Example #1
glthread_cond_wait_func (gl_cond_t *cond, gl_lock_t *lock)
  if (!cond->guard.done)
      if (InterlockedIncrement (&cond->guard.started) == 0)
        /* This thread is the first one to need this condition variable.
           Initialize it.  */
        glthread_cond_init (cond);
        /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish
           initializing this condition variable.  */
        while (!cond->guard.done)
          Sleep (0);

  EnterCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
    struct gl_waitqueue_element *elt = gl_waitqueue_add (&cond->waiters);
    LeaveCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
    if (elt == NULL)
        /* Allocation failure.  Weird.  */
        return EAGAIN;
        HANDLE event = elt->event;
        int err;
        DWORD result;

        /* Now release the lock and let any other thread take it.  */
        err = glthread_lock_unlock (lock);
        if (err != 0)
            EnterCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            gl_waitqueue_remove (&cond->waiters, elt);
            LeaveCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            CloseHandle (event);
            free (elt);
            return err;
        /* POSIX says:
            "If another thread is able to acquire the mutex after the
             about-to-block thread has released it, then a subsequent call to
             pthread_cond_broadcast() or pthread_cond_signal() in that thread
             shall behave as if it were issued after the about-to-block thread
             has blocked."
           This is fulfilled here, because the thread signalling is done
           through SetEvent, not PulseEvent.  */
        /* Wait until another thread signals this event.  */
        result = WaitForSingleObject (event, INFINITE);
        if (result == WAIT_FAILED || result == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
          abort ();
        CloseHandle (event);
        free (elt);
        /* The thread which signalled the event already did the bookkeeping:
           removed us from the waiters.  */
        return glthread_lock_lock (lock);
Example #2
glthread_cond_timedwait_func (gl_cond_t *cond, gl_lock_t *lock, struct timespec *abstime)
  struct timeval currtime;

  gettimeofday (&currtime, NULL);
  if (currtime.tv_sec > abstime->tv_sec
      || (currtime.tv_sec == abstime->tv_sec
          && currtime.tv_usec * 1000 >= abstime->tv_nsec))
    return ETIMEDOUT;

  if (!cond->guard.done)
      if (InterlockedIncrement (&cond->guard.started) == 0)
        /* This thread is the first one to need this condition variable.
           Initialize it.  */
        glthread_cond_init (cond);
        /* Yield the CPU while waiting for another thread to finish
           initializing this condition variable.  */
        while (!cond->guard.done)
          Sleep (0);

  EnterCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
    struct gl_waitqueue_element *elt = gl_waitqueue_add (&cond->waiters);
    LeaveCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
    if (elt == NULL)
        /* Allocation failure.  Weird.  */
        return EAGAIN;
        HANDLE event = elt->event;
        int err;
        DWORD timeout;
        DWORD result;

        /* Now release the lock and let any other thread take it.  */
        err = glthread_lock_unlock (lock);
        if (err != 0)
            EnterCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            gl_waitqueue_remove (&cond->waiters, elt);
            LeaveCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            CloseHandle (event);
            free (elt);
            return err;
        /* POSIX says:
            "If another thread is able to acquire the mutex after the
             about-to-block thread has released it, then a subsequent call to
             pthread_cond_broadcast() or pthread_cond_signal() in that thread
             shall behave as if it were issued after the about-to-block thread
             has blocked."
           This is fulfilled here, because the thread signalling is done
           through SetEvent, not PulseEvent.  */
        /* Wait until another thread signals this event or until the abstime
           passes.  */
        gettimeofday (&currtime, NULL);
        if (currtime.tv_sec > abstime->tv_sec)
          timeout = 0;
            unsigned long seconds = abstime->tv_sec - currtime.tv_sec;
            timeout = seconds * 1000;
            if (timeout / 1000 != seconds) /* overflow? */
              timeout = INFINITE;
                long milliseconds =
                  abstime->tv_nsec / 1000000 - currtime.tv_usec / 1000;
                if (milliseconds >= 0)
                    timeout += milliseconds;
                    if (timeout < milliseconds) /* overflow? */
                      timeout = INFINITE;
                    if (timeout >= - milliseconds)
                      timeout -= (- milliseconds);
                      timeout = 0;
        result = WaitForSingleObject (event, timeout);
        if (result == WAIT_FAILED)
          abort ();
        if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
            EnterCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            if (gl_waitqueue_remove (&cond->waiters, elt))
                /* The event was not signaled between the WaitForSingleObject
                   call and the EnterCriticalSection call.  */
                if (!(WaitForSingleObject (event, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT))
                  abort ();
                /* The event was signaled between the WaitForSingleObject
                   call and the EnterCriticalSection call.  */
                if (!(WaitForSingleObject (event, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0))
                  abort ();
                /* Produce the right return value.  */
                result = WAIT_OBJECT_0;
            LeaveCriticalSection (&cond->lock);
            /* The thread which signalled the event already did the
               bookkeeping: removed us from the waiters.  */
        CloseHandle (event);
        free (elt);
        /* Take the lock again.  It does not matter whether this is done
           before or after the bookkeeping for WAIT_TIMEOUT.  */
        err = glthread_lock_lock (lock);
        return (err ? err :
                result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? 0 :
                result == WAIT_TIMEOUT ? ETIMEDOUT :
                /* WAIT_FAILED shouldn't happen */ EAGAIN);
Example #3
static int gcry_prelude_mutex_lock(void **lock)
        return glthread_lock_lock((gl_lock_t *) *lock);