GnumericSheetPtr gnumeric_add_sheet(GnumericWorkbookPtr workbook, const char *name) { WorkbookView *wbv = (WorkbookView *)workbook; #ifndef OLD_GNUMERIC int cols = gnm_conf_get_core_workbook_n_cols (); int rows = gnm_conf_get_core_workbook_n_rows (); if (!gnm_sheet_valid_size (cols, rows)) { gnm_sheet_suggest_size (&cols, &rows); } Sheet *sheet = workbook_sheet_add (wb_view_get_workbook (wbv), -1, cols, rows); #else Sheet *sheet = workbook_sheet_add (wb_view_get_workbook (wbv), -1, TRUE); #endif if (name!=NULL) { int idx = gnumeric_get_sheet_count(workbook)-1; GSList *idxs = NULL; GSList *names = NULL; idxs = g_slist_append(idxs, GINT_TO_POINTER(idx)); names = g_slist_append(names, (gpointer)name); workbook_sheet_rename(wb_view_get_workbook (wbv), idxs, names, cc); g_slist_free(idxs); g_slist_free(names); } return (GnumericSheetPtr*)sheet; }
/* * stf_read_workbook: * @fo: file opener * @enc: encoding of file * @context: command context * @book: workbook * @input: file to read from+convert * * Main routine, handles importing a file including all dialog mumbo-jumbo */ static void stf_read_workbook (G_GNUC_UNUSED GOFileOpener const *fo, gchar const *enc, GOIOContext *context, GoView *view, GsfInput *input) { DialogStfResult_t *dialogresult = NULL; char *name, *nameutf8 = NULL; char *data = NULL; size_t data_len; WorkbookView *wbv = GNM_WORKBOOK_VIEW (view); if (!GNM_IS_WBC_GTK (context->impl)) { go_io_error_string (context, _("This importer can only be used with a GUI.")); return; } name = g_path_get_basename (gsf_input_name (input)); nameutf8 = g_filename_to_utf8 (name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (name); if (!nameutf8) { g_warning ("Failed to convert filename to UTF-8. This shouldn't happen here."); goto out; } data = stf_preparse (context, input, &data_len); if (!data) goto out; dialogresult = stf_dialog (WBC_GTK (context->impl), enc, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, nameutf8, data, data_len); if (dialogresult != NULL) { Workbook *book = wb_view_get_workbook (wbv); int cols = dialogresult->colcount, rows = dialogresult->rowcount; Sheet *sheet; gnm_sheet_suggest_size (&cols, &rows); sheet = sheet_new (book, nameutf8, cols, rows); workbook_sheet_attach (book, sheet); if (stf_store_results (dialogresult, sheet, 0, 0)) { workbook_recalc_all (book); resize_columns (sheet); workbook_set_saveinfo (book, GO_FILE_FL_WRITE_ONLY, go_file_saver_for_id ("Gnumeric_stf:stf_assistant")); } else { /* the user has cancelled */ /* the caller should notice that we have no sheets */ workbook_sheet_delete (sheet); } } out: g_free (nameutf8); g_free (data); if (dialogresult != NULL) stf_dialog_result_free (dialogresult); }
/* * stf_read_workbook_auto_csvtab: * @fo: file opener * @enc: optional encoding * @context: command context * @book: workbook * @input: file to read from+convert * * Attempt to auto-detect CSV or tab-delimited file */ static void stf_read_workbook_auto_csvtab (G_GNUC_UNUSED GOFileOpener const *fo, gchar const *enc, GOIOContext *context, GoView *view, GsfInput *input) { Sheet *sheet; Workbook *book; char *name; char *data; GString *utf8data; size_t data_len; StfParseOptions_t *po; const char *gsfname; int cols, rows, i; GStringChunk *lines_chunk; GPtrArray *lines; WorkbookView *wbv = GNM_WORKBOOK_VIEW (view); g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); g_return_if_fail (wbv != NULL); book = wb_view_get_workbook (wbv); data = stf_preparse (context, input, &data_len); if (!data) return; enc = go_guess_encoding (data, data_len, enc, &utf8data, NULL); g_free (data); if (!enc) { go_cmd_context_error_import (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (context), _("That file is not in the given encoding.")); return; } clear_stray_NULs (context, utf8data); /* * Try to get the filename we're reading from. This is not a * great way. */ gsfname = gsf_input_name (input); { const char *ext = gsf_extension_pointer (gsfname); gboolean iscsv = ext && strcasecmp (ext, "csv") == 0; if (iscsv) po = stf_parse_options_guess_csv (utf8data->str); else po = stf_parse_options_guess (utf8data->str); } lines_chunk = g_string_chunk_new (100 * 1024); lines = stf_parse_general (po, lines_chunk, utf8data->str, utf8data->str + utf8data->len); rows = lines->len; cols = 0; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { GPtrArray *line = g_ptr_array_index (lines, i); cols = MAX (cols, (int)line->len); } gnm_sheet_suggest_size (&cols, &rows); stf_parse_general_free (lines); g_string_chunk_free (lines_chunk); name = g_path_get_basename (gsfname); sheet = sheet_new (book, name, cols, rows); g_free (name); workbook_sheet_attach (book, sheet); if (stf_parse_sheet (po, utf8data->str, NULL, sheet, 0, 0)) { gboolean is_csv; workbook_recalc_all (book); resize_columns (sheet); if (po->cols_exceeded || po->rows_exceeded) { stf_warning (context, _("Some data did not fit on the " "sheet and was dropped.")); } is_csv = po->sep.chr && po->sep.chr[0] == ','; workbook_set_saveinfo (book, GO_FILE_FL_WRITE_ONLY, go_file_saver_for_id (is_csv ? "Gnumeric_stf:stf_csv" : "Gnumeric_stf:stf_assistant")); } else { workbook_sheet_delete (sheet); go_cmd_context_error_import (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (context), _("Parse error while trying to parse data into sheet")); } stf_parse_options_free (po); g_string_free (utf8data, TRUE); }