int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DIR *d; FILE *fpub, *fciph, *fplain, *fprod, *fkey; paillier_pubkey_t *pub; paillier_plaintext_t *plain, *plain_sum, *plain_temp; paillier_prvkey_t *priv; paillier_get_rand_t get_rand; paillier_ciphertext_t *cipher, *cipher_prod, *cipher_total; int count = 0, count1=0, val = 163000, no_of_copies = 10; long int key_int, key_int1, key_rnd; struct dirent *dir; char* len; mpz_t rndKey, randNum, rnd,rnd_sum, rndno, sum, pl_sum; /* Hold our random numbers */ mpz_t rndBnd; /* Bound for mpz_urandomm */ mpz_t key, key1; //key for PRF mpz_t plain_total, plain_nomod; gmp_randstate_t gmpRandState, gmpRandState1, gmpRandState2; /* Random generator state object */ mpz_init(sum); mpz_init(pl_sum); mpz_init(rnd); mpz_init(rndno); mpz_init(rndBnd); mpz_init(randNum); mpz_init(key); mpz_init(key1); mpz_init(rnd_sum); mpz_init(plain_total); mpz_init(rnd); mpz_init(rndKey); mpz_init(plain_nomod); mpz_set_ui(plain_total, 0); plain = (paillier_plaintext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_plaintext_t)); plain_sum = (paillier_plaintext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_plaintext_t)); plain_temp = (paillier_plaintext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_plaintext_t)); cipher_prod = (paillier_ciphertext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_ciphertext_t)); cipher_total = (paillier_ciphertext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_ciphertext_t)); cipher = (paillier_ciphertext_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_ciphertext_t)); len = (char *)malloc(2048*sizeof(char)); //mpz_init(cipher_prod->c); mpz_init(cipher_total->c); mpz_set_ui(rnd_sum, 0); mpz_init_set_str(cipher_prod->c, "1", 10); mpz_init_set_str(cipher_total->c, "1", 10); mpz_init_set_str(plain_sum->m, "0", 10); // printf("\nloading pailler keys"); if((fpub = fopen("pub.txt", "r"))) { pub = (paillier_pubkey_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_pubkey_t)); priv = (paillier_prvkey_t*) malloc(sizeof(paillier_prvkey_t)); mpz_init(pub->n_squared); mpz_init(pub->n); fgets(len, 1000, fpub); mpz_init_set_str(pub->p, len, 10); fgets(len, 1000, fpub); mpz_init_set_str(pub->q, len, 10); fgets(len, 1000, fpub); mpz_init_set_str(pub->n_plusone, len, 10); //printf("value of nplusone : \n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, pub->n_plusone); paillier_keygen(&pub, &priv, get_rand, 0); pub->bits = mpz_sizeinbase(pub->n, 2); fclose(fpub); } gmp_randinit_default(gmpRandState); mpz_set_str(rndBnd, "163000", 10); mpz_set_ui(rndKey, time(NULL)); gmp_randseed(gmpRandState, rndKey); fkey = fopen("prf_key.txt", "w"); mpz_urandomm(rndno, gmpRandState, pub->n); mpz_set(key, rndno); element_fprintf(fkey, "%Zd\n", key); mpz_urandomm(rndno, gmpRandState, pub->n); mpz_set(key1, rndno); element_fprintf(fkey, "%Zd", key1); fclose(fkey); gmp_randseed(gmpRandState, key); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, rnd); //****Opening files to read files and encrypt***** int i, j; mpz_t rand_val[val], rand_init[no_of_copies], mpz_result[no_of_copies]; char fileName[1000], file[1000]; //strcpy(fileName, "./cipher/copy3/output"); mpz_set_str(sum, "0", 10); mpz_set_str(pl_sum, "0", 10); for(j =0; j < no_of_copies; j++) { mpz_init(rand_init[j]); mpz_urandomm(rand_init[j], gmpRandState, pub->n); mpz_add(sum, sum, rand_init[j]); // mpz_mod(sum, sum, pub->n); //printf("\n 1st rand \n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, rand_init[j]); } // printf("\nsum\n"); // mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, sum); mpz_set_str(pl_sum, "0", 10); gmp_randseed(gmpRandState, key1); for(j =0; j < no_of_copies; j++) { mpz_set_ui(cipher_prod->c, 1); for(i = 0; i < val; i++) { sprintf(fileName, "./cipher/copy%d/output", (j+1)); if(j == 0) { do mpz_urandomm(randNum, gmpRandState, rndBnd); while(mpz_cmp_ui(randNum,0) ==0); mpz_init(rand_val[i]); mpz_set(rand_val[i], randNum); //printf("\n2ndrand\n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, randNum); // printf("random\n"); // mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, rand_val[i]); } else { mpz_set(randNum, rand_val[i]); } // sprintf(num, "output%d.txt", (j+1)); mpz_get_str(file, 10, randNum); strcat(fileName, file); strcat(fileName,".txt"); count = 0; // printf("\n%s", fileName); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, randNum); if(!(fciph = fopen(fileName, "r"))) { printf("\n not able to read %s", fileName); // fputs("not possible to read file!\n", stderr); } else { fgets(len, 1000, fciph); mpz_init_set_str(cipher->c, len, 10); //if(strstr(dir->d_name, "output") != NULL) //{ // printf("\ncipher\n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, cipher->c); paillier_mul(pub, cipher_prod, cipher_prod, cipher); // printf("\ncipher after product\n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, cipher_prod->c); //} fclose(fciph); } if(j == 0) { strcpy(fileName, "./split/output"); strcat(fileName, file); strcat(fileName,".txt"); if(!(fplain = fopen(fileName, "r"))) { printf("\n not read %s", fileName); count1++; } else { fgets(len, 1000, fplain); // printf("\npleain sum\n"); // mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, plain_sum->m); mpz_init_set_str(plain->m, len, 10); // if(strstr(dir->d_name, "output") != NULL) //{ mpz_add(plain_sum->m, plain_sum->m, plain->m); //mpz_mod(pla in_sum->m, plain_sum->m, pub->n); //} fclose(fplain); } } } mpz_powm(cipher_prod->c, cipher_prod->c, rand_init[j], pub->n_squared); paillier_mul(pub, cipher_total, cipher_total, cipher_prod); mpz_mul(plain_temp->m, plain_sum->m, rand_init[j]); mpz_add(plain_total, plain_total, plain_temp->m); mpz_mod(plain_total, plain_total, pub->n); } plain = paillier_dec(plain, pub, priv, cipher_total); printf("\n decrypt \n"); mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, plain->m); // printf("\n plain total \n"); //mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, plain_total); printf("\n plain text total\n"); mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, plain_sum->m); mpz_mul(pl_sum, plain_sum->m, sum); mpz_mul(pl_sum, pl_sum, pub->n); mpz_mul(pl_sum, pl_sum, priv->lambda); // mpz_mod(pl_sum, pl_sum, pub->n); printf("\n plain text * rnd\n"); mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, pl_sum); if((fprod = fopen("result/cipher_result.txt", "w"))) { printf("\nWriting the result to file \n"); gmp_fprintf(fprod, "%Zd\n", cipher_total->c); fclose(fprod); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; u8 ecount_buf[0x10], iv[0x10]; size_t countp; int num; Self_Segment* segment_ptr; memset(zero_padding, 0, sizeof(zero_padding)); #ifdef NPDRM if(argc < 4) { printf("usage: %s input.elf output.self <content_id>\n", argv[0]); printf(" warning NPDRM cares about the output file name, do not rename\n"); return 1; } #else if(argc < 3) { printf("usage: %s input.elf output.self\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #endif // init randomness gmp_randinit_default(r_state); gmp_randseed_ui(r_state, time(NULL)); // read elf file read_elf_file(argv[1]); input_elf_header = (Elf64_Ehdr*)input_elf_data; printf("ELF header size @ %x\n", get_u16(&(input_elf_header->e_ehsize)) ); printf("%d program headers @ %llx\n", get_u16(&(input_elf_header->e_phnum)), get_u64(&(input_elf_header->e_phoff))); printf("%d section headers @ %llx\n", get_u16(&(input_elf_header->e_shnum)), get_u64(&(input_elf_header->e_shoff))); // loop through the segments enumerate_segments(); printf("segments enumerated\n"); // setup self headers Self_Shdr output_self_header; memset(&output_self_header, 0, sizeof(output_self_header)); Self_Ehdr output_extended_self_header; memset(&output_extended_self_header, 0, sizeof(output_extended_self_header)); Self_Ihdr output_self_info_header; memset(&output_self_info_header, 0, sizeof(output_self_info_header)); init_Self_Shdr(&output_self_header); init_Self_Ehdr(&output_extended_self_header); init_Self_Ihdr(&output_self_info_header); set_u64(&output_self_header.s_exsize, input_elf_len); // setup segment header segment_certification_header segment_header; memset(&segment_header, 0, sizeof(segment_header)); set_u32(&(segment_header.version), 1); // NPDRM #ifdef NPDRM Self_NPDRM npdrm; memset(&npdrm, 0, sizeof(npdrm)); init_Self_NPDRM(&npdrm, argv[3], argv[2]); #endif // useless bullshit Self_SDKversion sdkversion; Self_Cflags cflags; memcpy(&sdkversion, sdkversion_static, sizeof(Self_SDKversion)); memcpy(&cflags, cflags_static, sizeof(Self_Cflags)); // generate metadata encryption keys metadata_crypt_header md_header; memset(&md_header, 0, sizeof(md_header)); memcpy(&md_header, KEY(keypair_d), sizeof(md_header)); // can't generate random without symmetric keys /*mpz_t bigriv, bigerk; mpz_init(bigriv); mpz_init(bigerk); mpz_urandomb(bigerk, r_state, 128); mpz_urandomb(bigriv, r_state, 128); mpz_export(md_header.erk, &countp, 1, 0x10, 1, 0, bigerk); mpz_export(md_header.riv, &countp, 1, 0x10, 1, 0, bigriv);*/ // init signing shit mpz_t n,k,da,kinv,r,cs,z; mpz_init(n); mpz_init(k); mpz_init(da); mpz_init(r); mpz_init(cs); mpz_init(z); mpz_init(kinv); mpz_import(r, 0x14, 1, 1, 0, 0, KEY(R)); mpz_import(n, 0x14, 1, 1, 0, 0, KEY(n)); mpz_import(k, 0x14, 1, 1, 0, 0, KEY(K)); mpz_import(da, 0x14, 1, 1, 0, 0, KEY(Da)); mpz_invert(kinv, k, n); segment_certification_sign all_signed; memset(&all_signed, 0, sizeof(all_signed)); mpz_export(all_signed.R, &countp, 1, 0x14, 1, 0, r); // **** everything here is still length independent *** build_segment_crypt_data(); set_u32(&(segment_header.crypt_len), (segment_crypt_data_len)/0x10); set_u32(&(segment_header.unknown2), 0x30); // needed?? printf("built crypt data\n"); // start building metadata in theory, ordering is fixed now memset(&start_file, 0, sizeof(file_ll)); running_size = 0; // 0x000 -- Self_Shdr add_file_section(&output_self_header, sizeof(output_self_header)); // 0x020 -- Self_Ehdr add_file_section(&output_extended_self_header, sizeof(output_extended_self_header)); // 0x070 -- Self_Ihdr set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_ihoff), running_size); add_file_section(&output_self_info_header, sizeof(output_self_info_header)); // 0x090 -- elf data set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_ehoff), running_size); set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_phoff), running_size+get_u64(&(input_elf_header->e_phoff))); add_file_section(input_elf_data, get_u64(&(input_elf_header->e_phoff)) + get_u16(&(input_elf_header->e_phnum)) * sizeof(Elf64_Phdr)); add_file_section(zero_padding, (0x10-(running_size&0xF))&0xF); // 0x*** -- all Self_PMhdr(including not in crypt) set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_pmoff), running_size); segment_ptr = &first_segment; while(segment_ptr != NULL) { add_file_section(&(segment_ptr->pmhdr), sizeof(segment_ptr->pmhdr)); segment_ptr = segment_ptr->next_segment; } // 0x*** -- Self_SDKversion set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_svoff), running_size); add_file_section(&sdkversion, sizeof(sdkversion)); // 0x*** -- Self_Cflags set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_cfoff), running_size); add_file_section(&cflags, sizeof(cflags)); #ifdef NPDRM // 0x*** -- npdrm data add_file_section(&npdrm, sizeof(npdrm)); #endif // 0x*** -- metadata_crypt_header set_u32(&(output_self_header.s_esize), running_size - sizeof(output_self_header)); add_file_section(&md_header, sizeof(md_header)); // 0x*** -- segment_certification_header add_file_section(&segment_header, sizeof(segment_header)); // 0x*** -- all segment_certification_segment incrypt int incrypt_count = 0; segment_ptr = &first_segment; while(segment_ptr != NULL) { if(segment_ptr->incrypt) { add_file_section(&(segment_ptr->enc_segment), sizeof(segment_ptr->enc_segment)); incrypt_count++; } segment_ptr = segment_ptr->next_segment; } set_u32(&(segment_header.segment_count), incrypt_count); // 0x*** -- segment_crypt_data add_file_section(segment_crypt_data, segment_crypt_data_len); // 0x*** -- nubpadding_static add_file_section(nubpadding_static, sizeof(nubpadding_static)); // 0x*** -- segment_certification_sign set_u64(&(segment_header.signature_offset), running_size); add_file_section(&all_signed, sizeof(all_signed)); // 0x*** -- data must be 0x80 aligned if((running_size%0x80) != 0) { add_file_section(zero_padding, 0x80-(running_size%0x80)); } // 0x*** -- data set_u64(&(output_self_header.s_shsize), running_size); // segment_ptr = &first_segment; while(segment_ptr != NULL) { set_u64(&(segment_ptr->enc_segment.segment_offset), running_size); set_u64(&(segment_ptr->pmhdr.pm_offset), running_size); add_file_section(segment_ptr->data, segment_ptr->len); add_file_section(zero_padding, segment_ptr->padding); segment_ptr = segment_ptr->next_segment; } // 0x*** -- section table #ifndef SPRX set_u64(&(output_extended_self_header.e_shoff), running_size); add_file_section(input_elf_data+get_u64(&(input_elf_header->e_shoff)), get_u16(&(input_elf_header->e_shnum)) * sizeof(Elf64_Shdr)); #endif // ***DONE*** printf("file built\n"); // write self file in memory <-- useful comment write_self_file_in_memory(); printf("self written in memory\n"); // sign shit u8 digest[0x14]; SHA1(output_self_data, get_u64(&(segment_header.signature_offset)), digest); mpz_import(z, 0x14, 1, 1, 0, 0, digest); mpz_mul(cs, r, da); mpz_mod(cs, cs, n); mpz_add(cs, cs, z); mpz_mod(cs, cs, n); mpz_mul(cs, cs, kinv); mpz_mod(cs, cs, n); //mpz_export(all_signed.S, &countp, 1, 0x14, 1, 0, cs); mpz_export(&output_self_data[get_u64(&output_self_data[get_u32(output_self_data+0xC)+0x60])+0x16], &countp, 1, 0x14, 1, 0, cs); // encrypt metadata int metadata_offset = get_u32(&(output_self_header.s_esize)) + sizeof(Self_Shdr); #ifndef NO_CRYPT memset(ecount_buf, 0, 16); num=0; AES_set_encrypt_key(&output_self_data[metadata_offset], 128, &aes_key); memcpy(iv, &output_self_data[metadata_offset+0x20], 16); AES_ctr128_encrypt(&output_self_data[0x40+metadata_offset], &output_self_data[0x40+metadata_offset], get_u64(&(output_self_header.s_shsize))-metadata_offset-0x40, &aes_key, iv, ecount_buf, &num); memcpy(&output_self_data[metadata_offset], KEY(keypair_e), sizeof(md_header)); /*AES_set_encrypt_key(KEY(erk), 256, &aes_key); AES_cbc_encrypt(&output_self_data[metadata_offset], &output_self_data[metadata_offset], 0x40, &aes_key, iv, AES_ENCRYPT);*/ #else printf("NO_CRYPT is enabled...self is broken\n"); #endif // write the output self FILE *output_self_file = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); fwrite(output_self_data, 1, running_size, output_self_file); fclose(output_self_file); return 0; }
void check_rand (void) { gmp_randstate_t rands; int rep, i; unsigned long mant_bits; long exp, exp_min, exp_max; double got, want, d; mp_size_t nalloc, nsize, sign; mp_limb_t nhigh_mask; mp_ptr np; gmp_randinit_default(rands); mant_bits = tests_dbl_mant_bits (); if (mant_bits == 0) return; /* Allow for vax D format with exponent 127 to -128 only. FIXME: Do something to probe for a valid exponent range. */ exp_min = -100 - mant_bits; exp_max = 100 - mant_bits; /* space for mant_bits */ nalloc = BITS_TO_LIMBS (mant_bits); np = refmpn_malloc_limbs (nalloc); nhigh_mask = MP_LIMB_T_MAX >> (GMP_NAIL_BITS + nalloc * GMP_NUMB_BITS - mant_bits); for (rep = 0; rep < 200; rep++) { /* random exp_min to exp_max, inclusive */ exp = exp_min + (long) gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, exp_max - exp_min + 1); /* mant_bits worth of random at np */ if (rep & 1) mpn_randomb (np, rands, nalloc); else mpn_rrandom (np, rands,nalloc); nsize = nalloc; np[nsize-1] &= nhigh_mask; MPN_NORMALIZE (np, nsize); if (nsize == 0) continue; sign = (mp_size_t) gmp_urandomb_ui (rands, 1L) - 1; /* want = {np,nsize}, converting one bit at a time */ want = 0.0; for (i = 0, d = 1.0; i < mant_bits; i++, d *= 2.0) if (np[i/GMP_NUMB_BITS] & (CNST_LIMB(1) << (i%GMP_NUMB_BITS))) want += d; if (sign < 0) want = -want; /* want = want * 2^exp */ for (i = 0; i < exp; i++) want *= 2.0; for (i = 0; i > exp; i--) want *= 0.5; got = mpn_get_d (np, nsize, sign, exp); if (got != want) { printf ("mpn_get_d wrong on random data\n"); printf (" sign %ld\n", (long) sign); mpn_trace (" n ", np, nsize); printf (" nsize %ld\n", (long) nsize); printf (" exp %ld\n", exp); d_trace (" want ", want); d_trace (" got ", got); abort(); } } free (np); gmp_randclear(rands); }
int main(void) { mp_bitcnt_t depth, w; gmp_randstate_t state; tests_start(); fflush(stdout); gmp_randinit_default(state); for (depth = 6; depth <= 12; depth++) { for (w = 1; w <= 5; w++) { mp_size_t n = (((mp_limb_t)1)<<depth); mp_limb_t trunc; mp_size_t limbs = (n*w)/GMP_LIMB_BITS; mp_size_t size = limbs + 1; mp_size_t i; mp_limb_t * ptr; mp_limb_t ** ii, ** jj, * t1, * t2, * s1; mpn_rrandom(&trunc, state, 1); trunc = 2*n + trunc % (2 * n) + 1; trunc = 2*((trunc + 1)/2); ii = malloc((4*(n + n*size) + 3*size)*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); for (i = 0, ptr = (mp_limb_t *) ii + 4*n; i < 4*n; i++, ptr += size) { ii[i] = ptr; mpir_random_fermat(ii[i], state, limbs); } t1 = ptr; t2 = t1 + size; s1 = t2 + size; for (i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) mpn_normmod_2expp1(ii[i], limbs); jj = malloc(4*(n + n*size)*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); for (i = 0, ptr = (mp_limb_t *) jj + 4*n; i < 4*n; i++, ptr += size) { jj[i] = ptr; mpn_copyi(jj[i], ii[i], size); } mpir_fft_trunc_sqrt2(ii, n, w, &t1, &t2, &s1, trunc); mpir_ifft_trunc_sqrt2(ii, n, w, &t1, &t2, &s1, trunc); for (i = 0; i < trunc; i++) { mpn_div_2expmod_2expp1(ii[i], ii[i], limbs, depth + 2); mpn_normmod_2expp1(ii[i], limbs); } for (i = 0; i < trunc; i++) { if (mpn_cmp(ii[i], jj[i], size) != 0) { printf("FAIL:\n"); printf("n = %ld, trunc = %ld\n", n, trunc); printf("Error in entry %ld\n", i); abort(); } } free(ii); free(jj); } } gmp_randclear(state); tests_end(); return 0; }
/* Check divide and conquer division routine. */ void check_dc_divappr_q_n (void) { mp_limb_t tp[DC_DIVAPPR_Q_N_ITCH(MAX_LIMBS)]; mp_limb_t np[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t np2[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t rp[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t dp[MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t qp[MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t dip, d1ip; mp_size_t nn, rn, dn, qn; gmp_randstate_t rands; int i, j, s; gmp_randinit_default(rands); for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { dn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 6)) + 6; nn = 2*dn; mpn_rrandom (np, rands, nn); mpn_rrandom (dp, rands, dn); dp[dn-1] |= GMP_LIMB_HIGHBIT; MPN_COPY(np2, np, nn); mpir_invert_pi2(dip, d1ip, dp[dn - 1], dp[dn - 2]); qn = nn - dn + 1; qp[qn - 1] = mpn_dc_divappr_q_n(qp, np, dp, dn, dip, d1ip, tp); MPN_NORMALIZE(qp, qn); if (qn) { if (qn >= dn) mpn_mul(rp, qp, qn, dp, dn); else mpn_mul(rp, dp, dn, qp, qn); rn = dn + qn; MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn); s = (rn < nn) ? -1 : (rn > nn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, np2, nn); if (s <= 0) { mpn_sub(rp, np2, nn, rp, rn); rn = nn; MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn); } else { mpn_sub(rp, rp, rn, np2, nn); MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn); } } else { rn = nn; MPN_COPY(rp, np, nn); } s = (rn < dn) ? -1 : (rn > dn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, dp, dn); if (s >= 0) { printf ("failed:\n"); printf ("nn = %lu, dn = %lu, qn = %lu, rn = %lu\n\n", nn, dn, qn, rn); gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, nn); gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn); gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn); gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn); abort (); } } gmp_randclear(rands); }
/* Check divide and conquer division routine. */ void check_dc_div_qr (void) { mp_limb_t np[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t np2[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t rp[2*MAX_LIMBS+1]; mp_limb_t dp[MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t qp[2*MAX_LIMBS]; mp_limb_t dip, d1ip, cy; mp_size_t nn, rn, dn, qn; gmp_randstate_t rands; int i, j, s; gmp_randinit_default(rands); for (i = 0; i < ITERS; i++) { dn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 5)) + 6; nn = (random() % (MAX_LIMBS - 3)) + dn + 3; mpn_rrandom (np, rands, nn); mpn_rrandom (dp, rands, dn); dp[dn-1] |= GMP_LIMB_HIGHBIT; MPN_COPY(np2, np, nn); mpir_invert_pi2(dip, d1ip, dp[dn - 1], dp[dn - 2]); qn = nn - dn + 1; qp[qn - 1] = mpn_dc_div_qr(qp, np, nn, dp, dn, dip, d1ip); MPN_NORMALIZE(qp, qn); if (qn) { if (qn >= dn) mpn_mul(rp, qp, qn, dp, dn); else mpn_mul(rp, dp, dn, qp, qn); rn = dn + qn; MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn); if (rn > nn) { printf("failed: q*d has too many limbs\n"); abort(); } if (mpn_cmp(rp, np2, nn) > 0) { printf("failed: remainder negative\n"); abort(); } mpn_sub(rp, np2, nn, rp, rn); rn = nn; MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rn); } else { rn = nn; MPN_COPY(rp, np, nn); } s = (rn < dn) ? -1 : (rn > dn) ? 1 : mpn_cmp(rp, dp, dn); if (s >= 0) { printf ("failed:\n"); printf ("nn = %lu, dn = %lu, qn = %lu, rn = %lu\n\n", nn, dn, qn, rn); gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, nn); gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn); gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn); gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn); abort (); } if (mpn_cmp(rp, np, rn) != 0) { printf("failed: remainder does not match\n"); gmp_printf (" np: %Nx\n\n", np2, nn); gmp_printf (" dp: %Nx\n\n", dp, dn); gmp_printf (" qp: %Nx\n\n", qp, qn); gmp_printf (" rp: %Nx\n\n", rp, rn); gmp_printf (" rp2: %Nx\n\n", np, rn); } } gmp_randclear(rands); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { mpz_t dividend; mpz_t quotient, remainder; mpz_t quotient2, remainder2; mpz_t temp; mp_size_t dividend_size; mpir_ui divisor; int i; int reps = 10000; gmp_randstate_t rands; mpz_t bs; mpir_ui bsi, size_range; mpir_ui r_rq, r_q, r_r, r; tests_start (); gmp_randinit_default(rands); mpz_init (bs); if (argc == 2) reps = atoi (argv[1]); mpz_init (dividend); mpz_init (quotient); mpz_init (remainder); mpz_init (quotient2); mpz_init (remainder2); mpz_init (temp); for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32); size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 10 + 2; /* 0..2047 bit operands */ do { mpz_rrandomb (bs, rands, 64); divisor = mpz_get_ui (bs); } while (divisor == 0); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); dividend_size = mpz_get_ui (bs); mpz_rrandomb (dividend, rands, dividend_size); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2); bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs); if ((bsi & 1) != 0) mpz_neg (dividend, dividend); /* printf ("%ld\n", SIZ (dividend)); */ r_rq = mpz_cdiv_qr_ui (quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor); r_q = mpz_cdiv_q_ui (quotient2, dividend, divisor); r_r = mpz_cdiv_r_ui (remainder2, dividend, divisor); r = mpz_cdiv_ui (dividend, divisor); /* First determine that the quotients and remainders computed with different functions are equal. */ if (mpz_cmp (quotient, quotient2) != 0) dump_abort ("quotients from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui and mpz_cdiv_q_ui differ", dividend, divisor); if (mpz_cmp (remainder, remainder2) != 0) dump_abort ("remainders from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui and mpz_cdiv_r_ui differ", dividend, divisor); /* Check if the sign of the quotient is correct. */ if (mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) != 0) if ((mpz_cmp_ui (quotient, 0) < 0) != (mpz_cmp_ui (dividend, 0) < 0)) dump_abort ("quotient sign wrong", dividend, divisor); /* Check if the remainder has the opposite sign as the (positive) divisor (quotient rounded towards minus infinity). */ if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) != 0) if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, 0) > 0) dump_abort ("remainder sign wrong", dividend, divisor); mpz_mul_ui (temp, quotient, divisor); mpz_add (temp, temp, remainder); if (mpz_cmp (temp, dividend) != 0) dump_abort ("n mod d != n - [n/d]*d", dividend, divisor); mpz_abs (remainder, remainder); if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, divisor) >= 0) dump_abort ("remainder greater than divisor", dividend, divisor); if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_rq) != 0) dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_qr_ui is wrong", dividend, divisor); if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_q) != 0) dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_q_ui is wrong", dividend, divisor); if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r_r) != 0) dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_r_ui is wrong", dividend, divisor); if (mpz_cmp_ui (remainder, r) != 0) dump_abort ("remainder returned from mpz_cdiv_ui is wrong", dividend, divisor); } mpz_clear (bs); mpz_clear (dividend); mpz_clear (quotient); mpz_clear (remainder); mpz_clear (quotient2); mpz_clear (remainder2); mpz_clear (temp); gmp_randclear(rands); tests_end (); exit (0); }
int main (void) { gmp_randstate_t rands; int j, n; mp_limb_t cp1[1000], cp2[1000], mp[1000], tp1[1000], tp2[1000], inv; tests_start (); gmp_randinit_default (rands); for (n = 1; n < 100; n++) { for (j = 1; j < 100; j++) { mpn_randomb (mp, rands, n); mp[0] |= 1; modlimb_invert (inv, mp[0]); inv = -inv; mpn_randomb (tp1, rands, 2 * n); MPN_COPY (tp2, tp1, 2 * n); ref_redc_1 (cp1, tp1, mp, n, inv); mpn_redc_1 (cp2, tp2, mp, n, inv); if (mpn_cmp (cp1, cp2, n) != 0) { printf ("mpn_redc_1 error %d\n", n); abort (); } if (n != 1 && mpn_cmp (tp1, tp2, 2 * n) != 0) { printf ("mpn_redc_1 possible error\n"); abort (); } /* we dont require the above to be the same but it could be a useful test */ } } for (n = 1; n < 100; n++) { for (j = 1; j < 100; j++) { mpn_rrandom (mp, rands, n); mp[0] |= 1; modlimb_invert (inv, mp[0]); inv = -inv; mpn_rrandom (tp1, rands, 2 * n); MPN_COPY (tp2, tp1, 2 * n); ref_redc_1 (cp1, tp1, mp, n, inv); mpn_redc_1 (cp2, tp2, mp, n, inv); if (mpn_cmp (cp1, cp2, n) != 0) { printf ("mpn_redc_1 error %d\n", n); abort (); } if (n != 1 && mpn_cmp (tp1, tp2, 2 * n) != 0) { printf ("mpn_redc_1 possible error\n"); abort (); } /* we dont require the above to be the same but it could be a useful test */ } } gmp_randclear (rands); tests_end (); exit (0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { gmp_randstate_t rs; mpz_t p, q, pq, pm1, qm1, phi, e, d, p_i_q, dp, dq, msg[1024], smsg; unsigned long int n, i, niter, t0, ti; double t, f, ops_per_sec; int decimals; if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s n\n", argv[0]); fprintf (stderr, " where n is number of bits in numbers tested\n"); return -1; } if (argc == 2) n = atoi (argv[1]); gmp_randinit_default (rs); mpz_init (p); mpz_init (q); mpz_init (pq); printf ("Generating p, q, d..."); fflush (stdout); #if 0 mpz_urandomb (p, rs, n/2); mpz_setbit (p, n / 2 - 1); mpz_setbit (p, n / 2 - 2); mpz_nextprime (p, p); mpz_urandomb (q, rs, n/2); mpz_setbit (q, n / 2 - 1); mpz_setbit (q, n / 2 - 2); mpz_nextprime (q, q); #else do { mpz_urandomb (p, rs, n/2); mpz_setbit (p, n / 2 - 1); mpz_setbit (p, n / 2 - 2); mpz_setbit (p, 0); mpz_urandomb (q, rs, n/2); mpz_setbit (q, n / 2 - 1); mpz_setbit (q, n / 2 - 2); mpz_setbit (q, 0); mpz_gcd (pq, p, q); } while (mpz_cmp_ui (pq, 1) != 0); #endif mpz_mul (pq, p, q); mpz_init_set_ui (e, RSA_EXP); mpz_init (d); mpz_init (pm1); mpz_init (qm1); mpz_init (phi); mpz_sub_ui (pm1, p, 1); mpz_sub_ui (qm1, q, 1); mpz_mul (phi, pm1, qm1); if (mpz_invert (d, e, phi) == 0) abort (); printf ("done; pq is %d bits\n", (int) mpz_sizeinbase (pq, 2)); printf ("Precomputing CRT constants\n"); mpz_init (p_i_q); if (mpz_invert (p_i_q, p, q) == 0) abort (); mpz_init (dp); mpz_init (dq); mpz_mod (dp, d, pm1); mpz_mod (dq, d, qm1); printf ("Generating random messages\n"); for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { mpz_init (msg[i]); mpz_urandomb (msg[i], rs, n); } mpz_init (smsg); printf ("Calibrating CPU speed..."); fflush (stdout); TIME (t, rsa_sign (smsg, msg[0], p, q, pq, p_i_q, dp, dq)); printf ("done\n"); niter = (unsigned long) (1e4 / t); if (niter == 0) niter = 1; printf ("Signing random messages %lu times...", niter); fflush (stdout); t0 = cputime (); for (i = niter; i > 0; i--) { rsa_sign (smsg, msg[i % 1024], p, q, pq, p_i_q, dp, dq); } ti = cputime () - t0; printf ("done!\n"); ops_per_sec = 1000.0 * niter / ti; f = 100.0; for (decimals = 0;; decimals++) { if (ops_per_sec > f) break; f = f * 0.1; } printf ("RESULT: %.*f operations per second\n", decimals, ops_per_sec); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int opt; /* Unbuffered so output goes straight out when directed to a pipe or file and isn't lost on killing the program half way. */ setbuf (stdout, NULL); for (;;) { opt = getopt(argc, argv, "a:CcDdEFf:o:p:P:rRs:t:ux:y:w:W:z"); if (opt == EOF) break; switch (opt) { case 'a': if (strcmp (optarg, "random") == 0) option_data = DATA_RANDOM; else if (strcmp (optarg, "random2") == 0) option_data = DATA_RANDOM2; else if (strcmp (optarg, "zeros") == 0) option_data = DATA_ZEROS; else if (strcmp (optarg, "aas") == 0) option_data = DATA_AAS; else if (strcmp (optarg, "ffs") == 0) option_data = DATA_FFS; else if (strcmp (optarg, "2fd") == 0) option_data = DATA_2FD; else { fprintf (stderr, "unrecognised data option: %s\n", optarg); exit (1); } break; case 'C': if (option_unit != UNIT_SECONDS) goto bad_unit; option_unit = UNIT_CYCLESPERLIMB; break; case 'c': if (option_unit != UNIT_SECONDS) { bad_unit: fprintf (stderr, "cannot use more than one of -c, -C\n"); exit (1); } option_unit = UNIT_CYCLES; break; case 'D': if (option_cmp != CMP_ABSOLUTE) goto bad_cmp; option_cmp = CMP_DIFFPREV; break; case 'd': if (option_cmp != CMP_ABSOLUTE) { bad_cmp: fprintf (stderr, "cannot use more than one of -d, -D, -r\n"); exit (1); } option_cmp = CMP_DIFFERENCE; break; case 'E': option_square = 1; break; case 'F': option_square = 2; break; case 'f': option_factor = atof (optarg); if (option_factor <= 1.0) { fprintf (stderr, "-f factor must be > 1.0\n"); exit (1); } break; case 'o': speed_option_set (optarg); break; case 'P': option_gnuplot = 1; option_gnuplot_basename = optarg; break; case 'p': speed_precision = atoi (optarg); break; case 'R': option_seed = time (NULL); break; case 'r': if (option_cmp != CMP_ABSOLUTE) goto bad_cmp; option_cmp = CMP_RATIO; break; case 's': { char *s; for (s = strtok (optarg, ","); s != NULL; s = strtok (NULL, ",")) { if (size_num == size_allocnum) { size_array = (struct size_array_t *) __gmp_allocate_or_reallocate (size_array, size_allocnum * sizeof(size_array[0]), (size_allocnum+10) * sizeof(size_array[0])); size_allocnum += 10; } if (sscanf (s, "%ld-%ld", &size_array[size_num].start, &size_array[size_num].end) != 2) { size_array[size_num].start = size_array[size_num].end = atol (s); } if (size_array[size_num].start < 0 || size_array[size_num].end < 0 || size_array[size_num].start > size_array[size_num].end) { fprintf (stderr, "invalid size parameter: %s\n", s); exit (1); } size_num++; } } break; case 't': option_step = atol (optarg); if (option_step < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "-t step must be >= 1\n"); exit (1); } break; case 'u': option_resource_usage = 1; break; case 'z': sp.cache = 1; break; case 'x': sp.align_xp = atol (optarg); check_align_option ("-x", sp.align_xp); break; case 'y': sp.align_yp = atol (optarg); check_align_option ("-y", sp.align_yp); break; case 'w': sp.align_wp = atol (optarg); check_align_option ("-w", sp.align_wp); break; case 'W': sp.align_wp2 = atol (optarg); check_align_option ("-W", sp.align_wp2); break; case '?': exit(1); } } if (optind >= argc) { usage (); exit (1); } if (size_num == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "-s <size> must be specified\n"); exit (1); } gmp_randinit_default (__gmp_rands); __gmp_rands_initialized = 1; gmp_randseed_ui (__gmp_rands, option_seed); choice = (struct choice_t *) (*__gmp_allocate_func) ((argc - optind) * sizeof(choice[0])); for ( ; optind < argc; optind++) { struct choice_t c; routine_find (&c, argv[optind]); choice[num_choices] = c; num_choices++; } if ((option_cmp == CMP_RATIO || option_cmp == CMP_DIFFERENCE) && num_choices < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "WARNING, -d or -r does nothing when only one routine requested\n"); } speed_time_init (); if (option_unit == UNIT_CYCLES || option_unit == UNIT_CYCLESPERLIMB) speed_cycletime_need_cycles (); else speed_cycletime_need_seconds (); if (option_gnuplot) { run_gnuplot (argc, argv); } else { if (option_unit == UNIT_SECONDS) printf ("overhead %.9f secs", speed_measure (speed_noop, NULL)); else printf ("overhead %.2f cycles", speed_measure (speed_noop, NULL) / speed_cycletime); printf (", precision %d units of %.2e secs", speed_precision, speed_unittime); if (speed_cycletime == 1.0 || speed_cycletime == 0.0) printf (", CPU freq unknown\n"); else printf (", CPU freq %.2f MHz\n", 1e-6/speed_cycletime); printf (" "); for (i = 0; i < num_choices; i++) printf (" %*s", COLUMN_WIDTH, choice[i].name); printf ("\n"); run_all (stdout); } if (option_resource_usage) { #if HAVE_GETRUSAGE { /* This doesn't give data sizes on linux 2.0.x, only utime. */ struct rusage r; if (getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &r) != 0) perror ("getrusage"); else printf ("getrusage(): utime %ld.%06ld data %ld stack %ld maxresident %ld\n", r.ru_utime.tv_sec, r.ru_utime.tv_usec, r.ru_idrss, r.ru_isrss, r.ru_ixrss); } #else printf ("getrusage() not available\n"); #endif /* Linux kernel. */ { char buf[128]; sprintf (buf, "/proc/%d/status", getpid()); if (access (buf, R_OK) == 0) { sprintf (buf, "cat /proc/%d/status", getpid()); system (buf); } } } return 0; }
srp_t *srp_init_l(const gchar *username, guint32 username_length, const gchar *password, guint32 password_length) { guint16 i; gchar *d; /* destination */ gchar *du; /* destination; uppercase */ const gchar *o; /* original */ srp_t *srp; srp = g_new0(srp_t, 1); if (!srp) return NULL; srp->username_len = username_length; srp->password_len = password_length; srp->username = (gchar *) g_malloc(srp->username_len + 1); srp->username_upper = (gchar *) g_malloc(srp->username_len + 1); srp->password_upper = (gchar *) g_malloc(srp->password_len + 1); if (!srp->username || !srp->username_upper || !srp->password_upper) { g_free(srp); return NULL; } d = (gchar *) srp->username; du = (gchar *) srp->username_upper; o = username; for (i = 0; i < srp->username_len; i++) { *d = *o; *du = (gchar) g_ascii_toupper(*o); d++; du++; o++; } d = (gchar *) srp->password_upper; o = password; for (i = 0; i < srp->password_len; i++) { *d = (gchar) g_ascii_toupper(*o); d++; o++; } *((gchar *) srp->username + username_length) = 0; *((gchar *) srp->username_upper + username_length) = 0; *((gchar *) srp->password_upper + password_length) = 0; mpz_init_set_str(srp->n, SRP_VAR_N_STR, 16); gmp_randinit_default(srp->rand); gmp_randseed_ui(srp->rand, srp_pre_seed()); mpz_init2(srp->a, 256); mpz_urandomm(srp->a, srp->rand, srp->n); /* generates the private key */ /* The following line replaces preceding 2 lines during testing. */ /*mpz_init_set_str(srp->a, "1234", 10); */ srp->A = NULL; srp->S = NULL; srp->K = NULL; srp->M1 = NULL; srp->M2 = NULL; srp->salt = NULL; srp->B = NULL; return srp; }
int main(void) { mp_bitcnt_t depth, w, depth1, w1; clock_t start, end; double elapsed; double best = 0.0; mp_size_t best_off, off, best_d, best_w; gmp_randstate_t state; printf("/* fft_tuning.h -- autogenerated by tune-fft */\n\n"); printf("#ifndef FFT_TUNING_H\n"); printf("#define FFT_TUNING_H\n\n"); printf("#include \"mpir.h\"\n\n"); printf("#define FFT_TAB \\\n"); fflush(stdout); gmp_randinit_default(state); printf(" { "); fflush(stdout); for (depth = 6; depth <= 10; depth++) { printf("{ "); fflush(stdout); for (w = 1; w <= 2; w++) { int iters = 100*((mp_size_t) 1 << (3*(10 - depth)/2)), i; mp_size_t n = ((mp_limb_t)1<<depth); mp_bitcnt_t bits1 = (n*w - (depth + 1))/2; mp_size_t len1 = 2*n; mp_size_t len2 = 2*n; mp_bitcnt_t b1 = len1*bits1, b2 = len2*bits1; mp_size_t n1, n2; mp_size_t j; mp_limb_t * i1, *i2, *r1; n1 = (b1 - 1)/GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1; n2 = (b2 - 1)/GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1; i1 = malloc(2*(n1 + n2)*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); i2 = i1 + n1; r1 = i2 + n2; mpn_urandomb(i1, state, b1); mpn_urandomb(i2, state, b2); best_off = -1; for (off = 0; off <= 4; off++) { start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) mpn_mul_trunc_sqrt2(r1, i1, n1, i2, n2, depth - off, w*((mp_size_t)1 << (off*2))); end = clock(); elapsed = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (elapsed < best || best_off == -1) { best_off = off; best = elapsed; } } printf("%ld", best_off); if (w != 2) printf(","); printf(" "); fflush(stdout); free(i1); } printf("}"); if (depth != 10) printf(","); printf(" "); fflush(stdout); } printf("}\n\n"); best_d = 12; best_w = 1; best_off = -1; printf("#define MULMOD_TAB \\\n"); fflush(stdout); printf(" { "); fflush(stdout); for (depth = 12; best_off != 1 ; depth++) { for (w = 1; w <= 2; w++) { int iters = 100*((mp_size_t) 1 << (3*(18 - depth)/2)), i; mp_size_t n = ((mp_limb_t)1<<depth); mp_bitcnt_t bits = n*w; mp_size_t int_limbs = (bits - 1)/GMP_LIMB_BITS + 1; mp_size_t j; mp_limb_t c, * i1, * i2, * r1, * tt; if (depth <= 21) iters = 32*((mp_size_t) 1 << (21 - depth)); else iters = MAX(32/((mp_size_t) 1 << (depth - 21)), 1); i1 = malloc(6*(int_limbs+1)*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); i2 = i1 + int_limbs + 1; r1 = i2 + int_limbs + 1; tt = r1 + 2*(int_limbs + 1); mpn_urandomb(i1, state, int_limbs*GMP_LIMB_BITS); mpn_urandomb(i2, state, int_limbs*GMP_LIMB_BITS); i1[int_limbs] = 0; i2[int_limbs] = 0; depth1 = 1; while ((((mp_limb_t)1)<<depth1) < bits) depth1++; depth1 = depth1/2; w1 = bits/(((mp_limb_t)1)<<(2*depth1)); best_off = -1; for (off = 0; off <= 4; off++) { start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) mpir_fft_mulmod_2expp1(r1, i1, i2, int_limbs, depth1 - off, w1*((mp_size_t)1 << (off*2))); end = clock(); elapsed = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (best_off == -1 || elapsed < best) { best_off = off; best = elapsed; } } start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < iters; i++) mpn_mulmod_2expp1_basecase(r1, i1, i2, 0, bits, tt); end = clock(); elapsed = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (elapsed < best) { best_d = depth + (w == 2); best_w = w + 1 - 2*(w == 2); } printf("%ld", best_off); if (w != 2) printf(", "); fflush(stdout); free(i1); } printf(", "); fflush(stdout); } printf("1 }\n\n"); printf("#define FFT_N_NUM %ld\n\n", 2*(depth - 12) + 1); printf("#define FFT_MULMOD_2EXPP1_CUTOFF %ld\n\n", ((mp_limb_t) 1 << best_d)*best_w/(2*GMP_LIMB_BITS)); gmp_randclear(state); printf("#endif\n"); return 0; }
/* * It is a function that performs Miller Rabin Primality test * input: number(mpz_t) to be tested and number of iterations(int) to run the test * output: int 1 and 0 which represents pass and fail the test respectively */ int Miller(mpz_t p, int iterations){ mpz_t a; mpz_init(a); mpz_t p4; mpz_init(p4); mpz_sub_ui(p4, p, 4); mpz_t p1; mpz_init(p1); mpz_sub_ui(p1, p, 1); mpz_t x; mpz_init(x); mpz_t m; mpz_init_set_str(m, "1", 10); mpz_t val; mpz_init(val); gmp_randstate_t state; srand(time(NULL)); int seed = rand(); gmp_randinit_default (state); gmp_randseed_ui(state, seed); //find t and m int check = 0; int t = 1; while(check != 1){ mpz_ui_pow_ui(val, 2, t); mpz_cdiv_r(m,p1,val); if(mpz_cmp_ui(m,0) == 0){ mpz_cdiv_q(m,p1,val); check = 1; } else{ t++; } } //step 1 mpz_urandomb(a,state,64); mpz_mod(a, a, p4); mpz_add_ui(a, a, 2); //base must not be bigger than p - 2 //gmp_printf("a = %Zd\n", a); //step 2 mpz_powm(x, a, m, p); //gmp_printf("x = %Zd\n", x); if(mpz_cmp_ui(x, 1) == 0 || mpz_cmp(x, p1) == 0) return 1; else if(t == 1) return 0; int j = 1; //step 3 & 4 int capture; do { printf("what is t, %d\n", t); capture = step3(j,m,x,a,p,p1); printf("capture = %d\n", capture); if(capture == 0) return 0; else if(capture == 1) return 1; else{ j = capture; printf("here when j = %d\n", j); } }while(j < (t-1)); //step 5 capture = step3(j+1, m, x, a, p, p1); if(capture == 1) return 1; else return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //operands mpz_t x; mpz_init(x); mpz_t y; mpz_init(y); mpz_t xsize_z; mpz_init(xsize_z); //for random number generation mpz_t ysize_z; mpz_init(ysize_z); //for random number generation //GMP random state gmp_randstate_t randstate; gmp_randinit_default(randstate); gmp_randseed_ui(randstate, time(NULL)); srand(time(NULL)); //for non-GMP random numbers int number_of_bits = 3200; int xbits, ybits; //used for generating numbers int number_of_tests = 100; int printing=0; // whether to print, and the base to print in int truncation=0; // whether to use random truncation int i,j; // loop variables if(argc >=2) // recall that first 'argument' is the program name number_of_bits = atoi(argv[1]); if(argc >=3) number_of_tests = atoi(argv[2]); if(argc >=4) printing=atoi(argv[3]); if(argc >=5) truncation=atoi(argv[4]); double start, finish, elapsed, elapsed_gmp = 0; //timing int num_correct = 0, num_wrong = 0; //correctness //allocate memory for printing to avoid memory leaks. Use of //number_of_bits is enough to print in binary. char *x_str = (char *) malloc((1 + number_of_bits)*sizeof(char)); char *y_str = (char *) malloc((1 + number_of_bits)*sizeof(char)); char *z_str = (char *) malloc((1 + 2*number_of_bits)*sizeof(char)); char *res_str = (char *) malloc((1 + 2*number_of_bits)*sizeof(char)); void *x_address; void *y_address; size_t *x_size = malloc(sizeof(size_t)); size_t *y_size = malloc(sizeof(size_t)); size_t *z_size = malloc(sizeof(size_t)); size_t x_bits, y_bits; //used for size of final operands from GMP size_t *z_bits = malloc(sizeof(size_t)); for(j = 0; j < number_of_tests; j++){ xbits = number_of_bits; ybits = number_of_bits; if (truncation) if (rand() %2) { // half the time the numbers are about the same size ; //do nothing } else if (rand() % 2) { // 1/4 the time y is randomly smaller ybits = rand() % number_of_bits; } else { // else x is smaller xbits = rand() % number_of_bits; } mpz_ui_pow_ui(xsize_z, 2, xbits); //numsize = 2^numbits mpz_ui_pow_ui(ysize_z, 2, ybits); //numsize = 2^numbits mpz_urandomm(x, randstate, xsize_z); //actually makes x and y mpz_urandomm(y, randstate, ysize_z); if (printing) printf("x %s\ny %s\n",mpz_get_str(x_str,printing,x), mpz_get_str(y_str,printing,y)); x_address = mpz_export(NULL, x_size, ORDER, WORDBYTES, ENDIAN, NAILS, x); y_address = mpz_export(NULL, y_size, ORDER, WORDBYTES, ENDIAN, NAILS, y); void *z_address = malloc((*x_size + *y_size)*WORDBYTES); x_bits=mynbits(x); y_bits=mynbits(y); start = mytime(); Product16(x_address, y_address, z_address, *x_size, x_bits, *y_size, y_bits, z_size, z_bits); finish = mytime(); elapsed += finish-start; // printf("%g %g %g\n",start, finish, elapsed); mpz_t z; mpz_init(z); mpz_import(z, *z_size, ORDER, WORDBYTES, ENDIAN, NAILS, z_address); if (printing) printf("code x*y %s\n", mpz_get_str(z_str,printing,z)); mpz_t result; mpz_init(result); start = mytime(); mpz_mul(result,x,y); finish = mytime(); elapsed_gmp += finish-start; if (printing) printf("GMP x*y %s\n", mpz_get_str(res_str,printing,result)); if(mpz_cmp(result,z) == 0) num_correct ++; else num_wrong ++; mpz_clear(z); mpz_clear(result); free(x_address); free(y_address); free(z_address); } printf("============================================================\n"); printf("\n\n"); printf("Number of bits per number: %d\n", number_of_bits); printf("Number of multiplications done: %d\n", number_of_tests); printf("Number of correct multiplication: %d\n", num_correct); printf("Number of wrong multiplication: %d\n", num_wrong); printf("Total time elapsed (code): %lf seconds\n", ((double) (elapsed))); printf("Total time elapsed (GMP): %lf seconds\n", ((double) (elapsed_gmp))); printf("Total time ratio (code/GMP): %lf \n", elapsed/elapsed_gmp); printf("\n\n"); printf("============================================================\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { mpz_t op1, op2; int i; gmp_randstate_t rands; mpz_t bs; unsigned long bsi, size_range, fsize_range; tests_start (); gmp_randinit_default(rands); extra_fft = getenv ("GMP_CHECK_FFT"); mpz_init (bs); mpz_init (op1); mpz_init (op2); fsize_range = 4 << 8; /* a fraction 1/256 of size_range */ for (i = 0; fsize_range >> 8 < (extra_fft ? 27 : 22); i++) { size_range = fsize_range >> 8; fsize_range = fsize_range * 33 / 32; mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); mpz_rrandomb (op1, rands, mpz_get_ui (bs)); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); mpz_rrandomb (op2, rands, mpz_get_ui (bs)); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 4); bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs); if ((bsi & 0x3) == 0) mpz_neg (op1, op1); if ((bsi & 0xC) == 0) mpz_neg (op2, op2); /* printf ("%d %d\n", SIZ (op1), SIZ (op2)); */ one (i, op2, op1); } if (extra_fft) for (i = -50; i < 0; i++) { mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32); size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 27; mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); mpz_rrandomb (op1, rands, mpz_get_ui (bs) + FFT_MIN_BITSIZE); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); mpz_rrandomb (op2, rands, mpz_get_ui (bs) + FFT_MIN_BITSIZE); /* printf ("%d: %d %d\n", i, SIZ (op1), SIZ (op2)); */ fflush (stdout); one (-1, op2, op1); } mpz_clear (bs); mpz_clear (op1); mpz_clear (op2); gmp_randclear(rands); tests_end (); exit (0); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { mpz_t base, exp, mod; mpz_t r1, r2, base2; mp_size_t base_size, exp_size, mod_size; unsigned long int exp2; int i; int reps = 200; gmp_randstate_t rands; mpz_t bs; unsigned long bsi, size_range; tests_start (); gmp_randinit_default(rands); mpz_init (bs); if (argc == 2) reps = atoi (argv[1]); mpz_init (base); mpz_init (exp); mpz_init (mod); mpz_init (r1); mpz_init (r2); mpz_init (base2); for (i = 0; i < reps; i++) { mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 32); size_range = mpz_get_ui (bs) % 13 + 2; do /* Loop until mathematically well-defined. */ { mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); base_size = mpz_get_ui (bs); mpz_rrandomb (base, rands, base_size); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 6L); exp_size = mpz_get_ui (bs); mpz_rrandomb (exp, rands, exp_size); exp2 = mpz_getlimbn (exp, (mp_size_t) 0); } while (mpz_cmp_ui (base, 0) == 0 && exp2 == 0); do { mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, size_range); mod_size = mpz_get_ui (bs); mpz_rrandomb (mod, rands, mod_size); } while (mpz_cmp_ui (mod, 0) == 0); mpz_urandomb (bs, rands, 2); bsi = mpz_get_ui (bs); if ((bsi & 1) != 0) mpz_neg (base, base); /* printf ("%ld %ld\n", SIZ (base), SIZ (mod)); */ #if 0 putc ('\n', stderr); debug_mp (base, -16); debug_mp (mod, -16); #endif mpz_powm_ui (r1, base, exp2, mod); mpz_set_ui (r2, 1); mpz_set (base2, base); mpz_mod (r2, r2, mod); /* needed when exp==0 and mod==1 */ while (exp2 != 0) { if (exp2 % 2 != 0) { mpz_mul (r2, r2, base2); mpz_mod (r2, r2, mod); } mpz_mul (base2, base2, base2); mpz_mod (base2, base2, mod); exp2 = exp2 / 2; } #if 0 debug_mp (r1, -16); debug_mp (r2, -16); #endif if (mpz_cmp (r1, r2) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "\ntest %d: Incorrect results for operands:\n", i); debug_mp (base, -16); debug_mp (exp, -16); debug_mp (mod, -16); fprintf (stderr, "mpz_powm_ui result:\n"); debug_mp (r1, -16); fprintf (stderr, "reference result:\n"); debug_mp (r2, -16); abort (); } } mpz_clear (bs); mpz_clear (base); mpz_clear (exp); mpz_clear (mod); mpz_clear (r1); mpz_clear (r2); mpz_clear (base2); gmp_randclear(rands); tests_end (); exit (0); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int res; char *str; mpz_t largenum; if (argc <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } fprintf(stderr, "setting pitch\n"); orient_range.orient.pitch = 180; orient_range.pitch_range = 10; fprintf(stderr, "setting roll\n"); orient_range.orient.roll = 0; orient_range.roll_range = 10; fprintf(stderr, "setting azimuth\n"); orient_range.orient.azimuth = 0; orient_range.azimuth_range = 0; mpz_init_set_str(one, "1", 10); mpz_init_set_str(two, "2", 10); gmp_randinit_default(randstate); sleep(1); if (syscall(__NR_orientlock_read, &orient_range) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Unable to obtain lock\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fp = fopen("./integer", "r"); if ((fgets(integer, INTEGER_BUF_SIZE, fp)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Unable to read from file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } chomp_line(integer); mpz_init(largenum); mpz_init_set_str(largenum, integer, 10); str = mpz_to_str(largenum); if (!str) return EXIT_FAILURE; /* * We simply return the prime number itself if the base is prime. * (We use the GMP probabilistic function with 10 repetitions). */ res = mpz_probab_prime_p(largenum, 10); if (res) { printf("%s is a prime number\n", str); free(str); mpz_add(largenum, largenum, one); } printf("Prime factors for %s are: ", str); free(str); factor(largenum); printf("\n"); fclose(fp); if (syscall(__NR_orientunlock_read, &orient_range) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Unable to unlock\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void go(SGLVData *data, int nbiter){ int i; mpz_t k_rd, ZZ, tmp; mpz_inits (k_rd, ZZ, tmp, NULL); gmp_randstate_t rand_gen; unsigned long seed = time(NULL); gmp_randinit_default(rand_gen); gmp_randseed_ui(rand_gen, seed); SGLVScalar k; JacPoint jp; struct timespec start1,start2; struct timespec end1,end2; uint64_t diff1,diff2, diff3; printf("\nSGLV 256 bits benchmark, running...\n\n"); diff1 = 0; diff2 = 0; init_jacPoint(&jp); for (i = 0; i < nbiter; i++) { mpz_urandomb (k_rd, rand_gen, BIT_SIZE); mpz_mod (k_rd, k_rd, data->efp); apply_endo(((data->PP)+1), (data->PP), beta); /* Point PHI_P */ add_aff_aff(((data->PP)+1), (data->PP)); /* Point P+PHI_P */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start1); init_glvScalar(&k); build_glvScalar(&k, k_rd, data->aa, data->bb, data->Na); clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end1); diff1 += BILLION * (end1.tv_sec - start1.tv_sec) + end1.tv_nsec - start1.tv_nsec; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start1); point_from_SGLVScalar(&jp, &k, data->PP); clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end1); diff2 += BILLION * (end1.tv_sec - start1.tv_sec) + end1.tv_nsec - start1.tv_nsec; mpz_invert (ZZ, jp.Z, p); mpz_mul (tmp, ZZ, ZZ); // tmp = ZZ^2 //~ P is transformed in affine coordinates for next iteration mpz_mul (data->PP[0].X, jp.X, tmp); mpz_mod (data->PP[0].X, data->PP[0].X, p); mpz_mul (data->PP[0].Y, jp.Y, tmp); mpz_mul (data->PP[0].Y, data->PP[0].Y, ZZ); mpz_mod (data->PP[0].Y, data->PP[0].Y, p); } diff3 = diff1 + diff2; if (is_on_curve_jac(&jp, ca, cb)){ printf("\nMULT: kP OK\n"); print_jacPoint(&jp); printf("Elapsed time = %llu %llu %llu nanoseconds\n", (long long unsigned int) diff1, (long long unsigned int) diff2, (long long unsigned int) diff3); } else printf("MULT: kP non OK\n"); mpz_clears (k_rd, ZZ, tmp, NULL); free_jacPoint(&jp); gmp_randclear(rand_gen); }