Example #1
void aScrollBar::render()

	topButton.moveTo( globalX() + 2, topButton.globalY() );
	bottomButton.moveTo( globalX() + 2, bottomButton.globalY() );
	scrollTab.moveTo( globalX() + 2, scrollTab.globalY() );

 	GUI_RECT area = { location[0].x, location[0].y, location[2].x, location[2].y };
	drawEmptyRect( area, color, color );
void aAnimObject::render( )
	if ( !isShowing() )
	long color = animInfo.getColor();

	float xNewOffset = animInfo.getXDelta()+.5f;
	float yNewOffset =	animInfo.getYDelta()+.5f;

	move( xNewOffset, yNewOffset );

	setColor( color );

	float fScaleX = animInfo.getScaleX();
	float fScaleY = animInfo.getScaleY();

	if ( fScaleX != 1.0 || fScaleY != 1.0 )

		float oldWidth = width()+.5f;
		float oldHeight = height()+.5f;;
		float oldLeft = globalX();
		float oldTop = globalY();

		float scaleX = .5 * fScaleX * width();
		float scaleY = .5 * fScaleY * height();

		float midX = globalX() + .5 * width();
		float midY = globalY() + .5 * height();

		float newLeft = midX - scaleX;
		float newTop = midY - scaleY;

		moveToNoRecurse( newLeft, newTop );
		resize( fScaleX * width(), fScaleY * height() );
		resize( oldWidth, oldHeight );
		moveToNoRecurse( oldLeft, oldTop );

	move( -xNewOffset, -yNewOffset );
void ComponentIconListBox::setType(int32_t newType, int32_t otherNewType, int32_t orThis)
	if(newType == type && itemCount)
	type = newType;
	itemSelected = -1;
		int32_t count = 256;
		LogisticsComponent* pComp[256];
		LogisticsData::instance->getAllComponents(pComp, count);
		//for ( int32_t j = 0; j < 2048; j++ )
		for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
			ComponentListItem* pItem = new ComponentListItem(pComp[i]);
		//	for ( EList< ComponentListItem*, ComponentListItem* >::EIterator iter = masterComponentList.Begin();
		//	!iter.IsDone(); iter++ )
		//	{
		///		delete *iter;
		//		turn++;
		//	}
		//	masterComponentList.Clear();
		//	}
	for(EList< ComponentListItem*, ComponentListItem* >::EIterator iter = masterComponentList.Begin();
			!iter.IsDone(); iter++)
			if((*iter)->getComponent()->getType() == type ||
					(*iter)->getComponent()->getType() == otherNewType ||
					(*iter)->getComponent()->getType() == orThis)
				if((*iter)->globalX() > globalX())
					(*iter)->move(-globalX(), 0);
void  LogisticsScreen::moveTo(int32_t xPos, int32_t yPos)
	int32_t xOffset = xPos - globalX();
	int32_t yOffset = yPos - globalY();
	aObject::init(xPos, yPos, 800, 600);
	move(xOffset, yOffset);
Example #5
void aScrollBar::ResizeAreas(void)
	float range, position;

	if (scrollMax == 0)

	float physicalRange = height() - topButton.height() - bottomButton.height() - 6.f;
	float RealRange = scrollMax;

	pageInc = physicalRange;

	float	scrollTabSize =  physicalRange * physicalRange/(physicalRange + RealRange);

	if ( scrollTabSize < scrollTab.width() )
		scrollTabSize = scrollTab.width();

	scrollTab.resize( scrollTab.width(), scrollTabSize);

	range = height() - topButton.height() - bottomButton.height() - scrollTab.height() - 6.f;	// one scrollwidth for buttons, one for tab. 2 for lines at either end.
	position = range * scrollPos / scrollMax;	//	center of scroll tab;

	scrollTab.moveTo( globalX() + 2, topButton.globalY() + topButton.height() + position + 1);

bool GameApp::notify(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
		return true;

	auto eventType(event->type());
		case QEvent::KeyPress:
		case QEvent::KeyRelease:
			auto keyEvent((QKeyEvent*)event);
			inputManager.KeyPress(keyEvent->key(), eventType == QEvent::KeyPress);

		case QEvent::MouseMove:
			auto mouseEvent((QMouseEvent*)event);
			inputManager.MouseMove(mouseEvent->globalX(), mouseEvent->globalY());

		case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
		case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
			auto mouseEvent((QMouseEvent*)event);
			inputManager.MouseButtonPress(mouseEvent->button(), eventType == QEvent::MouseButtonPress);

	return QApplication::notify(object, event);
Example #7
void mcScrollButton::render()
	if ( isShowing() && state != DISABLED )
		setColor( regularColor );

		GUI_RECT rect =  { globalX(), globalY(), globalRight()-1, globalBottom()-1 };

		drawEmptyRect( rect, lightEdge, darkEdge );
Example #8
QPoint GfxCanvasItem::mapTo(GfxCanvasItem *i, const QPoint &p)
    qreal x = globalX();
    qreal y = globalY();
    qreal ix = i->globalX();
    qreal iy = i->globalY();

    QPoint rv = p;
    rv.setX(int(rv.x() - ix + x));
    rv.setY(int(rv.y() - iy + y));
    return rv;
Example #9
void ScrollX::ResizeAreas(void)
	float range, position;

	if (scrollMax == 0)

	range = width() - buttons[0]->width() - buttons[1]->width() - buttons[2]->width() - 4.f;	// one scrollwidth for buttons, one for tab. 2 for lines at either end.
	position = range * scrollPos / scrollMax;	//	center of scroll tab;

	buttons[2]->moveTo( globalX() + position + buttons[0]->width() + 2, globalY() + 1);

void DeadPilotListItem::render()
	if ( !showWindow )

	GUI_RECT tmp;
	tmp.left = globalX();
	tmp.right = globalX() + width();
	tmp.top = globalY();
	tmp.bottom = globalY() + height();

	drawEmptyRect( tmp, s_area->getColor(), s_area->getColor() );
	liveIcon->render( globalX() + s_liveIconRect->left(), 
						globalY() + s_liveIconRect->top(),
						globalX() + s_liveIconRect->left() + s_liveIconRect->width(),
						globalY() + s_liveIconRect->top() + s_liveIconRect->height() );

	tmp.left = globalX() + s_liveIconRect->left();
	tmp.top = globalY() + s_liveIconRect->top();
	tmp.right = globalX() + s_liveIconRect->left() + s_liveIconRect->width();
	tmp.bottom = globalY() + s_liveIconRect->top() + s_liveIconRect->height();
	drawEmptyRect( tmp, s_liveIconRect->getColor(), s_liveIconRect->getColor() );

	deadIcon->render(	globalX() + s_deadIconRect->left(), 
						globalY() + s_deadIconRect->top(),
						globalX() + s_deadIconRect->left() +  s_deadIconRect->width(),
						globalY() + s_deadIconRect->top() + s_deadIconRect->height() );

	tmp.left = globalX() + s_deadIconRect->left();
	tmp.top = globalY() + s_deadIconRect->top();
	tmp.right = globalX() + s_deadIconRect->left() + s_deadIconRect->width();
	tmp.bottom = globalY() + s_deadIconRect->top() + s_deadIconRect->height();
	drawEmptyRect( tmp, s_deadIconRect->getColor(), s_deadIconRect->getColor() );

Example #11
long aListBox::AddItem(aListItem* add)
	if (itemCount >= MAX_LIST_ITEMS)
		return TOO_MANY_ITEMS;

	float lastX = globalX() + add->globalX();
	float lastY = globalY() + topSkip;
	if ( itemCount )
		lastY = items[itemCount-1]->globalY() + items[itemCount-1]->height() + skipAmount;

	items[itemCount++] = add;
	add->moveTo( lastX, lastY );

	if ( add->globalRight() > globalRight() ) // can't have it hanging over the edge
		float shrink = globalRight() - add->globalRight();
		add->resize( add->width() +  shrink, add->height() );

	if ( scrollBar )
		int itemsTotalHeight = 0;
		if ( items )
			itemsTotalHeight = items[itemCount-1]->bottom() - items[0]->top() + skipAmount;

			if ( itemsTotalHeight > scrollBar->height() )
				scrollBar->SetScrollMax( itemsTotalHeight - scrollBar->height() );
				scrollBar->SetScroll( 0 );
				scrollBar->SetScrollMax( 0 );

	return itemCount - 1;
Example #12
void DockItem::showMenu(const QPoint &menuPos)
    if (getMenuContent().isEmpty()) return;


    if (m_dbusMenuManager == nullptr) {
        m_dbusMenuManager = new DBusMenuManager(this);

    QDBusPendingReply<QDBusObjectPath> pr = m_dbusMenuManager->RegisterMenu();

    if (pr.isValid()) {
        QDBusObjectPath op = pr.value();

        if (m_dbusMenu != nullptr) {

        m_dbusMenu = new DBusMenu(op.path(), this);

        connect(m_dbusMenu, &DBusMenu::ItemInvoked, this, &DockItem::invokeMenuItem);
        connect(m_dbusMenu, &DBusMenu::MenuUnregistered, [=] {

        QPoint pos = menuPos.isNull() ?  QPoint(globalX() + width() / 2, globalY()) : menuPos;
        QJsonObject targetObj;
        targetObj.insert("x", QJsonValue(pos.x()));
        targetObj.insert("y", QJsonValue(pos.y()));
        targetObj.insert("isDockMenu", QJsonValue(true));
        targetObj.insert("menuJsonContent", QJsonValue(getMenuContent()));


Example #13
void DockItem::showPreview(const QPoint &previewPos)
    //make sure parentWidget() is valuable befor init hightlight
    if (!m_highlight && parentWidget()) {

    if (!m_titlePreview->isHidden()) {

    QPoint pos = previewPos.isNull()
            ?  QPoint(globalX() + width() / 2, globalY() - DOCK_PREVIEW_MARGIN)
             : previewPos;

    if (getApplet() == NULL) {
        QString title = getTitle();
        if (!title.isEmpty()) {

            m_titlePreview->setArrowX(-1);  //reset position
                                        pos.y() + DOCK_PREVIEW_MARGIN -
                                        2 - //minute adjustment
                                        m_titlePreview->shadowYOffset() +
                                        m_titlePreview->shadowBlurRadius() +
    else {

        emit needPreviewShow(pos);
Example #14
void aDropList::render()
	if ( showWindow )
		for ( int i = 0; i < pNumberOfChildren; i++ )
		if (0 <= selectionIndex)
			aListItem *pListItem = ListBox().GetItem(selectionIndex);
			if ( pListItem )
				float l, t, w, h;
				l = pListItem->globalLeft();
				t = pListItem->globalTop();
				w = pListItem->width();
				h = pListItem->height();
				float availableWidth = (expandButton.globalLeft() - 1) - (globalLeft() + 1);
				if ((0 < availableWidth) && (w > availableWidth))
					pListItem->resize(availableWidth, h);
				bool bShowing = pListItem->isShowing();
				pListItem->moveTo( globalX() + textLeft, globalY() + textTop );
				pListItem->showGUIWindow( true );
				pListItem->moveTo(l, t);
				pListItem->showGUIWindow( bShowing );
				if ((0 < availableWidth) && (w > availableWidth))
					pListItem->resize(w, h);
Example #15
void aButton::init( FitIniFile& buttonFile, const char* str, HGOSFONT3D font )
	textureHandle = 0;

	long result = buttonFile.seekBlock( str );
	if ( result != NO_ERR )
		char errorStr[256];
		sprintf(  errorStr, "couldn't find button %s", str );
		Assert( 0, 0, errorStr );

	buttonFile.readIdLong( "ID", data.ID );
	buttonFile.readIdString("FileName", data.fileName, 32 );

	buttonFile.readIdLong( "HelpCaption", helpHeader );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "HelpDesc", helpID );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextID", data.textID );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextNormal", data.textColors[0] );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextPressed", data.textColors[1] );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextDisabled", data.textColors[2] );
	buttonFile.readIdBoolean( "Toggle", toggleButton );
	buttonFile.readIdBoolean( "outline", data.outline );
	long fontID;
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "Font", fontID );
	if ( fontID )
		data.textFont = aFont::loadFont( fontID, data.textSize );
		data.textFont = 0;

	long x, y, width, height;

	buttonFile.readIdLong( "XLocation", x );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "YLocation", y );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "Width", width );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "Height", height );

	buttonFile.readIdLong( "HelpCaption", helpHeader );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "HelpDesc", helpID );

	buttonFile.readIdBoolean( "texturesRotated", data.textureRotated );

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "Alignment", data.textAlign ) )
		data.textAlign = 2;
	location[0].x = location[1].x = x;
	location[0].y = location[3].y = y;
	location[2].x = location[3].x = x + width;
	location[1].y = location[2].y = y + height;

	for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
		location[j].argb = 0xffffffff;
		location[j].frgb = 0;
		location[j].rhw = .5;
		location[j].u = 0.f;
		location[j].v = 0.f;
		location[j].z = 0.f;
	if ( 0 == textureHandle && data.fileName && strlen( data.fileName ) )
		char file[256];
		strcpy( file, artPath );
		strcat( file, data.fileName );
		_strlwr( file );
		if ( !strstr( data.fileName, ".tga" ) )
			strcat( file, ".tga" );
		int ID = mcTextureManager->loadTexture( file, gos_Texture_Alpha, 0, 0, 0x2 );
		int gosID = mcTextureManager->get_gosTextureHandle( ID );
		TEXTUREPTR textureData;
		gos_LockTexture( gosID, 0, 0, 	&textureData );
		gos_UnLockTexture( gosID );

		textureHandle = ID;
		data.fileWidth = textureData.Width;
		data.fileHeight = data.fileWidth;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "UNormal", data.stateCoords[0][0] ) )
		data.stateCoords[0][0] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "VNormal", data.stateCoords[0][1] ) )
		data.stateCoords[0][1] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "UPressed", data.stateCoords[1][0] ) )
		data.stateCoords[1][0] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "VPressed", data.stateCoords[1][1] ) )
		data.stateCoords[1][1] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "UDisabled", data.stateCoords[2][0] ) )
		data.stateCoords[2][0] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "VDisabled", data.stateCoords[2][1] ) )
		data.stateCoords[2][1] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "UAmbiguous", data.stateCoords[3][0] ) )
		data.stateCoords[3][0] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "VAmbiguous", data.stateCoords[3][1] ) )
		data.stateCoords[3][1] = -1.f;

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "UHighlight", data.stateCoords[4][0] ) )
		data.stateCoords[4][0] = data.stateCoords[0][0];

	if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.readIdLong( "VHighlight", data.stateCoords[4][1] ) )
		data.stateCoords[4][1] = data.stateCoords[0][1];

	buttonFile.readIdLong( "UWidth", data.textureWidth );
	buttonFile.readIdLong( "VHeight", data.textureHeight );

	if ( data.textID )
		buttonFile.readIdBoolean( "TextOutline", data.outlineText );

	if ( NO_ERR == buttonFile.readIdLong( "XTextLocation", data.textRect.left ) )
		buttonFile.readIdLong( "YTextLocation", data.textRect.top );
		buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextWidth", width );
		buttonFile.readIdLong( "TextHeight", height );
		data.textRect.right = data.textRect.left + width;
		data.textRect.bottom = data.textRect.top + height;
		buttonFile.readIdBoolean( "TextOutline", data.outlineText );
		data.textRect.left = x;
		data.textRect.right = x + width;
		data.textRect.top = y;
		data.textRect.bottom = y + height;

	char bmpName[256];
	strcpy( bmpName, str );
	strcat( bmpName, "Bmp" );
	char finalName[256];
	int counter = 0;
		sprintf( finalName, "%s%ld", bmpName, counter );
		if ( NO_ERR != buttonFile.seekBlock( finalName) )

		aObject* pObject = new aObject;
		pObject->init( &buttonFile, finalName );
		// Dorje is doing this in global coords
		pObject->move( -globalX(), -globalY() );
		addChild( pObject );


	buttonFile.seekBlock( str );
	disable( 0 );
	press( 0 );

void	ActivePilotListItem::render()
	if ( !showWindow )

	float timeOffset = 0;

	if ( pilot->killedIcons.Count() )
		timeOffset += 1.5 + .5 * pilot->killedIcons.Count();

	if ( currentTime - timeOffset > 0 )
		medalAwardedText.setColor( s_medalAwardedAnim->getColor( currentTime - timeOffset ) );
		if ( currentTime - timeOffset > 1.5 )
			float tmpTime = currentTime - timeOffset - 1.5;
			for ( int i = 0; i < medalCount; i++ )
				if ( tmpTime > 0.f )
					if ( !medalIcons[i]->isShowing() ) // play sound when it shows up
						soundSystem->playDigitalSample( LOG_PILOTMEDAL );
					medalIcons[i]->showGUIWindow( true );
					medalTexts[i]->showGUIWindow( true );
				tmpTime -= .5f;
		medalAwardedText.setColor( 0 );
		for ( int i = 0; i < medalCount; i++ )
			medalIcons[i]->showGUIWindow( 0 );
			medalTexts[i]->showGUIWindow( 0 );

	if ( medalCount )
		timeOffset += (1.5 + .5 * medalCount);

	if ( currentTime - timeOffset > 0 )
		if ( promotionText.getColor() == 0 && currentTime - timeOffset < .3
			&& pilot->promotePilot() )
			soundSystem->playDigitalSample( LOG_PROMOTED );
		promotionText.setColor( s_pilotPromotedAnim->getColor( currentTime -timeOffset ) );
		promotionText.setColor( 0 );

	bool bCanBeDone = currentTime > flashTime();

	GUI_RECT tmp;

	tmp.left = s_area->left();
	tmp.top = globalY() + s_area->top();
	tmp.right = tmp.left + s_area->width();
	tmp.bottom = tmp.top + s_area->height();

	drawEmptyRect( tmp, s_area->getColor(), s_area->getColor() );

	// now do same thing with line....
	tmp.right = tmp.left + s_totalWidth;
	tmp.top -= 12;
	tmp.bottom = tmp.top + 2;

	drawRect( tmp, 0xff002f55 );

	pilotIcon->render( globalX() + s_iconRect->left(),
						globalY() + s_iconRect->top(),
						globalX() + s_iconRect->right(),
						globalY() + s_iconRect->bottom() );

	long color = s_skillAnim->getColor( currentTime );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		attributeMeters[i].setAddedColorMax( color );
		attributeMeters[i].setAddedColorMin( color );
		attributeMeters[i].render(globalX(), globalY());

	//for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
	for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) //magic 12042011
		tmp = s_outline[i]->getGUI_RECT();
		tmp.left += globalX();
		tmp.top += globalY();
		tmp.right += globalX();
		tmp.bottom += globalY();
		drawEmptyRect( tmp, s_outline[i]->getColor(), s_outline[i]->getColor() );

	long x = globalX() + s_killIconRect->left();
	long y = globalY() + s_killIconRect->top();

	int counter = 0;
	int oldPossible = 2.0 * (currentTime - frameLength - 1.5);
	int numPossible = 2.0 * (currentTime - 1.5);
	if ( currentTime - 1.5 < 0 )
		numPossible = -1;
	if (currentTime - 1.5 - frameLength < 0 )
		oldPossible = -1;

	if ( numPossible > 0 && promotionShown && bCanBeDone ) // finish when all of the dead guys are rendered
		bDone = true;

	// when adding a new icon, play sound
	if ( oldPossible != numPossible && numPossible < pilot->killedIcons.Count() )
		soundSystem->playDigitalSample( LOG_KILLMARKER, Stuff::Vector3D(-9999.0f,-9999.0,-9999.0f), true );

	for ( EList< ForceGroupIcon*, ForceGroupIcon* >::EIterator iter = pilot->killedIcons.Begin();
		!iter.IsDone(); iter++ )
		if ( counter > numPossible )
		if ( counter && !(counter % 8) )
			y += s_killIconRect->height() + 1;
			x = globalX() + s_killIconRect->left();
		(*iter)->renderUnitIcon( x, y, x + s_killIconRect->width(), y + s_killIconRect->height() );
		x += s_killIconRect->width() + 1;
Example #17
void aListBox::render()
	if ( showWindow )
		bool bTop  =0;
		bool bBottom = 0;

		gos_SetRenderState( gos_State_Texture, 0 );
		gos_SetRenderState(gos_State_Filter, gos_FilterNone);
		gos_SetRenderState( gos_State_AlphaMode, gos_Alpha_AlphaInvAlpha );
		gos_SetRenderState( gos_State_ZCompare, 0 );
		gos_SetRenderState( gos_State_ZWrite, 0 );

		gos_DrawQuads( location, 4 );

		long topHeight = 0;
		long bottomHeight = 0;

		bool bItemOutOfRange = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++ )
			if ( items[i]->globalBottom() > globalTop()
				&& items[i]->globalTop() < globalBottom() )

				if ( items[i]->globalTop() < globalTop() )
					topHeight = items[i]->height();
					bTop = 1;
					bItemOutOfRange = true;
				if ( items[i]->globalBottom() >= globalBottom() )
					bBottom = 1;
					if ( !bottomHeight )
						bottomHeight = items[i]->height();

					bItemOutOfRange = true;
				bItemOutOfRange = true;

		// draw black box above this
		if ( bTop || bBottom )
			GUI_RECT rect = { globalX(), globalY() - topHeight, globalX() + width(), globalY() };
			if ( bTop )
				drawRect( rect, 0xff000000 ); 
			rect.top = globalY() + height()+1;
			rect.bottom =globalY() + height() + bottomHeight+2;
			if ( bBottom )
				drawRect( rect, 0xff000000 );
		if ( scrollBar )
			if ( bItemOutOfRange )
				scrollBar->Enable( 1 );

				scrollBar->Enable( 0 );


Example #18
int32_t aObject::globalRight(void) const { return globalX() + (int32_t)width(); }
Example #19
long aGameListItem::init( FitIniFile* file, const char* blockName )
	file->seekBlock( blockName );

	long width = 0;
	long height = 0;
	file->readIdLong( "Width", width );
	file->readIdLong( "Height", height );

	EString graphicBlockName;
	graphicBlockName += "Static0";
	allTechGraphic.init(file, graphicBlockName.Data());
	if (allTechGraphic.height() + 5 > height)
		height = allTechGraphic.height() + 5;
	if (allTechGraphic.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = allTechGraphic.globalRight() - globalX();

	EString textBlockName;
	textBlockName = "Text0";
	gameName.init(file, textBlockName.Data());
	if (gameName.height() > height)
		height = gameName.height();
	if (gameName.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		//width = gameName.globalRight() - globalX();

	textBlockName = "Text1";
	numPlayers.init(file, textBlockName.Data());
	if (numPlayers.height() > height)
		height = numPlayers.height();
	if (numPlayers.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		//width = numPlayers.globalRight() - globalX();

	textBlockName = "Text2";
	mapName.init(file, textBlockName.Data());
	if (mapName.height() > height)
		height = mapName.height();
	if (mapName.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		//width = mapName.globalRight() - globalX();

	textBlockName = "Text3";
	latency.init(*file, textBlockName.Data());
	if (latency.height() > height)
		height = latency.height();
	if (latency.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		//width = latency.globalRight() - globalX();

	EString rectBlockName;
	rectBlockName = "Rect0";
	allTechRect.init(file, rectBlockName.Data());
	if (allTechRect.height() > height)
		height = allTechRect.height();
	if (allTechRect.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = allTechRect.globalRight() - globalX();

	rectBlockName = "Rect1";
	gameNameRect.init(file, rectBlockName.Data());
	if (gameNameRect.height() > height)
		height = gameNameRect.height();
	if (gameNameRect.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = gameNameRect.globalRight() - globalX();

	rectBlockName = "Rect2";
	numPlayersRect.init(file, rectBlockName.Data());
	if (numPlayersRect.height() > height)
		height = numPlayersRect.height();
	if (numPlayersRect.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = numPlayersRect.globalRight() - globalX();

	rectBlockName = "Rect3";
	mapNameRect.init(file, rectBlockName.Data());
	if (mapNameRect.height() > height)
		height = mapNameRect.height();
	if (mapNameRect.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = mapNameRect.globalRight() - globalX();

	rectBlockName = "Rect4";
	latencyRect.init(file, rectBlockName.Data());
	if (latencyRect.height() > height)
		height = latencyRect.height();
	if (latencyRect.globalRight() - globalX() > width)
		width = latencyRect.globalRight() - globalX();

	pingIcon.init( file, "Static1" );

	aObject::init(0, 0, width, height);
	addChild( &pingIcon );

	return 0;
Example #20
void OptionsGraphics::init(long xOffset, long yOffset)
	FullPathFileName path;
	path.init( artPath, "mcl_options_combobox0", ".fit" );
	FitIniFile file;
	if ( NO_ERR !=file.open( path ) )
		char error[256];
		sprintf( error, "couldn't open file %s", path );
		Assert( 0, 0, error );

	getButton( MSG_RESET )->setMessageOnRelease();

	resolutionList.init( &file, "PlayerNameComboBox" );
	resolutionList.move( globalX(), globalY() );
	resolutionList.move( xOffset, yOffset );
	resolutionList.ListBox().setOrange( true );

	for ( int i = IDS_RESOLUTION0; i < IDS_RESOLUTION9 + 1; i++ )
		if ( 1!=gos_GetMachineInformation( gos_Info_ValidMode, 
			resModes[i-IDS_RESOLUTION0].bitDepth) )
			availableMode[i-IDS_RESOLUTION0] = false;
			char cstr[256];
			cLoadString (i, cstr, 255 );
			resolutionList.AddItem( cstr, 0xffffffff );


	path.init( artPath, "mcl_options_combobox2", ".fit" );
	if ( NO_ERR !=file.open( path ) )
		char error[256];
		sprintf( error, "couldn't open file %s", path );
		Assert( 0, 0, error );

	getButton( MSG_RESET )->setMessageOnRelease();

	cardList.init( &file, "PlayerNameComboBox" );
	cardList.move( globalX(), globalY() );
	cardList.move( xOffset, yOffset );
	cardList.ListBox().setOrange( true );

	DWORD numDevices = 0;
	numDevices = gos_GetMachineInformation( gos_Info_NumberDevices );

	//Theoretically impossible but config would probably like to know if it happens!
	if (numDevices <= 0)
		STOP(("GameOS said there were no video cards in the system!"));

	long usableCardCount = 0;
	for (i=0;i<numDevices;i++)
		DWORD minTextureRam = 6291456;

		//If we are a Voodoo 2, we may be a 4/8 or a 4/4.  Try allowing a 4/4 to run
		// and see what happens!!  NO good has come of this!
		if ((gos_GetMachineInformation(gos_Info_GetDeviceVendorID,i) == 0x121a) &&
			(gos_GetMachineInformation(gos_Info_GetDeviceDeviceID,i) == 0x0002))
			minTextureRam = 4096000;

		if (gos_GetMachineInformation(gos_Info_GetDeviceLocalMemory, i) >= minTextureRam)
			char *deviceName = (char*)gos_GetMachineInformation( gos_Info_GetDeviceName, i);
			//Save name to other string here.
			cardList.AddItem( deviceName, 0xffffffff );

			if ( Environment.FullScreenDevice == i )
				cardList.SelectItem( usableCardCount );


//ALL of this is a lie.  Code is now correct but I would ignore this.
// Sorry Heidi!
// -fs

//Turns out, its the same for both.

//Environment.Renderer tells you what device you are currently using as follows:
//	If the value is 0 or 1 you are using the default device or the primary display adapter (One and the same always)
//	If the value is 2 you are using the second video card.
//	If the value is 3 you are using BLADE software renderer.

//If you set the values to any of the above, you will switch to that device.

	for ( i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ )
		buttons[i].setPressFX( LOG_VIDEOBUTTONS );
		buttons[i].setHighlightFX( LOG_DIGITALHIGHLIGHT );
		buttons[i].setDisabledFX( LOG_WRONGBUTTON );

	move( xOffset, yOffset );

	helpTextArrayID = 1;
