BOOL iffgetchunk(strid_t stream, char *desttype, glui32 *ulength, glui32 file_size) { int i; glui32 c; unsigned char length[4]; c = glk_stream_get_position(stream); if(c & 1) { glk_get_char_stream(stream); /* Eat padding */ c++; } if(glk_get_buffer_stream(stream, desttype, 4) != 4) return FALSE; if(glk_get_buffer_stream(stream, (char *) length, 4) != 4) return FALSE; *ulength = MSBdecode4(length); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) if(desttype[i] < 0x20 || desttype[i] > 0x7e) return FALSE; c += 8; return ((c + *ulength) <= file_size); }
glui32 fillstruct(strid_t stream, const unsigned *info, glui32 *dest, glui32 (*special)(strid_t)) { unsigned char buffer[4]; unsigned e; glui32 len = 0;; for(e = 0; info[e]; e++) { if(info[e] == 0x8000) { *dest++ = special(stream); len++; } else if(info[e] > 4) { unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < info[e]; i++) { *dest++ = glk_get_char_stream(stream); len++; } } else { glk_get_buffer_stream(stream, (char *) buffer, info[e]); switch(info[e]) { case 1: *dest = MSBdecode1(buffer); break; case 2: *dest = MSBdecode2(buffer); break; case 3: *dest = MSBdecode3(buffer); break; case 4: *dest = MSBdecode4(buffer); break; } dest++; len+=info[e]; } } return len; }
int glkint_readchar(z_file *fileref) { if (fileref->implementation == FILE_IMPLEMENTATION_STDIO) return z_filesys_interface_c.readchar(fileref); else { int ch = glk_get_char_stream((strid_t)fileref->file_object); if (ch < 0) return -1; return ch; } }
static glui32 write_memstate(dest_t *dest) { glui32 res, pos; int val; int runlen; unsigned char ch; res = write_long(dest, endmem); if (res) return res; runlen = 0; glk_stream_set_position(gamefile, gamefile_start+ramstart, seekmode_Start); for (pos=ramstart; pos<endmem; pos++) { ch = Mem1(pos); if (pos < endgamefile) { val = glk_get_char_stream(gamefile); if (val == -1) { fatal_error("The game file ended unexpectedly while saving."); } ch ^= (unsigned char)val; } if (ch == 0) { runlen++; } else { /* Write any run we've got. */ while (runlen) { if (runlen >= 0x100) val = 0x100; else val = runlen; res = write_byte(dest, 0); if (res) return res; res = write_byte(dest, (val-1)); if (res) return res; runlen -= val; } /* Write the byte we got. */ res = write_byte(dest, ch); if (res) return res; } } /* It's possible we've got a run left over, but we don't write it. */ return 0; }
glui32 glk_get_line_stream(strid_t str, char *buf, glui32 len) { glui32 offset; /* FIXME: Halt on error reading properly. */ for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset++) { buf[offset] = glk_get_char_stream(str); if (buf[offset] == '\n') { break; } } buf[offset+1] = '\0'; return offset; }
glui32 glk_get_buffer_stream(strid_t str, char *buf, glui32 len) { glui32 i; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { glsi32 c = glk_get_char_stream(str); if (c == -1) { printf("glk_get_buffer_stream terminating from -1, %d of %d\n", i, len); return i-1; } if (c > 0xFF) { printf("'?' while narrowing in glk_get_buffer_stream!\n"); exit(21); buf[i] = '?'; } else { buf[i] = (char)c; /* printf("glk_get_buffer_stream [%d]: 0x%x\n", i, buf[i]); */ } } printf("DEBUG: glk_get_buffer_stream terminating from running out the clock, %d of %d\n", i, len); return i; }
git_sint32 restoreFromFile (git_sint32 * base, git_sint32 id, git_uint32 protectPos, git_uint32 protectSize) { git_uint32 protectEnd = protectPos + protectSize; git_uint32 i; strid_t file; glui32 fileSize, fileStart; int gotIdent = 0; int gotMemory = 0; int gotStack = 0; int gotHeap = 0; // Find out what stream they want to use, and make sure it's valid. file = git_find_stream_by_id (id); if (file == 0) return 1; // Read IFF header. if (readWord (file) != read32("FORM")) return 1; // Not an IFF file. fileSize = readWord (file); fileStart = glk_stream_get_position (file); if (readWord (file) != read32("IFZS")) return 1; // Not a Quetzal file. // Discard the current heap. heap_clear(); // Read all the chunks. while (glk_stream_get_position(file) < fileStart + fileSize) { git_uint32 chunkType, chunkSize, chunkStart; chunkType = readWord (file); chunkSize = readWord (file); chunkStart = glk_stream_get_position (file); if (chunkType == read32("IFhd")) { if (gotIdent) return 1; gotIdent = 1; if (chunkSize != 128) return 1; for (i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) { glui32 c = glk_get_char_stream (file); if (gRom [i] != c) return 1; } } else if (chunkType == read32("Stks")) { if (gotStack) return 1; gotStack = 1; if (chunkSize & 3) return 1; gStackPointer = base; for ( ; chunkSize > 0 ; chunkSize -= 4) *gStackPointer++ = readWord(file); } else if (chunkType == read32("CMem")) { git_uint32 bytesRead = 0; if (gotMemory) return 1; gotMemory = 1; if (resizeMemory (readWord(file), 1)) fatalError ("Can't resize memory map"); bytesRead = 4; i = gRamStart; while (i < gExtStart && bytesRead < chunkSize) { int mult = 0; char c = (char) glk_get_char_stream(file); ++bytesRead; if (c == 0) { mult = (unsigned char) glk_get_char_stream(file); ++bytesRead; } for (++mult ; mult > 0 ; --mult, ++i) if (i >= protectEnd || i < protectPos) gRam [i] = gRom [i] ^ c; } while (i < gEndMem && bytesRead < chunkSize) { int mult = 0; char c = (char) glk_get_char_stream(file); ++bytesRead; if (c == 0) { mult = (unsigned char) glk_get_char_stream(file); ++bytesRead; } for (++mult ; mult > 0 ; --mult, ++i) if (i >= protectEnd || i < protectPos) gRam [i] = c; } while (i < gExtStart) if (i >= protectEnd || i < protectPos) gRam [i] = gRom [i], ++i; while (i < gEndMem) if (i >= protectEnd || i < protectPos) gRam [i] = 0, ++i; if (bytesRead != chunkSize) return 1; // Too much data! if (chunkSize & 1) glk_get_char_stream (file); } else if (chunkType == read32("MAll")) { glui32 heapSize = 0; glui32 * heap = 0; if (gotHeap) return 1; gotHeap = 1; if (chunkSize & 3) return 1; if (chunkSize > 0) { heap = malloc (chunkSize); heapSize = chunkSize / 4; for (i = 0 ; i < heapSize ; ++i) heap[i] = readWord(file); /* The summary might have come from any interpreter, so it could be out of order. We'll sort it. */ qsort(heap+2, (heapSize-2)/2, 8, &sort_heap_summary); if (heap_apply_summary (heapSize, heap)) fatalError ("Couldn't apply heap summary"); free (heap); } } else { // Unknown chunk type -- just skip it. glk_stream_set_position (file, (chunkSize + 1) & ~1, seekmode_Current); } } // Make sure we have all the chunks we need. if (!gotIdent) fatalError ("No ident chunk in save file"); if (!gotStack) fatalError ("No stack chunk in save file"); if (!gotMemory) fatalError ("No memory chunk in save file"); // If we reach this point, we restored successfully. return 0; }
static glui32 read_memstate(dest_t *dest, glui32 chunklen) { glui32 chunkend = dest->pos + chunklen; glui32 newlen; glui32 res, pos; int val; int runlen; unsigned char ch, ch2; #ifdef SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM glui32 cachepos; #endif /* SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM */ heap_clear(); res = read_long(dest, &newlen); if (res) return res; res = change_memsize(newlen, FALSE); if (res) return res; runlen = 0; #ifdef SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM cachepos = 0; #else /* SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM */ glk_stream_set_position(gamefile, gamefile_start+ramstart, seekmode_Start); #endif /* SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM */ for (pos=ramstart; pos<endmem; pos++) { if (pos < endgamefile) { #ifdef SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM val = ramcache[cachepos]; cachepos++; #else /* SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM */ val = glk_get_char_stream(gamefile); if (val == -1) { fatal_error("The game file ended unexpectedly while restoring."); } #endif /* SERIALIZE_CACHE_RAM */ ch = (unsigned char)val; } else { ch = 0; } if (dest->pos >= chunkend) { /* we're into the final, unstored run. */ } else if (runlen) { runlen--; } else { res = read_byte(dest, &ch2); if (res) return res; if (ch2 == 0) { res = read_byte(dest, &ch2); if (res) return res; runlen = (glui32)ch2; } else { ch ^= ch2; } } if (pos >= protectstart && pos < protectend) continue; MemW1(pos, ch); } return 0; }
void gidispatch_call(glui32 funcnum, glui32 numargs, gluniversal_t *arglist) { gidispatch_function_t *gidispatch_function; char *prototype; int argument = 0; int slot = 0; gidispatch_function = gidispatch_get_function_by_id(funcnum); prototype = gidispatch_prototype(funcnum); printf("DEBUG: dispatch call name=%s, prototype=%s, numargs=%u -- ", gidispatch_function->name, prototype, (unsigned int)numargs); if (strcmp(prototype, "4IuIuIuIs") == 0) { printf("%u, %u, %u, %d\n", arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].sint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3IuIu:Iu") == 0) { printf("%u, %u, returning a glui32\n", arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3Qa<Iu:Qa") == 0) { printf("win at %p, outref to a glui32, returning a winid_t\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3Qc<Iu:Qc") == 0) { printf("fileref at %p, outref to a glui32, returning a frefid_t\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1Qa:") == 0) { printf("win at %p\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "6QaIuIuIuIu:Qa") == 0) { printf("win at %p, %u, %u, %u, %u, returning a winid_t\n", arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4IuIuIuIs:") == 0) { printf("%u, %u, %u, %d\n", arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].sint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1Qb:") == 0) { printf("stream at %p\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1Iu:") == 0) { printf("%u\n", arglist[0].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "2Qb<[2IuIu]:") == 0) { printf("stream at %p, some struct stuff here\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3IuIuIu:") == 0) { printf("%u, %u, %u\n", arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1:Qb") == 0) { printf("returning a strid_t\n"); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4&+#!IuIuIu:Qb") == 0) { printf("retained, nonnull, array of glui32 at %p for length %u, %u, %u, returning a strid_t\n", arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "2Qc:Iu") == 0) { printf("fileref at %p, returning a glui32\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1<+[4IuQaIuIu]:") == 0) { printf("some struct stuff here, nonnull\n"); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "1:Qb") == 0) { printf("returning a strid_t\n"); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "2Qb:Is") == 0) { printf("stream at %p, returning a glsi32\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "2Qc:Iu") == 0) { printf("fileref at %p, returning a glui32\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3Qa&+#!CnIu:") == 0) { printf("win at %p, retained, nonnull, array of char at %p for length %u, %u\n", arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3Qb<Iu:Qb") == 0) { printf("stream at %p, outref to a glui32, returning a strid_t\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4&+#!CnIuIu:Qb") == 0) { printf("retained, nonnull, array of char at %p for length %u, %u, %u, returning a strid_t\n", arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4&+#!IuIuIu:Qb") == 0) { printf("retained, nonnull, array of glui32 at %p for length %u, %u, %u, returning a strid_t\n", arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4IuSIu:Qc") == 0) { printf("%u, %s, %u, returning a frefid_t\n", arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].charstr, arglist[2].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4QcIuIu:Qb") == 0) { printf("fileref at %p, %u, %u, returning a strid_t\n", arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "3Qa<Iu<Iu:") == 0) { printf("win at %p, outref to a glui32, outref to a glui32\n", arglist[0].opaqueref); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "6QaIuIsIsIuIu:") == 0) { printf("win at %p, %u, %d, %d, %u, %u\n", arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].sint, arglist[3].sint, arglist[4].uint, arglist[5].uint); } else if (strcmp(prototype, "4Iu<Iu<Iu:Iu") == 0) { printf("%u, outref to a glui32, outref to a glui32, returning a glui32\n", arglist[0].uint); } else { printf("unhandled prototype\n"); } switch (funcnum) { case 0x0004: /* gestalt */ arglist[3].uint = glk_gestalt(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0005: /* gestalt_ext */ if (arglist[2].ptrflag) { arglist[6].uint = glk_gestalt_ext(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[3].array, arglist[4].uint); } else { arglist[4].uint = glk_gestalt_ext(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, NULL, 0); } break; case 0x0020: /* window_iterate */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_window_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, &arglist[2].uint); else arglist[3].opaqueref = glk_window_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); break; case 0x0023: /* window_open */ arglist[6].opaqueref = glk_window_open(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); break; case 0x0025: /* window_get_size */ { int ix = 1; glui32 *ptr1, *ptr2; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr1 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr1 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr2 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr2 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; glk_window_get_size(arglist[0].opaqueref, ptr1, ptr2); } break; case 0x0028: /* window_get_type */ arglist[2].uint = glk_window_get_type(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x002A: /* window_clear */ glk_window_clear(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x002B: /* window_move_cursor */ glk_window_move_cursor(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x002F: /* set_window */ glk_set_window(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0040: /* stream_iterate */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_stream_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, &arglist[2].uint); else arglist[3].opaqueref = glk_stream_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); break; case 0x0042: /* stream_open_file */ arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_file(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0043: /* stream_open_memory */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) arglist[6].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_memory(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); else arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_memory(NULL, 0, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0044: /* stream_close */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) { stream_result_t dat; glk_stream_close(arglist[0].opaqueref, &dat); arglist[2].uint = dat.readcount; arglist[3].uint = dat.writecount; } else { glk_stream_close(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); } break; case 0x0047: /* stream_set_current */ glk_stream_set_current(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0048: /* stream_get_current */ arglist[1].opaqueref = glk_stream_get_current(); break; case 0x0061: /* fileref_create_by_name */ arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_fileref_create_by_name(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].charstr, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0062: /* fileref_create_by_prompt */ arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_fileref_create_by_prompt(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0067: /* fileref_does_file_exist */ arglist[2].uint = glk_fileref_does_file_exist(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0086: /* set_style */ glk_set_style(arglist[0].uint); break; case 0x0087: /* set_style_stream */ glk_set_style_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0090: /* get_char_stream */ arglist[2].sint = glk_get_char_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00B0: /* stylehint_set */ glk_stylehint_set(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].sint); break; case 0x00C0: /* select */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) { event_t dat; glk_select(&dat); arglist[1].uint = dat.type; arglist[2].opaqueref =; arglist[3].uint = dat.val1; arglist[4].uint = dat.val2; } else { glk_select(NULL); } break; case 0x00D0: /* request_line_event */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) glk_request_line_event(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); else glk_request_line_event(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x00D2: /* request_char_event */ glk_request_char_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00E0: /* image_get_info */ { int ix = 1; glui32 *ptr1, *ptr2; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr1 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr1 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr2 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr2 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; ix++; arglist[ix].uint = glk_image_get_info(arglist[0].uint, ptr1, ptr2); } break; case 0x00E1: /* image_draw */ arglist[5].uint = glk_image_draw(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].sint, arglist[3].sint); break; case 0x00E2: /* image_draw_scaled */ arglist[7].uint = glk_image_draw_scaled(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].sint, arglist[3].sint, arglist[4].uint, arglist[5].uint); break; case 0x00EA: /* window_fill_rect */ glk_window_fill_rect(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].sint, arglist[3].sint, arglist[4].uint, arglist[5].uint); break; case 0x0128: /* put_char_uni */ glk_put_char_uni(arglist[0].uint); break; case 0x0139: /* stream_open_memory_uni */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) arglist[6].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_memory_uni(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); else arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_memory_uni(NULL, 0, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; default: printf("Unhandled call to %s via dispatch\n", gidispatch_function->name); #if 0 case 0x0001: /* exit */ glk_exit(); break; case 0x0002: /* set_interrupt_handler */ /* cannot be invoked through dispatch layer */ break; case 0x0003: /* tick */ glk_tick(); break; case 0x0021: /* window_get_rock */ arglist[2].uint = glk_window_get_rock(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0022: /* window_get_root */ arglist[1].opaqueref = glk_window_get_root(); break; case 0x0024: /* window_close */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) { stream_result_t dat; glk_window_close(arglist[0].opaqueref, &dat); arglist[2].uint = dat.readcount; arglist[3].uint = dat.writecount; } else { glk_window_close(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); } break; case 0x0026: /* window_set_arrangement */ glk_window_set_arrangement(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].opaqueref); break; case 0x0027: /* window_get_arrangement */ { int ix = 1; glui32 *ptr1, *ptr2; winid_t *ptr3; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr1 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr1 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr2 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr2 = &(arglist[ix].uint); } ix++; if (!arglist[ix].ptrflag) { ptr3 = NULL; } else { ix++; ptr3 = (winid_t *)(&(arglist[ix].opaqueref)); } ix++; glk_window_get_arrangement(arglist[0].opaqueref, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3); } break; case 0x0029: /* window_get_parent */ arglist[2].opaqueref = glk_window_get_parent(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x002C: /* window_get_stream */ arglist[2].opaqueref = glk_window_get_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x002D: /* window_set_echo_stream */ glk_window_set_echo_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].opaqueref); break; case 0x002E: /* window_get_echo_stream */ arglist[2].opaqueref = glk_window_get_echo_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0030: /* window_get_sibling */ arglist[2].opaqueref = glk_window_get_sibling(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0041: /* stream_get_rock */ arglist[2].uint = glk_stream_get_rock(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0045: /* stream_set_position */ glk_stream_set_position(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].sint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0046: /* stream_get_position */ arglist[2].uint = glk_stream_get_position(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0048: /* stream_get_current */ arglist[1].opaqueref = glk_stream_get_current(); break; case 0x0060: /* fileref_create_temp */ arglist[3].opaqueref = glk_fileref_create_temp(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0063: /* fileref_destroy */ glk_fileref_destroy(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0064: /* fileref_iterate */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_fileref_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, &arglist[2].uint); else arglist[3].opaqueref = glk_fileref_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); break; case 0x0065: /* fileref_get_rock */ arglist[2].uint = glk_fileref_get_rock(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0066: /* fileref_delete_file */ glk_fileref_delete_file(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0068: /* fileref_create_from_fileref */ arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_fileref_create_from_fileref(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].opaqueref, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0080: /* put_char */ glk_put_char(arglist[0].uch); break; case 0x0081: /* put_char_stream */ glk_put_char_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uch); break; case 0x0082: /* put_string */ glk_put_string(arglist[0].charstr); break; case 0x0083: /* put_string_stream */ glk_put_string_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].charstr); break; case 0x0084: /* put_buffer */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) glk_put_buffer(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint); else glk_put_buffer(NULL, 0); break; case 0x0085: /* put_buffer_stream */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) glk_put_buffer_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else glk_put_buffer_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x0091: /* get_line_stream */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_get_line_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_get_line_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x0092: /* get_buffer_stream */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_get_buffer_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_get_buffer_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x00A0: /* char_to_lower */ arglist[2].uch = glk_char_to_lower(arglist[0].uch); break; case 0x00A1: /* char_to_upper */ arglist[2].uch = glk_char_to_upper(arglist[0].uch); break; case 0x00B1: /* stylehint_clear */ glk_stylehint_clear(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x00B2: /* style_distinguish */ arglist[4].uint = glk_style_distinguish(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x00B3: /* style_measure */ if (arglist[3].ptrflag) arglist[6].uint = glk_style_measure(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, &(arglist[4].uint)); else arglist[5].uint = glk_style_measure(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, NULL); break; case 0x00C1: /* select_poll */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) { event_t dat; glk_select_poll(&dat); arglist[1].uint = dat.type; arglist[2].opaqueref =; arglist[3].uint = dat.val1; arglist[4].uint = dat.val2; } else { glk_select_poll(NULL); } break; case 0x00D1: /* cancel_line_event */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) { event_t dat; glk_cancel_line_event(arglist[0].opaqueref, &dat); arglist[2].uint = dat.type; arglist[3].opaqueref =; arglist[4].uint = dat.val1; arglist[5].uint = dat.val2; } else { glk_cancel_line_event(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); } break; case 0x00D3: /* cancel_char_event */ glk_cancel_char_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00D4: /* request_mouse_event */ glk_request_mouse_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00D5: /* cancel_mouse_event */ glk_cancel_mouse_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00D6: /* request_timer_events */ glk_request_timer_events(arglist[0].uint); break; #ifdef GLK_MODULE_IMAGE case 0x00E8: /* window_flow_break */ glk_window_flow_break(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00E9: /* window_erase_rect */ glk_window_erase_rect(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].sint, arglist[2].sint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); break; case 0x00EB: /* window_set_background_color */ glk_window_set_background_color(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; #endif /* GLK_MODULE_IMAGE */ #ifdef GLK_MODULE_SOUND case 0x00F0: /* schannel_iterate */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_schannel_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, &arglist[2].uint); else arglist[3].opaqueref = glk_schannel_iterate(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL); break; case 0x00F1: /* schannel_get_rock */ arglist[2].uint = glk_schannel_get_rock(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00F2: /* schannel_create */ arglist[2].opaqueref = glk_schannel_create(arglist[0].uint); break; case 0x00F3: /* schannel_destroy */ glk_schannel_destroy(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00F8: /* schannel_play */ arglist[3].uint = glk_schannel_play(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x00F9: /* schannel_play_ext */ arglist[5].uint = glk_schannel_play_ext(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint); break; case 0x00FA: /* schannel_stop */ glk_schannel_stop(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x00FB: /* schannel_set_volume */ glk_schannel_set_volume(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x00FC: /* sound_load_hint */ glk_sound_load_hint(arglist[0].uint, arglist[1].uint); break; #endif /* GLK_MODULE_SOUND */ #ifdef GLK_MODULE_HYPERLINKS case 0x0100: /* set_hyperlink */ glk_set_hyperlink(arglist[0].uint); break; case 0x0101: /* set_hyperlink_stream */ glk_set_hyperlink_stream(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0102: /* request_hyperlink_event */ glk_request_hyperlink_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0103: /* cancel_hyperlink_event */ glk_cancel_hyperlink_event(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; #endif /* GLK_MODULE_HYPERLINKS */ #ifdef GLK_MODULE_UNICODE case 0x0120: /* buffer_to_lower_case_uni */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_buffer_to_lower_case_uni(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_buffer_to_lower_case_uni(NULL, 0, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0121: /* buffer_to_upper_case_uni */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_buffer_to_upper_case_uni(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_buffer_to_upper_case_uni(NULL, 0, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x0122: /* buffer_to_title_case_uni */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) arglist[6].uint = glk_buffer_to_title_case_uni(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); else arglist[4].uint = glk_buffer_to_title_case_uni(NULL, 0, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0129: /* put_string_uni */ glk_put_string_uni(arglist[0].unicharstr); break; case 0x012A: /* put_buffer_uni */ if (arglist[0].ptrflag) glk_put_buffer_uni(arglist[1].array, arglist[2].uint); else glk_put_buffer_uni(NULL, 0); break; case 0x012B: /* put_char_stream_uni */ glk_put_char_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint); break; case 0x012C: /* put_string_stream_uni */ glk_put_string_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].unicharstr); break; case 0x012D: /* put_buffer_stream_uni */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) glk_put_buffer_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else glk_put_buffer_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x0130: /* get_char_stream_uni */ arglist[2].sint = glk_get_char_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0131: /* get_buffer_stream_uni */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_get_buffer_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_get_buffer_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x0132: /* get_line_stream_uni */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) arglist[5].uint = glk_get_line_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint); else arglist[3].uint = glk_get_line_stream_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0); break; case 0x0138: /* stream_open_file_uni */ arglist[4].opaqueref = glk_stream_open_file_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[1].uint, arglist[2].uint); break; case 0x0140: /* request_char_event_uni */ glk_request_char_event_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref); break; case 0x0141: /* request_line_event_uni */ if (arglist[1].ptrflag) glk_request_line_event_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, arglist[2].array, arglist[3].uint, arglist[4].uint); else glk_request_line_event_uni(arglist[0].opaqueref, NULL, 0, arglist[2].uint); break; #endif /* GLK_MODULE_UNICODE */ #endif /* 0 */ } }