static int recover_gpt_hdr(gpt_t gpt, int type, off_t last) { const char *name, *origname; map_t *dgpt, dtbl, sgpt, stbl __unused; struct gpt_hdr *hdr; if (gpt_add_hdr(gpt, type, last) == -1) return -1; switch (type) { case MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR: dgpt = &gpt->gpt; dtbl = gpt->tbl; sgpt = gpt->tpg; stbl = gpt->lbt; origname = "secondary"; name = "primary"; break; case MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_HDR: dgpt = &gpt->tpg; dtbl = gpt->lbt; sgpt = gpt->gpt; stbl = gpt->tbl; origname = "primary"; name = "secondary"; break; default: gpt_warn(gpt, "Bad table type %d", type); return -1; } memcpy((*dgpt)->map_data, sgpt->map_data, gpt->secsz); hdr = (*dgpt)->map_data; hdr->hdr_lba_self = htole64((uint64_t)(*dgpt)->map_start); hdr->hdr_lba_alt = htole64((uint64_t)sgpt->map_start); hdr->hdr_lba_table = htole64((uint64_t)dtbl->map_start); hdr->hdr_crc_self = 0; hdr->hdr_crc_self = htole32(crc32(hdr, le32toh(hdr->hdr_size))); if (gpt_write(gpt, *dgpt) == -1) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Writing %s GPT header failed", name); return -1; } gpt_msg(gpt, "Recovered %s GPT header from %s", name, origname); return 0; }
static int recover_gpt_tbl(gpt_t gpt, int type, off_t start) { const char *name, *origname; map_t *dtbl, stbl; switch (type) { case MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_TBL: dtbl = &gpt->tbl; stbl = gpt->lbt; origname = "secondary"; name = "primary"; break; case MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_TBL: dtbl = &gpt->lbt; stbl = gpt->tbl; origname = "primary"; name = "secondary"; break; default: gpt_warn(gpt, "Bad table type %d", type); return -1; } *dtbl = map_add(gpt, start, stbl->map_size, type, stbl->map_data, 0); if (*dtbl == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Adding %s GPT table failed", name); return -1; } if (gpt_write(gpt, *dtbl) == -1) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Writing %s GPT table failed", name); return -1; } gpt_msg(gpt, "Recovered %s GPT table from %s", name, origname); return 0; }
static int resize(gpt_t gpt, u_int entry, off_t alignment, off_t sectors, off_t size) { map_t map; struct gpt_hdr *hdr; struct gpt_ent *ent; unsigned int i; off_t alignsecs, newsize; uint64_t end; if ((hdr = gpt_hdr(gpt)) == NULL) return -1; i = entry - 1; ent = gpt_ent_primary(gpt, i); if (gpt_uuid_is_nil(ent->ent_type)) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Entry at index %u is unused", entry); return -1; } alignsecs = alignment / gpt->secsz; for (map = map_first(gpt); map != NULL; map = map->map_next) { if (entry == map->map_index) break; } if (map == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Could not find map entry corresponding " "to index"); return -1; } if (sectors > 0 && sectors == map->map_size) if (alignment == 0 || (alignment > 0 && sectors % alignsecs == 0)) { /* nothing to do */ gpt_warnx(gpt, "partition does not need resizing"); return 0; } newsize = map_resize(gpt, map, sectors, alignsecs); if (newsize == -1) return -1; end = htole64((uint64_t)(map->map_start + newsize - 1LL)); ent->ent_lba_end = end; if (gpt_write_primary(gpt) == -1) return -1; ent = gpt_ent(gpt->gpt, gpt->lbt, i); ent->ent_lba_end = end; if (gpt_write_backup(gpt) == -1) return -1; gpt_msg(gpt, "Partition %d resized: %" PRIu64 " %" PRIu64, entry, map->map_start, newsize); return 0; }
static int biosboot(gpt_t gpt, daddr_t start, uint64_t size, u_int entry, uint8_t *label, const char *bootpath) { map_t mbrmap, m; struct mbr *mbr, *bootcode; unsigned int i; struct gpt_ent *ent; uint8_t utfbuf[__arraycount(ent->ent_name) * 3 + 1]; /* * Parse and validate partition maps */ if (gpt_hdr(gpt) == NULL) return -1; mbrmap = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PMBR); if (mbrmap == NULL || mbrmap->map_start != 0) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No valid Protective MBR found"); return -1; } mbr = mbrmap->map_data; /* * Update the boot code */ if ((bootcode = read_boot(gpt, bootpath)) == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Error reading bootcode"); return -1; } (void)memcpy(&mbr->mbr_code, &bootcode->mbr_code, sizeof(mbr->mbr_code)); free(bootcode); /* * Walk through the GPT and see where we can boot from */ for (m = map_first(gpt); m != NULL; m = m->map_next) { if (m->map_type != MAP_TYPE_GPT_PART || m->map_index < 1) continue; ent = m->map_data; /* first, prefer user selection */ if (entry > 0 && m->map_index == entry) break; if (label != NULL) { utf16_to_utf8(ent->ent_name, utfbuf, sizeof(utfbuf)); if (strcmp((char *)label, (char *)utfbuf) == 0) break; } /* next, partition as could be specified by wedge */ if (entry < 1 && label == NULL && size > 0 && m->map_start == start && m->map_size == (off_t)size) break; } if (m == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No bootable partition"); return -1; } i = m->map_index - 1; if (set_bootable(gpt, gpt->gpt, gpt->tbl, i) == -1) return -1; if (set_bootable(gpt, gpt->tpg, gpt->lbt, i) == -1) return -1; if (gpt_write(gpt, mbrmap) == -1) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Cannot update Protective MBR"); return -1; } gpt_msg(gpt, "Partition %d marked as bootable", i + 1); return 0; }
static int migrate(gpt_t gpt, u_int parts, int force, int slice, int active) { off_t last = gpt_last(gpt); map_t map; struct gpt_ent *ent; struct mbr *mbr; uint32_t start, size; unsigned int i; gpt_type_t type = GPT_TYPE_INVALID; map = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_MBR); if (map == NULL || map->map_start != 0) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No MBR in disk to convert"); return -1; } mbr = map->map_data; if (gpt_create(gpt, last, parts, 0) == -1) return -1; ent = gpt->tbl->map_data; /* Mirror partitions. */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { start = le16toh(mbr->mbr_part[i].part_start_hi); start = (start << 16) + le16toh(mbr->mbr_part[i].part_start_lo); size = le16toh(mbr->mbr_part[i].part_size_hi); size = (size << 16) + le16toh(mbr->mbr_part[i].part_size_lo); if (gpt->verbose > 1) gpt_msg(gpt, "MBR partition %u type %s", i, mbrptypename(mbr->mbr_part[i].part_typ)); switch (mbr->mbr_part[i].part_typ) { case MBR_PTYPE_UNUSED: continue; case MBR_PTYPE_386BSD: /* FreeBSD */ if (slice) { type = GPT_TYPE_FREEBSD; break; } else { ent = migrate_disklabel(gpt, start, ent, freebsd_fstype_to_gpt_type); continue; } case MBR_PTYPE_NETBSD: /* NetBSD */ ent = migrate_disklabel(gpt, start, ent, netbsd_fstype_to_gpt_type); continue; case MBR_PTYPE_EFI: type = GPT_TYPE_EFI; break; default: if (!force) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "unknown partition type (%d)", mbr->mbr_part[i].part_typ); return -1; } continue; } gpt_uuid_create(type, ent->ent_type, ent->ent_name, sizeof(ent->ent_name)); ent->ent_lba_start = htole64((uint64_t)start); ent->ent_lba_end = htole64((uint64_t)(start + size - 1LL)); ent++; } if (gpt_write_primary(gpt) == -1) return -1; if (gpt_write_backup(gpt) == -1) return -1; /* * Turn the MBR into a Protective MBR. */ memset(mbr->mbr_part, 0, sizeof(mbr->mbr_part)); gpt_create_pmbr_part(mbr->mbr_part, last, active); if (gpt_write(gpt, map) == -1) { gpt_warn(gpt, "Cant write PMBR"); return -1; } return 0; }
static struct gpt_ent * migrate_disklabel(gpt_t gpt, off_t start, struct gpt_ent *ent, gpt_type_t (*convert)(gpt_t, u_int, u_int)) { char *buf; struct disklabel *dl; off_t ofs, rawofs; unsigned int i; gpt_type_t type; buf = gpt_read(gpt, start + LABELSECTOR, 1); if (buf == NULL) { gpt_warn(gpt, "Error reading label"); return NULL; } dl = (void*)(buf + LABELOFFSET); if (le32toh(dl->d_magic) != DISKMAGIC || le32toh(dl->d_magic2) != DISKMAGIC) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "MBR partition without disklabel"); free(buf); return ent; } rawofs = le32toh(dl->d_partitions[RAW_PART].p_offset) * le32toh(dl->d_secsize); for (i = 0; i < le16toh(dl->d_npartitions); i++) { if (dl->d_partitions[i].p_fstype == FS_UNUSED) continue; ofs = le32toh(dl->d_partitions[i].p_offset) * le32toh(dl->d_secsize); if (ofs < rawofs) rawofs = 0; } if (gpt->verbose > 1) gpt_msg(gpt, "rawofs=%ju", (uintmax_t)rawofs); rawofs /= gpt->secsz; for (i = 0; i < le16toh(dl->d_npartitions); i++) { if (gpt->verbose > 1) gpt_msg(gpt, "Disklabel partition %u type %s", i, fstypename(dl->d_partitions[i].p_fstype)); type = (*convert)(gpt, i, dl->d_partitions[i].p_fstype); if (type == GPT_TYPE_INVALID) continue; gpt_uuid_create(type, ent->ent_type, ent->ent_name, sizeof(ent->ent_name)); ofs = (le32toh(dl->d_partitions[i].p_offset) * le32toh(dl->d_secsize)) / gpt->secsz; ofs = (ofs > 0) ? ofs - rawofs : 0; ent->ent_lba_start = htole64((uint64_t)ofs); ent->ent_lba_end = htole64((uint64_t)(ofs + (off_t)le32toh((uint64_t)dl->d_partitions[i].p_size) - 1LL)); ent++; } free(buf); return ent; }
static int recover(gpt_t gpt, int recoverable) { off_t last = gpt_last(gpt); map_t map; struct mbr *mbr; if (map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_MBR) != NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Device contains an MBR"); return -1; } gpt->gpt = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR); gpt->tpg = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_HDR); gpt->tbl = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_TBL); gpt->lbt = map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_TBL); if (gpt->gpt == NULL && gpt->tpg == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No primary or secondary GPT headers, " "can't recover"); return -1; } if (gpt->tbl == NULL && gpt->lbt == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No primary or secondary GPT tables, " "can't recover"); return -1; } if (gpt->gpt != NULL && ((struct gpt_hdr *)(gpt->gpt->map_data))->hdr_lba_alt != (uint64_t)last) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Media size has changed, please use " "'%s resizedisk'", getprogname()); return -1; } if (gpt->tbl != NULL && gpt->lbt == NULL) { if (recover_gpt_tbl(gpt, MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_TBL, last - gpt->tbl->map_size) == -1) return -1; } else if (gpt->tbl == NULL && gpt->lbt != NULL) { if (recover_gpt_tbl(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_TBL, 2LL) == -1) return -1; } if (gpt->gpt != NULL && gpt->tpg == NULL) { if (recover_gpt_hdr(gpt, MAP_TYPE_SEC_GPT_HDR, last) == -1) return -1; } else if (gpt->gpt == NULL && gpt->tpg != NULL) { if (recover_gpt_hdr(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PRI_GPT_HDR, 1LL) == -1) return -1; } /* * Create PMBR if it doesn't already exist. */ if (map_find(gpt, MAP_TYPE_PMBR) == NULL) { if (map_free(gpt, 0LL, 1LL) == 0) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "No room for the PMBR"); return -1; } mbr = gpt_read(gpt, 0LL, 1); if (mbr == NULL) { gpt_warnx(gpt, "Error reading MBR"); return -1; } memset(mbr, 0, sizeof(*mbr)); mbr->mbr_sig = htole16(MBR_SIG); gpt_create_pmbr_part(mbr->mbr_part, last, 0); map = map_add(gpt, 0LL, 1LL, MAP_TYPE_PMBR, mbr, 1); if (gpt_write(gpt, map) == -1) { gpt_warn(gpt, "Can't write PMBR"); return -1; } gpt_msg(gpt, "Recreated PMBR (you may need to rerun 'gpt biosboot'"); } return 0; }