Example #1
void GlContext::globalInit()
    Lock lock(mutex);

    if (sharedContext)

    // Create the shared context
    sharedContext = new ContextType(NULL);

    // Load our extensions vector

    // Check whether a >= 3.0 context is available
    int majorVersion = 0;
    glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &majorVersion);

    if (glGetError() == GL_INVALID_ENUM)
        // Try to load the < 3.0 way
        const char* extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));

            const char* extension = extensionString;

            while(*extensionString && (*extensionString != ' '))

            extensions.push_back(std::string(extension, extensionString));
        while (*extensionString++);
        // Try to load the >= 3.0 way
        glGetStringiFuncType glGetStringiFunc = NULL;
        glGetStringiFunc = reinterpret_cast<glGetStringiFuncType>(getFunction("glGetStringi"));

        if (glGetStringiFunc)
            int numExtensions = 0;
            glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExtensions);

            if (numExtensions)
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(numExtensions); ++i)
                    const char* extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetStringiFunc(GL_EXTENSIONS, i));


    // Deactivate the shared context so that others can activate it when necessary
Example #2
bool Context::isExtensionAvailable(const char* name)
    static std::vector<std::string> extensions;
    static bool loaded = false;

    if (!loaded)
        TransientContextLock lock;

        const char* extensionString = NULL;

        // Check whether a >= 3.0 context is available
        int majorVersion = 0;
        glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &majorVersion);

        if (glGetError() == GL_INVALID_ENUM)
            // Try to load the < 3.0 way
            extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));

                const char* extension = extensionString;

                while(*extensionString && (*extensionString != ' '))

                extensions.push_back(std::string(extension, extensionString));
            while (*extensionString++);
            // Try to load the >= 3.0 way
            glGetStringiFuncType glGetStringiFunc = NULL;
            glGetStringiFunc = reinterpret_cast<glGetStringiFuncType>(getFunction("glGetStringi"));

            if (glGetStringiFunc)
                int numExtensions = 0;
                glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExtensions);

                if (numExtensions)
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(numExtensions); ++i)
                        extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetStringiFunc(GL_EXTENSIONS, i));


        loaded = true;

    return std::find(extensions.begin(), extensions.end(), name) != extensions.end();
Example #3
bool Context::isExtensionAvailable(const char* name)
    static std::vector<std::string> extensions;
    static bool loaded = false;

    if (!loaded)
        const Context* context = getActiveContext();

        if (!context)
            return false;

        const char* extensionString = NULL;

        if(context->getSettings().majorVersion < 3)
            // Try to load the < 3.0 way
            extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));

                const char* extension = extensionString;

                while(*extensionString && (*extensionString != ' '))

                extensions.push_back(std::string(extension, extensionString));
            while (*extensionString++);
            // Try to load the >= 3.0 way
            glGetStringiFuncType glGetStringiFunc = NULL;
            glGetStringiFunc = reinterpret_cast<glGetStringiFuncType>(getFunction("glGetStringi"));

            if (glGetStringiFunc)
                int numExtensions = 0;
                glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExtensions);

                if (numExtensions)
                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(numExtensions); ++i)
                        extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetStringiFunc(GL_EXTENSIONS, i));


        loaded = true;

    return std::find(extensions.begin(), extensions.end(), name) != extensions.end();
int sfogl_LoadFunctions()
	int numFailed = 0;

	const char* extensionString = NULL;

	if (sfogl_GetMajorVersion() < 3)
		// Try to load the < 3.0 way
		glCheck(extensionString = (const char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));

		// Try to load the >= 3.0 way
		const GLubyte* (CODEGEN_FUNCPTR *glGetStringiFunc)(GLenum, GLuint) = NULL;
		glGetStringiFunc = (const GLubyte* (CODEGEN_FUNCPTR *)(GLenum, GLuint))IntGetProcAddress("glGetStringi");

		if (glGetStringiFunc)
			int numExtensions = 0;
			glCheck(glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExtensions));

			if (numExtensions)
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(numExtensions); ++i)
					glCheck(extensionString = (const char *)glGetStringiFunc(GL_EXTENSIONS, i));


	numFailed = Load_Version_1_1();

	if (numFailed == 0)
		return sfogl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED;
		return sfogl_LOAD_SUCCEEDED + numFailed;
Example #5
void GlContext::initialize(const ContextSettings& requestedSettings)
    // Activate the context

    // Retrieve the context version number
    int majorVersion = 0;
    int minorVersion = 0;

    // Try the new way first
    glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &majorVersion);
    glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &minorVersion);

    if (glGetError() != GL_INVALID_ENUM)
        m_settings.majorVersion = static_cast<unsigned int>(majorVersion);
        m_settings.minorVersion = static_cast<unsigned int>(minorVersion);
        // Try the old way
        const GLubyte* version = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
        if (version)
            // The beginning of the returned string is "major.minor" (this is standard)
            m_settings.majorVersion = version[0] - '0';
            m_settings.minorVersion = version[2] - '0';
            // Can't get the version number, assume 1.1
            m_settings.majorVersion = 1;
            m_settings.minorVersion = 1;

    // 3.0 contexts only deprecate features, but do not remove them yet
    // 3.1 contexts remove features if ARB_compatibility is not present
    // 3.2+ contexts remove features only if a core profile is requested

    // If the context was created with wglCreateContext, it is guaranteed to be compatibility.
    // If a 3.0 context was created with wglCreateContextAttribsARB, it is guaranteed to be compatibility.
    // If a 3.1 context was created with wglCreateContextAttribsARB, the compatibility flag
    // is set only if ARB_compatibility is present
    // If a 3.2+ context was created with wglCreateContextAttribsARB, the compatibility flag
    // would have been set correctly already depending on whether ARB_create_context_profile is supported.

    // If the user requests a 3.0 context, it will be a compatibility context regardless of the requested profile.
    // If the user requests a 3.1 context and its creation was successful, the specification
    // states that it will not be a compatibility profile context regardless of the requested
    // profile unless ARB_compatibility is present.

    m_settings.attributeFlags = ContextSettings::Default;

    if (m_settings.majorVersion >= 3)
        // Retrieve the context flags
        int flags = 0;
        glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &flags);

        if (flags & GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT)
            m_settings.attributeFlags |= ContextSettings::Debug;

        if ((m_settings.majorVersion == 3) && (m_settings.minorVersion == 1))
            m_settings.attributeFlags |= ContextSettings::Core;

            glGetStringiFuncType glGetStringiFunc = reinterpret_cast<glGetStringiFuncType>(getFunction("glGetStringi"));

            if (glGetStringiFunc)
                int numExtensions = 0;
                glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExtensions);

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(numExtensions); ++i)
                    const char* extensionString = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetStringiFunc(GL_EXTENSIONS, i));

                    if (std::strstr(extensionString, "GL_ARB_compatibility"))
                        m_settings.attributeFlags &= ~static_cast<Uint32>(ContextSettings::Core);
        else if ((m_settings.majorVersion > 3) || (m_settings.minorVersion >= 2))
            // Retrieve the context profile
            int profile = 0;
            glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profile);

            if (profile & GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT)
                m_settings.attributeFlags |= ContextSettings::Core;

    // Enable anti-aliasing if requested by the user and supported
    if ((requestedSettings.antialiasingLevel > 0) && (m_settings.antialiasingLevel > 0))
        m_settings.antialiasingLevel = 0;

    // Enable sRGB if requested by the user and supported
    if (requestedSettings.sRgbCapable && m_settings.sRgbCapable)

        // Check to see if the enable was successful
        if (glIsEnabled(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB) == GL_FALSE)
            err() << "Warning: Failed to enable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB" << std::endl;
            m_settings.sRgbCapable = false;
        m_settings.sRgbCapable = false;