Example #1
void PrintBenchmarks(FILE* outfile) {
  float cputime;
  cputime = getcputime();
  /*getcpumem(&scpu, &smem);
   getmaxcpumem(&maxscpu, &maxsmem);*/
  //fprintf(outfile, "%f\n", cputime);
  fprintf(outfile, "%f \t%f\n", cputime, omp_get_wtime());
Example #2
/* Dump status info out to dcc
void tell_verbose_status(int idx)
  char s[256], s1[121], s2[81];
  char *vers_t, *uni_t;
  int i;
  time_t now2 = now - online_since, hr, min;
  float cputime;
  struct utsname un;

  if (uname(&un) < 0) {
    vers_t = " ";
    uni_t  = "*unknown*";
  } else {
    vers_t = un.release;
    uni_t  = un.sysname;

  i = count_users(userlist);
  dprintf(idx, "I am %s, running %s: %d user%s (mem: %uk).\n",
          botnetnick, ver, i, i == 1 ? "" : "s",
          (int) (expected_memory() / 1024));

  s[0] = 0;
  if (now2 > 86400) {
    /* days */
    sprintf(s, "%d day", (int) (now2 / 86400));
    if ((int) (now2 / 86400) >= 2)
      strcat(s, "s");
    strcat(s, ", ");
    now2 -= (((int) (now2 / 86400)) * 86400);
  hr = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 3600);
  now2 -= (hr * 3600);
  min = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 60);
  sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], "%02d:%02d", (int) hr, (int) min);
  s1[0] = 0;
  if (backgrd)
    strcpy(s1, MISC_BACKGROUND);
  else {
    if (term_z)
      strcpy(s1, MISC_TERMMODE);
    else if (con_chan)
      strcpy(s1, MISC_STATMODE);
      strcpy(s1, MISC_LOGMODE);
  cputime = getcputime();
  if (cputime < 0)
    sprintf(s2, "CPU: unknown");
  else {
    hr = cputime / 60;
    cputime -= hr * 60;
    sprintf(s2, "CPU: %02d:%05.2f", (int) hr, cputime); /* Actally min/sec */
  dprintf(idx, "%s %s (%s) - %s - %s: %4.1f%%\n", MISC_ONLINEFOR,
          s, s1, s2, MISC_CACHEHIT,
          100.0 * ((float) cache_hit) / ((float) (cache_hit + cache_miss)));

  dprintf(idx, "Configured with: " EGG_AC_ARGS "\n");
  if (admin[0])
    dprintf(idx, "Admin: %s\n", admin);

  dprintf(idx, "Config file: %s\n", configfile);
  dprintf(idx, "OS: %s %s\n", uni_t, vers_t);
  dprintf(idx, "Process ID: %d (parent %d)\n", getpid(), getppid());

  /* info library */
  dprintf(idx, "%s %s\n", MISC_TCLLIBRARY,
          ((interp) && (Tcl_Eval(interp, "info library") == TCL_OK)) ?
          tcl_resultstring() : "*unknown*");

  /* info tclversion/patchlevel */
  dprintf(idx, "%s %s (%s %s)\n", MISC_TCLVERSION,
          ((interp) && (Tcl_Eval(interp, "info patchlevel") == TCL_OK)) ?
          tcl_resultstring() : (Tcl_Eval(interp, "info tclversion") == TCL_OK) ?
          tcl_resultstring() : "*unknown*", MISC_TCLHVERSION,
          TCL_PATCH_LEVEL ? TCL_PATCH_LEVEL : "*unknown*");

  if (tcl_threaded())
    dprintf(idx, "Tcl is threaded.\n");
#ifdef TLS
  dprintf(idx, "TLS support is enabled.\n");
  dprintf(idx, "TLS library: %s\n", SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));
  dprintf(idx, "TLS support is not available.\n");
#ifdef IPV6
  dprintf(idx, "IPv6 support is enabled.\n");
  dprintf(idx, "IPv6 support is not available.\n");
  dprintf(idx, "Socket table: %d/%d\n", threaddata()->MAXSOCKS, max_socks);
Example #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
  Env.PrepArgs(TStr::Fmt("Flow. build: %s, %s. Time: %s", __TIME__, __DATE__, TExeTm::GetCurTm()));
  double NetPRTimeSum = 0;
  double NetEKTimeSum = 0;
  int NumWins = 0;
  const TStr InFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-i:", "", "Input file");
  const int Iters = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-n:", 10, "Number of runs per thread");
  const int Threads = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-t:", 4, "Number of threads");
  printf("Integer Flow Test\n");
  printf("Filename: %s\n", InFNm.CStr());
  printf("Building Network...\n");
  TFIn InFile(InFNm);
  // If the input file is a binary, use the following line to load the network
  PNEANet Net = TNEANet::Load(InFile);
  // If the input file is a text file, use the following to load the network and save as binary
  // PNEANet Net;
  // int MaxEdgeCap = BuildCapacityNetwork(InFNm, Net);
  // const TStr OutFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-o:", "", "Output file");
  // TFOut OutFile(OutFNm);
  // Net->Save(OutFile);
  printf("PNEANet Nodes: %d, Edges: %d\n\n", Net->GetNodes(), Net->GetEdges());
  #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:NetEKTimeSum,NetPRTimeSum,NumWins) schedule(static, 1)
  for (int t = 0; t < Threads; t++) {
    TRnd Random(t);
    for (int i = 0; i < Iters; i++) {
      int SrcNId = Net->GetRndNId(Random);
      int SnkNId = Net->GetRndNId(Random);

      double PRBeginTime = getcputime();
      int NetMaxFlowPR = TSnap::GetMaxFlowIntPR(Net, SrcNId, SnkNId);
      double PREndTime = getcputime();
      double NetPRFlowRunTime = PREndTime - PRBeginTime;

      double EKBeginTime = getcputime();
      int NetMaxFlowEK = TSnap::GetMaxFlowIntEK(Net, SrcNId, SnkNId);
      double EKEndTime = getcputime();
      double NetEKFlowRunTime = EKEndTime - EKBeginTime;
      IAssert(NetMaxFlowPR == NetMaxFlowEK);

      if (NetPRFlowRunTime < NetEKFlowRunTime) { NumWins++; }

      NetPRTimeSum += NetPRFlowRunTime;
      NetEKTimeSum += NetEKFlowRunTime;
      #pragma omp critical
#ifndef NOMP
        printf("Thread: %d\n", omp_get_thread_num());
        printf("Source: %d, Sink %d\n", SrcNId, SnkNId);
        printf("Max Flow: %d\n", NetMaxFlowEK);
        printf("PR CPU Time: %f\n", NetPRFlowRunTime);
        printf("EK CPU Time: %f\n", NetEKFlowRunTime);
  int TotalRuns = Iters*Threads;
  printf ("Avg PR PNEANet Time: %f\n", NetPRTimeSum/TotalRuns);
  printf ("Avg EK PNEANet Time: %f\n", NetEKTimeSum/TotalRuns);
  printf ("%d out of %d PR was faster\n", NumWins, TotalRuns);
  return 0;