static void load_payment_type_cells (GncEntryLedger *ledger) { ComboCell *cell; const GncOwner *owner; GncEmployee *employee; cell = (ComboCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell (ledger->table->layout, ENTRY_PAYMENT_CELL); if (!cell) return; if (!ledger->invoice) return; owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice)); if (gncOwnerGetType (owner) != GNC_OWNER_EMPLOYEE) return; employee = gncOwnerGetEmployee (owner); g_return_if_fail (employee); gnc_combo_cell_clear_menu (cell); gnc_combo_cell_add_menu_item (cell, _("Cash")); if (gncEmployeeGetCCard (employee)) gnc_combo_cell_add_menu_item (cell, _("Charge")); }
gboolean gncOwnerLotMatchOwnerFunc (GNCLot *lot, gpointer user_data) { const GncOwner *req_owner = user_data; GncOwner lot_owner; const GncOwner *end_owner; GncInvoice *invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot); /* Determine the owner associated to the lot */ if (invoice) /* Invoice lots */ end_owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice)); else if (gncOwnerGetOwnerFromLot (lot, &lot_owner)) /* Pre-payment lots */ end_owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (&lot_owner); else return FALSE; /* Is this a lot for the requested owner ? */ return gncOwnerEqual (end_owner, req_owner); }
/* XXX This code is a cut-n-paste job from the SplitRegister code; * the split-register should be generalized to the point where a cut-n-paste * like this isn't required, and this should be trashed. */ void gnc_entry_ledger_load (GncEntryLedger *ledger, GList *entry_list) { GncEntry *blank_entry, *find_entry; CursorBuffer *cursor_buffer; Table *table; GList *node; CellBlock *cursor_header, *cursor; VirtualCellLocation vcell_loc; VirtualLocation save_loc; gboolean start_primary_color = TRUE; int new_entry_row = -1; if (!ledger) return; /* Load up cells */ load_discount_type_cells (ledger); load_discount_how_cells (ledger); gnc_entry_ledger_load_xfer_cells (ledger); blank_entry = gnc_entry_ledger_get_blank_entry (ledger); if (blank_entry == NULL && ledger->invoice == NULL && entry_list == NULL) return; if (blank_entry == NULL && ledger->invoice) { switch (ledger->type) { case GNCENTRY_ORDER_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_INVOICE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_BILL_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_EXPVOUCHER_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: gnc_suspend_gui_refresh (); blank_entry = gncEntryCreate (ledger->book); gncEntrySetDateGDate (blank_entry, &ledger->last_date_entered); ledger->blank_entry_guid = *gncEntryGetGUID (blank_entry); gnc_resume_gui_refresh (); /* The rest of this does not apply to expense vouchers */ if (ledger->type != GNCENTRY_EXPVOUCHER_ENTRY) { const GncOwner *owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice)); GncTaxTable *table = NULL; GncTaxIncluded taxincluded_p = GNC_TAXINCLUDED_USEGLOBAL; gboolean taxincluded = FALSE; gnc_numeric discount = gnc_numeric_zero (); gnc_numeric price = gnc_numeric_zero (); /* Determine the Price from Customer's or Vendor's Job */ switch (gncOwnerGetType (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice))) { case GNC_OWNER_JOB: price = gncJobGetRate( gncOwnerGetJob (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice))); break; default: break; } /* Determine the TaxIncluded and Discount values */ switch (gncOwnerGetType (owner)) { case GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER: taxincluded_p = gncCustomerGetTaxIncluded (owner->owner.customer); discount = gncCustomerGetDiscount (owner->owner.customer); break; case GNC_OWNER_VENDOR: taxincluded_p = gncVendorGetTaxIncluded (owner->owner.vendor); break; default: break; } /* Compute the default taxincluded */ switch (taxincluded_p) { case GNC_TAXINCLUDED_YES: taxincluded = TRUE; break; case GNC_TAXINCLUDED_NO: taxincluded = FALSE; break; case GNC_TAXINCLUDED_USEGLOBAL: if (ledger->prefs_group) { taxincluded = gnc_prefs_get_bool (ledger->prefs_group, GNC_PREF_TAX_INCL); } else { taxincluded = FALSE; } break; } /* Compute the proper taxtable */ switch (gncOwnerGetType (owner)) { case GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER: table = gnc_business_get_default_tax_table (ledger->book, GNC_OWNER_CUSTOMER); if (gncCustomerGetTaxTableOverride (owner->owner.customer)) table = gncCustomerGetTaxTable (owner->owner.customer); break; case GNC_OWNER_VENDOR: table = gnc_business_get_default_tax_table (ledger->book, GNC_OWNER_VENDOR); if (gncVendorGetTaxTableOverride (owner->owner.vendor)) table = gncVendorGetTaxTable (owner->owner.vendor); break; default: break; } if (ledger->is_cust_doc) { gncEntrySetInvTaxTable (blank_entry, table); gncEntrySetInvTaxIncluded (blank_entry, taxincluded); gncEntrySetInvDiscount (blank_entry, discount); gncEntrySetInvPrice (blank_entry, price); } else { gncEntrySetBillTaxTable (blank_entry, table); gncEntrySetBillTaxIncluded (blank_entry, taxincluded); gncEntrySetBillPrice (blank_entry, price); } } break; default: ledger->blank_entry_guid = *guid_null (); break; } ledger->blank_entry_edited = FALSE; } table = ledger->table; gnc_table_leave_update (table, table->current_cursor_loc); save_loc = table->current_cursor_loc; /* Figure out where we are going to */ if (ledger->traverse_to_new) { find_entry = blank_entry; } else if (ledger->hint_entry) { find_entry = ledger->hint_entry; } else { find_entry = gnc_entry_ledger_get_current_entry(ledger); /* XXX: get current entry (cursor_hint_xxx) */ } /* If the current cursor has changed we save the values for later * possible restoration. */ if (gnc_table_current_cursor_changed (table, TRUE) && (find_entry == gnc_entry_ledger_get_current_entry (ledger))) { cursor_buffer = gnc_cursor_buffer_new (); gnc_table_save_current_cursor (table, cursor_buffer); } else cursor_buffer = NULL; /* disable move callback -- we don't want the cascade of * callbacks while we are fiddling with loading the register */ gnc_table_control_allow_move (table->control, FALSE); /* invalidate the cursor */ { VirtualLocation virt_loc; virt_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row = -1; virt_loc.vcell_loc.virt_col = -1; virt_loc.phys_row_offset = -1; virt_loc.phys_col_offset = -1; gnc_table_move_cursor_gui (table, virt_loc); } /* make sure that the header is loaded */ vcell_loc.virt_row = 0; vcell_loc.virt_col = 0; cursor_header = gnc_table_layout_get_cursor (table->layout, CURSOR_HEADER); gnc_table_set_vcell (table, cursor_header, NULL, TRUE, TRUE, vcell_loc); vcell_loc.virt_row++; /* get the current time and reset the dividing row */ table->model->dividing_row_upper = -1; table->model->dividing_row = -1; table->model->dividing_row_lower = -1; cursor = gnc_table_layout_get_cursor (table->layout, "cursor"); /* Populate the table */ for (node = entry_list; node; node = node->next) { GncEntry *entry = node->data; /* Don't load the blank entry */ if (entry == blank_entry) continue; /* If this is the first load of the ledger, fill the quickfill cells */ { /* XXX */ } if (entry == find_entry) new_entry_row = vcell_loc.virt_row; gnc_table_set_vcell (table, cursor, gncEntryGetGUID (entry), TRUE, start_primary_color, vcell_loc); vcell_loc.virt_row++; /* Flip color for the next guy */ start_primary_color = !start_primary_color; } /* Add the blank entry at the end. */ if (blank_entry) { gnc_table_set_vcell (table, cursor, gncEntryGetGUID (blank_entry), TRUE, start_primary_color, vcell_loc); if (find_entry == blank_entry) new_entry_row = vcell_loc.virt_row; vcell_loc.virt_row++; } /* Resize the table */ gnc_table_set_size (table, vcell_loc.virt_row, 1); /* Restore the cursor to its rightful position */ if (new_entry_row > 0) save_loc.vcell_loc.virt_row = new_entry_row; if (gnc_table_find_close_valid_cell (table, &save_loc, FALSE)) { gnc_table_move_cursor_gui (table, save_loc); if (find_entry == gnc_entry_ledger_get_current_entry (ledger)) gnc_table_restore_current_cursor (table, cursor_buffer); } gnc_cursor_buffer_destroy (cursor_buffer); cursor_buffer = NULL; /* Reset the ledger */ ledger->traverse_to_new = FALSE; ledger->hint_entry = NULL; /* Set the cell fractions */ gnc_table_refresh_gui (table, TRUE); gnc_entry_ledger_show_entry (ledger, table->current_cursor_loc.vcell_loc); /* Set completion character */ gnc_combo_cell_set_complete_char ((ComboCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell (table->layout, ENTRY_IACCT_CELL), gnc_get_account_separator ()); gnc_combo_cell_set_complete_char ((ComboCell *) gnc_table_layout_get_cell (table->layout, ENTRY_BACCT_CELL), gnc_get_account_separator ()); /* enable callback for cursor user-driven moves */ gnc_table_control_allow_move (table->control, TRUE); }
static xmlNodePtr invoice_dom_tree_create (GncInvoice* invoice) { xmlNodePtr ret; Timespec ts; Transaction* txn; GNCLot* lot; Account* acc; GncBillTerm* term; GncOwner* billto; gnc_numeric amt; ret = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST gnc_invoice_string); xmlSetProp (ret, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST invoice_version_string); xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_guid_string, qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (invoice)))); xmlAddChild (ret, text_to_dom_tree (invoice_id_string, gncInvoiceGetID (invoice))); xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_owner_string, gncInvoiceGetOwner (invoice))); ts = gncInvoiceGetDateOpened (invoice); xmlAddChild (ret, timespec_to_dom_tree (invoice_opened_string, &ts)); maybe_add_timespec (ret, invoice_posted_string, gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (invoice)); term = gncInvoiceGetTerms (invoice); if (term) xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_terms_string, qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (term)))); maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_billing_id_string, gncInvoiceGetBillingID (invoice)); maybe_add_string (ret, invoice_notes_string, gncInvoiceGetNotes (invoice)); xmlAddChild (ret, int_to_dom_tree (invoice_active_string, gncInvoiceGetActive (invoice))); txn = gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn (invoice); if (txn) xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_posttxn_string, xaccTransGetGUID (txn))); lot = gncInvoiceGetPostedLot (invoice); if (lot) xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postlot_string, gnc_lot_get_guid (lot))); acc = gncInvoiceGetPostedAcc (invoice); if (acc) xmlAddChild (ret, guid_to_dom_tree (invoice_postacc_string, qof_instance_get_guid (QOF_INSTANCE (acc)))); xmlAddChild (ret, commodity_ref_to_dom_tree (invoice_currency_string, gncInvoiceGetCurrency (invoice))); billto = gncInvoiceGetBillTo (invoice); if (billto && billto->owner.undefined != NULL) xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_owner_to_dom_tree (invoice_billto_string, billto)); amt = gncInvoiceGetToChargeAmount (invoice); if (! gnc_numeric_zero_p (amt)) xmlAddChild (ret, gnc_numeric_to_dom_tree (invoice_tochargeamt_string, &amt)); /* xmlAddChild won't do anything with a NULL, so tests are superfluous. */ xmlAddChild (ret, qof_instance_slots_to_dom_tree (invoice_slots_string, QOF_INSTANCE (invoice))); return ret; }
static void gnc_entry_ledger_set_watches (GncEntryLedger *ledger, GList *entries) { GList *node; QofIdType type = NULL; gnc_gui_component_clear_watches (ledger->component_id); switch (ledger->type) { case GNCENTRY_ORDER_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_ORDER_VIEWER: type = GNC_ORDER_MODULE_NAME; break; case GNCENTRY_INVOICE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: /* Watch the invoice owner to see when items get added via orders */ gnc_gui_component_watch_entity (ledger->component_id, gncOwnerGetGUID (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice)), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY); case GNCENTRY_INVOICE_VIEWER: case GNCENTRY_CUST_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER: case GNCENTRY_BILL_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_BILL_VIEWER: case GNCENTRY_EXPVOUCHER_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_EXPVOUCHER_VIEWER: case GNCENTRY_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_VEND_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER: case GNCENTRY_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE_ENTRY: case GNCENTRY_EMPL_CREDIT_NOTE_VIEWER: type = GNC_INVOICE_MODULE_NAME; break; default: g_warning ("Invalid ledger type"); break; } gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (ledger->component_id, type, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY | QOF_EVENT_DESTROY); /* To make sure the xfer cell is up to date */ gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (ledger->component_id, GNC_ID_ACCOUNT, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY | QOF_EVENT_DESTROY | GNC_EVENT_ITEM_CHANGED); /* To make sure the taxtable cell is up to date */ gnc_gui_component_watch_entity_type (ledger->component_id, GNC_TAXTABLE_MODULE_NAME, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY | QOF_EVENT_DESTROY); /* For expense vouchers, watch the employee and refresh if it's changed */ if (ledger->type == GNCENTRY_EXPVOUCHER_ENTRY) { const GncOwner *owner = gncOwnerGetEndOwner (gncInvoiceGetOwner (ledger->invoice)); GncEmployee *employee = gncOwnerGetEmployee (owner); if (employee) gnc_gui_component_watch_entity (ledger->component_id, gncEmployeeGetGUID (employee), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY); } for (node = entries; node; node = node->next) { GncEntry *entry = node->data; gnc_gui_component_watch_entity (ledger->component_id, gncEntryGetGUID (entry), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY); } }