JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_ARBDrawBuffersBlend_nglBlendEquationiARB(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jint buf, jint mode, jlong __functionAddress) {
	glBlendEquationiARBPROC glBlendEquationiARB = (glBlendEquationiARBPROC)(intptr_t)__functionAddress;
	UNUSED_PARAMS(__env, clazz)
	glBlendEquationiARB(buf, mode);
Example #2
static enum piglit_result
   GLenum buffers[32];
   static const GLfloat dest_color[4] = { 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 };
   static const GLfloat test_color[4] = { 1.0, 0.25, 0.75, 0.25 };
   GLfloat expected[32][4];
   int i;


   for (i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++) {
      buffers[i] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i;

   glDrawBuffersARB(maxBuffers, buffers);

   /* Setup blend modes and compute expected result color.
    * We only test two simple blending modes.  A more elaborate
    * test would exercise a much wider variety of modes.
   for (i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++) {
      if (i % 2 == 0) {
         float a;

         glBlendFunciARB(i, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

         a = test_color[3];
         expected[i][0] = test_color[0] * a + dest_color[0] * (1.0 - a);
         expected[i][1] = test_color[1] * a + dest_color[1] * (1.0 - a);
         expected[i][2] = test_color[2] * a + dest_color[2] * (1.0 - a);
         expected[i][3] = test_color[3] * a + dest_color[3] * (1.0 - a);
      else {
         glBlendFunciARB(i, GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
         glBlendEquationiARB(i, GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT);

         expected[i][0] = test_color[0] - dest_color[0];
         expected[i][1] = test_color[1] - dest_color[1];
         expected[i][2] = test_color[2] - dest_color[2];
         expected[i][3] = test_color[3] - dest_color[3];

      expected[i][0] = CLAMP(expected[i][0], 0.0, 1.0);
      expected[i][1] = CLAMP(expected[i][1], 0.0, 1.0);
      expected[i][2] = CLAMP(expected[i][2], 0.0, 1.0);
      expected[i][3] = CLAMP(expected[i][3], 0.0, 1.0);

      glEnableIndexedEXT(GL_BLEND, i);

   /* query blend modes */
   for (i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++) {
      GLint p0, p1, p2, p3;
      glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT(GL_BLEND_SRC, i, &p0);
      glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT(GL_BLEND_DST, i, &p1);
      glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT(GL_BLEND_EQUATION, i, &p2);
      glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT(GL_BLEND, i, &p3);
      if (i % 2 == 0) {
         MY_ASSERT(p0 == GL_SRC_ALPHA);
         MY_ASSERT(p2 == GL_FUNC_ADD);
      else {
         MY_ASSERT(p0 == GL_ONE);
         MY_ASSERT(p1 == GL_ONE);
      MY_ASSERT(p3 == GL_TRUE);

   /* test drawing */
   glClearColor(dest_color[0], dest_color[1], dest_color[2], dest_color[3]);

   piglit_draw_rect(0, 0, piglit_width, piglit_height);

   for (i = 0; i < maxBuffers; i++) {
      glReadBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i);

      if (!piglit_probe_pixel_rgba(5, 5, expected[i])) {
         printf("For color buffer %d\n", i);
         return PIGLIT_FAIL;

   return PIGLIT_PASS;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_ARBDrawBuffersBlend_nglBlendEquationiARB(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint buf, jint mode, jlong function_pointer) {
	glBlendEquationiARBPROC glBlendEquationiARB = (glBlendEquationiARBPROC)((intptr_t)function_pointer);
	glBlendEquationiARB(buf, mode);