double estimate_merging_time(int halonr, int mother_halonr, int p)
  int central_halonr;
  double coulomb, mergtime, SatelliteMass, SatelliteRadius, MotherHaloRvir;

  /** @brief Binney & Tremaine 1987 - 7.26 merging time for satellites due to
   *         dynamical friction. After Delucia2007 *2, shown to agree with
   *         Kolchin2008 simulations in Delucia2010. This is set when a galaxy
   *         becomes a type 2 or being a type 1 \f$M_{\rm{star}}>M_{\rm{vir}}\f$.
   *         In DeLucia2007 they could only merge into a type 0, now (after
   *         guo2010) they can merge into a type 1. */

  /*  recipe updated for more accurate merging time (see BT eq 7.26),
     now satellite radius at previous timestep is included */
  central_halonr = Halo[Halo[halonr].Descendant].FirstProgenitor;
  if(Gal[p].Type == 1)
  if(central_halonr == halonr)
      terminate("can't be...!\n");

  coulomb = log(Halo[mother_halonr].Len / ((double) Halo[halonr].Len) + 1);

  /*  should include stellar+cold gas in SatelliteMass! */
  SatelliteMass = get_virial_mass(halonr)+(Gal[p].DiskMass+Gal[p].BulgeMass);

  SatelliteRadius = separation_halo(central_halonr,halonr)/(1 + ZZ[Halo[halonr].SnapNum]);

  int j;
  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
	Gal[p].DistanceToCentralGal[j] =  wrap(Halo[central_halonr].Pos[j] - Halo[halonr].Pos[j], BoxSize);

  MotherHaloRvir = get_virial_radius(mother_halonr);
  if(SatelliteRadius > MotherHaloRvir)
    SatelliteRadius = MotherHaloRvir;

  if(SatelliteMass > 0.0) {
    mergtime = 1.17 * SatelliteRadius * SatelliteRadius * get_virial_velocity(mother_halonr) /
               (coulomb * G * SatelliteMass); // Binney & Tremaine Eq.7.26

    /* change introduced by Delucia2007 to fit observations */
    mergtime = 2.*mergtime;
    mergtime = -99999.9;

  return mergtime;

Example #2
void prepare_galaxy_for_output(int filenr, int tree, struct GALAXY *g, struct GALAXY_OUTPUT *o)
  int j, step;

  o->SnapNum = g->SnapNum;
  o->Type = g->Type;

  // assume that because there are so many files, the trees per file will be less than 100000
  // required for limits of long long
      assert( g->GalaxyNr < TREE_MUL_FAC ); // breaking tree size assumption
      assert(tree < (FILENR_MUL_FAC/10)/TREE_MUL_FAC);
      o->GalaxyIndex = g->GalaxyNr + TREE_MUL_FAC * tree + (FILENR_MUL_FAC/10) * filenr;
      assert( (o->GalaxyIndex - g->GalaxyNr - TREE_MUL_FAC*tree)/(FILENR_MUL_FAC/10) == filenr );
      assert( (o->GalaxyIndex - g->GalaxyNr -(FILENR_MUL_FAC/10)*filenr) / TREE_MUL_FAC == tree );
      assert( o->GalaxyIndex - TREE_MUL_FAC*tree - (FILENR_MUL_FAC/10)*filenr == g->GalaxyNr );
      o->CentralGalaxyIndex = HaloGal[HaloAux[Halo[g->HaloNr].FirstHaloInFOFgroup].FirstGalaxy].GalaxyNr + TREE_MUL_FAC * tree + (FILENR_MUL_FAC/10) * filenr;
      assert( g->GalaxyNr < TREE_MUL_FAC ); // breaking tree size assumption
      assert(tree < FILENR_MUL_FAC/TREE_MUL_FAC);
      o->GalaxyIndex = g->GalaxyNr + TREE_MUL_FAC * tree + FILENR_MUL_FAC * filenr;
      assert( (o->GalaxyIndex - g->GalaxyNr - TREE_MUL_FAC*tree)/FILENR_MUL_FAC == filenr );
      assert( (o->GalaxyIndex - g->GalaxyNr -FILENR_MUL_FAC*filenr) / TREE_MUL_FAC == tree );
      assert( o->GalaxyIndex - TREE_MUL_FAC*tree - FILENR_MUL_FAC*filenr == g->GalaxyNr );
      o->CentralGalaxyIndex = HaloGal[HaloAux[Halo[g->HaloNr].FirstHaloInFOFgroup].FirstGalaxy].GalaxyNr + TREE_MUL_FAC * tree + FILENR_MUL_FAC * filenr;
  o->SAGEHaloIndex = g->HaloNr;
  o->SAGETreeIndex = tree;
  o->SimulationHaloIndex = Halo[g->HaloNr].MostBoundID;

  o->mergeType = g->mergeType;
  o->mergeIntoID = g->mergeIntoID;
  o->mergeIntoSnapNum = g->mergeIntoSnapNum;
  o->dT = g->dT * UnitTime_in_s / SEC_PER_MEGAYEAR;

  for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    o->Pos[j] = g->Pos[j];
    o->Vel[j] = g->Vel[j];
    o->Spin[j] = Halo[g->HaloNr].Spin[j];

  o->Len = g->Len;
  o->Mvir = g->Mvir;
  o->CentralMvir = get_virial_mass(Halo[g->HaloNr].FirstHaloInFOFgroup);
  o->Rvir = get_virial_radius(g->HaloNr);  // output the actual Rvir, not the maximum Rvir
  o->Vvir = get_virial_velocity(g->HaloNr);  // output the actual Vvir, not the maximum Vvir
  o->Vmax = g->Vmax;
  o->VelDisp = Halo[g->HaloNr].VelDisp;

  o->ColdGas = g->ColdGas;
  o->StellarMass = g->StellarMass;
  o->BulgeMass = g->BulgeMass;
  o->HotGas = g->HotGas;
  o->EjectedMass = g->EjectedMass;
  o->BlackHoleMass = g->BlackHoleMass;
  o->ICS = g->ICS;

  o->MetalsColdGas = g->MetalsColdGas;
  o->MetalsStellarMass = g->MetalsStellarMass;
  o->MetalsBulgeMass = g->MetalsBulgeMass;
  o->MetalsHotGas = g->MetalsHotGas;
  o->MetalsEjectedMass = g->MetalsEjectedMass;
  o->MetalsICS = g->MetalsICS;
  o->SfrDisk = 0.0;
  o->SfrBulge = 0.0;
  o->SfrDiskZ = 0.0;
  o->SfrBulgeZ = 0.0;
  // NOTE: in Msun/yr 
  for(step = 0; step < STEPS; step++)
    o->SfrDisk += g->SfrDisk[step] * UnitMass_in_g / UnitTime_in_s * SEC_PER_YEAR / SOLAR_MASS / STEPS;
    o->SfrBulge += g->SfrBulge[step] * UnitMass_in_g / UnitTime_in_s * SEC_PER_YEAR / SOLAR_MASS / STEPS;
    if(g->SfrDiskColdGas[step] > 0.0)
      o->SfrDiskZ += g->SfrDiskColdGasMetals[step] / g->SfrDiskColdGas[step] / STEPS;

    if(g->SfrBulgeColdGas[step] > 0.0)
      o->SfrBulgeZ += g->SfrBulgeColdGasMetals[step] / g->SfrBulgeColdGas[step] / STEPS;

  o->DiskScaleRadius = g->DiskScaleRadius;

  if (g->Cooling > 0.0)
    o->Cooling = log10(g->Cooling * UnitEnergy_in_cgs / UnitTime_in_s);
    o->Cooling = 0.0;
  if (g->Heating > 0.0)
    o->Heating = log10(g->Heating * UnitEnergy_in_cgs / UnitTime_in_s);
    o->Heating = 0.0;

  o->QuasarModeBHaccretionMass = g->QuasarModeBHaccretionMass;

  o->TimeOfLastMajorMerger = g->TimeOfLastMajorMerger * UnitTime_in_Megayears;
  o->TimeOfLastMinorMerger = g->TimeOfLastMinorMerger * UnitTime_in_Megayears;
  o->OutflowRate = g->OutflowRate * UnitMass_in_g / UnitTime_in_s * SEC_PER_YEAR / SOLAR_MASS;

  //infall properties
  if(g->Type != 0)
    o->infallMvir = g->infallMvir;
    o->infallVvir = g->infallVvir;
    o->infallVmax = g->infallVmax;
    o->infallMvir = 0.0;
    o->infallVvir = 0.0;
    o->infallVmax = 0.0;

Example #3
int join_galaxies_of_progenitors(int halonr, int ngalstart)
  int ngal, prog, mother_halo=-1, i, j, first_occupied, lenmax, lenoccmax, centralgal;
  double previousMvir, previousVvir, previousVmax;
  int step;

  lenmax = 0;
  lenoccmax = 0;
  first_occupied = Halo[halonr].FirstProgenitor;
  prog = Halo[halonr].FirstProgenitor;

  if(prog >=0)
    if(HaloAux[prog].NGalaxies > 0)
    lenoccmax = -1;

  // Find most massive progenitor that contains an actual galaxy
  // Maybe FirstProgenitor never was FirstHaloInFOFGroup and thus has no galaxy

  while(prog >= 0)
    if(Halo[prog].Len > lenmax)
      lenmax = Halo[prog].Len;
      mother_halo = prog;
    if(lenoccmax != -1 && Halo[prog].Len > lenoccmax && HaloAux[prog].NGalaxies > 0)
      lenoccmax = Halo[prog].Len;
      first_occupied = prog;
    prog = Halo[prog].NextProgenitor;

  ngal = ngalstart;
  prog = Halo[halonr].FirstProgenitor;

  while(prog >= 0)
    for(i = 0; i < HaloAux[prog].NGalaxies; i++)
			assert(ngal < FoF_MaxGals);

      // This is the cruical line in which the properties of the progenitor galaxies 
      // are copied over (as a whole) to the (temporary) galaxies Gal[xxx] in the current snapshot 
      // After updating their properties and evolving them 
      // they are copied to the end of the list of permanent galaxies HaloGal[xxx] 

      Gal[ngal] = HaloGal[HaloAux[prog].FirstGalaxy + i];
      Gal[ngal].HaloNr = halonr;

      Gal[ngal].dT = -1.0;

      // this deals with the central galaxies of (sub)halos 
      if(Gal[ngal].Type == 0 || Gal[ngal].Type == 1)
        // this halo shouldn't hold a galaxy that has already merged; remove it from future processing
        if(Gal[ngal].mergeType != 0)
          Gal[ngal].Type = 3;

        // remember properties from the last snapshot
        previousMvir = Gal[ngal].Mvir;
        previousVvir = Gal[ngal].Vvir;
        previousVmax = Gal[ngal].Vmax;

        if(prog == first_occupied)
          // update properties of this galaxy with physical properties of halo 
          Gal[ngal].MostBoundID = Halo[halonr].MostBoundID;

          for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            Gal[ngal].Pos[j] = Halo[halonr].Pos[j];
            Gal[ngal].Vel[j] = Halo[halonr].Vel[j];
          Gal[ngal].Len = Halo[halonr].Len;
          Gal[ngal].Vmax = Halo[halonr].Vmax;

					Gal[ngal].deltaMvir = get_virial_mass(halonr) - Gal[ngal].Mvir;

          if(get_virial_mass(halonr) > Gal[ngal].Mvir)
            Gal[ngal].Rvir = get_virial_radius(halonr);  // use the maximum Rvir in model
            Gal[ngal].Vvir = get_virial_velocity(halonr);  // use the maximum Vvir in model
          Gal[ngal].Mvir = get_virial_mass(halonr);

          Gal[ngal].Cooling = 0.0;
          Gal[ngal].Heating = 0.0;
          Gal[ngal].QuasarModeBHaccretionMass = 0.0;
          Gal[ngal].OutflowRate = 0.0;
          Gal[ngal].Lx_bol = 0.0;

          for(step = 0; step < STEPS; step++)
            Gal[ngal].SfrDisk[step] = Gal[ngal].SfrBulge[step] = 0.0;
            Gal[ngal].SfrDiskColdGas[step] = Gal[ngal].SfrDiskColdGasMetals[step] = 0.0;
            Gal[ngal].SfrBulgeColdGas[step] = Gal[ngal].SfrBulgeColdGasMetals[step] = 0.0;

          if(halonr == Halo[halonr].FirstHaloInFOFgroup)
            // a central galaxy
            Gal[ngal].mergeType = 0;
            Gal[ngal].mergeIntoID = -1;
            Gal[ngal].MergTime = 999.9;            

            Gal[ngal].DiskScaleRadius = get_disk_radius(halonr, ngal);

            Gal[ngal].Type = 0;
            // a satellite with subhalo
            Gal[ngal].mergeType = 0;
            Gal[ngal].mergeIntoID = -1;

            if(Gal[ngal].Type == 0)  // remember the infall properties before becoming a subhalo
              Gal[ngal].infallMvir = previousMvir;
              Gal[ngal].infallVvir = previousVvir;
              Gal[ngal].infallVmax = previousVmax;

            if(Gal[ngal].Type == 0 || Gal[ngal].MergTime > 999.0)
              // here the galaxy has gone from type 1 to type 2 or otherwise doesn't have a merging time.
              Gal[ngal].MergTime = estimate_merging_time(halonr, Halo[halonr].FirstHaloInFOFgroup, ngal);
            Gal[ngal].Type = 1;
          // an orhpan satellite galaxy - these will merge or disrupt within the current timestep
          Gal[ngal].deltaMvir = -1.0*Gal[ngal].Mvir;
          Gal[ngal].Mvir = 0.0;

          if(Gal[ngal].MergTime > 999.0 || Gal[ngal].Type == 0)
            // here the galaxy has gone from type 0 to type 2 - merge it!
            Gal[ngal].MergTime = 0.0;
            Gal[ngal].infallMvir = previousMvir;
            Gal[ngal].infallVvir = previousVvir;
            Gal[ngal].infallVmax = previousVmax;

          Gal[ngal].Type = 2;



    prog = Halo[prog].NextProgenitor;

  if(ngal == 0)
    // We have no progenitors with galaxies. This means we create a new galaxy. 
    init_galaxy(ngal, halonr);

  // Per Halo there can be only one Type 0 or 1 galaxy, all others are Type 2  (orphan)
  // In fact, this galaxy is very likely to be the first galaxy in the halo if 
	// first_occupied==FirstProgenitor and the Type0/1 galaxy in FirstProgenitor was also the first one 
  // This cannot be guaranteed though for the pathological first_occupied!=FirstProgenitor case 

  for(i = ngalstart, centralgal = -1; i < ngal; i++)
    if(Gal[i].Type == 0 || Gal[i].Type == 1)
			assert(centralgal == -1);
      centralgal = i;

  for(i = ngalstart; i < ngal; i++)
    Gal[i].CentralGal = centralgal;

  return ngal;
