Example #1
gs_plugin_initialize (GsPlugin *plugin)
	GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_alloc_data (plugin, sizeof(GsPluginData));
	g_autoptr(SnapdClient) client = NULL;
	g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL;

	g_mutex_init (&priv->store_snaps_lock);

	client = get_client (plugin, &error);
	if (client == NULL) {
		gs_plugin_set_enabled (plugin, FALSE);

	priv->store_snaps = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
						   g_free, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);

	priv->auth = gs_auth_new ("snapd", "ubuntusso", &error);
	if (priv->auth) {
		gs_auth_set_provider_name (priv->auth, "Snap Store");
		gs_auth_set_header (priv->auth, _("To continue, you need to use an Ubuntu One account."),
						_("To continue, you need to use your Ubuntu One account."),
						_("To continue, you need to use an Ubuntu One account."));
		gs_plugin_add_auth (plugin, priv->auth);
		g_signal_connect_object (priv->auth, "changed",
					 G_CALLBACK (load_auth),
					 plugin, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED);
	} else {
		g_warning ("Failed to instantiate the snapd authentication object: %s", error->message);

	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "desktop-categories");
	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_BETTER_THAN, "packagekit");
	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_BEFORE, "icons");

	/* Override hardcoded popular apps */
	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_BEFORE, "hardcoded-popular");

	/* set name of MetaInfo file */
	gs_plugin_set_appstream_id (plugin, "org.gnome.Software.Plugin.Snap");
Example #2
gs_plugin_initialize (GsPlugin *plugin)
	GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_alloc_data (plugin, sizeof(GsPluginData));

	if (!gs_snapd_exists ()) {
		g_debug ("disabling '%s' as snapd not running",
			 gs_plugin_get_name (plugin));
		gs_plugin_set_enabled (plugin, FALSE);

	priv->auth = gs_auth_new ("snapd");
	gs_auth_set_provider_name (priv->auth, "Snap Store");
	gs_auth_set_provider_schema (priv->auth, "com.ubuntu.UbuntuOne.GnomeSoftware");
	gs_plugin_add_auth (plugin, priv->auth);

	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "desktop-categories");
	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "ubuntu-reviews");
	gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_BETTER_THAN, "packagekit");