Example #1
/** Assemble a NMEA GPGGA message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA GPGGA message contains Global Positioning System Fix Data.
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct.
 * \param dops Pointer to dops_t struct.
void nmea_gpgga(const double pos_llh[3], const gps_time_t *gps_t, u8 n_used,
                u8 fix_type, double hdop)
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);

  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);

  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min = MINUTES(pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

                       t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s,
                       lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                       fix_type, n_used, hdop, pos_llh[2]
Example #2
/** Assemble an NMEA GPGLL message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA GLL contains course and speed
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct
 * \param gpt_t Pointer to the current GPS Time
void nmea_gpgll(const gnss_solution *soln, const gps_time_t *gps_t)
  /* NMEA Parameters for GPGLL
   * Ex.
   * $GPGLL,5133.81,N,00042.25,W,225444,A*75
   *   |       |    |    |     |    |   |
   * Command   |   N/S Lon    E/W   | Valid
   *          LAT                  UTC
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);

  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);
  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min =  MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = soln->pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = soln->pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

                "%02d%010.7f,%c,%03d%010.7f,%c," /* Lat/Lon */
                "%02d%02d%06.3f,A", /* Time (UTC), Valid */
                lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s);
Example #3
/** Assemble an NMEA GPRMC message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA RMC contains minimum GPS data 
 * \param nav_meas Pointer to navigation_measurement struct.
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct
 * \param gps_t Pointer to the current GPS Time
void nmea_gprmc(const navigation_measurement_t *nav_meas,
                const gnss_solution *soln, const gps_time_t *gps_t)
  /* NMEA Parameters
   * Ex.
   * $GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70
   *   |      |    |    |    |    |     |   |      |      |     |  |  |
   * Command  |    |   Lat  N/S   |     |   |      | Date Stamp | W/E |
   *    Time (UTC) |            Long   W/E  |  True Course      |   Cksum
   *            Validity (A-OK)           Speed            Variation 
   * Variation is ignored as we have no way to maintain that information
   * currently
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);
  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);

  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = soln->pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = soln->pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

  float velocity;
  float x,y,z;
  x = soln->vel_ned[0];
  y = soln->vel_ned[1];
  z = soln->vel_ned[2];
  float course = atan2(y,x);

  /* Conversion to magnitue knots */
  velocity = MS2KNOTTS(x,y,z);

  double az, el;
  wgsecef2azel(nav_meas[0].sat_pos, soln->pos_ecef, &az, &el);

  char buf[100];
  u8 n = sprintf(buf,
                "$GPRMC,%02d%02d%06.3f,A," /* Command, Time (UTC), Valid */
                "%02d%010.7f,%c,%03d%010.7f,%c," /* Lat/Lon */
                "%06.2f,%05.1f," /* Speed, Course */
                "%02d%02d%02d," /* Date Stamp */
                ",", /* Variation */
                t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s,
                lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                velocity, course * R2D, 
                t.tm_mday, t.tm_mon, t.tm_year-100);

  u8 sum = nmea_checksum(buf);
  sprintf(buf + n, "*%02X\r\n", sum);
Example #4
/** Update GPS time estimate.
 * This function may be called to update the GPS time estimate. If the time is
 * already known more precisely than the new estimate, the new estimate will be
 * ignored.
 * This function should not be used to give an estimate with TIME_FINE quality
 * as this must be referenced to a particular value of the SwiftNAP timing
 * count.
 * \param quality Quality of the time estimate.
 * \param t GPS time estimate.
void set_time(time_quality_t quality, gps_time_t t)
  if (quality > time_quality) {
    clock_state.t0_gps = t;
    clock_state.t0_gps.tow -= nap_timing_count() * RX_DT_NOMINAL;
    clock_state.t0_gps = normalize_gps_time(clock_state.t0_gps);

    time_quality = quality;
    time_t unix_t = gps2time(t);
    log_info("Time set to: %s (quality=%d)", ctime(&unix_t), quality);
Example #5
/** Assemble an NMEA GPRMC message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA RMC contains minimum GPS data 
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct
 * \param gps_t Pointer to the current GPS Time
void nmea_gprmc(const gnss_solution *soln, const gps_time_t *gps_t)
  /* NMEA Parameters
   * Ex.
   * $GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70
   *   |      |    |    |    |    |     |   |      |      |     |  |  |
   * Command  |    |   Lat  N/S   |     |   |      | Date Stamp | W/E |
   *    Time (UTC) |            Long   W/E  |  True Course      |   Cksum
   *            Validity (A-OK)           Speed            Variation 
   * Variation is ignored as we have no way to maintain that information
   * currently
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);
  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);

  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = soln->pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = soln->pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

  float velocity;
  float x,y,z;
  x = soln->vel_ned[0];
  y = soln->vel_ned[1];
  z = soln->vel_ned[2];
  float course = atan2(y,x);

  /* Conversion to magnitue knots */
  velocity = MS2KNOTTS(x,y,z);

                "$GPRMC,%02d%02d%06.3f,A," /* Command, Time (UTC), Valid */
                "%02d%010.7f,%c,%03d%010.7f,%c," /* Lat/Lon */
                "%06.2f,%05.1f," /* Speed, Course */
                "%02d%02d%02d," /* Date Stamp */
                ",", /* Variation */
                t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s,
                lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                velocity, course * R2D, 
                t.tm_mday, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_year % 100);
Example #6
/** Assemble a NMEA GPGGA message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA GPGGA message contains Global Positioning System Fix Data.
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct.
 * \param dops Pointer to dops_t struct.
void nmea_gpgga(gnss_solution *soln, dops_t *dops)
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(soln->time);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);

  double frac_s = fmod(soln->time.tow, 1.0);

  s8 lat_deg = (s8)((180.0 / M_PI) * soln->pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = fabs(60 * ((180.0 / M_PI) * soln->pos_llh[0] - lat_deg));
  s8 lon_deg = (s8)((180.0 / M_PI) * soln->pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min = fabs(60 * ((180.0 / M_PI) * soln->pos_llh[1] - lon_deg));
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = soln->pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = soln->pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

  u8 fix_type = 1;

  char buf[80];
  u8 n = sprintf(buf,
                 t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s,
                 lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                 fix_type, soln->n_used, dops->hdop, soln->pos_llh[2]

  u8 sum = nmea_checksum(buf);

  sprintf(buf + n, "*%02X\r\n", sum);

Example #7
/** Assemble an NMEA GPGLL message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA GLL contains course and speed
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct
 * \param gpt_t Pointer to the current GPS Time
void nmea_gpgll(const gnss_solution *soln, const gps_time_t *gps_t)
  /* NMEA Parameters for GPGLL
   * Ex.
   * $GPGLL,5133.81,N,00042.25,W,225444,A*75
   *   |       |    |    |     |    |   |
   * Command   |   N/S Lon    E/W   | Valid
   *          LAT                  UTC
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);

  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);
  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (soln->pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min =  MINUTES(soln->pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = soln->pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = soln->pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

  char buf[80];
  u8 n = sprintf(buf,
                "%02d%010.7f,%c,%03d%010.7f,%c," /* Lat/Lon */
                "%02d%02d%06.3f,A", /* Time (UTC), Valid */
                lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s);
  u8 sum = nmea_checksum(buf);
  sprintf(buf + n, "*%02X\r\n", sum);
Example #8
/** Assemble a NMEA GPGGA message and send it out NMEA USARTs.
 * NMEA GPGGA message contains Global Positioning System Fix Data.
 * \param soln Pointer to gnss_solution struct.
 * \param dops Pointer to dops_t struct.
void nmea_gpgga(const double pos_llh[3], const gps_time_t *gps_t, u8 n_used,
                u8 fix_type, double hdop)
  time_t unix_t;
  struct tm t;

  unix_t = gps2time(*gps_t);
  gmtime_r(&unix_t, &t);

  double frac_s = fmod(gps_t->tow, 1.0);

  s16 lat_deg = R2D * (pos_llh[0]);
  double lat_min = MINUTES(pos_llh[0]);
  s16 lon_deg = R2D * (pos_llh[1]);
  double lon_min = MINUTES(pos_llh[1]);
  lat_deg = abs(lat_deg);
  lon_deg = abs(lon_deg);

  char lat_dir = pos_llh[0] < 0 ? 'S' : 'N';
  char lon_dir = pos_llh[1] < 0 ? 'W' : 'E';

  char buf[80];
  u8 n = sprintf(buf,
                 t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec + frac_s,
                 lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir,
                 fix_type, n_used, hdop, pos_llh[2]

  u8 sum = nmea_checksum(buf);

  sprintf(buf + n, "*%02X\r\n", sum);
