Example #1
static void
nma_full_hessian(real     *           hess,
                 int                  ndim,
                 gmx_bool             bM,
                 t_topology     *     top,
                 int                  begin,
                 int                  end,
                 real     *           eigenvalues,
                 real     *           eigenvectors)
    int  i, j, k, l;
    real mass_fac, rdum;
    int  natoms;

    natoms = top->atoms.nr;

    /* divide elements hess[i][j] by sqrt(mas[i])*sqrt(mas[j]) when required */

    if (bM)
        for (i = 0; (i < natoms); i++)
            for (j = 0; (j < DIM); j++)
                for (k = 0; (k < natoms); k++)
                    mass_fac = gmx_invsqrt(top->atoms.atom[i].m*top->atoms.atom[k].m);
                    for (l = 0; (l < DIM); l++)
                        hess[(i*DIM+j)*ndim+k*DIM+l] *= mass_fac;

    /* call diagonalization routine. */

    fprintf(stderr, "\nDiagonalizing to find vectors %d through %d...\n", begin, end);

    eigensolver(hess, ndim, begin-1, end-1, eigenvalues, eigenvectors);

    /* And scale the output eigenvectors */
    if (bM && eigenvectors != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < (end-begin+1); i++)
            for (j = 0; j < natoms; j++)
                mass_fac = gmx_invsqrt(top->atoms.atom[j].m);
                for (k = 0; (k < DIM); k++)
                    eigenvectors[i*ndim+j*DIM+k] *= mass_fac;
Example #2
static void
nma_sparse_hessian(gmx_sparsematrix_t     *     sparse_hessian,
                   gmx_bool                     bM,
                   t_topology     *             top,
                   int                          neig,
                   real     *                   eigenvalues,
                   real     *                   eigenvectors)
    int  i, j, k;
    int  row, col;
    real mass_fac;
    int  iatom, katom;
    int  natoms;
    int  ndim;

    natoms = top->atoms.nr;
    ndim   = DIM*natoms;

    /* Cannot check symmetry since we only store half matrix */
    /* divide elements hess[i][j] by sqrt(mas[i])*sqrt(mas[j]) when required */

    if (bM)
        for (iatom = 0; (iatom < natoms); iatom++)
            for (j = 0; (j < DIM); j++)
                row = DIM*iatom+j;
                for (k = 0; k < sparse_hessian->ndata[row]; k++)
                    col      = sparse_hessian->data[row][k].col;
                    katom    = col/3;
                    mass_fac = gmx_invsqrt(top->atoms.atom[iatom].m*top->atoms.atom[katom].m);
                    sparse_hessian->data[row][k].value *= mass_fac;
    fprintf(stderr, "\nDiagonalizing to find eigenvectors 1 through %d...\n", neig);

    sparse_eigensolver(sparse_hessian, neig, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, 10000000);

    /* Scale output eigenvectors */
    if (bM && eigenvectors != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < neig; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < natoms; j++)
                mass_fac = gmx_invsqrt(top->atoms.atom[j].m);
                for (k = 0; (k < DIM); k++)
                    eigenvectors[i*ndim+j*DIM+k] *= mass_fac;
Example #3
void compute_factors_restangles(int type, const t_iparams forceparams[],
                                rvec delta_ante,  rvec delta_post,
                                real *prefactor, real *ratio_ante, real *ratio_post, real *v)
    real theta_equil, k_bending;
    real cosine_theta_equil;
    real c_ante, c_cros, c_post;
    real norm;
    real delta_cosine, cosine_theta;
    real sine_theta_sq;
    real term_theta_theta_equil;

    k_bending          = forceparams[type].harmonic.krA;
    theta_equil        =  forceparams[type].harmonic.rA*DEG2RAD;
    theta_equil        = M_PI - theta_equil;
    cosine_theta_equil = cos(theta_equil);

    c_ante = iprod(delta_ante, delta_ante);
    c_cros = iprod(delta_ante, delta_post);
    c_post = iprod(delta_post, delta_post);

    norm          = gmx_invsqrt(c_ante * c_post);
    cosine_theta  = c_cros * norm;
    sine_theta_sq = 1 - cosine_theta * cosine_theta;

    *ratio_ante = c_cros / c_ante;
    *ratio_post = c_cros / c_post;

    delta_cosine           = cosine_theta - cosine_theta_equil;
    term_theta_theta_equil = 1 - cosine_theta * cosine_theta_equil;
    *prefactor             = -(k_bending) * delta_cosine * norm * term_theta_theta_equil / (sine_theta_sq * sine_theta_sq);

    *v = k_bending * 0.5 * delta_cosine * delta_cosine / sine_theta_sq;

Example #4
static void cconerr(gmx_domdec_t *dd,
                    int ncons,int *bla,real *bllen,rvec *x,t_pbc *pbc,
                    real *ncons_loc,real *ssd,real *max,int *imax)
    real      len,d,ma,ssd2,r2;
    int       *nlocat,count,b,im;
    rvec      dx;
    if (dd && dd->constraints)
        nlocat = dd_constraints_nlocalatoms(dd);
        nlocat = 0;
    ma = 0;
    ssd2 = 0;
    im = 0;
    count = 0;
        if (pbc)
        else {
        r2 = norm2(dx);
        len = r2*gmx_invsqrt(r2);
        d = fabs(len/bllen[b]-1);
        if (d > ma && (nlocat==NULL || nlocat[b]))
            ma = d;
            im = b;
        if (nlocat == NULL)
            ssd2 += d*d;
            ssd2 += nlocat[b]*d*d;
            count += nlocat[b];
    *ncons_loc = (nlocat ? 0.5 : 1)*count;
    *ssd       = (nlocat ? 0.5 : 1)*ssd2;
    *max = ma;
    *imax = im;
Example #5
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  real x,y,z,diff,av;
  int  i;

  printf("%12s  %12s  %12s  %12s  %12s\n","X","invsqrt(X)","1/sqrt(X)","Abs. Diff.","Rel. Diff.");
  for(i=1; (i<1000); i++) {
    x = i*1.0;
    y = gmx_invsqrt(x);
    z = 1.0/sqrt(x);
    diff = y-z;
    av   = 0.5*(y+z);
    printf("%12.5e  %12.5e  %12.5e  %12.5e  %12.5e\n",x,y,z,diff,diff/z);
  return 0;
Example #6
/* This might logically belong better in the nb_generic.c module, but it is only
 * used in do_nonbonded_listed(), and we want it to be inlined there to avoid an
 * extra functional call for every single pair listed in the topology.
static real
nb_evaluate_single(real r2, real tabscale, real *vftab,
                   real qq, real c6, real c12, real *velec, real *vvdw)
    real       rinv, r, rtab, eps, eps2, Y, F, Geps, Heps2, Fp, VVe, FFe, VVd, FFd, VVr, FFr, fscal;
    int        ntab;

    /* Do the tabulated interactions - first table lookup */
    rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(r2);
    r                = r2*rinv;
    rtab             = r*tabscale;
    ntab             = rtab;
    eps              = rtab-ntab;
    eps2             = eps*eps;
    ntab             = 12*ntab;
    /* Electrostatics */
    Y                = vftab[ntab];
    F                = vftab[ntab+1];
    Geps             = eps*vftab[ntab+2];
    Heps2            = eps2*vftab[ntab+3];
    Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
    VVe              = Y+eps*Fp;
    FFe              = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
    /* Dispersion */
    Y                = vftab[ntab+4];
    F                = vftab[ntab+5];
    Geps             = eps*vftab[ntab+6];
    Heps2            = eps2*vftab[ntab+7];
    Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
    VVd              = Y+eps*Fp;
    FFd              = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
    /* Repulsion */
    Y                = vftab[ntab+8];
    F                = vftab[ntab+9];
    Geps             = eps*vftab[ntab+10];
    Heps2            = eps2*vftab[ntab+11];
    Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
    VVr              = Y+eps*Fp;
    FFr              = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;

    *velec           = qq*VVe;
    *vvdw            = c6*VVd+c12*VVr;

    fscal            = -(qq*FFe+c6*FFd+c12*FFr)*tabscale*rinv;

    return fscal;
/* Estimate the direct space part error of the SPME Ewald sum */
static real estimate_direct(
        t_inputinfo *info
    real e_dir=0;    /* Error estimate */
    real beta=0;     /* Splitting parameter (1/nm) */
    real r_coulomb=0;  /* Cut-off in direct space */

    beta      = info->ewald_beta[0];
    r_coulomb = info->rcoulomb[0];
    e_dir  = 2.0 * info->q2all * gmx_invsqrt( info->q2allnr  *  r_coulomb * info->volume );
    e_dir *= exp (-beta*beta*r_coulomb*r_coulomb);
    return ONE_4PI_EPS0*e_dir;
Example #8
void compute_factors_cbtdihs(int type,  const t_iparams forceparams[],
                             rvec delta_ante, rvec delta_crnt, rvec delta_post,
                             rvec f_phi_ai, rvec f_phi_aj, rvec f_phi_ak, rvec f_phi_al,
                             rvec f_theta_ante_ai, rvec f_theta_ante_aj, rvec f_theta_ante_ak,
                             rvec f_theta_post_aj, rvec f_theta_post_ak, rvec f_theta_post_al,
                             real * v)
    int  j, d;
    real torsion_coef[NR_CBTDIHS];
    real c_self_ante, c_self_crnt, c_self_post;
    real c_cros_ante, c_cros_acrs, c_cros_post;
    real c_prod, d_ante,  d_post;
    real norm_phi, norm_theta_ante, norm_theta_post;
    real cosine_phi, cosine_theta_ante, cosine_theta_post;
    real sine_theta_ante_sq, sine_theta_post_sq;
    real sine_theta_ante, sine_theta_post;
    real prefactor_phi;
    real ratio_phi_ante, ratio_phi_post;
    real r1, r2;
    real factor_phi_ai_ante, factor_phi_ai_crnt, factor_phi_ai_post;
    real factor_phi_aj_ante, factor_phi_aj_crnt, factor_phi_aj_post;
    real factor_phi_ak_ante, factor_phi_ak_crnt, factor_phi_ak_post;
    real factor_phi_al_ante, factor_phi_al_crnt, factor_phi_al_post;
    real prefactor_theta_ante, ratio_theta_ante_ante, ratio_theta_ante_crnt;
    real prefactor_theta_post, ratio_theta_post_crnt, ratio_theta_post_post;

    /* The formula for combined bending-torsion potential (see file "restcbt.h") contains
     * in its expression not only the dihedral angle \f[\phi\f] but also \f[\theta_{i-1}\f]
     * (theta_ante bellow) and \f[\theta_{i}\f] (theta_post bellow)--- the adjacent bending
     * angles. The forces for the particles ai, aj, ak, al have components coming from the
     * derivatives of the potential with respect to all three angles.
     * This function is organised in 4 parts
     * PART 1 - Computes force factors common to all the derivatives for the four particles
     * PART 2 - Computes the force components due to the derivatives of dihedral angle Phi
     * PART 3 - Computes the force components due to the derivatives of bending angle Theta_Ante
     * PART 4 - Computes the force components due to the derivatives of bending angle Theta_Post
     * Bellow we will respct thuis structure */


    for (j = 0; (j < NR_CBTDIHS); j++)
        torsion_coef[j]  = forceparams[type].cbtdihs.cbtcA[j];

    /* Computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle. The scalar ("dot") product  method
     * is used. c_*_* cummulate the scalar products of the differences of particles
     * positions while c_prod, d_ante and d_post are differences of products of scalar
     * terms that are parts of the derivatives of forces */

    c_self_ante = iprod(delta_ante, delta_ante);
    c_self_crnt = iprod(delta_crnt, delta_crnt);
    c_self_post = iprod(delta_post, delta_post);
    c_cros_ante = iprod(delta_ante, delta_crnt);
    c_cros_acrs = iprod(delta_ante, delta_post);
    c_cros_post = iprod(delta_crnt, delta_post);
    c_prod      = c_cros_ante * c_cros_post - c_self_crnt * c_cros_acrs;
    d_ante      = c_self_ante * c_self_crnt - c_cros_ante * c_cros_ante;
    d_post      = c_self_post * c_self_crnt - c_cros_post * c_cros_post;

    /*  When three consecutive beads align, we obtain values close to zero.
       Here we avoid small values to prevent round-off errors. */
    if (d_ante < GMX_REAL_EPS)
        d_ante = GMX_REAL_EPS;
    if (d_post < GMX_REAL_EPS)
        d_post = GMX_REAL_EPS;

    /* Computations of cosines */
    norm_phi           = gmx_invsqrt(d_ante * d_post);
    norm_theta_ante    = gmx_invsqrt(c_self_ante * c_self_crnt);
    norm_theta_post    = gmx_invsqrt(c_self_crnt * c_self_post);
    cosine_phi         = c_prod * norm_phi;
    cosine_theta_ante  = c_cros_ante * norm_theta_ante;
    cosine_theta_post  = c_cros_post * norm_theta_post;
    sine_theta_ante_sq = 1 - cosine_theta_ante * cosine_theta_ante;
    sine_theta_post_sq = 1 - cosine_theta_post * cosine_theta_post;

    /*	It is possible that cosine_theta is slightly bigger than 1.0 due to round-off errors. */
    if (sine_theta_ante_sq < 0.0)
        sine_theta_ante_sq = 0.0;
    if (sine_theta_post_sq < 0.0)
        sine_theta_post_sq = 0.0;

    sine_theta_ante = sqrt(sine_theta_ante_sq);
    sine_theta_post = sqrt(sine_theta_post_sq);


    /*      Computation of ratios */
    ratio_phi_ante = c_prod / d_ante;
    ratio_phi_post = c_prod / d_post;

    /*       Computation of the prefactor */
    /*      Computing 2nd power */
    r1 = cosine_phi;

    prefactor_phi = -torsion_coef[0] * norm_phi * (torsion_coef[2] + torsion_coef[3] * 2.0 * cosine_phi + torsion_coef[4] * 3.0 * (r1 * r1) + 4*torsion_coef[5]*r1*r1*r1) *
        sine_theta_ante_sq * sine_theta_ante * sine_theta_post_sq * sine_theta_post;

    /* Computation of factors (important for gaining speed). Factors factor_phi_*  are coming from the
     * derivatives of the torsion angle (phi) with respect to the beads ai, aj, al, ak,
     * (four) coordinates and they are multiplied in the force computations with the
     * differences of the particles positions stored in parameters delta_ante,
     * delta_crnt, delta_post. For formulas see file "restcbt.h" */

    factor_phi_ai_ante = ratio_phi_ante * c_self_crnt;
    factor_phi_ai_crnt = -c_cros_post - ratio_phi_ante * c_cros_ante;
    factor_phi_ai_post = c_self_crnt;
    factor_phi_aj_ante = -c_cros_post - ratio_phi_ante * (c_self_crnt + c_cros_ante);
    factor_phi_aj_crnt = c_cros_post + c_cros_acrs * 2.0 + ratio_phi_ante * (c_self_ante + c_cros_ante) +  ratio_phi_post * c_self_post;
    factor_phi_aj_post = -(c_cros_ante + c_self_crnt) - ratio_phi_post * c_cros_post;
    factor_phi_ak_ante = c_cros_post + c_self_crnt + ratio_phi_ante * c_cros_ante;
    factor_phi_ak_crnt = -(c_cros_ante + c_cros_acrs * 2.0) - ratio_phi_ante * c_self_ante - ratio_phi_post * (c_self_post + c_cros_post);
    factor_phi_ak_post = c_cros_ante + ratio_phi_post * (c_self_crnt + c_cros_post);
    factor_phi_al_ante = -c_self_crnt;
    factor_phi_al_crnt = c_cros_ante + ratio_phi_post * c_cros_post;
    factor_phi_al_post = -ratio_phi_post * c_self_crnt;

    /* Computation of forces due to the derivatives of dihedral angle phi*/
    for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
        f_phi_ai[d] = prefactor_phi * (factor_phi_ai_ante * delta_ante[d] + factor_phi_ai_crnt * delta_crnt[d] + factor_phi_ai_post * delta_post[d]);
        f_phi_aj[d] = prefactor_phi * (factor_phi_aj_ante * delta_ante[d] + factor_phi_aj_crnt * delta_crnt[d] + factor_phi_aj_post * delta_post[d]);
        f_phi_ak[d] = prefactor_phi * (factor_phi_ak_ante * delta_ante[d] + factor_phi_ak_crnt * delta_crnt[d] + factor_phi_ak_post * delta_post[d]);
        f_phi_al[d] = prefactor_phi * (factor_phi_al_ante * delta_ante[d] + factor_phi_al_crnt * delta_crnt[d] + factor_phi_al_post * delta_post[d]);

    /*      Computation of ratios */
    ratio_theta_ante_ante = c_cros_ante / c_self_ante;
    ratio_theta_ante_crnt = c_cros_ante / c_self_crnt;

    /*      Computation of the prefactor */
    /*      Computing 2nd power */
    r1 = cosine_phi;
    /*      Computing 3rd power */
    r2 = cosine_phi;

    prefactor_theta_ante = -torsion_coef[0] * norm_theta_ante * ( torsion_coef[1] + torsion_coef[2] * cosine_phi + torsion_coef[3] * (r1 * r1) +
                                                                  torsion_coef[4] * (r2 * (r2 * r2))+ torsion_coef[5] * (r2 * (r2 * (r2 * r2)))) * (-3.0) * cosine_theta_ante * sine_theta_ante * sine_theta_post_sq * sine_theta_post;

    /*      Computation of forces due to the derivatives of bending angle theta_ante */
    for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
        f_theta_ante_ai[d] = prefactor_theta_ante * (ratio_theta_ante_ante * delta_ante[d] - delta_crnt[d]);
        f_theta_ante_aj[d] = prefactor_theta_ante * ((ratio_theta_ante_crnt + 1.0) * delta_crnt[d] - (ratio_theta_ante_ante + 1.0) * delta_ante[d]);
        f_theta_ante_ak[d] = prefactor_theta_ante * (delta_ante[d] - ratio_theta_ante_crnt * delta_crnt[d]);


    /*      Computation of ratios */
    ratio_theta_post_crnt = c_cros_post / c_self_crnt;
    ratio_theta_post_post = c_cros_post / c_self_post;

    /*     Computation of the prefactor */
    /*      Computing 2nd power */
    r1 = cosine_phi;
    /*      Computing 3rd power */
    r2 = cosine_phi;

    prefactor_theta_post = -torsion_coef[0] * norm_theta_post * (torsion_coef[1] + torsion_coef[2] * cosine_phi + torsion_coef[3] * (r1 * r1) +
                                                                 torsion_coef[4] * (r2 * (r2 * r2)) + torsion_coef[5] * (r2 * (r2 * (r2 * r2)))) * sine_theta_ante_sq * sine_theta_ante * (-3.0) * cosine_theta_post * sine_theta_post;

    /*      Computation of forces due to the derivatives of bending angle Theta_Post */
    for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
        f_theta_post_aj[d] = prefactor_theta_post * (ratio_theta_post_crnt * delta_crnt[d] - delta_post[d]);
        f_theta_post_ak[d] = prefactor_theta_post * ((ratio_theta_post_post + 1.0) * delta_post[d] - (ratio_theta_post_crnt + 1.0) * delta_crnt[d]);
        f_theta_post_al[d] = prefactor_theta_post * (delta_crnt[d] - ratio_theta_post_post * delta_post[d]);
    r1 = cosine_phi;
    r2 = cosine_phi;

    /* Contribution to energy - for formula see file "restcbt.h" */
    *v = torsion_coef[0] * (torsion_coef[1] + torsion_coef[2] * cosine_phi + torsion_coef[3] * (r1 * r1) +
                            torsion_coef[4] * (r2 * (r2 * r2)) + torsion_coef[5] * (r2 * (r2 * (r2 * r2)))) * sine_theta_ante_sq *
        sine_theta_ante * sine_theta_post_sq * sine_theta_post;

nb_kernel_allvsallgb(t_forcerec *           fr,
                     t_mdatoms *            mdatoms,
                     t_blocka *             excl,    
                     real *                 x,
                     real *                 f,
                     real *                 Vc,
                     real *                 Vvdw,
                     real *                 vpol,
                     int *                  outeriter,
                     int *                  inneriter,
                     void *                 work)
	gmx_allvsall_data_t *aadata;
	int        natoms;
	int        ni0,ni1;
	int        nj0,nj1,nj2;
	int        i,j,k;
	real *     charge;
	int *      type;
    real       facel;
	real *     pvdw;
	int        ggid;
    int *      mask;
    real *     GBtab;
    real       gbfactor;
    real *     invsqrta;
    real *     dvda;
    real       vgbtot,dvdasum;
    int        nnn,n0;
    real       ix,iy,iz,iq;
    real       fix,fiy,fiz;
    real       jx,jy,jz,qq;
    real       dx,dy,dz;
    real       tx,ty,tz;
    real       rsq,rinv,rinvsq,rinvsix;
    real       vcoul,vctot;
    real       c6,c12,Vvdw6,Vvdw12,Vvdwtot;
    real       fscal,dvdatmp,fijC,vgb;
    real       Y,F,Fp,Geps,Heps2,VV,FF,eps,eps2,r,rt;
    real       dvdaj,gbscale,isaprod,isai,isaj,gbtabscale;
	charge              = mdatoms->chargeA;
	type                = mdatoms->typeA;
    gbfactor            = ((1.0/fr->epsilon_r) - (1.0/fr->gb_epsilon_solvent));
	facel               = fr->epsfac;
    GBtab               = fr->gbtab.tab;
    gbtabscale          = fr->gbtab.scale;
    invsqrta            = fr->invsqrta;
    dvda                = fr->dvda;
    natoms              = mdatoms->nr;
	ni0                 = mdatoms->start;
	ni1                 = mdatoms->start+mdatoms->homenr;
    aadata = *((gmx_allvsall_data_t **)work);

        *((gmx_allvsall_data_t **)work) = aadata;

	for(i=ni0; i<ni1; i++)
		/* We assume shifts are NOT used for all-vs-all interactions */
		/* Load i atom data */
        ix                = x[3*i];
        iy                = x[3*i+1];
        iz                = x[3*i+2];
        iq                = facel*charge[i];
        isai              = invsqrta[i];

        pvdw              = aadata->pvdwparam[type[i]];
		/* Zero the potential energy for this list */
		Vvdwtot           = 0.0;
        vctot             = 0.0;
        vgbtot            = 0.0;
        dvdasum           = 0.0;              

		/* Clear i atom forces */
        fix               = 0.0;
        fiy               = 0.0;
        fiz               = 0.0;
		/* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
		nj0              = aadata->jindex[3*i];
		nj1              = aadata->jindex[3*i+1];
		nj2              = aadata->jindex[3*i+2];

        mask             = aadata->exclusion_mask[i];
        /* Prologue part, including exclusion mask */
        for(j=nj0; j<nj1; j++,mask++)
                k = j%natoms;
                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx                = x[3*k];
                jy                = x[3*k+1];
                jz                = x[3*k+2];
                /* Calculate distance */
                dx                = ix - jx;      
                dy                = iy - jy;      
                dz                = iz - jz;      
                rsq               = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                isaj             = invsqrta[k];  
                isaprod          = isai*isaj;      
                qq               = iq*charge[k]; 
                vcoul            = qq*rinv;      
                fscal            = vcoul*rinv;   
                qq               = isaprod*(-qq)*gbfactor;  
                gbscale          = isaprod*gbtabscale;
                c6                = pvdw[2*k];
                c12               = pvdw[2*k+1];
                rinvsq           = rinv*rinv;  
                /* Tabulated Generalized-Born interaction */
                dvdaj            = dvda[k];      
                r                = rsq*rinv;   
                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*gbscale;      
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           
                Y                = GBtab[nnn];     
                F                = GBtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*GBtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*GBtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vgb              = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF*gbscale;  
                dvdatmp          = -0.5*(vgb+fijC*r);
                dvdasum          = dvdasum + dvdatmp;
                dvda[k]          = dvdaj+dvdatmp*isaj*isaj;
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                vgbtot           = vgbtot + vgb;
                /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
                fscal            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq-(fijC-fscal)*rinv;
                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx                = fscal*dx;     
                ty                = fscal*dy;     
                tz                = fscal*dz;     
                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix               = fix + tx;      
                fiy               = fiy + ty;      
                fiz               = fiz + tz;      
                /* Decrement j atom force */
                f[3*k]            = f[3*k]   - tx;
                f[3*k+1]          = f[3*k+1] - ty;
                f[3*k+2]          = f[3*k+2] - tz;
            /* Inner loop uses 38 flops/iteration */

        /* Main part, no exclusions */
        for(j=nj1; j<nj2; j++)
            k = j%natoms;

            /* load j atom coordinates */
            jx                = x[3*k];
            jy                = x[3*k+1];
            jz                = x[3*k+2];
            /* Calculate distance */
            dx                = ix - jx;      
            dy                = iy - jy;      
            dz                = iz - jz;      
            rsq               = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
            /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
            rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
            /* Load parameters for j atom */
            isaj             = invsqrta[k];  
            isaprod          = isai*isaj;      
            qq               = iq*charge[k]; 
            vcoul            = qq*rinv;      
            fscal            = vcoul*rinv;   
            qq               = isaprod*(-qq)*gbfactor;  
            gbscale          = isaprod*gbtabscale;
            c6                = pvdw[2*k];
            c12               = pvdw[2*k+1];
            rinvsq           = rinv*rinv;  
            /* Tabulated Generalized-Born interaction */
            dvdaj            = dvda[k];      
            r                = rsq*rinv;   
            /* Calculate table index */
            rt               = r*gbscale;      
            n0               = rt;             
            eps              = rt-n0;          
            eps2             = eps*eps;        
            nnn              = 4*n0;           
            Y                = GBtab[nnn];     
            F                = GBtab[nnn+1];   
            Geps             = eps*GBtab[nnn+2];
            Heps2            = eps2*GBtab[nnn+3];
            Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
            VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
            FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
            vgb              = qq*VV;          
            fijC             = qq*FF*gbscale;  
            dvdatmp          = -0.5*(vgb+fijC*r);
            dvdasum          = dvdasum + dvdatmp;
            dvda[k]          = dvdaj+dvdatmp*isaj*isaj;
            vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
            vgbtot           = vgbtot + vgb;

            /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
            rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
            Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
            Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
            Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
            fscal            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq-(fijC-fscal)*rinv;
            /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
            tx                = fscal*dx;     
            ty                = fscal*dy;     
            tz                = fscal*dz;     
            /* Increment i atom force */
            fix               = fix + tx;      
            fiy               = fiy + ty;      
            fiz               = fiz + tz;      
            /* Decrement j atom force */
            f[3*k]            = f[3*k]   - tx;
            f[3*k+1]          = f[3*k+1] - ty;
            f[3*k+2]          = f[3*k+2] - tz;
            /* Inner loop uses 38 flops/iteration */
        f[3*i]   += fix;
        f[3*i+1] += fiy;
        f[3*i+2] += fiz;
		/* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
		ggid             = 0;         
		Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
        Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;
        vpol[ggid]       = vpol[ggid] + vgbtot;
        dvda[i]          = dvda[i] + dvdasum*isai*isai;

		/* Outer loop uses 6 flops/iteration */

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = ni1-ni0;         
    *inneriter       = (ni1-ni0)*natoms/2;         
Example #10
int gmx_nmens(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *desc[] = {
        "[THISMODULE] generates an ensemble around an average structure",
        "in a subspace that is defined by a set of normal modes (eigenvectors).",
        "The eigenvectors are assumed to be mass-weighted.",
        "The position along each eigenvector is randomly taken from a Gaussian",
        "distribution with variance kT/eigenvalue.[PAR]",
        "By default the starting eigenvector is set to 7, since the first six",
        "normal modes are the translational and rotational degrees of freedom."
    static int  nstruct = 100, first = 7, last = -1, seed = -1;
    static real temp    = 300.0;
    t_pargs     pa[]    = {
        { "-temp",  FALSE, etREAL, {&temp},
          "Temperature in Kelvin" },
        { "-seed", FALSE, etINT, {&seed},
          "Random seed, -1 generates a seed from time and pid" },
        { "-num", FALSE, etINT, {&nstruct},
          "Number of structures to generate" },
        { "-first", FALSE, etINT, {&first},
          "First eigenvector to use (-1 is select)" },
        { "-last",  FALSE, etINT, {&last},
          "Last eigenvector to use (-1 is till the last)" }
#define NPA asize(pa)

    t_trxstatus        *out;
    int                 status, trjout;
    t_topology          top;
    int                 ePBC;
    t_atoms            *atoms;
    rvec               *xtop, *xref, *xav, *xout1, *xout2;
    gmx_bool            bDMR, bDMA, bFit;
    int                 nvec, *eignr = NULL;
    rvec              **eigvec = NULL;
    matrix              box;
    real               *eigval, totmass, *invsqrtm, t, disp;
    int                 natoms, neigval;
    char               *grpname, title[STRLEN];
    const char         *indexfile;
    int                 i, j, d, s, v;
    int                 nout, *iout, noutvec, *outvec;
    atom_id            *index;
    real                rfac, invfr, rhalf, jr;
    int          *      eigvalnr;
    output_env_t        oenv;
    gmx_rng_t           rng;
    unsigned long       jran;
    const unsigned long im = 0xffff;
    const unsigned long ia = 1093;
    const unsigned long ic = 18257;

    t_filenm fnm[] = {
        { efTRN, "-v",    "eigenvec",    ffREAD  },
        { efXVG, "-e",    "eigenval",    ffREAD  },
        { efTPS, NULL,    NULL,          ffREAD },
        { efNDX, NULL,    NULL,          ffOPTRD },
        { efTRO, "-o",    "ensemble",    ffWRITE }
#define NFILE asize(fnm)

    if (!parse_common_args(&argc, argv, PCA_BE_NICE,
                           NFILE, fnm, NPA, pa, asize(desc), desc, 0, NULL, &oenv))
        return 0;

    indexfile = ftp2fn_null(efNDX, NFILE, fnm);

    read_eigenvectors(opt2fn("-v", NFILE, fnm), &natoms, &bFit,
                      &xref, &bDMR, &xav, &bDMA, &nvec, &eignr, &eigvec, &eigval);

    read_tps_conf(ftp2fn(efTPS, NFILE, fnm), title, &top, &ePBC, &xtop, NULL, box, bDMA);
    atoms = &top.atoms;

    printf("\nSelect an index group of %d elements that corresponds to the eigenvectors\n", natoms);
    get_index(atoms, indexfile, 1, &i, &index, &grpname);
    if (i != natoms)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "you selected a group with %d elements instead of %d",
                  i, natoms);

    snew(invsqrtm, natoms);
    if (bDMA)
        for (i = 0; (i < natoms); i++)
            invsqrtm[i] = gmx_invsqrt(atoms->atom[index[i]].m);
        for (i = 0; (i < natoms); i++)
            invsqrtm[i] = 1.0;

    if (last == -1)
        last = natoms*DIM;
    if (first > -1)
        /* make an index from first to last */
        nout = last-first+1;
        snew(iout, nout);
        for (i = 0; i < nout; i++)
            iout[i] = first-1+i;
        printf("Select eigenvectors for output, end your selection with 0\n");
        nout = -1;
        iout = NULL;
            srenew(iout, nout+1);
            if (1 != scanf("%d", &iout[nout]))
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Error reading user input");
        while (iout[nout] >= 0);

    /* make an index of the eigenvectors which are present */
    snew(outvec, nout);
    noutvec = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nout; i++)
        j = 0;
        while ((j < nvec) && (eignr[j] != iout[i]))
        if ((j < nvec) && (eignr[j] == iout[i]))
            outvec[noutvec] = j;
            iout[noutvec]   = iout[i];

    fprintf(stderr, "%d eigenvectors selected for output\n", noutvec);

    if (seed == -1)
        seed = (int)gmx_rng_make_seed();
        rng  = gmx_rng_init(seed);
        rng = gmx_rng_init(seed);
    fprintf(stderr, "Using seed %d and a temperature of %g K\n", seed, temp);

    snew(xout1, natoms);
    snew(xout2, atoms->nr);
    out  = open_trx(ftp2fn(efTRO, NFILE, fnm), "w");
    jran = (unsigned long)((real)im*gmx_rng_uniform_real(rng));
    for (s = 0; s < nstruct; s++)
        for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
            copy_rvec(xav[i], xout1[i]);
        for (j = 0; j < noutvec; j++)
            v = outvec[j];
            /* (r-0.5) n times:  var_n = n * var_1 = n/12
               n=4:  var_n = 1/3, so multiply with 3 */

            rfac  = sqrt(3.0 * BOLTZ*temp/eigval[iout[j]]);
            rhalf = 2.0*rfac;
            rfac  = rfac/(real)im;

            jran = (jran*ia+ic) & im;
            jr   = (real)jran;
            jran = (jran*ia+ic) & im;
            jr  += (real)jran;
            jran = (jran*ia+ic) & im;
            jr  += (real)jran;
            jran = (jran*ia+ic) & im;
            jr  += (real)jran;
            disp = rfac * jr - rhalf;

            for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
                for (d = 0; d < DIM; d++)
                    xout1[i][d] += disp*eigvec[v][i][d]*invsqrtm[i];
        for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
            copy_rvec(xout1[i], xout2[index[i]]);
        t = s+1;
        write_trx(out, natoms, index, atoms, 0, t, box, xout2, NULL, NULL);
        fprintf(stderr, "\rGenerated %d structures", s+1);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    return 0;
Example #11
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel320
 * Coulomb interaction:     Tabulated
 * VdW interaction:         Buckingham
 * water optimization:      No
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void pf_nb_kernel320(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
		    t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          iq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           nti;
    int           tj;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          FF;
    real          fijC;
    real          Vvdwexp,br;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          c6,cexp1,cexp2;
    real          pf_coul, pf_lj;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];

            /* Load parameters for i atom */
            iq               = facel*charge[ii];
            nti              = 3*ntype*type[ii];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = iq*charge[jnr]; 
                tj               = nti+3*type[jnr];
                c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
                cexp1            = vdwparam[tj+1]; 
                cexp2            = vdwparam[tj+2]; 
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Buckingham interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                br               = cexp2*rsq11*rinv11;
                Vvdwexp          = cexp1*exp(-br); 
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdwexp-Vvdw6;
		pf_coul          = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv11;
		pf_lj            = (br*Vvdwexp-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;
		fscal            = pf_lj+pf_coul;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                faction[j3+1]    = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                faction[j3+2]    = faction[j3+2] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded(pf_global, ii, jnr, pf_coul, pf_lj, dx11, dy11, dz11);
                /* Inner loop uses 81 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 12 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #12
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel nb_kernel231
 * Coulomb interaction:     Reaction field
 * VdW interaction:         Tabulated
 * water optimization:      SPC/TIP3P - other atoms
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void nb_kernel231(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          jq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           nti;
    int           tj;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          Vvdw12;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          FF;
    real          fijD,fijR;
    real          krsq;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1,fjx1,fjy1,fjz1;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          qO,qH;
    real          c6,c12;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qO               = facel*charge[ii];
    qH               = facel*charge[ii+1];
    nti              = 2*ntype*type[ii];

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            fix2             = 0;              
            fiy2             = 0;              
            fiz2             = 0;              
            fix3             = 0;              
            fiy3             = 0;              
            fiz3             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                jq               = charge[jnr+0];  
                qq               = qO*jq;          
                tj               = nti+2*type[jnr];
                c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
                c12              = vdwparam[tj+1]; 
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq11;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv11+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 8*n0;           

                /* Tabulated VdW interaction - dispersion */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                Vvdw6            = c6*VV;          
                fijD             = c6*FF;          

                /* Tabulated VdW interaction - repulsion */
                nnn              = nnn+4;          
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                Vvdw12           = c12*VV;         
                fijR             = c12*FF;         
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+ Vvdw6 + Vvdw12;
                fscal            = (qq*(rinv11-2.0*krsq))*rinvsq-((fijD+fijR)*tabscale)*rinv11;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                fjy1             = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                fjz1             = faction[j3+2] - tz;

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qH*jq;          
                rinvsq           = rinv21*rinv21;  

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq21;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv21+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (qq*(rinv21-2.0*krsq))*rinvsq;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx21;     
                ty               = fscal*dy21;     
                tz               = fscal*dz21;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = fjx1 - tx;      
                fjy1             = fjy1 - ty;      
                fjz1             = fjz1 - tz;      

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                rinvsq           = rinv31*rinv31;  

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq31;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv31+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (qq*(rinv31-2.0*krsq))*rinvsq;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx31;     
                ty               = fscal*dy31;     
                tz               = fscal*dz31;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = fjx1 - tx;      
                faction[j3+1]    = fjy1 - ty;      
                faction[j3+2]    = fjz1 - tz;      

                /* Inner loop uses 130 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            faction[ii3+3]   = faction[ii3+3] + fix2;
            faction[ii3+4]   = faction[ii3+4] + fiy2;
            faction[ii3+5]   = faction[ii3+5] + fiz2;
            faction[ii3+6]   = faction[ii3+6] + fix3;
            faction[ii3+7]   = faction[ii3+7] + fiy3;
            faction[ii3+8]   = faction[ii3+8] + fiz3;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1+fix2+fix3;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1+fiy2+fiy3;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1+fiz2+fiz3;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 29 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #13
static void gmx_print_version_info(FILE *fp)
    fprintf(fp, "Gromacs version:    %s\n", gmx_version());
    const char *const git_hash = gmx_version_git_full_hash();
    if (git_hash[0] != '\0')
        fprintf(fp, "GIT SHA1 hash:      %s\n", git_hash);
    const char *const base_hash = gmx_version_git_central_base_hash();
    if (base_hash[0] != '\0')
        fprintf(fp, "Branched from:      %s\n", base_hash);

    fprintf(fp, "Precision:          double\n");
    fprintf(fp, "Precision:          single\n");
    fprintf(fp, "Memory model:       %u bit\n", (unsigned)(8*sizeof(void *)));

    fprintf(fp, "MPI library:        thread_mpi\n");
#elif defined(GMX_MPI)
    fprintf(fp, "MPI library:        MPI\n");
    fprintf(fp, "MPI library:        none\n");
    fprintf(fp, "OpenMP support:     enabled (GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS = %d)\n", GMX_OPENMP_MAX_THREADS);
    fprintf(fp, "OpenMP support:     disabled\n");
#ifdef GMX_GPU
    fprintf(fp, "GPU support:        enabled\n");
    fprintf(fp, "GPU support:        disabled\n");
    /* A preprocessor trick to avoid duplicating logic from vec.h */
#define gmx_stringify2(x) #x
#define gmx_stringify(x) gmx_stringify2(x)
    fprintf(fp, "invsqrt routine:    %s\n", gmx_stringify(gmx_invsqrt(x)));
    fprintf(fp, "SIMD instructions:  %s\n", GMX_SIMD_STRING);
    fprintf(fp, "FFT library:        %s\n", gmx_fft_get_version_info());
    fprintf(fp, "RDTSCP usage:       enabled\n");
    fprintf(fp, "RDTSCP usage:       disabled\n");
#ifdef GMX_CXX11
    fprintf(fp, "C++11 compilation:  enabled\n");
    fprintf(fp, "C++11 compilation:  disabled\n");
#ifdef GMX_USE_TNG
    fprintf(fp, "TNG support:        enabled\n");
    fprintf(fp, "TNG support:        disabled\n");
    unsigned major, minor, revision;
    Extrae_get_version(&major, &minor, &revision);
    fprintf(fp, "Tracing support:    enabled. Using Extrae-%d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, revision);
    fprintf(fp, "Tracing support:    disabled\n");

    fprintf(fp, "Built on:           %s\n", BUILD_TIME);
    fprintf(fp, "Built by:           %s\n", BUILD_USER);
    fprintf(fp, "Build OS/arch:      %s\n", BUILD_HOST);
    fprintf(fp, "Build CPU vendor:   %s\n", BUILD_CPU_VENDOR);
    fprintf(fp, "Build CPU brand:    %s\n", BUILD_CPU_BRAND);
    fprintf(fp, "Build CPU family:   %d   Model: %d   Stepping: %d\n",
    /* TODO: The below strings can be quite long, so it would be nice to wrap
     * them. Can wait for later, as the master branch has ready code to do all
     * that. */
    fprintf(fp, "Build CPU features: %s\n", BUILD_CPU_FEATURES);
    fprintf(fp, "C compiler:         %s\n", BUILD_C_COMPILER);
    fprintf(fp, "C compiler flags:   %s\n", BUILD_CFLAGS);
    fprintf(fp, "C++ compiler:       %s\n", BUILD_CXX_COMPILER);
    fprintf(fp, "C++ compiler flags: %s\n", BUILD_CXXFLAGS);
    /* MKL might be used for LAPACK/BLAS even if FFTs use FFTW, so keep it separate */
    fprintf(fp, "Linked with Intel MKL version %d.%d.%d.\n",
            __INTEL_MKL__, __INTEL_MKL_MINOR__, __INTEL_MKL_UPDATE__);
    const bool bExternalBoost = true;
    const bool bExternalBoost = false;
    fprintf(fp, "Boost version:      %d.%d.%d%s\n", BOOST_VERSION / 100000,
            BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000, BOOST_VERSION % 100,
            bExternalBoost ? " (external)" : " (internal)");
#ifdef GMX_GPU
Example #14
adress_thermo_force(int                  start,
                    int                  homenr,
                    t_block *            cgs,
                    rvec                 x[],
                    rvec                 f[],
                    t_forcerec *         fr,
                    t_mdatoms *          mdatoms,
                    t_pbc *              pbc)
    int              iatom, n0, nnn, nrcg, i;
    int              adresstype;
    real             adressw, adressr;
    atom_id *        cgindex;
    unsigned short * ptype;
    rvec *           ref;
    real *           wf;
    real             tabscale;
    real *           ATFtab;
    rvec             dr;
    real             w, wsq, wmin1, wmin1sq, wp, wt, rinv, sqr_dl, dl;
    real             eps, eps2, F, Geps, Heps2, Fp, dmu_dwp, dwp_dr, fscal;

    adresstype        = fr->adress_type;
    adressw           = fr->adress_hy_width;
    adressr           = fr->adress_ex_width;
    cgindex           = cgs->index;
    ptype             = mdatoms->ptype;
    ref               = &(fr->adress_refs);
    wf                = mdatoms->wf;

    for (iatom = start; (iatom < start+homenr); iatom++)
        if (egp_coarsegrained(fr, mdatoms->cENER[iatom]))
            if (ptype[iatom] == eptVSite)
                w    = wf[iatom];
                /* is it hybrid or apply the thermodynamics force everywhere?*/
                if (mdatoms->tf_table_index[iatom] != NO_TF_TABLE)
                    if (fr->n_adress_tf_grps > 0)
                        /* multi component tf is on, select the right table */
                        ATFtab   = fr->atf_tabs[mdatoms->tf_table_index[iatom]].data;
                        tabscale = fr->atf_tabs[mdatoms->tf_table_index[iatom]].scale;
                        /* just on component*/
                        ATFtab   = fr->atf_tabs[DEFAULT_TF_TABLE].data;
                        tabscale = fr->atf_tabs[DEFAULT_TF_TABLE].scale;

                    fscal            = 0;
                    if (pbc)
                        pbc_dx(pbc, (*ref), x[iatom], dr);
                        rvec_sub((*ref), x[iatom], dr);

                    /* calculate distace to adress center again */
                    sqr_dl = 0.0;
                    switch (adresstype)
                        case eAdressXSplit:
                            /* plane through center of ref, varies in x direction */
                            sqr_dl           = dr[0]*dr[0];
                            rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(dr[0]*dr[0]);
                        case eAdressSphere:
                            /* point at center of ref, assuming cubic geometry */
                            for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                sqr_dl    += dr[i]*dr[i];
                            rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(sqr_dl);
                            /* This case should not happen */
                            rinv = 0.0;

                    dl = sqrt(sqr_dl);
                    /* table origin is adress center */
                    wt               = dl*tabscale;
                    n0               = wt;
                    eps              = wt-n0;
                    eps2             = eps*eps;
                    nnn              = 4*n0;
                    F                = ATFtab[nnn+1];
                    Geps             = eps*ATFtab[nnn+2];
                    Heps2            = eps2*ATFtab[nnn+3];
                    Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
                    F                = (Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2)*tabscale;

                    fscal            = F*rinv;

                    f[iatom][0]        += fscal*dr[0];
                    if (adresstype != eAdressXSplit)
                        f[iatom][1]    += fscal*dr[1];
                        f[iatom][2]    += fscal*dr[2];
Example #15
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel nb_kernel103
 * Coulomb interaction:     Normal Coulomb
 * VdW interaction:         Not calculated
 * water optimization:      TIP4P - other atoms
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void nb_kernel103(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          jq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3;
    real          ix4,iy4,iz4,fix4,fiy4,fiz4;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1,fjx1,fjy1,fjz1;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          dx41,dy41,dz41,rsq41,rinv41;
    real          qH,qM;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qH               = facel*charge[ii+1];
    qM               = facel*charge[ii+3];

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];
            ix4              = shX + pos[ii3+9];
            iy4              = shY + pos[ii3+10];
            iz4              = shZ + pos[ii3+11];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix2             = 0;              
            fiy2             = 0;              
            fiz2             = 0;              
            fix3             = 0;              
            fiy3             = 0;              
            fiz3             = 0;              
            fix4             = 0;              
            fiy4             = 0;              
            fiz4             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;
                dx41             = ix4 - jx1;      
                dy41             = iy4 - jy1;      
                dz41             = iz4 - jz1;      
                rsq41            = dx41*dx41+dy41*dy41+dz41*dz41;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);
                rinv41           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq41);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                jq               = charge[jnr+0];  
                qq               = qH*jq;          
                rinvsq           = rinv21*rinv21;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv21;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx21;     
                ty               = fscal*dy21;     
                tz               = fscal*dz21;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                fjy1             = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                fjz1             = faction[j3+2] - tz;

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                rinvsq           = rinv31*rinv31;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv31;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx31;     
                ty               = fscal*dy31;     
                tz               = fscal*dz31;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = fjx1 - tx;      
                fjy1             = fjy1 - ty;      
                fjz1             = fjz1 - tz;      

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qM*jq;          
                rinvsq           = rinv41*rinv41;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv41;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx41;     
                ty               = fscal*dy41;     
                tz               = fscal*dz41;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix4             = fix4 + tx;      
                fiy4             = fiy4 + ty;      
                fiz4             = fiz4 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = fjx1 - tx;      
                faction[j3+1]    = fjy1 - ty;      
                faction[j3+2]    = fjz1 - tz;      

                /* Inner loop uses 80 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+3]   = faction[ii3+3] + fix2;
            faction[ii3+4]   = faction[ii3+4] + fiy2;
            faction[ii3+5]   = faction[ii3+5] + fiz2;
            faction[ii3+6]   = faction[ii3+6] + fix3;
            faction[ii3+7]   = faction[ii3+7] + fiy3;
            faction[ii3+8]   = faction[ii3+8] + fiz3;
            faction[ii3+9]   = faction[ii3+9] + fix4;
            faction[ii3+10]  = faction[ii3+10] + fiy4;
            faction[ii3+11]  = faction[ii3+11] + fiz4;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix2+fix3+fix4;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy2+fiy3+fiy4;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz2+fiz3+fiz4;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 28 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #16
gmx_nb_free_energy_kernel(t_nblist *                nlist,
                          rvec *                    xx,
                          rvec *                    ff,
                          t_forcerec *              fr,
                          t_mdatoms *               mdatoms,
                          nb_kernel_data_t *        kernel_data,
                          t_nrnb *                  nrnb)

#define  STATE_A  0
#define  STATE_B  1
#define  NSTATES  2
    int           i, j, n, ii, is3, ii3, k, nj0, nj1, jnr, j3, ggid;
    real          shX, shY, shZ;
    real          Fscal, FscalC[NSTATES], FscalV[NSTATES], tx, ty, tz;
    real          Vcoul[NSTATES], Vvdw[NSTATES];
    real          rinv6, r, rt, rtC, rtV;
    real          iqA, iqB;
    real          qq[NSTATES], vctot, krsq;
    int           ntiA, ntiB, tj[NSTATES];
    real          Vvdw6, Vvdw12, vvtot;
    real          ix, iy, iz, fix, fiy, fiz;
    real          dx, dy, dz, rsq, rinv;
    real          c6[NSTATES], c12[NSTATES];
    double        dvdl_coul, dvdl_vdw;
    real          lfac_coul[NSTATES], dlfac_coul[NSTATES], lfac_vdw[NSTATES], dlfac_vdw[NSTATES];
    real          sigma6[NSTATES], alpha_vdw_eff, alpha_coul_eff, sigma2_def, sigma2_min;
    real          rp, rpm2, rC, rV, rinvC, rpinvC, rinvV, rpinvV;
    real          sigma2[NSTATES], sigma_pow[NSTATES], sigma_powm2[NSTATES], rs, rs2;
    int           do_coultab, do_vdwtab, do_tab, tab_elemsize;
    int           n0, n1C, n1V, nnn;
    real          Y, F, G, H, Fp, Geps, Heps2, epsC, eps2C, epsV, eps2V, VV, FF;
    int           icoul, ivdw;
    int           nri;
    int *         iinr;
    int *         jindex;
    int *         jjnr;
    int *         shift;
    int *         gid;
    int *         typeA;
    int *         typeB;
    int           ntype;
    real *        shiftvec;
    real          dvdl_part;
    real *        fshift;
    real          tabscale;
    real *        VFtab;
    real *        x;
    real *        f;
    real          facel, krf, crf;
    real *        chargeA;
    real *        chargeB;
    real          sigma6_min, sigma6_def, lam_power, sc_power, sc_r_power;
    real          alpha_coul, alpha_vdw, lambda_coul, lambda_vdw, ewc;
    real *        nbfp;
    real *        dvdl;
    real *        Vv;
    real *        Vc;
    gmx_bool      bDoForces;
    real          rcoulomb, rvdw, sh_invrc6;
    gmx_bool      bExactElecCutoff, bExactVdwCutoff;
    real          rcutoff, rcutoff2, rswitch, d, d2, swV3, swV4, swV5, swF2, swF3, swF4, sw, dsw, rinvcorr;

    x                   = xx[0];
    f                   = ff[0];

    fshift              = fr->fshift[0];
    Vc                  = kernel_data->energygrp_elec;
    Vv                  = kernel_data->energygrp_vdw;
    tabscale            = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->scale;
    VFtab               = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->data;

    nri                 = nlist->nri;
    iinr                = nlist->iinr;
    jindex              = nlist->jindex;
    jjnr                = nlist->jjnr;
    icoul               = nlist->ielec;
    ivdw                = nlist->ivdw;
    shift               = nlist->shift;
    gid                 = nlist->gid;

    shiftvec            = fr->shift_vec[0];
    chargeA             = mdatoms->chargeA;
    chargeB             = mdatoms->chargeB;
    facel               = fr->epsfac;
    krf                 = fr->k_rf;
    crf                 = fr->c_rf;
    ewc                 = fr->ewaldcoeff;
    Vc                  = kernel_data->energygrp_elec;
    typeA               = mdatoms->typeA;
    typeB               = mdatoms->typeB;
    ntype               = fr->ntype;
    nbfp                = fr->nbfp;
    Vv                  = kernel_data->energygrp_vdw;
    tabscale            = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->scale;
    VFtab               = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->data;
    lambda_coul         = kernel_data->lambda[efptCOUL];
    lambda_vdw          = kernel_data->lambda[efptVDW];
    dvdl                = kernel_data->dvdl;
    alpha_coul          = fr->sc_alphacoul;
    alpha_vdw           = fr->sc_alphavdw;
    lam_power           = fr->sc_power;
    sc_r_power          = fr->sc_r_power;
    sigma6_def          = fr->sc_sigma6_def;
    sigma6_min          = fr->sc_sigma6_min;
    bDoForces           = kernel_data->flags & GMX_NONBONDED_DO_FORCE;

    rcoulomb            = fr->rcoulomb;
    rvdw                = fr->rvdw;
    sh_invrc6           = fr->ic->sh_invrc6;

    if (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH || fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
        rcutoff         = (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH) ? fr->rcoulomb : fr->rvdw;
        rcutoff2        = rcutoff*rcutoff;
        rswitch         = (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH) ? fr->rcoulomb_switch : fr->rvdw_switch;
        d               = rcutoff-rswitch;
        swV3            = -10.0/(d*d*d);
        swV4            =  15.0/(d*d*d*d);
        swV5            =  -6.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        swF2            = -30.0/(d*d*d);
        swF3            =  60.0/(d*d*d*d);
        swF4            = -30.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        /* Stupid compilers dont realize these variables will not be used */
        rswitch         = 0.0;
        swV3            = 0.0;
        swV4            = 0.0;
        swV5            = 0.0;
        swF2            = 0.0;
        swF3            = 0.0;
        swF4            = 0.0;

    bExactElecCutoff    = (fr->coulomb_modifier != eintmodNONE) || fr->eeltype == eelRF_ZERO;
    bExactVdwCutoff     = (fr->vdw_modifier != eintmodNONE);

    /* fix compiler warnings */
    nj1   = 0;
    n1C   = n1V   = 0;
    epsC  = epsV  = 0;
    eps2C = eps2V = 0;

    dvdl_coul  = 0;
    dvdl_vdw   = 0;

    /* Lambda factor for state A, 1-lambda*/
    LFC[STATE_A] = 1.0 - lambda_coul;
    LFV[STATE_A] = 1.0 - lambda_vdw;

    /* Lambda factor for state B, lambda*/
    LFC[STATE_B] = lambda_coul;
    LFV[STATE_B] = lambda_vdw;

    /*derivative of the lambda factor for state A and B */
    DLF[STATE_A] = -1;
    DLF[STATE_B] = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < NSTATES; i++)
        lfac_coul[i]  = (lam_power == 2 ? (1-LFC[i])*(1-LFC[i]) : (1-LFC[i]));
        dlfac_coul[i] = DLF[i]*lam_power/sc_r_power*(lam_power == 2 ? (1-LFC[i]) : 1);
        lfac_vdw[i]   = (lam_power == 2 ? (1-LFV[i])*(1-LFV[i]) : (1-LFV[i]));
        dlfac_vdw[i]  = DLF[i]*lam_power/sc_r_power*(lam_power == 2 ? (1-LFV[i]) : 1);
    /* precalculate */
    sigma2_def = pow(sigma6_def, 1.0/3.0);
    sigma2_min = pow(sigma6_min, 1.0/3.0);

    /* Ewald (not PME) table is special (icoul==enbcoulFEWALD) */

    do_coultab = (icoul == GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_CUBICSPLINETABLE);
    do_vdwtab  = (ivdw == GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_CUBICSPLINETABLE);

    do_tab = do_coultab || do_vdwtab;

    /* we always use the combined table here */
    tab_elemsize = 12;

    for (n = 0; (n < nri); n++)
        is3              = 3*shift[n];
        shX              = shiftvec[is3];
        shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
        shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];
        nj0              = jindex[n];
        nj1              = jindex[n+1];
        ii               = iinr[n];
        ii3              = 3*ii;
        ix               = shX + x[ii3+0];
        iy               = shY + x[ii3+1];
        iz               = shZ + x[ii3+2];
        iqA              = facel*chargeA[ii];
        iqB              = facel*chargeB[ii];
        ntiA             = 2*ntype*typeA[ii];
        ntiB             = 2*ntype*typeB[ii];
        vctot            = 0;
        vvtot            = 0;
        fix              = 0;
        fiy              = 0;
        fiz              = 0;

        for (k = nj0; (k < nj1); k++)
            jnr              = jjnr[k];
            j3               = 3*jnr;
            dx               = ix - x[j3];
            dy               = iy - x[j3+1];
            dz               = iz - x[j3+2];
            rsq              = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
            rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
            r                = rsq*rinv;
            if (sc_r_power == 6.0)
                rpm2             = rsq*rsq;  /* r4 */
                rp               = rpm2*rsq; /* r6 */
            else if (sc_r_power == 48.0)
                rp               = rsq*rsq*rsq; /* r6 */
                rp               = rp*rp;       /* r12 */
                rp               = rp*rp;       /* r24 */
                rp               = rp*rp;       /* r48 */
                rpm2             = rp/rsq;      /* r46 */
                rp             = pow(r, sc_r_power);  /* not currently supported as input, but can handle it */
                rpm2           = rp/rsq;

            tj[STATE_A]      = ntiA+2*typeA[jnr];
            tj[STATE_B]      = ntiB+2*typeB[jnr];
            qq[STATE_A]      = iqA*chargeA[jnr];
            qq[STATE_B]      = iqB*chargeB[jnr];

            for (i = 0; i < NSTATES; i++)

                c6[i]              = nbfp[tj[i]];
                c12[i]             = nbfp[tj[i]+1];
                if ((c6[i] > 0) && (c12[i] > 0))
                    /* c12 is stored scaled with 12.0 and c6 is scaled with 6.0 - correct for this */
                    sigma6[i]       = 0.5*c12[i]/c6[i];
                    sigma2[i]       = pow(sigma6[i], 1.0/3.0);
                    /* should be able to get rid of this ^^^ internal pow call eventually.  Will require agreement on
                       what data to store externally.  Can't be fixed without larger scale changes, so not 4.6 */
                    if (sigma6[i] < sigma6_min)   /* for disappearing coul and vdw with soft core at the same time */
                        sigma6[i] = sigma6_min;
                        sigma2[i] = sigma2_min;
                    sigma6[i]       = sigma6_def;
                    sigma2[i]       = sigma2_def;
                if (sc_r_power == 6.0)
                    sigma_pow[i]    = sigma6[i];
                    sigma_powm2[i]  = sigma6[i]/sigma2[i];
                else if (sc_r_power == 48.0)
                    sigma_pow[i]    = sigma6[i]*sigma6[i];       /* sigma^12 */
                    sigma_pow[i]    = sigma_pow[i]*sigma_pow[i]; /* sigma^24 */
                    sigma_pow[i]    = sigma_pow[i]*sigma_pow[i]; /* sigma^48 */
                    sigma_powm2[i]  = sigma_pow[i]/sigma2[i];
                {    /* not really supported as input, but in here for testing the general case*/
                    sigma_pow[i]    = pow(sigma2[i], sc_r_power/2);
                    sigma_powm2[i]  = sigma_pow[i]/(sigma2[i]);

            /* only use softcore if one of the states has a zero endstate - softcore is for avoiding infinities!*/
            if ((c12[STATE_A] > 0) && (c12[STATE_B] > 0))
                alpha_vdw_eff    = 0;
                alpha_coul_eff   = 0;
                alpha_vdw_eff    = alpha_vdw;
                alpha_coul_eff   = alpha_coul;

            for (i = 0; i < NSTATES; i++)
                FscalC[i]    = 0;
                FscalV[i]    = 0;
                Vcoul[i]     = 0;
                Vvdw[i]      = 0;

                /* Only spend time on A or B state if it is non-zero */
                if ( (qq[i] != 0) || (c6[i] != 0) || (c12[i] != 0) )

                    /* this section has to be inside the loop becaue of the dependence on sigma_pow */
                    rpinvC         = 1.0/(alpha_coul_eff*lfac_coul[i]*sigma_pow[i]+rp);
                    rinvC          = pow(rpinvC, 1.0/sc_r_power);
                    rC             = 1.0/rinvC;

                    rpinvV         = 1.0/(alpha_vdw_eff*lfac_vdw[i]*sigma_pow[i]+rp);
                    rinvV          = pow(rpinvV, 1.0/sc_r_power);
                    rV             = 1.0/rinvV;

                    if (do_tab)
                        rtC        = rC*tabscale;
                        n0         = rtC;
                        epsC       = rtC-n0;
                        eps2C      = epsC*epsC;
                        n1C        = tab_elemsize*n0;

                        rtV        = rV*tabscale;
                        n0         = rtV;
                        epsV       = rtV-n0;
                        eps2V      = epsV*epsV;
                        n1V        = tab_elemsize*n0;

                    /* With Ewald and soft-core we should put the cut-off on r,
                     * not on the soft-cored rC, as the real-space and
                     * reciprocal space contributions should (almost) cancel.
                    if (qq[i] != 0 &&
                        !(bExactElecCutoff &&
                          ((icoul != GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_EWALD && rC >= rcoulomb) ||
                           (icoul == GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_EWALD && r >= rcoulomb))))
                        switch (icoul)
                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_COULOMB:
                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_EWALD:
                                /* simple cutoff (yes, ewald is done all on direct space for free energy) */
                                Vcoul[i]   = qq[i]*rinvC;
                                FscalC[i]  = Vcoul[i]*rpinvC;

                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_REACTIONFIELD:
                                /* reaction-field */
                                Vcoul[i]   = qq[i]*(rinvC+krf*rC*rC-crf);
                                FscalC[i]  = qq[i]*(rinvC*rpinvC-2.0*krf);

                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_CUBICSPLINETABLE:
                                /* non-Ewald tabulated coulomb */
                                nnn        = n1C;
                                Y          = VFtab[nnn];
                                F          = VFtab[nnn+1];
                                Geps       = epsC*VFtab[nnn+2];
                                Heps2      = eps2C*VFtab[nnn+3];
                                Fp         = F+Geps+Heps2;
                                VV         = Y+epsC*Fp;
                                FF         = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                                Vcoul[i]   = qq[i]*VV;
                                FscalC[i]  = -qq[i]*tabscale*FF*rC*rpinvC;

                                FscalC[i]  = 0.0;
                                Vcoul[i]   = 0.0;

                        if (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
                            d                = rC-rswitch;
                            d                = (d > 0.0) ? d : 0.0;
                            d2               = d*d;
                            sw               = 1.0+d2*d*(swV3+d*(swV4+d*swV5));
                            dsw              = d2*(swF2+d*(swF3+d*swF4));

                            Vcoul[i]        *= sw;
                            FscalC[i]        = FscalC[i]*sw + Vcoul[i]*dsw;

                    if ((c6[i] != 0 || c12[i] != 0) &&
                        !(bExactVdwCutoff && rV >= rvdw))
                        switch (ivdw)
                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_LENNARDJONES:
                                /* cutoff LJ */
                                if (sc_r_power == 6.0)
                                    rinv6            = rpinvV;
                                    rinv6            = pow(rinvV, 6.0);
                                Vvdw6            = c6[i]*rinv6;
                                Vvdw12           = c12[i]*rinv6*rinv6;
                                if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSHIFT)
                                    Vvdw[i]          = ( (Vvdw12-c12[i]*sh_invrc6*sh_invrc6)*(1.0/12.0)
                                    Vvdw[i]          = Vvdw12*(1.0/12.0)-Vvdw6*(1.0/6.0);
                                FscalV[i]        = (Vvdw12-Vvdw6)*rpinvV;

                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_BUCKINGHAM:
                                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Buckingham free energy not supported.");

                            case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_CUBICSPLINETABLE:
                                /* Table LJ */
                                nnn = n1V+4;
                                /* dispersion */
                                Y          = VFtab[nnn];
                                F          = VFtab[nnn+1];
                                Geps       = epsV*VFtab[nnn+2];
                                Heps2      = eps2V*VFtab[nnn+3];
                                Fp         = F+Geps+Heps2;
                                VV         = Y+epsV*Fp;
                                FF         = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                                Vvdw[i]   += c6[i]*VV;
                                FscalV[i] -= c6[i]*tabscale*FF*rV*rpinvV;

                                /* repulsion */
                                Y          = VFtab[nnn+4];
                                F          = VFtab[nnn+5];
                                Geps       = epsV*VFtab[nnn+6];
                                Heps2      = eps2V*VFtab[nnn+7];
                                Fp         = F+Geps+Heps2;
                                VV         = Y+epsV*Fp;
                                FF         = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                                Vvdw[i]   += c12[i]*VV;
                                FscalV[i] -= c12[i]*tabscale*FF*rV*rpinvV;

                                Vvdw[i]    = 0.0;
                                FscalV[i]  = 0.0;

                        if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
                            d                = rV-rswitch;
                            d                = (d > 0.0) ? d : 0.0;
                            d2               = d*d;
                            sw               = 1.0+d2*d*(swV3+d*(swV4+d*swV5));
                            dsw              = d2*(swF2+d*(swF3+d*swF4));

                            Vvdw[i]         *= sw;
                            FscalV[i]        = FscalV[i]*sw + Vvdw[i]*dsw;

                            FscalV[i]        = (rV < rvdw) ? FscalV[i] : 0.0;
                            Vvdw[i]          = (rV < rvdw) ? Vvdw[i] : 0.0;

            Fscal = 0;

            if (icoul == GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_EWALD &&
                !(bExactElecCutoff && r >= rcoulomb))
                /* because we compute the softcore normally,
                   we have to remove the ewald short range portion. Done outside of
                   the states loop because this part doesn't depend on the scaled R */

                /* Relative accuracy at R_ERF_R_INACC of 3e-10 */
#define         R_ERF_R_INACC 0.006
                /* Relative accuracy at R_ERF_R_INACC of 2e-5 */
#define         R_ERF_R_INACC 0.1
                if (ewc*r > R_ERF_R_INACC)
                    VV    = gmx_erf(ewc*r)*rinv;
                    FF    = rinv*rinv*(VV - ewc*M_2_SQRTPI*exp(-ewc*ewc*rsq));
                    VV    = ewc*M_2_SQRTPI;
                    FF    = ewc*ewc*ewc*M_2_SQRTPI*(2.0/3.0 - 0.4*ewc*ewc*rsq);

                for (i = 0; i < NSTATES; i++)
                    vctot      -= LFC[i]*qq[i]*VV;
                    Fscal      -= LFC[i]*qq[i]*FF;
                    dvdl_coul  -= (DLF[i]*qq[i])*VV;

            /* Assemble A and B states */
            for (i = 0; i < NSTATES; i++)
                vctot         += LFC[i]*Vcoul[i];
                vvtot         += LFV[i]*Vvdw[i];

                Fscal         += LFC[i]*FscalC[i]*rpm2;
                Fscal         += LFV[i]*FscalV[i]*rpm2;

                dvdl_coul     += Vcoul[i]*DLF[i] + LFC[i]*alpha_coul_eff*dlfac_coul[i]*FscalC[i]*sigma_pow[i];
                dvdl_vdw      += Vvdw[i]*DLF[i] + LFV[i]*alpha_vdw_eff*dlfac_vdw[i]*FscalV[i]*sigma_pow[i];

            if (bDoForces)
                tx         = Fscal*dx;
                ty         = Fscal*dy;
                tz         = Fscal*dz;
                fix        = fix + tx;
                fiy        = fiy + ty;
                fiz        = fiz + tz;
                f[j3]      = f[j3]   - tx;
                f[j3+1]    = f[j3+1] - ty;
                f[j3+2]    = f[j3+2] - tz;

        if (bDoForces)
            f[ii3]         = f[ii3]        + fix;
            f[ii3+1]       = f[ii3+1]      + fiy;
            f[ii3+2]       = f[ii3+2]      + fiz;
            fshift[is3]    = fshift[is3]   + fix;
            fshift[is3+1]  = fshift[is3+1] + fiy;
            fshift[is3+2]  = fshift[is3+2] + fiz;
        ggid               = gid[n];
        Vc[ggid]           = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
        Vv[ggid]           = Vv[ggid] + vvtot;

    dvdl[efptCOUL]     += dvdl_coul;
    dvdl[efptVDW]      += dvdl_vdw;

    /* Estimate flops, average for free energy stuff:
     * 12  flops per outer iteration
     * 150 flops per inner iteration
    inc_nrnb(nrnb, eNR_NBKERNEL_FREE_ENERGY, nlist->nri*12 + nlist->jindex[n]*150);
Example #17
real ewald_LRcorrection(FILE *fplog,
                        int start, int end,
                        t_commrec *cr, int thread, t_forcerec *fr,
                        real *chargeA, real *chargeB,
                        gmx_bool calc_excl_corr,
                        t_blocka *excl, rvec x[],
                        matrix box, rvec mu_tot[],
                        int ewald_geometry, real epsilon_surface,
                        rvec *f, tensor vir,
                        real lambda, real *dvdlambda)
    int      i, i1, i2, j, k, m, iv, jv, q;
    atom_id *AA;
    double   q2sumA, q2sumB, Vexcl, dvdl_excl; /* Necessary for precision */
    real     one_4pi_eps;
    real     v, vc, qiA, qiB, dr, dr2, rinv, fscal, enercorr;
    real     Vself[2], Vdipole[2], rinv2, ewc = fr->ewaldcoeff, ewcdr;
    rvec     df, dx, mutot[2], dipcorrA, dipcorrB;
    tensor   dxdf;
    real     vol = box[XX][XX]*box[YY][YY]*box[ZZ][ZZ];
    real     L1, dipole_coeff, qqA, qqB, qqL, vr0;
    /*#define TABLES*/
#ifdef TABLES
    real        tabscale = fr->tabscale;
    real        eps, eps2, VV, FF, F, Y, Geps, Heps2, Fp, fijC, r1t;
    real       *VFtab = fr->coulvdwtab;
    int         n0, n1, nnn;
    gmx_bool    bFreeEnergy = (chargeB != NULL);
    gmx_bool    bMolPBC     = fr->bMolPBC;

    one_4pi_eps = ONE_4PI_EPS0/fr->epsilon_r;
    vr0         = ewc*M_2_SQRTPI;

    AA         = excl->a;
    Vexcl      = 0;
    dvdl_excl  = 0;
    q2sumA     = 0;
    q2sumB     = 0;
    Vdipole[0] = 0;
    Vdipole[1] = 0;
    L1         = 1.0-lambda;

    /* Note that we have to transform back to gromacs units, since
     * mu_tot contains the dipole in debye units (for output).
    for (i = 0; (i < DIM); i++)
        mutot[0][i] = mu_tot[0][i]*DEBYE2ENM;
        mutot[1][i] = mu_tot[1][i]*DEBYE2ENM;
        dipcorrA[i] = 0;
        dipcorrB[i] = 0;
    dipole_coeff = 0;
    switch (ewald_geometry)
        case eewg3D:
            if (epsilon_surface != 0)
                dipole_coeff =
                    2*M_PI*ONE_4PI_EPS0/((2*epsilon_surface + fr->epsilon_r)*vol);
                for (i = 0; (i < DIM); i++)
                    dipcorrA[i] = 2*dipole_coeff*mutot[0][i];
                    dipcorrB[i] = 2*dipole_coeff*mutot[1][i];
        case eewg3DC:
            dipole_coeff = 2*M_PI*one_4pi_eps/vol;
            dipcorrA[ZZ] = 2*dipole_coeff*mutot[0][ZZ];
            dipcorrB[ZZ] = 2*dipole_coeff*mutot[1][ZZ];
            gmx_incons("Unsupported Ewald geometry");
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "dipcorr = %8.3f  %8.3f  %8.3f\n",
                dipcorrA[XX], dipcorrA[YY], dipcorrA[ZZ]);
        fprintf(debug, "mutot   = %8.3f  %8.3f  %8.3f\n",
                mutot[0][XX], mutot[0][YY], mutot[0][ZZ]);

    if ((calc_excl_corr || dipole_coeff != 0) && !bFreeEnergy)
        for (i = start; (i < end); i++)
            /* Initiate local variables (for this i-particle) to 0 */
            qiA = chargeA[i]*one_4pi_eps;

            if (calc_excl_corr)
                i1  = excl->index[i];
                i2  = excl->index[i+1];

                /* Loop over excluded neighbours */
                for (j = i1; (j < i2); j++)
                    k = AA[j];
                     * First we must test whether k <> i, and then, because the
                     * exclusions are all listed twice i->k and k->i we must select
                     * just one of the two.
                     * As a minor optimization we only compute forces when the charges
                     * are non-zero.
                    if (k > i)
                        qqA = qiA*chargeA[k];
                        if (qqA != 0.0)
                            rvec_sub(x[i], x[k], dx);
                            if (bMolPBC)
                                /* Cheap pbc_dx, assume excluded pairs are at short distance. */
                                for (m = DIM-1; (m >= 0); m--)
                                    if (dx[m] > 0.5*box[m][m])
                                        rvec_dec(dx, box[m]);
                                    else if (dx[m] < -0.5*box[m][m])
                                        rvec_inc(dx, box[m]);
                            dr2 = norm2(dx);
                            /* Distance between two excluded particles may be zero in the
                             * case of shells
                            if (dr2 != 0)
                                rinv              = gmx_invsqrt(dr2);
                                rinv2             = rinv*rinv;
                                dr                = 1.0/rinv;
#ifdef TABLES
                                r1t               = tabscale*dr;
                                n0                = r1t;
                                assert(n0 >= 3);
                                n1                = 12*n0;
                                eps               = r1t-n0;
                                eps2              = eps*eps;
                                nnn               = n1;
                                Y                 = VFtab[nnn];
                                F                 = VFtab[nnn+1];
                                Geps              = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                                Heps2             = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                                Fp                = F+Geps+Heps2;
                                VV                = Y+eps*Fp;
                                FF                = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                                vc                = qqA*(rinv-VV);
                                fijC              = qqA*FF;
                                Vexcl            += vc;

                                fscal             = vc*rinv2+fijC*tabscale*rinv;
                                /* End of tabulated interaction part */

                                /* This is the code you would want instead if not using
                                 * tables:
                                ewcdr   = ewc*dr;
                                vc      = qqA*gmx_erf(ewcdr)*rinv;
                                Vexcl  += vc;
                                /* Relative accuracy at R_ERF_R_INACC of 3e-10 */
#define       R_ERF_R_INACC 0.006
                                /* Relative accuracy at R_ERF_R_INACC of 2e-5 */
#define       R_ERF_R_INACC 0.1
                                if (ewcdr > R_ERF_R_INACC)
                                    fscal = rinv2*(vc - qqA*ewc*M_2_SQRTPI*exp(-ewcdr*ewcdr));
                                    /* Use a fourth order series expansion for small ewcdr */
                                    fscal = ewc*ewc*qqA*vr0*(2.0/3.0 - 0.4*ewcdr*ewcdr);
                                /* The force vector is obtained by multiplication with the
                                 * distance vector
                                svmul(fscal, dx, df);
                                rvec_inc(f[k], df);
                                rvec_dec(f[i], df);
                                for (iv = 0; (iv < DIM); iv++)
                                    for (jv = 0; (jv < DIM); jv++)
                                        dxdf[iv][jv] += dx[iv]*df[jv];
                                Vexcl += qqA*vr0;
            /* Dipole correction on force */
            if (dipole_coeff != 0)
                for (j = 0; (j < DIM); j++)
                    f[i][j] -= dipcorrA[j]*chargeA[i];
    else if (calc_excl_corr || dipole_coeff != 0)
        for (i = start; (i < end); i++)
            /* Initiate local variables (for this i-particle) to 0 */
            qiA = chargeA[i]*one_4pi_eps;
            qiB = chargeB[i]*one_4pi_eps;

            if (calc_excl_corr)
                i1  = excl->index[i];
                i2  = excl->index[i+1];

                /* Loop over excluded neighbours */
                for (j = i1; (j < i2); j++)
                    k = AA[j];
                    if (k > i)
                        qqA = qiA*chargeA[k];
                        qqB = qiB*chargeB[k];
                        if (qqA != 0.0 || qqB != 0.0)
                            qqL = L1*qqA + lambda*qqB;
                            rvec_sub(x[i], x[k], dx);
                            if (bMolPBC)
                                /* Cheap pbc_dx, assume excluded pairs are at short distance. */
                                for (m = DIM-1; (m >= 0); m--)
                                    if (dx[m] > 0.5*box[m][m])
                                        rvec_dec(dx, box[m]);
                                    else if (dx[m] < -0.5*box[m][m])
                                        rvec_inc(dx, box[m]);
                            dr2 = norm2(dx);
                            if (dr2 != 0)
                                rinv   = gmx_invsqrt(dr2);
                                rinv2  = rinv*rinv;
                                dr     = 1.0/rinv;
                                v      = gmx_erf(ewc*dr)*rinv;
                                vc     = qqL*v;
                                Vexcl += vc;
                                fscal  = rinv2*(vc-qqL*ewc*M_2_SQRTPI*exp(-ewc*ewc*dr2));
                                svmul(fscal, dx, df);
                                rvec_inc(f[k], df);
                                rvec_dec(f[i], df);
                                for (iv = 0; (iv < DIM); iv++)
                                    for (jv = 0; (jv < DIM); jv++)
                                        dxdf[iv][jv] += dx[iv]*df[jv];
                                dvdl_excl += (qqB - qqA)*v;
                                Vexcl     +=         qqL*vr0;
                                dvdl_excl += (qqB - qqA)*vr0;
            /* Dipole correction on force */
            if (dipole_coeff != 0)
                for (j = 0; (j < DIM); j++)
                    f[i][j] -= L1*dipcorrA[j]*chargeA[i]
                        + lambda*dipcorrB[j]*chargeB[i];
    for (iv = 0; (iv < DIM); iv++)
        for (jv = 0; (jv < DIM); jv++)
            vir[iv][jv] += 0.5*dxdf[iv][jv];

    Vself[0] = 0;
    Vself[1] = 0;
    /* Global corrections only on master process */
    if (MASTER(cr) && thread == 0)
        for (q = 0; q < (bFreeEnergy ? 2 : 1); q++)
            if (calc_excl_corr)
                /* Self-energy correction */
                Vself[q] = ewc*one_4pi_eps*fr->q2sum[q]*M_1_SQRTPI;

            /* Apply surface dipole correction:
             * correction = dipole_coeff * (dipole)^2
            if (dipole_coeff != 0)
                if (ewald_geometry == eewg3D)
                    Vdipole[q] = dipole_coeff*iprod(mutot[q], mutot[q]);
                else if (ewald_geometry == eewg3DC)
                    Vdipole[q] = dipole_coeff*mutot[q][ZZ]*mutot[q][ZZ];

    if (!bFreeEnergy)
        enercorr = Vdipole[0] - Vself[0] - Vexcl;
        enercorr = L1*(Vdipole[0] - Vself[0])
            + lambda*(Vdipole[1] - Vself[1])
            - Vexcl;
        *dvdlambda += Vdipole[1] - Vself[1]
            - (Vdipole[0] - Vself[0]) - dvdl_excl;

    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "Long Range corrections for Ewald interactions:\n");
        fprintf(debug, "start=%d,natoms=%d\n", start, end-start);
        fprintf(debug, "q2sum = %g, Vself=%g\n",
                L1*q2sumA+lambda*q2sumB, L1*Vself[0]+lambda*Vself[1]);
        fprintf(debug, "Long Range correction: Vexcl=%g\n", Vexcl);
        if (MASTER(cr) && thread == 0)
            if (epsilon_surface > 0 || ewald_geometry == eewg3DC)
                fprintf(debug, "Total dipole correction: Vdipole=%g\n",

    /* Return the correction to the energy */
    return enercorr;
Example #18
void set_lincs_matrix(struct gmx_lincsdata *li,real *invmass,real lambda)
    int i,a1,a2,n,k,sign,center;
    int end,nk,kk;
    const real invsqrt2=0.7071067811865475244;
    for(i=0; (i<li->nc); i++)
        a1 = li->bla[2*i];
        a2 = li->bla[2*i+1];
        li->blc[i]  = gmx_invsqrt(invmass[a1] + invmass[a2]);
        li->blc1[i] = invsqrt2;
    /* Construct the coupling coefficient matrix blmf */
    li->ntriangle = 0;
    li->ncc_triangle = 0;
    for(i=0; (i<li->nc); i++)
        a1 = li->bla[2*i];
        a2 = li->bla[2*i+1];
        for(n=li->blnr[i]; (n<li->blnr[i+1]); n++)
            k = li->blbnb[n];
            if (a1 == li->bla[2*k] || a2 == li->bla[2*k+1])
                sign = -1;
                sign = 1;
            if (a1 == li->bla[2*k] || a1 == li->bla[2*k+1])
                center = a1;
                end    = a2;
                center = a2;
                end    = a1;
            li->blmf[n]  = sign*invmass[center]*li->blc[i]*li->blc[k];
            li->blmf1[n] = sign*0.5;
            if (li->ncg_triangle > 0)
                /* Look for constraint triangles */
                for(nk=li->blnr[k]; (nk<li->blnr[k+1]); nk++)
                    kk = li->blbnb[nk];
                    if (kk != i && kk != k &&
                        (li->bla[2*kk] == end || li->bla[2*kk+1] == end))
                        if (li->ntriangle == 0 || 
                            li->triangle[li->ntriangle-1] < i)
                            /* Add this constraint to the triangle list */
                            li->triangle[li->ntriangle] = i;
                            li->tri_bits[li->ntriangle] = 0;
                            if (li->blnr[i+1] - li->blnr[i] > sizeof(li->tri_bits[0])*8 - 1)
                                gmx_fatal(FARGS,"A constraint is connected to %d constraints, this is more than the %d allowed for constraints participating in triangles",
                                          li->blnr[i+1] - li->blnr[i],
                        li->tri_bits[li->ntriangle-1] |= (1<<(n-li->blnr[i]));
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug,"Of the %d constraints %d participate in triangles\n",
        fprintf(debug,"There are %d couplings of which %d in triangles\n",
    /* Set matlam,
     * so we know with which lambda value the masses have been set.
    li->matlam = lambda;
Example #19
static void do_lincs(rvec *x,rvec *xp,matrix box,t_pbc *pbc,
                     struct gmx_lincsdata *lincsd,real *invmass,
					 t_commrec *cr,
                     real wangle,int *warn,
                     real invdt,rvec *v,
                     gmx_bool bCalcVir,tensor rmdr)
    int     b,i,j,k,n,iter;
    real    tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,im1,im2,mvb,rlen,len,len2,dlen2,wfac,lam;  
    rvec    dx;
    int     ncons,*bla,*blnr,*blbnb;
    rvec    *r;
    real    *blc,*blmf,*bllen,*blcc,*rhs1,*rhs2,*sol,*lambda;
    int     *nlocat;
    ncons  = lincsd->nc;
    bla    = lincsd->bla;
    r      = lincsd->tmpv;
    blnr   = lincsd->blnr;
    blbnb  = lincsd->blbnb;
    blc    = lincsd->blc;
    blmf   = lincsd->blmf;
    bllen  = lincsd->bllen;
    blcc   = lincsd->tmpncc;
    rhs1   = lincsd->tmp1;
    rhs2   = lincsd->tmp2;
    sol    = lincsd->tmp3;
    lambda = lincsd->lambda;
    if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && cr->dd->constraints)
        nlocat = dd_constraints_nlocalatoms(cr->dd);
    else if (PARTDECOMP(cr))
        nlocat = pd_constraints_nlocalatoms(cr->pd);
        nlocat = NULL;
    *warn = 0;

    if (pbc)
        /* Compute normalized i-j vectors */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            for(n=blnr[b]; n<blnr[b+1]; n++)
                blcc[n] = blmf[n]*iprod(r[b],r[blbnb[n]]);
            mvb = blc[b]*(iprod(r[b],dx) - bllen[b]);
            rhs1[b] = mvb;
            sol[b]  = mvb;
        /* Compute normalized i-j vectors */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            i = bla[2*b];
            j = bla[2*b+1];
            tmp0 = x[i][0] - x[j][0];
            tmp1 = x[i][1] - x[j][1];
            tmp2 = x[i][2] - x[j][2];
            rlen = gmx_invsqrt(tmp0*tmp0+tmp1*tmp1+tmp2*tmp2);
            r[b][0] = rlen*tmp0;
            r[b][1] = rlen*tmp1;
            r[b][2] = rlen*tmp2;
        } /* 16 ncons flops */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            tmp0 = r[b][0];
            tmp1 = r[b][1];
            tmp2 = r[b][2];
            len = bllen[b];
            i = bla[2*b];
            j = bla[2*b+1];
            for(n=blnr[b]; n<blnr[b+1]; n++)
                k = blbnb[n];
                blcc[n] = blmf[n]*(tmp0*r[k][0] + tmp1*r[k][1] + tmp2*r[k][2]); 
            } /* 6 nr flops */
            mvb = blc[b]*(tmp0*(xp[i][0] - xp[j][0]) +
                          tmp1*(xp[i][1] - xp[j][1]) +    
                          tmp2*(xp[i][2] - xp[j][2]) - len);
            rhs1[b] = mvb;
            sol[b]  = mvb;
            /* 10 flops */
        /* Together: 26*ncons + 6*nrtot flops */
    /* nrec*(ncons+2*nrtot) flops */
    for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
        i = bla[2*b];
        j = bla[2*b+1];
        mvb = blc[b]*sol[b];
        lambda[b] = -mvb;
        im1 = invmass[i];
        im2 = invmass[j];
        tmp0 = r[b][0]*mvb;
        tmp1 = r[b][1]*mvb;
        tmp2 = r[b][2]*mvb;
        xp[i][0] -= tmp0*im1;
        xp[i][1] -= tmp1*im1;
        xp[i][2] -= tmp2*im1;
        xp[j][0] += tmp0*im2;
        xp[j][1] += tmp1*im2;
        xp[j][2] += tmp2*im2;
    } /* 16 ncons flops */

     ********  Correction for centripetal effects  ********  
    wfac = cos(DEG2RAD*wangle);
    wfac = wfac*wfac;
    for(iter=0; iter<lincsd->nIter; iter++)
        if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && cr->dd->constraints)
            /* Communicate the corrected non-local coordinates */
		else if (PARTDECOMP(cr))
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            len = bllen[b];
            if (pbc)
            len2 = len*len;
            dlen2 = 2*len2 - norm2(dx);
            if (dlen2 < wfac*len2 && (nlocat==NULL || nlocat[b]))
                *warn = b;
            if (dlen2 > 0)
                mvb = blc[b]*(len - dlen2*gmx_invsqrt(dlen2));
                mvb = blc[b]*len;
            rhs1[b] = mvb;
            sol[b]  = mvb;
        } /* 20*ncons flops */
        /* nrec*(ncons+2*nrtot) flops */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            i = bla[2*b];
            j = bla[2*b+1];
            lam = lambda[b];
            mvb = blc[b]*sol[b];
            lambda[b] = lam - mvb;
            im1 = invmass[i];
            im2 = invmass[j];
            tmp0 = r[b][0]*mvb;
            tmp1 = r[b][1]*mvb;
            tmp2 = r[b][2]*mvb;
            xp[i][0] -= tmp0*im1;
            xp[i][1] -= tmp1*im1;
            xp[i][2] -= tmp2*im1;
            xp[j][0] += tmp0*im2;
            xp[j][1] += tmp1*im2;
            xp[j][2] += tmp2*im2;
        } /* 17 ncons flops */
    } /* nit*ncons*(37+9*nrec) flops */
    if (v)
        /* Correct the velocities */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            i = bla[2*b];
            j = bla[2*b+1];
            im1 = invmass[i]*lambda[b]*invdt;
            im2 = invmass[j]*lambda[b]*invdt;
            v[i][0] += im1*r[b][0];
            v[i][1] += im1*r[b][1];
            v[i][2] += im1*r[b][2];
            v[j][0] -= im2*r[b][0];
            v[j][1] -= im2*r[b][1];
            v[j][2] -= im2*r[b][2];
        } /* 16 ncons flops */
    if (nlocat)
        /* Only account for local atoms */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            lambda[b] *= 0.5*nlocat[b];
    if (bCalcVir)
        /* Constraint virial */
        for(b=0; b<ncons; b++)
            tmp0 = bllen[b]*lambda[b];
            for(i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                tmp1 = tmp0*r[b][i];
                for(j=0; j<DIM; j++)
                    rmdr[i][j] -= tmp1*r[b][j];
        } /* 22 ncons flops */
    /* Total:
     * 26*ncons + 6*nrtot + nrec*(ncons+2*nrtot)
     * + nit * (20*ncons + nrec*(ncons+2*nrtot) + 17 ncons)
     * (26+nrec)*ncons + (6+2*nrec)*nrtot
     * + nit * ((37+nrec)*ncons + 2*nrec*nrtot)
     * if nit=1
     * (63+nrec)*ncons + (6+4*nrec)*nrtot
Example #20
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel304
 * Coulomb interaction:     Tabulated
 * VdW interaction:         Not calculated
 * water optimization:      pairs of TIP4P interactions
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void pf_nb_kernel304(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
		    t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          FF;
    real          fijC;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3;
    real          ix4,iy4,iz4,fix4,fiy4,fiz4;
    real          jx2,jy2,jz2,fjx2,fjy2,fjz2;
    real          jx3,jy3,jz3,fjx3,fjy3,fjz3;
    real          jx4,jy4,jz4,fjx4,fjy4,fjz4;
    real          dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22;
    real          dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23;
    real          dx24,dy24,dz24,rsq24,rinv24;
    real          dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32;
    real          dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33;
    real          dx34,dy34,dz34,rsq34,rinv34;
    real          dx42,dy42,dz42,rsq42,rinv42;
    real          dx43,dy43,dz43,rsq43,rinv43;
    real          dx44,dy44,dz44,rsq44,rinv44;
    real          qH,qM,qqMM,qqMH,qqHH;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qH               = charge[ii+1];   
    qM               = charge[ii+3];   
    qqMM             = facel*qM*qM;    
    qqMH             = facel*qM*qH;    
    qqHH             = facel*qH*qH;    

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];
            ix4              = shX + pos[ii3+9];
            iy4              = shY + pos[ii3+10];
            iz4              = shZ + pos[ii3+11];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix2             = 0;              
            fiy2             = 0;              
            fiz2             = 0;              
            fix3             = 0;              
            fiy3             = 0;              
            fiz3             = 0;              
            fix4             = 0;              
            fiy4             = 0;              
            fiz4             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx2              = pos[j3+3];      
                jy2              = pos[j3+4];      
                jz2              = pos[j3+5];      
                jx3              = pos[j3+6];      
                jy3              = pos[j3+7];      
                jz3              = pos[j3+8];      
                jx4              = pos[j3+9];      
                jy4              = pos[j3+10];     
                jz4              = pos[j3+11];     

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx22             = ix2 - jx2;      
                dy22             = iy2 - jy2;      
                dz22             = iz2 - jz2;      
                rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22;
                dx23             = ix2 - jx3;      
                dy23             = iy2 - jy3;      
                dz23             = iz2 - jz3;      
                rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23;
                dx24             = ix2 - jx4;      
                dy24             = iy2 - jy4;      
                dz24             = iz2 - jz4;      
                rsq24            = dx24*dx24+dy24*dy24+dz24*dz24;
                dx32             = ix3 - jx2;      
                dy32             = iy3 - jy2;      
                dz32             = iz3 - jz2;      
                rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32;
                dx33             = ix3 - jx3;      
                dy33             = iy3 - jy3;      
                dz33             = iz3 - jz3;      
                rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33;
                dx34             = ix3 - jx4;      
                dy34             = iy3 - jy4;      
                dz34             = iz3 - jz4;      
                rsq34            = dx34*dx34+dy34*dy34+dz34*dz34;
                dx42             = ix4 - jx2;      
                dy42             = iy4 - jy2;      
                dz42             = iz4 - jz2;      
                rsq42            = dx42*dx42+dy42*dy42+dz42*dz42;
                dx43             = ix4 - jx3;      
                dy43             = iy4 - jy3;      
                dz43             = iz4 - jz3;      
                rsq43            = dx43*dx43+dy43*dy43+dz43*dz43;
                dx44             = ix4 - jx4;      
                dy44             = iy4 - jy4;      
                dz44             = iz4 - jz4;      
                rsq44            = dx44*dx44+dy44*dy44+dz44*dz44;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv22           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq22);
                rinv23           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq23);
                rinv24           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq24);
                rinv32           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq32);
                rinv33           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq33);
                rinv34           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq34);
                rinv42           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq42);
                rinv43           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq43);
                rinv44           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq44);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq22*rinv22;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv22;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx22;     
                ty               = fscal*dy22;     
                tz               = fscal*dz22;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = faction[j3+3] - tx;
                fjy2             = faction[j3+4] - ty;
                fjz2             = faction[j3+5] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx22, dy22, dz22);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq23*rinv23;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv23;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx23;     
                ty               = fscal*dy23;     
                tz               = fscal*dz23;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = faction[j3+6] - tx;
                fjy3             = faction[j3+7] - ty;
                fjz3             = faction[j3+8] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx23, dy23, dz23);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq24*rinv24;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv24;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx24;     
                ty               = fscal*dy24;     
                tz               = fscal*dz24;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx4             = faction[j3+9] - tx;
                fjy4             = faction[j3+10] - ty;
                fjz4             = faction[j3+11] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+3, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx24, dy24, dz24);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq32*rinv32;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv32;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx32;     
                ty               = fscal*dy32;     
                tz               = fscal*dz32;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = fjx2 - tx;      
                fjy2             = fjy2 - ty;      
                fjz2             = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx32, dy32, dz32);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq33*rinv33;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv33;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx33;     
                ty               = fscal*dy33;     
                tz               = fscal*dz33;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = fjx3 - tx;      
                fjy3             = fjy3 - ty;      
                fjz3             = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx33, dy33, dz33);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq34*rinv34;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv34;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx34;     
                ty               = fscal*dy34;     
                tz               = fscal*dz34;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx4             = fjx4 - tx;      
                fjy4             = fjy4 - ty;      
                fjz4             = fjz4 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+3, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx34, dy34, dz34);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq42*rinv42;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv42;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx42;     
                ty               = fscal*dy42;     
                tz               = fscal*dz42;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix4             = fix4 + tx;      
                fiy4             = fiy4 + ty;      
                fiz4             = fiz4 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+3]    = fjx2 - tx;      
                faction[j3+4]    = fjy2 - ty;      
                faction[j3+5]    = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+3, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx42, dy42, dz42);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq43*rinv43;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv43;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx43;     
                ty               = fscal*dy43;     
                tz               = fscal*dz43;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix4             = fix4 + tx;      
                fiy4             = fiy4 + ty;      
                fiz4             = fiz4 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+6]    = fjx3 - tx;      
                faction[j3+7]    = fjy3 - ty;      
                faction[j3+8]    = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+3, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx43, dy43, dz43);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMM;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq44*rinv44;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                fscal            = -((fijC)*tabscale)*rinv44;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx44;     
                ty               = fscal*dy44;     
                tz               = fscal*dz44;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix4             = fix4 + tx;      
                fiy4             = fiy4 + ty;      
                fiz4             = fiz4 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+9]    = fjx4 - tx;      
                faction[j3+10]   = fjy4 - ty;      
                faction[j3+11]   = fjz4 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+3, jnr+3, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx44, dy44, dz44);
                /* Inner loop uses 369 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+3]   = faction[ii3+3] + fix2;
            faction[ii3+4]   = faction[ii3+4] + fiy2;
            faction[ii3+5]   = faction[ii3+5] + fiz2;
            faction[ii3+6]   = faction[ii3+6] + fix3;
            faction[ii3+7]   = faction[ii3+7] + fiy3;
            faction[ii3+8]   = faction[ii3+8] + fiz3;
            faction[ii3+9]   = faction[ii3+9] + fix4;
            faction[ii3+10]  = faction[ii3+10] + fiy4;
            faction[ii3+11]  = faction[ii3+11] + fiz4;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix2+fix3+fix4;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy2+fiy3+fiy4;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz2+fiz3+fiz4;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 28 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
nb_kernel_allvsall(t_forcerec *           fr,
				   t_mdatoms *            mdatoms,
				   t_blocka *             excl,    
				   real *                 x,
				   real *                 f,
				   real *                 Vc,
				   real *                 Vvdw,
				   int *                  outeriter,
				   int *                  inneriter,
				   void *                 work)
	gmx_allvsall_data_t *aadata;
	int        natoms;
	int        ni0,ni1;
	int        nj0,nj1,nj2;
	int        i,j,k;
	real *     charge;
	int *      type;
    real       facel;
	real *     pvdw;
	int        ggid;
    int *      mask;
    real       ix,iy,iz,iq;
    real       fix,fiy,fiz;
    real       jx,jy,jz,qq;
    real       dx,dy,dz;
    real       tx,ty,tz;
    real       rsq,rinv,rinvsq,rinvsix;
    real       vcoul,vctot;
    real       c6,c12,Vvdw6,Vvdw12,Vvdwtot;
    real       fscal;
	charge              = mdatoms->chargeA;
	type                = mdatoms->typeA;
	facel               = fr->epsfac;
    natoms              = mdatoms->nr;
	ni0                 = mdatoms->start;
	ni1                 = mdatoms->start+mdatoms->homenr;
    aadata = *((gmx_allvsall_data_t **)work);

        *((gmx_allvsall_data_t **)work) = aadata;
	for(i=ni0; i<ni1; i++)
		/* We assume shifts are NOT used for all-vs-all interactions */
		/* Load i atom data */
        ix                = x[3*i];
        iy                = x[3*i+1];
        iz                = x[3*i+2];
        iq                = facel*charge[i];

        pvdw              = aadata->pvdwparam[type[i]];
		/* Zero the potential energy for this list */
		Vvdwtot           = 0.0;
        vctot             = 0.0;

		/* Clear i atom forces */
        fix               = 0.0;
        fiy               = 0.0;
        fiz               = 0.0;
		/* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
		nj0              = aadata->jindex[3*i];
		nj1              = aadata->jindex[3*i+1];
		nj2              = aadata->jindex[3*i+2];

        mask             = aadata->exclusion_mask[i];
        /* Prologue part, including exclusion mask */
        for(j=nj0; j<nj1; j++,mask++)
                k = j%natoms;
                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx                = x[3*k];
                jy                = x[3*k+1];
                jz                = x[3*k+2];
                /* Calculate distance */
                dx                = ix - jx;      
                dy                = iy - jy;      
                dz                = iz - jz;      
                rsq               = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv              = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
                rinvsq            = rinv*rinv;  
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq                = iq*charge[k]; 
                c6                = pvdw[2*k];
                c12               = pvdw[2*k+1];
                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul             = qq*rinv;      
                vctot             = vctot+vcoul;    
                /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
                rinvsix           = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6             = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12            = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot           = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
                fscal             = (vcoul+12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;
                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx                = fscal*dx;     
                ty                = fscal*dy;     
                tz                = fscal*dz;     
                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix               = fix + tx;      
                fiy               = fiy + ty;      
                fiz               = fiz + tz;      
                /* Decrement j atom force */
                f[3*k]            = f[3*k]   - tx;
                f[3*k+1]          = f[3*k+1] - ty;
                f[3*k+2]          = f[3*k+2] - tz;
            /* Inner loop uses 38 flops/iteration */

        /* Main part, no exclusions */
        for(j=nj1; j<nj2; j++)
            k = j%natoms;

            /* load j atom coordinates */
            jx                = x[3*k];
            jy                = x[3*k+1];
            jz                = x[3*k+2];
            /* Calculate distance */
            dx                = ix - jx;      
            dy                = iy - jy;      
            dz                = iz - jz;      
            rsq               = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
            /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
            rinv              = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
            rinvsq            = rinv*rinv;  
            /* Load parameters for j atom */
            qq                = iq*charge[k]; 
            c6                = pvdw[2*k];
            c12               = pvdw[2*k+1];
            /* Coulomb interaction */
            vcoul             = qq*rinv;      
            vctot             = vctot+vcoul;    
            /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
            rinvsix           = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
            Vvdw6             = c6*rinvsix;     
            Vvdw12            = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
            Vvdwtot           = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
            fscal             = (vcoul+12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;
            /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
            tx                = fscal*dx;     
            ty                = fscal*dy;     
            tz                = fscal*dz;     
            /* Increment i atom force */
            fix               = fix + tx;      
            fiy               = fiy + ty;      
            fiz               = fiz + tz;      

            /* Decrement j atom force */
            f[3*k]            = f[3*k]   - tx;
            f[3*k+1]          = f[3*k+1] - ty;
            f[3*k+2]          = f[3*k+2] - tz;
            /* Inner loop uses 38 flops/iteration */
        f[3*i]   += fix;
        f[3*i+1] += fiy;
        f[3*i+2] += fiz;
		/* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
		ggid             = 0;         
		Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
        Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;
		/* Outer loop uses 6 flops/iteration */
    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = ni1-ni0;         
    *inneriter       = (ni1-ni0)*natoms/2;         
Example #22
real ta_disres(int nfa,const t_iatom forceatoms[],const t_iparams ip[],
               const rvec x[],rvec f[],rvec fshift[],
               const t_pbc *pbc,const t_graph *g,
               real lambda,real *dvdlambda,
               const t_mdatoms *md,t_fcdata *fcd,
               int *global_atom_index)
    const real sixth=1.0/6.0;
    const real seven_three=7.0/3.0;
    atom_id     ai,aj;
    int         fa,res,npair,p,pair,ki=CENTRAL,m;
    int         type;
    rvec        dx;
    real        weight_rt_1;
    real        smooth_fc,Rt,Rtav,rt2,*Rtl_6,*Rt_6,*Rtav_6;
    real        k0,f_scal=0,fmax_scal,fk_scal,fij;
    real        tav_viol,instant_viol,mixed_viol,violtot,vtot;
    real        tav_viol_Rtav7,instant_viol_Rtav7;
    real        up1,up2,low;
    gmx_bool        bConservative,bMixed,bViolation;
    ivec        it,jt,dt;
    t_disresdata *dd;
    int         dr_weighting;
    gmx_bool        dr_bMixed;
    dd = &(fcd->disres);
    dr_weighting = dd->dr_weighting;
    dr_bMixed    = dd->dr_bMixed;
    Rtl_6        = dd->Rtl_6;
    Rt_6         = dd->Rt_6;
    Rtav_6       = dd->Rtav_6;


    smooth_fc = dd->dr_fc;
    if (dd->dr_tau != 0)
        /* scaling factor to smoothly turn on the restraint forces *
         * when using time averaging                               */
        smooth_fc *= (1.0 - dd->exp_min_t_tau); 
    violtot = 0;
    vtot    = 0;
    /* 'loop' over all atom pairs (pair_nr=fa/3) involved in restraints, *
     * the total number of atoms pairs is nfa/3                          */
    res  = 0;
    fa   = 0;
    while (fa < nfa)
        type  = forceatoms[fa];
        /* Take action depending on restraint, calculate scalar force */
        npair = ip[type].disres.npair;
        up1   = ip[type].disres.up1;
        up2   = ip[type].disres.up2;
        low   = ip[type].disres.low;
        k0    = smooth_fc*ip[type].disres.kfac;
        /* save some flops when there is only one pair */
        if (ip[type].disres.type != 2)
            bConservative = (dr_weighting == edrwConservative) && (npair > 1);
            bMixed        = dr_bMixed;
            Rt   = pow(Rt_6[res],-sixth);
            Rtav = pow(Rtav_6[res],-sixth);
            /* When rtype=2 use instantaneous not ensemble avereged distance */
            bConservative = (npair > 1);
            bMixed        = FALSE;
            Rt   = pow(Rtl_6[res],-sixth);
            Rtav = Rt;
        if (Rtav > up1)
            bViolation = TRUE;
            tav_viol = Rtav - up1;
        else if (Rtav < low)
            bViolation = TRUE;
            tav_viol = Rtav - low;
            bViolation = FALSE;
        if (bViolation)
            /* NOTE:
             * there is no real potential when time averaging is applied
            vtot += 0.5*k0*sqr(tav_viol);
            if (1/vtot == 0)
                printf("vtot is inf: %f\n",vtot);
            if (!bMixed)
                f_scal   = -k0*tav_viol;
                violtot += fabs(tav_viol);
                if (Rt > up1)
                    if (tav_viol > 0)
                        instant_viol = Rt - up1;
                        bViolation = FALSE;
                else if (Rt < low)
                    if (tav_viol < 0)
                        instant_viol = Rt - low;
                        bViolation = FALSE;
                    bViolation = FALSE;
                if (bViolation)
                    mixed_viol = sqrt(tav_viol*instant_viol);
                    f_scal     = -k0*mixed_viol;
                    violtot   += mixed_viol;

        if (bViolation)
            fmax_scal = -k0*(up2-up1);
            /* Correct the force for the number of restraints */
            if (bConservative)
                f_scal  = max(f_scal,fmax_scal);
                if (!bMixed)
                    f_scal *= Rtav/Rtav_6[res];
                    f_scal /= 2*mixed_viol;
                    tav_viol_Rtav7     = tav_viol*Rtav/Rtav_6[res];
                    instant_viol_Rtav7 = instant_viol*Rt/Rt_6[res];
                f_scal /= (real)npair;
                f_scal  = max(f_scal,fmax_scal);
            /* Exert the force ... */
            /* Loop over the atom pairs of 'this' restraint */
            for(p=0; p<npair; p++)
                pair = fa/3;
                ai   = forceatoms[fa+1];
                aj   = forceatoms[fa+2];
                if (pbc)
                    ki = pbc_dx_aiuc(pbc,x[ai],x[aj],dx);
                rt2 = iprod(dx,dx);
                weight_rt_1 = gmx_invsqrt(rt2);
                if (bConservative)
                    if (!dr_bMixed)
                        weight_rt_1 *= pow(dd->rm3tav[pair],seven_three);
                        weight_rt_1 *= tav_viol_Rtav7*pow(dd->rm3tav[pair],seven_three)+
                fk_scal  = f_scal*weight_rt_1;
                if (g)
                for(m=0; m<DIM; m++)
                    fij            = fk_scal*dx[m];
                    f[ai][m]      += fij;
                    f[aj][m]      -= fij;
                    fshift[ki][m] += fij;
                    fshift[CENTRAL][m] -= fij;
                fa += 3;
            /* No violation so force and potential contributions */
            fa += 3*npair;
    dd->sumviol = violtot;
    /* Return energy */
    return vtot;
Example #23
/* Compute factors for restricted dihedral potential
 * For explanations on formula used see file "restcbt.h" */
void compute_factors_restrdihs(int type,  const t_iparams forceparams[],
                               rvec delta_ante, rvec delta_crnt, rvec delta_post,
                               real *factor_phi_ai_ante, real *factor_phi_ai_crnt, real *factor_phi_ai_post,
                               real *factor_phi_aj_ante, real *factor_phi_aj_crnt, real *factor_phi_aj_post,
                               real *factor_phi_ak_ante, real *factor_phi_ak_crnt, real *factor_phi_ak_post,
                               real *factor_phi_al_ante, real *factor_phi_al_crnt, real *factor_phi_al_post,
                               real *prefactor_phi, real *v)

    real phi0, cosine_phi0;
    real k_torsion;
    real c_self_ante, c_self_crnt, c_self_post;
    real c_cros_ante, c_cros_acrs, c_cros_post;
    real c_prod, d_post, d_ante;
    real sine_phi_sq, cosine_phi;
    real delta_cosine, term_phi_phi0;
    real ratio_phi_ante, ratio_phi_post;
    real norm_phi;

    /* Read parameters phi0 and k_torsion */
    phi0        = forceparams[type].pdihs.phiA * DEG2RAD;
    cosine_phi0 = cos(phi0);
    k_torsion   = forceparams[type].pdihs.cpA;

    /* Computation of the cosine of the dihedral angle. The scalar ("dot") product  method
     * is used. c_*_* cummulate the scalar products of the differences of particles
     * positions while c_prod, d_ante and d_post are differences of products of scalar
     * terms that are parts of the derivatives of forces */
    c_self_ante = iprod(delta_ante, delta_ante);
    c_self_crnt = iprod(delta_crnt, delta_crnt);
    c_self_post = iprod(delta_post, delta_post);
    c_cros_ante = iprod(delta_ante, delta_crnt);
    c_cros_acrs = iprod(delta_ante, delta_post);
    c_cros_post = iprod(delta_crnt, delta_post);
    c_prod      = c_cros_ante * c_cros_post - c_self_crnt * c_cros_acrs;
    d_ante      = c_self_ante * c_self_crnt - c_cros_ante * c_cros_ante;
    d_post      = c_self_post * c_self_crnt - c_cros_post * c_cros_post;

    /*  When three consecutive beads align, we obtain values close to zero.
     *	Here we avoid small values to prevent round-off errors. */
    if (d_ante < GMX_REAL_EPS)
        d_ante = GMX_REAL_EPS;
    if (d_post < GMX_REAL_EPS)
        d_post = GMX_REAL_EPS;

    /* Computes the square of the sinus of phi  in sine_phi_sq */
    norm_phi    = gmx_invsqrt(d_ante * d_post);
    cosine_phi  = c_prod * norm_phi;
    sine_phi_sq = 1.0 - cosine_phi * cosine_phi;

    /*	It is possible that cosine_phi is slightly bigger than 1.0 due to round-off errors. */
    if (sine_phi_sq < 0.0)
        sine_phi_sq = 0.0;

    /* Computation of the differences of cosines (delta_cosine) and a term (term_phi_phi0)
     * that is part of the common prefactor_phi */

    delta_cosine  = cosine_phi - cosine_phi0;
    term_phi_phi0 = 1 - cosine_phi * cosine_phi0;

    /*      Computation of ratios */
    ratio_phi_ante = c_prod / d_ante;
    ratio_phi_post = c_prod / d_post;

    /*      Computation of the prefactor - common term for all forces */
    *prefactor_phi = -(k_torsion) * delta_cosine * norm_phi * term_phi_phi0 / (sine_phi_sq * sine_phi_sq);

    /* Computation of force factors.  Factors factor_phi_*  are coming from the
     * derivatives of the torsion angle (phi) with respect to the beads ai, aj, al, ak,
     * (four) coordinates and they are multiplied in the force computations with the
     * differences of the particles positions stored in parameters delta_ante,
     * delta_crnt, delta_post. For formulas see file "restcbt.h" */

    *factor_phi_ai_ante = ratio_phi_ante * c_self_crnt;
    *factor_phi_ai_crnt = -c_cros_post - ratio_phi_ante * c_cros_ante;
    *factor_phi_ai_post = c_self_crnt;
    *factor_phi_aj_ante = -c_cros_post - ratio_phi_ante * (c_self_crnt + c_cros_ante);
    *factor_phi_aj_crnt = c_cros_post + c_cros_acrs * 2.0 + ratio_phi_ante * (c_self_ante + c_cros_ante) + ratio_phi_post * c_self_post;
    *factor_phi_aj_post = -(c_cros_ante + c_self_crnt) - ratio_phi_post * c_cros_post;
    *factor_phi_ak_ante = c_cros_post + c_self_crnt + ratio_phi_ante * c_cros_ante;
    *factor_phi_ak_crnt = -(c_cros_ante + c_cros_acrs * 2.0)- ratio_phi_ante * c_self_ante - ratio_phi_post * (c_self_post + c_cros_post);
    *factor_phi_ak_post = c_cros_ante + ratio_phi_post * (c_self_crnt + c_cros_post);
    *factor_phi_al_ante = -c_self_crnt;
    *factor_phi_al_crnt = c_cros_ante + ratio_phi_post * c_cros_post;
    *factor_phi_al_post = -ratio_phi_post * c_self_crnt;

    /* Contribution to energy  - see formula in file "restcbt.h"*/
    *v = k_torsion * 0.5 * delta_cosine * delta_cosine / sine_phi_sq;
Example #24
void calc_disres_R_6(const gmx_multisim_t *ms,
                     int nfa,const t_iatom forceatoms[],const t_iparams ip[],
                     const rvec x[],const t_pbc *pbc,
                     t_fcdata *fcd,history_t *hist)
    atom_id     ai,aj;
    int         fa,res,i,pair,ki,kj,m;
    int         type,npair,np;
    rvec        dx;
    real        *rt,*rm3tav,*Rtl_6,*Rt_6,*Rtav_6;
    real        rt_1,rt_3,rt2;
    ivec        it,jt,dt;
    t_disresdata *dd;
    real        ETerm,ETerm1,cf1=0,cf2=0,invn=0;
    gmx_bool        bTav;

    dd = &(fcd->disres);
    bTav         = (dd->dr_tau != 0);
    ETerm        = dd->ETerm;
    ETerm1       = dd->ETerm1;
    rt           = dd->rt;
    rm3tav       = dd->rm3tav;
    Rtl_6        = dd->Rtl_6;
    Rt_6         = dd->Rt_6;
    Rtav_6       = dd->Rtav_6;
    if (bTav)
        /* scaling factor to smoothly turn on the restraint forces *
         * when using time averaging                               */
        dd->exp_min_t_tau = hist->disre_initf*ETerm;
        cf1 = dd->exp_min_t_tau;
        cf2 = 1.0/(1.0 - dd->exp_min_t_tau);
    if (dd->nsystems > 1)
        invn = 1.0/dd->nsystems;
    /* 'loop' over all atom pairs (pair_nr=fa/3) involved in restraints, *
     * the total number of atoms pairs is nfa/3                          */
    res = 0;
    fa  = 0;
    while (fa < nfa)
        type  = forceatoms[fa];
        npair = ip[type].disres.npair;
        Rtav_6[res] = 0.0;
        Rt_6[res]   = 0.0;
        /* Loop over the atom pairs of 'this' restraint */
        np = 0;
        while (fa < nfa && np < npair)
            pair = fa/3;
            ai   = forceatoms[fa+1];
            aj   = forceatoms[fa+2];
            if (pbc)
            rt2  = iprod(dx,dx);
            rt_1 = gmx_invsqrt(rt2);
            rt_3 = rt_1*rt_1*rt_1;
            rt[pair]         = sqrt(rt2);
            if (bTav)
                /* Here we update rm3tav in t_fcdata using the data
                 * in history_t.
                 * Thus the results stay correct when this routine
                 * is called multiple times.
                rm3tav[pair] = cf2*((ETerm - cf1)*hist->disre_rm3tav[pair] +
                rm3tav[pair] = rt_3;

            Rt_6[res]       += rt_3*rt_3;
            Rtav_6[res]     += rm3tav[pair]*rm3tav[pair];

            fa += 3;
        if (dd->nsystems > 1)
            Rtl_6[res]   = Rt_6[res];
            Rt_6[res]   *= invn;
            Rtav_6[res] *= invn;

#ifdef GMX_MPI
    if (dd->nsystems > 1)
Example #25
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel nb_kernel410
 * Coulomb interaction:     Generalized-Born
 * VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
 * water optimization:      No
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void nb_kernel410(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          iq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           nti;
    int           tj;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          Vvdw12;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          FF;
    real          fijC;
    real          isai,isaj,isaprod,gbscale,vgb,vgbtot;
    real          dvdasum,dvdatmp,dvdaj,fgb;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          c6,c12;
	gmx_gbdata_t *gbdata;
	real *        gpol;
	real          scale_gb;
	gbdata           = (gmx_gbdata_t *)work;
	gpol             = gbdata->gpol;
    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;     
	scale_gb         = (1.0/gbdata->epsilon_r) - (1.0/gbdata->gb_epsilon_solvent);  
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    
    gbtabscale       = *p_gbtabscale;  

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];

            /* Load parameters for i atom */
            iq               = facel*charge[ii];
            isai             = invsqrta[ii];   
            nti              = 2*ntype*type[ii];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;  
            vgbtot           = 0;
            dvdasum          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                isaj             = invsqrta[jnr];  
                isaprod          = isai*isaj;      
                qq               = iq*charge[jnr]; 
                vcoul            = qq*rinv11;      
                fscal            = vcoul*rinv11;   
                qq               = isaprod*(-qq)*scale_gb;  
                gbscale          = isaprod*gbtabscale;
                tj               = nti+2*type[jnr];
                c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
                c12              = vdwparam[tj+1]; 
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  

                /* Tabulated Generalized-Born interaction */
                dvdaj            = dvda[jnr];      
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*gbscale;      
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           
                Y                = GBtab[nnn];     
                F                = GBtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*GBtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*GBtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                vgb              = qq*VV;          
                fijC             = qq*FF*gbscale;  
                dvdatmp          = -0.5*(vgb+fijC*r);
                dvdasum          = dvdasum + dvdatmp;
                dvda[jnr]        = dvdaj+dvdatmp*isaj*isaj;
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  
                vgbtot           = vgbtot + vgb;

                /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
                fscal            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq-(fijC-fscal)*rinv11;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                faction[j3+1]    = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                faction[j3+2]    = faction[j3+2] - tz;
                /* Inner loop uses 62 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            gpol[ggid]       = gpol[ggid] + vgbtot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;
            dvda[ii]         = dvda[ii] + dvdasum*isai*isai;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 13 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);
    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #26
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel302nf
 * Coulomb interaction:     Tabulated
 * VdW interaction:         Not calculated
 * water optimization:      pairs of SPC/TIP3P interactions
 * Calculate forces:        no
void pf_nb_kernel302nf(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
			t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    real          r,rt,eps,eps2;
    int           n0,nnn;
    real          Y,F,Geps,Heps2,Fp,VV;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1;
    real          jx2,jy2,jz2;
    real          jx3,jy3,jz3;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          dx12,dy12,dz12,rsq12,rinv12;
    real          dx13,dy13,dz13,rsq13,rinv13;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22;
    real          dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32;
    real          dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33;
    real          qO,qH,qqOO,qqOH,qqHH;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qO               = charge[ii];     
    qH               = charge[ii+1];   
    qqOO             = facel*qO*qO;    
    qqOH             = facel*qO*qH;    
    qqHH             = facel*qH*qH;    

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      
                jx2              = pos[j3+3];      
                jy2              = pos[j3+4];      
                jz2              = pos[j3+5];      
                jx3              = pos[j3+6];      
                jy3              = pos[j3+7];      
                jz3              = pos[j3+8];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                dx12             = ix1 - jx2;      
                dy12             = iy1 - jy2;      
                dz12             = iz1 - jz2;      
                rsq12            = dx12*dx12+dy12*dy12+dz12*dz12;
                dx13             = ix1 - jx3;      
                dy13             = iy1 - jy3;      
                dz13             = iz1 - jz3;      
                rsq13            = dx13*dx13+dy13*dy13+dz13*dz13;
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx22             = ix2 - jx2;      
                dy22             = iy2 - jy2;      
                dz22             = iz2 - jz2;      
                rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22;
                dx23             = ix2 - jx3;      
                dy23             = iy2 - jy3;      
                dz23             = iz2 - jz3;      
                rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;
                dx32             = ix3 - jx2;      
                dy32             = iy3 - jy2;      
                dz32             = iz3 - jz2;      
                rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32;
                dx33             = ix3 - jx3;      
                dy33             = iy3 - jy3;      
                dz33             = iz3 - jz3;      
                rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);
                rinv12           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq12);
                rinv13           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq13);
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv22           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq22);
                rinv23           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq23);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);
                rinv32           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq32);
                rinv33           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq33);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOO;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq11*rinv11;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq12*rinv12;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq13*rinv13;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq21*rinv21;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq22*rinv22;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq23*rinv23;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq31*rinv31;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq32*rinv32;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Calculate table index */
                r                = rsq33*rinv33;   

                /* Calculate table index */
                rt               = r*tabscale;     
                n0               = rt;             
                eps              = rt-n0;          
                eps2             = eps*eps;        
                nnn              = 4*n0;           

                /* Tabulated coulomb interaction */
                Y                = VFtab[nnn];     
                F                = VFtab[nnn+1];   
                Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;   
                VV               = Y+eps*Fp;       
                vcoul            = qq*VV;          
                vctot            = vctot + vcoul;  

                /* Inner loop uses 225 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 10 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #27
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel nb_kernel213nf
 * Coulomb interaction:     Reaction field
 * VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
 * water optimization:      TIP4P - other atoms
 * Calculate forces:        no
void nb_kernel213nf(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          jq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           nti;
    int           tj;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          Vvdw12;
    real          krsq;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3;
    real          ix4,iy4,iz4;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          dx41,dy41,dz41,rsq41,rinv41;
    real          qH,qM;
    real          c6,c12;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qH               = facel*charge[ii+1];
    qM               = facel*charge[ii+3];
    nti              = 2*ntype*type[ii];

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];
            ix4              = shX + pos[ii3+9];
            iy4              = shY + pos[ii3+10];
            iz4              = shZ + pos[ii3+11];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;
                dx41             = ix4 - jx1;      
                dy41             = iy4 - jy1;      
                dz41             = iz4 - jz1;      
                rsq41            = dx41*dx41+dy41*dy41+dz41*dz41;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinvsq           = 1.0/rsq11;      
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);
                rinv41           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq41);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                tj               = nti+2*type[jnr];
                c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
                c12              = vdwparam[tj+1]; 

                /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                jq               = charge[jnr+0];  
                qq               = qH*jq;          

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq21;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv21+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq31;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv31+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qM*jq;          

                /* Coulomb reaction-field interaction */
                krsq             = krf*rsq41;      
                vcoul            = qq*(rinv41+krsq-crf);
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Inner loop uses 75 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 14 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #28
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel104nf
 * Coulomb interaction:     Normal Coulomb
 * VdW interaction:         Not calculated
 * water optimization:      pairs of TIP4P interactions
 * Calculate forces:        no
void pf_nb_kernel104nf(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
			t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3;
    real          ix4,iy4,iz4;
    real          jx2,jy2,jz2;
    real          jx3,jy3,jz3;
    real          jx4,jy4,jz4;
    real          dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22;
    real          dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23;
    real          dx24,dy24,dz24,rsq24,rinv24;
    real          dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32;
    real          dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33;
    real          dx34,dy34,dz34,rsq34,rinv34;
    real          dx42,dy42,dz42,rsq42,rinv42;
    real          dx43,dy43,dz43,rsq43,rinv43;
    real          dx44,dy44,dz44,rsq44,rinv44;
    real          qH,qM,qqMM,qqMH,qqHH;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qH               = charge[ii+1];   
    qM               = charge[ii+3];   
    qqMM             = facel*qM*qM;    
    qqMH             = facel*qM*qH;    
    qqHH             = facel*qH*qH;    

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];
            ix4              = shX + pos[ii3+9];
            iy4              = shY + pos[ii3+10];
            iz4              = shZ + pos[ii3+11];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx2              = pos[j3+3];      
                jy2              = pos[j3+4];      
                jz2              = pos[j3+5];      
                jx3              = pos[j3+6];      
                jy3              = pos[j3+7];      
                jz3              = pos[j3+8];      
                jx4              = pos[j3+9];      
                jy4              = pos[j3+10];     
                jz4              = pos[j3+11];     

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx22             = ix2 - jx2;      
                dy22             = iy2 - jy2;      
                dz22             = iz2 - jz2;      
                rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22;
                dx23             = ix2 - jx3;      
                dy23             = iy2 - jy3;      
                dz23             = iz2 - jz3;      
                rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23;
                dx24             = ix2 - jx4;      
                dy24             = iy2 - jy4;      
                dz24             = iz2 - jz4;      
                rsq24            = dx24*dx24+dy24*dy24+dz24*dz24;
                dx32             = ix3 - jx2;      
                dy32             = iy3 - jy2;      
                dz32             = iz3 - jz2;      
                rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32;
                dx33             = ix3 - jx3;      
                dy33             = iy3 - jy3;      
                dz33             = iz3 - jz3;      
                rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33;
                dx34             = ix3 - jx4;      
                dy34             = iy3 - jy4;      
                dz34             = iz3 - jz4;      
                rsq34            = dx34*dx34+dy34*dy34+dz34*dz34;
                dx42             = ix4 - jx2;      
                dy42             = iy4 - jy2;      
                dz42             = iz4 - jz2;      
                rsq42            = dx42*dx42+dy42*dy42+dz42*dz42;
                dx43             = ix4 - jx3;      
                dy43             = iy4 - jy3;      
                dz43             = iz4 - jz3;      
                rsq43            = dx43*dx43+dy43*dy43+dz43*dz43;
                dx44             = ix4 - jx4;      
                dy44             = iy4 - jy4;      
                dz44             = iz4 - jz4;      
                rsq44            = dx44*dx44+dy44*dy44+dz44*dz44;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv22           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq22);
                rinv23           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq23);
                rinv24           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq24);
                rinv32           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq32);
                rinv33           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq33);
                rinv34           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq34);
                rinv42           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq42);
                rinv43           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq43);
                rinv44           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq44);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv22;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv23;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv24;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv32;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv33;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv34;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv42;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMH;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv43;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqMM;           

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv44;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    

                /* Inner loop uses 135 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 10 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         
Example #29
gmx_nb_generic_adress_kernel(t_nblist *                nlist,
                             rvec *                    xx,
                             rvec *                    ff,
                             t_forcerec *              fr,
                             t_mdatoms *               mdatoms,
                             nb_kernel_data_t *        kernel_data,
                             t_nrnb *                  nrnb)
    int           nri, ntype, table_nelements, ielec, ivdw;
    real          facel, gbtabscale;
    int           n, ii, is3, ii3, k, nj0, nj1, jnr, j3, ggid, nnn, n0;
    real          shX, shY, shZ;
    real          fscal, felec, fvdw, velec, vvdw, tx, ty, tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          iq;
    real          qq, vctot;
    int           nti, nvdwparam;
    int           tj;
    real          rt, r, eps, eps2, Y, F, Geps, Heps2, VV, FF, Fp, fijD, fijR;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          vvdwtot;
    real          vvdw_rep, vvdw_disp;
    real          ix, iy, iz, fix, fiy, fiz;
    real          jx, jy, jz;
    real          dx, dy, dz, rsq, rinv;
    real          c6, c12, cexp1, cexp2, br;
    real *        charge;
    real *        shiftvec;
    real *        vdwparam;
    int *         shift;
    int *         type;
    real *        fshift;
    real *        velecgrp;
    real *        vvdwgrp;
    real          tabscale;
    real *        VFtab;
    real *        x;
    real *        f;
    int           ewitab;
    real          ewtabscale, eweps, sh_ewald, ewrt, ewtabhalfspace;
    real *        ewtab;
    real          rcoulomb2, rvdw, rvdw2, sh_dispersion, sh_repulsion;
    real          rcutoff, rcutoff2;
    real          rswitch_elec, rswitch_vdw, d, d2, sw, dsw, rinvcorr;
    real          elec_swV3, elec_swV4, elec_swV5, elec_swF2, elec_swF3, elec_swF4;
    real          vdw_swV3, vdw_swV4, vdw_swV5, vdw_swF2, vdw_swF3, vdw_swF4;
    gmx_bool      bExactElecCutoff, bExactVdwCutoff, bExactCutoff;

    real    *     wf;
    real          weight_cg1;
    real          weight_cg2;
    real          weight_product;
    real          hybscal; /* the multiplicator to the force for hybrid interactions*/
    real          force_cap;
    gmx_bool      bCG;
    int           egp_nr;

    wf                  = mdatoms->wf;

    force_cap           = fr->adress_ex_forcecap;

    x                   = xx[0];
    f                   = ff[0];
    ielec               = nlist->ielec;
    ivdw                = nlist->ivdw;

    fshift              = fr->fshift[0];
    velecgrp            = kernel_data->energygrp_elec;
    vvdwgrp             = kernel_data->energygrp_vdw;
    tabscale            = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->scale;
    VFtab               = kernel_data->table_elec_vdw->data;

    sh_ewald            = fr->ic->sh_ewald;
    ewtab               = fr->ic->tabq_coul_FDV0;
    ewtabscale          = fr->ic->tabq_scale;
    ewtabhalfspace      = 0.5/ewtabscale;

    rcoulomb2           = fr->rcoulomb*fr->rcoulomb;
    rvdw                = fr->rvdw;
    rvdw2               = rvdw*rvdw;
    sh_dispersion       = fr->ic->dispersion_shift.cpot;
    sh_repulsion        = fr->ic->repulsion_shift.cpot;

    if (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
        d               = fr->rcoulomb-fr->rcoulomb_switch;
        elec_swV3       = -10.0/(d*d*d);
        elec_swV4       =  15.0/(d*d*d*d);
        elec_swV5       =  -6.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        elec_swF2       = -30.0/(d*d*d);
        elec_swF3       =  60.0/(d*d*d*d);
        elec_swF4       = -30.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        /* Avoid warnings from stupid compilers (looking at you, Clang!) */
        elec_swV3 = elec_swV4 = elec_swV5 = elec_swF2 = elec_swF3 = elec_swF4 = 0.0;
    if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
        d               = fr->rvdw-fr->rvdw_switch;
        vdw_swV3        = -10.0/(d*d*d);
        vdw_swV4        =  15.0/(d*d*d*d);
        vdw_swV5        =  -6.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        vdw_swF2        = -30.0/(d*d*d);
        vdw_swF3        =  60.0/(d*d*d*d);
        vdw_swF4        = -30.0/(d*d*d*d*d);
        /* Avoid warnings from stupid compilers (looking at you, Clang!) */
        vdw_swV3 = vdw_swV4 = vdw_swV5 = vdw_swF2 = vdw_swF3 = vdw_swF4 = 0.0;

    bExactElecCutoff    = (fr->coulomb_modifier != eintmodNONE) || fr->eeltype == eelRF_ZERO;
    bExactVdwCutoff     = (fr->vdw_modifier != eintmodNONE);
    bExactCutoff        = bExactElecCutoff || bExactVdwCutoff;

    if (bExactCutoff)
        rcutoff  = ( fr->rcoulomb > fr->rvdw ) ? fr->rcoulomb : fr->rvdw;
        rcutoff2 = rcutoff*rcutoff;
        /* Fix warnings for stupid compilers */
        rcutoff = rcutoff2 = 1e30;

    /* avoid compiler warnings for cases that cannot happen */
    nnn                 = 0;
    eps                 = 0.0;
    eps2                = 0.0;

    /* 3 VdW parameters for buckingham, otherwise 2 */
    nvdwparam           = (ivdw == GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_BUCKINGHAM) ? 3 : 2;
    table_nelements     = 12;

    charge              = mdatoms->chargeA;
    type                = mdatoms->typeA;
    facel               = fr->epsfac;
    shiftvec            = fr->shift_vec[0];
    vdwparam            = fr->nbfp;
    ntype               = fr->ntype;

    for (n = 0; (n < nlist->nri); n++)
        is3              = 3*nlist->shift[n];
        shX              = shiftvec[is3];
        shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
        shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];
        nj0              = nlist->jindex[n];
        nj1              = nlist->jindex[n+1];
        ii               = nlist->iinr[n];
        ii3              = 3*ii;
        ix               = shX + x[ii3+0];
        iy               = shY + x[ii3+1];
        iz               = shZ + x[ii3+2];
        iq               = facel*charge[ii];
        nti              = nvdwparam*ntype*type[ii];
        vctot            = 0;
        vvdwtot          = 0;
        fix              = 0;
        fiy              = 0;
        fiz              = 0;

        /* We need to find out if this i atom is part of an
           all-atom or CG energy group  */
        egp_nr = mdatoms->cENER[ii];
        bCG    = !fr->adress_group_explicit[egp_nr];

        weight_cg1       = wf[ii];

        if ((!bCG) && weight_cg1 < ALMOST_ZERO)

        for (k = nj0; (k < nj1); k++)
            jnr              = nlist->jjnr[k];
            weight_cg2       = wf[jnr];
            weight_product   = weight_cg1*weight_cg2;

            if (weight_product < ALMOST_ZERO)
                /* if it's a explicit loop, skip this atom */
                if (!bCG)
                else /* if it's a coarse grained loop, include this atom */
                    hybscal = 1.0;
            else if (weight_product >= ALMOST_ONE)

                /* if it's a explicit loop, include this atom */
                if (!bCG)
                    hybscal = 1.0;
                else  /* if it's a coarse grained loop, skip this atom */
            /* both have double identity, get hybrid scaling factor */
                hybscal = weight_product;

                if (bCG)
                    hybscal = 1.0 - hybscal;

            j3               = 3*jnr;
            jx               = x[j3+0];
            jy               = x[j3+1];
            jz               = x[j3+2];
            dx               = ix - jx;
            dy               = iy - jy;
            dz               = iz - jz;
            rsq              = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz;
            rinv             = gmx_invsqrt(rsq);
            rinvsq           = rinv*rinv;
            felec            = 0;
            fvdw             = 0;
            velec            = 0;
            vvdw             = 0;

            if (bExactCutoff && rsq > rcutoff2)

                r                = rsq*rinv;
                rt               = r*tabscale;
                n0               = rt;
                eps              = rt-n0;
                eps2             = eps*eps;
                nnn              = table_nelements*n0;

            /* Coulomb interaction. ielec==0 means no interaction */
            if (ielec != GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_NONE)
                qq               = iq*charge[jnr];

                switch (ielec)
                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_NONE:

                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_COULOMB:
                        /* Vanilla cutoff coulomb */
                        velec            = qq*rinv;
                        felec            = velec*rinvsq;

                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_REACTIONFIELD:
                        /* Reaction-field */
                        velec            = qq*(rinv+fr->k_rf*rsq-fr->c_rf);
                        felec            = qq*(rinv*rinvsq-2.0*fr->k_rf);

                        /* Tabulated coulomb */
                        Y                = VFtab[nnn];
                        F                = VFtab[nnn+1];
                        Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+2];
                        Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+3];
                        Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
                        VV               = Y+eps*Fp;
                        FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                        velec            = qq*VV;
                        felec            = -qq*FF*tabscale*rinv;

                        /* GB */
                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death & horror! GB generic interaction not implemented.\n");

                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_ELEC_EWALD:
                        ewrt             = rsq*rinv*ewtabscale;
                        ewitab           = ewrt;
                        eweps            = ewrt-ewitab;
                        ewitab           = 4*ewitab;
                        felec            = ewtab[ewitab]+eweps*ewtab[ewitab+1];
                        rinvcorr         = (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSHIFT) ? rinv-fr->ic->sh_ewald : rinv;
                        velec            = qq*(rinvcorr-(ewtab[ewitab+2]-ewtabhalfspace*eweps*(ewtab[ewitab]+felec)));
                        felec            = qq*rinv*(rinvsq-felec);

                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death & horror! No generic coulomb interaction for ielec=%d.\n", ielec);
                if (fr->coulomb_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
                    d                = rsq*rinv-fr->rcoulomb_switch;
                    d                = (d > 0.0) ? d : 0.0;
                    d2               = d*d;
                    sw               = 1.0+d2*d*(elec_swV3+d*(elec_swV4+d*elec_swV5));
                    dsw              = d2*(elec_swF2+d*(elec_swF3+d*elec_swF4));
                    /* Apply switch function. Note that felec=f/r since it will be multiplied
                     * by the i-j displacement vector. This means felec'=f'/r=-(v*sw)'/r=
                     * -(v'*sw+v*dsw)/r=-v'*sw/r-v*dsw/r=felec*sw-v*dsw/r
                    felec            = felec*sw - rinv*velec*dsw;
                    /* Once we have used velec to update felec we can modify velec too */
                    velec           *= sw;
                if (bExactElecCutoff)
                    felec            = (rsq <= rcoulomb2) ? felec : 0.0;
                    velec            = (rsq <= rcoulomb2) ? velec : 0.0;
                vctot           += velec;
            } /* End of coulomb interactions */

            /* VdW interaction. ivdw==0 means no interaction */
            if (ivdw != GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_NONE)
                tj               = nti+nvdwparam*type[jnr];

                switch (ivdw)
                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_NONE:

                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_LENNARDJONES:
                        /* Vanilla Lennard-Jones cutoff */
                        c6               = vdwparam[tj];
                        c12              = vdwparam[tj+1];
                        rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                        vvdw_disp        = c6*rinvsix;
                        vvdw_rep         = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                        fvdw             = (vvdw_rep-vvdw_disp)*rinvsq;
                        if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSHIFT)
                            vvdw             = (vvdw_rep + c12*sh_repulsion)/12.0 - (vvdw_disp + c6*sh_dispersion)/6.0;
                            vvdw             = vvdw_rep/12.0-vvdw_disp/6.0;

                    case GMX_NBKERNEL_VDW_BUCKINGHAM:
                        /* Buckingham */
                        c6               = vdwparam[tj];
                        cexp1            = vdwparam[tj+1];
                        cexp2            = vdwparam[tj+2];

                        rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                        vvdw_disp        = c6*rinvsix;
                        br               = cexp2*rsq*rinv;
                        vvdw_rep         = cexp1*exp(-br);
                        fvdw             = (br*vvdw_rep-vvdw_disp)*rinvsq;
                        if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSHIFT)
                            vvdw             = (vvdw_rep-cexp1*exp(-cexp2*rvdw)) - (vvdw_disp + c6*sh_dispersion)/6.0;
                            vvdw             = vvdw_rep-vvdw_disp/6.0;

                        /* Tabulated VdW */
                        c6               = vdwparam[tj];
                        c12              = vdwparam[tj+1];
                        Y                = VFtab[nnn+4];
                        F                = VFtab[nnn+5];
                        Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+6];
                        Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+7];
                        Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
                        VV               = Y+eps*Fp;
                        FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                        vvdw_disp        = c6*VV;
                        fijD             = c6*FF;
                        Y                = VFtab[nnn+8];
                        F                = VFtab[nnn+9];
                        Geps             = eps*VFtab[nnn+10];
                        Heps2            = eps2*VFtab[nnn+11];
                        Fp               = F+Geps+Heps2;
                        VV               = Y+eps*Fp;
                        FF               = Fp+Geps+2.0*Heps2;
                        vvdw_rep         = c12*VV;
                        fijR             = c12*FF;
                        fvdw             = -(fijD+fijR)*tabscale*rinv;
                        vvdw             = vvdw_disp + vvdw_rep;

                        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death & horror! No generic VdW interaction for ivdw=%d.\n", ivdw);
                if (fr->vdw_modifier == eintmodPOTSWITCH)
                    d                = rsq*rinv-fr->rvdw_switch;
                    d                = (d > 0.0) ? d : 0.0;
                    d2               = d*d;
                    sw               = 1.0+d2*d*(vdw_swV3+d*(vdw_swV4+d*vdw_swV5));
                    dsw              = d2*(vdw_swF2+d*(vdw_swF3+d*vdw_swF4));
                    /* See coulomb interaction for the force-switch formula */
                    fvdw             = fvdw*sw - rinv*vvdw*dsw;
                    vvdw            *= sw;
                if (bExactVdwCutoff)
                    fvdw             = (rsq <= rvdw2) ? fvdw : 0.0;
                    vvdw             = (rsq <= rvdw2) ? vvdw : 0.0;
                vvdwtot         += vvdw;
            } /* end VdW interactions */

            fscal            = felec+fvdw;

            if (!bCG && force_cap > 0 && (fabs(fscal) > force_cap))
                fscal = force_cap*fscal/fabs(fscal);

            fscal           *= hybscal;

            tx               = fscal*dx;
            ty               = fscal*dy;
            tz               = fscal*dz;
            fix              = fix + tx;
            fiy              = fiy + ty;
            fiz              = fiz + tz;
            f[j3+0]          = f[j3+0] - tx;
            f[j3+1]          = f[j3+1] - ty;
            f[j3+2]          = f[j3+2] - tz;

        f[ii3+0]         = f[ii3+0] + fix;
        f[ii3+1]         = f[ii3+1] + fiy;
        f[ii3+2]         = f[ii3+2] + fiz;
        fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix;
        fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy;
        fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz;
        ggid             = nlist->gid[n];
        velecgrp[ggid]  += vctot;
        vvdwgrp[ggid]   += vvdwtot;
    /* Estimate flops, average for generic adress kernel:
     * 14 flops per outer iteration
     * 54 flops per inner iteration
    inc_nrnb(nrnb, eNR_NBKERNEL_GENERIC_ADRESS, nlist->nri*14 + nlist->jindex[n]*54);
Example #30
 * Gromacs nonbonded kernel pf_nb_kernel112
 * Coulomb interaction:     Normal Coulomb
 * VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
 * water optimization:      pairs of SPC/TIP3P interactions
 * Calculate forces:        yes
void pf_nb_kernel112(
                    int *           p_nri,
                    int *           iinr,
                    int *           jindex,
                    int *           jjnr,
                    int *           shift,
                    real *          shiftvec,
                    real *          fshift,
                    int *           gid,
                    real *          pos,
                    real *          faction,
                    real *          charge,
                    real *          p_facel,
                    real *          p_krf,
                    real *          p_crf,
                    real *          Vc,
                    int *           type,
                    int *           p_ntype,
                    real *          vdwparam,
                    real *          Vvdw,
                    real *          p_tabscale,
                    real *          VFtab,
                    real *          invsqrta,
                    real *          dvda,
                    real *          p_gbtabscale,
                    real *          GBtab,
                    int *           p_nthreads,
                    int *           count,
                    void *          mtx,
                    int *           outeriter,
                    int *           inneriter,
                    real *          work,
		    t_pf_global *      pf_global)
    int           nri,ntype,nthreads;
    real          facel,krf,crf,tabscale,gbtabscale;
    int           n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid;
    int           nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner;
    real          shX,shY,shZ;
    real          fscal,tx,ty,tz;
    real          rinvsq;
    real          qq,vcoul,vctot;
    int           tj;
    real          rinvsix;
    real          Vvdw6,Vvdwtot;
    real          Vvdw12;
    real          ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1;
    real          ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2;
    real          ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3;
    real          jx1,jy1,jz1,fjx1,fjy1,fjz1;
    real          jx2,jy2,jz2,fjx2,fjy2,fjz2;
    real          jx3,jy3,jz3,fjx3,fjy3,fjz3;
    real          dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11,rinv11;
    real          dx12,dy12,dz12,rsq12,rinv12;
    real          dx13,dy13,dz13,rsq13,rinv13;
    real          dx21,dy21,dz21,rsq21,rinv21;
    real          dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22;
    real          dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23;
    real          dx31,dy31,dz31,rsq31,rinv31;
    real          dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32;
    real          dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33;
    real          qO,qH,qqOO,qqOH,qqHH;
    real          c6,c12;
    real          pf_coul, pf_lj;

    nri              = *p_nri;         
    ntype            = *p_ntype;       
    nthreads         = *p_nthreads;    
    facel            = *p_facel;       
    krf              = *p_krf;         
    crf              = *p_crf;         
    tabscale         = *p_tabscale;    

    /* Initialize water data */
    ii               = iinr[0];        
    qO               = charge[ii];     
    qH               = charge[ii+1];   
    qqOO             = facel*qO*qO;    
    qqOH             = facel*qO*qH;    
    qqHH             = facel*qH*qH;    
    tj               = 2*(ntype+1)*type[ii];
    c6               = vdwparam[tj];   
    c12              = vdwparam[tj+1]; 

    /* Reset outer and inner iteration counters */
    nouter           = 0;              
    ninner           = 0;              

    /* Loop over thread workunits */
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        nn0              = *count;         
        /* Take successively smaller chunks (at least 10 lists) */
        nn1              = nn0+(nri-nn0)/(2*nthreads)+10;
        *count           = nn1;            
        tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock((tMPI_Thread_mutex_t *)mtx);
        if(nn1>nri) nn1=nri;
	    nn0 = 0;
		nn1 = nri;
        /* Start outer loop over neighborlists */
        for(n=nn0; (n<nn1); n++)

            /* Load shift vector for this list */
            is3              = 3*shift[n];     
            shX              = shiftvec[is3];  
            shY              = shiftvec[is3+1];
            shZ              = shiftvec[is3+2];

            /* Load limits for loop over neighbors */
            nj0              = jindex[n];      
            nj1              = jindex[n+1];    

            /* Get outer coordinate index */
            ii               = iinr[n];        
            ii3              = 3*ii;           

            /* Load i atom data, add shift vector */
            ix1              = shX + pos[ii3+0];
            iy1              = shY + pos[ii3+1];
            iz1              = shZ + pos[ii3+2];
            ix2              = shX + pos[ii3+3];
            iy2              = shY + pos[ii3+4];
            iz2              = shZ + pos[ii3+5];
            ix3              = shX + pos[ii3+6];
            iy3              = shY + pos[ii3+7];
            iz3              = shZ + pos[ii3+8];

            /* Zero the potential energy for this list */
            vctot            = 0;              
            Vvdwtot          = 0;              

            /* Clear i atom forces */
            fix1             = 0;              
            fiy1             = 0;              
            fiz1             = 0;              
            fix2             = 0;              
            fiy2             = 0;              
            fiz2             = 0;              
            fix3             = 0;              
            fiy3             = 0;              
            fiz3             = 0;              
            for(k=nj0; (k<nj1); k++)

                /* Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index */
                jnr              = jjnr[k];        
                j3               = 3*jnr;          

                /* load j atom coordinates */
                jx1              = pos[j3+0];      
                jy1              = pos[j3+1];      
                jz1              = pos[j3+2];      
                jx2              = pos[j3+3];      
                jy2              = pos[j3+4];      
                jz2              = pos[j3+5];      
                jx3              = pos[j3+6];      
                jy3              = pos[j3+7];      
                jz3              = pos[j3+8];      

                /* Calculate distance */
                dx11             = ix1 - jx1;      
                dy11             = iy1 - jy1;      
                dz11             = iz1 - jz1;      
                rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11;
                dx12             = ix1 - jx2;      
                dy12             = iy1 - jy2;      
                dz12             = iz1 - jz2;      
                rsq12            = dx12*dx12+dy12*dy12+dz12*dz12;
                dx13             = ix1 - jx3;      
                dy13             = iy1 - jy3;      
                dz13             = iz1 - jz3;      
                rsq13            = dx13*dx13+dy13*dy13+dz13*dz13;
                dx21             = ix2 - jx1;      
                dy21             = iy2 - jy1;      
                dz21             = iz2 - jz1;      
                rsq21            = dx21*dx21+dy21*dy21+dz21*dz21;
                dx22             = ix2 - jx2;      
                dy22             = iy2 - jy2;      
                dz22             = iz2 - jz2;      
                rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22;
                dx23             = ix2 - jx3;      
                dy23             = iy2 - jy3;      
                dz23             = iz2 - jz3;      
                rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23;
                dx31             = ix3 - jx1;      
                dy31             = iy3 - jy1;      
                dz31             = iz3 - jz1;      
                rsq31            = dx31*dx31+dy31*dy31+dz31*dz31;
                dx32             = ix3 - jx2;      
                dy32             = iy3 - jy2;      
                dz32             = iz3 - jz2;      
                rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32;
                dx33             = ix3 - jx3;      
                dy33             = iy3 - jy3;      
                dz33             = iz3 - jz3;      
                rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33;

                /* Calculate 1/r and 1/r2 */
                rinv11           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq11);
                rinv12           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq12);
                rinv13           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq13);
                rinv21           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq21);
                rinv22           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq22);
                rinv23           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq23);
                rinv31           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq31);
                rinv32           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq32);
                rinv33           = gmx_invsqrt(rsq33);

                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOO;           
                rinvsq           = rinv11*rinv11;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv11;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;
		pf_coul          = vcoul*rinvsq;

                /* Lennard-Jones interaction */
                rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq;
                Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix;     
                Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix;
                Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6;
		pf_lj            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;
                fscal            = (vcoul+12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq;

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx11;     
                ty               = fscal*dy11;     
                tz               = fscal*dz11;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = faction[j3+0] - tx;
                fjy1             = faction[j3+1] - ty;
                fjz1             = faction[j3+2] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded(pf_global, ii, jnr, pf_coul, pf_lj, dx11, dy11, dz11);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv12*rinv12;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv12;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx12;     
                ty               = fscal*dy12;     
                tz               = fscal*dz12;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = faction[j3+3] - tx;
                fjy2             = faction[j3+4] - ty;
                fjz2             = faction[j3+5] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx12, dy12, dz12);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv13*rinv13;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv13;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx13;     
                ty               = fscal*dy13;     
                tz               = fscal*dz13;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix1             = fix1 + tx;      
                fiy1             = fiy1 + ty;      
                fiz1             = fiz1 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = faction[j3+6] - tx;
                fjy3             = faction[j3+7] - ty;
                fjz3             = faction[j3+8] - tz;

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx13, dy13, dz13);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv21*rinv21;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv21;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx21;     
                ty               = fscal*dy21;     
                tz               = fscal*dz21;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx1             = fjx1 - tx;      
                fjy1             = fjy1 - ty;      
                fjz1             = fjz1 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx21, dy21, dz21);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv22*rinv22;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv22;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx22;     
                ty               = fscal*dy22;     
                tz               = fscal*dz22;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx2             = fjx2 - tx;      
                fjy2             = fjy2 - ty;      
                fjz2             = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx22, dy22, dz22);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv23*rinv23;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv23;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx23;     
                ty               = fscal*dy23;     
                tz               = fscal*dz23;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix2             = fix2 + tx;      
                fiy2             = fiy2 + ty;      
                fiz2             = fiz2 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                fjx3             = fjx3 - tx;      
                fjy3             = fjy3 - ty;      
                fjz3             = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+1, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx23, dy23, dz23);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqOH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv31*rinv31;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv31;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx31;     
                ty               = fscal*dy31;     
                tz               = fscal*dz31;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+0]    = fjx1 - tx;      
                faction[j3+1]    = fjy1 - ty;      
                faction[j3+2]    = fjz1 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx31, dy31, dz31);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv32*rinv32;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv32;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx32;     
                ty               = fscal*dy32;     
                tz               = fscal*dz32;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+3]    = fjx2 - tx;      
                faction[j3+4]    = fjy2 - ty;      
                faction[j3+5]    = fjz2 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+1, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx32, dy32, dz32);
                /* Load parameters for j atom */
                qq               = qqHH;           
                rinvsq           = rinv33*rinv33;  

                /* Coulomb interaction */
                vcoul            = qq*rinv33;      
                vctot            = vctot+vcoul;    
                fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq; 

                /* Calculate temporary vectorial force */
                tx               = fscal*dx33;     
                ty               = fscal*dy33;     
                tz               = fscal*dz33;     

                /* Increment i atom force */
                fix3             = fix3 + tx;      
                fiy3             = fiy3 + ty;      
                fiz3             = fiz3 + tz;      

                /* Decrement j atom force */
                faction[j3+6]    = fjx3 - tx;      
                faction[j3+7]    = fjy3 - ty;      
                faction[j3+8]    = fjz3 - tz;      

	        /* pairwise forces */
		if (pf_global->bInitialized)
		  pf_atom_add_nonbonded_single(pf_global, ii+2, jnr+2, PF_INTER_COULOMB, fscal, dx33, dy33, dz33);
                /* Inner loop uses 245 flops/iteration */

            /* Add i forces to mem and shifted force list */
            faction[ii3+0]   = faction[ii3+0] + fix1;
            faction[ii3+1]   = faction[ii3+1] + fiy1;
            faction[ii3+2]   = faction[ii3+2] + fiz1;
            faction[ii3+3]   = faction[ii3+3] + fix2;
            faction[ii3+4]   = faction[ii3+4] + fiy2;
            faction[ii3+5]   = faction[ii3+5] + fiz2;
            faction[ii3+6]   = faction[ii3+6] + fix3;
            faction[ii3+7]   = faction[ii3+7] + fiy3;
            faction[ii3+8]   = faction[ii3+8] + fiz3;
            fshift[is3]      = fshift[is3]+fix1+fix2+fix3;
            fshift[is3+1]    = fshift[is3+1]+fiy1+fiy2+fiy3;
            fshift[is3+2]    = fshift[is3+2]+fiz1+fiz2+fiz3;

            /* Add potential energies to the group for this list */
            ggid             = gid[n];         
            Vc[ggid]         = Vc[ggid] + vctot;
            Vvdw[ggid]       = Vvdw[ggid] + Vvdwtot;

            /* Increment number of inner iterations */
            ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0;

            /* Outer loop uses 29 flops/iteration */

        /* Increment number of outer iterations */
        nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0;
    while (nn1<nri);

    /* Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers */
    *outeriter       = nouter;         
    *inneriter       = ninner;         