static void test_algorithm_mesh(void) { int i; gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "test_algorithm_mesh"); for (i = 0; i < GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT; i++) { const char *name; grpc_compression_algorithm parsed; grpc_slice mdstr; grpc_mdelem mdelem; grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; GPR_ASSERT( grpc_compression_algorithm_name((grpc_compression_algorithm)i, &name)); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_compression_algorithm_parse( grpc_slice_from_static_string(name), &parsed)); GPR_ASSERT((int)parsed == i); mdstr = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(name); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq(mdstr, grpc_compression_algorithm_slice(parsed))); GPR_ASSERT(parsed == grpc_compression_algorithm_from_slice(mdstr)); mdelem = grpc_compression_encoding_mdelem(parsed); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDVALUE(mdelem), mdstr)); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(mdelem), GRPC_MDSTR_GRPC_ENCODING)); grpc_slice_unref_internal(&exec_ctx, mdstr); GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(&exec_ctx, mdelem); grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); } /* test failure */ GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_MDISNULL( grpc_compression_encoding_mdelem(GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT))); }
grpc_compression_algorithm grpc_compression_algorithm_from_slice( grpc_slice str) { if (grpc_slice_eq(str, GRPC_MDSTR_IDENTITY)) return GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE; if (grpc_slice_eq(str, GRPC_MDSTR_DEFLATE)) return GRPC_COMPRESS_DEFLATE; if (grpc_slice_eq(str, GRPC_MDSTR_GZIP)) return GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP; return GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT; }
int grpc_stream_compression_algorithm_parse( grpc_slice name, grpc_stream_compression_algorithm *algorithm) { if (grpc_slice_eq(name, GRPC_MDSTR_IDENTITY)) { *algorithm = GRPC_STREAM_COMPRESS_NONE; return 1; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(name, GRPC_MDSTR_GZIP)) { *algorithm = GRPC_STREAM_COMPRESS_GZIP; return 1; } else { return 0; } }
static void test_leftover(grpc_endpoint_test_config config, size_t slice_size) { grpc_endpoint_test_fixture f = config.create_fixture(slice_size); grpc_slice_buffer incoming; grpc_slice s = grpc_slice_from_copied_string("hello world 12345678900987654321"); grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; int n = 0; grpc_closure done_closure; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "Start test left over"); grpc_slice_buffer_init(&incoming); grpc_closure_init(&done_closure, inc_call_ctr, &n, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); grpc_endpoint_read(&exec_ctx, f.client_ep, &incoming, &done_closure); grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); GPR_ASSERT(n == 1); GPR_ASSERT(incoming.count == 1); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq(s, incoming.slices[0])); grpc_endpoint_shutdown(&exec_ctx, f.client_ep, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("test_leftover end")); grpc_endpoint_shutdown(&exec_ctx, f.server_ep, GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("test_leftover end")); grpc_endpoint_destroy(&exec_ctx, f.client_ep); grpc_endpoint_destroy(&exec_ctx, f.server_ep); grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); grpc_slice_unref_internal(&exec_ctx, s); grpc_slice_buffer_destroy_internal(&exec_ctx, &incoming); clean_up(); }
int grpc_slice_is_equivalent(grpc_slice a, grpc_slice b) { if (a.refcount == NULL || b.refcount == NULL) { return grpc_slice_eq(a, b); } return == && ==; }
static void on_trailing_header(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *tp, grpc_mdelem md) { grpc_chttp2_transport *t = (grpc_chttp2_transport *)tp; grpc_chttp2_stream *s = t->incoming_stream; GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("on_trailing_header", 0); GPR_ASSERT(s != NULL); if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_http_trace)) { char *key = grpc_slice_to_c_string(GRPC_MDKEY(md)); char *value = grpc_dump_slice(GRPC_MDVALUE(md), GPR_DUMP_HEX | GPR_DUMP_ASCII); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "HTTP:%d:TRL:%s: %s: %s", s->id, t->is_client ? "CLI" : "SVR", key, value); gpr_free(key); gpr_free(value); } if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_GRPC_STATUS) && !grpc_mdelem_eq(md, GRPC_MDELEM_GRPC_STATUS_0)) { /* TODO(ctiller): check for a status like " 0" */ s->seen_error = true; } const size_t new_size = s->metadata_buffer[1].size + GRPC_MDELEM_LENGTH(md); const size_t metadata_size_limit = t->settings[GRPC_ACKED_SETTINGS] [GRPC_CHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE]; if (new_size > metadata_size_limit) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "received trailing metadata size exceeds limit (%" PRIuPTR " vs. %" PRIuPTR ")", new_size, metadata_size_limit); grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream( exec_ctx, t, s, grpc_error_set_int(GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING( "received trailing metadata size exceeds limit"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_GRPC_STATUS, GRPC_STATUS_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)); grpc_chttp2_parsing_become_skip_parser(exec_ctx, t); s->seen_error = true; GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, md); } else { grpc_error *error = grpc_chttp2_incoming_metadata_buffer_add( exec_ctx, &s->metadata_buffer[1], md); if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream(exec_ctx, t, s, error); grpc_chttp2_parsing_become_skip_parser(exec_ctx, t); s->seen_error = true; GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, md); } } GPR_TIMER_END("on_trailing_header", 0); }
int grpc_compression_algorithm_parse(grpc_slice name, grpc_compression_algorithm *algorithm) { /* we use strncmp not only because it's safer (even though in this case it * doesn't matter, given that we are comparing against string literals, but * because this way we needn't have "name" nil-terminated (useful for slice * data, for example) */ if (grpc_slice_eq(name, GRPC_MDSTR_IDENTITY)) { *algorithm = GRPC_COMPRESS_NONE; return 1; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(name, GRPC_MDSTR_GZIP)) { *algorithm = GRPC_COMPRESS_GZIP; return 1; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(name, GRPC_MDSTR_DEFLATE)) { *algorithm = GRPC_COMPRESS_DEFLATE; return 1; } else { return 0; } }
static void extract_and_annotate_method_tag(grpc_metadata_batch *md, call_data *calld, channel_data *chand) { grpc_linked_mdelem *m; for (m = md->list.head; m != NULL; m = m->next) { if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(m->md), GRPC_MDSTR_PATH)) { /* Add method tag here */ } } }
static grpc_filtered_mdelem lr_trailing_md_filter(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *user_data, grpc_mdelem md) { grpc_call_element *elem = (grpc_call_element *)user_data; call_data *calld = (call_data *)elem->call_data; if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_LB_COST_BIN)) { calld->trailing_md_string = GRPC_MDVALUE(md); return GRPC_FILTERED_REMOVE(); } return GRPC_FILTERED_MDELEM(md); }
static void test_algorithm_failure(void) { grpc_exec_ctx exec_ctx = GRPC_EXEC_CTX_INIT; grpc_slice mdstr; gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "test_algorithm_failure"); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_compression_algorithm_name(GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT, NULL) == 0); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_compression_algorithm_name(GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT + 1, NULL) == 0); mdstr = grpc_slice_from_static_string("this-is-an-invalid-algorithm"); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_compression_algorithm_from_slice(mdstr) == GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq( grpc_compression_algorithm_slice(GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT), grpc_empty_slice())); GPR_ASSERT(grpc_slice_eq( grpc_compression_algorithm_slice(GRPC_COMPRESS_ALGORITHMS_COUNT + 1), grpc_empty_slice())); grpc_slice_unref_internal(&exec_ctx, mdstr); grpc_exec_ctx_finish(&exec_ctx); }
void* grpc_slice_hash_table_get(const grpc_slice_hash_table* table, const grpc_slice key) { const size_t hash = grpc_slice_hash(key); // We cap the number of probes at the max number recorded when // populating the table. for (size_t offset = 0; offset <= table->max_num_probes; ++offset) { const size_t idx = (hash + offset) % table->size; if (is_empty(&table->entries[idx])) break; if (grpc_slice_eq(table->entries[idx].key, key)) { return table->entries[idx].value; } } return NULL; // Not found. }
grpc_slice grpc_slice_maybe_static_intern(grpc_slice slice, bool *returned_slice_is_different) { if (GRPC_IS_STATIC_METADATA_STRING(slice)) { return slice; } uint32_t hash = grpc_slice_hash(slice); for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= max_static_metadata_hash_probe; i++) { static_metadata_hash_ent ent = static_metadata_hash[(hash + i) % GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(static_metadata_hash)]; if (ent.hash == hash && ent.idx < GRPC_STATIC_MDSTR_COUNT && grpc_slice_eq(grpc_static_slice_table[ent.idx], slice)) { *returned_slice_is_different = true; return grpc_static_slice_table[ent.idx]; } } return slice; }
int grpc_slice_slice(grpc_slice haystack, grpc_slice needle) { size_t haystack_len = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(haystack); const uint8_t *haystack_bytes = GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(haystack); size_t needle_len = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(needle); const uint8_t *needle_bytes = GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(needle); if (haystack_len == 0 || needle_len == 0) return -1; if (haystack_len < needle_len) return -1; if (haystack_len == needle_len) return grpc_slice_eq(haystack, needle) ? 0 : -1; if (needle_len == 1) return grpc_slice_chr(haystack, (char)*needle_bytes); const uint8_t *last = haystack_bytes + haystack_len - needle_len; for (const uint8_t *cur = haystack_bytes; cur != last; ++cur) { if (0 == memcmp(cur, needle_bytes, needle_len)) { return (int)(cur - haystack_bytes); } } return -1; }
static void auth_start_transport_stream_op_batch( grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_transport_stream_op_batch *batch) { GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("auth_start_transport_stream_op_batch", 0); /* grab pointers to our data from the call element */ call_data *calld = elem->call_data; channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; if (batch->cancel_stream) { while (true) { // Decode the original cancellation state. gpr_atm original_state = gpr_atm_acq_load(&calld->cancellation_state); grpc_error *cancel_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; grpc_closure *func = NULL; decode_cancel_state(original_state, &func, &cancel_error); // If we had already set a cancellation error, there's nothing // more to do. if (cancel_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) break; // If there's a cancel func, call it. // Note that even if the cancel func has been changed by some // other thread between when we decoded it and now, it will just // be a no-op. cancel_error = GRPC_ERROR_REF(batch->payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error); if (func != NULL) { GRPC_CLOSURE_SCHED(exec_ctx, func, GRPC_ERROR_REF(cancel_error)); } // Encode the new error into cancellation state. if (gpr_atm_full_cas(&calld->cancellation_state, original_state, encode_cancel_state_error(cancel_error))) { break; // Success. } // The cas failed, so try again. } } else { /* double checked lock over security context to ensure it's set once */ if (gpr_atm_acq_load(&calld->security_context_set) == 0) { gpr_mu_lock(&calld->security_context_mu); if (gpr_atm_acq_load(&calld->security_context_set) == 0) { GPR_ASSERT(batch->payload->context != NULL); if (batch->payload->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value == NULL) { batch->payload->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value = grpc_client_security_context_create(); batch->payload->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].destroy = grpc_client_security_context_destroy; } grpc_client_security_context *sec_ctx = batch->payload->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value; GRPC_AUTH_CONTEXT_UNREF(sec_ctx->auth_context, "client auth filter"); sec_ctx->auth_context = GRPC_AUTH_CONTEXT_REF(chand->auth_context, "client_auth_filter"); gpr_atm_rel_store(&calld->security_context_set, 1); } gpr_mu_unlock(&calld->security_context_mu); } } if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { for (grpc_linked_mdelem *l = batch->payload->send_initial_metadata .send_initial_metadata->list.head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { grpc_mdelem md = l->md; /* Pointer comparison is OK for md_elems created from the same context. */ if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_AUTHORITY)) { if (calld->have_host) { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, calld->host); } calld->host = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDVALUE(md)); calld->have_host = true; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_PATH)) { if (calld->have_method) { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, calld->method); } calld->method = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDVALUE(md)); calld->have_method = true; } } if (calld->have_host) { grpc_error *cancel_error = set_cancel_func(elem, cancel_check_call_host); if (cancel_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure(exec_ctx, batch, cancel_error); } else { char *call_host = grpc_slice_to_c_string(calld->host); batch->handler_private.extra_arg = elem; grpc_error *error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; if (grpc_channel_security_connector_check_call_host( exec_ctx, chand->security_connector, call_host, chand->auth_context, GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&calld->closure, on_host_checked, batch, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx), &error)) { // Synchronous return; invoke on_host_checked() directly. on_host_checked(exec_ctx, batch, error); GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); } gpr_free(call_host); } GPR_TIMER_END("auth_start_transport_stream_op_batch", 0); return; /* early exit */ } } /* pass control down the stack */ grpc_call_next_op(exec_ctx, elem, batch); GPR_TIMER_END("auth_start_transport_stream_op_batch", 0); }
/* add an element to the decoder table */ static void add_elem(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_hpack_compressor *c, grpc_mdelem elem) { GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_MDELEM_IS_INTERNED(elem)); uint32_t key_hash = grpc_slice_hash(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); uint32_t value_hash = grpc_slice_hash(GRPC_MDVALUE(elem)); uint32_t elem_hash = GRPC_MDSTR_KV_HASH(key_hash, value_hash); uint32_t new_index = c->tail_remote_index + c->table_elems + 1; size_t elem_size = grpc_mdelem_get_size_in_hpack_table(elem); GPR_ASSERT(elem_size < 65536); if (elem_size > c->max_table_size) { while (c->table_size > 0) { evict_entry(c); } return; } /* Reserve space for this element in the remote table: if this overflows the current table, drop elements until it fits, matching the decompressor algorithm */ while (c->table_size + elem_size > c->max_table_size) { evict_entry(c); } GPR_ASSERT(c->table_elems < c->max_table_size); c->table_elem_size[new_index % c->cap_table_elems] = (uint16_t)elem_size; c->table_size = (uint16_t)(c->table_size + elem_size); c->table_elems++; /* Store this element into {entries,indices}_elem */ if (grpc_mdelem_eq(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)], elem)) { /* already there: update with new index */ c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] = new_index; } else if (grpc_mdelem_eq(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)], elem)) { /* already there (cuckoo): update with new index */ c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] = new_index; } else if (GRPC_MDISNULL(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)])) { /* not there, but a free element: add */ c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] = GRPC_MDELEM_REF(elem); c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] = new_index; } else if (GRPC_MDISNULL(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)])) { /* not there (cuckoo), but a free element: add */ c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] = GRPC_MDELEM_REF(elem); c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] = new_index; } else if (c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] < c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)]) { /* not there: replace oldest */ GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)]); c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] = GRPC_MDELEM_REF(elem); c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] = new_index; } else { /* not there: replace oldest */ GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)]); c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] = GRPC_MDELEM_REF(elem); c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] = new_index; } /* do exactly the same for the key (so we can find by that again too) */ if (grpc_slice_eq(c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)], GRPC_MDKEY(elem))) { c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] = new_index; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)], GRPC_MDKEY(elem))) { c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)] = new_index; } else if (c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)].refcount == &terminal_slice_refcount) { c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] = new_index; } else if (c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)].refcount == &terminal_slice_refcount) { c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)] = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)] = new_index; } else if (c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] < c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)]) { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)]); c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)] = new_index; } else { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)]); c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)] = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)] = new_index; } }
/* encode an mdelem */ static void hpack_enc(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_chttp2_hpack_compressor *c, grpc_mdelem elem, framer_state *st) { GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)) > 0); if (GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(GRPC_MDKEY(elem))[0] != ':') { /* regular header */ st->seen_regular_header = 1; } else { GPR_ASSERT( st->seen_regular_header == 0 && "Reserved header (colon-prefixed) happening after regular ones."); } if (grpc_http_trace && !GRPC_MDELEM_IS_INTERNED(elem)) { char *k = grpc_slice_to_c_string(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); char *v = grpc_slice_to_c_string(GRPC_MDVALUE(elem)); gpr_log( GPR_DEBUG, "Encode: '%s: %s', elem_interned=%d [%d], k_interned=%d, v_interned=%d", k, v, GRPC_MDELEM_IS_INTERNED(elem), GRPC_MDELEM_STORAGE(elem), grpc_slice_is_interned(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)), grpc_slice_is_interned(GRPC_MDVALUE(elem))); gpr_free(k); gpr_free(v); } if (!GRPC_MDELEM_IS_INTERNED(elem)) { emit_lithdr_noidx_v(c, elem, st); return; } uint32_t key_hash; uint32_t value_hash; uint32_t elem_hash; size_t decoder_space_usage; uint32_t indices_key; int should_add_elem; key_hash = grpc_slice_hash(GRPC_MDKEY(elem)); value_hash = grpc_slice_hash(GRPC_MDVALUE(elem)); elem_hash = GRPC_MDSTR_KV_HASH(key_hash, value_hash); inc_filter(HASH_FRAGMENT_1(elem_hash), &c->filter_elems_sum, c->filter_elems); /* is this elem currently in the decoders table? */ if (grpc_mdelem_eq(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)], elem) && c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)] > c->tail_remote_index) { /* HIT: complete element (first cuckoo hash) */ emit_indexed(c, dynidx(c, c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(elem_hash)]), st); return; } if (grpc_mdelem_eq(c->entries_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)], elem) && c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)] > c->tail_remote_index) { /* HIT: complete element (second cuckoo hash) */ emit_indexed(c, dynidx(c, c->indices_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(elem_hash)]), st); return; } /* should this elem be in the table? */ decoder_space_usage = grpc_mdelem_get_size_in_hpack_table(elem); should_add_elem = decoder_space_usage < MAX_DECODER_SPACE_USAGE && c->filter_elems[HASH_FRAGMENT_1(elem_hash)] >= c->filter_elems_sum / ONE_ON_ADD_PROBABILITY; /* no hits for the elem... maybe there's a key? */ indices_key = c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)]; if (grpc_slice_eq(c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_2(key_hash)], GRPC_MDKEY(elem)) && indices_key > c->tail_remote_index) { /* HIT: key (first cuckoo hash) */ if (should_add_elem) { emit_lithdr_incidx(c, dynidx(c, indices_key), elem, st); add_elem(exec_ctx, c, elem); return; } else { emit_lithdr_noidx(c, dynidx(c, indices_key), elem, st); return; } GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return ); } indices_key = c->indices_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)]; if (grpc_slice_eq(c->entries_keys[HASH_FRAGMENT_3(key_hash)], GRPC_MDKEY(elem)) && indices_key > c->tail_remote_index) { /* HIT: key (first cuckoo hash) */ if (should_add_elem) { emit_lithdr_incidx(c, dynidx(c, indices_key), elem, st); add_elem(exec_ctx, c, elem); return; } else { emit_lithdr_noidx(c, dynidx(c, indices_key), elem, st); return; } GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return ); } /* no elem, key in the table... fall back to literal emission */ if (should_add_elem) { emit_lithdr_incidx_v(c, elem, st); add_elem(exec_ctx, c, elem); return; } else { emit_lithdr_noidx_v(c, elem, st); return; } GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return ); }
static void on_initial_header(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, void *tp, grpc_mdelem md) { grpc_chttp2_transport *t = (grpc_chttp2_transport *)tp; grpc_chttp2_stream *s = t->incoming_stream; GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("on_initial_header", 0); GPR_ASSERT(s != NULL); if (GRPC_TRACER_ON(grpc_http_trace)) { char *key = grpc_slice_to_c_string(GRPC_MDKEY(md)); char *value = grpc_dump_slice(GRPC_MDVALUE(md), GPR_DUMP_HEX | GPR_DUMP_ASCII); gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "HTTP:%d:HDR:%s: %s: %s", s->id, t->is_client ? "CLI" : "SVR", key, value); gpr_free(key); gpr_free(value); } if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_GRPC_STATUS) && !grpc_mdelem_eq(md, GRPC_MDELEM_GRPC_STATUS_0)) { /* TODO(ctiller): check for a status like " 0" */ s->seen_error = true; } if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_GRPC_TIMEOUT)) { gpr_timespec *cached_timeout = (gpr_timespec *)grpc_mdelem_get_user_data(md, free_timeout); gpr_timespec timeout; if (cached_timeout == NULL) { /* not already parsed: parse it now, and store the result away */ cached_timeout = (gpr_timespec *)gpr_malloc(sizeof(gpr_timespec)); if (!grpc_http2_decode_timeout(GRPC_MDVALUE(md), cached_timeout)) { char *val = grpc_slice_to_c_string(GRPC_MDVALUE(md)); gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Ignoring bad timeout value '%s'", val); gpr_free(val); *cached_timeout = gpr_inf_future(GPR_TIMESPAN); } timeout = *cached_timeout; grpc_mdelem_set_user_data(md, free_timeout, cached_timeout); } else { timeout = *cached_timeout; } grpc_chttp2_incoming_metadata_buffer_set_deadline( &s->metadata_buffer[0], gpr_time_add(gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), timeout)); GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, md); } else { const size_t new_size = s->metadata_buffer[0].size + GRPC_MDELEM_LENGTH(md); const size_t metadata_size_limit = t->settings[GRPC_ACKED_SETTINGS] [GRPC_CHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE]; if (new_size > metadata_size_limit) { gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "received initial metadata size exceeds limit (%" PRIuPTR " vs. %" PRIuPTR ")", new_size, metadata_size_limit); grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream( exec_ctx, t, s, grpc_error_set_int( GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING( "received initial metadata size exceeds limit"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_GRPC_STATUS, GRPC_STATUS_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)); grpc_chttp2_parsing_become_skip_parser(exec_ctx, t); s->seen_error = true; GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, md); } else { grpc_error *error = grpc_chttp2_incoming_metadata_buffer_add( exec_ctx, &s->metadata_buffer[0], md); if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { grpc_chttp2_cancel_stream(exec_ctx, t, s, error); grpc_chttp2_parsing_become_skip_parser(exec_ctx, t); s->seen_error = true; GRPC_MDELEM_UNREF(exec_ctx, md); } } } GPR_TIMER_END("on_initial_header", 0); }
grpc_slice grpc_slice_intern(grpc_slice slice) { GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("grpc_slice_intern", 0); if (GRPC_IS_STATIC_METADATA_STRING(slice)) { GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_slice_intern", 0); return slice; } uint32_t hash = grpc_slice_hash(slice); for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= max_static_metadata_hash_probe; i++) { static_metadata_hash_ent ent = static_metadata_hash[(hash + i) % GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(static_metadata_hash)]; if (ent.hash == hash && ent.idx < GRPC_STATIC_MDSTR_COUNT && grpc_slice_eq(grpc_static_slice_table[ent.idx], slice)) { GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_slice_intern", 0); return grpc_static_slice_table[ent.idx]; } } interned_slice_refcount *s; slice_shard *shard = &g_shards[SHARD_IDX(hash)]; gpr_mu_lock(&shard->mu); /* search for an existing string */ size_t idx = TABLE_IDX(hash, shard->capacity); for (s = shard->strs[idx]; s; s = s->bucket_next) { if (s->hash == hash && grpc_slice_eq(slice, materialize(s))) { if (gpr_atm_no_barrier_fetch_add(&s->refcnt, 1) == 0) { /* If we get here, we've added a ref to something that was about to * die - drop it immediately. * The *only* possible path here (given the shard mutex) should be to * drop from one ref back to zero - assert that with a CAS */ GPR_ASSERT(gpr_atm_rel_cas(&s->refcnt, 1, 0)); /* and treat this as if we were never here... sshhh */ } else { gpr_mu_unlock(&shard->mu); GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_slice_intern", 0); return materialize(s); } } } /* not found: create a new string */ /* string data goes after the internal_string header */ s = (interned_slice_refcount *)gpr_malloc(sizeof(*s) + GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice)); gpr_atm_rel_store(&s->refcnt, 1); s->length = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice); s->hash = hash; s->base.vtable = &interned_slice_vtable; s->base.sub_refcount = &s->sub; s->sub.vtable = &interned_slice_sub_vtable; s->sub.sub_refcount = &s->sub; s->bucket_next = shard->strs[idx]; shard->strs[idx] = s; memcpy(s + 1, GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice), GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(slice)); shard->count++; if (shard->count > shard->capacity * 2) { grow_shard(shard); } gpr_mu_unlock(&shard->mu); GPR_TIMER_END("grpc_slice_intern", 0); return materialize(s); }
/* Called either: - in response to an API call (or similar) from above, to send something - a network event (or similar) from below, to receive something op contains type and call direction information, in addition to the data that is being sent or received. */ static void auth_start_transport_op(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_call_element *elem, grpc_transport_stream_op *op) { GPR_TIMER_BEGIN("auth_start_transport_op", 0); /* grab pointers to our data from the call element */ call_data *calld = elem->call_data; channel_data *chand = elem->channel_data; grpc_linked_mdelem *l; grpc_client_security_context *sec_ctx = NULL; if (calld->security_context_set == 0 && op->cancel_error == GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { calld->security_context_set = 1; GPR_ASSERT(op->context); if (op->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value == NULL) { op->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value = grpc_client_security_context_create(); op->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].destroy = grpc_client_security_context_destroy; } sec_ctx = op->context[GRPC_CONTEXT_SECURITY].value; GRPC_AUTH_CONTEXT_UNREF(sec_ctx->auth_context, "client auth filter"); sec_ctx->auth_context = GRPC_AUTH_CONTEXT_REF(chand->auth_context, "client_auth_filter"); } if (op->send_initial_metadata != NULL) { for (l = op->send_initial_metadata->list.head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { grpc_mdelem md = l->md; /* Pointer comparison is OK for md_elems created from the same context. */ if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_AUTHORITY)) { if (calld->have_host) { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, calld->host); } calld->host = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDVALUE(md)); calld->have_host = true; } else if (grpc_slice_eq(GRPC_MDKEY(md), GRPC_MDSTR_PATH)) { if (calld->have_method) { grpc_slice_unref_internal(exec_ctx, calld->method); } calld->method = grpc_slice_ref_internal(GRPC_MDVALUE(md)); calld->have_method = true; } } if (calld->have_host) { char *call_host = grpc_slice_to_c_string(calld->host); calld->op = *op; /* Copy op (originates from the caller's stack). */ grpc_channel_security_connector_check_call_host( exec_ctx, chand->security_connector, call_host, chand->auth_context, on_host_checked, elem); gpr_free(call_host); GPR_TIMER_END("auth_start_transport_op", 0); return; /* early exit */ } } /* pass control down the stack */ grpc_call_next_op(exec_ctx, elem, op); GPR_TIMER_END("auth_start_transport_op", 0); }