Example #1
static int
file_list_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder, CameraList *list,
                void *data, GPContext *context)
        CameraFile *file;
        CameraFileInfo info;
        KncStatus status;
        unsigned int i, id;
        Camera *camera = data;
        int result;
	KncCamRes cr;

         * We can't get the filename from the camera.
         * But we decide to call the images %6i.jpeg', with the image id as
         * parameter. Therefore, let's get the image ids.
        CR (knc_get_status (camera->pl->c, &cr, &status), context);
	CCR (cr, context);

        id = gp_context_progress_start (context, status.pictures,
                                        _("Getting file list..."));
        for (i = 0; i < status.pictures; i++) {

                /* Get information */
                gp_file_new (&file);
                result = get_info (camera, i + 1, &info, file, context);
                if (result < 0) {
                        gp_file_unref (file);
                        return (result);

                 * Append directly to the filesystem instead of to the list,
                 * because we have additional information.
                gp_filesystem_append (camera->fs, folder, info.file.name,
                gp_filesystem_set_info_noop (camera->fs, folder, info, context);
                gp_filesystem_set_file_noop (camera->fs, folder, file, context);
                gp_file_unref (file);

                gp_context_idle (context);
                gp_context_progress_update (context, id, i + 1);
                if (gp_context_cancel (context) == GP_CONTEXT_FEEDBACK_CANCEL)
                        return (GP_ERROR_CANCEL);
        gp_context_progress_stop (context, id);

        return (GP_OK);
Example #2
static int
put_file_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder,
	       CameraFile *file, void *data, GPContext *context)
	char path[2048];
	const char *name;
	int result;
#ifdef DEBUG
	unsigned int i, id;
	Camera *camera = (Camera*)data;

	gp_file_get_name (file, &name);

	result = _get_path (camera->port, folder, name, path, sizeof(path));
	if (result < GP_OK)
		return result;

	result = gp_file_save (file, path);
	if (result < 0)
		return (result);

#ifdef DEBUG
	id = gp_context_progress_start (context, 500., "Uploading file...");
	for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
		gp_context_progress_update (context, id, i + 1);
		gp_context_idle (context);
		if (gp_context_cancel (context) == GP_CONTEXT_FEEDBACK_CANCEL)
			return (result);
		usleep (10);
	gp_context_progress_stop (context, id);

	return (GP_OK);
Example #3
static void
on_ok_clicked (GtkButton *button, GtkamSave *save)
	guint i, count, j = 1;
	int result = -1;
	GtkWidget *s, *dialog;
	unsigned int id = 0;
	GtkamSaveData *data;
	gchar *progname, *command;
	GError *error = NULL;

	if (count_items (save) == 0) {
		if (!save->priv->err_shown) {
			dialog = gtkam_error_new (result, NULL,
					GTK_WIDGET (save), _("There is nothing to be saved."));
			gtk_widget_show (dialog);

	gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (save));

	count = g_slist_length (save->priv->data);
	if (count == 1)
		s = gtkam_cancel_new (_("Downloading file"));
		s = gtkam_cancel_new (_("Downloading %i files"), count);
	gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (s), save->priv->main_window);
	gtk_widget_show (s);

	if (count > 1)
		id = gp_context_progress_start (
			GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context, count,
			_("Downloading %i files..."), count);

	if (!save->priv->toggle_filename_camera->active)
		j = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int (
				GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (save->priv->spin_entry));
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		data = g_slist_nth_data (save->priv->data, i);

		/* Check for shutdown */
		if (!GTKAM_IS_SAVE (save))

		if (save->priv->toggle_normal &&
			result = get_file (save, data->camera,
				  data->folder, data->name,
				  GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, i + j,
				  GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context);
		if (save->priv->toggle_preview &&
		    save->priv->toggle_preview->active &&
		    (!result < 0))
			result = get_file (save, data->camera,
				  data->folder, data->name,
				  GP_FILE_TYPE_PREVIEW, i + j,
				  GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context);
		if (save->priv->toggle_raw &&
		    save->priv->toggle_raw->active &&
		    (!result < 0))
			result = get_file (save, data->camera,
				  data->folder, data->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_RAW,
				  i + j, GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context);
		if (save->priv->toggle_audio &&
		    save->priv->toggle_audio->active &&
		    (!result < 0))
			result = get_file (save, data->camera,
				  data->folder, data->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_AUDIO,
				  i + j, GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context);
		if (save->priv->toggle_exif &&
		    save->priv->toggle_exif->active &&
		    (!result < 0))
			result = get_file (save, data->camera,
				  data->folder, data->name, GP_FILE_TYPE_EXIF,
				  i + j, GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context);

		if (result < 0)
			if (count > 1)
				gp_context_progress_stop (GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context, id);
			if (!save->priv->err_shown) {
				dialog = gtkam_error_new (result, GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context,
						GTK_WIDGET (save), _("Problem getting '%s' "
						"from folder '%s'."),
						data->name, data->folder);
				gtk_widget_show (dialog);
				save->priv->err_shown = TRUE;
			gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (s));
			gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (save));
		if (count > 1)
			gp_context_progress_update (
				GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context, id, i + 1);
		gp_context_idle (GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context);
		if (gp_context_cancel (GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context) ==
	if (count > 1)
		gp_context_progress_stop (
				GTKAM_CANCEL (s)->context->context, id);
	gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (s));

	/* If file(s) were saved and a program specified, load the program
   passing the filenames */
	if (result >= 0)
		progname = gtk_entry_get_text (save->priv->program);

		if (progname && progname[0] != '\0') {
			command = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", progname, save->priv->filelist->str);

			/* FIXME Report any arising errors */
			if (!g_spawn_command_line_async (command, &error)) {
				g_warning ("Error running command\n");
				g_error_free (error);
			g_free (command);
			g_string_free (save->priv->filelist, TRUE);
	gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (save));
Example #4
static int
file_list_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder,
		CameraList *list, void *data, GPContext *context)
	Camera *camera = data;
	unsigned int i, filecount, id, size, type;
	CameraFile *file;
	CameraFileInfo info;
	unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
	int ret, n_img=0, n_avi=0, n_wav=0;
	char fn[100];

	CHECK (pccam300_get_filecount (camera->port, &filecount));

	id = gp_context_progress_start (context, filecount,
			_("Getting file list..."));
	for (i = 0; i < filecount; i++) {
		/* Get information */
		gp_file_new (&file);
		ret = pccam300_get_file (camera->port, context, i,
		                          &buffer, &size, &type);
		if (ret < GP_OK) {
			gp_file_free (file);
			return ret;

		info.audio.fields = GP_FILE_INFO_NONE;
		info.preview.fields = GP_FILE_INFO_NONE;

		info.file.fields = GP_FILE_INFO_SIZE | GP_FILE_INFO_TYPE;
		info.file.size = size;

		switch (type) {
			case PCCAM300_MIME_JPEG:
				strcpy (info.file.type, GP_MIME_JPEG);
				sprintf (fn, "Image%03i.jpeg", n_img++);
			case PCCAM300_MIME_AVI:
				strcpy (info.file.type, GP_MIME_AVI);
				sprintf (fn, "Movie%03i.UNUSABLE", n_avi++);
			case PCCAM300_MIME_WAV:
				strcpy (info.file.type, GP_MIME_WAV);
				sprintf (fn, "Audio%03i.UNUSABLE", n_wav++);

		if (file)
			gp_file_set_data_and_size (file, buffer, size);
			free (buffer);
		 * Append directly to the filesystem instead of to the list,
		 * because we have additional information. 
		 * */
		gp_filesystem_append (camera->fs, folder, fn, context);
		gp_filesystem_set_info_noop (camera->fs, folder, fn, info, context);
		gp_filesystem_set_file_noop (camera->fs, folder, fn, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL,
					file, context);
		gp_file_unref (file);

		gp_context_idle (context);
		gp_context_progress_update (context, id, i + 1);
		if (gp_context_cancel(context) == GP_CONTEXT_FEEDBACK_CANCEL)
			return (GP_ERROR_CANCEL);
	gp_context_progress_stop (context, id);
	return GP_OK;
Example #5
static int
get_file_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder, const char *filename,
	       CameraFileType type, CameraFile *file, void *user_data,
	       GPContext *context)
        char path[1024];
	int result = GP_OK;
	struct stat stbuf;
	int fd, id;
	unsigned int curread, toread;
	unsigned char *buf;
	ExifData *data;
	unsigned int buf_len;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBEXIF */
	Camera *camera = (Camera*)user_data;

	result = _get_path (camera->port, folder, filename, path, sizeof(path));
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "directory/get_file_func", "%s %s",folder,filename);
	if (result < GP_OK)
		return result;
	gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "directory/get_file_func", "->%s",path);

	switch (type) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		fd = open (path,O_RDONLY);
		if (fd == -1)
			return GP_ERROR_IO_READ;
		data = exif_data_new_from_file (path);
		if (!data) {
			gp_context_error (context, _("Could not open '%s'."),
			return (GP_ERROR);
		exif_data_save_data (data, &buf, &buf_len);
		exif_data_unref (data);
		gp_file_set_data_and_size (file, buf, buf_len);
		return (GP_OK);
#endif /* HAVE_LIBEXIF */

	if (-1 == fstat(fd,&stbuf)) {
		close (fd);
		return GP_ERROR_IO_READ;
#define BLOCKSIZE 65536
	/* do it in 64kb blocks */
	buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
	if (!buf) {
		close (fd);

	curread = 0;
	id = gp_context_progress_start (context, (1.0*stbuf.st_size/BLOCKSIZE), _("Getting file..."));
	GP_DEBUG ("Progress id: %i", id);
	result = GP_OK;
	while (curread < stbuf.st_size) {
		int ret;

		toread = stbuf.st_size-curread;
		if (toread>BLOCKSIZE) toread = BLOCKSIZE;
		ret = read(fd,buf,toread);
		if (ret == -1) {
			result = GP_ERROR_IO_READ;
		curread += ret;
		gp_file_append (file, buf, ret);
		gp_context_progress_update (context, id, (1.0*curread/BLOCKSIZE));
		gp_context_idle (context);
		if (gp_context_cancel (context) == GP_CONTEXT_FEEDBACK_CANCEL) {
			result = GP_ERROR_CANCEL;
#if 0
		/* We could take 2 seconds to download this image. everytime. */
		/* But actually this driver is used in production by some frontends,
		 * so do not delay at all
	gp_context_progress_stop (context, id);
	free (buf);
	close (fd);
	return (GP_OK);
Example #6
static int
folder_list_func (CameraFilesystem *fs, const char *folder, CameraList *list,
		  void *data, GPContext *context)
	gp_system_dir dir;
	gp_system_dirent de;
	char buf[1024], f[1024];
	unsigned int id, n;
	struct stat st;
	Camera *camera = (Camera*)data;

	if (camera->port->type == GP_PORT_DISK) {
		char		*path;
		GPPortInfo	info;
		int		ret;

		ret = gp_port_get_info (camera->port, &info);
		if (ret < GP_OK)
			return ret;
		path = strchr (info.path,':');
		if (!path) path = info.path; else path++;

		snprintf (f, sizeof(f), "%s/%s/", path, folder);
		gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG, "directory/folder_list_func", "%s", f);
		/* UNIX / is empty, or we recurse through the whole fs */
		if (	(!strcmp(path, "") || !strcmp(path, "/")) &&
			return GP_OK;
	} else {
		/* old style access */
		/* Make sure we have 1 delimiter */
		if (folder[strlen(folder)-1] != '/') {
			snprintf (f, sizeof(f), "%s%c", folder, '/');
		} else {
			strncpy (f, folder, sizeof(f));
	dir = gp_system_opendir ((char*) f);
	if (!dir)
		return GP_ERROR;
	/* Count the files */
	n = 0;
	while (gp_system_readdir (dir))
	gp_system_closedir (dir);

	dir = gp_system_opendir (f);
	if (!dir)
		return GP_ERROR;
	id = gp_context_progress_start (context, n, _("Listing folders in '%s'..."), folder);
	n = 0;
	while ((de = gp_system_readdir (dir))) {
		const char * filename = NULL;

		/* Give some feedback */
		gp_context_progress_update (context, id, n + 1);
		gp_context_idle (context);
		if (gp_context_cancel (context) == GP_CONTEXT_FEEDBACK_CANCEL) {
			gp_system_closedir (dir);
			return GP_ERROR_CANCEL;
		filename = gp_system_filename (de);
		if (*filename != '.') {
			snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", f, filename);
			/* lstat ... do not follow symlinks */
			if (lstat (buf, &st) != 0) {
				gp_context_error (context, _("Could not get information about '%s' (%m)."), buf);
				return GP_ERROR;
			if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) {
				gp_list_append(list,	filename,	NULL);
	gp_system_closedir (dir);
	gp_context_progress_stop (context, id);
	return (GP_OK);