    // SetActiveVarying
    void CShadingProgram::SetActiveVarying( 
                                           const string& Name 
        if (!m_Extensions->NV_transform_feedback)
            throw CExtensionException( this, "::SetActiveVarying()", "GL_NV_transform_feedback." );

        glActiveVaryingNV( m_Program, Name.c_str() );
        GLenum Error = glGetError();
        if (Error != GL_NO_ERROR)
            throw CException( this, Error, "::SetActiveVarying() : Failed to force the linker to mark a varying variable \"%s\" as active.", Name.c_str() );
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_NVTransformFeedback_nglActiveVaryingNV(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jint program, jlong nameAddress) {
    glActiveVaryingNVPROC glActiveVaryingNV = (glActiveVaryingNVPROC)tlsGetFunction(2151);
    intptr_t name = (intptr_t)nameAddress;
    glActiveVaryingNV(program, name);