void initSharedState(GLContext *c) { GLSharedState *s = &c->shared_state; s->lists = (GLList **)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLList *) * MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS); s->texture_hash_table = (GLTexture **)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLTexture *) * TEXTURE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); alloc_texture(c, 0); }
static GLList *alloc_list(GLContext *c, int list) { GLList *l; GLParamBuffer *ob; l = (GLList *)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLList)); ob = (GLParamBuffer *)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLParamBuffer)); ob->next = NULL; l->first_op_buffer = ob; ob->ops[0].op = OP_EndList; c->shared_state.lists[list] = l; return l; }
void gl_compile_op(GLContext *c,GLParam *p) { int op,op_size; GLParamBuffer *ob,*ob1; int index,i; op=p[0].op; op_size=op_table_size[op]; index=c->current_op_buffer_index; ob=c->current_op_buffer; /* we should be able to add a NextBuffer opcode */ if ((index + op_size) > (OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE-2)) { ob1=gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLParamBuffer)); ob1->next=NULL; ob->next=ob1; ob->ops[index].op=OP_NextBuffer; ob->ops[index+1].p=(void *)ob1; c->current_op_buffer=ob1; ob=ob1; index=0; } for(i=0;i<op_size;i++) { ob->ops[index]=p[i]; index++; } c->current_op_buffer_index=index; }
GLTexture *alloc_texture(GLContext *c, int h) { GLTexture *t, **ht; t = (GLTexture *)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLTexture)); ht = &c->shared_state.texture_hash_table[h % TEXTURE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; t->next = *ht; t->prev = NULL; if (t->next) t->next->prev = t; *ht = t; t->handle = h; return t; }
void glInit(void *zbuffer1, int textureSize) { FrameBuffer *zbuffer = (FrameBuffer *)zbuffer1; GLContext *c; GLViewport *v; if ((textureSize & (textureSize - 1))) error("glInit: texture size not power of two: %d", textureSize); if (textureSize <= 1 || textureSize > 4096) error("glInit: texture size not allowed: %d", textureSize); c = new GLContext(); gl_ctx = c; c->fb = zbuffer; c->fb->_textureSize = c->_textureSize = textureSize; c->fb->_textureSizeMask = (textureSize - 1) << ZB_POINT_ST_FRAC_BITS; // allocate GLVertex array c->vertex_max = POLYGON_MAX_VERTEX; c->vertex = (GLVertex *)gl_malloc(POLYGON_MAX_VERTEX * sizeof(GLVertex)); // viewport v = &c->viewport; v->xmin = 0; v->ymin = 0; v->xsize = zbuffer->xsize; v->ysize = zbuffer->ysize; v->updated = 1; // shared state initSharedState(c); // lists c->exec_flag = 1; c->compile_flag = 0; c->print_flag = 0; c->in_begin = 0; // lights for (int i = 0; i < T_MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { GLLight *l = &c->lights[i]; l->ambient = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); if (i == 0) { l->diffuse = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1); l->specular = Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1); l->has_specular = true; } else { l->diffuse = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); l->specular = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); l->has_specular = false; } l->position = Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0); l->spot_direction = Vector3(0, 0, -1); l->spot_exponent = 0; l->spot_cutoff = 180; l->attenuation[0] = 1; l->attenuation[1] = 0; l->attenuation[2] = 0; l->cos_spot_cutoff = -1.0f; l->norm_spot_direction = Vector3(0, 0, -1); l->norm_position = Vector3(0, 0, 1); l->enabled = 0; l->next = NULL; l->prev = NULL; } c->first_light = NULL; c->ambient_light_model = Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); c->local_light_model = 0; c->lighting_enabled = 0; c->light_model_two_side = 0; // default materials */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GLMaterial *m = &c->materials[i]; m->emission = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); m->ambient = Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); m->diffuse = Vector4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1); m->specular = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); m->has_specular = false; m->shininess = 0; } c->current_color_material_mode = TGL_FRONT_AND_BACK; c->current_color_material_type = TGL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE; c->color_material_enabled = 0; // textures glInitTextures(c); // default state c->current_color = Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); c->longcurrent_color[0] = 65535; c->longcurrent_color[1] = 65535; c->longcurrent_color[2] = 65535; c->longcurrent_color[3] = 65535; c->current_normal = Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); c->current_edge_flag = 1; c->current_tex_coord = Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); c->polygon_mode_front = TGL_FILL; c->polygon_mode_back = TGL_FILL; c->current_front_face = 0; // 0 = GL_CCW 1 = GL_CW c->current_cull_face = TGL_BACK; c->current_shade_model = TGL_SMOOTH; c->cull_face_enabled = 0; // clear c->clear_color = Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); c->clear_depth = 0; // selection c->render_mode = TGL_RENDER; c->select_buffer = NULL; c->name_stack_size = 0; // blending c->fb->enableBlending(false); // alpha test c->fb->enableAlphaTest(false); // matrix c->matrix_mode = 0; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[0] = MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[1] = MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[2] = MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c->matrix_stack[i] = (Matrix4 *)gl_zalloc(c->matrix_stack_depth_max[i] * sizeof(Matrix4)); c->matrix_stack_ptr[i] = c->matrix_stack[i]; } tglMatrixMode(TGL_PROJECTION); tglLoadIdentity(); tglMatrixMode(TGL_TEXTURE); tglLoadIdentity(); tglMatrixMode(TGL_MODELVIEW); tglLoadIdentity(); tglBlendFunc(TGL_SRC_ALPHA, TGL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); tglAlphaFunc(TGL_ALWAYS, 0.f); tglDepthFunc(TGL_LESS); c->matrix_model_projection_updated = 1; // opengl 1.1 arrays c->client_states = 0; // opengl 1.1 polygon offset c->offset_states = 0; // shadow mode c->shadow_mode = 0; // clear the resize callback function pointer c->gl_resize_viewport = NULL; // specular buffer c->specbuf_first = NULL; c->specbuf_used_counter = 0; c->specbuf_num_buffers = 0; // depth test c->depth_test = 0; c->color_mask = (1 << 24) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 0); const int kDrawCallMemory = 5 * 1024 * 1024; c->_currentAllocatorIndex = 0; c->_drawCallAllocator[0].initialize(kDrawCallMemory); c->_drawCallAllocator[1].initialize(kDrawCallMemory); c->_enableDirtyRectangles = false; Graphics::Internal::tglBlitSetScissorRect(0, 0, c->fb->xsize, c->fb->ysize); }
void glInit(void *zbuffer1) { ZBuffer *zbuffer = (ZBuffer *)zbuffer1; GLContext *c; GLViewport *v; c = (GLContext *)gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLContext)); gl_ctx = c; c->zb = zbuffer; // allocate GLVertex array c->vertex_max = POLYGON_MAX_VERTEX; c->vertex = (GLVertex *)gl_malloc(POLYGON_MAX_VERTEX * sizeof(GLVertex)); // viewport v = &c->viewport; v->xmin = 0; v->ymin = 0; v->xsize = zbuffer->xsize; v->ysize = zbuffer->ysize; v->updated = 1; // shared state initSharedState(c); // lists c->exec_flag = 1; c->compile_flag = 0; c->print_flag = 0; c->in_begin = 0; // lights for (int i = 0; i < T_MAX_LIGHTS; i++) { GLLight *l = &c->lights[i]; l->ambient = gl_V4_New(0, 0, 0, 1); l->diffuse = gl_V4_New(1, 1, 1, 1); l->specular = gl_V4_New(1, 1, 1, 1); l->position = gl_V4_New(0, 0, 1, 0); l->norm_position = gl_V3_New(0, 0, 1); l->spot_direction = gl_V3_New(0, 0, -1); l->norm_spot_direction = gl_V3_New(0, 0, - 1); l->spot_exponent = 0; l->spot_cutoff = 180; l->attenuation[0] = 1; l->attenuation[1] = 0; l->attenuation[2] = 0; l->enabled = 0; } c->first_light = NULL; c->ambient_light_model = gl_V4_New(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); c->local_light_model = 0; c->lighting_enabled = 0; c->light_model_two_side = 0; // default materials */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GLMaterial *m = &c->materials[i]; m->emission = gl_V4_New(0, 0, 0, 1); m->ambient = gl_V4_New(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1); m->diffuse = (gl_V4_New(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1)); m->specular = gl_V4_New(0, 0, 0, 1); m->shininess = 0; } c->current_color_material_mode = TGL_FRONT_AND_BACK; c->current_color_material_type = TGL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE; c->color_material_enabled = 0; // textures glInitTextures(c); // default state c->current_color.X = 1.0; c->current_color.Y = 1.0; c->current_color.Z = 1.0; c->current_color.W = 1.0; c->longcurrent_color[0] = 65535; c->longcurrent_color[1] = 65535; c->longcurrent_color[2] = 65535; c->current_normal.X = 1.0; c->current_normal.Y = 0.0; c->current_normal.Z = 0.0; c->current_normal.W = 0.0; c->current_edge_flag = 1; c->current_tex_coord.X = 0; c->current_tex_coord.Y = 0; c->current_tex_coord.Z = 0; c->current_tex_coord.W = 1; c->polygon_mode_front = TGL_FILL; c->polygon_mode_back = TGL_FILL; c->current_front_face = 0; // 0 = GL_CCW 1 = GL_CW c->current_cull_face = TGL_BACK; c->current_shade_model = TGL_SMOOTH; c->cull_face_enabled = 0; // clear c->clear_color.v[0] = 0; c->clear_color.v[1] = 0; c->clear_color.v[2] = 0; c->clear_color.v[3] = 0; c->clear_depth = 0; // selection c->render_mode = TGL_RENDER; c->select_buffer = NULL; c->name_stack_size = 0; // matrix c->matrix_mode = 0; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[0] = MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[1] = MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH; c->matrix_stack_depth_max[2] = MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c->matrix_stack[i] = (M4 *)gl_zalloc(c->matrix_stack_depth_max[i] * sizeof(M4)); c->matrix_stack_ptr[i] = c->matrix_stack[i]; } tglMatrixMode(TGL_PROJECTION); tglLoadIdentity(); tglMatrixMode(TGL_TEXTURE); tglLoadIdentity(); tglMatrixMode(TGL_MODELVIEW); tglLoadIdentity(); c->matrix_model_projection_updated = 1; // opengl 1.1 arrays c->client_states = 0; // opengl 1.1 polygon offset c->offset_states = 0; // shadow mode c->shadow_mode = 0; // clear the resize callback function pointer c->gl_resize_viewport = NULL; // specular buffer c->specbuf_first = NULL; c->specbuf_used_counter = 0; c->specbuf_num_buffers = 0; // depth test c->depth_test = 0; c->color_mask = (1 << 24) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 0); }