void My_Filter::scanCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& scan){
    sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 raw_cloud_msg;
    sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 local_cloud_msg;
    sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 global_cloud_msg;
    PointCloudPtr_t scale_cloud(new PointCloud_t());
    PointCloudPtr_t local_cloud(new PointCloud_t());
    PointCloudPtr_t global_cloud(new PointCloud_t());
    projector_.projectLaser(*scan, raw_cloud_msg);
    pcl::fromROSMsg(raw_cloud_msg, *scale_cloud);
    for(int i=0; i<scale_cloud->size(); i++)
      pcl::PointXYZ& point = scale_cloud->at(i);
      point.z = std::floor(point.z);
    this->filterGlobal(scale_cloud, global_cloud);
    this->filterLocal(scale_cloud,  local_cloud);
    pcl::toROSMsg(*global_cloud, global_cloud_msg);
    pcl::toROSMsg(*local_cloud,  local_cloud_msg);
	void CloudStitcher::CloudStitchingThread::stitchTargetClouds()
        std::stringstream output_stream;

        PointCloud::Ptr source( new PointCloud() );
        PointCloud::Ptr target( new PointCloud() );
        PointCloud::Ptr global_cloud( new PointCloud() );

        Eigen::Matrix4f GlobalTransform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
        Eigen::Matrix4f pairTransform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

        for( unsigned int i = 1 ; i < file_list->size() ; i++ )
            if( vba::openPCDFile( file_list->at( i - 1 ) , source ) == -1 )

            if( vba::openPCDFile( file_list->at( i ) , target ) == -1 )

            //for the algorithms to work correctly, we need all the NaN's to be removed from the clouds
            std::vector< int > indices;
            pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud( *source , *source , indices );
            pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud( *target , *target , indices );

            //original is 0.05
            vba::voxelGridFilter( source , source , this->filter_leaf_size );
            vba::voxelGridFilter( target , target , this->filter_leaf_size );
            vba::statisticalOutlierFilter( source , source , 1.0 , 30 );
            vba::statisticalOutlierFilter( target , target , 1.0 , 30 );

            //we input the two clouds to compare and the resulting transformation that lines them up is returned in pairTransform
            vba::pairAlign( source, target, pairTransform );

            //We are making some changes to the resulting Transformation matrix to try and refine the accuracy of the model.
            //Mostly getting rid of x and y translations as well as all rotations.
            pairTransform( 0 , 0 ) = 1.0f;
            pairTransform( 0 , 1 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 0 , 2 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 0 , 3 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 1 , 0 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 1 , 1 ) = 1.0f;
            pairTransform( 1 , 2 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 1 , 3 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 2 , 0 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 2 , 1 ) = 0.0f;
            pairTransform( 2 , 2 ) = 1.0f;
            //std::cout << "Z-transform: " << pairTransform( 2 , 3 ) << "\n";

            //update the global transform with the pairTransform returned from aligning the two clouds
            GlobalTransform = GlobalTransform * pairTransform;

            //transform the target cloud using the accumulated transformations and the one we just got from pairAlign
            pcl::transformPointCloud (*target, *target, GlobalTransform);

            //add cloud to the total model. This will append the target's points to the whole cloud we are building up
            *global_cloud += *target;

             //send some output about the progress of stitching so far
             //possible race condition here
            output_stream.str( "" );
            output_stream << "Registered Cloud " << ++*this->files_finished << "\n";
            output_buffer->push( output_stream.str() );
            //std::cout << output_stream.str();


        this->finished_cloud = *global_cloud;
        this->cloud_transform = GlobalTransform;