int draw_window(struct window * w) { int i; /* clear background */ ggiSetGCForeground(w->vis, ggiMapColor(w->vis,&w->backgroundcolor)); ggiDrawBox(w->vis, w->xorigin, w->yorigin, w->xsize, w->ysize); /* draw border */ ggiSetGCForeground(w->vis, ggiMapColor(w->vis,&w->bordercolor)); for (i = w->borderwidth; i > 0; i--){ /*printf("border %d\n", i);*/ ggiDrawHLine(w->vis, w->xorigin, w->yorigin+i-1, w->xsize); ggiDrawHLine(w->vis, w->xorigin, w->yorigin+w->ysize-i, w->xsize); ggiDrawVLine(w->vis, w->xorigin+i-1, w->yorigin, w->ysize); ggiDrawVLine(w->vis, w->xorigin+w->xsize-i, w->yorigin, w->ysize); } ggiSetGCForeground(w->vis, ggiMapColor(w->vis,&w->titlecolor)); ggiSetGCBackground(w->vis, ggiMapColor(w->vis,&w->backgroundcolor)); ggiPuts(w->vis, w->xorigin+10, w->yorigin+/*2*/0, w->title); return 0; }
static void animate_one_frame(ggi_visual_t vis, int x, int y, int w, int h, ggi_pixel * buf, int x2) { ggiDrawHLine(vis, x, y, w); ggiDrawHLine(vis, x, y + h - 1, w); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x, y, h); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x + w - 1, y, h); ggiDrawBox(vis, x + 2, y + 2, w - 4, h - 4); ggiGetBox(vis, x + 5, y + 5, w - 10, h / 2 - 7, buf); ggiPutBox(vis, x + 5, y + 5, w - 10, h / 2 - 7, buf); ggiCopyBox(vis, x + 5, y + h / 2, w - 10, h / 2 - 5, x + 5, y + h / 2); ggiPuts(vis, x + 7, y + 7, "Get/Put"); ggiPuts(vis, x + 7, y + h / 2 + 2, "Copy"); ggiDrawBox(vis, x2, y, 5, 5); }
int ggiGraphTextPuts(ggi_visual_t vis, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, char * text ) { char * tmp; int txwidth; /* width of the formatted text in pixels */ int txheight; /* height " */ int posx; /* reference position for the final puts */ int posy; int h; if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME){ ggiDrawHLine(vis, x,y, width); ggiDrawHLine(vis, x,y+height, width); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x,y, height); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x+width, y,height); } txwidth = 0 ; txheight= 0 ; tmp = text; while ( *tmp != '\000') { /*printf("%c",*tmp);*/ txwidth += ggiGraphTextCharwidth(vis, * tmp); h = ggiGraphTextCharheight(vis,* tmp); if ( h > txheight){ txheight = h; } tmp++; } posx = x; if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME) { posx +=2; width -=4; } switch (flags & (GGI_TEXT_CENTER | GGI_TEXT_LEFT | GGI_TEXT_RIGHT | GGI_TEXT_JUSTIFY)){ case GGI_TEXT_CENTER: posx += (width-txwidth)/2; break; case GGI_TEXT_LEFT: break; case GGI_TEXT_RIGHT: posx += (width-txwidth);break; case GGI_TEXT_JUSTIFY: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ default: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ } posy = y; if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME) { posy +=2; height -=4; } switch (flags & (GGI_TEXT_CENTER | GGI_TEXT_TOP | GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM)){ case GGI_TEXT_CENTER: posy += (height-txheight)/2; break; case GGI_TEXT_TOP: break; case GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM: posy += (height-txheight);break; case GGI_TEXT_TOP | GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ default: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ } /* printf("x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d flags=%d posx=%d posy=%d\n", ** x, y,width, height, flags, posx, posy); */ ggiPuts(vis, posx, posy, text); return 0; }
int ggiGraphTextLongPuts(ggi_visual_t vis, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, char * text ) /* in this case text is allowed to contain \n. */ /* the text itself is shown left-justified. */ { char * tmp; char * tmpdest; struct line { char * text; struct line * next; int cpl ; /* chars per line */ int x; /* reference, to be calculated! */ int y; int width; int height; } firstline; struct line * currline; int txwidth; /* width of the formatted text in pixels */ int txheight; /* height " */ int posx; /* reference position for the final puts */ int posy; int h; /* process lines */ currline = &firstline; /* chars per line , and line headers */ tmp = text; firstline.cpl = 0; while ( (* tmp) && (* tmp != '\n') ) { tmp ++; firstline.cpl++; } /*printf ("first line length %d\n", currline->cpl);*/ while (* tmp){ /* until end of string */ /*printf ("allocating line header");*/ currline->next = (struct line *) malloc(sizeof(struct line)); if (currline->next == NULL){ ggPanic("Out of memory"); } currline = currline -> next; currline -> next = NULL; currline -> cpl =0; tmp++; /* now at start of next line */ while ( (* tmp) && (* tmp != '\n') ) { tmp ++; currline ->cpl++; } /*printf ("..line length %d\n", currline->cpl);*/ } /* copy strings and add \0 */ txwidth = 0; txheight = 0; currline = &firstline; tmp = text; while (currline != NULL) { tmpdest = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)* (currline->cpl+1)); if ( (currline->text = tmpdest) == NULL){ ggPanic("Out of memory"); } currline -> width = 0; currline -> height = 0; while ( (* tmp) && (* tmp != '\n') ) { *tmpdest = *tmp; /*printf("%c",*tmp);*/ currline ->width += ggiGraphTextCharwidth(vis,* tmp); h = ggiGraphTextCharheight(vis, * tmp); if (h>currline -> height){ currline -> height = h; } tmp ++; tmpdest ++; } *tmpdest= '\000'; /* endofstring */ tmp++; /*printf(" h=%d, w=%d \n", currline->height, currline->width);*/ if (currline->width > txwidth) { txwidth = currline ->width; } txheight += currline ->height; currline = currline->next; } /* printf("sum: h=%d w=%d\n", txheight, txwidth);*/ if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME){ ggiDrawHLine(vis, x,y, width); ggiDrawHLine(vis, x,y+height, width); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x,y, height); ggiDrawVLine(vis, x+width, y,height); } posx = x; if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME) { posx +=2; width -=4; } switch (flags & (GGI_TEXT_CENTER | GGI_TEXT_LEFT | GGI_TEXT_RIGHT | GGI_TEXT_JUSTIFY)){ case GGI_TEXT_CENTER: posx += (width-txwidth)/2; break; case GGI_TEXT_LEFT: break; case GGI_TEXT_RIGHT: posx += (width-txwidth);break; case GGI_TEXT_JUSTIFY: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ default: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ } posy = y; if (flags & GGI_TEXT_FRAME) { posy +=2; height -=4; } switch (flags & (GGI_TEXT_CENTER | GGI_TEXT_TOP | GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM)){ case GGI_TEXT_CENTER: posy += (height-txheight)/2; break; case GGI_TEXT_TOP: break; case GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM: posy += (height-txheight);break; case GGI_TEXT_TOP | GGI_TEXT_BOTTOM: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ default: return -1 ; /* not implemented */ break; /* never get here */ } currline = &firstline; while (currline != NULL) { /* ** currline->x = posx; ** currline->y = posy; */ /*printf("printing at %d,%d: %s\n", posx, posy, currline->text);*/ ggiPuts(vis, posx, posy, currline->text); posy+=currline->height; currline = currline -> next; } currline =; { struct line * t; while (currline != NULL){ t = currline->next; free(currline); /*printf("free-");*/ currline = t; } } return 0; }