Example #1
/* \brief allocate new camera */
GLHCKAPI glhckCamera* glhckCameraNew(void)
   glhckCamera *object;

   /* allocate camera */
   if (!(object = _glhckCalloc(1, sizeof(glhckCamera))))
      goto fail;

   /* increase reference */

   /* initialize camera's object */
   if (!(object->object = glhckObjectNew()))
      goto fail;

   /* defaults */
   object->view.projectionType = GLHCK_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE;
   object->view.near = 1.0f;
   object->view.far  = 100.0f;
   object->view.fov  = 35.0f;

   /* reset */

   /* insert to world */
   _glhckWorldInsert(camera, object, glhckCamera*);

   RET(0, "%p", object);
   return object;

   IFDO(_glhckFree, object);
   RET(0, "%p", NULL);
   return NULL;
Example #2
/* \brief import Assimp file */
int _glhckImportAssimp(glhckObject *object, const char *file, const glhckImportModelParameters *params,
                       glhckGeometryIndexType itype, glhckGeometryVertexType vtype)
    const struct aiScene *scene;
    glhckObject *first = NULL;
    unsigned int aflags;
    CALL(0, "%p, %s, %p", object, file, params);

    /* import the model using assimp
     * TODO: make import hints tunable?
     * Needs changes to import protocol! */
    aflags = aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast | aiProcess_OptimizeGraph;
    if (!params->animated && params->flatten) aflags |= aiProcess_PreTransformVertices;
    scene = aiImportFile(file, aflags);
    if (!scene) goto assimp_fail;

    /* mark ourself as special root object.
     * this makes most functions called on root object echo to children */
    object->flags |= GLHCK_OBJECT_ROOT;

    /* this is going to be the first object in mesh,
     * the object returned by this importer is just invisible root object. */
    if (!(first = glhckObjectNew())) goto fail;
    glhckObjectAddChild(object, first);

    /* process the model */
    if (processModel(file, object, first, scene, scene->mRootNode,
                     itype, vtype, params) != RETURN_OK)
        goto fail;

    /* process the animated model part */
    if (params->animated && processBonesAndAnimations(object, scene) != RETURN_OK)
        goto fail;

    /* close file */
    NULLDO(aiReleaseImport, scene);
    RET(0, "%d", RETURN_OK);
    return RETURN_OK;

    DEBUG(GLHCK_DBG_ERROR, aiGetErrorString());
    IFDO(aiReleaseImport, scene);
    IFDO(glhckObjectFree, first);
    RET(0, "%d", RETURN_FAIL);
    return RETURN_FAIL;
Example #3
static int processModel(const char *file, glhckObject *object,
                        glhckObject *current, const struct aiScene *sc, const struct aiNode *nd,
                        glhckGeometryIndexType itype, glhckGeometryVertexType vtype, const glhckImportModelParameters *params)
    unsigned int m, f;
    unsigned int numVertices = 0, numIndices = 0;
    unsigned int ioffset, voffset;
    glhckImportIndexData *indices = NULL;
    glhckImportVertexData *vertexData = NULL;
    glhckMaterial *material = NULL;
    glhckTexture **textureList = NULL, *texture = NULL;
    glhckAtlas *atlas = NULL;
    const struct aiMesh *mesh;
    const struct aiFace *face;
    int canFreeCurrent = 0;
    int hasTexture = 0;
    assert(object && current);
    assert(sc && nd);

    /* combine && atlas loading path */
    if (params->flatten) {
        /* prepare atlas for texture combining */
        if (!(atlas = glhckAtlasNew()))
            goto assimp_no_memory;

        /* texturelist for offseting coordinates */
        if (!(textureList = _glhckCalloc(nd->mNumMeshes, sizeof(_glhckTexture*))))
            goto assimp_no_memory;

        /* gather statistics */
        for (m = 0; m != nd->mNumMeshes; ++m) {
            mesh = sc->mMeshes[nd->mMeshes[m]];
            if (!mesh->mVertices) continue;

            for (f = 0; f != mesh->mNumFaces; ++f) {
                face = &mesh->mFaces[f];
                if (!face) goto fail;
                numIndices += face->mNumIndices;
            numVertices += mesh->mNumVertices;

            if ((texture = textureFromMaterial(file, sc->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]))) {
                glhckAtlasInsertTexture(atlas, texture);
                textureList[m] = texture;
                hasTexture = 1;

        /* allocate vertices */
        if (!(vertexData = _glhckCalloc(numVertices, sizeof(glhckImportVertexData))))
            goto assimp_no_memory;

        /* allocate indices */
        if (!(indices = _glhckMalloc(numIndices * sizeof(glhckImportIndexData))))
            goto assimp_no_memory;

        /* pack combined textures */
        if (hasTexture) {
            if (glhckAtlasPack(atlas, GLHCK_RGBA, 1, 0, glhckTextureDefaultParameters()) != RETURN_OK)
                goto fail;
        } else {
            NULLDO(glhckAtlasFree, atlas);
            NULLDO(_glhckFree, textureList);

        /* join vertex data */
        for (m = 0, ioffset = 0, voffset = 0; m != nd->mNumMeshes; ++m) {
            mesh = sc->mMeshes[nd->mMeshes[m]];
            if (!mesh->mVertices) continue;
            if (textureList) texture = textureList[m];
            else texture = NULL;

            joinMesh(mesh, voffset, indices+ioffset, vertexData+voffset, atlas, texture);

            for (f = 0; f != mesh->mNumFaces; ++f) {
                face = &mesh->mFaces[f];
                if (!face) goto fail;
                ioffset += face->mNumIndices;
            voffset += mesh->mNumVertices;

        /* create material */
        if (hasTexture && !(material = glhckMaterialNew(texture)))
            goto assimp_no_memory;

        /* finally build the model */
        if (buildModel(current, numIndices,  numVertices,
                       indices, vertexData, itype, vtype)  == RETURN_OK) {
            _glhckObjectFile(current, nd->mName.data);
            if (material) glhckObjectMaterial(current, material);
            if (!(current = glhckObjectNew())) goto fail;
            glhckObjectAddChild(object, current);
            canFreeCurrent = 1;

        /* free stuff */
        IFDO(glhckAtlasFree, atlas);
        IFDO(glhckMaterialFree, material);
        IFDO(_glhckFree, textureList);
        NULLDO(_glhckFree, vertexData);
        NULLDO(_glhckFree, indices);
    } else {
        /* default loading path */
        for (m = 0, ioffset = 0, voffset = 0; m != nd->mNumMeshes; ++m) {
            mesh = sc->mMeshes[nd->mMeshes[m]];
            if (!mesh->mVertices) continue;

            /* gather statistics */
            numIndices = 0;
            for (f = 0; f != mesh->mNumFaces; ++f) {
                face = &mesh->mFaces[f];
                if (!face) goto fail;
                numIndices += face->mNumIndices;
            numVertices = mesh->mNumVertices;

            // FIXME: create materialFromAssimpMaterial
            // that returns glhckMaterial with correct stuff

            /* get texture */
            hasTexture = 0;
            if ((texture = textureFromMaterial(file, sc->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex])))
                hasTexture = 1;

            /* create material */
            if (hasTexture && !(material = glhckMaterialNew(texture)))
                goto assimp_no_memory;

            /* allocate vertices */
            if (!(vertexData = _glhckCalloc(numVertices, sizeof(glhckImportVertexData))))
                goto assimp_no_memory;

            /* allocate indices */
            if (!(indices = _glhckMalloc(numIndices * sizeof(glhckImportIndexData))))
                goto assimp_no_memory;

            /* fill arrays */
            joinMesh(mesh, 0, indices, vertexData, NULL, NULL);

            /* build model */
            if (buildModel(current, numIndices,  numVertices,
                           indices, vertexData, itype, vtype) == RETURN_OK) {

                /* FIXME: UGLY */
                char pointer[16];
                snprintf(pointer, sizeof(pointer), "%p", mesh);
                _glhckObjectFile(current, pointer);

                if (material) glhckObjectMaterial(current, material);
                if (!(current = glhckObjectNew())) goto fail;
                glhckObjectAddChild(object, current);
                canFreeCurrent = 1;

            /* free stuff */
            NULLDO(_glhckFree, vertexData);
            NULLDO(_glhckFree, indices);
            IFDO(glhckTextureFree, texture);
            IFDO(glhckMaterialFree, material);

    /* process childrens */
    for (m = 0; m != nd->mNumChildren; ++m) {
        if (processModel(file, object, current, sc, nd->mChildren[m],
                         itype, vtype, params) == RETURN_OK) {
            if (!(current = glhckObjectNew())) goto fail;
            glhckObjectAddChild(object, current);
            canFreeCurrent = 1;

    /* we din't do anything to the next
     * allocated object, so free it */
    if (canFreeCurrent) glhckObjectRemoveFromParent(current);
    return RETURN_OK;

    DEBUG(GLHCK_DBG_ERROR, "Assimp not enough memory.");
    IFDO(_glhckFree, vertexData);
    IFDO(_glhckFree, indices);
    IFDO(_glhckFree, textureList);
    IFDO(glhckTextureFree, texture);
    IFDO(glhckMaterialFree, material);
    IFDO(glhckAtlasFree, atlas);
    if (canFreeCurrent) glhckObjectRemoveFromParent(current);
    return RETURN_FAIL;
Example #4
Mesh::Mesh(GameWorld* world) :
  Object(world, glhckObjectNew()),
  Entity(world), Renderable(world)
  glhckObjectNewGeometry(o)->type = GLHCK_TRIANGLES;