Example #1
VALUE cConnection_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE uri) {
  rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qfalse);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@ssl_cipher", Qnil);

  VALUE r_host = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("host"), 0);

  if (r_host != Qnil) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@host", r_host);

  VALUE r_user = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("user"), 0);

  if (r_user != Qnil) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@user", r_user);

  VALUE r_password = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("password"), 0);

  if (r_password != Qnil) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@password", r_password);

  VALUE r_path = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("path"), 0);

  if (r_path != Qnil) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@path", r_path);

  VALUE r_port = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("port"), 0);

  if (r_port != Qnil) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@port", r_port);

  // Pull the querystring off the URI
  VALUE r_query = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("query"), 0);

  rb_iv_set(self, "@query", r_query);

  const char *encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "encoding");

  if (!encoding) {
    encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "charset");

    if (!encoding) { encoding = "UTF-8"; }

  rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2(encoding));

  MYSQL *db = mysql_init(NULL);

  full_connect(self, db);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@uri", uri);
  return Qtrue;
Example #2
static VALUE cConnection_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE uri) {
  VALUE r_host, r_user, r_password, r_path, r_query, r_port;

  PGconn *db = NULL;

  rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qfalse);

  r_host = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("host"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_host) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@host", r_host);

  r_user = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("user"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_user) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@user", r_user);

  r_password = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("password"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_password) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@password", r_password);

  r_path = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("path"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_path) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@path", r_path);

  r_port = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("port"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_port) {
    r_port = rb_funcall(r_port, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
    rb_iv_set(self, "@port", r_port);

  // Pull the querystring off the URI
  r_query = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("query"), 0);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@query", r_query);

  const char* encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "encoding");
  if (!encoding) { encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "charset"); }
  if (!encoding) { encoding = "UTF-8"; }

  rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2(encoding));

  full_connect(self, db);

  rb_iv_set(self, "@uri", uri);

  return Qtrue;
Example #3
static VALUE cDO_OracleConnection_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE uri) {
  VALUE r_host, r_port, r_path, r_user, r_password;
  VALUE r_query, r_time_zone;
  char *non_blocking = NULL;
  char *time_zone = NULL;
  char set_time_zone_command[80];

  char *host = "localhost", *port = "1521", *path = NULL;
  char *connect_string;
  long connect_string_length;
  VALUE oci8_conn;

  r_user = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("user"), 0);
  r_password = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("password"), 0);

  r_host = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("host"), 0);
  if ( Qnil != r_host && RSTRING_LEN(r_host) > 0) {
    host = StringValuePtr(r_host);

  r_port = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("port"), 0);
  if ( Qnil != r_port ) {
    r_port = rb_funcall(r_port, DO_ID_TO_S, 0);
    port = StringValuePtr(r_port);

  r_path = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("path"), 0);
  if ( Qnil != r_path ) {
    path = StringValuePtr(r_path);

  // If just host name is specified then use it as TNS names alias
  if ((r_host != Qnil && RSTRING_LEN(r_host) > 0) &&
      (r_port == Qnil) &&
      (r_path == Qnil || RSTRING_LEN(r_path) == 0)) {
    connect_string = host;
  // If database name is specified in path (in format "/database")
  } else if (path != NULL && strlen(path) > 1) {
    connect_string_length = strlen(host) + strlen(port) + strlen(path) + 4;
    connect_string = (char *)calloc(connect_string_length, sizeof(char));
    snprintf(connect_string, connect_string_length, "//%s:%s%s", host, port, path);
  } else {
    rb_raise(eDO_ConnectionError, "Database must be specified");

  // oci8_conn = rb_funcall(cOCI8, DO_ID_NEW, 3, r_user, r_password, RUBY_STRING(connect_string));
  oci8_conn = rb_funcall(cDO_OracleConnection, rb_intern("oci8_new"), 3, r_user, r_password, RUBY_STRING(connect_string));

  // Pull the querystring off the URI
  r_query = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("query"), 0);

  non_blocking = get_uri_option(r_query, "non_blocking");
  // Enable non-blocking mode
  if (non_blocking != NULL && strcmp(non_blocking, "true") == 0)
    rb_funcall(oci8_conn, rb_intern("non_blocking="), 1, Qtrue);
  // By default enable auto-commit mode
  rb_funcall(oci8_conn, rb_intern("autocommit="), 1, Qtrue);
  // Set prefetch rows to 100 to increase fetching performance SELECTs with many rows
  rb_funcall(oci8_conn, rb_intern("prefetch_rows="), 1, INT2NUM(100));

  // Set session time zone
  // at first look for option in connection string
  time_zone = get_uri_option(r_query, "time_zone");

  rb_iv_set(self, "@uri", uri);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", oci8_conn);

  // if no option specified then look in ENV['TZ']
  if (time_zone == NULL) {
    r_time_zone = rb_funcall(cDO_OracleConnection, rb_intern("ruby_time_zone"), 0);
    if (!NIL_P(r_time_zone))
      time_zone = StringValuePtr(r_time_zone);
  if (time_zone) {
    snprintf(set_time_zone_command, 80, "alter session set time_zone = '%s'", time_zone);
    execute_sql(self, RUBY_STRING(set_time_zone_command));

  execute_sql(self, RUBY_STRING("alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'"));
  execute_sql(self, RUBY_STRING("alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'"));
  execute_sql(self, RUBY_STRING("alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF TZH:TZM'"));

  return Qtrue;
Example #4
static void full_connect(VALUE self, PGconn *db) {

  PGresult *result = NULL;
  VALUE r_host, r_user, r_password, r_path, r_port, r_query, r_options;
  char *host = NULL, *user = NULL, *password = NULL, *path;
  char *database = "", *port = "5432";
  VALUE encoding = Qnil;
  char *search_path = NULL;
  char *search_path_query = NULL;
  char *backslash_off = "SET backslash_quote = off";
  char *standard_strings_on = "SET standard_conforming_strings = on";
  char *warning_messages = "SET client_min_messages = warning";

  if((r_host = rb_iv_get(self, "@host")) != Qnil) {
    host     = StringValuePtr(r_host);

  if((r_user = rb_iv_get(self, "@user")) != Qnil) {
    user     = StringValuePtr(r_user);

  if((r_password = rb_iv_get(self, "@password")) != Qnil) {
    password = StringValuePtr(r_password);

  if((r_port = rb_iv_get(self, "@port")) != Qnil) {
    port = StringValuePtr(r_port);

  if((r_path = rb_iv_get(self, "@path")) != Qnil) {
    path = StringValuePtr(r_path);
    database = strtok(path, "/");

  if (NULL == database || 0 == strlen(database)) {
    rb_raise(eConnectionError, "Database must be specified");

  r_query        = rb_iv_get(self, "@query");

  search_path = get_uri_option(r_query, "search_path");

  db = PQsetdbLogin(

  if ( PQstatus(db) == CONNECTION_BAD ) {
    rb_raise(eConnectionError, PQerrorMessage(db));

  if (search_path != NULL) {
    search_path_query = (char *)calloc(256, sizeof(char));
    snprintf(search_path_query, 256, "set search_path to %s;", search_path);
    r_query = rb_str_new2(search_path_query);
    result = cCommand_execute(self, db, r_query);

    if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
      raise_error(self, result, r_query);


  r_options = rb_str_new2(backslash_off);
  result = cCommand_execute(self, db, r_options);

  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {

  r_options = rb_str_new2(standard_strings_on);
  result = cCommand_execute(self, db, r_options);

  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {

  r_options = rb_str_new2(warning_messages);
  result = cCommand_execute(self, db, r_options);

  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {

  encoding = rb_iv_get(self, "@encoding");

  VALUE pg_encoding = rb_hash_aref(CONST_GET(mEncoding, "MAP"), encoding);
  if(pg_encoding != Qnil) {
    if(PQsetClientEncoding(db, RSTRING_PTR(pg_encoding))) {
      rb_raise(eConnectionError, "Couldn't set encoding: %s", RSTRING_PTR(encoding));
    } else {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index(RSTRING_PTR(encoding))));
      rb_iv_set(self, "@pg_encoding", pg_encoding);
  } else {
    rb_warn("Encoding %s is not a known Ruby encoding for PostgreSQL\n", RSTRING_PTR(encoding));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF-8"));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index("UTF-8")));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@pg_encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF8"));
  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, 0, db));
Example #5
File: do_mysql.c Project: NZX/do
static void full_connect(VALUE self, MYSQL* db) {
  // Check to see if we're on the db machine.  If so, try to use the socket
  VALUE r_host, r_user, r_password, r_path, r_query, r_port;

  const char *host = "localhost", *user = "******"; 
  char *database = NULL, *socket = NULL, *password = NULL, *path = NULL;
  VALUE encoding = Qnil;

  MYSQL *result;

  int port = 3306;
  unsigned long client_flags = 0;
  int encoding_error;

  if((r_host = rb_iv_get(self, "@host")) != Qnil) {
    host     = StringValuePtr(r_host);

  if((r_user = rb_iv_get(self, "@user")) != Qnil) {
    user     = StringValuePtr(r_user);

  if((r_password = rb_iv_get(self, "@password")) != Qnil) {
    password = StringValuePtr(r_password);

  if((r_port = rb_iv_get(self, "@port")) != Qnil) {
    port = NUM2INT(r_port);

  if((r_path = rb_iv_get(self, "@path")) != Qnil) {
    path = StringValuePtr(r_path);
    database = strtok(path, "/");

  if (NULL == database || 0 == strlen(database)) {
    rb_raise(eConnectionError, "Database must be specified");

  r_query        = rb_iv_get(self, "@query");

  if (0 == strcasecmp(host, "localhost")) {
    socket = get_uri_option(r_query, "socket");
    if (NULL != socket) {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qtrue);

  char *ssl_client_key, *ssl_client_cert, *ssl_ca_cert, *ssl_ca_path, *ssl_cipher;
  VALUE r_ssl;

  if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(r_query, rb_cHash)) {
    r_ssl = rb_hash_aref(r_query, rb_str_new2("ssl"));

    if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(r_ssl, rb_cHash)) {
      ssl_client_key  = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "client_key");
      ssl_client_cert = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "client_cert");
      ssl_ca_cert     = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "ca_cert");
      ssl_ca_path     = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "ca_path");
      ssl_cipher      = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "cipher");

      assert_file_exists(ssl_client_key,  "client_key doesn't exist");
      assert_file_exists(ssl_client_cert, "client_cert doesn't exist");
      assert_file_exists(ssl_ca_cert,     "ca_cert doesn't exist");

      mysql_ssl_set(db, ssl_client_key, ssl_client_cert, ssl_ca_cert, ssl_ca_path, ssl_cipher);
    } else if(r_ssl != Qnil) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ssl must be passed a hash");

  result = (MYSQL *)mysql_real_connect(

  if (NULL == result) {
    raise_error(self, db, Qnil);

  const char *ssl_cipher_used = mysql_get_ssl_cipher(db);

  if (NULL != ssl_cipher_used) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@ssl_cipher", rb_str_new2(ssl_cipher_used));

  my_bool reconnect = 1;
  mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);

  // Set the connections character set
  encoding = rb_iv_get(self, "@encoding");

  VALUE my_encoding = rb_hash_aref(CONST_GET(mEncoding, "MAP"), encoding);
  if(my_encoding != Qnil) {
    encoding_error = mysql_set_character_set(db, rb_str_ptr_readonly(my_encoding));
    if (0 != encoding_error) {
      raise_error(self, db, Qnil);
    } else {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index(rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding))));
      rb_iv_set(self, "@my_encoding", my_encoding);
  } else {
    rb_warn("Encoding %s is not a known Ruby encoding for MySQL\n", rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF-8"));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index("UTF-8")));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@my_encoding", rb_str_new2("utf8"));

  // Disable sql_auto_is_null
  cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, rb_str_new2("SET sql_auto_is_null = 0"));
  // removed NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO because of MySQL bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=42270
  // added NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES so that backslashes should not be escaped as in other databases
  //4.x versions do not support certain session parameters  
  if(mysql_get_server_version(db) < 50000 ){
    cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, rb_str_new2("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI,NO_DIR_IN_CREATE,NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION'"));
  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, 0, db));
Example #6
void full_connect(VALUE self, MYSQL *db) {
  VALUE r_host = rb_iv_get(self, "@host");
  const char *host = "localhost";

  if (r_host != Qnil) {
    host = StringValuePtr(r_host);

  VALUE r_user = rb_iv_get(self, "@user");
  const char *user = "******";

  if (r_user != Qnil) {
    user = StringValuePtr(r_user);

  VALUE r_password = rb_iv_get(self, "@password");
  char *password = NULL;

  if (r_password != Qnil) {
    password = StringValuePtr(r_password);

  VALUE r_port = rb_iv_get(self, "@port");
  int port = 3306;

  if (r_port != Qnil) {
    port = NUM2INT(r_port);

  VALUE r_path = rb_iv_get(self, "@path");
  char *path = NULL;
  char *database = NULL;

  if (r_path != Qnil) {
    path = StringValuePtr(r_path);
    database = strtok(path, "/"); // not threadsafe

  if (!database || !*database) {
    rb_raise(eConnectionError, "Database must be specified");

  VALUE r_query = rb_iv_get(self, "@query");
  char *socket = NULL;

  // Check to see if we're on the db machine.  If so, try to use the socket
  if (strcasecmp(host, "localhost") == 0) {
    socket = get_uri_option(r_query, "socket");

    if (socket) {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qtrue);

  char *ssl_client_key, *ssl_client_cert, *ssl_ca_cert, *ssl_ca_path, *ssl_cipher;
  VALUE r_ssl;

  if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(r_query, rb_cHash)) {
    r_ssl = rb_hash_aref(r_query, rb_str_new2("ssl"));

    if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(r_ssl, rb_cHash)) {
      ssl_client_key  = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "client_key");
      ssl_client_cert = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "client_cert");
      ssl_ca_cert     = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "ca_cert");
      ssl_ca_path     = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "ca_path");
      ssl_cipher      = get_uri_option(r_ssl, "cipher");

      assert_file_exists(ssl_client_key,  "client_key doesn't exist");
      assert_file_exists(ssl_client_cert, "client_cert doesn't exist");
      assert_file_exists(ssl_ca_cert,     "ca_cert doesn't exist");

      mysql_ssl_set(db, ssl_client_key, ssl_client_cert, ssl_ca_cert, ssl_ca_path, ssl_cipher);
    else if (r_ssl != Qnil) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "ssl must be passed a hash");

  unsigned long client_flags = 0;

  MYSQL *result = mysql_real_connect(

  if (!result) {
    raise_error(self, db, Qnil);

  const char *ssl_cipher_used = mysql_get_ssl_cipher(db);

  if (ssl_cipher_used) {
    rb_iv_set(self, "@ssl_cipher", rb_str_new2(ssl_cipher_used));

  my_bool reconnect = 1;
  mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);

  // We only support encoding for MySQL versions providing mysql_set_character_set.
  // Without this function there are potential issues with mysql_real_escape_string
  // since that doesn't take the character set into consideration when setting it
  // using a SET CHARACTER SET query. Since we don't want to stimulate these possible
  // issues we simply ignore it and assume the user has configured this correctly.

  // Set the connections character set
  VALUE encoding = rb_iv_get(self, "@encoding");
  VALUE my_encoding = rb_hash_aref(do_const_get(mEncoding, "MAP"), encoding);

  if (my_encoding != Qnil) {
    int encoding_error = mysql_set_character_set(db, rb_str_ptr_readonly(my_encoding));

    if (encoding_error != 0) {
      raise_error(self, db, Qnil);
    else {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index(rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding))));

      rb_iv_set(self, "@my_encoding", my_encoding);
  else {
    rb_warn("Encoding %s is not a known Ruby encoding for MySQL\n", rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF-8"));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index("UTF-8")));
    rb_iv_set(self, "@my_encoding", rb_str_new2("utf8"));

  // Disable sql_auto_is_null
  cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, rb_str_new2("SET sql_auto_is_null = 0"));
  // removed NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO because of MySQL bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=42270
  // added NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES so that backslashes should not be escaped as in other databases

// For really anscient MySQL versions we don't attempt any strictness
  //4.x versions do not support certain session parameters
  if (mysql_get_server_version(db) < 50000) {
    cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, rb_str_new2("SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ANSI,NO_DIR_IN_CREATE,NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION'"));
  else {

  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, 0, db));
Example #7
static VALUE cConnection_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE uri) {
  VALUE r_host, r_user, r_password, r_path, r_query, r_port;

  char *host = "localhost", *user = "******", *password = NULL, *path;
  char *database = "", *socket = NULL;
  char *encoding = NULL;

  int port = 3306;
  unsigned long client_flags = 0;
  int encoding_error;

  MYSQL *db = 0, *result;
  db = (MYSQL *)mysql_init(NULL);

  rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qfalse);

  r_host = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("host"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_host) {
    host = StringValuePtr(r_host);

  r_user = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("user"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_user) {
    user = StringValuePtr(r_user);

  r_password = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("password"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_password) {
    password = StringValuePtr(r_password);

  r_path = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("path"), 0);
  path = StringValuePtr(r_path);
  if (Qnil != r_path) {
    database = strtok(path, "/");

  if (NULL == database || 0 == strlen(database)) {
    rb_raise(eMysqlError, "Database must be specified");

  // Pull the querystring off the URI
  r_query = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("query"), 0);

  // Check to see if we're on the db machine.  If so, try to use the socket
  if (0 == strcasecmp(host, "localhost")) {
    socket = get_uri_option(r_query, "socket");
    if (NULL != socket) {
      rb_iv_set(self, "@using_socket", Qtrue);

  r_port = rb_funcall(uri, rb_intern("port"), 0);
  if (Qnil != r_port) {
    port = NUM2INT(r_port);

  encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "encoding");
  if (!encoding) { encoding = get_uri_option(r_query, "charset"); }
  if (!encoding) { encoding = "utf8"; }

  // If ssl? {
  //   mysql_ssl_set(db, key, cert, ca, capath, cipher)
  // }

  my_bool reconnect = 1;
  mysql_options(db, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);

  result = (MYSQL *)mysql_real_connect(

  if (NULL == result) {
    raise_mysql_error(Qnil, db, -1, NULL);

  // Set the connections character set
  encoding_error = mysql_set_character_set(db, encoding);
  if (0 != encoding_error) {
    raise_mysql_error(Qnil, db, encoding_error, NULL);

  rb_iv_set(self, "@uri", uri);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, 0, db));

  return Qtrue;