frame to the player
                if ( newFrame )
                    m_player.setNewFrame( currentActualFrame, m_localMat );
                    // relax the thread
Example #2
void PVCamera::PVCaptureThread::execute()
  unsigned char *cameraBuffer = NULL;
  unsigned char *cameraWriteBuffer = NULL;

  // Execute until the thread gets signaled
  while( !get_signaled() )
    // Get new frame from the camera
    cameraBuffer = m_PVCamera.m_pvCamera->getFrame();
    if ( cameraBuffer ) 
      // Get buffer to write the image
      cameraWriteBuffer = m_PVCamera.m_ringBuffer->getNextBufferToWrite();
      if ( cameraWriteBuffer ) 
        // Copy the new frame in the buffer, and notify it
        memcpy( cameraWriteBuffer, cameraBuffer, m_PVCamera.m_ringBuffer->size() );