Example #1
static AMBHEMI *
samp_hemi(				/* sample indirect hemisphere */
	COLOR	rcol,
	RAY	*r,
	double	wt
	double	d;
	int	n, i, j;
					/* insignificance check */
	if (bright(rcol) <= FTINY)
					/* set number of divisions */
	if (ambacc <= FTINY &&
			wt > (d = 0.8*intens(rcol)*r->rweight/(ambdiv*minweight)))
		wt = d;			/* avoid ray termination */
	n = sqrt(ambdiv * wt) + 0.5;
	i = 1 + 5*(ambacc > FTINY);	/* minimum number of samples */
	if (n < i)
		n = i;
					/* allocate sampling array */
	hp = (AMBHEMI *)malloc(sizeof(AMBHEMI) + sizeof(AMBSAMP)*(n*n - 1));
	if (hp == NULL)
		error(SYSTEM, "out of memory in samp_hemi");
	hp->rp = r;
	hp->ns = n;
	hp->acol[RED] = hp->acol[GRN] = hp->acol[BLU] = 0.0;
	memset(hp->sa, 0, sizeof(AMBSAMP)*n*n);
	hp->sampOK = 0;
					/* assign coefficient */
	copycolor(hp->acoef, rcol);
	d = 1.0/(n*n);
	scalecolor(hp->acoef, d);
					/* make tangent plane axes */
	if (!getperpendicular(hp->ux, r->ron, 1))
		error(CONSISTENCY, "bad ray direction in samp_hemi");
	VCROSS(hp->uy, r->ron, hp->ux);
					/* sample divisions */
	for (i = hp->ns; i--; )
	    for (j = hp->ns; j--; )
		hp->sampOK += ambsample(hp, i, j, 0);
	copycolor(rcol, hp->acol);
	if (!hp->sampOK) {		/* utter failure? */
	if (hp->sampOK < hp->ns*hp->ns) {
		hp->sampOK *= -1;	/* soft failure */
	if (hp->sampOK < 64)
		return(hp);		/* insufficient for super-sampling */
	n = ambssamp*wt + 0.5;
	if (n > 8) {			/* perform super-sampling? */
		ambsupersamp(hp, n);
		copycolor(rcol, hp->acol);
	return(hp);			/* all is well */
Example #2
static void
getacoords(		/* set up coordinate system */
	MFUNC  *mf;
	int  i;

	mf = getfunc(np->mp, 3, 0x7, 1);
	setfunc(np->mp, np->rp);
	errno = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		np->u[i] = evalue(mf->ep[i]);
	if ((errno == EDOM) | (errno == ERANGE))
		np->u[0] = np->u[1] = np->u[2] = 0.0;
	if (mf->fxp != &unitxf)
		multv3(np->u, np->u, mf->fxp->xfm);
	fcross(np->v, np->pnorm, np->u);
	if (normalize(np->v) == 0.0) {
		if (fabs(np->u_alpha - np->v_alpha) > 0.001)
			objerror(np->mp, WARNING, "illegal orientation vector");
		getperpendicular(np->u, np->pnorm);	/* punting */
		fcross(np->v, np->pnorm, np->u);
		np->u_alpha = np->v_alpha = sqrt( 0.5 *
			(np->u_alpha*np->u_alpha + np->v_alpha*np->v_alpha) );
	} else
		fcross(np->u, np->v, np->pnorm);