Example #1
// camera movement. Other keyboard input is handled by keyboardControl
void moveTimer(int i)
    glutTimerFunc(20, &moveTimer, i);

    vec3 camRight = Normalize(CrossProduct(camDir, camUp));
    vec3 moveDir = {0,0,0};
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_W)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_A)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, camRight);
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_S)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_D)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, camRight);

    if (Norm(moveDir) > 0.0) {
        cam = VectorAdd(cam, ScalarMult(Normalize(moveDir), camMoveSpeed));
    if (!freeCam)
        cam.y = 1.0 + GetMapHeight(tm, ttex.width, ttex.height, cam.x, cam.z);
Example #2
void Game::check_turn_key(){
    if (early_turn_2_death || good_turn) {
    GLfloat to_centrum = maze->length - fabs(x_pos) - (width_)/2.0 - next_start_pos;

    if (glutKeyIsDown('c') && wait_key < 1) {
        turn = true;
        pol_dir = -1.0;
        last_turn = 'r';
    if (glutKeyIsDown('z') && wait_key < 1) {
        turn = true;
        pol_dir = 1.0;
        last_turn = 'l';
    if (turn) {
        if (to_centrum < width_/2 + 5) {
            if (to_centrum >= 0){
            //std::cout << "Wait to turn = " << to_centrum  << std::endl;
               wait_turn_pos = true;
                //strafe_back(strafe_max/(turn_steps-1)); //<-- hur många delar rotare
                good_turn = true;
            else if(to_centrum < 0){
                late_turn_2_death = true;
            early_turn_2_death = true;
        if (!wait_turn_pos) {
            turn_angle = M_PI_2/turn_steps;
            ball_speed = 0;
            global_dir = ((global_dir+1*(int)pol_dir)%4+4)%4;
            world_angle += -turn_angle*pol_dir;
            wait_key = turn_steps-1;

Example #3
// camera movement. Other keyboard input is handled by keyboardControl
void moveTimer(int i)
    glutTimerFunc(20, &moveTimer, i);

    vec3 camRight = Normalize(CrossProduct(camDir, camUp));
    vec3 moveDir = {0,0,0};
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_W)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_A)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, camRight);
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_S)) {
        moveDir = VectorSub(moveDir, Normalize(camDir));
    if (glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_D)) {
        moveDir = VectorAdd(moveDir, camRight);

    if (Norm(moveDir) > 0.0) {
        cam = VectorAdd(cam, ScalarMult(Normalize(moveDir), CAM_MOVE_SPEED));
Example #4
void display(void)
	if (glutKeyIsDown('a')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('d')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('w')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('s')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('l')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('j')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('i')) { 
	if (glutKeyIsDown('k')) { 

 	a += 0.1;
	mat4 rot, trans, trans2, transCam, transCam2, rot2, rotTot, totCam, total, bladeRotMat, windMillPos;

	//clear the screen

	rot = Ry(ry/10);
	transCam = T(0, 0, 16);
	transCam2 = T(0,0,-16);
	totCam = Mult(rot, transCam); 
	totCam = Mult(transCam2, totCam); 

	vec3 p = SetVector(x, y+8, 10);
	vec4 s = vec3tovec4(p);
	vec4 d = MultVec4(totCam, s);
	vec3 q = vec4tovec3(d);
	vec3 l = SetVector(0,8,-16);
	vec3 v = SetVector(0,1,0);
	camera = lookAtv(q,l,v);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "camMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, camera.m);

	// walls
rot = Ry(0);
	windMillPos = T(0,0,-16);
	total = Mult(windMillPos, rot);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(walls, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");

	// Blade rotation matrix
	trans = T(0, -9, 16);
	trans2 = T(0, 9, -16);
	rot = Rz(a/6);
	bladeRotMat = Mult(rot, trans);
	bladeRotMat = Mult(trans2, bladeRotMat);

	// Bladener
	rot = Ry(1.57);
	trans = T(0, 9, -11);
	total = Mult(trans, rot);
	total = Mult(bladeRotMat, total);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(blade, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");
	// Bladupp
	rot = Ry(1.57);
	rot2 = Rz(3.14);
	rotTot = Mult(rot2, rot);
	trans = T(0, 9, -11);
	total = Mult(trans, rotTot);
	total = Mult(bladeRotMat, total);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(blade, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");
	// BladeV
	rot = Ry(1.57);
	rot2 = Rz(1.57);
	rotTot = Mult(rot2, rot);
	trans = T(0, 9, -11);
	total = Mult(trans, rotTot);
	total = Mult(bladeRotMat, total);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(blade, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");
	// BladeH
	rot = Ry(1.57);
	rot2 = Rz(-1.57);
	rotTot = Mult(rot2, rot);
	trans = T(0, 9, -11);
	total = Mult(trans, rotTot);
	total = Mult(bladeRotMat, total);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(blade, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");

	//roof model
	rot  = Ry(0/6);
	trans = T(0,0,-16);
	total = Mult(trans, rot);

	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
	DrawModel(roof, program,"in_Position" , "in_Normal", "inTexCoord");

Example #5
void KeyEvent(){
    if(glutKeyIsDown('i')) {
        pitch = pitch + speed*0.1;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('k')) {
        pitch = pitch - speed*0.1;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('j')) {
        yaw = yaw - speed*0.1;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('l')) {
        yaw = yaw + speed*0.1;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
    if(glutKeyIsDown('w')) {
        float tlx = cos(yaw)*cos(pitch);
        float tly = sin(pitch);
        float tlz = sin(yaw)*cos(pitch);
        tx = tx + speed*lx;
        ty = ty + speed*ly;
        tz = tz + speed*lz;
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + tlx ,ty + tly , tlz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('s')) {
        float tlx = cos(yaw)*cos(pitch);
        float tly = sin(pitch);
        float tlz = sin(yaw)*cos(pitch);
        tx = tx + -speed*lx;
        ty = ty + -speed*ly;
        tz = tz + -speed*lz;
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + tlx ,ty + tly , tlz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('a')) {
        tx = tx + speed*strafex;
        tz = tz + speed*strafez;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('d')) {
        tx = tx + -speed*strafex;
        tz = tz + -speed*strafez;
        lx = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        ly = sin(pitch);
        lz = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
        strafex = cos(yaw - M_PI_2);
        strafez = sin(yaw - M_PI_2);
        camera = lookAt(tx,ty,tz, tx + lx ,ty + ly , lz + tz , 0,1,0);
Example #6
void display(void)
	ballXPos = ballXPos + 0.03;
	ballZPos = ballZPos + 0.03;
	int d = floor(ballXPos * 5.0);
	int e = floor(ballZPos * 5.0);

	dx = ballXPos * 5.0 - d;
	dz = ballZPos * 5.0 - e; 
		dyx = tm->vertexArray[(d+1 + e * texWidth)*3+1] - tm->vertexArray[(d + e * texWidth)*3+1];	
		dyz = tm->vertexArray[(d + (e+1) * texWidth)*3+1] - tm->vertexArray[(d + e * texWidth)*3+1];
		ballYPos = dyx*dx+dyz*dz + tm->vertexArray[(d + e * texWidth)*3+1];
		dyx = tm->vertexArray[(d+1 + e * texWidth)*3+1] - tm->vertexArray[((d+1) + (e+1) * texWidth)*3+1];	
		dyz = tm->vertexArray[(d + (e+1) * texWidth)*3+1] - tm->vertexArray[((d+1) + (e+1) * texWidth)*3+1];
		dx = (ceil(ballXPos * 5.0)-ballXPos * 5.0);
		dz = (ceil(ballZPos * 5.0)-ballZPos * 5.0);
		ballYPos = dyx*dx+dyz*dz + tm->vertexArray[((d+1) + (e+1) * texWidth)*3+1];


	vec3 lookingDir = Normalize(VectorSub(l, p));
	vec3 walkSideways = Normalize(CrossProduct(lookingDir, v));
	if (glutKeyIsDown('a')) { 
	 p = VectorSub(p, walkSideways);
	 l = VectorSub(l, walkSideways);
	if (glutKeyIsDown('d')) { 
	  p = VectorAdd(p, walkSideways);
	 l = VectorAdd(l, walkSideways);

	if (glutKeyIsDown('w')) { 	
		p = VectorAdd(p, lookingDir);
		l = VectorAdd(l, lookingDir);
	if (glutKeyIsDown('s')) { 
		p = VectorSub(p, lookingDir);
		l = VectorSub(l, lookingDir);
	if (glutKeyIsDown('l')) { 
		trans = T(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
		trans2 = T(p.x, p.y, p.z);
		rot = Ry(-0.05);
		l = MultVec3(trans2, MultVec3(rot, MultVec3(trans, l)));
	if (glutKeyIsDown('j')) { 
		trans = T(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
		trans2 = T(p.x, p.y, p.z);
		rot = Ry(0.05);
		l = MultVec3(trans2, MultVec3(rot, MultVec3(trans, l)));
	if (glutKeyIsDown('i')) { 
	 trans = T(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
		trans2 = T(p.x, p.y, p.z);
		rotateUpDown = ArbRotate(walkSideways, 0.05);
		l = MultVec3(trans2, MultVec3(rotateUpDown, MultVec3(trans, l)));
	if (glutKeyIsDown('k')) { 
	 trans = T(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);
		trans2 = T(p.x, p.y, p.z);
		rotateUpDown = ArbRotate(walkSideways, -0.05);
		l = MultVec3(trans2, MultVec3(rotateUpDown, MultVec3(trans, l)));

	// clear the screen
	printError("pre display");

	// Build matrix
	camMatrix = lookAtv(p,l,v);
	modelView = IdentityMatrix();
	total = Mult(camMatrix, modelView);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, modelView.m);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "cameraMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, camMatrix.m);
	DrawModel(tm, program, "inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

	//Draw sphere
	modelToWorld = T(ballXPos, ballYPos, ballZPos);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, modelToWorld.m);
	DrawModel(sphere, program, "inPosition", "inNormal", NULL);

	printError("display 2");
Example #7
void display(void)

  // Clear the screen____________________________________

if((cam.x < goalx + 2 && cam.x > goalx - 2) && (cam.z < goalz + 2 && cam.z > goalz - 2))
	third_person = true;


  // Variables
  mat4 total, modelView, camMatrix;
  GLfloat t =(GLfloat)glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)/1000; //Scale with constant to make animation slower.

  //Read input_____________________________________________
  if (third_person)

	goal_found = true;

      if (glutKeyIsDown('t'))
	  third_person = false;  
  vec3 pos =  {200, 200, 150};// SetVector(keyx,keyy,keyz);
      //Mouse control_____________________________________________
      //fmin and fmax doesn't really make sense but looks good. 
      GLfloat mousexlocal = 0;
      GLfloat mouseylocal = 0;

      if (mousex < 350 ||  mousex > 250)
	  mousexlocal = 300-mousex;
	  mousexlocal = 0;

      deltaphi = deltaphi + deltaphi*-mousexlocal;
      deltaphi = fmin(0.0001,deltaphi);
      deltaphi = fmax(deltaphi,2 * PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3(Ry(deltaphi*-mousexlocal), forward);

      vec3 crossvec = CrossProduct(forward,up);

      if (mousey < 350 || mousey > 250)
	  mouseylocal = 300-mousey;
	  mouseylocal = 0;

      deltatheta = deltatheta + deltatheta* -mouseylocal;
      deltatheta = fmin(0.0001,deltatheta);
      deltatheta = fmax(deltatheta,2*PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3( ArbRotate(crossvec,deltatheta*-mouseylocal), forward);

      //Create camera matrix_____________________________________________
      camMatrix = lookAtv(pos,VectorAdd(forward,pos),up);

// FIRST PERSON VIEW --------------------------------------------------------
      vec3 moveVec;
      if (glutKeyIsDown('w')) // forwards, obviously
	  vec3 oldcam = cam; //Save old position to check if its legal.
	  moveVec = ScalarMult(VectorSub(cam, SetVector(lookAtPoint.x, cam.y, lookAtPoint.z)), 0.1); // VectorSub makes a vector in the direction we're looking.
	  cam = VectorSub(cam, moveVec); // The new camera position is the old camera position + the move vector
	  cam.y = getHeight(&ttex,cam.x, cam.z)+2; // Get the correct height from the new position  
	  GLfloat maze_height = getHeight(&ttexm, cam.x, cam.z); // Get the height of the maze at the new (possible) camera position
	  GLfloat ground_height = getHeight(&ttex, cam.x, cam.z); // Get the height of the ground at the new (possible) camera position

	  //Check if the new position is legal
	    if ((ground_height - maze_height) < ground_height) // If 0, shouldn't move ever: OK!
						   // When does it start to move??
		cam = oldcam;
       else if (glutKeyIsDown('t'))
	   third_person = true;

       GLfloat mousexlocal = 0;
      GLfloat mouseylocal = 0;

      if (mousex < 350 ||  mousex > 250)
	  mousexlocal = 300-mousex;
	  mousexlocal = 0;

      deltaphi = deltaphi + deltaphi*-mousexlocal;
      deltaphi = fmin(0.0001,deltaphi);
      deltaphi = fmax(deltaphi,2 * PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3(Ry(deltaphi*-mousexlocal), forward);

      vec3 crossvec = CrossProduct(forward,up);

      if (mousey < 350 || mousey > 250)
	  mouseylocal = 300-mousey;
	  mouseylocal = 0;

      deltatheta = deltatheta + deltatheta* -mouseylocal;
      deltatheta = fmin(0.0001,deltatheta);
      deltatheta = fmax(deltatheta,2*PI - 0.0001);
      forward = MultVec3( ArbRotate(crossvec,deltatheta*-mouseylocal), forward);
      lookAtPoint = VectorAdd(forward,cam);
      //Create camera matrix_____________________________________________
      camMatrix = lookAtv(cam,lookAtPoint,up);


  // --------------------------------------------------------//
  // --------------------------------------------------------//


	//glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);
	trans = T(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

       	rot = Rx(0);
	total = Mult(trans, rot);
       	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);

	lookSky = camMatrix;

	lookSky.m[3] = 0;
	lookSky.m[7] = 0;
	lookSky.m[11] = 0;

	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "lookMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, lookSky.m);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "projectionMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, projectionMatrix.m);

	glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(programSky, "texUnit2"), 2); // Texture unit 2
	DrawModel(skybox, programSky, "in_Position", NULL, "inTexCoord");



  modelView = IdentityMatrix();
  total = Mult(camMatrix, modelView);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(tm, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 0, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex1);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(mm, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  GLfloat y = getHeight(&ttexm, 200, 147);
  mat4 trans = T(goalx, 2, goalz);
  mat4 scale = S(1, 1, 1);
 total = Mult(total, trans);
 total = Mult(total, scale);

 if (goal_found)
	char* string = "GOOD JOB!! You won :D";
	sfDrawString(100, 100, string);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex3);		// Bind Our Texture tex1

  DrawModel(goal, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");


  printError("display 2");
  printf("x %f\n", cam.x);
  printf("y %f\n", cam.y);
  printf("z %f\n", cam.z);
  /* if ( (cam.x < 95) && (cam.x > 85) && */
  /*      (cam.z < 85) && (cam.z > 75)) */

Example #8
void Game::world_dir(){
    if (early_turn_2_death) {
    if (jump || duck || duck_camera) {
        if (!turn) {
    if (turn) {

    if (glutKeyIsDown(' ')) {
        jump = true;
        jump_count = 0;
    if (glutKeyIsDown('x')) {
        duck = true;
        duck_camera = true;
        duck_count = 0;
    if (good_turn) {
    if (turn) {
    if(glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_LEFT)) {
        if (strafe > -strafe_max) {
            strafe -= 0.1;
        strafe = -strafe_max;
    else if(glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_RIGHT)) {
        if (strafe < strafe_max) {
            strafe += 0.1;
        strafe = strafe_max;
    player_->strafe = strafe;
    if(glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_UP)) {
        if (ball_speed_global < 0.72) {
            ball_speed_global +=0.01;
            ball_speed = ball_speed_global;
    else if(glutKeyIsDown(GLUT_KEY_DOWN)) {
        if (ball_speed_global > 0.00) {
            ball_speed_global -= 0.01;
            ball_speed = ball_speed_global;
    else if(glutKeyIsDown('p')) {
            ball_speed_global = 0.0;
            ball_speed = 0;
Example #9
void display(void)
  //Read input_____________________________________________
   GLfloat t =(GLfloat)glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME)/1000; //Scale with constant to make animation slower.

if (glutKeyIsDown('w'))
      keyz = keyz +1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('s'))
      keyz = keyz -1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('a'))
      keyx = keyx +1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('d'))
      keyx = keyx -1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('e'))
      keyy = keyy +1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('q'))
      keyy = keyy -1;
  else if (glutKeyIsDown('r'))
  // Clear the screen____________________________________
  mat4 total, modelView, camMatrix;
  printError("pre display");

  vec3 pos = SetVector(keyx,keyy,keyz);
  vec3 up = SetVector(0,1,0);

  //Mouse control_____________________________________________
  //fmin and fmax doesn't really make sense but looks good. 
  GLfloat mousexlocal = 0;
  GLfloat mouseylocal = 0;

  if (mousex < 350 ||  mousex > 250)
      mousexlocal = 300-mousex;
      mousexlocal = 0;

  deltaphi = deltaphi + deltaphi*-mousexlocal;
  deltaphi = fmin(0.0001,deltaphi);
  deltaphi = fmax(deltaphi,2 * PI - 0.0001);
  forward = MultVec3(Ry(deltaphi*-mousexlocal), forward);

  vec3 crossvec = CrossProduct(forward,up);

  if (mousey < 350 || mousey > 250)
      mouseylocal = 300-mousey;
      mouseylocal = 0;

  deltatheta = deltatheta + deltatheta* -mouseylocal;
  deltatheta = fmin(0.0001,deltatheta);
  deltatheta = fmax(deltatheta,2*PI - 0.0001);
  forward = MultVec3( ArbRotate(crossvec,deltatheta*-mouseylocal), forward);

  //Create camera matrix_____________________________________________

  GLfloat x = cos(t)*5 + 35;//Mult(Ry(2*5),x);
  GLfloat z = sin(t)*5 + 75;//Mult(Ry
  //GLfloat z = 65;
  GLfloat y = getHeight(&ttex,x,z) + 0.8;
  //  pos.y = pos.yy;

  camMatrix = lookAtv(pos,VectorAdd(forward,pos),up);

  modelView = IdentityMatrix();
  total = Mult(camMatrix, modelView);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex1);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(tm, program,"inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  //total = Mult(Ry(2*t),T(10,0,0));
  total = T(x,y,z);
  total = Mult(camMatrix,total);

  glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetUniformLocation(program, "mdlMatrix"), 1, GL_TRUE, total.m);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex2);		// Bind Our Texture tex1
  DrawModel(bunny, program, "inPosition", "inNormal", "inTexCoord");

  printError("display 2");